
The Accidental Tech Podcast

259: I Hired Myself


01:00:00   I have this vision of something that [TS]

01:00:01   aesthetically looks vaguely like image [TS]

01:00:03   capture where it's basically like a big [TS]

01:00:04   table of here's a little preview of the [TS]

01:00:07   image here's maybe a couple pieces of [TS]

01:00:08   data about it and then here's where we [TS]

01:00:11   think it should end up do you want to [TS]

01:00:13   commit all these changes or like tweak a [TS]

01:00:15   couple things and then there'll be [TS]

01:00:16   basically the Big Green Go button [TS]

01:00:18   that'll actually do it whereas right now [TS]

01:00:20   it just goes immediately and it's [TS]

01:00:22   copying it's not moving so in theory [TS]

01:00:24   it's non-destructive but it would be [TS]

01:00:27   nice to be able to say oh actually that [TS]

01:00:29   definitely is not right let's tweak that [TS]

01:00:31   you know what I mean and so who knows [TS]

01:00:33   maybe in my copious spare time I'll be [TS]

01:00:36   able to write my first Mac GUI app we'll [TS]

01:00:38   see but I'll tell you one thing that is [TS]

01:00:41   ten thousand times more work than making [TS]

01:00:43   like the shell script version oh yes [TS]

01:00:44   like like I I've had similar thoughts [TS]

01:00:46   about you know I should really like [TS]

01:00:48   polish up sidetrack and and make a [TS]

01:00:50   little gooey forest people can like drag [TS]

01:00:51   in their files and take like which [TS]

01:00:53   channel should go where and output this [TS]

01:00:54   the you know undrafted files whatever [TS]

01:00:56   and it like even that that's just like [TS]

01:01:00   especially like now I don't know like [TS]

01:01:01   from forecast and like it's it's so much [TS]

01:01:04   work it like gooeys are so much harder [TS]

01:01:07   to make and like and especially like [TS]

01:01:10   it's one thing if you just want a GUI [TS]

01:01:12   but if you want a good one [TS]

01:01:14   that's very differently if you want like [TS]

01:01:15   a nice Mac app or even like a passably [TS]

01:01:18   decent Mac app like forecast is not a [TS]

01:01:21   nice Mac app it's it's at best like an [TS]

01:01:23   okay passable back app but that's fine [TS]

01:01:26   you know that's you know that I don't [TS]

01:01:27   it's not worth investing you know tons [TS]

01:01:29   and tons of my time into it to make it [TS]

01:01:30   like a great Mac app you know what [TS]

01:01:32   you're talking about like that's that's [TS]

01:01:33   a pretty dramatic increase in the [TS]

01:01:35   workload for this per 100 percent yeah [TS]

01:01:38   yeah and especially especially if you [TS]

01:01:40   don't really need the GUI like this was [TS]

01:01:42   like sidetrack I don't need the GUI for [TS]

01:01:44   sidetrack I call it in my in my giant [TS]

01:01:46   shell scripts that process my site in my [TS]

01:01:47   podcasts and you know someone like Jason [TS]

01:01:50   Snell uses it and he I believe he made a [TS]

01:01:52   automated workflow to use it so he can [TS]

01:01:54   use it kind of kind of in a graphical [TS]

01:01:56   way at least but like a lot like I just [TS]

01:01:58   use it through shell scripts so I don't [TS]

01:02:00   need it so what like it's one of the [TS]

01:02:02   things I would love to do it someday but [TS]

01:02:04   I'm probably never going to because it's [TS]

01:02:06   probably not worth it you know this is [TS]

01:02:07   the kind of thing like if you don't need [TS]

01:02:09   this GUI you're talking about like now [TS]

01:02:12   taking this nice [TS]

01:02:13   small but you know script basically that [TS]

01:02:16   works great for you now you're talking [TS]

01:02:19   about making into a product basically [TS]

01:02:20   like you're talking about the amount of [TS]

01:02:22   work necessary to make it into a product [TS]

01:02:24   for lots of people and then you have to [TS]

01:02:26   deal with you know do you want to [TS]

01:02:28   release that because it once you put in [TS]

01:02:29   all that much of work you probably might [TS]

01:02:30   as well release it then it's a big thing [TS]

01:02:32   then you got to support it or even if [TS]

01:02:33   it's not even if it's free or even as [TS]

01:02:35   open-source you still got to deal with [TS]

01:02:36   people's you know emails and questions [TS]

01:02:38   and pull requests if it's open source [TS]

01:02:39   and everything like you it basically [TS]

01:02:42   dramatically broadens the scope of this [TS]

01:02:44   project from a shell script that works [TS]

01:02:47   for you to this product basically yeah [TS]

01:02:52   and I agree with you I think the thing [TS]

01:02:55   is though that if even if I GUI if I'd [TS]

01:02:57   it if you will it would be the world's [TS]

01:02:59   most ugly user interface because it [TS]

01:03:01   would be intended just for me and at [TS]

01:03:03   most I suspect I would open-source it [TS]

01:03:07   like I'm not saying I'm going to but I'm [TS]

01:03:09   saying with this hypothetical GUI on top [TS]

01:03:11   of it maybe I would open-source it but I [TS]

01:03:13   don't think I would ever like properly [TS]

01:03:14   release it but to that end you're still [TS]

01:03:15   right like I would then feel guilty [TS]

01:03:18   about ignoring all the pull requests [TS]

01:03:19   that I would end up ignoring and I would [TS]

01:03:20   be I would feel guilty about ignoring [TS]

01:03:22   all the issues I'd be ignoring no matter [TS]

01:03:24   how much I said this is really made just [TS]

01:03:26   for me and it's not intended for anyone [TS]

01:03:28   else to use it inevitably somebody else [TS]

01:03:30   would be like oh I should use this but [TS]

01:03:32   now I want something new you know and or [TS]

01:03:34   it didn't work on this one file right [TS]

01:03:36   exactly exactly so this is why I don't [TS]

01:03:40   mean this in like a I don't mean to be [TS]

01:03:42   like an antagonist I don't mean to be [TS]

01:03:44   antagonistic about it just these are all [TS]

01:03:45   the reasons why I don't plan to release [TS]

01:03:47   it because no matter how much I caveat [TS]

01:03:50   no matter how much I say look this was [TS]

01:03:51   written just for me this code I know [TS]

01:03:53   it's garbage but I was it was quick and [TS]

01:03:55   dirty just get it to work like no matter [TS]

01:03:57   how much you say that nobody ever really [TS]

01:03:59   and truly understands it and so it's [TS]

01:04:01   just a it's just a waste of time to [TS]

01:04:04   release this in any capacity even with a [TS]

01:04:05   GUI but and the plus side though that [TS]

01:04:08   means it could be the world's ugliest [TS]

01:04:09   world's worst GUI and it would be okay [TS]

01:04:11   because it would be literally just for [TS]

01:04:13   me like github has changed just a little [TS]

01:04:15   bit introduced and very important modern [TS]

01:04:17   developer skill which is the ability to [TS]

01:04:20   put source code up on [TS]

01:04:21   on github and your under your github [TS]

01:04:23   account and then feel zero guilts for [TS]

01:04:26   ignoring it for the only reason you're [TS]

01:04:28   putting it there is to have a convenient [TS]

01:04:30   storage place so when you need to get [TS]

01:04:32   that shell script on some new Mac that [TS]

01:04:34   you're setting up for we're like [TS]

01:04:35   basically using github as hosting and as [TS]

01:04:37   version control for yourself and hosting [TS]

01:04:39   for yourself and with no intention of [TS]

01:04:42   ever looking at the issues or ever [TS]

01:04:44   answering anyone's questions about [TS]

01:04:46   anything or caring how many people [TS]

01:04:47   forked or like because I see a lot of [TS]

01:04:49   that people have personal projects in [TS]

01:04:51   github that it's so clear that they're [TS]

01:04:53   just using it as like their their git [TS]

01:04:55   remote and communion hosting that's it [TS]

01:04:58   and I'm maybe you you know you said [TS]

01:05:01   you'd feel guilty about or whatever but [TS]

01:05:02   like I think that getting over that and [TS]

01:05:05   eventually getting the discipline to [TS]

01:05:06   reframe the problem in that way can be [TS]

01:05:10   slightly freeing because I think there [TS]

01:05:12   is a benefit to not to having that [TS]

01:05:13   source code like someplace else and to [TS]

01:05:15   have it hosted even just as a single [TS]

01:05:18   user I mean I go you can just make it [TS]

01:05:19   private like a why even make a puzzle [TS]

01:05:21   you could have and make a prep but this [TS]

01:05:23   I know this goes against what I just [TS]

01:05:25   said but every once in a while someone [TS]

01:05:27   will do a convenient pull request or [TS]

01:05:29   find a bug and you can just click a [TS]

01:05:30   button and accept their thing and your [TS]

01:05:32   program got better and you didn't have [TS]

01:05:34   to do anything [TS]

01:05:34   it may be super rare that that happens [TS]

01:05:35   maybe it's once every three years but [TS]

01:05:38   you know I don't know I I just feel like [TS]

01:05:39   that's a that's a good thing to be able [TS]

01:05:42   to do because I feel bad about all like [TS]

01:05:45   because every we all have like piles of [TS]

01:05:47   crap code like on our local computers [TS]

01:05:49   for various purposes and I feel bad [TS]

01:05:52   about all that I somehow I think I'd [TS]

01:05:53   feel better if that crap code was like [TS]

01:05:56   up on a public github page for some poor [TS]

01:05:59   person to stumble across and do with [TS]

01:06:01   what they want we are sponsored today by [TS]

01:06:04   Squarespace start building your website [TS]

01:06:06   today at squarespace.com and enter offer [TS]

01:06:08   code ATP at checkout to get 10% off make [TS]

01:06:11   your next move with Squarespace [TS]

01:06:13   Squarespace sites are incredibly easy to [TS]

01:06:16   make you will wonder why you ever made [TS]

01:06:18   sites any other way whether you're [TS]

01:06:20   making a site for yourself or as I [TS]

01:06:22   listen to the show are probably familiar [TS]

01:06:23   with whether someone else has asked you [TS]

01:06:24   to make a site for them Squarespace is [TS]

01:06:26   the way to go because not only can they [TS]

01:06:28   cover all sorts of types of sites you [TS]

01:06:30   can cover simple one-page sites all the [TS]

01:06:32   way up to full business sites portfolios [TS]

01:06:35   store [TS]

01:06:35   fronts podcasts you can host so many [TS]

01:06:38   types of things in Squarespace because [TS]

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01:06:41   in all that you can get to is just a few [TS]

01:06:43   clicks it's so easy to use it's by far [TS]

01:06:46   the easiest website building in a [TS]

01:06:47   hosting platform I've ever seen [TS]

01:06:49   Squarespace sites look professionally [TS]

01:06:51   designed regardless of your skill level [TS]

01:06:53   there's no coding required everything is [TS]

01:06:55   intuitive and easy to use and it's just [TS]

01:06:58   incredible what you don't have to worry [TS]

01:07:00   about compared to everything else you [TS]

01:07:01   don't have to worry about you know [TS]

01:07:03   hosting upgrades installing software [TS]

01:07:05   downtime security fixes all that stuff [TS]

01:07:08   the square feet takes care of all of [TS]

01:07:10   that for you [TS]

01:07:11   they are scaled up so they can handle [TS]

01:07:12   any amount of traffic that people will [TS]

01:07:14   send to them and if you're if you're [TS]

01:07:16   making the site for somebody else and [TS]

01:07:17   they need support or let's be honest if [TS]

01:07:19   you need support Squarespace is there to [TS]

01:07:21   support it so you don't have to it's [TS]

01:07:22   wonderful check out today next next time [TS]

01:07:24   you have a project to do that requires a [TS]

01:07:26   website which is you know pretty pretty [TS]

01:07:28   frequent for a lot of us check out [TS]

01:07:30   Squarespace first give it an hour see [TS]

01:07:32   how far you get I bet you'll be so [TS]

01:07:33   impressed that you won't want to go [TS]

01:07:34   anywhere else because why would you it's [TS]

01:07:36   it's done give it an error on [TS]

01:07:37   Squarespace and it's probably done it's [TS]

01:07:39   pretty great check it out today at [TS]

01:07:41   squarespace.com you can start a free [TS]

01:07:42   trial when you sign up make sure you [TS]

01:07:44   offer code to ATP to get 10% off your [TS]

01:07:46   first purchase make your next move with [TS]

01:07:48   a beautiful website from Squarespace [TS]

01:07:50   [Music] [TS]

01:07:53   it's time to return to Marcos vinyl [TS]

01:07:56   corner oh no I forgot I forgot my own [TS]

01:07:58   joke mark was vinyl Ark so in the last [TS]

01:08:04   episode of Marcos vinyl Ark where I was [TS]

01:08:07   discussing you know getting this [TS]

01:08:08   turntable and enjoying it and he just [TS]

01:08:11   needed one more turntable and you will [TS]

01:08:12   finally arrived Oh cuz I have a [TS]

01:08:15   microphone you may be oversubscribed in [TS]

01:08:23   the microphone Department yeah anyway [TS]

01:08:29   part of might be appeal what I like [TS]

01:08:31   about it is that it is kind of the anti [TS]

01:08:34   technology that it you just like you put [TS]

01:08:36   on you manually take your hands you put [TS]

01:08:39   a piece of physical media on a player [TS]

01:08:42   that plays it in almost the most basic [TS]

01:08:46   analog way possible like it's it's [TS]

01:08:48   ridiculous how [TS]

01:08:49   basic this technology really is at [TS]

01:08:51   Hardin and how little it's really doing [TS]

01:08:53   and so and I really enjoyed you know not [TS]

01:08:57   only like the anti tech part of it of [TS]

01:08:58   just like being so simple and not [TS]

01:08:59   relying on things like crappy spotty [TS]

01:09:02   voice assistance not relying on Wi-Fi or [TS]

01:09:04   people's weird you know Network stuff or [TS]

01:09:08   you know services or gated communities [TS]

01:09:11   or whatever else just a single purpose [TS]

01:09:14   device you put music on to it and it [TS]

01:09:16   plays and then you get to listen to the [TS]

01:09:18   music and you don't get to you don't get [TS]

01:09:20   to like mess with the music you don't [TS]

01:09:22   get to like skip around super easy or [TS]

01:09:23   change you know speak of it you know [TS]

01:09:25   yell a different band name across the [TS]

01:09:27   room it was no different and before the [TS]

01:09:28   songs even finished yet like we so often [TS]

01:09:30   do with the echo like you have to like [TS]

01:09:32   sit and enjoy it slowly and and that is [TS]

01:09:35   there's a lot of advantages to that [TS]

01:09:37   builds character you might say okay but [TS]

01:09:41   you know as as John rightfully pointed [TS]

01:09:43   out you know you don't need a vinyl [TS]

01:09:45   player to do that you know you can you [TS]

01:09:47   can use like a CD play or an iPod or [TS]

01:09:51   cassette deck or an eight-track if those [TS]

01:09:53   still exist like you can use lots of [TS]

01:09:55   things that can only play music you know [TS]

01:09:57   it's in the more modern way I didn't [TS]

01:09:59   want to just buy an iPod because a that [TS]

01:10:01   that introduces too much choice again [TS]

01:10:03   because then it's like okay now like [TS]

01:10:04   part of it part of what I like about the [TS]

01:10:07   vinyl situation is that it forces me to [TS]

01:10:11   really narrow down what albums I [TS]

01:10:13   actually want to buy like what albums [TS]

01:10:16   are good enough that I actually want [TS]

01:10:17   this giant square sitting in a bookshelf [TS]

01:10:20   indefinitely yeah so so that's you know [TS]

01:10:23   that's that's one angle and also when I [TS]

01:10:27   when I when I want to place music it's [TS]

01:10:30   nice to have restricted choice when you [TS]

01:10:34   have like a cylinder you can speak into [TS]

01:10:36   and you can just name anything in all of [TS]

01:10:40   music and it will start playing that's [TS]

01:10:42   act you know that's nice in certain [TS]

01:10:44   contexts you know it's nice to be able [TS]

01:10:45   to just call up any song if you if you [TS]

01:10:46   want to hear it but if you just want to [TS]

01:10:49   like put something on in the background [TS]

01:10:50   or put something on to like listen to to [TS]

01:10:53   you know chill out on the couch for a [TS]

01:10:55   while or something I find that I'm [TS]

01:10:57   almost paralyzed by the choice of that [TS]

01:10:59   and and I often will just call up the [TS]

01:11:02   same things over and over [TS]

01:11:04   because I just can't think of anything [TS]

01:11:05   else you know off the top of my head you [TS]

01:11:07   know I don't have that kind of whatever [TS]

01:11:09   kind of like creativity of the mind lets [TS]

01:11:11   people like you know call things up or [TS]

01:11:13   create new ideas out of nothing I've [TS]

01:11:15   never really had that like I need like a [TS]

01:11:16   prompt you know I I joked on the show a [TS]

01:11:19   long time ago that I'm not a salad power [TS]

01:11:21   user weren't you when you go to it like [TS]

01:11:22   one of those Trinity salad places and [TS]

01:11:23   like I want a list of presets and I get [TS]

01:11:26   to choose from the presets and maybe do [TS]

01:11:27   some like customization from the salad [TS]

01:11:29   but I really like I just want presets to [TS]

01:11:31   choose from and so one thing I like also [TS]

01:11:33   about the final situation is that when I [TS]

01:11:36   want to go play something I can look [TS]

01:11:38   through the like you know roughly I [TS]

01:11:40   think I have about 20 albums now I can [TS]

01:11:42   look through like the 20 albums and and [TS]

01:11:43   just say look these are one let's do [TS]

01:11:44   right now by Nature they're it's all [TS]

01:11:47   stuff I like you know because we bought [TS]

01:11:49   them so like it's not like I don't have [TS]

01:11:51   to look through every artist ever in the [TS]

01:11:52   history of the world I can I'm already [TS]

01:11:54   looking at stuff I like and I'd be fine [TS]

01:11:57   putting them pretty much any of them and [TS]

01:11:58   you know I'll see what I'm like oh yeah [TS]

01:12:00   let's put on that one but I wouldn't [TS]

01:12:02   have thought to call it up if I if I [TS]

01:12:04   were just given a prompt by voice and I [TS]

01:12:05   go what do you want to listen to I don't [TS]

01:12:06   know so that part's nice as well the [TS]

01:12:09   system is gonna fall apart when you've [TS]

01:12:11   purchased your first 7,000 albums have a [TS]

01:12:14   section of your stacks and stacks of [TS]

01:12:17   them and now you've just recreated your [TS]

01:12:19   iPod in physical form right okay so [TS]

01:12:22   anyway the thing like you know remember [TS]

01:12:25   record collections when we were when I [TS]

01:12:27   was a kid and maybe you remembered well [TS]

01:12:28   like people would fill their houses with [TS]

01:12:29   these things yeah my dad has one yeah in [TS]

01:12:32   fact we we actually we didn't in my in [TS]

01:12:34   my house growing up we had our upstairs [TS]

01:12:36   was it was just like the the three [TS]

01:12:39   bedrooms in the bathroom arranged like [TS]

01:12:40   basically in a giant square with like a [TS]

01:12:42   little tiny like hexagonal hallway in [TS]

01:12:44   the middle that it wasn't even like a [TS]

01:12:46   long hallway it was like a little like [TS]

01:12:47   hexagonal landing basically with like a [TS]

01:12:49   door to each of the rooms and that's it [TS]

01:12:51   and there was nowhere in the house where [TS]

01:12:53   my mom could store her massive record [TS]

01:12:55   collection so in that tiny little [TS]

01:12:57   hallway were just like for like like [TS]

01:13:00   milk crate type baskets filled with [TS]

01:13:04   records and so basically my entire [TS]

01:13:05   childhood growing up I would all the [TS]

01:13:08   time [TS]

01:13:08   stub my toe on these giant boxes of [TS]

01:13:11   vinyl that were sitting in in the [TS]

01:13:13   hallway to our house that I walked [TS]

01:13:14   through constantly it was like squeeze [TS]

01:13:16   between two of them to walk into [TS]

01:13:17   door in my bedroom like yeah big pain in [TS]

01:13:21   the butt anyway [TS]

01:13:23   I'm really enjoying the vinyl however [TS]

01:13:24   there are a couple of limitations [TS]

01:13:26   obviously one of them as John mentioned [TS]

01:13:28   before is that you get like five minutes [TS]

01:13:30   of play time before it flip it over [TS]

01:13:31   especially on these new audiophile [TS]

01:13:33   masters where they take a right they [TS]

01:13:35   take like one album that's on if it's on [TS]

01:13:37   CD it's on one CD but if it's on vinyl [TS]

01:13:40   they split it onto four sides like - two [TS]

01:13:42   discs four sides each one with like [TS]

01:13:44   three songs at best so that's kind of a [TS]

01:13:48   pain and and that that isn't even for [TS]

01:13:50   length reasons like there's these giant [TS]

01:13:51   black gaps in the middle of anyway so [TS]

01:13:54   that's that's a minor pain but one of [TS]

01:13:57   the more you know glaring limitations of [TS]

01:13:59   this is that this only works for albums [TS]

01:14:02   that are available on vinyl and not [TS]

01:14:05   everything and not even just fished not [TS]

01:14:07   everything is available on vinyl that I [TS]

01:14:10   want to listen to in this fashion [TS]

01:14:11   I would like something that I can just [TS]

01:14:15   you know take some kind of physical [TS]

01:14:18   media that it can be in some kind of [TS]

01:14:20   small collection like what I have with [TS]

01:14:21   it with the records and put it into a [TS]

01:14:23   player and have it just start playing [TS]

01:14:25   and to remove all the abilities I have [TS]

01:14:29   with you know a voice assistant whose [TS]

01:14:31   yell across the room to have a change to [TS]

01:14:33   make it not that easy to even like skip [TS]

01:14:35   a song because I actually kind of like [TS]

01:14:37   being forced to listen to all the songs [TS]

01:14:38   that I mentioned last time like I've [TS]

01:14:41   always been a full album listener like I [TS]

01:14:43   don't I don't I don't use shuffle or [TS]

01:14:45   anything we always listen to fill out [TS]

01:14:46   obviously one thing I could do is just [TS]

01:14:48   get a CD player and just get CDs cuz CDs [TS]

01:14:53   cost nothing like if you go on Amazon [TS]

01:14:55   and look to buy used CDs any album you [TS]

01:14:58   want you can buy in a used CD for like [TS]

01:15:00   50 cents plus $4 shipping so I think [TS]

01:15:02   they basically cost nothing and I also [TS]

01:15:06   put I also thought like you know there's [TS]

01:15:08   I also kind of want the ability to make [TS]

01:15:10   my own like maybe certain albums that [TS]

01:15:12   aren't even available on CD or like [TS]

01:15:14   certain like fish shows I want to like [TS]

01:15:15   have a whole show or so you know or like [TS]

01:15:18   a band like the Beatles where I like a [TS]

01:15:20   lot of Beatles songs but I don't like [TS]

01:15:22   any of their albums well enough to play [TS]

01:15:23   them straight through or things like the [TS]

01:15:26   the two Glee Mountains by The Avett [TS]

01:15:28   Brothers [TS]

01:15:28   they're both EPS I would like to have [TS]

01:15:31   that be one [TS]

01:15:32   long CD that's the length of an album [TS]

01:15:34   because they're really good but you know [TS]

01:15:35   it's two very short EPS so anyway so I [TS]

01:15:38   wanted some degree of customizability [TS]

01:15:39   physical media and a way to play it [TS]

01:15:42   where I could literally just put it in [TS]

01:15:43   not navigate any menus of anything not [TS]

01:15:46   even have like the TV on in living room [TS]

01:15:49   just put it in and it can start playing [TS]

01:15:51   and I can walk away [TS]

01:15:53   so again CDs I think are the most [TS]

01:15:56   obvious solution to this these days any [TS]

01:15:58   CD player that you can find that's at [TS]

01:16:01   all reasonable will also be able to play [TS]

01:16:03   mp3 CDs and so that that blows through [TS]

01:16:05   any kind of length limit you might be [TS]

01:16:06   worried about with single discs the [TS]

01:16:08   downside of CDs is that then I would [TS]

01:16:11   have to have a CD burner on my computer [TS]

01:16:13   all the time like I have to like get out [TS]

01:16:14   a CD burner out of my closet and like [TS]

01:16:16   plug it in and deal with that whenever I [TS]

01:16:18   wanted to create a new one of these so I [TS]

01:16:20   want to see if I could do better in the [TS]

01:16:23   last segment that we talked about this a [TS]

01:16:25   few weeks ago I jokingly said why don't [TS]

01:16:27   I just get something that can play songs [TS]

01:16:29   off of an SD card wouldn't it be cool to [TS]

01:16:31   have like a little box full of SD cards [TS]

01:16:34   because and you can make them like tiny [TS]

01:16:37   little record albums like you could and [TS]

01:16:39   I and so basically I decided [TS]

01:16:42   let me try to actually make something [TS]

01:16:44   that does this there's this entire world [TS]

01:16:47   out there that I have not yet taken part [TS]

01:16:50   in of really small really inexpensive [TS]

01:16:54   hobbyist computer gear led by things [TS]

01:16:56   like the Arduino and Raspberry Pi [TS]

01:16:57   projects and the the more basic stuff [TS]

01:17:00   like the Arduino base stuff I haven't [TS]

01:17:02   used any of it before but like once you [TS]

01:17:04   get into things like wiring things on [TS]

01:17:06   bread boards this is beyond my level of [TS]

01:17:08   expertise and and my level of interest [TS]

01:17:10   honestly I don't really want to get into [TS]

01:17:13   the hardware manipulation side of things [TS]

01:17:16   for the most part like anything that [TS]

01:17:18   involves like you know putting resistors [TS]

01:17:19   on soldering anything or using you know [TS]

01:17:21   little does a little waffle board [TS]

01:17:22   breadboard things like I don't that's [TS]

01:17:25   not for me right now [TS]

01:17:26   the Raspberry Pi on the other hand has a [TS]

01:17:28   bunch of really interesting stuff that [TS]

01:17:30   until I started looking at this I really [TS]

01:17:32   didn't realize quite how much stuff [TS]

01:17:34   there was quite how easy it was to use [TS]

01:17:36   and quite how little at all cost okay [TS]

01:17:39   again like I mentioned before like in [TS]

01:17:41   the Apple ecosystem it's kind of like if [TS]

01:17:43   we spend too much time in Apple world [TS]

01:17:45   it's easy to to miss or to not be aware [TS]

01:17:47   of quite how cheap everything else is [TS]

01:17:51   everywhere else like what you can get [TS]

01:17:53   for like under $50 for almost any type [TS]

01:17:57   of category that's not by Apple like [TS]

01:17:59   it's it's pretty remarkable so I decided [TS]

01:18:02   I'm gonna get a Raspberry Pi and I'm [TS]

01:18:04   gonna try to build an SD card audio [TS]

01:18:05   player I ordered the Raspberry Pi I got [TS]

01:18:08   like the I mean and they're seconds [TS]

01:18:09   there's tons of different ones the [TS]

01:18:11   smallest one is like 10 dollars like [TS]

01:18:13   it's it's ridiculous what you can get I [TS]

01:18:15   got like the the kind of regular one [TS]

01:18:17   which the board is about I think $35 and [TS]

01:18:20   I got a little plastic case for if like [TS]

01:18:21   another ten and a little USB power [TS]

01:18:23   supply for another you know five or ten [TS]

01:18:25   or whatever and it's just a Linux [TS]

01:18:28   computer like it's a little tiny Linux [TS]

01:18:29   computer with a remarkable amount of [TS]

01:18:32   hardware and power like it had for as [TS]

01:18:35   for USB ports HDMI out audio out and [TS]

01:18:39   like in composite video if you need that [TS]

01:18:41   for some reason and Wi-Fi and Ethernet [TS]

01:18:43   all of that and one gig of ram and a [TS]

01:18:46   pretty decent ARM processor all with a [TS]

01:18:49   with an SD card that came with it in [TS]

01:18:51   this bundle package with a micro SD card [TS]

01:18:54   that you know has a pre-loaded [TS]

01:18:55   installation of raspbian it's like yeah [TS]

01:19:00   it's like the the debian variant I think [TS]

01:19:01   of for Raspberry Pi you plug it in and [TS]

01:19:04   like I floated this little tiny HDMI [TS]

01:19:06   monitor I got for my video my fail a [TS]

01:19:08   video career and you plug it you plug in [TS]

01:19:10   any keyboard mouse an HDMI monitor and [TS]

01:19:12   it it comes pre-configured like the SD [TS]

01:19:16   card has like you launch it the first [TS]

01:19:18   time and it shows you a GUI you can [TS]

01:19:20   navigate with the mouse you put into it [TS]

01:19:21   and it's like alright pick your [TS]

01:19:22   distribution and we'll install it for [TS]

01:19:24   you [TS]

01:19:24   and you pick whatever it is you plug [TS]

01:19:26   into the network and it downloads the [TS]

01:19:28   distribution with your settings you give [TS]

01:19:30   it your Wi-Fi password during setup and [TS]

01:19:32   then it overwrites itself with the [TS]

01:19:35   distribution that you just picked with [TS]

01:19:36   the Wi-Fi pre-configured like it's it's [TS]

01:19:38   shocking like how good this is and how [TS]

01:19:40   really relatively easy it is to use and [TS]

01:19:43   then I had a Linux computer that was [TS]

01:19:46   ready to go and we're with built-in [TS]

01:19:48   audio built a networking built in USB [TS]

01:19:50   for me to do whatever I wanted with so I [TS]

01:19:52   poked around you know one of the things [TS]

01:19:54   with audio playback that is important to [TS]

01:19:57   me is gapless playback [TS]

01:19:58   so I can't just do like a shell script [TS]

01:20:00   that just like you know calls like [TS]

01:20:01   something like a terminal thing that [TS]

01:20:03   just plays audio synchronously and then [TS]

01:20:05   stops and then goes to the next track [TS]

01:20:07   I want a gapless playback between tracks [TS]

01:20:09   because a lot of the album's I listen to [TS]

01:20:10   our live albums or they have transitions [TS]

01:20:13   between songs and so a gap between [TS]

01:20:15   everything is you know just kind of it's [TS]

01:20:17   jarring and it's kind of you know [TS]

01:20:19   inelegant and so I want a gapless and it [TS]

01:20:22   turns out there's this great music [TS]

01:20:23   player that's been around forever that [TS]

01:20:25   of course I never knew about because [TS]

01:20:26   I've been in Apple land called MPD music [TS]

01:20:28   player daemon and it does gapless like [TS]

01:20:31   with all with no effort like this stuff [TS]

01:20:33   like this software is really advanced [TS]

01:20:36   idea and it the the Raspberry Pi has an [TS]

01:20:41   SD a microSD slot but that's for its [TS]

01:20:43   disk you can't really use it for [TS]

01:20:44   anything else it has to boot off of that [TS]

01:20:46   so I had to add my own card reader but I [TS]

01:20:49   had like a drawer full of card readers [TS]

01:20:50   and it's I made a shell script that [TS]

01:20:52   would respond to the card being inserted [TS]

01:20:55   via you dev it copies any audio files [TS]

01:20:59   off of that card into a temp directory [TS]

01:21:00   and as it's copying it starts playing [TS]

01:21:03   the first one so it's fast response to [TS]

01:21:05   time and then it unmount the card and if [TS]

01:21:08   you remove the card it stops I gotta say [TS]

01:21:12   it took not that much effort and it [TS]

01:21:15   pretty much works and there's a couple [TS]

01:21:18   of things I did with it that I do want [TS]

01:21:19   to want to touch on but it's kind of [TS]

01:21:22   Awesome like I wish I had like it now [TS]

01:21:25   now I'm just like brainstorming like I [TS]

01:21:26   wish I had more things that I needed [TS]

01:21:28   raspberry pies for because I can't [TS]

01:21:31   believe how good and how easy it is to [TS]

01:21:35   use this stuff and how cheap it all was [TS]

01:21:37   like it kind of ignited in me this like [TS]

01:21:40   this this satisfaction and happiness [TS]

01:21:43   that like oh my god I just made this [TS]

01:21:44   awesome little computer do this crazy [TS]

01:21:46   cool thing that I that I've wanted you [TS]

01:21:49   know it's similar to you know we [TS]

01:21:51   mentioned the earlier like the [TS]

01:21:51   satisfaction of being a programmer me [TS]

01:21:53   being a but I have a computer solve a [TS]

01:21:54   problem for you by writing a script or [TS]

01:21:55   something to do it this this was like [TS]

01:21:57   the hardware version of that like I [TS]

01:21:58   wanted a little SD card player to play [TS]

01:22:01   audio and then in a very simple way and [TS]

01:22:04   I just made one and it wasn't that hard [TS]

01:22:06   because I don't know how to use Linux [TS]

01:22:07   and it like it was really so satisfying [TS]

01:22:12   and such a fun little project you know [TS]

01:22:15   we don't get a lot of fun in the Apple [TS]

01:22:17   world like we got some cool stuff and [TS]

01:22:19   but like they they're not they're not so [TS]

01:22:20   big on fun this is just like a fun [TS]

01:22:23   little thing and it was really nice to [TS]

01:22:24   do very satisfying and I'm just so [TS]

01:22:28   thankful to the world of Linux and open [TS]

01:22:30   source software and these amazing [TS]

01:22:32   hobbyist things like Raspberry Pi and I [TS]

01:22:34   even like I even later spend another $30 [TS]

01:22:37   to upgrade the the audio interface in it [TS]

01:22:40   with this company called hifiberry that [TS]

01:22:42   just makes a variety of audio i/o boards [TS]

01:22:45   that just stick right on top of the [TS]

01:22:47   Raspberry Pi using the big the big like [TS]

01:22:48   IO header that's that's on it and they [TS]

01:22:51   sell their own little cases that are a [TS]

01:22:52   little bit taller that fit it it's [TS]

01:22:54   amazing and so I made this awesome [TS]

01:22:57   player now there are certain things that [TS]

01:22:58   didn't go so well [TS]

01:23:01   the the idea of automatically detecting [TS]

01:23:05   an SD card being inserted or removed [TS]

01:23:07   does indeed work from you dev but [TS]

01:23:10   doesn't work all the time it's it [TS]

01:23:12   occasionally it doesn't it gets into a [TS]

01:23:14   state where it stops sending add and [TS]

01:23:18   remove events it only sends change [TS]

01:23:19   events so I have I have a little bit of [TS]

01:23:22   a tweak that I need to do there that [TS]

01:23:24   also seems to vary with which card [TS]

01:23:26   reader I'm using one of them seems to [TS]

01:23:28   work more reliable than the others in [TS]

01:23:29   this regard so I'm just sticking with [TS]

01:23:30   that one it's fine also the I guess [TS]

01:23:34   that's where the only major problem oh [TS]

01:23:35   the other problem is like I assumed that [TS]

01:23:37   it would be really easy to like go on [TS]

01:23:39   eBay and buy large lots of used low [TS]

01:23:43   capacity SD cards for very little money [TS]

01:23:45   because you know if you have like it's a [TS]

01:23:48   copy over an album for or even even if [TS]

01:23:51   you encode it with like a lakh or some [TS]

01:23:53   kind of like large or you know flack so [TS]

01:23:54   we had a large codec that's the only [TS]

01:23:56   gonna be like three hundred Meg's maybe [TS]

01:23:59   and so if you have like a car that's a [TS]

01:24:01   gig or a 512 Meg's that's enough for [TS]

01:24:04   this purpose like you don't need larger [TS]

01:24:05   cards than that so I assumed it'd be [TS]

01:24:08   really easy to just go online and get [TS]

01:24:09   like you know lots of used one gig SD [TS]

01:24:11   cards for like a dollar each or [TS]

01:24:12   something or less it turns out it's not [TS]

01:24:15   so easy I don't know where these all are [TS]

01:24:17   but they're not being sold very very [TS]

01:24:19   often so the best I could do is there's [TS]

01:24:23   a couple of vendors that sell ten pack [TS]

01:24:25   of 16-gig cheap cards for about $5 each [TS]

01:24:31   that's insane [TS]

01:24:33   oh my gosh that's cheap yeah exactly I [TS]

01:24:35   understand it's more than you need like [TS]

01:24:37   I totally get what you're driving at but [TS]

01:24:38   man that's cheap 16 gigs and you're [TS]

01:24:41   gonna put an albums worth of mp3 cards I [TS]

01:24:45   can't find smaller cards or at least or [TS]

01:24:47   like the smaller ones are also $5 each [TS]

01:24:50   so it's like well I might as well get [TS]

01:24:51   the 60 gig for the same price I I [TS]

01:24:54   continue to think that you need to take [TS]

01:24:57   this one step farther and put all of [TS]

01:24:59   your music on the internal very large SD [TS]

01:25:01   card that's part of the Raspberry Pi and [TS]

01:25:02   have the thing that you insert basically [TS]

01:25:05   be an amiibo like it's a series of these [TS]

01:25:12   little chips they don't even have to [TS]

01:25:13   have electronics in them they just need [TS]

01:25:15   to have some sort of little code that [TS]

01:25:16   says please play this track that you [TS]

01:25:18   already have on your internal SD card [TS]

01:25:19   that's what you need [TS]

01:25:20   well I bring certain other options so [TS]

01:25:22   you know one option would be like I [TS]

01:25:23   think one of the coolest options would [TS]

01:25:24   be you get one of the little camera [TS]

01:25:27   modules for it and you just show it like [TS]

01:25:29   a little card I'll show it your album [TS]

01:25:31   hold up the vinyl album to it but you [TS]

01:25:33   know a lot of things or things that [TS]

01:25:33   aren't available on final so I'm [TS]

01:25:35   thinking like you know you basically get [TS]

01:25:36   like a little like had like a little [TS]

01:25:37   like card file of like index cards [TS]

01:25:39   nergis like printed album art I just [TS]

01:25:41   hold it up and have it recognize it [TS]

01:25:42   oh wait I've got an idea how about you [TS]

01:25:44   just hook up a microphone then you could [TS]

01:25:46   say what song you wanted to play and it [TS]

01:25:48   would play it Wow [TS]

01:25:51   oh did I ruin it yep a little bit yeah [TS]

01:25:55   good hobby thing would like I just keep [TS]

01:25:58   thinking of these little cards little [TS]

01:26:01   cards I feel like you should maybe get [TS]

01:26:03   some of that spray the Nintendo uses for [TS]

01:26:05   the switch cartridges I'm not sure like [TS]

01:26:06   no small children in your house eat your [TS]

01:26:08   music and just think of what else you [TS]

01:26:11   could do with that spray I mean I know [TS]

01:26:13   hops isn't a cure but you know no he's [TS]

01:26:15   not also and so and I also considered [TS]

01:26:17   others so one thing I considered when I [TS]

01:26:19   was battling you dev for reliability and [TS]

01:26:21   I was thinking like oh hey maybe you [TS]

01:26:23   know that if the problem is that the SD [TS]

01:26:25   card readers aren't reliably telling you [TS]

01:26:27   to have sometimes when things are added [TS]

01:26:28   and removed maybe the solution is to [TS]

01:26:31   either use compact flash cards which I [TS]

01:26:34   didn't I didn't go down that path at [TS]

01:26:35   least not yet and because eventually [TS]

01:26:37   you'd have calmed down [TS]

01:26:38   but I also thought like what about cheap [TS]

01:26:40   little USB sticks like you know your [TS]

01:26:42   thumb drives and because those are their [TS]

01:26:45   own USB complete USB devices so they [TS]

01:26:47   should be more reliable at telling the [TS]

01:26:48   system but then you have to try to put [TS]

01:26:50   them in three times every time you want [TS]

01:26:51   exactly yeah that's that's one and also [TS]

01:26:55   they're just kind of ugly and clunky but [TS]

01:26:57   I did look and they have about the same [TS]

01:26:59   pricing you can get like the those kind [TS]

01:27:02   that you get at every conference ever [TS]

01:27:03   they have like the big flip around metal [TS]

01:27:05   cover like they like swivels around the [TS]

01:27:07   plastic insert like everyone's seen [TS]

01:27:10   these and you can get them printed with [TS]

01:27:11   your logo and everything those cost [TS]

01:27:13   about the same like a few dollars each [TS]

01:27:15   is roughly where your what those costs [TS]

01:27:16   like these are fine solutions and it [TS]

01:27:19   depends on how many of these cards or [TS]

01:27:20   things I intend to have but they're fun [TS]

01:27:23   you know it's I'm probably not going to [TS]

01:27:24   do a whole lot the other downside I [TS]

01:27:26   found with with the SD cards is I had [TS]

01:27:28   this great image in my mind of like you [TS]

01:27:30   know having these wonderful like little [TS]

01:27:32   labels I could that I could print the [TS]

01:27:34   album art onto a label that fits the SD [TS]

01:27:36   card and I'd be able to like flick [TS]

01:27:38   through my little like box of SD cards [TS]

01:27:40   and be able to look at like tiny little [TS]

01:27:42   versions of what the record would look [TS]

01:27:43   like if it was tiny and rectangular and [TS]

01:27:45   I even got the right size labels it [TS]

01:27:47   there there are point 75 by one inch and [TS]

01:27:49   buy and they come in sheets by Avery and [TS]

01:27:51   they're printable but the print quality [TS]

01:27:54   on them is so bad like I have an inkjet [TS]

01:27:57   and a laser and I tried them both and [TS]

01:27:59   they both look horrendous printing on [TS]

01:28:01   these and they're really hard to align [TS]

01:28:03   and oh and also when you put a label on [TS]

01:28:05   an SD card and then put into SD card [TS]

01:28:07   reader [TS]

01:28:07   it doesn't fit as well with the rest of [TS]

01:28:11   this project I feel like you should hire [TS]

01:28:13   some sort of artisan who lives in [TS]

01:28:14   Portland to use a single hairbrush to [TS]

01:28:17   hand paint to each one of your things [TS]

01:28:20   onto the SD card yeah like people do [TS]

01:28:23   these sculptures with with like graphite [TS]

01:28:26   from a pencil oh yeah absolutely yeah [TS]

01:28:28   thank and one of those people to do it [TS]

01:28:29   I'll do it for you anyway this has been [TS]

01:28:33   a fun project ultimately I think the [TS]

01:28:37   better solution to all of this is [TS]

01:28:40   probably just a CD burner so I'm really [TS]

01:28:46   I'm really glad I did it [TS]

01:28:48   but and it'll work sometimes but but I [TS]

01:28:51   think I think a CD burner is actually [TS]

01:28:54   the better solution to this problem [TS]

01:28:56   because I can put it right into my [TS]

01:28:58   blu-ray player and it just starts [TS]

01:29:00   playing and I don't need to turn the TV [TS]

01:29:01   on so I I like that problem gets solved [TS]

01:29:04   that way but the downside is I have to [TS]

01:29:06   have a CD burner somewhere on my desk [TS]

01:29:07   see but this is the same thing that I [TS]

01:29:09   just went through in a much different [TS]

01:29:10   scale like the easiest answer for me to [TS]

01:29:13   return that stupid dongle would be to [TS]

01:29:14   throw it away the second easiest answer [TS]

01:29:16   would have been to give it to you PS but [TS]

01:29:18   I wanted to try something different and [TS]

01:29:20   I'm actually really jealous of this even [TS]

01:29:23   though I think this is a truly [TS]

01:29:24   preposterous reason to get into the [TS]

01:29:26   Raspberry Pi I have been searching for a [TS]

01:29:29   reason to teach myself what the hell the [TS]

01:29:31   Raspberry Pi and Arduino are all about [TS]

01:29:33   and I have yet to come up with a good [TS]

01:29:35   reason to do it and so in that sense I'm [TS]

01:29:38   super jealous of what you've done [TS]

01:29:39   because you now know a whole bunch about [TS]

01:29:42   this world that I know absolutely [TS]

01:29:44   nothing about and I want to know about [TS]

01:29:46   and so I I applaud this well I mean I'll [TS]

01:29:49   tell you what though I think you're [TS]

01:29:50   overestimating what what you need to [TS]

01:29:51   know like I was shocked how little I [TS]

01:29:53   need to do like the this entire project [TS]

01:29:56   I've been keeping it basically in one [TS]

01:29:58   shell script on my desktop like one text [TS]

01:30:00   file that right now let me see it's 90 [TS]

01:30:03   lines to set up this entire thing that's [TS]

01:30:06   all it's very basic because all I'm [TS]

01:30:09   doing is like responding to a system [TS]

01:30:11   demon with a shell script when when [TS]

01:30:14   things are inserted and removed and [TS]

01:30:16   sending really simple commands to oh I [TS]

01:30:18   gotta go to the control aspect of it as [TS]

01:30:20   well the regular leak you know insert [TS]

01:30:23   the card it plays take out the card it [TS]

01:30:25   stops that's that's done it requires no [TS]

01:30:28   external control or anything but I did [TS]

01:30:30   think you know it would be nice to at [TS]

01:30:32   least have a play/pause button and [TS]

01:30:36   there's a number different ways to do [TS]

01:30:37   this you can get for instance you can [TS]

01:30:38   get buttons like actual physical buttons [TS]

01:30:41   that have little wires on them that you [TS]

01:30:43   can that have little connector on like [TS]

01:30:44   at that plug right into the that big IO [TS]

01:30:47   header on the Raspberry Pi the GPIO [TS]

01:30:50   header and you can run a little python [TS]

01:30:53   service that responds to button presses [TS]

01:30:56   on those buttons really simply like [TS]

01:30:58   that's and that's and I actually got a [TS]

01:30:59   little pair of buttons I ended up not [TS]

01:31:00   using them for [TS]

01:31:02   I'll get into in a minute but but that's [TS]

01:31:04   the thing you can do and again and a [TS]

01:31:05   pair of buttons is like 6 bucks like it [TS]

01:31:07   again I just it's so wonderful how [TS]

01:31:09   inexpensive and affordable the stuff is [TS]

01:31:12   you know I've heard a lot of people talk [TS]

01:31:14   about how they're used in schools where [TS]

01:31:16   you can like at these prices if you can [TS]

01:31:18   get a little computer board for $35 or [TS]

01:31:21   less you can get like one of the $10 [TS]

01:31:22   ones or you know you can outfit a whole [TS]

01:31:24   classroom with these things and have [TS]

01:31:26   students doing projects with these [TS]

01:31:28   things like that's incredible and and to [TS]

01:31:30   have it just the the amount of computing [TS]

01:31:33   power and flexibility and hardware that [TS]

01:31:36   you can get like it's a whole computer [TS]

01:31:38   you could a Raspberry Pi could be a [TS]

01:31:40   Linux computer like that you can it [TS]

01:31:42   could be a desktop you can plug a [TS]

01:31:43   monitor and key word a mouse into it and [TS]

01:31:44   use it as a desktop like that like it [TS]

01:31:46   wouldn't be the fastest desktop in the [TS]

01:31:47   world but it's you could still do it [TS]

01:31:49   like and some people do it like this [TS]

01:31:51   it's just incredible what you can do [TS]

01:31:53   with these things like I saw a Steve [TS]

01:31:54   trout and Smith he recently made himself [TS]

01:31:57   a homekit camera by using a Raspberry Pi [TS]

01:32:02   one of the tiny ones with the camera [TS]

01:32:04   module that's available for them in a [TS]

01:32:06   little tiny case and it's like a [TS]

01:32:08   security camera for his house but it's [TS]

01:32:10   home compatible through god knows what [TS]

01:32:12   and it's he and he made it I've had a [TS]

01:32:14   Raspberry Pi for you know probably under [TS]

01:32:15   $50 like that's that's just incredible [TS]

01:32:17   like it's to have this kind of power [TS]

01:32:20   available to people it's it really is [TS]

01:32:23   you know game-changing and I know this [TS]

01:32:25   is not a sudden thing I know this didn't [TS]

01:32:26   just begin yesterday I'm just I'm just [TS]

01:32:28   discovering it I'm late to it and it [TS]

01:32:31   just blows my mind like what's available [TS]

01:32:32   here and it's it's so inspiring to to [TS]

01:32:35   make me want to do more projects with it [TS]

01:32:37   and and for me and this kind of played [TS]

01:32:39   into earlier what I was saying about [TS]

01:32:40   like I wish the home pod had a line in [TS]

01:32:42   like as I'm like dipping my toe in this [TS]

01:32:44   rod just for five seconds like it's [TS]

01:32:46   really obvious to me like you know I [TS]

01:32:47   really do like things being open and I [TS]

01:32:49   really do I see the value in openness [TS]

01:32:54   and and free software and and you know [TS]

01:32:57   just this whole world open hardware open [TS]

01:32:59   software the power that be that the [TS]

01:33:02   technology we have today can can offer [TS]

01:33:04   to us if some of these walls are knocked [TS]

01:33:06   down we're not there in the first place [TS]

01:33:08   anyway one more quick thing I did I did [TS]

01:33:11   decide it let me let me play with you [TS]

01:33:13   know remote control options I [TS]

01:33:15   actually had do you guys know Samuel [TS]

01:33:18   clay and the news blur product that he [TS]

01:33:22   makes mmm well he did he did a [TS]

01:33:24   Kickstarter about I don't know maybe a [TS]

01:33:25   year ago for a little wooden like [TS]

01:33:28   Internet of Things type remote called [TS]

01:33:30   turn touch and I backed it and I got two [TS]

01:33:33   of them and it says little like [TS]

01:33:35   beautiful little square wooden remote [TS]

01:33:37   with four buttons on it it interfaces [TS]

01:33:38   with either I think an iOS device or in [TS]

01:33:40   my case I'm using my Mac Mini server to [TS]

01:33:43   be like the host receiver for it and you [TS]

01:33:45   can map these buttons to do whatever you [TS]

01:33:46   want I made a little interface again [TS]

01:33:49   using bash shell scripting I made a [TS]

01:33:51   little interface on the on the SD card [TS]

01:33:54   player that just uses netcat as like a [TS]

01:33:58   simple command interface that to listen [TS]

01:34:00   for the commands just listen for the [TS]

01:34:02   strings play pause next in previous and [TS]

01:34:06   on the Mac that's hosting the turn touch [TS]

01:34:09   app I mapped it to send using netcat [TS]

01:34:13   shell scripts to go set each of the [TS]

01:34:16   buttons just sends you know play pause [TS]

01:34:17   previous/next you know stop it was again [TS]

01:34:20   like a half hour maybe to get this set [TS]

01:34:22   up I never even had used netcat before [TS]

01:34:24   but I didn't even know it existed but it [TS]

01:34:27   did and it was super easy to seconds to [TS]

01:34:30   make a bash grip that was a network [TS]

01:34:33   service command response in everything [TS]

01:34:35   it's just incredible what you can do [TS]

01:34:37   with this stuff and if you if you have [TS]

01:34:39   like the the Linux chops or the shell [TS]

01:34:41   scripting shops I guess and so now I [TS]

01:34:43   have this little remote that sends basic [TS]

01:34:46   commands through you know through MPC to [TS]

01:34:48   MPD and is play pause and next track [TS]

01:34:52   previous track it's just amazing I [TS]

01:34:54   really do like this world [TS]

01:34:55   I don't immediately have any ideas for [TS]

01:34:58   what else I can do with it [TS]

01:35:00   but I'm gonna keep trying to come up [TS]

01:35:01   with some because it's just so fun as a [TS]

01:35:03   nerd to play with this stuff yeah this [TS]

01:35:06   is super cool I'm super jealous that [TS]

01:35:07   you've come up with all this 2018 year [TS]

01:35:10   of the shell script even if it's written [TS]

01:35:11   in Swift alright so we should do a skate [TS]

01:35:16   EP let's see we're starting with I will [TS]

01:35:20   let you pronounce this John since you [TS]

01:35:21   put this in show notes I'm gonna go with [TS]

01:35:24   Hans Chou lien wow I sound different [TS]

01:35:27   well done John John put this in the show [TS]

01:35:31   notes and the question is I want to [TS]

01:35:33   remove clutter and unused old files from [TS]

01:35:36   my system however not delete them a lot [TS]

01:35:38   or like the like entire unity or blender [TS]

01:35:41   projects I did a few years ago that I [TS]

01:35:43   don't really need anymore however I [TS]

01:35:44   don't want to just delete them because [TS]

01:35:45   too frequently I deleted something [TS]

01:35:47   ancient needed it half a year later [TS]

01:35:48   because of something really specific I [TS]

01:35:49   did there what should I do [TS]

01:35:51   connect to disk drive every time I want [TS]

01:35:52   to quote-unquote offload something burn [TS]

01:35:54   corrupt crap loads of DS CDs or DVDs and [TS]

01:35:56   pile them in a corner by a server and [TS]

01:35:57   put it on an SD ftp server somewhere [TS]

01:36:00   where I dump all those files get an ass [TS]

01:36:01   I'm looking for a reliable solution that [TS]

01:36:04   I would still have access to in 20 years [TS]

01:36:06   I really think just get an ass is the [TS]

01:36:09   easy answer this question but I'm [TS]

01:36:10   assuming that that you guys have other [TS]

01:36:12   thoughts [TS]

01:36:12   so since John wrote this into the show [TS]

01:36:15   that's Marco do you have any immediate [TS]

01:36:16   thoughts then we'll let John give us the [TS]

01:36:19   real answer to me like I've actually [TS]

01:36:21   recently gone through this a little bit [TS]

01:36:22   I mean first of all just told you a [TS]

01:36:23   reason why I might be having a CD burner [TS]

01:36:25   in my desk but I I used to burn first [TS]

01:36:29   DVD arse and then I got the bread the [TS]

01:36:32   bright idea in my head a while ago that [TS]

01:36:33   I should get a blu-ray burner because [TS]

01:36:34   that was the next thing after DVDs and I [TS]

01:36:37   decided oh 25 gigs per disc and then [TS]

01:36:40   later even more that would be great I [TS]

01:36:42   could I can burn an archived discs of [TS]

01:36:44   all my important files and have this [TS]

01:36:45   master set of backups in this big CD box [TS]

01:36:48   in the closet or you know whatever else [TS]

01:36:50   and I started that I did that for a [TS]

01:36:53   little while but it turns out 25 gigs [TS]

01:36:55   isn't that much anymore and even when [TS]

01:36:57   the the fancier like multi layer discs [TS]

01:36:59   came out like a couple years back even [TS]

01:37:01   they they're still not really enough to [TS]

01:37:04   be useful and turns out blu-ray burners [TS]

01:37:06   are finicky and they're a pain and [TS]

01:37:08   they're unreliable and the world of [TS]

01:37:10   blu-ray burning discs is unreliable [TS]

01:37:13   it's there's lots of different formats [TS]

01:37:16   the burners don't always burn them all [TS]

01:37:18   you know [TS]

01:37:18   similarly or are compatible with them so [TS]

01:37:21   you basically have this array of what's [TS]

01:37:24   really quite obscure formats the idea of [TS]

01:37:27   being able to read them in 20 years has [TS]

01:37:29   a lot has a number of problems whatever [TS]

01:37:31   disk format you're writing is not a [TS]

01:37:34   blu-ray movie it's not a blu-ray disc [TS]

01:37:36   and it's very possible that any drive [TS]

01:37:38   you can find in 20 years might [TS]

01:37:41   actually read that physical format the [TS]

01:37:43   second problem you're gonna have is that [TS]

01:37:45   optical discs deteriorate they are all [TS]

01:37:47   based on organic dyes and certain [TS]

01:37:51   assumptions that over time have proven [TS]

01:37:53   to not always be the case if you have [TS]

01:37:55   like even even today like we're a good [TS]

01:37:58   15 years past the heyday of seedy ours [TS]

01:38:02   if you still have CDR is like in your [TS]

01:38:05   closet somewhere you might not be able [TS]

01:38:07   to heed them anymore like they actually [TS]

01:38:08   might have deteriorated to the point [TS]

01:38:09   where you can't read them same thing [TS]

01:38:12   with most DVD our DVDs were a little [TS]

01:38:13   better because they sandwich the organic [TS]

01:38:14   layer between two pieces of plastic [TS]

01:38:16   instead of just having it on the top the [TS]

01:38:18   way CDs did so it's they had a little [TS]

01:38:20   more protection there's still like [TS]

01:38:22   deterioration of the dyes than n layers [TS]

01:38:24   that happens and so it's very light like [TS]

01:38:27   the initial estimates of how long [TS]

01:38:28   recordable media work was supposed to [TS]

01:38:30   last many of them have not been achieved [TS]

01:38:31   and they've had to revise his estimate [TS]

01:38:33   so actually these don't last fifty or [TS]

01:38:36   hundred years or a thousand years they [TS]

01:38:37   actually might last like five years and [TS]

01:38:39   so you have reliability issues there [TS]

01:38:42   there actually was there's one type of [TS]

01:38:44   blu-ray disc called M disc that was [TS]

01:38:47   supposed to last for a millennium [TS]

01:38:49   thousand years and I actually bought it [TS]

01:38:52   I still have a spindle in my closet that [TS]

01:38:53   I bought aspirationally thinking I would [TS]

01:38:56   use them and I never did it's still [TS]

01:38:58   unopened [TS]

01:38:59   I threw it away last week because it [TS]

01:39:03   supposedly is supposed to solve this [TS]

01:39:05   problem but optical discs are not as [TS]

01:39:08   reliable and long-lasting as we think [TS]

01:39:10   they are they have proven that so far [TS]

01:39:12   and even this you know end this that's [TS]

01:39:14   supposed to last forever and be for [TS]

01:39:15   archival purposes they're brand new [TS]

01:39:17   relatively speaking and so we don't [TS]

01:39:20   actually know like everyone thought that [TS]

01:39:21   recordable you know CDs and DVDs would [TS]

01:39:23   last a long time too and they didn't so [TS]

01:39:25   you can try to simulate some things here [TS]

01:39:28   and there but it's it's not it's it's [TS]

01:39:31   not always dependable and then and you [TS]

01:39:34   know the other thing is like again like [TS]

01:39:35   are you gonna be able front-drive in 20 [TS]

01:39:36   years that can read these discs I think [TS]

01:39:38   that's fairly unlikely like you might be [TS]

01:39:41   able to find a drive that reads blu-rays [TS]

01:39:43   but it might not read these blu-rays or [TS]

01:39:45   whatever else like it's I think your [TS]

01:39:47   options are going to be fairly weak [TS]

01:39:50   they're your best option here is to use [TS]

01:39:52   hard drives and [TS]

01:39:54   every few years when when you get larger [TS]

01:39:57   ones move the stuff to the larger ones [TS]

01:40:00   because the only the only way to keep [TS]

01:40:02   data like this really preserved long [TS]

01:40:04   term is to take it with you to move it [TS]

01:40:07   periodically to the new set up if you [TS]

01:40:09   don't do that you are reliant on certain [TS]

01:40:12   technologies being very long-lasting and [TS]

01:40:15   being able to be read forever and that's [TS]

01:40:18   just unlikely to be true meanwhile hard [TS]

01:40:22   drives are huge and relatively cost [TS]

01:40:25   nothing for the amount of storage you [TS]

01:40:26   get like there it's you can get such [TS]

01:40:28   large drives now that if you're if you [TS]

01:40:30   are offloading you know what used to be [TS]

01:40:32   considered large files five ten years [TS]

01:40:34   ago today you can get one hard drive for [TS]

01:40:38   $200 or less that can hold all of them [TS]

01:40:41   probably plus a lot of extra space so [TS]

01:40:44   that's me that's my recommended solution [TS]

01:40:46   is use hard drive somehow whether that's [TS]

01:40:49   in an ass or whether that's just [TS]

01:40:51   external disks that you plug in once a [TS]

01:40:53   year to you know check them and move [TS]

01:40:55   them on to new ones and also by the way [TS]

01:40:57   have some redundancy here like one [TS]

01:41:01   external drive having your only copy of [TS]

01:41:03   something is still just one disk and [TS]

01:41:06   that disk can fail and you can lose [TS]

01:41:07   everything so you know have things on [TS]

01:41:09   multiple disks but the the grand the [TS]

01:41:13   overarching answer to the question is [TS]

01:41:15   don't just leave them in a box for 20 [TS]

01:41:17   years keep them moving with you as [TS]

01:41:19   technology moves on as as drives get [TS]

01:41:21   bigger as your setups change and then [TS]

01:41:23   down the road you know maybe just move [TS]

01:41:25   them to cloud storage yeah that pretty [TS]

01:41:26   much covers it the only thing I'd add is [TS]

01:41:28   if you really want to go for like how do [TS]

01:41:30   I do that how do i how do I keep the [TS]

01:41:32   data moving in my large current set [TS]

01:41:35   while making sure every done in C is you [TS]

01:41:38   you know so you want it to be your [TS]

01:41:40   currently active pile of data you want [TS]

01:41:42   that currently active pile of data to be [TS]

01:41:44   backed up and you want it to be stored [TS]

01:41:47   on some kind of thing that has like [TS]

01:41:49   checksumming right well that's a file [TS]

01:41:51   system or a device or some other [TS]

01:41:52   facility to prevent bedrock because [TS]

01:41:55   that's your only remaining enemy once [TS]

01:41:56   you have the data with you active [TS]

01:41:58   constantly moving to bigger and bigger [TS]

01:42:00   storage just got always keep it moving [TS]

01:42:02   bit rot is your enemy because you're [TS]

01:42:04   moving it over the course of a decade [TS]

01:42:05   and if the bits are slowly rotting by [TS]

01:42:07   the time you go to [TS]

01:42:07   pull something out it could be corrupted [TS]

01:42:08   especially if it's something you know [TS]

01:42:10   like a some particular file format or [TS]

01:42:13   whatever that's sensitive to a bit [TS]

01:42:15   flipped here there so yeah I mean it's [TS]

01:42:18   difficult to do but that's you know I [TS]

01:42:20   wish there was an easier answer like [TS]

01:42:22   Marco special magic blu-ray discs but [TS]

01:42:24   there's not you just got it you just got [TS]

01:42:25   to have it all in your currently active [TS]

01:42:27   set of data and it has to be backed up [TS]

01:42:29   and redundant and you have to keep them [TS]

01:42:31   moving [TS]

01:42:31   moving on Lois Thompson writes the [TS]

01:42:35   switch has shown that people are willing [TS]

01:42:37   to pay for full blown console games on [TS]

01:42:39   the go why are there no Triple A games [TS]

01:42:41   for iOS or TV OS is it just down to lack [TS]

01:42:44   of bundled controllers or docks [TS]

01:42:46   maybe but to me the obvious answer to [TS]

01:42:49   this question is nobody wants to pay a [TS]

01:42:52   dollar for anything why would somebody [TS]

01:42:56   want to pay sixty of their dollars for [TS]

01:42:59   something on iOS like is there more to [TS]

01:43:01   this than that John well I mean there's [TS]

01:43:03   lots of different controller thing is [TS]

01:43:06   definitely a big one I don't think the [TS]

01:43:09   pricing is that big a deal like didn't [TS]

01:43:11   civilization come out for iPad and it [TS]

01:43:12   was like $60 like it's not like you [TS]

01:43:14   can't put them at that price it's just a [TS]

01:43:16   question of do the people who want to [TS]

01:43:18   play that much money for him in this [TS]

01:43:20   presence Triple A games what they mean [TS]

01:43:22   are Triple A games as they have existed [TS]

01:43:24   on PC and consoles which i think is a [TS]

01:43:26   more it's a it's a different definition [TS]

01:43:28   than just saying Triple A games because [TS]

01:43:30   you might think well that just means [TS]

01:43:31   good games there are tons of good games [TS]

01:43:32   on iOS and you could say maybe they're [TS]

01:43:35   not as expansive because they have to be [TS]

01:43:36   sold for $2 or something like that but [TS]

01:43:38   they're I think they're very good games [TS]

01:43:39   I don't think length determines the [TS]

01:43:40   value of a game but they mean Triple A [TS]

01:43:43   games in the PC console sense which is [TS]

01:43:45   implies a certain amount of production [TS]

01:43:48   values a certain amount of content and [TS]

01:43:50   the people who want to play those games [TS]

01:43:53   aren't on iOS and TV us waiting [TS]

01:43:56   patiently to pay you 60 dollars that [TS]

01:43:58   they have consoles they have pcs that's [TS]

01:44:00   where they are that's where they want to [TS]

01:44:02   play their games [TS]

01:44:02   so making a $60 game and putting it on [TS]

01:44:06   iOS or TV OS is not going to get people [TS]

01:44:10   to buy that game not because it's a bad [TS]

01:44:11   game or people don't want to face it now [TS]

01:44:13   let's take that exact same game and [TS]

01:44:14   offer it on a console and or PC and our [TS]

01:44:17   steam or whatever and it will sell it's [TS]

01:44:20   the same game in both play [TS]

01:44:21   and there's nothing other than the lack [TS]

01:44:23   of controller and you know the lack of [TS]

01:44:24   Apple courting game developers in the [TS]

01:44:26   same way that console makers do and [TS]

01:44:28   Microsoft does right there's nothing [TS]

01:44:30   preventing that game from working fine [TS]

01:44:34   on those on those platforms I mean most [TS]

01:44:36   of the Apple stuff is really more [TS]

01:44:37   powerful than the switch it's just a [TS]

01:44:40   question of where the people are and the [TS]

01:44:42   hardware I definitely has something to [TS]

01:44:43   do with it but it also is just habits [TS]

01:44:45   and where people where people want play [TS]

01:44:47   their games takes a long time to [TS]

01:44:48   dislodge somebody like if you're a PC [TS]

01:44:50   gamer what's gonna get you off that PC [TS]

01:44:51   if you're a console gamer what's gonna [TS]

01:44:53   get you off that console onto TV OS [TS]

01:44:57   thing doesn't ship with a controller [TS]

01:44:59   that doesn't have a lot of games like [TS]

01:45:01   it's a lot of it is just playing inertia [TS]

01:45:03   so I thought that Apple couldn't go for [TS]

01:45:05   it I mean Apple could have made [TS]

01:45:07   something like the switch long ago or [TS]

01:45:09   could turn TV OS into something like a [TS]

01:45:11   television stranded switch in that it is [TS]

01:45:14   like a not too powerful console that is [TS]

01:45:17   small and doesn't require you know [TS]

01:45:19   humongous fans and a giant embedded [TS]

01:45:21   harddrive and everything right the iPad [TS]

01:45:23   could have been the switch well yeah [TS]

01:45:25   unless so because it's less natural [TS]

01:45:28   pairing with a controller but Apple just [TS]

01:45:30   didn't pursue that strategy which is [TS]

01:45:32   fine like they'll battle Apple happily [TS]

01:45:34   sold millions and millions of 99-cent [TS]

01:45:36   games or free to play games that release [TS]

01:45:38   a bunch of people for $20,000 until they [TS]

01:45:40   go bankrupt and lose their house but [TS]

01:45:43   yeah it's it's I don't want to say it's [TS]

01:45:48   mostly cultural but like that's what I [TS]

01:45:49   feel about like the technological [TS]

01:45:51   questions and even like the consumer [TS]

01:45:53   questions you're not where it's at it's [TS]

01:45:54   about it's about like the culture and [TS]

01:45:57   the platform owners have to be motivated [TS]

01:45:59   to change the culture and honestly I'm [TS]

01:46:01   not sure if Apple if it would be a good [TS]

01:46:04   move for Apple do that we always say you [TS]

01:46:06   know the gaming market is there for [TS]

01:46:07   Apple to take it but they're taking a [TS]

01:46:08   different slice of the gaming market and [TS]

01:46:10   who's to say that Apple you know we put [TS]

01:46:12   all the stock in like Oh Triple A games [TS]

01:46:13   as they exist on PC and consoles but [TS]

01:46:15   that's just you are where we're coming [TS]

01:46:19   from culturally that we think those are [TS]

01:46:20   the big games but are those companies [TS]

01:46:23   more successful making more money than [TS]

01:46:24   Apple's currently making selling $1 [TS]

01:46:26   games it really depends on what your [TS]

01:46:28   value I continue to think Apple doesn't [TS]

01:46:30   understand games and doesn't really care [TS]

01:46:33   about them and so I think it's perfectly [TS]

01:46:34   natural for [TS]

01:46:35   the games and the game customers to go [TS]

01:46:36   elsewhere yeah I think you pretty much [TS]

01:46:39   covered it I would just add that I do [TS]

01:46:42   think there's a lot of value in the [TS]

01:46:44   limited number of games that's available [TS]

01:46:47   on a game console like like if you if [TS]

01:46:49   you buy a switch and you want to play [TS]

01:46:52   some games on it well you don't have 10 [TS]

01:46:54   billion games available for free to $1 [TS]

01:46:57   the to choose from there you have a you [TS]

01:47:00   know vastly smaller number even when [TS]

01:47:02   there's lot of games for a console it's [TS]

01:47:03   still like a vastly smaller number [TS]

01:47:05   compared to like you have on iOS and and [TS]

01:47:09   those games have been vetted to a much [TS]

01:47:11   larger degree like the the quality [TS]

01:47:13   standards that are enforced by a company [TS]

01:47:16   like Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft for [TS]

01:47:18   their consoles are way higher and way [TS]

01:47:22   more strict than what Apple enforces in [TS]

01:47:24   the App Store so there's certain minimum [TS]

01:47:27   barrier there and even you know and [TS]

01:47:30   honestly it's not so great for like you [TS]

01:47:33   know inclusion and diversity of game [TS]

01:47:35   makers but it's also usually more [TS]

01:47:37   expensive to develop these platforms or [TS]

01:47:39   at least there's barriers in place it's [TS]

01:47:41   not as easy as signing up for an Apple [TS]

01:47:42   Developer membership and and it's [TS]

01:47:44   sometimes it's more expensive as well so [TS]

01:47:46   there are these barriers in place to [TS]

01:47:49   getting the games onto these platforms [TS]

01:47:50   there are much higher restrictions put [TS]

01:47:53   in place by the vendors these platforms [TS]

01:47:55   and all the games on these platforms are [TS]

01:47:58   you know by iOS standards [TS]

01:48:00   extraordinarily expensive by being like [TS]

01:48:02   you know 15 dollars and up basically you [TS]

01:48:05   know a good triple-a game is 50 or 60 [TS]

01:48:07   bucks and and you know even though even [TS]

01:48:10   the indie games you know it's like [TS]

01:48:11   stardew valley or even like some of the [TS]

01:48:13   smaller ones they're like you know $10 [TS]

01:48:14   $15 etc O'Brien up stardew valley it's a [TS]

01:48:17   good point because on the PC that has [TS]

01:48:19   all the advantages of iOS anyone can [TS]

01:48:21   make one it's much more open you don't [TS]

01:48:23   have to get an sdk from Nintendo or Sony [TS]

01:48:26   or Microsoft you know as you pointed out [TS]

01:48:28   when you talk about started Valley was [TS]

01:48:29   made by one person no one was stopping [TS]

01:48:31   him from doing that he didn't get have [TS]

01:48:32   to get App Store approval to make it he [TS]

01:48:34   did have to get on Steam which was kind [TS]

01:48:35   of app story but there's no reason he [TS]

01:48:37   couldn't just sold that on his own [TS]

01:48:38   website with stripe or PayPal or [TS]

01:48:39   whatever [TS]

01:48:40   so it has almost all the advantages of [TS]

01:48:44   iOS in terms of openness depending on [TS]

01:48:45   where you go but you know as the console [TS]

01:48:47   side very curated very very narrow very [TS]

01:48:49   simple to choose from and console gamers [TS]

01:48:51   or the people who go in that direction [TS]

01:48:53   and PC gamers or the people who say yeah [TS]

01:48:55   but I want all the choice of steam [TS]

01:48:57   including all the crap weird games for [TS]

01:48:59   the chance to be the first person to [TS]

01:49:01   play stardew valley because I'm assuming [TS]

01:49:03   the PC version came out first just [TS]

01:49:04   because that's the easiest platform to [TS]

01:49:06   develop for if you're a single developer [TS]

01:49:07   you're not gonna be dealing with Sony or [TS]

01:49:10   Microsoft or Nintendo is BS to get your [TS]

01:49:12   game off the ground yeah and also like [TS]

01:49:14   you know because the the game the game [TS]

01:49:17   consoles have so many fewer games and [TS]

01:49:20   because the standards are so much higher [TS]

01:49:22   and because they you know there's all [TS]

01:49:24   these it they're basically like a a much [TS]

01:49:27   smaller number of generally much better [TS]

01:49:30   games on the consoles and you have an [TS]

01:49:31   iOS that also means that like the [TS]

01:49:33   promotion is very different the the [TS]

01:49:34   storefront is very different you know [TS]

01:49:36   you don't have in the App Store on iOS [TS]

01:49:39   you're competing against everything in [TS]

01:49:41   the world whereas if you go on a switch [TS]

01:49:43   and you go to the eShop on switch your [TS]

01:49:46   only choices are premium price games you [TS]

01:49:50   know whether that's $15 or 60 dollars [TS]

01:49:51   like those are your only choices and [TS]

01:49:54   because this these standards are higher [TS]

01:49:57   the whole market behaves differently [TS]

01:49:58   first of all you can go read reviews and [TS]

01:50:00   you can see how good they are but you [TS]

01:50:01   can also probably just buy a game that [TS]

01:50:04   like like when mario odyssey came out we [TS]

01:50:06   just bought it because we knew like [TS]

01:50:08   chances are that this is going to be a [TS]

01:50:10   very good game because of reputation and [TS]

01:50:11   nintendo and what we heard about it and [TS]

01:50:14   that iOS you just don't really have that [TS]

01:50:16   as much and and your battle with [TS]

01:50:18   everything else and consumers if you go [TS]

01:50:20   to the App Store and a game is priced at [TS]

01:50:22   $40 or more like you're never gonna drop [TS]

01:50:25   that on an iOS game because your [TS]

01:50:27   expectations of whether that's going to [TS]

01:50:28   be worth it or good or not are by [TS]

01:50:31   necessity way lower you know the reality [TS]

01:50:34   is the App Store ecosystem on all sides [TS]

01:50:37   is set up to incentivize and reward [TS]

01:50:42   certain types of behavior and it's you [TS]

01:50:46   know it culminates in these free-to-play [TS]

01:50:49   social manipulation games and that's [TS]

01:50:52   what the app store in [TS]

01:50:53   Courage's that's what it gets like it's [TS]

01:50:56   like that the entire store is set up in [TS]

01:51:00   a way that encourages promotes and [TS]

01:51:02   rewards abusive in-app purchase free [TS]

01:51:05   games and so that's what they're gonna [TS]

01:51:07   get tons of and that's going to succeed [TS]

01:51:10   that's what Apple's going to promote [TS]

01:51:11   because it sells more of their devices [TS]

01:51:13   and all these you know free allegedly [TS]

01:51:14   games and you know it's it's a vicious [TS]

01:51:18   cycle I don't see how they break out of [TS]

01:51:19   that I also would not discount the [TS]

01:51:22   controller question too much because [TS]

01:51:25   there's a lot of game types that gamers [TS]

01:51:28   who are willing to pay 60 bucks for a [TS]

01:51:30   game enjoy playing that either are [TS]

01:51:34   unplayable or really inferior on a [TS]

01:51:37   touchscreen now granted there's also [TS]

01:51:38   types of games that you know work on a [TS]

01:51:40   touchscreen that would suck on a console [TS]

01:51:42   but the fact remains that there's a lot [TS]

01:51:44   of very popular established triple-a [TS]

01:51:47   game types that are very cumbersome to [TS]

01:51:50   play on a touchscreen without some other [TS]

01:51:51   kind of controller or a mouse or [TS]

01:51:52   something and so I think that also plays [TS]

01:51:55   into it too to a lesser degree but I [TS]

01:51:56   think that the bigger the bigger problem [TS]

01:51:58   is simply that difference in the market [TS]

01:51:59   place and styles of how you buy games [TS]

01:52:01   what games are available to buy how you [TS]

01:52:03   find them how they're promoted what what [TS]

01:52:06   your other options are on those [TS]

01:52:07   platforms etc you know if I don't buy a [TS]

01:52:10   $60 game on my switch there's not much [TS]

01:52:13   more I can do with the switch like if I [TS]

01:52:16   don't buy you know a secret or game on [TS]

01:52:18   the iPad I have 10 billion free games to [TS]

01:52:20   choose from instead and so like there's [TS]

01:52:21   a reason where the market goes it goes [TS]

01:52:23   the way that it goes and the cultural [TS]

01:52:25   differences even even comes up in the [TS]

01:52:26   controller thing right so Nintendo when [TS]

01:52:32   they made the new console they put a [TS]

01:52:33   touchscreen on it because they recognize [TS]

01:52:36   there's a bunch of games that benefit [TS]

01:52:37   from touchscreens and even just the non [TS]

01:52:39   game stuff like it's nice to have a [TS]

01:52:40   touchscreen and it's got a controller on [TS]

01:52:42   the flip side Apple said oh yeah we'll [TS]

01:52:45   have a way you can use controllers with [TS]

01:52:46   their Apple TVs but we're not gonna [TS]

01:52:48   build one like it it's a [TS]

01:52:50   misunderstanding games like if you're [TS]

01:52:51   making a game thing you're like we [TS]

01:52:54   should put a touch screen on just in [TS]

01:52:55   case someone wants to make it touch [TS]

01:52:56   we're here but they won't be able to use [TS]

01:52:57   it when I come to their TV yeah but [TS]

01:52:59   we're still putting it on there like [TS]

01:53:00   it's we should just do it because we [TS]

01:53:01   care about games and maybe there's some [TS]

01:53:04   awesome game that we don't want to miss [TS]

01:53:05   out on by not having a touchscreen even [TS]

01:53:06   though you can [TS]

01:53:07   use it when I talk to the TV and we're [TS]

01:53:08   making this consult they can go most [TS]

01:53:10   places just put the touch screen in [TS]

01:53:11   whereas Apple can't even bring [TS]

01:53:12   themselves to sell to make their own [TS]

01:53:15   controller let alone bundle a [TS]

01:53:16   third-party controller with it they'll [TS]

01:53:18   just like will sell third-party [TS]

01:53:19   controllers in our stores and if someone [TS]

01:53:20   wants when they can get it and you know [TS]

01:53:23   they flip-flopped on whether it's read [TS]

01:53:24   you were allowed to require it in games [TS]

01:53:25   it just shows that Apple's you know just [TS]

01:53:27   not that into games and just doesn't [TS]

01:53:29   have the the mindset that a real game [TS]

01:53:31   maker would get would would have which [TS]

01:53:33   is like can we conceive of a cool game [TS]

01:53:35   being made by this I'll look at all [TS]

01:53:36   these touch games on those platforms we [TS]

01:53:38   should make sure we're not excluded from [TS]

01:53:40   that so please put a touch screen on the [TS]

01:53:41   switch and they did all right thanks to [TS]

01:53:43   our sponsors this week hover Squarespace [TS]

01:53:46   and fracture we will see you next week [TS]

01:53:50   now the show is over [TS]

01:53:53   they didn't even mean to begin because [TS]

01:53:56   it was accidental oh it was accidental [TS]

01:54:03   research Marco and Casey wouldn't let [TS]

01:54:05   him cuz it was accidentally was [TS]

01:54:10   accidental and you can find the show [TS]

01:54:13   notes at ADP and Twitter you can follow [TS]

01:54:21   them cas pyl is esta that's Casey less [TS]

01:54:27   ma RC o AR m auntie Marco Arment SI r AC [TS]

01:54:36   Syracuse [TS]

01:54:50   so apparently if you really want to get [TS]

01:54:53   things done you should have a baby [TS]

01:54:55   because as soon as you have a baby your [TS]

01:54:58   application and do a YouTube video and [TS]

01:55:02   who knows the case will be doing Maxie's [TS]

01:55:03   got all this free time he just needs to [TS]

01:55:05   fill with new hobbies yes so so tell us [TS]

01:55:07   about this so so you you reviewed an SUV [TS]

01:55:10   so how we actually talked about this on [TS]

01:55:12   the forthcoming episode of analog which [TS]

01:55:14   as we talked tonight is not released and [TS]

01:55:17   and will probably be released after this [TS]

01:55:19   episode of ATP is because that's the [TS]

01:55:21   schedule we're on but I had the car was [TS]

01:55:24   it last week I believe and Alfre may [TS]

01:55:28   austell vo which is their new more [TS]

01:55:30   reasonably new SUV they were like hey we [TS]

01:55:32   can give it to you mid-january and I was [TS]

01:55:33   like oh sure I guess I know I'm gonna be [TS]

01:55:39   home but that's gonna be a busy time so [TS]

01:55:41   I'll just see what I can do and in short [TS]

01:55:45   it was actually a really nice truck like [TS]

01:55:46   trucks are not my thing just in somebody [TS]

01:55:48   pointed helped via Twitter you know I'm [TS]

01:55:49   saying that it despite saying oh I'm [TS]

01:55:51   probably gonna buy a Wrangler soon but [TS]

01:55:53   generally speaking trucks are not my [TS]

01:55:54   thing but this thing and actually a lot [TS]

01:55:56   of people wouldn't even call it a truck [TS]

01:55:57   but that's neither here nor there yeah [TS]

01:55:59   but whatever at all car is not usually [TS]

01:56:03   my thing but this was actually really [TS]

01:56:05   nice there are some problems with it but [TS]

01:56:07   all told it was reasonably quick handled [TS]

01:56:10   stunningly well for for a car that does [TS]

01:56:13   that tall and I really liked it [TS]

01:56:15   like I don't know if this would be what [TS]

01:56:17   I would choose if I were to buy a car [TS]

01:56:19   but I can see how one could end up with [TS]

01:56:22   this over like an x3 or an Audi q5 or [TS]

01:56:25   something like that cool well I really [TS]

01:56:27   enjoyed your video I think I don't [TS]

01:56:29   really have any a peanut about the car [TS]

01:56:30   but you continue to be like [TS]

01:56:33   frustratingly improving quickly at [TS]

01:56:35   making videos like you started out way [TS]

01:56:37   better than I thought you would no [TS]

01:56:38   offense like I just thought it was a [TS]

01:56:39   hard problem and then you know video 2 [TS]

01:56:43   is even better and so yeah pretty cool [TS]

01:56:45   well thanks yeah I mean I'm pretty proud [TS]

01:56:47   of the video like there's definitely [TS]

01:56:48   problems don't get me wrong it's not [TS]

01:56:49   flawless by any means but I am pretty [TS]

01:56:52   pleased with how it turned out and I [TS]

01:56:53   feel like I've made a lot of I've made a [TS]

01:56:56   lot of positive steps [TS]

01:56:58   and again there's gonna be a fairly [TS]

01:56:59   in-depth discussion about this on analog [TS]

01:57:02   we'll talk about it or I mean I'll link [TS]

01:57:05   it in the show notes but if you're [TS]

01:57:07   listening to this you may or may not be [TS]

01:57:08   able to click that link and get to [TS]

01:57:10   anything because yeah the analog episode [TS]

01:57:12   isn't out yet but no I'm pretty pleased [TS]

01:57:15   with the video it was shorter which I [TS]

01:57:16   think was good I probably still could [TS]

01:57:19   have cut something from it and there [TS]

01:57:20   were probably some places where I could [TS]

01:57:22   have tightened it up a little bit but [TS]

01:57:23   all told it I'm pretty darn pleased with [TS]

01:57:27   how it came out I think the biggest [TS]

01:57:28   issues with the prior video with the [TS]

01:57:30   Giulia were were that I was not [TS]

01:57:34   particularly effusive or I mean maybe [TS]

01:57:37   not effusive but I wasn't particularly [TS]

01:57:39   interesting I guess you could say like I [TS]

01:57:41   was kind of monotone and kind of just [TS]

01:57:44   there and additionally the audio was [TS]

01:57:46   just garbage as we talked about ad [TS]

01:57:48   nauseam previously now the audio [TS]

01:57:50   accepting one section I think was pretty [TS]

01:57:52   darn good yeah I definitely clipped in a [TS]

01:57:54   few spots which was unfortunate but you [TS]

01:57:56   know all told it was pretty good [TS]

01:57:58   and I think I was a much more [TS]

01:58:00   interesting person to watch this time [TS]

01:58:02   which is also good but there's still [TS]

01:58:05   plenty of room to be improved you know [TS]

01:58:07   you could see me in the reflection of [TS]

01:58:08   the car and a bunch of spots which in a [TS]

01:58:10   perfect world wouldn't have happened [TS]

01:58:12   there were some there was some video I [TS]

01:58:14   shot before I had a chance to very very [TS]

01:58:16   quickly wash the car because it had [TS]

01:58:18   rained like the day after I got it or [TS]

01:58:20   something like that so it was dirty and [TS]

01:58:22   a few of the shots which in a perfect [TS]

01:58:24   world I wouldn't have done it one of the [TS]

01:58:26   shots I didn't realize that my bucket of [TS]

01:58:29   equipment was in the background which I [TS]

01:58:31   regret but I mean I'm not gonna sit [TS]

01:58:33   there and like Photoshop it out or [TS]

01:58:34   anything like that so all told I'm [TS]

01:58:38   really pleased with the video the car [TS]

01:58:39   was very very nice if he wanted [TS]

01:58:42   something that's more interesting than [TS]

01:58:43   like an x3 I think it's a it's a very [TS]

01:58:46   reasonable choice this particular car [TS]

01:58:48   was mildly optioned and it priced at [TS]

01:58:51   about $55,000 and there are some things [TS]

01:58:56   that I really wish it had like I wish it [TS]

01:58:57   had a little bit of autonomous driving [TS]

01:58:59   capability I very much wish it had [TS]

01:59:01   carplay and I think there is either an [TS]

01:59:04   option package where it could have had [TS]

01:59:06   car play or it's coming soon I'm not [TS]

01:59:09   entirely clear based on Alfa Romeos [TS]

01:59:10   website but I couldn't think [TS]

01:59:12   a way to turn it on on this particular [TS]

01:59:13   car you know all told it was a very very [TS]

01:59:16   nice car that if you wanted something [TS]

01:59:18   more interesting than just another x3 I [TS]

01:59:20   could see going for this cool yeah any [TS]

01:59:23   other thoughts John I'm surprised you're [TS]

01:59:25   so quiet you haven't told me how ugly [TS]

01:59:26   this is yet it's because it's an SUV but [TS]

01:59:35   when I compare it to its contemporaries [TS]

01:59:36   and not compare it to actual cars the x3 [TS]

01:59:40   is just gross all those little luxuries [TS]

01:59:43   sport utility vehicles are mostly gross [TS]

01:59:45   the Audi ones are okay Infiniti ones are [TS]

01:59:48   horrendous anyway I was surprised you [TS]

01:59:50   didn't compare it to the Volvo I mean [TS]

01:59:51   you know you haven't done the volvo [TS]

01:59:52   video yet but it's the other SUV thing [TS]

01:59:54   that you have the most experience with [TS]

01:59:55   and it's similar price range so I mean [TS]

01:59:57   you kind of alluded to it like look if I [TS]

01:59:59   spend [TS]

01:59:59   spend [TS]

00:00:00   the funding is if I cut your Amazon [TS]

00:00:01   story we can always refer back to it as [TS]

00:00:02   member caseys Amazon story and nobody [TS]

00:00:04   will be like this enigma no one's ever [TS]

00:00:07   heard because we won't tell them cases [TS]

00:00:09   Amazon story and like like case he's not [TS]

00:00:11   gonna bring it up again the next time [TS]

00:00:12   you bring something to the lockers next [TS]

00:00:14   time you return a $15.00 dongle he's [TS]

00:00:18   spending like two hours of your life to [TS]

00:00:19   return this $15 thing it was not two [TS]

00:00:22   hours you bastard but yes I understand [TS]

00:00:24   your point there's two hours of our [TS]

00:00:25   lives no no no everything's changed and [TS]

00:00:32   now it's gonna be all screwed up I blame [TS]

00:00:34   you duh what's your middle name Charles [TS]

00:00:37   Chester Casey no Craig mm-hmm no really [TS]

00:00:41   what is it John Craig got it yes I [TS]

00:00:44   didn't know I can tell if you were [TS]

00:00:46   trolling me and that was a federighi [TS]

00:00:47   joke I know how to pronounce it I know [TS]

00:00:48   what the middle name is boom I'm the [TS]

00:00:50   better friend well now that we've got [TS]

00:00:56   that sorted no anyway John Craig [TS]

00:00:59   Syracuse oh you need to grow up and get [TS]

00:01:01   a proper microphone like an adult I'm [TS]

00:01:08   really loud in my own ears who knows [TS]

00:01:10   what you're gonna get here you want [TS]

00:01:11   anything - no is a are you recording and [TS]

00:01:13   B are you clipping those the only [TS]

00:01:15   concerns I have but I know I can't top [TS]

00:01:17   I'm clipping I got the little meter [TS]

00:01:18   thingies and they never reached the top [TS]

00:01:20   does that mean I'm not clipping yes good [TS]

00:01:22   but but can I make them reach the top [TS]

00:01:24   test test if it clips so which are you [TS]

00:01:29   are you talking with the meters that are [TS]

00:01:30   in audio hijack peak slash RMS it's the [TS]

00:01:33   box right next to the input and and I [TS]

00:01:36   blow white bars or hanging at the oven [TS]

00:01:39   can I get them to go you know I can't [TS]

00:01:42   get the top good your turn red they stay [TS]

00:01:48   orange the whole time then you're not [TS]

00:01:50   clipping [TS]

00:01:50   but those claps those claps should have [TS]

00:01:53   pushed it up that was me that time that [TS]

00:01:56   was me that time then I saw a little red [TS]

00:01:57   on my they do not turn red good best [TS]

00:02:03   episode ever [TS]

00:02:03   no I'm clapping we'll just have to keep [TS]

00:02:07   you nice and calm so your voice doesn't [TS]

00:02:09   get raised [TS]

00:02:11   yeah the Mac Pro man you know I love [TS]

00:02:16   maximizing all my windows space this is [TS]

00:02:21   the one true way actually really I think [TS]

00:02:22   that's true but wait John are you a VI [TS]

00:02:25   or Emacs guy I don't even remember but [TS]

00:02:27   Marco knows hmm you know what how is [TS]

00:02:30   being tested yes my middle name doesn't [TS]

00:02:32   know if I know yeah so now wait I'm [TS]

00:02:33   gonna try I'm gonna try to guess very [TS]

00:02:35   disappointed I'm gonna guess because [TS]

00:02:38   John is old and picky [TS]

00:02:40   I'm gonna guess Emacs is that right I'm [TS]

00:02:47   interested in your reasoning why is old [TS]

00:02:49   anything he just usually like is Emacs [TS]

00:02:52   older yeah I don't think it is probably [TS]

00:02:54   not but but I think it's demographic is [TS]

00:02:59   so what was I right about a million [TS]

00:03:03   podcast never never wavering I actually [TS]

00:03:10   agree with you I think it's Emacs all [TS]

00:03:11   the way but I am surprised that a man of [TS]

00:03:14   your pickiness thinks that VI is is not [TS]

00:03:17   better you guys are nuts [TS]

00:03:18   I think anyone who enjoys VI is a true [TS]

00:03:21   to form animal like what kind of monster [TS]

00:03:24   would enjoy using VI I wouldn't say I [TS]

00:03:26   enjoy it I I would say I hate it less [TS]

00:03:29   than I hate e^x anyway we should move on [TS]

00:03:33   who ordered a home pod because I believe [TS]

00:03:36   all of us were pretty tepid about it [TS]

00:03:38   weren't we so did either of you guys [TS]

00:03:40   order a home pod I will tell you that I [TS]

00:03:42   did not I mean we know John probably [TS]

00:03:45   didn't right no John hate spending money [TS]

00:03:47   so of course it well we have now made [TS]

00:03:51   show history none of the three of us is [TS]

00:03:55   the brand-new Apple product Wow haribol [TS]

00:03:57   at this I'm really disappointed in us [TS]

00:04:00   like you know I mean I covered most of [TS]

00:04:01   it last week but like you know as the [TS]

00:04:03   pre-order period passed and went and and [TS]

00:04:06   as you know some people are you know [TS]

00:04:07   having those like hour-long sample tests [TS]

00:04:09   with them and PR and everything it just [TS]

00:04:12   it sounds like okay they focused on [TS]

00:04:15   their strengths they focused on you know [TS]

00:04:17   the audio engineering side their [TS]

00:04:19   weaknesses are you know things like the [TS]

00:04:22   home assistant area and the low cost [TS]

00:04:24   they didn't focus on their weak sides [TS]

00:04:27   which is probably smart but they ended [TS]

00:04:29   up making a product that I don't think I [TS]

00:04:31   have not only a need for but I don't [TS]

00:04:34   even think I have a place in my house [TS]

00:04:35   where it could go that would make sense [TS]

00:04:37   it can't go in my living room because [TS]

00:04:40   only the TV speakers serve that and it [TS]

00:04:43   can't be my TV speakers and I also don't [TS]

00:04:45   want treatment TVs because I have nice [TS]

00:04:46   TV speakers already it can't go in the [TS]

00:04:48   kitchen because the home of the [TS]

00:04:51   assistant part of it is not good enough [TS]

00:04:53   you know frankly it just not good enough [TS]

00:04:54   like what the things we do most often [TS]

00:04:56   things like timers on on the Amazon echo [TS]

00:04:59   in the Amazon echo has really good [TS]

00:05:01   timers now you can name them you can [TS]

00:05:03   have multiple timers running at once so [TS]

00:05:05   you can say hey Amazon thing set an oven [TS]

00:05:08   timer for 14 minutes hey I was on things [TS]

00:05:10   said I rotate the thing in the oven [TS]

00:05:12   timer for seven minutes like you can you [TS]

00:05:14   can stack them up like that and you can [TS]

00:05:15   have like when you're cooking and when [TS]

00:05:17   you have like multiple things going it's [TS]

00:05:18   a lifesaver and then it beeps and tells [TS]

00:05:20   you your rotate oven timer is done like [TS]

00:05:22   it's just it's so convenient and and [TS]

00:05:25   pretty advanced these days the Siri [TS]

00:05:28   functionality on the home pod if it's [TS]

00:05:31   anything like other Siri functionality [TS]

00:05:32   it's not gonna be good at that kind of [TS]

00:05:33   stuff you know me it might be able to do [TS]

00:05:35   a little bit of it I think we I think we [TS]

00:05:36   know that I can do like one timer I mean [TS]

00:05:38   because the iPhone can't even do [TS]

00:05:39   multiple timers or name timers like a [TS]

00:05:42   Siri on the phone can't even do that so [TS]

00:05:43   I don't expect you know Siri on the on [TS]

00:05:46   the home pod to be that much better in [TS]

00:05:47   that regard so it seems like this is [TS]

00:05:49   really just focused on music but it's [TS]

00:05:52   music only with these restrictions and [TS]

00:05:55   only for certain environments and [TS]

00:05:57   there's nowhere in my house that I [TS]

00:06:00   listen to music that either doesn't [TS]

00:06:03   require the more advanced home assistant [TS]

00:06:06   functionality of the echo in the kitchen [TS]

00:06:08   or doesn't have requirements the home [TS]

00:06:10   pod can't satisfy like in my living room [TS]

00:06:12   we don't listen to music in the bedrooms [TS]

00:06:14   upstairs [TS]

00:06:15   in my office I listen to music mostly on [TS]

00:06:18   headphones and when I do use my speakers [TS]

00:06:20   it's it's because I need to play music [TS]

00:06:23   from my computer which the home pod [TS]

00:06:25   can't do even if I had one I don't even [TS]

00:06:28   know where where I would put it in my [TS]

00:06:29   house so yeah I just I passed and it [TS]

00:06:32   feels really weird for a major Apple [TS]

00:06:35   product lunch to go by that I'm not [TS]

00:06:37   buying and I'm not really excited about [TS]

00:06:39   but this product is just so boxed in in [TS]

00:06:42   in what it serves and what it's good at [TS]

00:06:44   and what it can't do that [TS]

00:06:46   it just it boxed itself right out of my [TS]

00:06:48   life well it has competitors if you [TS]

00:06:51   didn't have an echo any Amazon stuff you [TS]

00:06:54   probably would've bought this visi you'd [TS]

00:06:55   be like oh I've been meaning to try [TS]

00:06:57   these cylinder things and here's an [TS]

00:06:58   Apple one so I'll try it [TS]

00:06:59   mm-hmm I don't have any Amazon stuff not [TS]

00:07:01   you Marco I'm just saying I am that [TS]

00:07:04   person [TS]

00:07:04   ya know you you are anti Solon's are [TS]

00:07:06   entirely so you're just continuing your [TS]

00:07:08   cylinder cap on a second Marco totally [TS]

00:07:10   would have bought this if he didn't [TS]

00:07:12   already have a product that he liked [TS]

00:07:14   better because he still would have been [TS]

00:07:15   at the point of like I don't know about [TS]

00:07:16   these cylinders or whatever and then [TS]

00:07:17   eventually I pull to come up with him he [TS]

00:07:19   would have tried it well I'm like I [TS]

00:07:20   don't even have the the very common [TS]

00:07:22   excuse of I need this for testing my app [TS]

00:07:24   because my app can't do anything with [TS]

00:07:26   the home pod like until Siri has [TS]

00:07:29   basically like audio app support which [TS]

00:07:32   as I mentioned I said look I don't I'm [TS]

00:07:33   not expect that to happen in time soon [TS]

00:07:34   because that would also enable Spotify [TS]

00:07:36   and other services like that and so you [TS]

00:07:39   know it's possible as we mentioned last [TS]

00:07:42   everybody see when when Sirikit updates [TS]

00:07:44   came and went and there was no audio [TS]

00:07:46   thing like it's possible that he's [TS]

00:07:47   haven't gotten to it yet and that they [TS]

00:07:48   do intend to do it at some point later I [TS]

00:07:50   would say this summer this WDC is kind [TS]

00:07:54   of like the the do-or-die point here [TS]

00:07:55   like if they don't add some kind of [TS]

00:07:58   music app support this summer I think it [TS]

00:08:00   becomes increasingly likely that the [TS]

00:08:02   explanation is they don't want to do it [TS]

00:08:03   for competitive reasons which is not [TS]

00:08:06   good I really hope that isn't what's [TS]

00:08:07   happening but right now like I don't [TS]

00:08:10   even have anything meaningful to test [TS]

00:08:11   with overcast on the home pod because [TS]

00:08:13   airplay 2 isn't done yet you get a bunch [TS]

00:08:16   of good ideas and slack remind me and [TS]

00:08:17   overcast to play the latest ATP yeah I [TS]

00:08:20   can make overcast a to-do app like yeah [TS]

00:08:22   can you make overcast a workout app and [TS]

00:08:24   a to-do app and every month yes I that [TS]

00:08:29   would be funny to attempt that but it [TS]

00:08:30   would be not only clumsy but there's no [TS]

00:08:31   way Apple above that stand for more than [TS]

00:08:33   a week that would be a waste but it's [TS]

00:08:35   just like I just there's nothing for me [TS]

00:08:37   to do with the home pod and I suppose [TS]

00:08:39   like it's healthy for me as a human [TS]

00:08:42   being to not just buy every product [TS]

00:08:44   Apple releases but it just feels weird [TS]

00:08:46   there's a major launch that and and none [TS]

00:08:49   of us are buying it [TS]

00:08:50   yeah I think I actually have a place [TS]

00:08:52   in my house where I could put this cuz [TS]

00:08:54   in in the living room I have a free [TS]

00:08:58   Google home mini thing that I got it [TS]

00:09:00   came free with some other thing but just [TS]

00:09:02   convenient makes it so you know you can [TS]

00:09:04   ask questions and kids can ask how to [TS]

00:09:06   spell words or to find things and stuff [TS]

00:09:08   like but you can't play any music on it [TS]

00:09:10   because it's you know it's the mini and [TS]

00:09:11   it sounds like a tinny little speaker [TS]

00:09:12   and I do have my speaker sock up to my [TS]

00:09:15   TV but there's no way to talk to them [TS]

00:09:18   and they're mostly turned off all the [TS]

00:09:19   time unless someone's watching TV and [TS]

00:09:22   really they're not ideal for music [TS]

00:09:24   anyway so if I had a nice like speaker [TS]

00:09:29   thing they could fill the room with [TS]

00:09:31   sound which is what this thing could do [TS]

00:09:33   and I could talk to it there is a place [TS]

00:09:36   for that in my life and I would just you [TS]

00:09:38   know stick it in my living room and I [TS]

00:09:39   have an easier way to fill the living [TS]

00:09:41   room with much better sounding sounds [TS]

00:09:43   and then Google home anything can [TS]

00:09:44   provide but I mine it doesn't you know I [TS]

00:09:48   don't like the idea that it would be [TS]

00:09:50   tied to my Apple ID and I don't like the [TS]

00:09:52   idea that I could talk to it but not [TS]

00:09:54   well and so I'm taking a wait-and-see [TS]

00:09:56   like eventually when the software [TS]

00:09:59   catches up and it supports multiple [TS]

00:10:00   people and they can understand who's [TS]

00:10:02   talking to it and it can you know [TS]

00:10:04   connect to both my phone and my wife's [TS]

00:10:06   phone and like it's eventually when the [TS]

00:10:08   software catches up I probably will buy [TS]

00:10:10   one of these to fill exactly that [TS]

00:10:12   function to basically fill my living [TS]

00:10:14   room with better sounding sound I don't [TS]

00:10:18   know if it'll ever get to the point [TS]

00:10:19   though where I can talk to it and have [TS]

00:10:21   it play like any song because I [TS]

00:10:24   subscribe to will play music and I don't [TS]

00:10:25   see myself subscribing to Apple music [TS]

00:10:27   just to be able to talk to this speaker [TS]

00:10:29   because I have to subscribe to google [TS]

00:10:30   play music to get no ads on YouTube [TS]

00:10:32   because of the way Google structures [TS]

00:10:33   things Google ever changes its YouTube [TS]

00:10:36   red whatever family plan thing that I [TS]

00:10:38   get so that I don't have to play for [TS]

00:10:40   google play music anymore but I can [TS]

00:10:41   still the whole family can still be ad [TS]

00:10:43   free on YouTube then I would probably [TS]

00:10:45   subscribe to help music and try it but [TS]

00:10:47   for now I'm just kind of stuck in this [TS]

00:10:49   you know this weirdly carved out problem [TS]

00:10:52   space of streaming service and ad free [TS]

00:10:55   YouTube and you know and this is the [TS]

00:10:59   capabilities of the home pod I'm a [TS]

00:11:02   devout Spotify user I admittedly have [TS]

00:11:04   not tried Apple music since [TS]

00:11:05   was brand-new and as such I've been [TS]

00:11:08   debating you know maybe I should try it [TS]

00:11:09   again but two of the playlists that [TS]

00:11:11   Spotify comes out with every single week [TS]

00:11:13   for every single user is I believe they [TS]

00:11:15   were called discover weekly which is [TS]

00:11:17   just hey given the entirety of Spotify [TS]

00:11:19   library and given what we've noticed you [TS]

00:11:22   listening to so far here's so other [TS]

00:11:25   music that we think you would enjoy and [TS]

00:11:27   that comes out on Mondays and then on [TS]

00:11:29   Fridays there's release radar which is [TS]

00:11:31   similar but limited to just new or new [TS]

00:11:33   ish releases so here's something that's [TS]

00:11:35   brand new that just entered Spotify and [TS]

00:11:38   we think you might enjoy [TS]

00:11:39   and those two playlists are tremendous [TS]

00:11:43   and I love them and beyond that Spotify [TS]

00:11:46   is is a couple of really great apps it [TS]

00:11:51   is one of the few apps that is electron [TS]

00:11:52   or equivalent that doesn't make me that [TS]

00:11:55   doesn't remind me of that every time I [TS]

00:11:57   use it unlike slack and on the on the [TS]

00:12:00   iPhone it's a really great app and [TS]

00:12:02   what's wonderful about it is if I [TS]

00:12:03   accidentally as I often do leave Spotify [TS]

00:12:05   open everywhere any Spotify client that [TS]

00:12:09   is signed in as the same Spotify user [TS]

00:12:10   can control any other Spotify client so [TS]

00:12:13   I could control my phone from my [TS]

00:12:16   computer or vice versa and that becomes [TS]

00:12:18   useful if your airplane to something [TS]

00:12:20   else that's awesome yeah so any so I [TS]

00:12:23   could have my phone airplane to my Apple [TS]

00:12:25   TV but control it from my computer if my [TS]

00:12:27   computer happens to be right in front of [TS]

00:12:30   it whatever the case may be so like I [TS]

00:12:33   said I have not tried Apple music in a [TS]

00:12:34   while but there's a lot to love about [TS]

00:12:36   Spotify and I've been a loyal Spotify [TS]

00:12:38   users since it came to the United States [TS]

00:12:39   and I've been paying for it since it [TS]

00:12:41   came to the United States so if the home [TS]

00:12:44   pod supported Spotify like if I could [TS]

00:12:47   say you know cylinder play such-and-such [TS]

00:12:51   on Spotify I think there's a pretty darn [TS]

00:12:55   good chance I would be getting one what [TS]

00:12:57   is it a week from Friday and I probably [TS]

00:12:59   would have pre-ordered it but given that [TS]

00:13:01   it is tied to Apple music and right now [TS]

00:13:04   I don't particularly care for Apple [TS]

00:13:06   music this is kind of a non-starter to [TS]

00:13:09   me and it's really unfortunate because [TS]

00:13:13   I've been thinking about this a lot and [TS]

00:13:16   we'll talk about it I think over the [TS]

00:13:17   next couple of weeks because I have a [TS]

00:13:18   few topics [TS]

00:13:19   which we may not get to this week to [TS]

00:13:21   discuss this but I I don't like that [TS]

00:13:25   that whole like Google mantra especially [TS]

00:13:29   from years ago of like oh we're open [TS]

00:13:31   we're open and we do things because [TS]

00:13:33   we're open and you can do whatever you [TS]

00:13:35   want with our stuff cuz we're open like [TS]

00:13:36   that's just like open for open sake is [TS]

00:13:38   just cheesy and I don't really care [TS]

00:13:40   also I mean Google's case they're often [TS]

00:13:41   using it as a total marketing BS thing [TS]

00:13:43   like it's a there's open and there's [TS]

00:13:46   Google and those occasionally intersect [TS]

00:13:48   a little bit but they're not usually [TS]

00:13:50   that intersecting yeah I completely [TS]

00:13:52   agree with you [TS]

00:13:53   but this is a case where this sort of [TS]

00:13:57   gated community really bums me out that [TS]

00:14:00   that I can't use the music streaming [TS]

00:14:03   platform that I prefer with the physical [TS]

00:14:08   speaker that I would probably really [TS]

00:14:10   love I have been so far I am so far [TS]

00:14:13   behind on podcast like I haven't [TS]

00:14:14   listened to what was it query that was [TS]

00:14:17   on relay that um had serenity Caldwell [TS]

00:14:20   discussing her experience with home pod [TS]

00:14:22   is that right I think I have that right [TS]

00:14:23   well whatever it is I'll put a link in [TS]

00:14:24   the show notes and so I haven't listened [TS]

00:14:27   to that yet but I'm really looking [TS]

00:14:28   forward to yes query number 23 I'll put [TS]

00:14:31   it in the show notes and certainly [TS]

00:14:33   Caldwell was able to get some hands-on [TS]

00:14:35   time with the home pod and apparently [TS]

00:14:39   spent basically an hour discussing it on [TS]

00:14:40   on this episode of query which is a [TS]

00:14:42   really great podcast with with Steven [TS]

00:14:44   Hackett so I have no chance listen to [TS]

00:14:46   that all I've heard through the [TS]

00:14:47   grapevine from the little I've been [TS]

00:14:48   paying attention to is that the home pod [TS]

00:14:50   really does sound really great and you [TS]

00:14:52   know what that sounds good to me let it [TS]

00:14:53   pardon the pun but that sounds good like [TS]

00:14:55   I could see me putting this in my living [TS]

00:14:57   room even as a redundant set of speakers [TS]

00:14:59   just because I could see screaming [TS]

00:15:01   across the room [TS]

00:15:02   hey cylinder play you know the latest [TS]

00:15:05   album by Radiohead on Spotify or [TS]

00:15:07   something like that and that would be [TS]

00:15:08   pretty awesome like one of my favorite [TS]

00:15:10   things about one with a brief window [TS]

00:15:12   time I used Apple music was being able [TS]

00:15:14   to use Siri with it especially on my [TS]

00:15:16   phone but because this is this is a [TS]

00:15:19   walled garden that that Spotify isn't [TS]

00:15:22   allowed in and actually to that end [TS]

00:15:24   overcast isn't either in terms of of [TS]

00:15:26   Siri support this is this is a [TS]

00:15:29   non-starter to me like I'm just not [TS]

00:15:31   interested in it and [TS]

00:15:32   and that kind of bums me out because [TS]

00:15:34   which is stupid right like it bums me [TS]

00:15:36   out that I can't send some faceless [TS]

00:15:38   corporation another 350 dollars of my [TS]

00:15:40   money like that's so dumb but I don't [TS]

00:15:42   know like a few years ago I would be [TS]

00:15:44   excited about this sort of thing and now [TS]

00:15:45   I'm kind of like huh that's too bad I [TS]

00:15:48   wish I could get excited about this but [TS]

00:15:50   I can't and I know that there's like [TS]

00:15:51   some capitalism like capitalism thoughts [TS]

00:15:53   and stuff is evil etcetera etcetera but [TS]

00:15:55   I don't know this is just a silly thing [TS]

00:15:57   that used to make me happy and a new [TS]

00:15:59   Apple thing used to always make me happy [TS]

00:16:00   even when I claimed it wouldn't it have [TS]

00:16:03   any inevitably did but and maybe that'll [TS]

00:16:05   be the case here - who knows but I don't [TS]

00:16:08   know man I'm just bummed because I want [TS]

00:16:10   to be excited about it and I just can't [TS]

00:16:11   bring myself to you know I guess we're [TS]

00:16:16   all in the same page but I guess we all [TS]

00:16:20   don't like music as much as we like [TS]

00:16:22   television and movies because multiple [TS]

00:16:27   multiple streaming services right for [TS]

00:16:30   video we all subscribe to Netflix right [TS]

00:16:32   how many people subscribe to something [TS]

00:16:34   else besides Netflix I have HBO whatever [TS]

00:16:36   right and Casey anything else definite [TS]

00:16:41   so recurring subscriptions are Netflix [TS]

00:16:43   and Spotify and I think that's it for us [TS]

00:16:46   maybe cases uneven footing but Markos [TS]

00:16:48   got twice as many video as audio [TS]

00:16:51   services Grande it's just two to one I [TS]

00:16:53   have like seven times as many video [TS]

00:16:56   services wait nope you're wrong I [TS]

00:16:59   subscribe to Apple music and Amazon [TS]

00:17:01   music whatever on the echo oh so I'm [TS]

00:17:04   tied alright but but it's I think it's [TS]

00:17:06   different because like with streaming [TS]

00:17:08   services I think you have way lower of a [TS]

00:17:11   percentage of overlap if you look at [TS]

00:17:12   like the Venn diagram of each one's [TS]

00:17:14   catalogs right video streaming services [TS]

00:17:16   I feel like there's a lot less overlap [TS]

00:17:18   between each one's music streaming [TS]

00:17:19   services the overlap of those Venn [TS]

00:17:22   diagram circles of what they have is [TS]

00:17:24   like almost identical to call mostly on [TS]

00:17:26   top of each other yeah so you don't feel [TS]

00:17:27   like you're getting anything extra I [TS]

00:17:28   mean yeah it feels redundant to pay for [TS]

00:17:30   multiple uses whereas it doesn't feel [TS]

00:17:32   redundant to pay for multiple streaming [TS]

00:17:33   services there's different content on [TS]

00:17:34   them yeah I suppose although but there's [TS]

00:17:38   probably lots of exclusive content we [TS]

00:17:40   just don't know what it is because you [TS]

00:17:42   know maybe you're into classical music [TS]

00:17:43   maybe one [TS]

00:17:44   like all the class of me is gonna when I [TS]

00:17:45   scrap or none of them I fish you know [TS]

00:17:48   foreign music none of them have fish [TS]

00:17:50   right but if one of them did that would [TS]

00:17:51   be a differentiator oh no I think [TS]

00:17:52   Spotify has a fair bit of fish doesn't [TS]

00:17:54   it not they don't know but not all the [TS]

00:17:56   live shows actually live fish has their [TS]

00:17:58   own app and with other you think the [TS]

00:17:59   restroom service that has has all the [TS]

00:18:01   stuff yeah well anyway what I'm getting [TS]

00:18:03   at is like why you know why is it I play [TS]

00:18:06   for Google Play and I won't play valve [TS]

00:18:07   music part of it might be the overlap [TS]

00:18:09   but like I don't have that problem in [TS]

00:18:10   video there's a lot of overlap in the [TS]

00:18:12   video services but all when I envision [TS]

00:18:14   the video services it's like look the [TS]

00:18:16   only reason I'm subscribing to the CBS [TS]

00:18:18   thing is for the one Star Trek show like [TS]

00:18:19   in the worst case scenario it's like I'm [TS]

00:18:22   literally subscribing for a single show [TS]

00:18:24   because it's the only place I can get it [TS]

00:18:26   it's a hundred percent exclusive right [TS]

00:18:27   and these video services pay to have [TS]

00:18:30   exclusive content created for them [TS]

00:18:31   that's what brings me to them I'm not at [TS]

00:18:34   this point I'm no longer subscribe to [TS]

00:18:35   Netflix to see a bunch of like their [TS]

00:18:37   back catalogue of movies it's purely for [TS]

00:18:40   original Netflix series we don't have [TS]

00:18:44   that in the music space but anyway I'm [TS]

00:18:46   what I'm getting as I'm paying you know [TS]

00:18:48   tens of dollars for all these services [TS]

00:18:51   every single month and it doesn't bother [TS]

00:18:52   me but also paying for Apple music just [TS]

00:18:55   feels like yeah and I think that mostly [TS]

00:18:57   for me anyway it's because I I watch [TS]

00:19:00   much more television movies than I [TS]

00:19:01   listen to music because there's a fact [TS]

00:19:03   right I mean and even in scenarios where [TS]

00:19:05   I would be listening to music most of [TS]

00:19:07   the things of podcasts which you know so [TS]

00:19:09   what does all this say that I don't [TS]

00:19:13   think the cylinder market is uniquely [TS]

00:19:15   hosed it is hosed in very similar ways [TS]

00:19:18   to the sort of the balkanized [TS]

00:19:21   video market it's just that the video [TS]

00:19:24   market I guess feels better because of [TS]

00:19:25   the original content although it doesn't [TS]

00:19:26   feel great I mean I you know when I [TS]

00:19:29   resist adding up exactly how much money [TS]

00:19:32   I'm paying every month for all my video [TS]

00:19:33   services because I think it's a pretty [TS]

00:19:35   big number going back one more minute to [TS]

00:19:37   what you said a few minutes ago Casey [TS]

00:19:39   about like the the kind of feeling of [TS]

00:19:41   openness that you that you want or or [TS]

00:19:43   seek from this product that you can't [TS]

00:19:45   get hmm so for reasons I'll get into [TS]

00:19:48   later in the show I've kind of been [TS]

00:19:49   thinking similar lines recently or [TS]

00:19:51   having similar sensibility and I you [TS]

00:19:54   know the the fact that the home [TS]

00:19:57   has no equivalent or to basically a line [TS]

00:20:00   in port [TS]

00:20:01   like maybe airplay one might be that [TS]

00:20:04   equivalent to put like basically it has [TS]

00:20:06   no line in port this [TS]

00:20:09   I feel like limits its lifetime in a way [TS]

00:20:11   that people who buy speakers I think are [TS]

00:20:14   gonna be disappointed with this long [TS]

00:20:16   term like if you look at the iPod hi-fi [TS]

00:20:19   the famous flop Apple product well you [TS]

00:20:21   know what [TS]

00:20:22   the iPod high-five for the very few [TS]

00:20:23   people who spent the crazy amount of [TS]

00:20:25   money to buy it which actually I think [TS]

00:20:26   was four hundred dollars right it's not [TS]

00:20:28   that different from the price of the [TS]

00:20:29   whole but I thought maybe anyway it was [TS]

00:20:34   350 by the way okay yeah so he Co but [TS]

00:20:37   like for the few people who bought those [TS]

00:20:39   or who got them later off eBay as a joke [TS]

00:20:41   like you know like I know Jason snow and [TS]

00:20:43   Steven Hackett both have them and they [TS]

00:20:45   both still use them now the the iPod [TS]

00:20:48   hi-fi the main input was an iPod 30-pin [TS]

00:20:51   dock connector on the top but it also [TS]

00:20:53   had a line in port on the back and so [TS]

00:20:56   this speaker that by all accounts is [TS]

00:20:58   actually a pretty decent speaker is [TS]

00:21:00   still useful today what is it a decade [TS]

00:21:02   after it came out something like that so [TS]

00:21:04   like it's still useful today [TS]

00:21:06   because it's just a good speaker and [TS]

00:21:08   good speakers don't go out of date good [TS]

00:21:10   speakers are always good speakers I mean [TS]

00:21:12   eventually maybe the cones could rot but [TS]

00:21:13   it takes a very long time like a good [TS]

00:21:16   speaker is useful way beyond the [TS]

00:21:19   lifetime of a typical tech gadget and [TS]

00:21:21   people who buy good speakers and who [TS]

00:21:23   value good speakers know this because [TS]

00:21:25   every good speakers ever bought has been [TS]

00:21:27   this way and you know Casey like you [TS]

00:21:29   know your your parents and and you know [TS]

00:21:31   and my parents were both like you know [TS]

00:21:33   super into music and hi-fi systems and [TS]

00:21:34   you know we both grew up listening to [TS]

00:21:36   speaker systems that were decades old [TS]

00:21:38   and you know at many of those components [TS]

00:21:41   still work today decades later that's [TS]

00:21:43   exactly true so my dad's fancy fancy [TS]

00:21:45   fancy stereo is 15-20 years old at this [TS]

00:21:49   point and I know he has T loud speakers [TS]

00:21:51   are now I'm having second thoughts I'm [TS]

00:21:53   pretty sure he has T loud speakers [TS]

00:21:54   there's a second set of speakers a [TS]

00:21:56   second stereo in his house that is like [TS]

00:21:58   that I believe they're Dahlquist s-- and [TS]

00:22:00   i am almost sure he had those in his [TS]

00:22:03   dorm room when he was a kid and my dad [TS]

00:22:06   is 60 and change and he was in college [TS]

00:22:09   when he was like 20 so he [TS]

00:22:11   her point I think you might have had to [TS]

00:22:12   replace a cone here there something like [TS]

00:22:14   that but i % agree with what you're [TS]

00:22:17   driving at that good speakers can last [TS]

00:22:19   not literally forever but effectively [TS]

00:22:21   freaking forever yeah in the tech world [TS]

00:22:23   they last forever like you know relative [TS]

00:22:24   to other products that we use and so the [TS]

00:22:27   iPod hi-fi this this speaker that came [TS]

00:22:29   out forever ago and was a flop is still [TS]

00:22:33   totally functional today for the few [TS]

00:22:34   people who have them because it had a [TS]

00:22:37   line in jacket it has like this escape [TS]

00:22:38   valve that like this future proofs this [TS]

00:22:41   thing for a very long time you know and [TS]

00:22:43   the home pod I understand why Apple's [TS]

00:22:46   positioning it so much as like a good [TS]

00:22:48   speaker because I said like that's [TS]

00:22:49   playing to its strain sanding and trying [TS]

00:22:51   to position it away from Apple's [TS]

00:22:52   weaknesses in this product that's good [TS]

00:22:54   but a good speaker is expected to last [TS]

00:22:57   and to be useful you know if you're [TS]

00:23:00   gonna be spending $350 for a good [TS]

00:23:03   speaker and and that's just for one by [TS]

00:23:05   the way like I think a lot of people are [TS]

00:23:07   gonna end up wanting to for the way it [TS]

00:23:09   feels bitten you know larger rooms [TS]

00:23:10   better mm-hm you know if you can be [TS]

00:23:12   spending this kind of money on a speaker [TS]

00:23:14   it is convention in the industry that [TS]

00:23:16   that speaker lasts and it doesn't have [TS]

00:23:19   to last 50 years you know I I understand [TS]

00:23:21   there's like complex processors going in [TS]

00:23:23   there and lots of different tweeters and [TS]

00:23:24   everything like that so it's more [TS]

00:23:25   complex than most speakers but if this [TS]

00:23:27   thing is a flop your and you know [TS]

00:23:29   there's no guarantee that it will be but [TS]

00:23:30   I'm saying like this thing is a flop and [TS]

00:23:32   support for it dwindles and in the [TS]

00:23:33   software over the next you know five 10 [TS]

00:23:35   years whatever if you have one of these [TS]

00:23:37   10 years from now if it has a line [TS]

00:23:40   import you can still use it but if like [TS]

00:23:43   the software ecosystem dries up or moves [TS]

00:23:45   on this thing is now useless and I [TS]

00:23:48   understand a lot of tech products are [TS]

00:23:50   this way now this is honestly how much [TS]

00:23:52   of Sonos has operated I'm in fact almost [TS]

00:23:54   all of Sonos works this way and that's [TS]

00:23:56   one of the reasons why I kind of don't [TS]

00:23:57   like it but it just kind of rubs me the [TS]

00:24:01   wrong way that like this product is so [TS]

00:24:03   dependent on its internet connection the [TS]

00:24:06   series servers backing it up and the [TS]

00:24:08   proprietary airplay protocol and things [TS]

00:24:11   like that that it's it makes it really [TS]

00:24:13   hard to envision this thing being useful [TS]

00:24:17   in 10 years yeah and to that end it's [TS]

00:24:20   super surprising to me like you were [TS]

00:24:22   saying that there's no just like [TS]

00:24:24   input Jack and you are on here and I'm [TS]

00:24:27   looking at the home pod specs and it [TS]

00:24:30   says where is this it says shoot I just [TS]

00:24:33   lost it [TS]

00:24:34   lalala audio sources there we go it says [TS]

00:24:37   Apple music itunes music purchases Eike [TS]

00:24:39   Eike loud music library with an apple [TS]

00:24:41   music or iTunes Match subscription which [TS]

00:24:43   by the way is very cool I'm glad that I [TS]

00:24:45   choose in iTunes mattress supported [TS]

00:24:46   because I do still subscribe to that I [TS]

00:24:48   guess that is another audio service to [TS]

00:24:50   John's point earlier anyway [TS]

00:24:51   beats will i/o beats one live radio what [TS]

00:24:54   is it always on worldwide podcast that's [TS]

00:24:56   still our play I think podcasts play a [TS]

00:25:00   worldwide airplay other content - home [TS]

00:25:03   pod from iphone ipad ipod touch apple TV [TS]

00:25:04   and Mac you'll note that Bluetooth is [TS]

00:25:07   not listed in the audio sources section [TS]

00:25:10   however in the wireless section it lists [TS]

00:25:13   802 11 AC Wi-Fi with mi mo direct guest [TS]

00:25:17   access whatever the crap that means in [TS]

00:25:19   Bluetooth 5 so I don't know if bluetooth [TS]

00:25:22   is supported or not and again I [TS]

00:25:23   apologize if I should know this but I [TS]

00:25:25   have not had time to read up on any of [TS]

00:25:26   this stuff lately but it is quite [TS]

00:25:29   possible that that your point Marco [TS]

00:25:31   airplay is the only way to get [TS]

00:25:33   quote-unquote other audio into this [TS]

00:25:35   thing and that just Sevilla and I am I [TS]

00:25:38   love airplay like it has its problems [TS]

00:25:40   don't get me wrong but I love airplay I [TS]

00:25:42   use airplay all the time B oftentimes [TS]

00:25:44   streaming Spotify to my Apple TV because [TS]

00:25:46   it would be great if spot if I made a [TS]

00:25:48   friggin Apple TV app but that's a [TS]

00:25:49   different issue anyway I like airplay I [TS]

00:25:52   think airplay works great and that seems [TS]

00:25:54   to be the only mechanism to get other [TS]

00:25:56   audio in here which I agree with you [TS]

00:25:58   Marco is kind of bananas because you [TS]

00:26:01   would think like at least give us a [TS]

00:26:03   little like what is it an RCA jack or [TS]

00:26:05   like a headphone jack or did you know [TS]

00:26:07   what I'm thinking of it but what was [TS]

00:26:08   either an 8 inch stereo headphone in [TS]

00:26:11   Jack or a or a pair of RCA plugs right [TS]

00:26:13   exactly like that would that would [TS]

00:26:15   dramatically increase the usefulness of [TS]

00:26:17   that of this thing in my personal [TS]

00:26:19   opinion and here again like I think it's [TS]

00:26:21   a bit of a stretch for me to say what [TS]

00:26:22   I'm about to say but here's like another [TS]

00:26:24   quote unquote open issue like if this [TS]

00:26:27   was designed [TS]

00:26:28   maybe openness is a poor choice of words [TS]

00:26:30   maybe flexibility is a better word if [TS]

00:26:32   this was designed to be more flexible [TS]

00:26:34   then it may have some mechanism of [TS]

00:26:38   physic [TS]

00:26:38   audio input maybe it would have more [TS]

00:26:41   software support for Spotify or friggin [TS]

00:26:44   overcast or pocket cast whatever I don't [TS]

00:26:47   care if overcast isn't your you know [TS]

00:26:49   podcasting platform of choice but I do [TS]

00:26:51   affair whoo you know what I mean though [TS]

00:26:54   like anything it would be a god it's [TS]

00:26:56   just so frustrating cuz I feel like this [TS]

00:26:58   is right up my alley as someone who has [TS]

00:27:00   music playing in the house almost always [TS]

00:27:02   and I really mean that like I if silence [TS]

00:27:05   just freaks me out I have to have music [TS]

00:27:07   playing when I'm when I'm in the house [TS]

00:27:09   just playing with declan or whatever I [TS]

00:27:11   constantly have mice my stereo that my [TS]

00:27:14   like home theater if you will stereo on [TS]

00:27:16   playing some sort of music this would be [TS]

00:27:19   perfect for me if I could get music into [TS]

00:27:23   it from some mechanism other than [TS]

00:27:24   airplay and I guess maybe the adult [TS]

00:27:26   answer if you will is well your airplane [TS]

00:27:28   to your Apple TV a lot of the time [TS]

00:27:30   anyway so who cares grow up but I know [TS]

00:27:33   it just it's so frustrating that it [TS]

00:27:34   doesn't have to be that way that's [TS]

00:27:35   that's not a good answer [TS]

00:27:36   you know what I mean exactly like it [TS]

00:27:38   doesn't feel right to me like why would [TS]

00:27:39   I spend 3 or $50 to do something I'm [TS]

00:27:42   already doing you know it's just well [TS]

00:27:44   and also airplay is limited you know as [TS]

00:27:46   I mentioned last episode airplay has [TS]

00:27:47   certain latency in different scenarios [TS]

00:27:49   even airplay to is going to have latency [TS]

00:27:51   Apple TV is is going to be able to work [TS]

00:27:53   with it by compensating for that and [TS]

00:27:55   like delaying the video stream so it [TS]

00:27:56   catches up with the audio properly but [TS]

00:27:58   you know any other thing sent into it [TS]

00:28:01   might not and so you know if your answer [TS]

00:28:03   here is airplay or even Bluetooth which [TS]

00:28:04   also has some latency you know that [TS]

00:28:06   rules out things like using it as TV [TS]

00:28:07   speakers for a lot of people setups [TS]

00:28:09   rules out you know future audio [TS]

00:28:10   components you might want to connect to [TS]

00:28:12   it like honestly I know this this is not [TS]

00:28:14   something Apple would want to enable but [TS]

00:28:16   like if you really liked the Amazon echo [TS]

00:28:18   service and wanted to buy a home pod for [TS]

00:28:21   its audio if I had a line in you could [TS]

00:28:23   plug in an echo dot to it and have it [TS]

00:28:25   and have it be like have it receive [TS]

00:28:27   audio from that like in my word that's [TS]

00:28:29   something that people actually consider [TS]

00:28:31   that for my kitchen like it's actually [TS]

00:28:33   something like people could do and I [TS]

00:28:35   know apples not gonna try to enable it [TS]

00:28:36   for reasons like that but like they [TS]

00:28:37   would probably saw more and it's just [TS]

00:28:39   again like it's the audio world I feel [TS]

00:28:42   like yeah and this is kind of a larger [TS]

00:28:44   tech problem like you know Apple talks [TS]

00:28:47   so much about their environmental [TS]

00:28:48   responsibility and everything but they [TS]

00:28:50   sure make a lot of really limited [TS]

00:28:52   Elizabeth their recyclable you know I [TS]

00:28:54   don't know some of us have this since we [TS]

00:28:57   failed as a group to buy one I don't [TS]

00:29:00   know if it works as a plain old [TS]

00:29:01   Bluetooth speaker but imagine if Amazon [TS]

00:29:03   ships the dot with Bluetooth and then [TS]

00:29:06   the dot can use the home pod as a [TS]

00:29:10   Bluetooth speaker but by the way all [TS]

00:29:12   Amazon echos can already do that [TS]

00:29:13   including the dots but as far as we know [TS]

00:29:17   the home pod can't take bluetooth input [TS]

00:29:20   as a speaker like the Bluetooth is there [TS]

00:29:21   but it seems like it's there just for [TS]

00:29:23   like its own private use it does seem [TS]

00:29:25   like your phone calls [TS]

00:29:27   perhaps oh yeah actually I bet you're [TS]

00:29:29   right it's probably for the phone call [TS]

00:29:29   profile but like you know blue it's [TS]

00:29:31   exposed to certain profiles and you know [TS]

00:29:32   there's some phone calls or something [TS]

00:29:34   for being speakers for music and from [TS]

00:29:36   what we know so far it does not expose [TS]

00:29:38   the a2dp protocol for music and so or [TS]

00:29:40   whatever the more modern ones are so it [TS]

00:29:43   doesn't it doesn't seem front we know so [TS]

00:29:45   far that it is capable of being a [TS]

00:29:46   Bluetooth speaker you know by itself [TS]

00:29:48   seems like you have to buy one to find [TS]

00:29:49   out Karam hasn't said either way no one [TS]

00:29:51   in the chatroom Balwyn either we failed [TS]

00:29:52   as a collective well nobody has them yet [TS]

00:29:55   there was something I'm pretty sure [TS]

00:29:57   during the hour-long demo at Apple PR [TS]

00:29:59   though that some people had they [TS]

00:30:01   probably didn't want you to like pair [TS]

00:30:02   your phone to it to see if I could run [TS]

00:30:04   as a Bluetooth speaker yeah oh let me [TS]

00:30:07   I'll bring an echo in what you'd see if [TS]

00:30:09   the echo compared to it yeah another [TS]

00:30:11   point about this is you know all of us [TS]

00:30:12   are asking for like line in or RCA or [TS]

00:30:14   you know basically a wire connected to [TS]

00:30:17   the thing but it could be that the [TS]

00:30:19   ubiquity of Bluetooth just washes over [TS]

00:30:21   the entire industry and having bluetooth [TS]

00:30:25   is becomes the equivalent of having a [TS]

00:30:27   line in for most people like not [TS]

00:30:30   high-end audio people because I would [TS]

00:30:31   say you know $300 is expensive but it's [TS]

00:30:34   not high-end audio [TS]

00:30:35   expensive right no no it's it's high-end [TS]

00:30:38   audio a mid-range mid-range I guess when [TS]

00:30:41   you have two of them maybe it's made [TS]

00:30:42   arrangement well okay in audio there's [TS]

00:30:44   like there's three prices that [TS]

00:30:45   everything is either nothing $300 or [TS]

00:30:48   $50,000 like that's roughly to get the [TS]

00:30:52   classes here yeah so anyway well it [TS]

00:30:55   could be that we're just behind the [TS]

00:30:56   market and having the ability to take [TS]

00:30:59   glue to the input is sufficient for [TS]

00:31:01   everybody in fact to what people want [TS]

00:31:03   and then we just have to find out [TS]

00:31:05   whether they can take them all so [TS]

00:31:06   getting back to the hardware thing if it [TS]

00:31:08   doesn't take bluetooth input now as long [TS]

00:31:10   as the hardware is there there's no [TS]

00:31:11   reason they can't change that later and [TS]

00:31:13   then you can have your echo dot talking [TS]

00:31:14   to your own pod scenario in your kitchen [TS]

00:31:17   yeah maybe I mean that would be nice to [TS]

00:31:19   have just to have options like that like [TS]

00:31:21   I know that's a ridiculous thing but [TS]

00:31:22   although I would probably actually I [TS]

00:31:24   really might complain a little dot on [TS]

00:31:25   top of it well that would cover up the [TS]

00:31:27   little screen on it yeah like it just [TS]

00:31:31   like again it you know case you [TS]

00:31:33   mentioned earlier flexibility I would I [TS]

00:31:34   would maybe use the word versatility [TS]

00:31:36   like it's there are so many more things [TS]

00:31:39   scenarios in which the home pod could be [TS]

00:31:41   useful or could be compelling if it had [TS]

00:31:43   just one or two of these walls knocked [TS]

00:31:46   down a little bit but yeah over time [TS]

00:31:48   maybe it will we'll see we are sponsored [TS]

00:31:51   this week by hover a great way to buy [TS]

00:31:53   and manage domain names go to hover comm [TS]

00:31:56   slash ATP and you can get 10% off any [TS]

00:31:59   domain purchase these days who doesn't [TS]

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00:32:08   hover has over 400 domain extensions to [TS]

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00:32:13   online to help you find a great name for [TS]

00:32:15   yourself and a lot of these if I'm on if [TS]

00:32:18   I'm honest they're a little bit weird or [TS]

00:32:19   a little bit you know goofy because [TS]

00:32:20   they're like they're like big long words [TS]

00:32:22   or a little too specific so things like [TS]

00:32:24   dot pizza or dot diamonds or dot [TS]

00:32:25   plumbing most of them aren't that useful [TS]

00:32:28   but there are some that are short and [TS]

00:32:31   generic enough that it doesn't take away [TS]

00:32:33   from your branding actually can add to [TS]

00:32:34   it and one of these I think one of the [TS]

00:32:36   best ones is dot me and hovers running a [TS]

00:32:39   great deal for dot me dot me is a really [TS]

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00:32:47   if you have one of these sites ready to [TS]

00:32:49   go get yourself a dot me extension and [TS]

00:32:51   if you've never used hover before you're [TS]

00:32:54   in luck it's really great and you can [TS]

00:32:56   get an additional ten percent off any [TS]

00:32:58   domain extensions offered for your [TS]

00:32:59   entire first year so check out today at [TS]

00:33:02   hover comm slash ATP see these great [TS]

00:33:04   deals check out a dot knee extension [TS]

00:33:06   especially and there's if you don't want [TS]

00:33:08   that there's tons of other ones too it [TS]

00:33:10   is really great I use hover for more [TS]

00:33:12   than half of my domains now and all my [TS]

00:33:14   new domain purchases and it's wonderful [TS]

00:33:16   it's just so pleasant [TS]

00:33:17   to use it's well designed it's very [TS]

00:33:19   respectful of your time your attention [TS]

00:33:21   your privacy and your budget and it's a [TS]

00:33:24   great place to go if you for any domain [TS]

00:33:25   names but especially the dot me [TS]

00:33:27   extension right now so check it out [TS]

00:33:29   today get your portfolio up and running [TS]

00:33:30   on a dot me extension or whatever else [TS]

00:33:32   you might need from a domain name hover [TS]

00:33:34   comm slash ATP and get 10% off any [TS]

00:33:37   domain name purchase thank you so much [TS]

00:33:39   to cover for sponsoring our show all [TS]

00:33:44   right I want to tell a short story that [TS]

00:33:47   is really an excuse to talk about a [TS]

00:33:50   shopping experience I just had so I have [TS]

00:33:53   my MacBook adorable and I have a USB c2 [TS]

00:33:58   Ethernet adapter that also has three [TS]

00:34:01   traditional USB ports on it and it's a [TS]

00:34:03   little bit physically large but the [TS]

00:34:05   problem is because I have a MacBook [TS]

00:34:06   adorable that only has one port which [TS]

00:34:08   usually doesn't bother me but [TS]

00:34:09   occasionally does let's say I wanted to [TS]

00:34:11   do a initial Time Machine backup which [TS]

00:34:14   can take hours then I would have to make [TS]

00:34:17   sure that I can do that before my [TS]

00:34:19   battery depletes because this USB C [TS]

00:34:22   Ethernet adapter does not have USB C in [TS]

00:34:24   so I have no mechanism by which I can [TS]

00:34:27   power my laptop all I'm using Ethernet [TS]

00:34:29   which normally is not that big a deal [TS]

00:34:31   but it's sometimes frustrating right [TS]

00:34:32   well I also have a knockoff version of [TS]

00:34:36   the Apple I forget the official term for [TS]

00:34:38   it but the Apple adapter that has HDMI [TS]

00:34:42   USB C in to provide power and a single [TS]

00:34:46   USB what a you know traditional USB 3 [TS]

00:34:49   port yes the $80 middle finger from [TS]

00:34:51   Apple yeah well I think I got mine for [TS]

00:34:53   like 15 or 20 bucks or something like [TS]

00:34:55   that I'll put a link in the show notes [TS]

00:34:56   of course I paid 80 for mine because I [TS]

00:34:59   think I'd got mine from monoprice or [TS]

00:35:00   something like that all again I'll have [TS]

00:35:01   to dig it up I don't remember offhand [TS]

00:35:02   but it were I've never had a problem [TS]

00:35:04   with it it works great and it was a heck [TS]

00:35:07   of a lot less than 80 bucks [TS]

00:35:08   so it occurred to me this you know HDMI [TS]

00:35:13   thing err that again has HDMI USB see in [TS]

00:35:16   traditional USB that's actually a really [TS]

00:35:19   nice way to add a single USB port while [TS]

00:35:21   maintaining power so you know what I [TS]

00:35:23   should do I should get a USB Ethernet [TS]

00:35:27   adapter and this way if I do have a long [TS]

00:35:30   running [TS]

00:35:31   operation like a like a time machine [TS]

00:35:32   back up I can plug this you know the [TS]

00:35:35   old-school USB Ethernet adapter into my [TS]

00:35:38   fancy pants not you know 80 but not [TS]

00:35:41   actually $80 adapter into the macbook [TS]

00:35:43   adorable so I bought a like $15 Ethernet [TS]

00:35:48   adapter that runs over USB 3 I get it to [TS]

00:35:51   the house and I bought it from Amazon I [TS]

00:35:52   get it to the house and I did not do my [TS]

00:35:55   due diligence and it requires a driver [TS]

00:35:57   and that should have been enough to stop [TS]

00:36:00   me but I was annoyed and I was like well [TS]

00:36:01   screw it it's already here I don't wanna [TS]

00:36:03   have to return it so I'll just install [TS]

00:36:05   this driver so there I go installing a [TS]

00:36:07   kernel extension that unequivocally came [TS]

00:36:10   from China thinking to myself this is [TS]

00:36:12   not a wise choice but Here I am here's [TS]

00:36:14   our extension for a USB network adapter [TS]

00:36:17   yeah I would have gone right back in the [TS]

00:36:20   box for me well I understand that this [TS]

00:36:23   was a terrible idea I don't need you to [TS]

00:36:25   write into me anyone I understand I get [TS]

00:36:28   it I understand China might be looking [TS]

00:36:31   at every bit of network traffic that [TS]

00:36:32   ever comes through this computer I get [TS]

00:36:34   mean that's one problem also just like [TS]

00:36:35   your computer is gonna suck now like [TS]

00:36:37   it's gonna have you're gonna have [TS]

00:36:38   stability issues no the next OS updates [TS]

00:36:41   gonna probably break it like well so you [TS]

00:36:44   should not say I am fully aware of all [TS]

00:36:47   these that so I was just frustrated and [TS]

00:36:50   in the heat of the moment I just went [TS]

00:36:51   with it well then I do this kernel [TS]

00:36:53   extension I know I tried to install this [TS]

00:36:55   driver it installs just fine but I can't [TS]

00:36:58   maintain a connection for more than like [TS]

00:37:01   a minute or two and I decide you know [TS]

00:37:02   what that is definitely not gonna work [TS]

00:37:05   and even though this thing is only $15 [TS]

00:37:07   I'm gonna have to return it so I go to [TS]

00:37:10   return it on to Amazon which I've done [TS]

00:37:12   like once or twice in the past but I [TS]

00:37:13   think it was one of you guys had said [TS]

00:37:15   this before like it takes a lot for me [TS]

00:37:17   to return anything even to like a [TS]

00:37:19   nameless corporation you know it's [TS]

00:37:21   really bad for me to return something to [TS]

00:37:23   a retail store I hate doing that because [TS]

00:37:25   I just feel like a jerk oh yeah even if [TS]

00:37:27   it's well within my you know an ability [TS]

00:37:30   that's not the word I'm looking for but [TS]

00:37:31   if it's well within my rights I guess [TS]

00:37:32   for lack of a better word to return [TS]

00:37:34   something I hate doing it I think Marco [TS]

00:37:35   you've talked about this a lot and I [TS]

00:37:36   feel exactly the same way [TS]

00:37:38   I mean honestly to be fairly it's so [TS]

00:37:39   easy to returns up to Amazon that I do [TS]

00:37:41   return Swift Amazon at more of a regular [TS]

00:37:43   person rate [TS]

00:37:44   than anything else in my life there you [TS]

00:37:47   go so perfect segue thank you all I'll [TS]

00:37:50   send you a dollar later uh-huh so I [TS]

00:37:51   decide to return this thing to Amazon [TS]

00:37:53   and I start grumbling to myself because [TS]

00:37:55   like I'm gonna have to box it up and [TS]

00:37:57   then I have to mail it and it's gonna be [TS]

00:37:59   a royal pain but one of the options I [TS]

00:38:02   had was to return it to an Amazon locker [TS]

00:38:04   I thought to myself you know I know [TS]

00:38:05   there's at least a couple of lockers [TS]

00:38:07   nearby don't be creepy I'm gonna try [TS]

00:38:09   this so they say okay you can return it [TS]

00:38:12   to an Amazon locker here's what you do [TS]

00:38:14   we've given you a PDF that has a [TS]

00:38:16   hilariously large like it almost looks [TS]

00:38:19   like a mailing label except there was no [TS]

00:38:22   postage required because it's going to [TS]

00:38:23   add Amazon locker and given that this [TS]

00:38:25   was a little USB adapter that was [TS]

00:38:27   probably the size of a deck of cards [TS]

00:38:28   like the box of it was roughly the size [TS]

00:38:30   of a deck of cards I needed to put it in [TS]

00:38:32   this like hilariously large box just to [TS]

00:38:35   fit the stupid mailing label on it but [TS]

00:38:36   be that as it may so far so good [TS]

00:38:38   so I print that out I find a much larger [TS]

00:38:41   box than I shouldn't that I should [TS]

00:38:42   really need I tape it all I put it in [TS]

00:38:44   the box I tape it a lot blah blah blah [TS]

00:38:46   and I go to the Amazon locker how much [TS]

00:38:48   did this thing cost again because now [TS]

00:38:50   you're over running my like how much did [TS]

00:38:53   you say $15 it was about 15 bucks [TS]

00:38:56   there's a way over $15 right you've [TS]

00:38:58   already spent it just I feel like I [TS]

00:39:00   spent $15 worth of effort listening to [TS]

00:39:01   this story so far well thanks a lot yeah [TS]

00:39:04   if I if I had a $15 product that didn't [TS]

00:39:07   work I would probably honestly just [TS]

00:39:09   throw it away [TS]

00:39:10   like I don't think I would go through [TS]

00:39:11   this system normally I would agree [TS]

00:39:17   normally I would not even think about it [TS]

00:39:18   especially since my LLC bought this so [TS]

00:39:20   it's like you know free money except not [TS]

00:39:22   but whatever oh that works yeah I know [TS]

00:39:25   but it's not like sometimes think about [TS]

00:39:26   it but anyway you really should I know I [TS]

00:39:29   shouldn't all right just leave me alone [TS]

00:39:30   okay just let me finish so the point is [TS]

00:39:32   that I decide to return his Amazon [TS]

00:39:33   locker and I agree with you guys this [TS]

00:39:35   was a hilarious amount of effort for [TS]

00:39:37   something that I should have just thrown [TS]

00:39:38   in the trash and walked away from but I [TS]

00:39:39   was annoyed and I wanted to kind of send [TS]

00:39:42   this back and say screw you this thing [TS]

00:39:43   was a piece of garbage so I Drive to the [TS]

00:39:46   Amazon locker and they give you a little [TS]

00:39:48   code and so there's a screen in the [TS]

00:39:50   middle of the lockers and you type in [TS]

00:39:51   your like 6 digit or 6 character code [TS]

00:39:53   whatever and I do that and then a locker [TS]

00:39:57   just pop [TS]

00:39:58   open which isn't entirely surprising [TS]

00:40:00   that was kind of cool to see and I go to [TS]

00:40:03   put my hilariously large box in this [TS]

00:40:06   locker that was about three or four [TS]

00:40:08   maybe three inches tall and this box was [TS]

00:40:10   easily six or seven inches and I look at [TS]

00:40:13   the box and I look at the locker and I [TS]

00:40:16   looked at the box and I look at the [TS]

00:40:17   locker and I think well crap this isn't [TS]

00:40:20   gonna go well I'm like what do I do [TS]

00:40:23   you throw it in the trash you consider [TS]

00:40:24   this problem gone American you would [TS]

00:40:28   have made that box fake just shove it in [TS]

00:40:30   scrunch it up wait why was the box so [TS]

00:40:33   big for like a little USB dongle thing [TS]

00:40:35   because of a stupid mailing label like [TS]

00:40:37   because the mailing label was easily [TS]

00:40:39   like six inches wide for this teeny tiny [TS]

00:40:41   little I think what I would have done is [TS]

00:40:42   just like tape the mail label around the [TS]

00:40:45   the item installation with make the men [TS]

00:40:49   label and tape the box and just make [TS]

00:40:52   sure the barcode is visible some well I [TS]

00:40:54   was gonna say you're also supposed [TS]

00:40:55   supposed to put something in like a [TS]

00:40:56   different bar code in the box just in [TS]

00:40:58   case but I agree with you well anyway [TS]

00:40:59   the reason I bring this up though is [TS]

00:41:00   because on the screen there was an [TS]

00:41:02   option that said my box is too big I [TS]

00:41:05   need a bigger locker please or whatever [TS]

00:41:07   and so I closed that I closed the locker [TS]

00:41:09   and I hit that button or I think I hit [TS]

00:41:11   the button then closed the locker and [TS]

00:41:12   sure enough a different one popped open [TS]

00:41:14   and it fit just fine and this was this [TS]

00:41:16   all happened yesterday [TS]

00:41:17   and so then X can't be the story it's no [TS]

00:41:20   in that and then I put my box into the [TS]

00:41:22   locker I shut the locker I waited a day [TS]

00:41:25   and they said they're gonna credit my [TS]

00:41:26   credit card how cool is that I just [TS]

00:41:28   thought that was such a neat about the [TS]

00:41:33   option to say that your box is too big [TS]

00:41:34   yeah to give like I'm really not messing [TS]

00:41:39   with you I know but this establishment [TS]

00:41:49   that's that's all in the cloud if you [TS]

00:41:51   will figuratively speaking it's all in [TS]

00:41:53   the cloud like there's there's no real [TS]

00:41:55   Amazon brick-and-mortar stores except [TS]

00:41:56   yeah well actually whatever whatever but [TS]

00:41:58   the point is that they just install this [TS]

00:42:01   was like a friggin Sunoco station that [TS]

00:42:03   they had this locker at and I could [TS]

00:42:05   drive to the Sunoco station don't be [TS]

00:42:07   creepy and I could return my item [TS]

00:42:09   without having to send anything in the [TS]

00:42:11   without having to worry about postage [TS]

00:42:13   without having to worry about whether or [TS]

00:42:15   not the mail was open wait you know that [TS]

00:42:17   when you return something they give you [TS]

00:42:19   a prepaid UPS label but then I still [TS]

00:42:22   would have to bring it to a UPS store [TS]

00:42:23   UPS drop but let me tell you the UPS [TS]

00:42:25   Drakh boxes are big enough to [TS]

00:42:27   accommodate your package yes first of [TS]

00:42:29   all there are tons of UPS doors and drop [TS]

00:42:32   boxes everywhere second of all you can [TS]

00:42:34   also hand it to any UPS driver anywhere [TS]

00:42:36   so if you have a UPS driver who comes to [TS]

00:42:38   your office everyday you can just bring [TS]

00:42:40   it to work and leave it like the front [TS]

00:42:41   us and say hey can you give this the you [TS]

00:42:42   to the UPS guy like or if you are at [TS]

00:42:45   home like I am and you see the UPS [TS]

00:42:47   person either come to your house or go [TS]

00:42:49   to a neighbor's house you can walk [TS]

00:42:50   outside me like here we go that's it [TS]

00:42:51   it's so easy I think that the second [TS]

00:42:54   strategy only works for Marco where the [TS]

00:42:55   UPS man comes to his house every single [TS]

00:42:57   day exactly that's exactly right you go [TS]

00:43:01   to you both go to offices where they [TS]

00:43:02   definitely come every day like there's [TS]

00:43:04   no like everything come to every office [TS]

00:43:05   every day like also you have like a [TS]

00:43:07   month to return it when you do this not [TS]

00:43:09   the Amazon locker the Amazon locker you [TS]

00:43:11   have one full business day thank you [TS]

00:43:13   very much okay if if you do if you do [TS]

00:43:15   the the UPS prepaid label which is the [TS]

00:43:17   option you should always take they give [TS]

00:43:19   you like a month to return it so it [TS]

00:43:21   doesn't matter if the UPS guy does come [TS]

00:43:22   to your house every day if somebody from [TS]

00:43:24   UPS comes to your house at least once a [TS]

00:43:26   month or you can find a drop box or past [TS]

00:43:28   the UPS store at least once a month you [TS]

00:43:30   just do that it's so my god I can't [TS]

00:43:34   believe you spent that much effort [TS]

00:43:37   because I know the reason I brought all [TS]

00:43:40   this up was not about this particular [TS]

00:43:41   stupid dongle it was not about you know [TS]

00:43:44   whether or not this was the most [TS]

00:43:45   effective way to return this item this [TS]

00:43:48   was just my first experience with an [TS]

00:43:49   Amazon Locker and I thought it was [TS]

00:43:52   really freaking cool and I could see how [TS]

00:43:54   having this at like Whole Foods is is [TS]

00:43:56   would be really convenient and I just [TS]

00:43:59   thought and I think that this is a [TS]

00:44:02   company that that really exists only in [TS]

00:44:06   the ether by most definitions right [TS]

00:44:08   there's there's magic where in you know [TS]

00:44:11   I click some buttons on like my keyboard [TS]

00:44:13   in my mouse then something suddenly [TS]

00:44:15   shows up at my house and I have no [TS]

00:44:17   mechanism why where wherein I can [TS]

00:44:20   physically take something and return it [TS]

00:44:22   to them like yes I understand what you [TS]

00:44:23   just said Marco [TS]

00:44:24   let you pee it the same way it got there [TS]

00:44:26   I get it but I understand but like I [TS]

00:44:29   just thought that this was really [TS]

00:44:30   freaking cool and and yes I understand [TS]

00:44:33   okay you can nitpick everything I just [TS]

00:44:34   said yes there's a local Amazon [TS]

00:44:36   warehouse but no I couldn't have brought [TS]

00:44:37   it there yes I can take you TBS that's [TS]

00:44:39   true [TS]

00:44:40   but I just thought that this was a [TS]

00:44:41   really neat like half way in a really [TS]

00:44:44   neat way to give themselves a foothold [TS]

00:44:47   geographically without having to have a [TS]

00:44:49   full-on brick-and-mortar store and if [TS]

00:44:52   you end up cutting this from the [TS]

00:44:53   released episode fine I just feel like [TS]

00:44:55   it's really cool and after all the [TS]

00:44:56   moaning and complaining we all did about [TS]

00:44:58   the home pod I thought we would like a [TS]

00:45:00   nice story and this to me was a nice [TS]

00:45:02   story so you're gonna try that Amazon [TS]

00:45:04   key thing next where you let Amazon open [TS]

00:45:06   the door to your house and go inside no [TS]

00:45:08   sir no no no that's the next step can be [TS]

00:45:11   neat just try it hate you're installing [TS]

00:45:14   text from China on your laptop why not [TS]

00:45:18   there we go we are sponsored this week [TS]

00:45:22   by fracture who prints beautiful-looking [TS]

00:45:25   photos directly onto glass visit [TS]

00:45:27   fracture dot me and say 15% off your [TS]

00:45:30   first order with code 80 P 17 we have [TS]

00:45:33   fracture prints all over our house now [TS]

00:45:35   we also have other leeway that we have [TS]

00:45:37   like you know frame pictures and posters [TS]

00:45:38   here and there no one ever mentions [TS]

00:45:40   those at all the fracture prints those [TS]

00:45:42   get tons of compliments and people [TS]

00:45:45   asking what's this because it just looks [TS]

00:45:47   great the pictures go edge to edge this [TS]

00:45:49   sleek frameless glass design it's just [TS]

00:45:52   it's awesome it looks clean and modern [TS]

00:45:55   but without looking to like you know [TS]

00:45:56   minimal or cold or anything it's it's [TS]

00:45:58   just a really nice look it goes with [TS]

00:46:00   pretty much any decor they also make [TS]

00:46:01   wonderful gifts because you can really [TS]

00:46:03   preserve a photo in a way that might be [TS]

00:46:05   meaningful to somebody say maybe a [TS]

00:46:07   parent or grandparent or some friends if [TS]

00:46:10   it's something meaningful between you [TS]

00:46:11   fractures look great they're easy to [TS]

00:46:14   order they're easy to get they come very [TS]

00:46:16   securely packed I've never had one [TS]

00:46:17   arrive broken and all fractures are [TS]

00:46:20   handmade in Gainesville Florida [TS]

00:46:22   from us source materials in a carbon [TS]

00:46:24   neutral Green Factory it's a wonderful [TS]

00:46:27   company to deal with it's a wonderful [TS]

00:46:28   product that you get and you can really [TS]

00:46:30   make people feel great with fractures I [TS]

00:46:32   highly suggest them everyone I've ever [TS]

00:46:34   gotten them for has loved them we loved [TS]

00:46:36   ours and it [TS]

00:46:37   they're just wonderful prints any photo [TS]

00:46:39   you want to get preserved printed on a [TS]

00:46:41   fracture and it's just awesome so check [TS]

00:46:44   it out today it fractured on me get your [TS]

00:46:46   own photos printed an amazing vivid [TS]

00:46:48   color directly on pieces of glass you [TS]

00:46:51   will love them your guests will love [TS]

00:46:52   them and hopefully if you give them as [TS]

00:46:54   gifts your loved ones will love them to [TS]

00:46:55   fracture dot mean get 15% off your first [TS]

00:46:58   order with code 80 P 17 they will ask [TS]

00:47:01   you what podcast you heard you heard [TS]

00:47:03   about them from make sure to telling me [TS]

00:47:04   TP it helps support the show thank you [TS]

00:47:06   so much to fracture for sponsoring our [TS]

00:47:08   show so I wrote him a cap over the last [TS]

00:47:12   couple of weeks yeah last last week you [TS]

00:47:15   told us a little bit you kind of teased [TS]

00:47:17   it a little bit if it was for photo [TS]

00:47:19   management right yeah that's right so [TS]

00:47:21   here's the situation a quick recap [TS]

00:47:24   doctor Drang had written a or maybe he [TS]

00:47:28   had a fixed or otherwise tweaked a [TS]

00:47:31   series of scripts I'm not sure what what [TS]

00:47:32   Genesis was but he had written or [TS]

00:47:35   tweaked whatever a bunch of Python [TS]

00:47:37   scripts to do some basic rearranging of [TS]

00:47:43   files as after he like imports them so [TS]

00:47:46   the idea is and here's how I used it so [TS]

00:47:49   the idea is I have a single folder that [TS]

00:47:51   has a shedload of files be that from the [TS]

00:47:53   iPhone be that from my physical camera [TS]

00:47:55   or by yellow on my big camera whatever [TS]

00:47:57   but I want them all to be filed away in [TS]

00:48:02   folders that are like you know the the [TS]

00:48:05   root folder / 20 18 / 0 1 and then the [TS]

00:48:10   the file names would be roughly ISO 8601 [TS]

00:48:13   because this is one of the rare cases [TS]

00:48:14   where I think I just so 8601 makes [TS]

00:48:16   perfect sense so the file name would be [TS]

00:48:18   something along the lines of 2018 - oh 1 [TS]

00:48:21   - 31 and in my particular case I did a [TS]

00:48:24   space which I know some people may not [TS]

00:48:26   agree with whatever doesn't matter then [TS]

00:48:27   the 24-hour time so something like 21 - [TS]

00:48:31   53 - whatever seconds dot jpg right [TS]

00:48:35   so all this script did was it would [TS]

00:48:38   crack open all of these images it would [TS]

00:48:40   look at the exif data to see when was [TS]

00:48:42   this picture taken then it would rename [TS]

00:48:45   that file to be you know the roughly [TS]

00:48:48   8601 time and date [TS]

00:48:51   and then it would file that away and [TS]

00:48:53   copy it to the appropriate folder does [TS]

00:48:55   that make sense so far as I won with me [TS]

00:48:57   yep so this was working pretty well [TS]

00:49:00   except it required like a whole bunch of [TS]

00:49:03   third-party libraries because Python and [TS]

00:49:04   I never had the confidence to like [TS]

00:49:07   really tweak it because I sort of [TS]

00:49:10   understand Python but I'm I can read it [TS]

00:49:12   okay but I'm really really bad at [TS]

00:49:14   writing it so I did it felt like an [TS]

00:49:17   untenable solution like I shouldn't have [TS]

00:49:20   something that's this important to me [TS]

00:49:22   that I can't really work with plus HEV C [TS]

00:49:26   and more importantly hei C happened and [TS]

00:49:29   I wasn't confident that this script [TS]

00:49:31   would work with either of those it may [TS]

00:49:33   have for all I know but I wasn't [TS]

00:49:34   confident and that that was just a straw [TS]

00:49:36   that broke the camel's back and I said [TS]

00:49:38   you know what screw it I'm gonna rewrite [TS]

00:49:39   this I'm gonna do it in Swift and I'm [TS]

00:49:40   gonna make a command line app to do it [TS]

00:49:43   and so I wrote an app and it's about [TS]

00:49:46   five five hundred lines and it's just [TS]

00:49:47   used via the command line and what you [TS]

00:49:49   do is you say here's the source folder [TS]

00:49:50   where all of these files exist be it [TS]

00:49:53   movies or images and here's the target [TS]

00:49:55   folder and then it will do basically the [TS]

00:49:57   same thing as this Python script did is [TS]

00:49:59   it will open up these images or open up [TS]

00:50:01   these movies figure out when they were [TS]

00:50:03   taken when they when the snapshot [TS]

00:50:05   happened or when the recording happened [TS]

00:50:06   rename them and then file them [TS]

00:50:09   appropriately [TS]

00:50:10   it will also be smart enough to if you [TS]

00:50:12   took like a burst and you actually kept [TS]

00:50:14   the bursts [TS]

00:50:15   it'll rename it to like you know [TS]

00:50:17   something something something a [TS]

00:50:18   something something something B [TS]

00:50:19   something something something C etc [TS]

00:50:21   cetera et cetera and so there wouldn't [TS]

00:50:24   be any collisions and it will report it [TS]

00:50:26   and when something like when I when I [TS]

00:50:27   couldn't figure out when the picture was [TS]

00:50:29   taken because sometimes for example with [TS]

00:50:31   Instagram when you save a picture or [TS]

00:50:34   maybe it's Instagram stories I forget [TS]

00:50:35   what but one way or another sometimes [TS]

00:50:36   there is no exif data so there's no [TS]

00:50:38   reliable way to figure out when was this [TS]

00:50:40   picture taken and and i have the option [TS]

00:50:42   of falling back to like the file [TS]

00:50:43   creation date but sometimes that works [TS]

00:50:45   sometimes it doesn't blah blah so i [TS]

00:50:47   wrote all this in swift and it's roughly [TS]

00:50:48   500 lines it does not use any sort of [TS]

00:50:52   third-party library there's no carthage [TS]

00:50:54   there's no cocoapods because I'm not an [TS]

00:50:55   animal and also because I didn't need [TS]

00:50:57   anything and it felt really really good [TS]

00:51:01   like I'm really happy with it it's not [TS]

00:51:04   perfect but [TS]

00:51:05   no this one is mine and it works for me [TS]

00:51:07   and I have learned some new things [TS]

00:51:10   during it for whatever reason I had [TS]

00:51:13   never really had an occasion to use what [TS]

00:51:15   old people will call anis operation [TS]

00:51:17   queue what I would call just operation [TS]

00:51:20   queue I'd never really had a need for [TS]

00:51:21   that in the past and I used one and I [TS]

00:51:24   actually found a bug because of it [TS]

00:51:25   earlier today but that's a different [TS]

00:51:26   story but nevertheless this thing is [TS]

00:51:28   multi-threaded so it will it will you [TS]

00:51:31   know spew a whole ton of threads and [TS]

00:51:33   churn through all these files and rename [TS]

00:51:36   them and move them well copy them and so [TS]

00:51:38   on and so forth and I really am happy [TS]

00:51:40   with this now do I plan to release it to [TS]

00:51:43   anyone absolutely not because I wrote it [TS]

00:51:45   for me it works only for me this is it's [TS]

00:51:47   specifically designed to work for me and [TS]

00:51:50   the code kind of looks like garbage [TS]

00:51:52   because I'm not showing it to anyone nor [TS]

00:51:54   do I really plan on open sourcing it [TS]

00:51:57   because I don't really know what good [TS]

00:51:59   will come from that other than people [TS]

00:52:00   laughing it why this is crummy code [TS]

00:52:02   because again I didn't make it super [TS]

00:52:04   testable I didn't make it super robust [TS]

00:52:07   because it's just for me it's okay but [TS]

00:52:11   I'm really pleased with how it worked [TS]

00:52:13   out and a couple of small bugs aside and [TS]

00:52:15   I just thought it was a really neat [TS]

00:52:18   learning experience and maybe the only [TS]

00:52:20   thing that's super interesting for the [TS]

00:52:21   listeners is to say sometimes scratching [TS]

00:52:24   your own itch can really be helpful [TS]

00:52:25   because now I can use operation queues [TS]

00:52:29   with confidence in my work work and I [TS]

00:52:33   understand that operation queue is in [TS]

00:52:34   iOS like I am fully aware of that but [TS]

00:52:36   for whatever reason I just never really [TS]

00:52:38   had a need for it and now and I'm [TS]

00:52:40   picking on this only because it's a [TS]

00:52:41   silly example that that many many iOS [TS]

00:52:43   developers have used in the past [TS]

00:52:45   tomorrow I assume you've used operation [TS]

00:52:46   queues at some point or another sponsor [TS]

00:52:48   overcast I use many of them yeah exactly [TS]

00:52:50   so maybe it's kind of weird that I [TS]

00:52:54   hadn't had a need for one but for [TS]

00:52:55   whatever reason I hadn't and now I've [TS]

00:52:56   used them and so now I kind of know [TS]

00:52:58   something and that's exciting and so I [TS]

00:53:01   just thought it was a useful thing to [TS]

00:53:04   share that you know if you're developer [TS]

00:53:05   even if you're not learning a new [TS]

00:53:07   language to do these sorts of things you [TS]

00:53:09   know if you're not trying to use this as [TS]

00:53:10   an excuse to teach yourself Python for [TS]

00:53:11   example sometimes it's just nice to do [TS]

00:53:14   something different in the language you [TS]

00:53:16   already know and love so that's [TS]

00:53:18   basically it that's all I got [TS]

00:53:19   that's cool yeah like I think this is [TS]

00:53:21   kind of one of the unspoken benefits of [TS]

00:53:23   being a programmer and also just a [TS]

00:53:25   computer user it's like if you as a [TS]

00:53:26   computer user have a problem that you [TS]

00:53:28   would like to be solved in a better or [TS]

00:53:30   different way you know if it's something [TS]

00:53:32   that can be reasonably easily programmed [TS]

00:53:34   and you're a programmer you can just do [TS]

00:53:36   it you can just make something that does [TS]

00:53:38   this for you it's very empowering it's [TS]

00:53:39   really amazing and it's one of the [TS]

00:53:40   amazing things about modern computers [TS]

00:53:43   like about all computers really that [TS]

00:53:45   like you know that give people the power [TS]

00:53:46   to do that if they learn the you know [TS]

00:53:49   relatively accessible skill of [TS]

00:53:52   programming like then you can do lots of [TS]

00:53:54   cool things like this we know whether [TS]

00:53:56   it's as simple as like you know an Excel [TS]

00:53:59   macro all the way down to doing [TS]

00:54:01   something cool like this with Swift and [TS]

00:54:02   operation cues on you know on the [TS]

00:54:03   command line this is just it's one of [TS]

00:54:05   the great satisfactions and advantages [TS]

00:54:08   of being a programmer is that you can [TS]

00:54:10   you know if you have a problem there's a [TS]

00:54:12   decent chance you can make a solution to [TS]

00:54:14   it if one doesn't exist out there that's [TS]

00:54:16   exactly what you want yep exactly right [TS]

00:54:18   and and and I think your point that you [TS]

00:54:20   just made is very important that this [TS]

00:54:22   doesn't have to be writing a swift [TS]

00:54:24   command line app this can be just like [TS]

00:54:26   you said something in Excel it can be [TS]

00:54:28   something with Automator again if you're [TS]

00:54:29   one of those iOS weirdos like Federico [TS]

00:54:32   and Mike and you can do this using [TS]

00:54:34   workflow I mean it's all there's all [TS]

00:54:36   sorts of different things you can do in [TS]

00:54:39   in all different levels of the stack [TS]

00:54:41   there are levels of abstraction and it's [TS]

00:54:44   just really really nice and convenient [TS]

00:54:45   and yeah there's a couple of minor bugs [TS]

00:54:47   I need to work out it occurred to me [TS]

00:54:49   earlier tonight that the problem with [TS]

00:54:51   going multi-threaded is that as multiple [TS]

00:54:54   threads are trying to figure out if [TS]

00:54:56   there's name collisions sometimes the [TS]

00:54:58   one thread will think there's not a name [TS]

00:55:00   collision and by the time it gets to [TS]

00:55:01   copying the file there will be a name [TS]

00:55:03   collision which is unwise I need to I [TS]

00:55:06   need to clean that up a little bit and [TS]

00:55:08   make sure I have some gates in there [TS]

00:55:09   where where those sorts of things are [TS]

00:55:11   being figured out but nonetheless the [TS]

00:55:13   point I'm driving at is whatever the [TS]

00:55:15   level may be be it in assembly or be it [TS]

00:55:18   in an Excel macro or anything in between [TS]

00:55:20   it's just really really neat to be able [TS]

00:55:23   to solve these sorts of problems for [TS]

00:55:24   yourself and once I get this thing like [TS]

00:55:26   really and truly locked in which I think [TS]

00:55:28   I'm pretty darn close this is going to [TS]

00:55:30   be perfect for me for [TS]

00:55:32   ever because it was written for me like [TS]

00:55:35   no III guess my first contracting [TS]

00:55:37   assignment for for my newfound future [TS]

00:55:40   which may or may not ever happen of [TS]

00:55:41   being an iOS or or Mac contractor I [TS]

00:55:44   hired myself I wrote this for myself and [TS]

00:55:49   you know what I did a pretty great job [TS]

00:55:50   it's perfect short of that one bug so [TS]

00:55:53   it's it's this sort of thing like in [TS]

00:55:56   again is the I can't stress enough like [TS]

00:55:59   whatever your abilities may be there's [TS]

00:56:02   something like this that you can do it [TS]

00:56:04   may even be in workflow it may be [TS]

00:56:06   whatever but there's something like this [TS]

00:56:08   you can do and it feels so great once [TS]

00:56:09   it's done [TS]

00:56:10   forecast is another great example [TS]

00:56:12   actually that was written entirely for [TS]

00:56:14   you wasn't it like you never and [TS]

00:56:15   sidetrack still is like sidetrack is is [TS]

00:56:17   the is the drift sink utility like [TS]

00:56:19   that's still written just for me in the [TS]

00:56:22   language I already knew but doing [TS]

00:56:23   something that was totally new to me [TS]

00:56:24   like you know similar what you were just [TS]

00:56:25   saying like it was wonderful and solved [TS]

00:56:27   a really big problem I had editing [TS]

00:56:29   podcast and lighting on people's tracks [TS]

00:56:30   like it but you know and but like you [TS]

00:56:33   know like you're probably gonna get at [TS]

00:56:34   least two or three people asking you [TS]

00:56:35   don't like open source says you know [TS]

00:56:37   I've had handfuls of people ask me over [TS]

00:56:38   the years that side to side track is now [TS]

00:56:40   I think like four years old you know [TS]

00:56:42   I've given to a few friends here and [TS]

00:56:43   there but like it's it's not releasable [TS]

00:56:45   like there's a lot like it works you [TS]

00:56:47   know this is one of the advantages of [TS]

00:56:48   making things for yourself it works for [TS]

00:56:50   me most of the time right exactly like [TS]

00:56:54   you know give it something it doesn't [TS]

00:56:55   expect or or some kind of condition I [TS]

00:56:58   didn't consider or that I never run into [TS]

00:57:00   myself so it's not really tested and you [TS]

00:57:04   know it might not work so well or might [TS]

00:57:05   not work at all or it might do weird [TS]

00:57:07   things and and so you know it like [TS]

00:57:09   making something releasable and then [TS]

00:57:11   releasing it is way different and way [TS]

00:57:14   more work than making something that [TS]

00:57:16   works for you and that's occasionally [TS]

00:57:17   worth doing you know some things are [TS]

00:57:19   worth release into the world for like [TS]

00:57:20   the benefit of the world or maybe for [TS]

00:57:21   some kind of business reason but but you [TS]

00:57:23   know it there's nothing wrong with [TS]

00:57:25   making things that are just for you that [TS]

00:57:27   you never share with anybody or that you [TS]

00:57:29   share with only a couple of friends like [TS]

00:57:30   it doesn't have to be a releasable big [TS]

00:57:33   thing like i have i usually use shell [TS]

00:57:36   scripts for these kinds of tasks and i [TS]

00:57:38   just like using shell scripts a lot but [TS]

00:57:40   like I have a giant shell script that [TS]

00:57:41   takes the input files from each of the [TS]

00:57:44   podcasts I do so [TS]

00:57:46   takes like my file the file you give me [TS]

00:57:48   the file that John gives me for this [TS]

00:57:49   show and it doesn't I don't even have to [TS]

00:57:52   move them out of Dropbox anymore it goes [TS]

00:57:54   and looks in Dropbox for the files where [TS]

00:57:56   they're supposed to be mm-hmm moves them [TS]

00:57:58   into the my project directory decodes [TS]

00:58:01   them puts you know moves all the [TS]

00:58:02   channels around decodes the weird call [TS]

00:58:04   recorder files like you know it does all [TS]

00:58:06   this stuff mostly by like calling out to [TS]

00:58:08   ffmpeg and stuff like that lines them [TS]

00:58:10   all up and outputs all the right files [TS]

00:58:11   and it's just a big shell script and I [TS]

00:58:12   made it just for me just to help me with [TS]

00:58:14   this task I do every week that's kind of [TS]

00:58:16   tedious if I do it manually and it's [TS]

00:58:17   great and like just the ability of [TS]

00:58:20   programmers to do this is just it's so [TS]

00:58:22   wonderful and productive like as to be a [TS]

00:58:25   power user of a computer than to also be [TS]

00:58:28   able to do at least a little bit of [TS]

00:58:30   program and you can just make the [TS]

00:58:31   computer work so much better for you and [TS]

00:58:33   take them to and take even more [TS]

00:58:34   advantage of the massive amount of [TS]

00:58:37   computational power that is at our [TS]

00:58:39   fingertips just waiting for the right [TS]

00:58:41   software to come along and actually use [TS]

00:58:42   it one uh one other final thought on [TS]

00:58:44   this which I forgot to mention earlier [TS]

00:58:45   the I do have a problem with this thing [TS]

00:58:48   that I've written and the problem that I [TS]

00:58:49   have is that now I kind of want to make [TS]

00:58:53   a full-on Mac app like not a command [TS]

00:58:55   line app like a full-on GUI Mac app [TS]

00:58:57   where it'll basically that's my problem [TS]

00:58:59   with the thing you wrote the fact that [TS]

00:59:00   you called it a Mac app and I was all [TS]

00:59:01   excited Wow in case you wrote a man [TS]

00:59:04   shell script in Swift as much as I [TS]

00:59:09   really want to get angry and argue with [TS]

00:59:10   you I think that is actually a fair [TS]

00:59:12   characterization but um but now I kind [TS]

00:59:14   of do want to want to mark I usually [TS]

00:59:17   make overcast for the Mac but just make [TS]

00:59:18   it you know a command line script thing [TS]

00:59:22   that just hits hits the web into Ray's [TS]

00:59:24   endpoints and pulls down the audio that [TS]

00:59:26   way it would just be a shell script just [TS]

00:59:27   like pipe it to like you know hey am [TS]

00:59:29   play or whatever this is a really long [TS]

00:59:31   alias for a curl command yeah but no now [TS]

00:59:35   I do kind of want a GUI apps so rather [TS]

00:59:37   than just going on faith that this will [TS]

00:59:39   work which again short of this one bug [TS]

00:59:41   has worked pretty well the few times [TS]

00:59:43   I've used it so far but I'd actually I'm [TS]

00:59:46   thinking about maybe quote-unquote [TS]

00:59:47   upgrading this to be a full-on GUI app [TS]

00:59:49   such that this way I can kind of stage [TS]

00:59:53   okay here's what we think this file [TS]

00:59:55   should be named and here's where it will [TS]

00:59:56   belong it [TS]

00:59:58   like image capture like make it [TS]

00:59:58   like image capture like make it [TS]

02:00:00   as much money I wanted to be nicer [TS]

02:00:01   inside probably you know I'm thinking [TS]

02:00:03   like well the Volvo is probably nicer [TS]

02:00:04   inside than this thing oh very much so [TS]

02:00:06   yeah and it's similar price and also [TS]

02:00:08   bigger and so you're trading a lot it [TS]

02:00:10   seemed like down market in exchange for [TS]

02:00:12   sportiness I was surprised at how much [TS]

02:00:15   Headroom it seemed to have that was [TS]

02:00:16   pretty nice but even with the sunroof [TS]

02:00:18   things seemed like you had enough room [TS]

02:00:19   to put a helmet on in there you could [TS]

02:00:20   fit your tall hair yeah and I do have [TS]

02:00:22   tall hair but I mean again I've never [TS]

02:00:24   really had an interference fit with my [TS]

02:00:26   head in a slam roof so I can't say that [TS]

02:00:30   I'm surprised by that I don't think I'm [TS]

02:00:32   a good judge of these things in some of [TS]

02:00:34   the footage that I filmed I did make [TS]

02:00:35   direct comparisons to Aaron's car but [TS]

02:00:37   part of the reason I left that out well [TS]

02:00:40   a lot of it was that was early on and [TS]

02:00:42   basically I'd never come up with like a [TS]

02:00:44   formal script for anything I record I do [TS]

02:00:46   have some like broad talking points that [TS]

02:00:49   I think through when I'm when I'm [TS]

02:00:51   recording but I don't have a script or [TS]

02:00:53   anything like that and so footage that I [TS]

02:00:56   filmed early in the week I made a lot of [TS]

02:00:57   comparisons Darren's car but it just [TS]

02:00:59   seemed like that wasn't terribly [TS]

02:01:02   relevant because as you said John like I [TS]

02:01:05   haven't formally reviewed Aaron's car [TS]

02:01:07   and so I think when I do the video [TS]

02:01:09   review of Aaron's car I will probably [TS]

02:01:10   make some comparisons to the stell vo [TS]

02:01:12   but I think to do that in the reverse [TS]

02:01:14   order would have been ill-suited but [TS]

02:01:17   yeah I think you didn't hit the nail on [TS]

02:01:19   the head like Aaron's car is not [TS]

02:01:20   particularly sporty it given that it's a [TS]

02:01:23   freaking whale it moves pretty well his [TS]

02:01:25   car moves pretty well but it's not fast [TS]

02:01:27   this thing felt actually reasonably [TS]

02:01:30   quick and moved in turn you know handled [TS]

02:01:33   really well all told I was very very [TS]

02:01:35   surprised by that and so I think you're [TS]

02:01:38   right in saying that you would give up [TS]

02:01:40   some luxury in moving from a Volvo xc90 [TS]

02:01:43   or perhaps an XC 60 which is a more [TS]

02:01:45   direct competitor to this you would give [TS]

02:01:47   up a little bit of luxury but you would [TS]

02:01:48   gain a lot of sportiness I haven't tried [TS]

02:01:52   the xc60 the brand new xc60 cuz that [TS]

02:01:54   just got revamped this year to be [TS]

02:01:56   basically a mini version of Aaron's car [TS]

02:01:58   but another part of the reason why I [TS]

02:01:59   didn't think it was a fair comparison is [TS]

02:02:01   because this is more x3 whereas the the [TS]

02:02:04   xc90 that we have is more like an x5 or [TS]

02:02:07   even a quote-unquote x7 if you will [TS]

02:02:09   because it's you know ours is 3 row [TS]

02:02:11   whereas I don't think you can get an X [TS]
