00:00:00 ◼ ► uh so how are you it's been a while like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/0">TS</a>]
00:00:03 ◼ ► I have a lot to cover because I my last [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3">TS</a>]
00:00:06 ◼ ► episode was the Lisa Jackson episode so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6">TS</a>]
00:00:07 ◼ ► it wasn't really news related so it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/7">TS</a>]
00:00:11 ◼ ► um trying to think of more even where to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/11">TS</a>]
00:00:14 ◼ ► start I guess we could start with board [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/14">TS</a>]
00:00:16 ◼ ► early results I don't know um I know I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/16">TS</a>]
00:00:20 ◼ ► mean well I just wrote a big piece but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/20">TS</a>]
00:00:24 ◼ ► about iPhone sales in China but I I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/24">TS</a>]
00:00:27 ◼ ► don't know I don't think it's a major I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/27">TS</a>]
00:00:28 ◼ ► don't think the quarterly results this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/28">TS</a>]
00:00:30 ◼ ► time were all that bad or good you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/30">TS</a>]
00:00:35 ◼ ► I think long story short my take on them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/35">TS</a>]
00:00:37 ◼ ► is that there was a pretty good quarter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/37">TS</a>]
00:00:38 ◼ ► everywhere except China and it was sales [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/38">TS</a>]
00:00:41 ◼ ► iPhone sales continuing to slide in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/41">TS</a>]
00:00:43 ◼ ► China turned a pretty good quarter into [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/43">TS</a>]
00:00:45 ◼ ► an ok quarter where yeah they flat you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/45">TS</a>]
00:00:49 ◼ ► know glad I think is a great word to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/49">TS</a>]
00:00:50 ◼ ► describe it and there were two things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/50">TS</a>]
00:00:52 ◼ ► that Tim Cook said that really stood out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/52">TS</a>]
00:00:53 ◼ ► to me and one was when they're talking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/53">TS</a>]
00:00:56 ◼ ► about new customer acquisition that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/56">TS</a>]
00:00:57 ◼ ► rate of switchers from Android to iPhone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/57">TS</a>]
00:00:59 ◼ ► was up everywhere when you discounted [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/59">TS</a>]
00:01:02 ◼ ► China yeah which is a different story [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/62">TS</a>]
00:01:04 ◼ ► than they used to tell but that's a big [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/64">TS</a>]
00:01:06 ◼ ► that's a big but because part of what I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/66">TS</a>]
00:01:10 ◼ ► wrote about today based on a very good [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/70">TS</a>]
00:01:14 ◼ ► Thompson with some market research [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/74">TS</a>]
00:01:17 ◼ ► there's two at least two two pieces of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/77">TS</a>]
00:01:20 ◼ ► market research one from China and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/80">TS</a>]
00:01:22 ◼ ► another from UBS analyst that was that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/82">TS</a>]
00:01:26 ◼ ► came out last year show that in China [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/86">TS</a>]
00:01:30 ◼ ► there's a lot less a lot lower retention [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/90">TS</a>]
00:01:33 ◼ ► rate meaning when an i somebody who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/93">TS</a>]
00:01:36 ◼ ► already owns an iphone goes to buy a new [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/96">TS</a>]
00:01:37 ◼ ► phone do they buy another iPhone or do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/97">TS</a>]
00:01:39 ◼ ► they switch to another brand that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/99">TS</a>]
00:01:41 ◼ ► retention rate and its really pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/101">TS</a>]
00:01:43 ◼ ► considered in the West it's pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/103">TS</a>]
00:01:45 ◼ ► consistently in the mid to high 80s in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/105">TS</a>]
00:01:47 ◼ ► the u.s. in the UK and Germany it's you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/107">TS</a>]
00:01:49 ◼ ► know for two or three years now it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/109">TS</a>]
00:01:52 ◼ ► very consistently 8485 Germany's even a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/112">TS</a>]
00:01:55 ◼ ► little higher 88 89 Japan is a little [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/115">TS</a>]
00:01:58 ◼ ► lower like mid 70s but pretty flat year [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/118">TS</a>]
00:02:01 ◼ ► to year but in China it went from like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/121">TS</a>]
00:02:04 ◼ ► Western levels in the 80s like a couple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/124">TS</a>]
00:02:07 ◼ ► years ago to around 50 percent now which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/127">TS</a>]
00:02:09 ◼ ► is not good from Apple's perspective [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/129">TS</a>]
00:02:14 ◼ ► than what they spoke about previously if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/134">TS</a>]
00:02:16 ◼ ► you flash back a couple years when they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/136">TS</a>]
00:02:18 ◼ ► were talking about the lack of low [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/138">TS</a>]
00:02:19 ◼ ► entry-level pricing on iPhones one of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/139">TS</a>]
00:02:21 ◼ ► the things that Apple said is they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/141">TS</a>]
00:02:22 ◼ ► didn't need to be your first phone if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/142">TS</a>]
00:02:24 ◼ ► all you wanted was the cheapest phone if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/144">TS</a>]
00:02:26 ◼ ► cheapness was your primary feature that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/146">TS</a>]
00:02:28 ◼ ► was great but it wasn't a feature they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/148">TS</a>]
00:02:29 ◼ ► were competing on and they would count [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/149">TS</a>]
00:02:31 ◼ ► on the fact that you would get into [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/151">TS</a>]
00:02:32 ◼ ► smart phones and then if you wanted a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/152">TS</a>]
00:02:33 ◼ ► better phone experience you'd upgrade to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/153">TS</a>]
00:02:35 ◼ ► an iPhone and a lot of people did that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/155">TS</a>]
00:02:37 ◼ ► either for status or for iOS for iOS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/157">TS</a>]
00:02:39 ◼ ► apps but that's not that's no longer the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/159">TS</a>]
00:02:42 ◼ ► case in China there is still the status [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/162">TS</a>]
00:02:43 ◼ ► symbol implement but has been pointed [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/163">TS</a>]
00:02:45 ◼ ► out the the platform layer has shifted [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/165">TS</a>]
00:02:47 ◼ ► from base operating system to messaging [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/167">TS</a>]
00:02:49 ◼ ► yeah and especially it's particularly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/169">TS</a>]
00:02:51 ◼ ► this app WeChat which is I think only in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/171">TS</a>]
00:02:55 ◼ ► China I don't know or at least it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/175">TS</a>]
00:02:56 ◼ ► really only a sensation in China but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/176">TS</a>]
00:02:58 ◼ ► it's you know truly staggering numbers [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/178">TS</a>]
00:03:00 ◼ ► for it's a four year old comfort or a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/180">TS</a>]
00:03:01 ◼ ► four year old app from another company [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/181">TS</a>]
00:03:03 ◼ ► but it's I don't 900 million monthly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/183">TS</a>]
00:03:06 ◼ ► active users something like that and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/186">TS</a>]
00:03:10 ◼ ► don't want to go too I'll put it linked [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/190">TS</a>]
00:03:12 ◼ ► I swear to god in the show notes at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/192">TS</a>]
00:03:17 ◼ ► least in my article which has a link to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/197">TS</a>]
00:03:18 ◼ ► the to the post from a woman named [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/198">TS</a>]
00:03:20 ◼ ► Connie Chen at the Anderson Horowitz [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/200">TS</a>]
00:03:26 ◼ ► explaining more or less for you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/206">TS</a>]
00:03:29 ◼ ► here what is WeChat and why you know why [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/209">TS</a>]
00:03:31 ◼ ► is it a sensation in China and long [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/211">TS</a>]
00:03:33 ◼ ► story short it's sort of like an OS and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/213">TS</a>]
00:03:35 ◼ ► a in an app where it's a messaging app [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/215">TS</a>]
00:03:38 ◼ ► but you can do so much stuff you can pay [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/218">TS</a>]
00:03:42 ◼ ► free it's like you know like an Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/222">TS</a>]
00:03:44 ◼ ► pay type competitor where you can go [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/224">TS</a>]
00:03:46 ◼ ► into a store and use WeChat to pay for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/226">TS</a>]
00:03:47 ◼ ► the lunch while you're in line and you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/227">TS</a>]
00:03:51 ◼ ► know like Ben has said that in China [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/231">TS</a>]
00:03:53 ◼ ► it's it makes you look like a rube if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/233">TS</a>]
00:03:56 ◼ ► you pay with cash everybody else is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/236">TS</a>]
00:03:57 ◼ ► paying with WeChat just all sorts of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/237">TS</a>]
00:04:00 ◼ ► stuff you can buy stuff it's a shopping [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/240">TS</a>]
00:04:02 ◼ ► app it's you know that all sorts of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/242">TS</a>]
00:04:04 ◼ ► companies that would like to be on the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/244">TS</a>]
00:04:06 ◼ ► WeChat platform set up their own like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/246">TS</a>]
00:04:10 ◼ ► authorized account it's like a special [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/250">TS</a>]
00:04:11 ◼ ► account status that opens up a bunch of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/251">TS</a>]
00:04:14 ◼ ► ABA API so you can have a programmatic [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/254">TS</a>]
00:04:16 ◼ ► back-end so other WeChat users can when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/256">TS</a>]
00:04:19 ◼ ► they're chatting with you know you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/259">TS</a>]
00:04:23 ◼ ► Rene and John incorporated we can sell [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/263">TS</a>]
00:04:26 ◼ ► them t-shirts or sneakers or whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/266">TS</a>]
00:04:31 ◼ ► and messaging is fragmented so it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/271">TS</a>]
00:04:33 ◼ ► doesn't really you don't have to own [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/273">TS</a>]
00:04:34 ◼ ► messaging everywhere as long as you in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/274">TS</a>]
00:04:35 ◼ ► the China market with WeChat you're fine [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/275">TS</a>]
00:04:37 ◼ ► the Japanese market with line it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/277">TS</a>]
00:04:38 ◼ ► almost like people who are such casual [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/278">TS</a>]
00:04:40 ◼ ► computer users that all they ever uses [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/280">TS</a>]
00:04:42 ◼ ► Facebook it makes no difference in them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/282">TS</a>]
00:04:44 ◼ ► if they're on a Mac or a Windows PC or a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/284">TS</a>]
00:04:45 ◼ ► library terminal or anything their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/285">TS</a>]
00:04:47 ◼ ► entire computing experience is Facebook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/287">TS</a>]
00:04:49 ◼ ► and it makes it easy to migrate right my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/289">TS</a>]
00:04:50 ◼ ► argument and I've said this you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/290">TS</a>]
00:04:52 ◼ ► I've always thought this and I still [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/292">TS</a>]
00:04:54 ◼ ► believe it's always been true and always [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/294">TS</a>]
00:04:55 ◼ ► will be true is that in the in the basic [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/295">TS</a>]
00:04:59 ◼ ► apples model is selling nice hardware [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/299">TS</a>]
00:05:02 ◼ ► differentiated by proprietary software [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/302">TS</a>]
00:05:04 ◼ ► that's also nice but it's the software [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/304">TS</a>]
00:05:07 ◼ ► part is more important than the hardware [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/307">TS</a>]
00:05:09 ◼ ► part because that's what makes people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/309">TS</a>]
00:05:14 ◼ ► sticky to the platform you know and so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/314">TS</a>]
00:05:17 ◼ ► like a Mac user and I you know I've put [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/317">TS</a>]
00:05:19 ◼ ► this forth before I think you would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/319">TS</a>]
00:05:21 ◼ ► agree with Allah I just love it as a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/321">TS</a>]
00:05:22 ◼ ► thought experiment but would you rather [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/322">TS</a>]
00:05:24 ◼ ► use Apple's OS on competing hard on some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/324">TS</a>]
00:05:29 ◼ ► other hardware ah or would you rather [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/329">TS</a>]
00:05:32 ◼ ► use some other hardware platform that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/332">TS</a>]
00:05:39 ◼ ► running right some other hardware [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/339">TS</a>]
00:05:40 ◼ ► platform running Apple's OS would you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/340">TS</a>]
00:05:42 ◼ ► rather use Apple's hardware running the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/342">TS</a>]
00:05:43 ◼ ► other OS so for example would you rather [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/343">TS</a>]
00:05:45 ◼ ► have like I would rather have a Google [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/345">TS</a>]
00:05:47 ◼ ► pixel that runs iOS hypothetically since [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/347">TS</a>]
00:05:50 ◼ ► that's not really possible instead of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/350">TS</a>]
00:05:52 ◼ ► say an iPhone 7 that's running Android a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/352">TS</a>]
00:05:55 ◼ ► totally and I think is easy to see [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/355">TS</a>]
00:05:57 ◼ ► because there are other companies that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/357">TS</a>]
00:05:58 ◼ ► can manufacture beautiful hardware and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/358">TS</a>]
00:06:00 ◼ ► there in fact the suppliers of a lot of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/360">TS</a>]
00:06:01 ◼ ► Apple's components so we know they can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/361">TS</a>]
00:06:03 ◼ ► make really good components but no one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/363">TS</a>]
00:06:05 ◼ ► else has proven they can make really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/365">TS</a>]
00:06:06 ◼ ► good software yet that's a much more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/366">TS</a>]
00:06:07 ◼ ► rarer skill right and and with the iOS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/367">TS</a>]
00:06:10 ◼ ► example it's a real hypothetical because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/370">TS</a>]
00:06:12 ◼ ► I don't even think it's possible I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/372">TS</a>]
00:06:15 ◼ ► technical aspects of like the you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/375">TS</a>]
00:06:18 ◼ ► the secure Enclave and stuff like that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/378">TS</a>]
00:06:20 ◼ ► that would keep something from my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/380">TS</a>]
00:06:22 ◼ ► hypothetical example I'd have everything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/382">TS</a>]
00:06:24 ◼ ► you know my iMessage would work my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/384">TS</a>]
00:06:26 ◼ ► iCloud ID would work on this pixel [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/386">TS</a>]
00:06:29 ◼ ► running iOS but I would rather have that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/389">TS</a>]
00:06:31 ◼ ► even though I do in the abstract prefer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/391">TS</a>]
00:06:35 ◼ ► the Google pixel which is the the latest [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/395">TS</a>]
00:06:37 ◼ ► Android phone that I'm most familiar [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/397">TS</a>]
00:06:38 ◼ ► with and which I have to say is actually [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/398">TS</a>]
00:06:40 ◼ ► you know the nicest Android phone I've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/400">TS</a>]
00:06:42 ◼ ► ever I ever saw it versus the other way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/402">TS</a>]
00:06:47 ◼ ► it would drive me not have to use [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/407">TS</a>]
00:06:48 ◼ ► Qualcomm scrappy processors instead of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/408">TS</a>]
00:06:49 ◼ ► the a series but you can look at it yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/409">TS</a>]
00:06:51 ◼ ► I could live with it it's you know it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/411">TS</a>]
00:06:54 ◼ ► you know III peg it you know if you look [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/414">TS</a>]
00:06:56 ◼ ► at the specs it's they're like somewhere [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/416">TS</a>]
00:06:59 ◼ ► I mean I'd still you know I would rather [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/419">TS</a>]
00:07:01 ◼ ► use a two year old iPhone 6 then use you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/421">TS</a>]
00:07:06 ◼ ► know cutting-edge Android because the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/426">TS</a>]
00:07:07 ◼ ► platform is most important to me it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/427">TS</a>]
00:07:09 ◼ ► just my mind is warped around it it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/429">TS</a>]
00:07:11 ◼ ► part of the way I think about how to do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/431">TS</a>]
00:07:13 ◼ ► stuff on the phone and whenever I pose [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/433">TS</a>]
00:07:17 ◼ ► that question you know and I with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/437">TS</a>]
00:07:19 ◼ ► computers it's actually is possible [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/439">TS</a>]
00:07:20 ◼ ► because you could create you can create [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/440">TS</a>]
00:07:22 ◼ ► a hackintosh that that works although [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/442">TS</a>]
00:07:24 ◼ ► there's still as things like iMessage [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/444">TS</a>]
00:07:26 ◼ ► still you know has problems and stuff [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/446">TS</a>]
00:07:27 ◼ ► like that because there's security you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/447">TS</a>]
00:07:29 ◼ ► know it's not perfect hackintosh just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/449">TS</a>]
00:07:31 ◼ ► don't work perfectly but they do work [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/451">TS</a>]
00:07:34 ◼ ► I'd rather have a hackintosh I gotta [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/454">TS</a>]
00:07:39 ◼ ► anything Windows you name it Chrome or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/459">TS</a>]
00:07:42 ◼ ► whatever whatever else a desktop PC [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/462">TS</a>]
00:07:45 ◼ ► operating system I could have running on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/465">TS</a>]
00:07:46 ◼ ► a MacBook yeah absolutely the same but I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/466">TS</a>]
00:07:50 ◼ ► have heard I know there are people that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/470">TS</a>]
00:07:51 ◼ ► probably listening to the show right now [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/471">TS</a>]
00:07:53 ◼ ► I've heard from them whenever I bring [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/473">TS</a>]
00:07:54 ◼ ► this up because I do think it's an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/474">TS</a>]
00:07:55 ◼ ► interesting hypothetical question um [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/475">TS</a>]
00:07:57 ◼ ► there are definitely people who I hear [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/477">TS</a>]
00:07:59 ◼ ► from who you know read read my stuff or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/479">TS</a>]
00:08:02 ◼ ► listen to the show and say no I you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/482">TS</a>]
00:08:03 ◼ ► used Windows forever but switched to a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/483">TS</a>]
00:08:06 ◼ ► MacBook just because of the hardware and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/486">TS</a>]
00:08:09 ◼ ► in a lot of times I'll say like and you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/489">TS</a>]
00:08:11 ◼ ► know not just the way it looks but I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/491">TS</a>]
00:08:12 ◼ ► just got sick of the fact like I wanted [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/492">TS</a>]
00:08:14 ◼ ► a laptop that just when I opened it up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/494">TS</a>]
00:08:16 ◼ ► it turns on when I close it it shuts its [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/496">TS</a>]
00:08:18 ◼ ► networks trackpad Works trackpad working [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/498">TS</a>]
00:08:21 ◼ ► is a huge thing and I know Joe and a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/501">TS</a>]
00:08:24 ◼ ► stern friend of the show is often she's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/504">TS</a>]
00:08:25 ◼ ► like the the absolute queen of trackpad [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/505">TS</a>]
00:08:31 ◼ ► judgements like she's got the ranking in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/511">TS</a>]
00:08:32 ◼ ► her head of him every single trackpad [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/512">TS</a>]
00:08:34 ◼ ► quality in the whole market and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/514">TS</a>]
00:08:36 ◼ ► totally trust her judgment on trackpad [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/516">TS</a>]
00:08:38 ◼ ► quality that's a huge one but the people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/518">TS</a>]
00:08:43 ◼ ► who say that they switched like that a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/523">TS</a>]
00:08:44 ◼ ► lot of times say but that's the only [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/524">TS</a>]
00:08:45 ◼ ► reason and that they're you know for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/525">TS</a>]
00:08:48 ◼ ► my audience at least are like web [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/528">TS</a>]
00:08:50 ◼ ► developers whose entire life revolves [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/530">TS</a>]
00:08:56 ◼ ► terminal window and any you know so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/536">TS</a>]
00:08:59 ◼ ► somebody like that if that's your life [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/539">TS</a>]
00:09:00 ◼ ► if your life is just Google Chrome a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/540">TS</a>]
00:09:03 ◼ ► text editor and a terminal you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/543">TS</a>]
00:09:05 ◼ ► easily switch to some other brand of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/545">TS</a>]
00:09:08 ◼ ► laptop running another operating system [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/548">TS</a>]
00:09:09 ◼ ► you know because those things are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/549">TS</a>]
00:09:14 ◼ ► absolutely same as a Facebook example [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/554">TS</a>]
00:09:16 ◼ ► it's just your entire environment is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/556">TS</a>]
00:09:17 ◼ ► abstracted away from your computer right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/557">TS</a>]
00:09:19 ◼ ► well that's why I think Facebook is such [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/559">TS</a>]
00:09:21 ◼ ► a not really a threat to Apple but like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/561">TS</a>]
00:09:25 ◼ ► a direct threat but certainly looms [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/565">TS</a>]
00:09:27 ◼ ► large as and an indirect threat you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/567">TS</a>]
00:09:34 ◼ ► like somebody like it's far more of a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/574">TS</a>]
00:09:36 ◼ ► threat Facebook is far more threatening [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/576">TS</a>]
00:09:38 ◼ ► to Apple then to me at least then say [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/578">TS</a>]
00:09:41 ◼ ► Samsung even though you would think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/581">TS</a>]
00:09:43 ◼ ► Samsung would be the one who's the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/583">TS</a>]
00:09:46 ◼ ► threat because they do the same thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/586">TS</a>]
00:09:47 ◼ ► they make $700 cell phones that when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/587">TS</a>]
00:09:52 ◼ ► somebody goes into a store to decide [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/592">TS</a>]
00:09:53 ◼ ► what to buy they're only going to buy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/593">TS</a>]
00:09:54 ◼ ► one whereas I feel like Apple has it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/594">TS</a>]
00:10:00 ◼ ► it's successfully as in-app has always [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/600">TS</a>]
00:10:03 ◼ ► been or at least has been for 20 years [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/603">TS</a>]
00:10:05 ◼ ► in a position where the quality of their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/605">TS</a>]
00:10:07 ◼ ► products are enough that they don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/607">TS</a>]
00:10:09 ◼ ► really have to worry about somebody else [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/609">TS</a>]
00:10:10 ◼ ► who also sells nice things because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/610">TS</a>]
00:10:12 ◼ ► they've got the software platform to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/612">TS</a>]
00:10:14 ◼ ► differentiate themselves the problem [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/614">TS</a>]
00:10:17 ◼ ► with something like facebook is that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/617">TS</a>]
00:10:18 ◼ ► Facebook in a way is sort of like the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/618">TS</a>]
00:10:20 ◼ ► WeChat of the West where you know if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/620">TS</a>]
00:10:24 ◼ ► it's the most used app and it from a lot [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/624">TS</a>]
00:10:27 ◼ ► of people it is and it does all the same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/627">TS</a>]
00:10:30 ◼ ► things in mostly the same ways on iOS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/630">TS</a>]
00:10:33 ◼ ► and Android it's a lot easier for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/633">TS</a>]
00:10:36 ◼ ► somebody to switch from an iPhone to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/636">TS</a>]
00:10:38 ◼ ► Android if their most important app just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/638">TS</a>]
00:10:41 ◼ ► works exactly the same way and lets them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/641">TS</a>]
00:10:45 ◼ ► interesting because the web arguably [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/645">TS</a>]
00:10:46 ◼ ► helped Apple at a time when they were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/646">TS</a>]
00:10:48 ◼ ► very far behind in terms of just market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/648">TS</a>]
00:10:50 ◼ ► share and and mine share with PC but the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/650">TS</a>]
00:10:53 ◼ ► web let them it compete you could just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/653">TS</a>]
00:10:56 ◼ ► have a web browser and you would have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/656">TS</a>]
00:10:57 ◼ ► access to all these things and it did [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/657">TS</a>]
00:10:58 ◼ ► ease the the transition back to Mac but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/658">TS</a>]
00:11:02 ◼ ► and it can let people write you this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/662">TS</a>]
00:11:04 ◼ ► quickly so let them in right it was it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/664">TS</a>]
00:11:06 ◼ ► that sort of cross-platform parody that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/666">TS</a>]
00:11:11 ◼ ► the web created was helpful to Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/671">TS</a>]
00:11:14 ◼ ► when Apple was struggling but it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/674">TS</a>]
00:11:19 ◼ ► now that Apple's in a position of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/679">TS</a>]
00:11:21 ◼ ► strength and it's interesting because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/681">TS</a>]
00:11:22 ◼ ► there's different layers of abstraction [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/682">TS</a>]
00:11:23 ◼ ► where Facebook abstracts away a lot of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/683">TS</a>]
00:11:25 ◼ ► the operating system and you're just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/685">TS</a>]
00:11:26 ◼ ► interfacing because for a normal person [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/686">TS</a>]
00:11:29 ◼ ► interface is the hardware it's the face [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/689">TS</a>]
00:11:30 ◼ ► that they literally the face that they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/690">TS</a>]
00:11:32 ◼ ► see and they work with and you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/692">TS</a>]
00:11:33 ◼ ► change all the plumbing behind it and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/693">TS</a>]
00:11:35 ◼ ► they may not notice but if you change [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/695">TS</a>]
00:11:36 ◼ ► one button on an interface you'll get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/696">TS</a>]
00:11:38 ◼ ► complaints or you know people will tell [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/698">TS</a>]
00:11:40 ◼ ► you about it and there's voicemail [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/700">TS</a>]
00:11:43 ◼ ► assistance to where you use Siri for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/703">TS</a>]
00:11:44 ◼ ► example which totally disintermediate [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/704">TS</a>]
00:11:46 ◼ ► schoo --gel and all they see is query is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/706">TS</a>]
00:11:47 ◼ ► coming from Apple and it's really regard [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/707">TS</a>]
00:11:49 ◼ ► Apple could switch the plumbing for that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/709">TS</a>]
00:11:51 ◼ ► and then Alexa inter mediate things and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/711">TS</a>]
00:11:53 ◼ ► it's almost like this battle for who can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/713">TS</a>]
00:11:55 ◼ ► be the final point of the user interface [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/715">TS</a>]
00:11:56 ◼ ► and that's the experience that becomes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/716">TS</a>]
00:11:58 ◼ ► sticky right and you know and Facebook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/718">TS</a>]
00:12:01 ◼ ► is doing which had some other things you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/721">TS</a>]
00:12:02 ◼ ► know with messenger and stuff where [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/722">TS</a>]
00:12:03 ◼ ► there's sort of apps within apps and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/723">TS</a>]
00:12:06 ◼ ► it's sort of this sort of it's a sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/726">TS</a>]
00:12:07 ◼ ► thing that Apple it's in its in its way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/727">TS</a>]
00:12:11 ◼ ► has tried to discourage in the App Store [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/731">TS</a>]
00:12:13 ◼ ► all along right like they were never [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/733">TS</a>]
00:12:17 ◼ ► going to allow say it's part of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/737">TS</a>]
00:12:21 ◼ ► whole flash thing in the early years [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/741">TS</a>]
00:12:22 ◼ ► when that was contentious and when adobe [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/742">TS</a>]
00:12:24 ◼ ► first had a sort of flash to native iOS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/744">TS</a>]
00:12:28 ◼ ► development chain and Apple like put the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/748">TS</a>]
00:12:32 ◼ ► kibosh on it it was sort of you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/752">TS</a>]
00:12:36 ◼ ► what I'm sure they're it strategically [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/756">TS</a>]
00:12:38 ◼ ► there were multiple reasons but one of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/758">TS</a>]
00:12:39 ◼ ► them was they were never going to allow [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/759">TS</a>]
00:12:41 ◼ ► something like an Adobe app that when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/761">TS</a>]
00:12:43 ◼ ► you open the app gives you like a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/763">TS</a>]
00:12:45 ◼ ► secondary homepage of flash based games [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/765">TS</a>]
00:12:47 ◼ ► that you can play right you can't have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/767">TS</a>]
00:12:49 ◼ ► an app store within the App Store except [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/769">TS</a>]
00:12:52 ◼ ► that if you already have a certain [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/772">TS</a>]
00:12:55 ◼ ► momentum and size and importance like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/775">TS</a>]
00:12:59 ◼ ► Facebook and like WeChat has in China [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/779">TS</a>]
00:13:01 ◼ ► you can kind of get away from it you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/781">TS</a>]
00:13:04 ◼ ► know get away with it because Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/784">TS</a>]
00:13:05 ◼ ► can't really afford they can't say we're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/785">TS</a>]
00:13:07 ◼ ► not going to allow we chat on the iPhone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/787">TS</a>]
00:13:09 ◼ ► in China and they can't say we're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/789">TS</a>]
00:13:11 ◼ ► going to allow Facebook on the iPhone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/791">TS</a>]
00:13:13 ◼ ► yeah people just buy something else at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/793">TS</a>]
00:13:16 ◼ ► right but so you know they even talk [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/796">TS</a>]
00:13:18 ◼ ► about apps like you know Facebook has [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/798">TS</a>]
00:13:20 ◼ ► things they call apps that you can have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/800">TS</a>]
00:13:22 ◼ ► within messenger and like if you and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/802">TS</a>]
00:13:24 ◼ ► started a new chat app and came out with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/804">TS</a>]
00:13:27 ◼ ► it and we said that there were apps you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/807">TS</a>]
00:13:30 ◼ ► could have within the app it would not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/810">TS</a>]
00:13:31 ◼ ► it would not make it through approval [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/811">TS</a>]
00:13:34 ◼ ► that in the iOS App Store our probably [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/814">TS</a>]
00:13:38 ◼ ► wouldn't um it's just something that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/818">TS</a>]
00:13:41 ◼ ► some you know a company like Facebook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/821">TS</a>]
00:13:43 ◼ ► that has that sort of what would you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/823">TS</a>]
00:13:46 ◼ ► call it stature yeah well it also blurs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/826">TS</a>]
00:13:48 ◼ ► the web services line because like Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/828">TS</a>]
00:13:49 ◼ ► wouldn't blink with just like you go to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/829">TS</a>]
00:13:51 ◼ ► google.com and there's your Gmail and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/831">TS</a>]
00:13:52 ◼ ► your Google Calendar those are just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/832">TS</a>]
00:13:53 ◼ ► normal web experiences and they've done [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/833">TS</a>]
00:13:56 ◼ ► that they but they've packaged those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/836">TS</a>]
00:13:57 ◼ ► things up inside chat clients or inside [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/837">TS</a>]
00:13:59 ◼ ► social networks instead of having them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/839">TS</a>]
00:14:01 ◼ ► as a bunch of standalone URLs and that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/841">TS</a>]
00:14:03 ◼ ► gives a very different experience and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/843">TS</a>]
00:14:05 ◼ ► experience right and you know one of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/845">TS</a>]
00:14:09 ◼ ► threatening to Apple is in theory like I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/849">TS</a>]
00:14:12 ◼ ► don't think this would happen I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/852">TS</a>]
00:14:13 ◼ ► it's you know so far it's actually more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/853">TS</a>]
00:14:17 ◼ ► where something like you know Facebook's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/857">TS</a>]
00:14:19 ◼ ► subsidiary Instagram was iOS only four [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/859">TS</a>]
00:14:22 ◼ ► years before it came out for for Android [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/862">TS</a>]
00:14:25 ◼ ► but if in theory Facebook somehow got [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/865">TS</a>]
00:14:30 ◼ ► better it was a better experience on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/870">TS</a>]
00:14:32 ◼ ► Android than it is on the iPhone that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/872">TS</a>]
00:14:34 ◼ ► a threat to Apple if people's favorite [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/874">TS</a>]
00:14:37 ◼ ► app and most used app is Facebook and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/877">TS</a>]
00:14:39 ◼ ► word spreads around that oh but you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/879">TS</a>]
00:14:40 ◼ ► can't do the cool new x y&z that all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/880">TS</a>]
00:14:44 ◼ ► your friends who have Android phones are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/884">TS</a>]
00:14:45 ◼ ► doing on Facebook unless you get an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/885">TS</a>]
00:14:46 ◼ ► Android phone like that's Facebook is so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/886">TS</a>]
00:14:49 ◼ ► big and so popular that if something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/889">TS</a>]
00:14:50 ◼ ► like that happened hypothetically that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/890">TS</a>]
00:14:53 ◼ ► a problem for Apple yeah I don't want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/893">TS</a>]
00:14:55 ◼ ► real it'll get the whole App Store thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/895">TS</a>]
00:14:56 ◼ ► but when you look at it if you look at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/896">TS</a>]
00:14:57 ◼ ► the App Store you look at Google Play [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/897">TS</a>]
00:15:00 ◼ ► freedoms and features that a lot of App [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/900">TS</a>]
00:15:02 ◼ ► Store developers have been wanting for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/902">TS</a>]
00:15:03 ◼ ► years but you can't really point to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/903">TS</a>]
00:15:05 ◼ ► those two things on Google Play and say [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/905">TS</a>]
00:15:07 ◼ ► those are apps that aren't those are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/907">TS</a>]
00:15:08 ◼ ► transformative apps that are simply not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/908">TS</a>]
00:15:10 ◼ ► possible an iPhone you can get snapchat [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/910">TS</a>]
00:15:12 ◼ ► an iPhone you can get uber on iPhone but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/912">TS</a>]
00:15:14 ◼ ► if there was ever a case where an app [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/914">TS</a>]
00:15:15 ◼ ► could only exist on Android because the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/915">TS</a>]
00:15:17 ◼ ► policies or capabilities of Google Play [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/917">TS</a>]
00:15:19 ◼ ► and the Android ecosystem we're such to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/919">TS</a>]
00:15:21 ◼ ► make it so that would I think be the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/921">TS</a>]
00:15:23 ◼ ► only thing that could really change [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/923">TS</a>]
00:15:24 ◼ ► Apple's outlook on how all that thing on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/924">TS</a>]
00:15:26 ◼ ► how iOS and the App Store works right if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/926">TS</a>]
00:15:30 ◼ ► it's apples uh they have control over [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/930">TS</a>]
00:15:38 ◼ ► the AppStore that the software vendors [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/938">TS</a>]
00:15:42 ◼ ► haven't had previously over their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/942">TS</a>]
00:15:44 ◼ ► platforms right that they didn't have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/944">TS</a>]
00:15:46 ◼ ► over the Mac because you could you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/946">TS</a>]
00:15:47 ◼ ► you can install any app you want on the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/947">TS</a>]
00:15:50 ◼ ► Mac and so technically yes they could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/950">TS</a>]
00:15:54 ◼ ► ban anything but practically speaking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/954">TS</a>]
00:15:55 ◼ ► they don't really have they have lots of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/955">TS</a>]
00:15:58 ◼ ► control but they don't really have total [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/958">TS</a>]
00:15:59 ◼ ► control like there's only so far that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/959">TS</a>]
00:16:01 ◼ ► they can push Facebook on if Facebook is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/961">TS</a>]
00:16:04 ◼ ► doing shady stuff behind the scenes like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/964">TS</a>]
00:16:06 ◼ ► they have in the past like when I use [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/966">TS</a>]
00:16:08 ◼ ► the audio api Zoar right what yeah you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/968">TS</a>]
00:16:11 ◼ ► know like they you know that was one of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/971">TS</a>]
00:16:13 ◼ ► them like where where in the over the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/973">TS</a>]
00:16:15 ◼ ► years when you look and say well why in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/975">TS</a>]
00:16:16 ◼ ► the world is Facebook doing so much in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/976">TS</a>]
00:16:18 ◼ ► the background and how are they doing it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/978">TS</a>]
00:16:19 ◼ ► with there's rules of you know that apps [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/979">TS</a>]
00:16:24 ◼ ► Facebook at one point one of the things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/984">TS</a>]
00:16:26 ◼ ► they did it is they they were playing if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/986">TS</a>]
00:16:30 ◼ ► there was an API so that an app that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/990">TS</a>]
00:16:32 ◼ ► playing audio can keep playing it in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/992">TS</a>]
00:16:34 ◼ ► background indefinitely and it won't get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/994">TS</a>]
00:16:35 ◼ ► killed because if you let's say playing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/995">TS</a>]
00:16:37 ◼ ► a podcast and you're not you're doing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/997">TS</a>]
00:16:40 ◼ ► other things on your phone like you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1000">TS</a>]
00:16:41 ◼ ► going through email and browsing the web [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1001">TS</a>]
00:16:43 ◼ ► while you're listening to the podcast [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1003">TS</a>]
00:16:44 ◼ ► you don't want your podcast player to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1004">TS</a>]
00:16:47 ◼ ► quote-unquote in the background because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1007">TS</a>]
00:16:49 ◼ ► you're you're getting something from it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1009">TS</a>]
00:16:50 ◼ ► it's playing audio so Facebook use that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1010">TS</a>]
00:16:54 ◼ ► API to play completely silent audio [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1014">TS</a>]
00:16:57 ◼ ► track so that they could keep going in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1017">TS</a>]
00:17:00 ◼ ► the background while they do other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1020">TS</a>]
00:17:02 ◼ ► things like waiting for notifications [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1022">TS</a>]
00:17:04 ◼ ► and whatever else that are doing it is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1024">TS</a>]
00:17:07 ◼ ► almost as egregious as when they had to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1027">TS</a>]
00:17:08 ◼ ► hamburger buttons on both sides of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1028">TS</a>]
00:17:09 ◼ ► app all right I'd say that this was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1029">TS</a>]
00:17:12 ◼ ► worse I do hamburger buttons don't run [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1032">TS</a>]
00:17:14 ◼ ► your battery down but it so in this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1034">TS</a>]
00:17:15 ◼ ► problem still exists like I think was a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1035">TS</a>]
00:17:17 ◼ ► month ago people started complaining [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1037">TS</a>]
00:17:18 ◼ ► about the same issue with Pokemon go and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1038">TS</a>]
00:17:20 ◼ ► I started investigating and if you go it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1040">TS</a>]
00:17:21 ◼ ► says we're like two or three hours on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1041">TS</a>]
00:17:23 ◼ ► the background audio which is not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1043">TS</a>]
00:17:25 ◼ ► something that any rat app besides a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1045">TS</a>]
00:17:27 ◼ ► streaming client to ever present all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1047">TS</a>]
00:17:30 ◼ ► immediately right and so Facebook can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1050">TS</a>]
00:17:33 ◼ ► get away with stuff like that in a way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1053">TS</a>]
00:17:35 ◼ ► that other companies can't the other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1055">TS</a>]
00:17:37 ◼ ► good example of that I mean I don't want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1057">TS</a>]
00:17:38 ◼ ► to tie too many stories together it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1058">TS</a>]
00:17:43 ◼ ► a story that came out of a few weeks ago [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1063">TS</a>]
00:17:45 ◼ ► about uber yeah getting caught by Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1065">TS</a>]
00:17:51 ◼ ► we could save that though maybe we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1071">TS</a>]
00:17:53 ◼ ► should save that forever from the Zurich [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1073">TS</a>]
00:17:55 ◼ ► so anyway iPhone in China what else what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1075">TS</a>]
00:17:57 ◼ ► else we have to say about that well I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1077">TS</a>]
00:18:00 ◼ ► think just beyond China is that Tim Cook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1080">TS</a>]
00:18:01 ◼ ► used the same sort of wording when he [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1081">TS</a>]
00:18:03 ◼ ► spoke about iPad and said that you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1083">TS</a>]
00:18:05 ◼ ► I large screen iPads were up sales of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1085">TS</a>]
00:18:09 ◼ ► all our screen iPads were up when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1089">TS</a>]
00:18:10 ◼ ► overall iPad sales were down again and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1090">TS</a>]
00:18:12 ◼ ► that sort of was pointing the finger [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1092">TS</a>]
00:18:14 ◼ ► right at the iPad Mini yeah I think so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1094">TS</a>]
00:18:16 ◼ ► that I think the reading between the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1096">TS</a>]
00:18:19 ◼ ► lines on that that is a good that did [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1099">TS</a>]
00:18:21 ◼ ► strike me to reading between the lines [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1101">TS</a>]
00:18:22 ◼ ► on that and also looking at the revenue [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1102">TS</a>]
00:18:25 ◼ ► number yeah which wasn't really up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1105">TS</a>]
00:18:28 ◼ ► either like like for example for the Mac [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1108">TS</a>]
00:18:34 ◼ ► sales unit sales were up 4% good [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1114">TS</a>]
00:18:37 ◼ ► year-over-year from the same three [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1117">TS</a>]
00:18:38 ◼ ► months last year but revenue is up 14% [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1118">TS</a>]
00:18:41 ◼ ► yeah so 4% units 14% revenue that tells [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1121">TS</a>]
00:18:47 ◼ ► me that the new MacBook Pros are selling [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1127">TS</a>]
00:18:50 ◼ ► pretty well yeah because that's the only [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1130">TS</a>]
00:18:52 ◼ ► thing that's new in the lineup and the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1132">TS</a>]
00:18:55 ◼ ► ASP s are higher on those models and the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1135">TS</a>]
00:18:57 ◼ ► ASP s are higher on those models and so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1137">TS</a>]
00:18:59 ◼ ► you know that it's you know if you're if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1139">TS</a>]
00:19:02 ◼ ► there's any concern out there that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1142">TS</a>]
00:19:04 ◼ ► sort of mixed reviews those MacBook Pros [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1144">TS</a>]
00:19:06 ◼ ► got it doesn't seem like it's had an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1146">TS</a>]
00:19:07 ◼ ► adverse effect on sales seems like the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1147">TS</a>]
00:19:09 ◼ ► opposite that they're actually proving [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1149">TS</a>]
00:19:10 ◼ ► to be pretty popular because they've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1150">TS</a>]
00:19:12 ◼ ► driven the revenue per unit up but with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1152">TS</a>]
00:19:17 ◼ ► the iPad with them saying and again you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1157">TS</a>]
00:19:19 ◼ ► know it those those analyst calls are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1159">TS</a>]
00:19:22 ◼ ► you know they can't lie on them or else [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1162">TS</a>]
00:19:25 ◼ ► they're committing securities fraud like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1165">TS</a>]
00:19:27 ◼ ► they're very very careful I mean you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1167">TS</a>]
00:19:29 ◼ ► know because you got you read the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1169">TS</a>]
00:19:30 ◼ ► transcript and read every word I mean [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1170">TS</a>]
00:19:32 ◼ ► it's not loosey-goosey talk no and they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1172">TS</a>]
00:19:35 ◼ ► are well prepared they have every fact [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1175">TS</a>]
00:19:37 ◼ ► in front of them before they get on that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1177">TS</a>]
00:19:38 ◼ ► microphone right so if they say I mean [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1178">TS</a>]
00:19:42 ◼ ► again they don't they you know in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1182">TS</a>]
00:19:45 ◼ ► actual PDF data document for the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1185">TS</a>]
00:19:47 ◼ ► quarterly numbers they they give you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1187">TS</a>]
00:19:50 ◼ ► units per product line like just for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1190">TS</a>]
00:19:53 ◼ ► iPad and their revenue for the product [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1193">TS</a>]
00:19:56 ◼ ► they don't break down in the old days [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1196">TS</a>]
00:19:58 ◼ ► like ten years ago they used to break [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1198">TS</a>]
00:20:00 ◼ ► down like for example Mac sales by [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1200">TS</a>]
00:20:02 ◼ ► desktop and notebook but they don't have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1202">TS</a>]
00:20:05 ◼ ► any breakdown like that for iPads like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1205">TS</a>]
00:20:06 ◼ ► between big and small but if they say on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1206">TS</a>]
00:20:08 ◼ ► the call the big ones are up it but they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1208">TS</a>]
00:20:11 ◼ ► must be up all right like it's either [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1211">TS</a>]
00:20:13 ◼ ► that or they're committing securities [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1213">TS</a>]
00:20:14 ◼ ► fraud but given that that everything was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1214">TS</a>]
00:20:17 ◼ ► still down that must mean that iPad Mini [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1217">TS</a>]
00:20:19 ◼ ► sales have just dropped off the face of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1219">TS</a>]
00:20:21 ◼ ► the earth which makes sense given the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1221">TS</a>]
00:20:22 ◼ ► event of the larger phones and the lack [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1222">TS</a>]
00:20:25 ◼ ► of updates to the iPad Mini platform [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1225">TS</a>]
00:20:26 ◼ ► yeah I'd sort of a chicken and egg [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1226">TS</a>]
00:20:28 ◼ ► question for me is it are they not even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1228">TS</a>]
00:20:32 ◼ ► updating the iPad Mini because people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1232">TS</a>]
00:20:35 ◼ ► aren't buying the iPad Mini or people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1235">TS</a>]
00:20:36 ◼ ► not buying the iPad Mini because they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1236">TS</a>]
00:20:38 ◼ ► haven't updated the iPad Mini in a while [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1238">TS</a>]
00:20:39 ◼ ► this is this is a bit of a tangent but I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1239">TS</a>]
00:20:41 ◼ ► went to a mutual friend of ours sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1241">TS</a>]
00:20:43 ◼ ► potted us about Mac OS server the other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1243">TS</a>]
00:20:46 ◼ ► day so I went to pick up a Mac Mini so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1246">TS</a>]
00:20:48 ◼ ► that we can write a series of articles [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1248">TS</a>]
00:20:49 ◼ ► and I more about the benefits of Mac OS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1249">TS</a>]
00:20:50 ◼ ► server and I went to the Apple store I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1250">TS</a>]
00:20:53 ◼ ► bought it took it home and it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1253">TS</a>]
00:20:55 ◼ ► running L cap much I mean that to me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1255">TS</a>]
00:20:59 ◼ ► shows is not a huge turnover rate on Mac [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1259">TS</a>]
00:21:01 ◼ ► minis we talked about how Mac Mini is a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1261">TS</a>]
00:21:03 ◼ ► languishing product it's the same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1263">TS</a>]
00:21:04 ◼ ► chicken and the egg problem but that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1264">TS</a>]
00:21:05 ◼ ► sort of gave me an indicator about how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1265">TS</a>]
00:21:07 ◼ ► few Mac minis might actually be moving [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1267">TS</a>]
00:21:18 ◼ ► so trying ELQ be funny if it opened it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1278">TS</a>]
00:21:23 ◼ ► up and it was running like tiger or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1283">TS</a>]
00:21:25 ◼ ► something like oh that'd be great right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1285">TS</a>]
00:21:26 ◼ ► sky lady old office telling us it's like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1286">TS</a>]
00:21:30 ◼ ► how old is this uh PowerPC ABS uh trying [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1290">TS</a>]
00:21:37 ◼ ► quarterly results services are way up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1297">TS</a>]
00:21:40 ◼ ► which is as is predicted I mean they've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1300">TS</a>]
00:21:43 ◼ ► been saying this for a while that hey [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1303">TS</a>]
00:21:45 ◼ ► we're you know we're hell-bent on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1305">TS</a>]
00:21:47 ◼ ► services and it's showing in the results [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1307">TS</a>]
00:21:52 ◼ ► and it's repeatable revenue from the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1312">TS</a>]
00:21:53 ◼ ► same customer base though it's sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1313">TS</a>]
00:21:55 ◼ ► the revenue that Wall Street likes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1315">TS</a>]
00:21:56 ◼ ► because you like we saw in China you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1316">TS</a>]
00:21:58 ◼ ► can't guarantee someone's going to buy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1318">TS</a>]
00:21:59 ◼ ► the next iPhone but are they're paying [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1319">TS</a>]
00:22:00 ◼ ► you subscription revenue you have a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1320">TS</a>]
00:22:02 ◼ ► certain amount of period you can look [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1322">TS</a>]
00:22:03 ◼ ► forward to that revenue well and I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1323">TS</a>]
00:22:05 ◼ ► I think the other thing that and it ties [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1325">TS</a>]
00:22:09 ◼ ► on the software being more important [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1329">TS</a>]
00:22:10 ◼ ► than the hardware in terms of not in any [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1330">TS</a>]
00:22:14 ◼ ► particular quarter but in the long run [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1334">TS</a>]
00:22:16 ◼ ► of having a loyal customer base that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1336">TS</a>]
00:22:19 ◼ ► when they go to replace their blank [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1339">TS</a>]
00:22:21 ◼ ► whether it's their watch or whether it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1341">TS</a>]
00:22:23 ◼ ► their phone or whether it's their laptop [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1343">TS</a>]
00:22:25 ◼ ► if they've already got an Apple one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1345">TS</a>]
00:22:27 ◼ ► they're going to buy another Apple one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1347">TS</a>]
00:22:29 ◼ ► yeah and to have the services revenue is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1349">TS</a>]
00:22:34 ◼ ► the sign that they're creating new ways [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1354">TS</a>]
00:22:36 ◼ ► that make more stickiness in that regard [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1356">TS</a>]
00:22:39 ◼ ► yeah I mean it's good in both directions [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1359">TS</a>]
00:22:41 ◼ ► too and I think they've even said this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1361">TS</a>]
00:22:42 ◼ ► on the call is that you not in these [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1362">TS</a>]
00:22:44 ◼ ► terms though is that you can either [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1364">TS</a>]
00:22:45 ◼ ► double your amount of customers or you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1365">TS</a>]
00:22:47 ◼ ► can double the amount of revenue you get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1367">TS</a>]
00:22:48 ◼ ► from your customers and both of them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1368">TS</a>]
00:22:49 ◼ ► result in substantial increases and as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1369">TS</a>]
00:22:51 ◼ ► Apple starts to reach those those big [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1371">TS</a>]
00:22:53 ◼ ► numbers where it's really hard to start [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1373">TS</a>]
00:22:55 ◼ ► opening up new iPhone markets you've got [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1375">TS</a>]
00:22:56 ◼ ► Verizon you've got international [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1376">TS</a>]
00:22:57 ◼ ► carriers you've got China Mobile getting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1377">TS</a>]
00:22:59 ◼ ► people on to higher revenue streams with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1379">TS</a>]
00:23:01 ◼ ► things like subscription services just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1381">TS</a>]
00:23:02 ◼ ► creates more value from each customer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1382">TS</a>]
00:23:04 ◼ ► all right and I think it's important too [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1384">TS</a>]
00:23:06 ◼ ► because Apple is if Apple is Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1386">TS</a>]
00:23:09 ◼ ► they're never going to they're never [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1389">TS</a>]
00:23:12 ◼ ► going to have market share like monopoly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1392">TS</a>]
00:23:14 ◼ ► market share of these products because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1394">TS</a>]
00:23:16 ◼ ► they're just they just does it's just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1396">TS</a>]
00:23:18 ◼ ► not what Apple does is make products [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1398">TS</a>]
00:23:22 ◼ ► as to you know take over the commodity [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1402">TS</a>]
00:23:25 ◼ ► level market I mean it just it wouldn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1405">TS</a>]
00:23:27 ◼ ► an Apple that tried to do that would no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1407">TS</a>]
00:23:29 ◼ ► longer be recognizable as the Apple we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1409">TS</a>]
00:23:31 ◼ ► know there's certain markets they just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1411">TS</a>]
00:23:33 ◼ ► choose not to compete in right and you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1413">TS</a>]
00:23:35 ◼ ► know it's you know whatever percentage [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1415">TS</a>]
00:23:37 ◼ ► of the PC market they have four five six [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1417">TS</a>]
00:23:40 ◼ ► 10% whatever you want to call it you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1420">TS</a>]
00:23:42 ◼ ► know their market of the phone you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1422">TS</a>]
00:23:45 ◼ ► is higher than significantly higher than [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1425">TS</a>]
00:23:47 ◼ ► that but it still is a minority and not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1427">TS</a>]
00:23:50 ◼ ► even close to 50% it's you know even in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1430">TS</a>]
00:23:53 ◼ ► the most popular iPhone countries it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1433">TS</a>]
00:23:55 ◼ ► you know 20% something like that is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1435">TS</a>]
00:23:57 ◼ ► where we see the differential between [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1437">TS</a>]
00:23:59 ◼ ► the market share and their profit share [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1439">TS</a>]
00:24:00 ◼ ► right and you know being able to get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1440">TS</a>]
00:24:02 ◼ ► more money out of the existing customers [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1442">TS</a>]
00:24:04 ◼ ► is a path to growth that is it lets them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1444">TS</a>]
00:24:08 ◼ ► still be Apple there was one other thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1448">TS</a>]
00:24:10 ◼ ► that I thought was really interesting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1450">TS</a>]
00:24:11 ◼ ► and that's when he was talking about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1451">TS</a>]
00:24:12 ◼ ► Apple watch and they still won't give [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1452">TS</a>]
00:24:14 ◼ ► numbers they did the Amazon like thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1454">TS</a>]
00:24:15 ◼ ► where they said we had almost twice the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1455">TS</a>]
00:24:17 ◼ ► amount of sales as last year so X was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1457">TS</a>]
00:24:19 ◼ ► last year this was 2x but then Tim Cook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1459">TS</a>]
00:24:21 ◼ ► said that if you take Apple watch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1461">TS</a>]
00:24:22 ◼ ► you combine it with air pods and with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1462">TS</a>]
00:24:24 ◼ ► beats although it wasn't specific which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1464">TS</a>]
00:24:26 ◼ ► beats products just two w one or all of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1466">TS</a>]
00:24:27 ◼ ► them that might be halogen 500 company [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1467">TS</a>]
00:24:30 ◼ ► yeah my guess is this there's a large [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1470">TS</a>]
00:24:31 ◼ ► amount of beats money in there it makes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1471">TS</a>]
00:24:33 ◼ ► a fortune 500 company yeah yeah well [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1473">TS</a>]
00:24:39 ◼ ► let's take a break and we'll come back [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1479">TS</a>]
00:24:40 ◼ ► to that cuz I have some comments on them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1480">TS</a>]
00:24:42 ◼ ► the watch but let me take a break and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1482">TS</a>]
00:24:46 ◼ ► thank our first sponsor it's a good [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1486">TS</a>]
00:24:50 ◼ ► Squarespace Squarespace is the place to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1490">TS</a>]
00:24:54 ◼ ► go if you need to make a new website I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1494">TS</a>]
00:24:56 ◼ ► say this all the time they sponsored the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1496">TS</a>]
00:24:58 ◼ ► show for a long time I'm telling you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1498">TS</a>]
00:25:01 ◼ ► right now next time you have an idea for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1501">TS</a>]
00:25:02 ◼ ► a website any kind of website any [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1502">TS</a>]
00:25:05 ◼ ► project that needs a website a podcast a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1505">TS</a>]
00:25:07 ◼ ► store try it at Squarespace first you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1507">TS</a>]
00:25:11 ◼ ► will be if you haven't recently or never [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1511">TS</a>]
00:25:14 ◼ ► have you will be surprised at how easy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1514">TS</a>]
00:25:16 ◼ ► and flexible Squarespace is to create a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1516">TS</a>]
00:25:18 ◼ ► website how non totally non-technical [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1518">TS</a>]
00:25:21 ◼ ► you have to be you just do it right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1521">TS</a>]
00:25:24 ◼ ► there in the website you see the website [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1524">TS</a>]
00:25:26 ◼ ► you pick from a template it looks like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1526">TS</a>]
00:25:29 ◼ ► it you see it right there on your screen [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1529">TS</a>]
00:25:30 ◼ ► and then if you want to move elements [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1530">TS</a>]
00:25:32 ◼ ► around you just drag them around if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1532">TS</a>]
00:25:35 ◼ ► are technically savvy enough to want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1535">TS</a>]
00:25:37 ◼ ► put your own JavaScript in or do some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1537">TS</a>]
00:25:39 ◼ ► modify the CSS or something like that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1539">TS</a>]
00:25:41 ◼ ► you can do it you would be surprised [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1541">TS</a>]
00:25:44 ◼ ► here's the other thing too because part [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1544">TS</a>]
00:25:46 ◼ ► of the easiness of using Squarespace is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1546">TS</a>]
00:25:47 ◼ ► this ability to pick templates and they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1547">TS</a>]
00:25:49 ◼ ► have so many of them from different [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1549">TS</a>]
00:25:51 ◼ ► professional-looking website but I hear [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1551">TS</a>]
00:25:54 ◼ ► that if I hear that if I'm listening to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1554">TS</a>]
00:25:56 ◼ ► this show and I hear that my thought [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1556">TS</a>]
00:25:57 ◼ ► turns to well I don't want to have a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1557">TS</a>]
00:25:59 ◼ ► cookie cutter site that looks like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1559">TS</a>]
00:26:00 ◼ ► everybody else's like say back in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1560">TS</a>]
00:26:03 ◼ ► day when you'd get like a blogspot blog [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1563">TS</a>]
00:26:06 ◼ ► and you'd know it was a blogspot blog [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1566">TS</a>]
00:26:08 ◼ ► because they were like two or three [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1568">TS</a>]
00:26:09 ◼ ► templates to choose from and everybody [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1569">TS</a>]
00:26:11 ◼ ► had one of those Squarespace has so many [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1571">TS</a>]
00:26:13 ◼ ► templates to choose from and the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1573">TS</a>]
00:26:14 ◼ ► templates they have you can modify them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1574">TS</a>]
00:26:16 ◼ ► so easily to customize them to your own [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1576">TS</a>]
00:26:18 ◼ ► brand that you don't even know when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1578">TS</a>]
00:26:20 ◼ ► you're on a Squarespace site it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1580">TS</a>]
00:26:21 ◼ ► unbelievable to me how many sites when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1581">TS</a>]
00:26:23 ◼ ► you start poking around and looking in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1583">TS</a>]
00:26:25 ◼ ► the source code and you see that it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1585">TS</a>]
00:26:26 ◼ ► Squarespace site you're like wow I never [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1586">TS</a>]
00:26:28 ◼ ► would have guessed that because it looks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1588">TS</a>]
00:26:29 ◼ ► so uniquely branded to this restaurant [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1589">TS</a>]
00:26:33 ◼ ► or a clothing company or whatever it is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1593">TS</a>]
00:26:36 ◼ ► you're trying to make so next time you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1596">TS</a>]
00:26:39 ◼ ► make a website build it with Squarespace [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1599">TS</a>]
00:26:41 ◼ ► and use the code Gruber my last name and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1601">TS</a>]
00:26:44 ◼ ► when you pay you will save 10% off your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1604">TS</a>]
00:26:48 ◼ ► first order remember that next time you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1608">TS</a>]
00:26:49 ◼ ► need to make a website so I I sometimes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1609">TS</a>]
00:26:54 ◼ ► I worry that I repeat myself too often [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1614">TS</a>]
00:26:56 ◼ ► Renae that I've got like three or four [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1616">TS</a>]
00:26:59 ◼ ► columns and I just can't keep writing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1619">TS</a>]
00:27:00 ◼ ► them all over and over again but the one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1620">TS</a>]
00:27:03 ◼ ► I just wrote a couple weeks ago was some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1623">TS</a>]
00:27:06 ◼ ► I forget the guys name but somebody [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1626">TS</a>]
00:27:07 ◼ ► wrote a column that the Apple watch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1627">TS</a>]
00:27:09 ◼ ► hasn't changed Apple it hasn't done [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1629">TS</a>]
00:27:11 ◼ ► anything for Apple at all and I think if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1631">TS</a>]
00:27:15 ◼ ► you read between the lines of his [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1635">TS</a>]
00:27:16 ◼ ► argument it's that it is more or less [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1636">TS</a>]
00:27:18 ◼ ► that it the I Apple watch is nowhere [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1638">TS</a>]
00:27:21 ◼ ► near I phone size product and probably [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1641">TS</a>]
00:27:24 ◼ ► never will be and therefore it's it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1644">TS</a>]
00:27:26 ◼ ► meaningless to Apple or close to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1646">TS</a>]
00:27:28 ◼ ► meaningless and I just think that's such [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1648">TS</a>]
00:27:32 ◼ ► a wrong way to look at it it's like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1652">TS</a>]
00:27:34 ◼ ► there's there really might there might [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1654">TS</a>]
00:27:36 ◼ ► never be another iPhone size product in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1656">TS</a>]
00:27:38 ◼ ► any industry let alone Apple like Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1658">TS</a>]
00:27:40 ◼ ► may not ever have an iPhone size hit it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1660">TS</a>]
00:27:43 ◼ ► may well be that no other company has an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1663">TS</a>]
00:27:45 ◼ ► iPhone size hit in terms of just how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1665">TS</a>]
00:27:48 ◼ ► much money and how many people around [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1668">TS</a>]
00:27:50 ◼ ► the world the market size is and so I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1670">TS</a>]
00:27:54 ◼ ► ain't judged by that nothing Apple ever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1674">TS</a>]
00:27:57 ◼ ► does will succeed by that merit and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1677">TS</a>]
00:28:00 ◼ ► think if Apple internally took that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1680">TS</a>]
00:28:02 ◼ ► mindset it would paralyze the company [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1682">TS</a>]
00:28:03 ◼ ► yeah yeah I mean i phone creates more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1683">TS</a>]
00:28:08 ◼ ► oligopoly control over scarce fossil [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1688">TS</a>]
00:28:10 ◼ ► fuel resources and people forget that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1690">TS</a>]
00:28:12 ◼ ► perspective and they create this false [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1692">TS</a>]
00:28:14 ◼ ► equivalency where everything for Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1694">TS</a>]
00:28:16 ◼ ► has to be measured by the success of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1696">TS</a>]
00:28:18 ◼ ► iPhone and then everything is seemed to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1698">TS</a>]
00:28:19 ◼ ► be lacking where for other companies you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1699">TS</a>]
00:28:21 ◼ ► could sell three surface books and it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1701">TS</a>]
00:28:23 ◼ ► a rousing success you get 19 articles [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1703">TS</a>]
00:28:25 ◼ ► out of that when we saw that I think I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1705">TS</a>]
00:28:27 ◼ ► forget if it was Neil Seibert or Ben [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1707">TS</a>]
00:28:29 ◼ ► Benedict Evans who tweeted that based on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1709">TS</a>]
00:28:32 ◼ ► their metrics Apple watch vastly outsold [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1712">TS</a>]
00:28:35 ◼ ► by it was a factor of two or three [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1715">TS</a>]
00:28:37 ◼ ► Amazon's Alexa echo product and yet [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1717">TS</a>]
00:28:41 ◼ ► people were telling how great and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1721">TS</a>]
00:28:42 ◼ ► transformative echo was and what a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1722">TS</a>]
00:28:44 ◼ ► dismal failure Apple watch was and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1724">TS</a>]
00:28:46 ◼ ► lutely out of whack with anything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1726">TS</a>]
00:28:47 ◼ ► assembling any resemblance to facts [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1727">TS</a>]
00:28:49 ◼ ► right it's it's graded on such a bizarre [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1729">TS</a>]
00:28:52 ◼ ► curve and it's a perfect example because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1732">TS</a>]
00:28:54 ◼ ► Alexa like every other Amazon product [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1734">TS</a>]
00:28:59 ◼ ► the echo doesn't get numbers reported [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1739">TS</a>]
00:29:01 ◼ ► and Apple watch gets a Bezos curve of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1741">TS</a>]
00:29:07 ◼ ► yeah this games really important [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1747">TS</a>]
00:29:09 ◼ ► technology you can kind of at least with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1749">TS</a>]
00:29:11 ◼ ► Apple watch it's in that other category [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1751">TS</a>]
00:29:13 ◼ ► and you can there is a revenue number [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1753">TS</a>]
00:29:15 ◼ ► for the you know the it's like the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1755">TS</a>]
00:29:18 ◼ ► headphones and beats and Apple TV and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1758">TS</a>]
00:29:28 ◼ ► and given a Apple TV is almost certainly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1768">TS</a>]
00:29:33 ◼ ► pretty static that Gator hasn't been an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1773">TS</a>]
00:29:37 ◼ ► promotional push there hasn't been a big [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1777">TS</a>]
00:29:38 ◼ ► change you know since the fall 2015 when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1778">TS</a>]
00:29:41 ◼ ► the current Apple Apple TV came out so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1781">TS</a>]
00:29:44 ◼ ► you know I it's pretty reasonable to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1784">TS</a>]
00:29:46 ◼ ► assume Apple TV is flat at best earpods [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1786">TS</a>]
00:29:50 ◼ ► is a little hard to gauge for this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1790">TS</a>]
00:29:51 ◼ ► quarter because they're obviously [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1791">TS</a>]
00:29:52 ◼ ► popular enough that they're backordered [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1792">TS</a>]
00:29:55 ◼ ► but there's something strange yeah it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1795">TS</a>]
00:29:56 ◼ ► hard to connect just how constrained [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1796">TS</a>]
00:30:00 ◼ ► they are and I think you pointed out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1800">TS</a>]
00:30:02 ◼ ► that they're not sold at a huge margin [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1802">TS</a>]
00:30:04 ◼ ► there right sold as cheaply as possible [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1804">TS</a>]
00:30:06 ◼ ► well the revenue number though might be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1806">TS</a>]
00:30:08 ◼ ► big because they don't you know they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1808">TS</a>]
00:30:09 ◼ ► not going to break that down by profit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1809">TS</a>]
00:30:10 ◼ ► but I have reason to believe that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1810">TS</a>]
00:30:12 ◼ ► they're theirs they're not a big [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1812">TS</a>]
00:30:13 ◼ ► moneymaker at this point and it makes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1813">TS</a>]
00:30:16 ◼ ► sense that obviously it must be hard to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1816">TS</a>]
00:30:18 ◼ ► make because the you know that's four [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1818">TS</a>]
00:30:20 ◼ ► months in and there's still six weeks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1820">TS</a>]
00:30:21 ◼ ► out if you go to order them as an aside [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1821">TS</a>]
00:30:24 ◼ ► on that for anybody looking to buy our [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1824">TS</a>]
00:30:26 ◼ ► pods I've every wrote about that on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1826">TS</a>]
00:30:28 ◼ ► during fireball a couple times recently [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1828">TS</a>]
00:30:30 ◼ ► and a couple people have written to me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1830">TS</a>]
00:30:31 ◼ ► and said that they scored earpods [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1831">TS</a>]
00:30:35 ◼ ► it on the fly recently from like 18 t [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1835">TS</a>]
00:30:40 ◼ ► stores they're like Verizon stores that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1840">TS</a>]
00:30:43 ◼ ► there's they're they're showing up if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1843">TS</a>]
00:30:45 ◼ ► you're you know if you really want them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1845">TS</a>]
00:30:47 ◼ ► and you don't want to wait six weeks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1847">TS</a>]
00:30:48 ◼ ► try-try stores like AT&T and Best Buy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1848">TS</a>]
00:30:50 ◼ ► and stuff like that and you might just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1850">TS</a>]
00:30:52 ◼ ► get lucky and get them before you would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1852">TS</a>]
00:30:54 ◼ ► if you place an order at Apple comm so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1854">TS</a>]
00:30:56 ◼ ► that's my my tip for anybody out there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1856">TS</a>]
00:30:59 ◼ ► but you know I I think it but the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1859">TS</a>]
00:31:01 ◼ ► numbers from those that Apple reported [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1861">TS</a>]
00:31:03 ◼ ► another backup you know the idea that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1863">TS</a>]
00:31:05 ◼ ► Apple watch is selling pretty well and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1865">TS</a>]
00:31:08 ◼ ► personally I mean this is obviously very [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1868">TS</a>]
00:31:10 ◼ ► unscientific but personally I see more I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1870">TS</a>]
00:31:15 ◼ ► see more and more Apple watches on real [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1875">TS</a>]
00:31:16 ◼ ► people out in the streets than ever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1876">TS</a>]
00:31:18 ◼ ► before I see a lot an awful lot of them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1878">TS</a>]
00:31:20 ◼ ► I went to the deli the other day just to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1880">TS</a>]
00:31:23 ◼ ► order a Montreal smoked meat sandwich [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1883">TS</a>]
00:31:24 ◼ ► and the waiter was wearing an Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1884">TS</a>]
00:31:26 ◼ ► watch and I asked him highlight and he [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1886">TS</a>]
00:31:27 ◼ ► said best thing in the world well I'll [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1887">TS</a>]
00:31:28 ◼ ► have our phones with us when we work but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1888">TS</a>]
00:31:30 ◼ ► I can still check my text messages on my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1890">TS</a>]
00:31:34 ◼ ► construction project across the street [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1894">TS</a>]
00:31:36 ◼ ► from from my house and I just I noticed [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1896">TS</a>]
00:31:39 ◼ ► the other day that the guy who controls [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1899">TS</a>]
00:31:41 ◼ ► the crane is wearing an Apple watch and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1901">TS</a>]
00:31:45 ◼ ► I thought that you know it might be the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1905">TS</a>]
00:31:46 ◼ ► same that that might be the exact reason [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1906">TS</a>]
00:31:49 ◼ ► for that is you know that he you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1909">TS</a>]
00:31:51 ◼ ► while he's doing this he can't have his [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1911">TS</a>]
00:31:52 ◼ ► phone out but he if he glances at his [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1912">TS</a>]
00:31:56 ◼ ► notifications I don't know but just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1916">TS</a>]
00:31:58 ◼ ► seems you know I see him all the time I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1918">TS</a>]
00:32:00 ◼ ► see a lawful autumn it backs up daily [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1920">TS</a>]
00:32:02 ◼ ► and again not like it's as popular as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1922">TS</a>]
00:32:03 ◼ ► the iPhone but nothing is really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1923">TS</a>]
00:32:06 ◼ ► literally but I sure see him a lot I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1926">TS</a>]
00:32:09 ◼ ► really do it does a subset of important [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1929">TS</a>]
00:32:12 ◼ ► brief tasks for you in a way that saves [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1932">TS</a>]
00:32:14 ◼ ► you having to go to your iPhone the same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1934">TS</a>]
00:32:15 ◼ ► way your iPhone does a subset a really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1935">TS</a>]
00:32:17 ◼ ► important task that stays you having to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1937">TS</a>]
00:32:18 ◼ ► go to your Mac yeah but why is that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1938">TS</a>]
00:32:20 ◼ ► important those are to you while we're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1940">TS</a>]
00:32:21 ◼ ► talking about Apple watch we can tie in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1941">TS</a>]
00:32:23 ◼ ► the other what story from this week [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1943">TS</a>]
00:32:24 ◼ ► where Apple Insider discovered that a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1944">TS</a>]
00:32:29 ◼ ► couple of big-name apps iPhone apps have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1949">TS</a>]
00:32:32 ◼ ► dropped their Apple watch counterparts [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1952">TS</a>]
00:32:34 ◼ ► was it Amazon eBay and yet the one up to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1954">TS</a>]
00:32:38 ◼ ► me was most telling was Google Maps yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1958">TS</a>]
00:32:41 ◼ ► I have to admit when I first heard this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1961">TS</a>]
00:32:42 ◼ ► story my guess and I checked into it but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1962">TS</a>]
00:32:44 ◼ ► I couldn't get an answer was that it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1964">TS</a>]
00:32:46 ◼ ► happened at the same time they launched [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1966">TS</a>]
00:32:47 ◼ ► their iMessage app I just thought they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1967">TS</a>]
00:32:48 ◼ ► screwed up something in their bundle and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1968">TS</a>]
00:32:50 ◼ ► enabled the iMessage app and disabled [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1970">TS</a>]
00:32:51 ◼ ► the Apple watch app by accident and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1971">TS</a>]
00:32:54 ◼ ► don't know if that's true or they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1974">TS</a>]
00:32:55 ◼ ► going to be updating it for our watch OS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1975">TS</a>]
00:32:56 ◼ ► four or whatever but their state their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1976">TS</a>]
00:32:57 ◼ ► subsequent statement made it sound like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1977">TS</a>]
00:32:59 ◼ ► it was it was returning it was not a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1979">TS</a>]
00:33:00 ◼ ► deliberate removal well the but the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1980">TS</a>]
00:33:03 ◼ ► telling part is that it it seemingly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1983">TS</a>]
00:33:05 ◼ ► happened weeks ago and nobody really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1985">TS</a>]
00:33:07 ◼ ► noticed a smartie noticed right away and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1987">TS</a>]
00:33:09 ◼ ► she's like what's happening here and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1989">TS</a>]
00:33:12 ◼ ► wasn't huge story now I just think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1992">TS</a>]
00:33:15 ◼ ► though I really do I think and I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1995">TS</a>]
00:33:17 ◼ ► it's you know I think the emphasis that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1997">TS</a>]
00:33:19 ◼ ► Apple I think Apple is fully aware of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/1999">TS</a>]
00:33:21 ◼ ► this based on what they worked on for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2001">TS</a>]
00:33:24 ◼ ► iOS 3 and what how they build it that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2004">TS</a>]
00:33:29 ◼ ► even with the iPhone it was true that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2009">TS</a>]
00:33:32 ◼ ► they'd you know they certainly obviously [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2012">TS</a>]
00:33:33 ◼ ► at the outset didn't see how much a how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2013">TS</a>]
00:33:36 ◼ ► big a deal it would be there be an app [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2016">TS</a>]
00:33:38 ◼ ► platform they might have had the inkling [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2018">TS</a>]
00:33:41 ◼ ► but it certainly you know and I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2021">TS</a>]
00:33:43 ◼ ► it's played out in ways that that even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2023">TS</a>]
00:33:46 ◼ ► they couldn't foresee I don't think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2026">TS</a>]
00:33:48 ◼ ► Apple would have predicted in 2007 that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2028">TS</a>]
00:33:50 ◼ ► the iPhone would become the most [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2030">TS</a>]
00:33:52 ◼ ► important and popular camera in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2032">TS</a>]
00:33:54 ◼ ► world it you know it's you don't know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2034">TS</a>]
00:33:57 ◼ ► you know and I feel like they rolled out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2037">TS</a>]
00:33:59 ◼ ► the Apple watch and obviously I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2039">TS</a>]
00:34:02 ◼ ► initially thought that apps were going [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2042">TS</a>]
00:34:04 ◼ ► to be a bigger part of what might make [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2044">TS</a>]
00:34:06 ◼ ► it popular and in real use in even their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2046">TS</a>]
00:34:10 ◼ ► own use like not just surveying users [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2050">TS</a>]
00:34:12 ◼ ► but I think you know Apple people using [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2052">TS</a>]
00:34:15 ◼ ► the watch themselves that the health [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2055">TS</a>]
00:34:21 ◼ ► notifications input and output device [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2061">TS</a>]
00:34:25 ◼ ► are far more important than the app [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2065">TS</a>]
00:34:29 ◼ ► story I think that's absolutely true [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2069">TS</a>]
00:34:31 ◼ ► it's almost like they over compensated [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2071">TS</a>]
00:34:33 ◼ ► for the lack of an app store at launch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2073">TS</a>]
00:34:34 ◼ ► for iPhone by making sure no matter what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2074">TS</a>]
00:34:36 ◼ ► happens or how poorly it performed they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2076">TS</a>]
00:34:38 ◼ ► had one available for Apple watch and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2078">TS</a>]
00:34:39 ◼ ► almost the the heartbreaking part about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2079">TS</a>]
00:34:42 ◼ ► that is if they launched it at the same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2082">TS</a>]
00:34:44 ◼ ► time that extensibility was launched and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2084">TS</a>]
00:34:47 ◼ ► technologies that allowed them to have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2087">TS</a>]
00:34:48 ◼ ► apps on the Apple watch but they at the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2088">TS</a>]
00:34:50 ◼ ► same time that like a you've written [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2090">TS</a>]
00:34:51 ◼ ► this really well like what HTTP what web [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2091">TS</a>]
00:34:55 ◼ ► services were to websites where they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2095">TS</a>]
00:34:57 ◼ ► basically didn't need a website anymore [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2097">TS</a>]
00:34:58 ◼ ► you could just provide an API extensions [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2098">TS</a>]
00:35:00 ◼ ► were like that to apps you didn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2100">TS</a>]
00:35:01 ◼ ► necessarily need a binary blob on the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2101">TS</a>]
00:35:03 ◼ ► same device you could have features and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2103">TS</a>]
00:35:05 ◼ ► functionality that could be on the same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2105">TS</a>]
00:35:06 ◼ ► device but what could be projected or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2106">TS</a>]
00:35:08 ◼ ► surfaced in many different places in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2108">TS</a>]
00:35:10 ◼ ► many different ways and they had that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2110">TS</a>]
00:35:12 ◼ ► with Apple watch but instead they sort [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2112">TS</a>]
00:35:14 ◼ ► of took this mentality of binary blobs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2114">TS</a>]
00:35:16 ◼ ► where you had to have an app on a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2116">TS</a>]
00:35:17 ◼ ► carousel screen that you could tap with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2117">TS</a>]
00:35:18 ◼ ► your finger to launch and we've seen [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2118">TS</a>]
00:35:20 ◼ ► them move away from that but I think in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2120">TS</a>]
00:35:22 ◼ ► hindsight we're going to see that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2122">TS</a>]
00:35:25 ◼ ► function uh so a feature device and not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2125">TS</a>]
00:35:28 ◼ ► an app device yeah and I think you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2128">TS</a>]
00:35:31 ◼ ► it and it I played around I don't want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2131">TS</a>]
00:35:34 ◼ ► to he's a friend and I appreciate the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2134">TS</a>]
00:35:37 ◼ ► feature but Marco Arment has worked on a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2137">TS</a>]
00:35:39 ◼ ► much improved watch app for overcast and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2139">TS</a>]
00:35:43 ◼ ► I know that he spent an awful lot of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2143">TS</a>]
00:35:46 ◼ ► time in the last few months on it and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2146">TS</a>]
00:35:50 ◼ ► shipped recently and then over the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2150">TS</a>]
00:35:52 ◼ ► weekend I thought well I was I was was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2152">TS</a>]
00:35:54 ◼ ► gonna go for a run and I thought yeah I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2154">TS</a>]
00:35:56 ◼ ► in theory I would love to go with just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2156">TS</a>]
00:35:58 ◼ ► my watch and air pods um and not have to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2158">TS</a>]
00:36:03 ◼ ► figure out a way to carry my phone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2163">TS</a>]
00:36:06 ◼ ► because there's just no great way I've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2166">TS</a>]
00:36:09 ◼ ► got some kind of like belt like thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2169">TS</a>]
00:36:10 ◼ ► that I put underneath my shirt where I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2170">TS</a>]
00:36:13 ◼ ► but I'd you know I don't want to run [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2173">TS</a>]
00:36:14 ◼ ► with it in my pockets I don't like using [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2174">TS</a>]
00:36:16 ◼ ► an armband there's no good way to go [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2176">TS</a>]
00:36:18 ◼ ► with a phone um so I thought well I'm [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2178">TS</a>]
00:36:20 ◼ ► participer fect head I'm not just trying [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2180">TS</a>]
00:36:22 ◼ ► this watch app of overcast out I'm you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2182">TS</a>]
00:36:26 ◼ ► know I actually actually want this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2186">TS</a>]
00:36:29 ◼ ► feature I would love to do this and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2189">TS</a>]
00:36:31 ◼ ► was absolutely horrible it's just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2191">TS</a>]
00:36:33 ◼ ► terrible it was hard to get it was hard [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2193">TS</a>]
00:36:34 ◼ ► to get it installed on the watch in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2194">TS</a>]
00:36:36 ◼ ► first place which shouldn't be the case [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2196">TS</a>]
00:36:37 ◼ ► it was like that from the watch app on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2197">TS</a>]
00:36:41 ◼ ► the phone it said installing and it just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2201">TS</a>]
00:36:43 ◼ ► said installing dot dot forever and then [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2203">TS</a>]
00:36:47 ◼ ► once it was installed getting an audio [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2207">TS</a>]
00:36:49 ◼ ► it's like getting audio from the phone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2209">TS</a>]
00:36:51 ◼ ► to the watch takes forever and even once [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2211">TS</a>]
00:36:54 ◼ ► it did and I got a I got a podcast over [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2214">TS</a>]
00:36:56 ◼ ► there to listen to and I went to play I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2216">TS</a>]
00:36:58 ◼ ► got my air pod sync to it the audio was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2218">TS</a>]
00:37:01 ◼ ► like whisper quiet and and I'd you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2221">TS</a>]
00:37:03 ◼ ► I mentioned this to Marco and it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2223">TS</a>]
00:37:05 ◼ ► obviously not always the case and other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2225">TS</a>]
00:37:06 ◼ ► people are saying it happens sometimes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2226">TS</a>]
00:37:07 ◼ ► but he has no idea why uh it just and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2227">TS</a>]
00:37:11 ◼ ► was I wasted like 45 minutes and I was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2231">TS</a>]
00:37:13 ◼ ► just like you know what screw it I'm [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2233">TS</a>]
00:37:14 ◼ ► just going with my phone like I always [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2234">TS</a>]
00:37:17 ◼ ► do it was so much better I mean it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2237">TS</a>]
00:37:20 ◼ ► just it's just too finicky it's way too [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2240">TS</a>]
00:37:22 ◼ ► finicky whereas there are other things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2242">TS</a>]
00:37:24 ◼ ► like do you ever use this app you ever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2244">TS</a>]
00:37:28 ◼ ► use the service nuzzle and use these egl [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2248">TS</a>]
00:37:31 ◼ ► I've seen it yeah I've used it on the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2251">TS</a>]
00:37:32 ◼ ► iPhone it's really great it's it's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2252">TS</a>]
00:37:34 ◼ ► service you sign in with your Twitter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2254">TS</a>]
00:37:38 ◼ ► it's really really great if anybody out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2258">TS</a>]
00:37:41 ◼ ► there wants to try it I find a tons of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2261">TS</a>]
00:37:43 ◼ ► stuff that I link to wondering fireball [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2263">TS</a>]
00:37:44 ◼ ► from it but what it does is it follows [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2264">TS</a>]
00:37:45 ◼ ► your own the people you follow on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2265">TS</a>]
00:37:47 ◼ ► Twitter and when a certain threshold of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2267">TS</a>]
00:37:49 ◼ ► the people you follow have all tweeted [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2269">TS</a>]
00:37:51 ◼ ► the same link or a link to the same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2271">TS</a>]
00:37:53 ◼ ► article it gives you a notification [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2273">TS</a>]
00:37:54 ◼ ► about it on the assumption that if like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2274">TS</a>]
00:37:56 ◼ ► five people you follow have all tweeted [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2276">TS</a>]
00:37:58 ◼ ► the same link to blank you want to know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2278">TS</a>]
00:38:02 ◼ ► notification for that and when I first [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2282">TS</a>]
00:38:05 ◼ ► heard about it I thought that this is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2285">TS</a>]
00:38:08 ◼ ► going to be something that I'm going to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2288">TS</a>]
00:38:09 ◼ ► try and quickly get rid of because I'm [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2289">TS</a>]
00:38:10 ◼ ► sort of sensitive to getting to I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2290">TS</a>]
00:38:12 ◼ ► want too many notifications from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2292">TS</a>]
00:38:13 ◼ ► anything I find out whatever algorithm [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2293">TS</a>]
00:38:16 ◼ ► nuzzle uses to do this I mean maybe it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2296">TS</a>]
00:38:19 ◼ ► super simple maybe it's just I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2299">TS</a>]
00:38:20 ◼ ► know you know just but just the idea [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2300">TS</a>]
00:38:22 ◼ ► that if five of the people I follow on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2302">TS</a>]
00:38:25 ◼ ► Twitter link the same thing I want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2305">TS</a>]
00:38:27 ◼ ► the ratio of interesting links to the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2307">TS</a>]
00:38:32 ◼ ► times they notify me is so high that I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2312">TS</a>]
00:38:34 ◼ ► have no interest in turning it off but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2314">TS</a>]
00:38:38 ◼ ► they don't even have a watch app but the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2318">TS</a>]
00:38:39 ◼ ► notifications go to my watch just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2319">TS</a>]
00:38:41 ◼ ► automatically like you don't you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2321">TS</a>]
00:38:42 ◼ ► like the the only thing I would want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2322">TS</a>]
00:38:44 ◼ ► from them on my watch they don't even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2324">TS</a>]
00:38:45 ◼ ► need a watch out for because the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2325">TS</a>]
00:38:46 ◼ ► notifications if my phone is in my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2326">TS</a>]
00:38:48 ◼ ► pocket automatically go to my watch it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2328">TS</a>]
00:38:51 ◼ ► I remember so Ellis was saying that when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2331">TS</a>]
00:38:53 ◼ ► I forget when right watch was introduced [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2333">TS</a>]
00:38:55 ◼ ► that he and his opinion developer should [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2335">TS</a>]
00:38:57 ◼ ► spend more time making a really awesome [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2337">TS</a>]
00:38:58 ◼ ► notification experience and not worry [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2338">TS</a>]
00:39:00 ◼ ► about an app at all and I got that turns [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2340">TS</a>]
00:39:02 ◼ ► out to be candy advice right so like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2342">TS</a>]
00:39:04 ◼ ► nuzzle doesn't even have a watch app and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2344">TS</a>]
00:39:06 ◼ ► to me the watch app that they are that I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2346">TS</a>]
00:39:08 ◼ ► get is exactly what I want yeah and if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2348">TS</a>]
00:39:11 ◼ ► poor Marcos spent months working on an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2351">TS</a>]
00:39:13 ◼ ► advanced watch app that maybe someday [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2353">TS</a>]
00:39:16 ◼ ► will turn into something that's actually [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2356">TS</a>]
00:39:18 ◼ ► good and useful on like a future version [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2358">TS</a>]
00:39:21 ◼ ► foundation will be there so that when a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2361">TS</a>]
00:39:23 ◼ ► watch actually gets its own LTE or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2363">TS</a>]
00:39:24 ◼ ► something like that it actually will be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2364">TS</a>]
00:39:27 ◼ ► useful but he spent all this time on it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2367">TS</a>]
00:39:29 ◼ ► and it's I I don't want to use it at all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2369">TS</a>]
00:39:31 ◼ ► even though I use overcast almost every [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2371">TS</a>]
00:39:32 ◼ ► day yeah I've tried it I like it it has [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2372">TS</a>]
00:39:35 ◼ ► the issues that you mentioned and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2375">TS</a>]
00:39:36 ◼ ► always have my iPhone with me even if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2376">TS</a>]
00:39:38 ◼ ► I'm out so I haven't had the I haven't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2378">TS</a>]
00:39:40 ◼ ► been forced to use it but it's it's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2380">TS</a>]
00:39:42 ◼ ► problem that people want solved but it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2382">TS</a>]
00:39:43 ◼ ► is not something that's technically [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2383">TS</a>]
00:39:44 ◼ ► solvable right now all right like in all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2384">TS</a>]
00:39:46 ◼ ► honesty i if overcast didn't have a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2386">TS</a>]
00:39:48 ◼ ► watch app it wouldn't matter to me at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2388">TS</a>]
00:39:50 ◼ ► all because the only thing I ever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2390">TS</a>]
00:39:51 ◼ ► do I can do through the now plane anyway [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2391">TS</a>]
00:39:53 ◼ ► yeah so I don't know it's I feel like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2393">TS</a>]
00:39:58 ◼ ► there's something that Apple I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2398">TS</a>]
00:40:01 ◼ ► they're well aware of it that's what I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2401">TS</a>]
00:40:02 ◼ ► think and I think we'll see more I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2402">TS</a>]
00:40:04 ◼ ► you'll see it go that way yeah I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2404">TS</a>]
00:40:06 ◼ ► it's a classic example of the you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2406">TS</a>]
00:40:07 ◼ ► they saw everything is a nail they had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2407">TS</a>]
00:40:09 ◼ ► an app store hammer and then everything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2409">TS</a>]
00:40:10 ◼ ► looked like an app nail to them and in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2410">TS</a>]
00:40:12 ◼ ► hindsight you can look back and say we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2412">TS</a>]
00:40:14 ◼ ► needed a different approach for this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2414">TS</a>]
00:40:15 ◼ ► yeah I think they recognize they have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2415">TS</a>]
00:40:17 ◼ ► known that for over a year and a half [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2417">TS</a>]
00:40:18 ◼ ► which is why we saw watch it was three [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2418">TS</a>]
00:40:20 ◼ ► and we'll see watch it was four be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2420">TS</a>]
00:40:21 ◼ ► different yeah yeah be interesting to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2421">TS</a>]
00:40:27 ◼ ► anything else on quarterly results [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2427">TS</a>]
00:40:30 ◼ ► before we move on no I mean I saw at the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2430">TS</a>]
00:40:34 ◼ ► same time he was a Tim Cook was on Jim [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2434">TS</a>]
00:40:36 ◼ ► Cramer and said they don't have a watch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2436">TS</a>]
00:40:38 ◼ ► to lose thirty pounds right which I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2438">TS</a>]
00:40:39 ◼ ► don't know where that was from like and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2439">TS</a>]
00:40:43 ◼ ► again and Tim Cook does not strike me as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2443">TS</a>]
00:40:45 ◼ ► a bullshitter right now like he is I if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2445">TS</a>]
00:40:49 ◼ ► he says he lost thirty pounds I think he [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2449">TS</a>]
00:40:50 ◼ ► probably lost thirty pounds but I mean [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2450">TS</a>]
00:40:53 ◼ ► I've seen him on stage every six months [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2453">TS</a>]
00:40:56 ◼ ► for five six years and there was never [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2456">TS</a>]
00:41:00 ◼ ► any point where it looked like he put on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2460">TS</a>]
00:41:02 ◼ ► you know or put on our lost thirty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2462">TS</a>]
00:41:04 ◼ ► pounds yeah I mean that's but anyway my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2464">TS</a>]
00:41:07 ◼ ► power to him it just it was amazing um [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2467">TS</a>]
00:41:09 ◼ ► what did they Annette it was a pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2469">TS</a>]
00:41:11 ◼ ► good interview I mean for you you know a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2471">TS</a>]
00:41:14 ◼ ► you know I give Jim Cramer credit for a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2474">TS</a>]
00:41:17 ◼ ► guy who's not really an Apple person but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2477">TS</a>]
00:41:20 ◼ ► rather a finance person I thought it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2480">TS</a>]
00:41:23 ◼ ► a pretty informative interview I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2483">TS</a>]
00:41:26 ◼ ► that this announcement of a billion 1 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2486">TS</a>]
00:41:27 ◼ ► billion dollar fund to promote advanced [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2487">TS</a>]
00:41:32 ◼ ► manufacturing jobs in the u.s. is pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2492">TS</a>]
00:41:33 ◼ ► interesting that's that's wood cooking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2493">TS</a>]
00:41:35 ◼ ► out the details aren't out yet I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2495">TS</a>]
00:41:37 ◼ ► he said to come in at the end of May um [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2497">TS</a>]
00:41:39 ◼ ► I think so it was it was entirely I mean [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2499">TS</a>]
00:41:46 ◼ ► it was super interesting we start to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2506">TS</a>]
00:41:47 ◼ ► decompose interest the relationship that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2507">TS</a>]
00:41:48 ◼ ► Apple has with the administration who is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2508">TS</a>]
00:41:50 ◼ ► heavily pro US jobs and US manufacturing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2510">TS</a>]
00:41:54 ◼ ► all these elements where Apple has a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2514">TS</a>]
00:41:56 ◼ ► massive manufacturing capacity outside [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2516">TS</a>]
00:41:58 ◼ ► the US but also a massive amount of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2518">TS</a>]
00:42:00 ◼ ► money which we heard about the call as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2520">TS</a>]
00:42:01 ◼ ► well they want to repatriate and the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2521">TS</a>]
00:42:03 ◼ ► last time that happened was under the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2523">TS</a>]
00:42:05 ◼ ► this administration might be more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2525">TS</a>]
00:42:06 ◼ ► amenable so I think it's a very careful [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2526">TS</a>]
00:42:08 ◼ ► balancing act right and it's a yeah we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2528">TS</a>]
00:42:14 ◼ ► cuz it one thing that has happened in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2534">TS</a>]
00:42:19 ◼ ► recent years is apples had this large [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2539">TS</a>]
00:42:23 ◼ ► cash hoard for a long time now although [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2543">TS</a>]
00:42:28 ◼ ► the definition of large keeps keeps [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2548">TS</a>]
00:42:30 ◼ ► growing letting up the waistband but it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2550">TS</a>]
00:42:33 ◼ ► has changed even though they've sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2553">TS</a>]
00:42:35 ◼ ► capped it off now we're like it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2555">TS</a>]
00:42:37 ◼ ► really growing so much in rather however [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2557">TS</a>]
00:42:40 ◼ ► much it would be growing they just keep [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2560">TS</a>]
00:42:41 ◼ ► giving to the the shareholder whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2561">TS</a>]
00:42:44 ◼ ► they call it it's growing despite the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2564">TS</a>]
00:42:46 ◼ ► biggest give back and one of the biggest [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2566">TS</a>]
00:42:48 ◼ ► give backs of corporate history right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2568">TS</a>]
00:42:49 ◼ ► but one shift that has happened though [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2569">TS</a>]
00:42:51 ◼ ► is that their us Holdings have shrunk [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2571">TS</a>]
00:42:53 ◼ ► and it's almost entirely overseas what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2573">TS</a>]
00:42:56 ◼ ► they have now is almost entirely [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2576">TS</a>]
00:42:58 ◼ ► overseas and so for like this billion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2578">TS</a>]
00:43:00 ◼ ► dollar fund in in the u.s. they're going [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2580">TS</a>]
00:43:03 ◼ ► to borrow to get the money rather than [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2583">TS</a>]
00:43:04 ◼ ► use it because they don't really have a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2584">TS</a>]
00:43:06 ◼ ► bill you know they have a billion but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2586">TS</a>]
00:43:08 ◼ ► it's it's it I don't have it on me right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2588">TS</a>]
00:43:13 ◼ ► to my to my wallet over in Ireland now [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2593">TS</a>]
00:43:17 ◼ ► very true but it'll be interesting to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2597">TS</a>]
00:43:20 ◼ ► see you know what comes to that and it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2600">TS</a>]
00:43:22 ◼ ► you know it I don't think Apple is a and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2602">TS</a>]
00:43:28 ◼ ► they've been thinking about this for a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2608">TS</a>]
00:43:29 ◼ ► while I mean it and and you know with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2609">TS</a>]
00:43:32 ◼ ► the Mac Pro that was 2013 where they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2612">TS</a>]
00:43:34 ◼ ► announced that it would be assembled in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2614">TS</a>]
00:43:36 ◼ ► the US I mean so it's not like they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2616">TS</a>]
00:43:38 ◼ ► haven't like like all of a sudden just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2618">TS</a>]
00:43:40 ◼ ► with Trump in office they're now looking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2620">TS</a>]
00:43:44 ◼ ► manufacturing jobs back to the US but I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2624">TS</a>]
00:43:49 ◼ ► I don't think and I think if there's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2629">TS</a>]
00:43:50 ◼ ► trumpian aspect to it I don't think it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2630">TS</a>]
00:43:53 ◼ ► so much about toeing the line or wanting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2633">TS</a>]
00:43:55 ◼ ► to please the Trump administration but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2635">TS</a>]
00:44:00 ◼ ► more a a pragmatic let's make sure we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2640">TS</a>]
00:44:05 ◼ ► don't get caught flat-footed if they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2645">TS</a>]
00:44:07 ◼ ► start a trade war with China or do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2647">TS</a>]
00:44:11 ◼ ► something impose some other you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2651">TS</a>]
00:44:12 ◼ ► tariffs or something like that like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2652">TS</a>]
00:44:14 ◼ ► let's let's be ready for anything that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2654">TS</a>]
00:44:18 ◼ ► somebody with his temperament and his [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2658">TS</a>]
00:44:20 ◼ ► his stated policies toward you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2660">TS</a>]
00:44:22 ◼ ► overseas manufacturing jobs is in office [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2662">TS</a>]
00:44:24 ◼ ► it's almost like pre-emptive positioning [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2664">TS</a>]
00:44:26 ◼ ► when they bought you know stake in DD in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2666">TS</a>]
00:44:29 ◼ ► China you know because those there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2669">TS</a>]
00:44:30 ◼ ► certain volatility and that leadership [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2670">TS</a>]
00:44:33 ◼ ► as well and it's true I think that was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2673">TS</a>]
00:44:36 ◼ ► back when they were doing the I factory [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2676">TS</a>]
00:44:37 ◼ ► Series in New York Times and and that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2677">TS</a>]
00:44:39 ◼ ► was a big story and Apple you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2679">TS</a>]
00:44:41 ◼ ► making Mac's MacBook Pro sorry Mac Pro's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2681">TS</a>]
00:44:44 ◼ ► in the US was a very good story for that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2684">TS</a>]
00:44:46 ◼ ► 2lbs you can see where this goes yeah it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2686">TS</a>]
00:44:50 ◼ ► will be an you know again you can say [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2690">TS</a>]
00:44:53 ◼ ► like I saw it on CNBC after after the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2693">TS</a>]
00:44:58 ◼ ► Kramer thing had aired where somebody [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2698">TS</a>]
00:45:00 ◼ ► was like you know given apples it you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2700">TS</a>]
00:45:04 ◼ ► know two hundred and fifty billion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2704">TS</a>]
00:45:05 ◼ ► dollar cash holdings and the you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2705">TS</a>]
00:45:07 ◼ ► their quarterly revenue you know it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2707">TS</a>]
00:45:11 ◼ ► easy to say a billion dollars isn't that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2711">TS</a>]
00:45:12 ◼ ► much to Apple but still a billion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2712">TS</a>]
00:45:14 ◼ ► dollars is a billion dollars and saying [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2714">TS</a>]
00:45:16 ◼ ► you're going to commit a billion dollars [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2716">TS</a>]
00:45:17 ◼ ► to assembling you know to advanced [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2717">TS</a>]
00:45:19 ◼ ► assembly and manufacturing jobs in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2719">TS</a>]
00:45:20 ◼ ► US is significant yeah I don't have $250 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2720">TS</a>]
00:45:24 ◼ ► you got to give $1 away still dollar you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2724">TS</a>]
00:45:25 ◼ ► got to give away right and it's you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2725">TS</a>]
00:45:27 ◼ ► a billion there's a little different [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2727">TS</a>]
00:45:29 ◼ ► than one dollar and it's any problem is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2729">TS</a>]
00:45:32 ◼ ► easy to solve provided you're not the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2732">TS</a>]
00:45:33 ◼ ► one in charge of solving it that's what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2733">TS</a>]
00:45:35 ◼ ► the media keeps forgetting I think let [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2735">TS</a>]
00:45:41 ◼ ► me take another break here and thank our [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2741">TS</a>]
00:45:42 ◼ ► next sponsor it's our good friends at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2742">TS</a>]
00:45:45 ◼ ► they make obsessively engineered [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2745">TS</a>]
00:45:48 ◼ ► mattress at a shockingly fair price we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2748">TS</a>]
00:45:50 ◼ ► just bought a new Casper mattress here [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2750">TS</a>]
00:45:51 ◼ ► at the Gruber family home our son needed [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2751">TS</a>]
00:45:54 ◼ ► a new bed got him a Casper he loves it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2754">TS</a>]
00:45:57 ◼ ► absolutely loves it he literally honest [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2757">TS</a>]
00:45:59 ◼ ► to god he was mad at me that I didn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2759">TS</a>]
00:46:01 ◼ ► get him one sooner it was that we were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2761">TS</a>]
00:46:06 ◼ ► that happy with it he's that happy with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2766">TS</a>]
00:46:08 ◼ ► it it's a great mattress so here's the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2768">TS</a>]
00:46:11 ◼ ► deal there's my favorite thing about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2771">TS</a>]
00:46:12 ◼ ► them they don't make you choose a type [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2772">TS</a>]
00:46:15 ◼ ► of mattress when you need a mattress you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2775">TS</a>]
00:46:17 ◼ ► go there you pick a size and that's all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2777">TS</a>]
00:46:19 ◼ ► and then it comes to you and you open it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2779">TS</a>]
00:46:21 ◼ ► up and you've got a mattress how do you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2781">TS</a>]
00:46:24 ◼ ► ship a mattress to somebody guess what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2784">TS</a>]
00:46:25 ◼ ► it's the the fact that they make it out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2785">TS</a>]
00:46:28 ◼ ► their own custom blend of like foams it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2788">TS</a>]
00:46:34 ◼ ► comes in a little box little box meaning [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2794">TS</a>]
00:46:37 ◼ ► like it might be the biggest package [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2797">TS</a>]
00:46:39 ◼ ► that you're going to get this year [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2799">TS</a>]
00:46:40 ◼ ► delivered to your house but for a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2800">TS</a>]
00:46:43 ◼ ► mattress it's a surprisingly small box [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2803">TS</a>]
00:46:45 ◼ ► and then they have nice instructions on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2805">TS</a>]
00:46:47 ◼ ► the outside they tell you to bring it up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2807">TS</a>]
00:46:48 ◼ ► to the room where you want it first [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2808">TS</a>]
00:46:52 ◼ ► downstairs go to the bedroom follow [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2812">TS</a>]
00:46:55 ◼ ► their instructions you open it up it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2815">TS</a>]
00:46:56 ◼ ► sucks all the air out of the room to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2816">TS</a>]
00:46:58 ◼ ► fill the mattress so be careful be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2818">TS</a>]
00:47:00 ◼ ► careful make sure you you know take a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2820">TS</a>]
00:47:03 ◼ ► deep breath before you open it up and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2823">TS</a>]
00:47:04 ◼ ► there you go you got a mattress and it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2824">TS</a>]
00:47:06 ◼ ► comfortable and it's nice it's just a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2826">TS</a>]
00:47:08 ◼ ► nice mattress and the price is because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2828">TS</a>]
00:47:10 ◼ ► they sell directly they make them right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2830">TS</a>]
00:47:12 ◼ ► here in the US by the way they make them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2832">TS</a>]
00:47:13 ◼ ► here in the US they sell them to you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2833">TS</a>]
00:47:15 ◼ ► directly there's no middleman there's no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2835">TS</a>]
00:47:17 ◼ ► markup for a retail store or anything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2837">TS</a>]
00:47:18 ◼ ► like that their prices blow away the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2838">TS</a>]
00:47:22 ◼ ► prices for premium mattresses from the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2842">TS</a>]
00:47:24 ◼ ► big-name mattress companies there's just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2844">TS</a>]
00:47:26 ◼ ► no comparison where do you go get yours [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2846">TS</a>]
00:47:30 ◼ ► today you try it for a hundred nights in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2850">TS</a>]
00:47:33 ◼ ► your own home with free delivery [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2853">TS</a>]
00:47:35 ◼ ► so you don't take my word for it that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2855">TS</a>]
00:47:37 ◼ ► comfortable go buy one have it delivered [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2857">TS</a>]
00:47:40 ◼ ► try it out you've got over three months [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2860">TS</a>]
00:47:42 ◼ ► 100 nights and if you're not happy with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2862">TS</a>]
00:47:44 ◼ ► it no questions asked they will just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2864">TS</a>]
00:47:46 ◼ ► arrange for someone to come and get it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2866">TS</a>]
00:47:48 ◼ ► out of your house no questions asked go [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2868">TS</a>]
00:47:52 ◼ ► to Casper comm slash the talk show and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2872">TS</a>]
00:47:54 ◼ ► use that code the talk show and you will [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2874">TS</a>]
00:47:57 ◼ ► save 50 bucks towards any mattress put [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2877">TS</a>]
00:48:01 ◼ ► you can't save 50 bucks on their dog [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2881">TS</a>]
00:48:03 ◼ ► mattresses I'm sorry because the dog [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2883">TS</a>]
00:48:05 ◼ ► mattress is only like a couple hundred [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2885">TS</a>]
00:48:06 ◼ ► bucks but if you have a dog and you want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2886">TS</a>]
00:48:09 ◼ ► to get your dog a bed get them a Casper [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2889">TS</a>]
00:48:10 ◼ ► they have an amazing amazing dog [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2890">TS</a>]
00:48:13 ◼ ► mattress and I keep mentioning it and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2893">TS</a>]
00:48:14 ◼ ► readers keep saying that they bought it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2894">TS</a>]
00:48:16 ◼ ► for their dog and their dog won't get up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2896">TS</a>]
00:48:18 ◼ ► off the mattress so there you go my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2898">TS</a>]
00:48:22 ◼ ► mattresses what else happened recently [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2902">TS</a>]
00:48:26 ◼ ► that gets this week at Microsoft had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2906">TS</a>]
00:48:28 ◼ ► their education event and they unveiled [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2908">TS</a>]
00:48:29 ◼ ► two things they unveiled on the hardware [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2909">TS</a>]
00:48:32 ◼ ► size outside their own this is their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2912">TS</a>]
00:48:35 ◼ ► first true laptop something that's now I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2915">TS</a>]
00:48:36 ◼ ► get detachable tablet type thing that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2916">TS</a>]
00:48:41 ◼ ► and they unveiled an new operating [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2921">TS</a>]
00:48:45 ◼ ► system called Windows 10 ass which do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2925">TS</a>]
00:48:48 ◼ ► you want to talk about first I was going [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2928">TS</a>]
00:48:50 ◼ ► to say Joe Belfiore is new blonde hair [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2930">TS</a>]
00:48:52 ◼ ► cut Wow he famously windows phone Joe [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2932">TS</a>]
00:48:56 ◼ ► Belfiore who went away for a year and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2936">TS</a>]
00:48:58 ◼ ► decided to focus on education then came [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2938">TS</a>]
00:48:59 ◼ ► back and is now leading this initiative [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2939">TS</a>]
00:49:01 ◼ ► I didn't see that part of the show yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2941">TS</a>]
00:49:03 ◼ ► he was I don't think they put him on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2943">TS</a>]
00:49:05 ◼ ► stage which is involved that's why I hit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2945">TS</a>]
00:49:07 ◼ ► my person on stage yeah he was out front [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2947">TS</a>]
00:49:09 ◼ ► beforehand I think maybe the hardware [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2949">TS</a>]
00:49:11 ◼ ► first because we use their know we had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2951">TS</a>]
00:49:13 ◼ ► Daniel Rubino when my colleagues was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2953">TS</a>]
00:49:15 ◼ ► there Wow I watched the video but I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2955">TS</a>]
00:49:17 ◼ ► really only watched the video for the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2957">TS</a>]
00:49:18 ◼ ► 10s part I didn't watch the hardware [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2958">TS</a>]
00:49:22 ◼ ► part so what do you want talk about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2962">TS</a>]
00:49:24 ◼ ► first the hardware all right let's talk [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2964">TS</a>]
00:49:26 ◼ ► about the hardware it's so interesting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2966">TS</a>]
00:49:28 ◼ ► and I'm gonna start off with this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2968">TS</a>]
00:49:30 ◼ ► because why not it's the talk show if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2970">TS</a>]
00:49:33 ◼ ► this if this laptop had an Apple logo on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2973">TS</a>]
00:49:35 ◼ ► it I think the coverage would have been [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2975">TS</a>]
00:49:37 ◼ ► well we saw how so because this was like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2977">TS</a>]
00:49:41 ◼ ► there was a lot of things about this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2981">TS</a>]
00:49:42 ◼ ► laptop that were very Apple as like the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2982">TS</a>]
00:49:44 ◼ ► design looks almost identical to a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2984">TS</a>]
00:49:45 ◼ ► MacBook Air the price was almost [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2985">TS</a>]
00:49:47 ◼ ► identical to a MacBook Air you know a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2987">TS</a>]
00:49:49 ◼ ► lot of the of the video and the language [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2989">TS</a>]
00:49:52 ◼ ► that you used for it was very similar to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2992">TS</a>]
00:49:53 ◼ ► Apple it's got one port on it USB a port [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2993">TS</a>]
00:49:56 ◼ ► instead of a USB C port but just one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2996">TS</a>]
00:49:58 ◼ ► port on it and it does have the surface [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/2998">TS</a>]
00:50:00 ◼ ► dock you know so you can do other things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3000">TS</a>]
00:50:01 ◼ ► with it but I think a lot of people who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3001">TS</a>]
00:50:03 ◼ ► were highly critical of Apple for doing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3003">TS</a>]
00:50:06 ◼ ► things like a single port MacBook or any [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3006">TS</a>]
00:50:09 ◼ ► of a dozen decisions they made recently [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3009">TS</a>]
00:50:11 ◼ ► were strangely silent when it came to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3011">TS</a>]
00:50:13 ◼ ► Microsoft making very similar moves with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3013">TS</a>]
00:50:14 ◼ ► his laptop yeah one port its USB a which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3014">TS</a>]
00:50:17 ◼ ► seems outdated and then they have a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3017">TS</a>]
00:50:19 ◼ ► proprietary display port right yeah and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3019">TS</a>]
00:50:21 ◼ ► a surface dock that to me that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3021">TS</a>]
00:50:23 ◼ ► proprietary display port seems like the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3023">TS</a>]
00:50:25 ◼ ► weird the part that like whoa if Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3025">TS</a>]
00:50:27 ◼ ► did that that would be that that would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3027">TS</a>]
00:50:29 ◼ ► seem generate a lot of criticism I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3029">TS</a>]
00:50:32 ◼ ► get your you are true I wasn't even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3032">TS</a>]
00:50:34 ◼ ► going to bring that aspect up but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3034">TS</a>]
00:50:36 ◼ ► there's it how can Apple release a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3036">TS</a>]
00:50:38 ◼ ► laptop with one port and get like at a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3038">TS</a>]
00:50:41 ◼ ► month of criticism or years of criticism [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3041">TS</a>]
00:50:44 ◼ ► people still complain about the MacBook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3044">TS</a>]
00:50:45 ◼ ► you know people call it the MacBook one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3045">TS</a>]
00:50:49 ◼ ► Microsoft releases one with one port it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3049">TS</a>]
00:50:52 ◼ ► happens to be outdated the only other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3052">TS</a>]
00:50:53 ◼ ► port is a proprietary one which is an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3053">TS</a>]
00:50:55 ◼ ► Apple move and it gets headlines like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3055">TS</a>]
00:50:59 ◼ ► here's the laptop the apples apples or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3059">TS</a>]
00:51:02 ◼ ► Microsoft's macbook killer that Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3062">TS</a>]
00:51:05 ◼ ► can't ignore and it gets it gets funnier [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3065">TS</a>]
00:51:07 ◼ ► after that because it is running KB Lake [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3067">TS</a>]
00:51:09 ◼ ► which is a generation beyond what Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3069">TS</a>]
00:51:10 ◼ ► ran and there's reasons for that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3070">TS</a>]
00:51:12 ◼ ► quad core version of Kaiba Lake wasn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3072">TS</a>]
00:51:14 ◼ ► ready when Apple needed at the graphics [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3074">TS</a>]
00:51:16 ◼ ► that Apple one of the more powerful [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3076">TS</a>]
00:51:16 ◼ ► graphics were not available when Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3076">TS</a>]
00:51:18 ◼ ► wanted to put them into the MacBook Pro [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3078">TS</a>]
00:51:19 ◼ ► and this in fact doesn't have those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3079">TS</a>]
00:51:21 ◼ ► sorts of graphics options so a Microsoft [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3081">TS</a>]
00:51:23 ◼ ► made a different choice they went with a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3083">TS</a>]
00:51:24 ◼ ► better CPU but arguably a much worse GPU [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3084">TS</a>]
00:51:26 ◼ ► but at the same time there's 8 gigabytes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3086">TS</a>]
00:51:28 ◼ ► and 16 gigabytes of RAM but the 16 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3088">TS</a>]
00:51:30 ◼ ► gigabyte version doesn't ship for months [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3090">TS</a>]
00:51:32 ◼ ► and can you imagine if Apple announced [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3092">TS</a>]
00:51:33 ◼ ► the new MacBook Pros we went to in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3093">TS</a>]
00:51:35 ◼ ► October and said oh by the way 16 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3095">TS</a>]
00:51:37 ◼ ► gigabyte versions lock in a chip for a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3097">TS</a>]
00:51:39 ◼ ► few months and I also think I went [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3099">TS</a>]
00:51:42 ◼ ► through the configuration on it because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3102">TS</a>]
00:51:43 ◼ ► there was also some initial Twitter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3103">TS</a>]
00:51:46 ◼ ► feedback that I saw where it was that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3106">TS</a>]
00:51:48 ◼ ► that it shows how overpriced the MacBook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3108">TS</a>]
00:51:51 ◼ ► Pros are and I found the exact opposite [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3111">TS</a>]
00:51:54 ◼ ► where I configured one with core i7 16 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3114">TS</a>]
00:51:59 ◼ ► gigs of ram and a 512 megabyte SSD and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3119">TS</a>]
00:52:03 ◼ ► the price was 21 99 and a MacBook with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3123">TS</a>]
00:52:07 ◼ ► core i7 and 16 gigs of ram and a 512 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3127">TS</a>]
00:52:12 ◼ ► gigabyte SSD was $21.99 the exact same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3132">TS</a>]
00:52:15 ◼ ► $21.99 for Flex John and Apple offers a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3135">TS</a>]
00:52:20 ◼ ► one terabyte SSD Microsoft doesn't and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3140">TS</a>]
00:52:23 ◼ ► Apple will let you get a 16 gigabytes of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3143">TS</a>]
00:52:26 ◼ ► RAM configuration in the core i5 variant [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3146">TS</a>]
00:52:31 ◼ ► of the MacBook Pro and Microsoft doesn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3151">TS</a>]
00:52:33 ◼ ► if you want to get 16 gigs of ram you've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3153">TS</a>]
00:52:35 ◼ ► gotta also upgrade to the core i7 and on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3155">TS</a>]
00:52:38 ◼ ► personally me personally I've actually [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3158">TS</a>]
00:52:41 ◼ ► totally changed my my personal take on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3161">TS</a>]
00:52:47 ◼ ► but laptops were for me I think the the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3167">TS</a>]
00:52:52 ◼ ► I'm a podcasting from it right now I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3172">TS</a>]
00:52:53 ◼ ► have a 2015 or is it 2014 cheese I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3173">TS</a>]
00:52:58 ◼ ► MacBook Pro 13 inch MacBook Pro let's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3178">TS</a>]
00:53:01 ◼ ► see what they say I don't remember it so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3181">TS</a>]
00:53:04 ◼ ► I might take four years Oh mid 2014 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3184">TS</a>]
00:53:10 ◼ ► so yeah it's a late 2014 MacBook Pro 13 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3190">TS</a>]
00:53:12 ◼ ► inch one of the best computers I've ever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3192">TS</a>]
00:53:15 ◼ ► owned I maxed out everything when I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3195">TS</a>]
00:53:18 ◼ ► bought it I got like three gigahertz [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3198">TS</a>]
00:53:21 ◼ ► Intel Core i7 I got the 16 gigs of ram [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3201">TS</a>]
00:53:24 ◼ ► which is the most I could get and I got [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3204">TS</a>]
00:53:25 ◼ ► the one terabyte SSD and I'm happy with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3205">TS</a>]
00:53:28 ◼ ► all those decisions because I've got a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3208">TS</a>]
00:53:30 ◼ ► couple hundred gigabytes left but way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3210">TS</a>]
00:53:34 ◼ ► more than 512 I'm like 700 or something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3214">TS</a>]
00:53:36 ◼ ► like that so I need the one terabyte was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3216">TS</a>]
00:53:39 ◼ ► useful to me I would lie as the biggest [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3219">TS</a>]
00:53:42 ◼ ► thing I need because I'm lazy and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3222">TS</a>]
00:53:45 ◼ ► always keep lots of Safari tabs open and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3225">TS</a>]
00:53:47 ◼ ► slack take slack itself even if you run [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3227">TS</a>]
00:53:49 ◼ ► it as an app takes like a gigabyte of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3229">TS</a>]
00:53:52 ◼ ► RAM yeah I don't think I need a core i7 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3232">TS</a>]
00:53:57 ◼ ► I think and I thought this I when I was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3237">TS</a>]
00:54:00 ◼ ► testing I had a couple of the review [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3240">TS</a>]
00:54:01 ◼ ► units of the the new MacBook Pros from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3241">TS</a>]
00:54:04 ◼ ► from October there's nothing I do a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3244">TS</a>]
00:54:09 ◼ ► daily day-to-day basis where having a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3249">TS</a>]
00:54:12 ◼ ► core i7 instead of a core i5 really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3252">TS</a>]
00:54:13 ◼ ► makes a difference I don't use Xcode or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3253">TS</a>]
00:54:16 ◼ ► if I do I do it rarely enough that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3256">TS</a>]
00:54:19 ◼ ► difference in build times I'm not doing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3259">TS</a>]
00:54:21 ◼ ► it all day all day long we're shaving [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3261">TS</a>]
00:54:24 ◼ ► some time off the the building run cycle [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3264">TS</a>]
00:54:26 ◼ ► would really make a difference other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3266">TS</a>]
00:54:30 ◼ ► things I do that might be like batch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3270">TS</a>]
00:54:31 ◼ ► processing it doesn't matter to me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3271">TS</a>]
00:54:33 ◼ ► because it's running in the background [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3273">TS</a>]
00:54:34 ◼ ► you know it the difference between core [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3274">TS</a>]
00:54:37 ◼ ► i5 and core i7 performance wise isn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3277">TS</a>]
00:54:39 ◼ ► meaningful to me personally and the core [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3279">TS</a>]
00:54:41 ◼ ► i5 is going to get better battery life [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3281">TS</a>]
00:54:42 ◼ ► and that actually is that's more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3282">TS</a>]
00:54:44 ◼ ► important to me so I think the next time [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3284">TS</a>]
00:54:45 ◼ ► I get a MacBook Pro I'd get a core i5 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3285">TS</a>]
00:54:48 ◼ ► that would get better battery life and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3288">TS</a>]
00:54:50 ◼ ► it's way more than fast enough and then [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3290">TS</a>]
00:54:53 ◼ ► just max out the SSD in the RAM and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3293">TS</a>]
00:54:55 ◼ ► Microsoft won't let you do that and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3295">TS</a>]
00:54:58 ◼ ► configuration I have the exact same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3298">TS</a>]
00:55:01 ◼ ► MacBook Pro that you have from before [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3301">TS</a>]
00:55:02 ◼ ► the exact same configuration and I came [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3302">TS</a>]
00:55:04 ◼ ► to the exact same conclusion about this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3304">TS</a>]
00:55:05 ◼ ► one and in fact I can't mention any [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3305">TS</a>]
00:55:07 ◼ ► names but someone who knows those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3307">TS</a>]
00:55:09 ◼ ► chipsets inside it out just told me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3309">TS</a>]
00:55:10 ◼ ► point blank don't give Intel the f [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3310">TS</a>]
00:55:11 ◼ ► your money I I really I I believe that I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3311">TS</a>]
00:55:17 ◼ ► really do and it's not so much that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3317">TS</a>]
00:55:18 ◼ ► there's anything wrong with the core i7 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3318">TS</a>]
00:55:20 ◼ ► but that the core i5 is just good enough [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3320">TS</a>]
00:55:23 ◼ ► and I really do on that curve and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3323">TS</a>]
00:55:26 ◼ ► think that's why Apple has wisely made [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3326">TS</a>]
00:55:28 ◼ ► at the default even on the pros it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3328">TS</a>]
00:55:32 ◼ ► just that it's more expensive but that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3332">TS</a>]
00:55:33 ◼ ► it's really it's a good even for someone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3333">TS</a>]
00:55:37 ◼ ► relatively on the scale of all of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3337">TS</a>]
00:55:39 ◼ ► Apple's MacBooks higher performance [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3339">TS</a>]
00:55:41 ◼ ► model the MacBook Pro with the Core i5 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3341">TS</a>]
00:55:43 ◼ ► is a good one so anyways that money you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3343">TS</a>]
00:55:45 ◼ ► get an extra port meaning I'm just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3345">TS</a>]
00:55:46 ◼ ► getting one port my MacBook Pros so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3346">TS</a>]
00:55:48 ◼ ► anyway I do find that interesting on the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3348">TS</a>]
00:55:50 ◼ ► surface I'll give them kudos I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3350">TS</a>]
00:55:53 ◼ ► think it looks like a MacBook Air I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3353">TS</a>]
00:55:54 ◼ ► think it's obviously I think Apple is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3354">TS</a>]
00:55:56 ◼ ► largely defined the modern laptop in a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3356">TS</a>]
00:56:02 ◼ ► fundamental similarities to the MacBook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3362">TS</a>]
00:56:07 ◼ ► yeah the wedge design is certainly one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3367">TS</a>]
00:56:09 ◼ ► but I don't think that's the sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3369">TS</a>]
00:56:11 ◼ ► thing that even me as somebody who's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3371">TS</a>]
00:56:13 ◼ ► relatively sensitive to people ripping [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3373">TS</a>]
00:56:14 ◼ ► off Mac books I don't think that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3374">TS</a>]
00:56:16 ◼ ► something that they can that they could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3376">TS</a>]
00:56:17 ◼ ► lay ownership to you know it's even sort [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3377">TS</a>]
00:56:22 ◼ ► of like Tim Cook mentioned this I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3382">TS</a>]
00:56:24 ◼ ► when at the event last last year when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3384">TS</a>]
00:56:27 ◼ ► they the when I introduced the MacBook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3387">TS</a>]
00:56:29 ◼ ► Pros when they went through all of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3389">TS</a>]
00:56:30 ◼ ► Apple's portables from the beginning of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3390">TS</a>]
00:56:33 ◼ ► the I'd like from at least from the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3393">TS</a>]
00:56:34 ◼ ► first power book I think they skipped [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3394">TS</a>]
00:56:36 ◼ ► the Mac portable but all the ones that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3396">TS</a>]
00:56:39 ◼ ► you had identifies a laptop like the Mac [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3399">TS</a>]
00:56:41 ◼ ► portable was portable but wasn't the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3401">TS</a>]
00:56:42 ◼ ► laptop like it seems crazy now but Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3402">TS</a>]
00:56:46 ◼ ► was the first one who put the keyboard [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3406">TS</a>]
00:56:48 ◼ ► back so that you have palm rests in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3408">TS</a>]
00:56:51 ◼ ► front all previous laptops had the keys [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3411">TS</a>]
00:56:54 ◼ ► right up to the front of the device and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3414">TS</a>]
00:56:57 ◼ ► you know so the fact I just think that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3417">TS</a>]
00:57:00 ◼ ► just something that when you see it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3420">TS</a>]
00:57:01 ◼ ► you're like oh that's an obvious way to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3421">TS</a>]
00:57:03 ◼ ► do it I think the no wise design yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3423">TS</a>]
00:57:04 ◼ ► right I think the wedge shape of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3424">TS</a>]
00:57:06 ◼ ► MacBook Air is an obvious way to shave [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3426">TS</a>]
00:57:08 ◼ ► weight off off a device where only some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3428">TS</a>]
00:57:11 ◼ ► of the components need need the full [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3431">TS</a>]
00:57:13 ◼ ► thickness at the back and if you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3433">TS</a>]
00:57:16 ◼ ► make it thinner in a front you might as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3436">TS</a>]
00:57:17 ◼ ► well so I don't hold that against him [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3437">TS</a>]
00:57:19 ◼ ► like at a glance you don't look at it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3439">TS</a>]
00:57:21 ◼ ► and you wouldn't look at that and think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3441">TS</a>]
00:57:23 ◼ ► I did but you know but I'm willing to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3443">TS</a>]
00:57:25 ◼ ► concede the point that you watch the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3445">TS</a>]
00:57:27 ◼ ► video because the video again is very [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3447">TS</a>]
00:57:29 ◼ ► similar to Apple design language you see [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3449">TS</a>]
00:57:30 ◼ ► that computer opening up and if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3450">TS</a>]
00:57:32 ◼ ► squint a little bit you can't tell the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3452">TS</a>]
00:57:33 ◼ ► difference all right and they do you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3453">TS</a>]
00:57:34 ◼ ► know they obviously took a lot of pride [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3454">TS</a>]
00:57:36 ◼ ► in the video and and it is Apple style [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3456">TS</a>]
00:57:38 ◼ ► video but it's there's a lot of pride in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3458">TS</a>]
00:57:41 ◼ ► yes they showed the what would you call [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3461">TS</a>]
00:57:43 ◼ ► it the the it's obviously done in CGI [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3463">TS</a>]
00:57:48 ◼ ► but yeah the the computer the renders [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3468">TS</a>]
00:57:51 ◼ ► yeah coming apart that the different [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3471">TS</a>]
00:57:53 ◼ ► parts of it are you know the little [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3473">TS</a>]
00:57:56 ◼ ► screws and everything going in other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3476">TS</a>]
00:57:58 ◼ ► words do they've gotten much I mean from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3478">TS</a>]
00:57:59 ◼ ► for a software company they've gotten [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3479">TS</a>]
00:58:00 ◼ ► remarkable hardware chops over the last [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3480">TS</a>]
00:58:02 ◼ ► few years well it's funny that they've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3482">TS</a>]
00:58:05 ◼ ► always had a good reputation for making [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3485">TS</a>]
00:58:06 ◼ ► like mice and keyboards right the device [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3486">TS</a>]
00:58:09 ◼ ► that Microsoft mice and keyboards have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3489">TS</a>]
00:58:10 ◼ ► ever since they got into the business [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3490">TS</a>]
00:58:11 ◼ ► have had reputation as world-class you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3491">TS</a>]
00:58:14 ◼ ► know but the Xbox Live not so much no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3494">TS</a>]
00:58:19 ◼ ► red rings and squeaky boxes right um but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3499">TS</a>]
00:58:23 ◼ ► yeah they you know and I I even like the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3503">TS</a>]
00:58:26 ◼ ► way that the I think is it the windows [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3506">TS</a>]
00:58:28 ◼ ► logo or the Microsoft logo the four [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3508">TS</a>]
00:58:30 ◼ ► rectangles thing the windows logo yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3510">TS</a>]
00:58:32 ◼ ► is that what it is it's you know it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3512">TS</a>]
00:58:34 ◼ ► looks good it's you know they've finally [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3514">TS</a>]
00:58:35 ◼ ► gotten it to a point where it's reduced [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3515">TS</a>]
00:58:37 ◼ ► to a real icon it was really the de [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3517">TS</a>]
00:58:41 ◼ ► facto Microsoft logo by now so I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3521">TS</a>]
00:58:43 ◼ ► they use it everywhere it they're using [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3523">TS</a>]
00:58:45 ◼ ► a different material they've got like a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3525">TS</a>]
00:58:47 ◼ ► soft touch forget the name of it there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3527">TS</a>]
00:58:52 ◼ ► a brand name that I wasn't familiar with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3532">TS</a>]
00:58:53 ◼ ► but yes settle something yeah it's some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3533">TS</a>]
00:58:56 ◼ ► kind of like fake leather type yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3536">TS</a>]
00:58:58 ◼ ► artificial synthetic leather what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3538">TS</a>]
00:59:00 ◼ ► astroturf is - grass or something um [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3540">TS</a>]
00:59:02 ◼ ► yeah but that it's used by you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3542">TS</a>]
00:59:04 ◼ ► premium luxury automakers for components [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3544">TS</a>]
00:59:07 ◼ ► and caught you know like the dashboards [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3547">TS</a>]
00:59:10 ◼ ► so supposedly a great material would be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3550">TS</a>]
00:59:13 ◼ ► will be interesting to see how it wears [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3553">TS</a>]
00:59:15 ◼ ► and you might think hey well duh of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3555">TS</a>]
00:59:18 ◼ ► course it's going to wear well why would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3558">TS</a>]
00:59:19 ◼ ► they use it if it doesn't wear well but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3559">TS</a>]
00:59:21 ◼ ► you know then you think about the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3561">TS</a>]
00:59:22 ◼ ► remember the iPod touch that yep they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3562">TS</a>]
00:59:25 ◼ ► were sir well whatnot ipod touch it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3565">TS</a>]
00:59:27 ◼ ► an iPod Nano or something that was like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3567">TS</a>]
00:59:30 ◼ ► you could be scratch it with your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3570">TS</a>]
00:59:32 ◼ ► fingernail yeah no totally you can it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3572">TS</a>]
00:59:34 ◼ ► hard to but there's no amount of QA that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3574">TS</a>]
00:59:36 ◼ ► can prepare you for a million customers [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3576">TS</a>]
00:59:37 ◼ ► about it so we'll see but that's it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3577">TS</a>]
00:59:39 ◼ ► that's new I don't I don't recall ever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3579">TS</a>]
00:59:41 ◼ ► seeing a premium laptop that was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3581">TS</a>]
00:59:43 ◼ ► something other than aluminum or you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3583">TS</a>]
00:59:47 ◼ ► know plastic as the surface yeah they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3587">TS</a>]
00:59:50 ◼ ► said they wanted to be less sterile to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3590">TS</a>]
00:59:52 ◼ ► be less cold to be more like a warmer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3592">TS</a>]
00:59:53 ◼ ► feeling I just thought that's going to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3593">TS</a>]
00:59:55 ◼ ► pick up a lot of stains and a lot of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3595">TS</a>]
00:59:57 ◼ ► interns at least the lighter sellers [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3597">TS</a>]
01:00:00 ◼ ► oh um but I mean the argument I guess is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3600">TS</a>]
01:00:02 ◼ ► that's going to patina like a good [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3602">TS</a>]
01:00:03 ◼ ► leather I don't know but there's a fancy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3603">TS</a>]
01:00:05 ◼ ► way of saying this T yeah but it's weird [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3605">TS</a>]
01:00:08 ◼ ► though I think things that patina by [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3608">TS</a>]
01:00:09 ◼ ► touch are different than things like if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3609">TS</a>]
01:00:11 ◼ ► you have like a leather watch strap or a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3611">TS</a>]
01:00:15 ◼ ► leather belt it will get get a patina [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3615">TS</a>]
01:00:20 ◼ ► over time but it doesn't look like two [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3620">TS</a>]
01:00:23 ◼ ► sweaty palm prints yes right no yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3623">TS</a>]
01:00:27 ◼ ► exactly you know it's coming from use as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3627">TS</a>]
01:00:30 ◼ ► opposed to coming from just sweat on two [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3630">TS</a>]
01:00:32 ◼ ► spots right right on the palm rest and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3632">TS</a>]
01:00:35 ◼ ► those are heavily using that's heavy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3635">TS</a>]
01:00:37 ◼ ► trafficked area yeah so we'll see you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3637">TS</a>]
01:00:38 ◼ ► you know but but give them credit for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3638">TS</a>]
01:00:39 ◼ ► something original yeah it looks pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3639">TS</a>]
01:00:42 ◼ ► good but I don't think the price is all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3642">TS</a>]
01:00:44 ◼ ► that compelling I mean I don't think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3644">TS</a>]
01:00:46 ◼ ► it's bad but I don't I don't get the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3646">TS</a>]
01:00:47 ◼ ► argument that it makes Apple's MacBook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3647">TS</a>]
01:00:49 ◼ ► pricing we've got a line no like the the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3649">TS</a>]
01:00:52 ◼ ► one thing you could criticize Apple for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3652">TS</a>]
01:00:53 ◼ ► is that at $99 $909 they do not have a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3653">TS</a>]
01:00:56 ◼ ► retina computer that the MacBook Air is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3656">TS</a>]
01:00:57 ◼ ► still a non retina machine although it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3657">TS</a>]
01:00:59 ◼ ► does have an available wide over a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3659">TS</a>]
01:01:01 ◼ ► variety of ports then this machine does [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3661">TS</a>]
01:01:03 ◼ ► right for people who want to always [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3663">TS</a>]
01:01:04 ◼ ► wanted a retina MacBook Air the MacBook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3664">TS</a>]
01:01:08 ◼ ► MacBook Pro Escape is not quite that and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3668">TS</a>]
01:01:10 ◼ ► this is close writer right and that is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3670">TS</a>]
01:01:12 ◼ ► the take you know there are a couple of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3672">TS</a>]
01:01:13 ◼ ► tweets along the lines of you know this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3673">TS</a>]
01:01:15 ◼ ► is the MacBook Air that Apple the retina [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3675">TS</a>]
01:01:17 ◼ ► MacBook Air that Apple never made and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3677">TS</a>]
01:01:20 ◼ ► you can kind of see that in you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3680">TS</a>]
01:01:22 ◼ ► squint your eyes and that's sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3682">TS</a>]
01:01:23 ◼ ► basically what it is it's the wedge [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3683">TS</a>]
01:01:25 ◼ ► shape it's 13 inches display it has a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3685">TS</a>]
01:01:28 ◼ ► Retina display it's got the Core i5 and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3688">TS</a>]
01:01:31 ◼ ► core i7 chipsets as opposed to the Intel [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3691">TS</a>]
01:01:34 ◼ ► m3 m5 and seven chips that that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3694">TS</a>]
01:01:36 ◼ ► MacBook has yeah which I still don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3696">TS</a>]
01:01:40 ◼ ► like mean whenever those chips see my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3700">TS</a>]
01:01:41 ◼ ► iPad pro they just cry it's you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3701">TS</a>]
01:01:44 ◼ ► that's the truth I mean for people who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3704">TS</a>]
01:01:46 ◼ ► don't pay attention to those specs and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3706">TS</a>]
01:01:47 ◼ ► know some of you know some of you people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3707">TS</a>]
01:01:49 ◼ ► listening obviously do but I think a lot [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3709">TS</a>]
01:01:51 ◼ ► of you probably don't but you know the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3711">TS</a>]
01:01:54 ◼ ► the MacBook the one-port MacBook that we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3714">TS</a>]
01:01:57 ◼ ► have today is very very very similar [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3717">TS</a>]
01:02:00 ◼ ► conceptually to the original when the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3720">TS</a>]
01:02:02 ◼ ► iPod when the iPad if not iPad air [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3722">TS</a>]
01:02:05 ◼ ► macbook air first came out where it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3725">TS</a>]
01:02:09 ◼ ► not priced based on performance right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3729">TS</a>]
01:02:13 ◼ ► you know that and in traditional [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3733">TS</a>]
01:02:16 ◼ ► computer thinking you spend more to get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3736">TS</a>]
01:02:19 ◼ ► a faster computer and you spend less and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3739">TS</a>]
01:02:21 ◼ ► you get a slower computer by some you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3741">TS</a>]
01:02:24 ◼ ► know by some multiple measures often of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3744">TS</a>]
01:02:27 ◼ ► speed io CPU graphics you name it you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3747">TS</a>]
01:02:31 ◼ ► spend more you get faster you spend less [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3751">TS</a>]
01:02:33 ◼ ► you get slower and the MacBook Air was a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3753">TS</a>]
01:02:35 ◼ ► dramatic exception to that where the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3755">TS</a>]
01:02:38 ◼ ► MacBook Air was a lot more expensive and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3758">TS</a>]
01:02:41 ◼ ► a lot slower but what you got was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3761">TS</a>]
01:02:43 ◼ ► something remarkably thinner and lighter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3763">TS</a>]
01:02:45 ◼ ► you know famously taken out of a manila [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3765">TS</a>]
01:02:49 ◼ ► envelope by Steve Jobs on States to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3769">TS</a>]
01:02:50 ◼ ► announce it to gasps outright gasps from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3770">TS</a>]
01:02:54 ◼ ► the audience like the appeal was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3774">TS</a>]
01:02:55 ◼ ► immediate but in terms of how is it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3775">TS</a>]
01:02:57 ◼ ► priced it was very different it was a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3777">TS</a>]
01:02:59 ◼ ► premium price product even though the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3779">TS</a>]
01:03:00 ◼ ► performance was far behind a MacBook Pro [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3780">TS</a>]
01:03:03 ◼ ► like far less expensive computers the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3783">TS</a>]
01:03:05 ◼ ► MacBook today is sort of like that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3785">TS</a>]
01:03:07 ◼ ► difference isn't is dramatic it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3787">TS</a>]
01:03:08 ◼ ► super expensive you know I think what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3788">TS</a>]
01:03:10 ◼ ► does it start at $12.99 and a reasonable [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3790">TS</a>]
01:03:13 ◼ ► configures by I would say around fifteen [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3793">TS</a>]
01:03:15 ◼ ► sixteen hundred dollars but it's slower [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3795">TS</a>]
01:03:18 ◼ ► than a $999 MacBook Air yeah and I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3798">TS</a>]
01:03:22 ◼ ► it's also if you actually look at that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3802">TS</a>]
01:03:25 ◼ ► computer the components that Apple used [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3805">TS</a>]
01:03:26 ◼ ► in that are expensive and it's a really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3806">TS</a>]
01:03:29 ◼ ► futuristic computer technology in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3809">TS</a>]
01:03:31 ◼ ► present and that's always expensive and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3811">TS</a>]
01:03:33 ◼ ► I remember sort of asking like why it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3813">TS</a>]
01:03:34 ◼ ► was this price and it seemed overpriced [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3814">TS</a>]
01:03:36 ◼ ► I got this aghast sort of look and then [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3816">TS</a>]
01:03:38 ◼ ► I got a very behind-the-scenes rundown [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3818">TS</a>]
01:03:41 ◼ ► of what actually went into make it like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3821">TS</a>]
01:03:42 ◼ ► that displays incredibly sophisticated [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3822">TS</a>]
01:03:44 ◼ ► and a lot of Technology they had to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3824">TS</a>]
01:03:46 ◼ ► invent to make the computer the way it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3826">TS</a>]
01:03:50 ◼ ► sophisticated and you could argue that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3830">TS</a>]
01:03:51 ◼ ► they don't need to do that kind of thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3831">TS</a>]
01:03:53 ◼ ► and I think we'll see that again with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3833">TS</a>]
01:03:54 ◼ ► the iPhone 8 when it ships that it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3834">TS</a>]
01:03:56 ◼ ► going to be more expensive than the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3836">TS</a>]
01:03:58 ◼ ► technology they're putting in it would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3838">TS</a>]
01:04:00 ◼ ► otherwise not come to market for a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3840">TS</a>]
01:04:01 ◼ ► couple years and that's the cost of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3841">TS</a>]
01:04:03 ◼ ► bringing that stuff forward sooner so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3843">TS</a>]
01:04:05 ◼ ► you really are skipping ahead but you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3845">TS</a>]
01:04:07 ◼ ► really think that they're going to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3847">TS</a>]
01:04:08 ◼ ► they're going to ship an iPhone pro or X [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3848">TS</a>]
01:04:11 ◼ ► or eight or something that actually [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3851">TS</a>]
01:04:13 ◼ ► raises the prices from the current [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3853">TS</a>]
01:04:14 ◼ ► iPhone 7 and 7 plus prices yeah I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3854">TS</a>]
01:04:17 ◼ ► the 7 I mean I think they saw that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3857">TS</a>]
01:04:19 ◼ ► there's price elasticity when they made [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3859">TS</a>]
01:04:20 ◼ ► the iPhone 7 plus 20 bucks more than [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3860">TS</a>]
01:04:23 ◼ ► previous iPhone 7 sorry the previous [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3863">TS</a>]
01:04:25 ◼ ► iPhone plus and that's going to carry [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3865">TS</a>]
01:04:27 ◼ ► they start introducing things like it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3867">TS</a>]
01:04:29 ◼ ► always a balancing act if we want to put [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3869">TS</a>]
01:04:30 ◼ ► something like distance charging and if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3870">TS</a>]
01:04:31 ◼ ► we want to put a much better camera [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3871">TS</a>]
01:04:33 ◼ ► system and if we want to put much better [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3873">TS</a>]
01:04:34 ◼ ► screen technology all these things have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3874">TS</a>]
01:04:36 ◼ ► a cost and they'll come down over time [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3876">TS</a>]
01:04:37 ◼ ► but if we do it today it's going to be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3877">TS</a>]
01:04:39 ◼ ► this price if we do it next year the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3879">TS</a>]
01:04:40 ◼ ► year after it's going to be this price [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3880">TS</a>]
01:04:42 ◼ ► and once in a while I think they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3882">TS</a>]
01:04:43 ◼ ► going to gamble and say we can afford to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3883">TS</a>]
01:04:45 ◼ ► test the upper limits of life on pricing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3885">TS</a>]
01:04:47 ◼ ► yeah and the other factor that comes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3887">TS</a>]
01:04:49 ◼ ► into that is that they can they can not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3889">TS</a>]
01:04:52 ◼ ► have to Bank on having seventy million [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3892">TS</a>]
01:04:54 ◼ ► of those components in the first oh yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3894">TS</a>]
01:04:57 ◼ ► it controls demand the price is higher [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3897">TS</a>]
01:04:59 ◼ ► less people want it and then you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3899">TS</a>]
01:05:00 ◼ ► the constraint supplies don't matter as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3900">TS</a>]
01:05:02 ◼ ► much I think if that's going to be their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3902">TS</a>]
01:05:04 ◼ ► strategy with the iPhone which I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3904">TS</a>]
01:05:06 ◼ ► think I don't think they would call the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3906">TS</a>]
01:05:07 ◼ ► iPhone eight I really don't I think they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3907">TS</a>]
01:05:09 ◼ ► would call the iPhone pro but or iPhone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3909">TS</a>]
01:05:11 ◼ ► something and there because I think I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3911">TS</a>]
01:05:15 ◼ ► think it in and if they also have iPhone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3915">TS</a>]
01:05:17 ◼ ► 7s and iPhone 7s plus that stay at these [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3917">TS</a>]
01:05:20 ◼ ► same prices we know today and just do a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3920">TS</a>]
01:05:22 ◼ ► typical S upgrade which is often if not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3922">TS</a>]
01:05:25 ◼ ► usually a better upgrade component wise [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3925">TS</a>]
01:05:28 ◼ ► than the non S years I think calling the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3928">TS</a>]
01:05:33 ◼ ► new on the iPhone eight makes the iPhone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3933">TS</a>]
01:05:35 ◼ ► 7s it look older than it would if they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3935">TS</a>]
01:05:40 ◼ ► gave it a non numbered name like the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3940">TS</a>]
01:05:41 ◼ ► iPhone Edition was the other way it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3941">TS</a>]
01:05:43 ◼ ► funny because I think MacBook was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3943">TS</a>]
01:05:44 ◼ ► macbook stealth originally and they just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3944">TS</a>]
01:05:45 ◼ ► went with macbook right so they can play [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3945">TS</a>]
01:05:47 ◼ ► around with those things until they just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3947">TS</a>]
01:05:48 ◼ ► make a last-minute decision right and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3948">TS</a>]
01:05:50 ◼ ► those things the leak the least because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3950">TS</a>]
01:05:52 ◼ ► that the yeah you know they don't print [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3952">TS</a>]
01:05:54 ◼ ► the names on the devices so they don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3954">TS</a>]
01:05:56 ◼ ► come out of the you know like you look [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3956">TS</a>]
01:05:58 ◼ ► on the back of your iPhone 7 it doesn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3958">TS</a>]
01:05:59 ◼ ► say iPhone 7 it just says I I phone and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3959">TS</a>]
01:06:03 ◼ ► so that you know it's just a small [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3963">TS</a>]
01:06:05 ◼ ► number of product marketing people who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3965">TS</a>]
01:06:06 ◼ ► do not do not leak and then my stuff [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3966">TS</a>]
01:06:12 ◼ ► backed back to the surface laptop the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3972">TS</a>]
01:06:16 ◼ ► other thing that so the other the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3976">TS</a>]
01:06:19 ◼ ► flipside of the event was the software [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3979">TS</a>]
01:06:20 ◼ ► which was Windows 10 s which is and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3980">TS</a>]
01:06:24 ◼ ► again the comparisons were all to Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3984">TS</a>]
01:06:26 ◼ ► apples so it's fascinating to me as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3986">TS</a>]
01:06:29 ◼ ► somebody who's been following this stuff [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3989">TS</a>]
01:06:31 ◼ ► obsessively you know for mine you know I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3991">TS</a>]
01:06:37 ◼ ► it is absolutely fascinating to me how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/3997">TS</a>]
01:06:40 ◼ ► central Apple is added to this entire [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4000">TS</a>]
01:06:44 ◼ ► announcement but yes software everything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4004">TS</a>]
01:06:45 ◼ ► was compared everything on the hardware [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4005">TS</a>]
01:06:48 ◼ ► everything software was compared to iOS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4008">TS</a>]
01:06:52 ◼ ► and Mac OS yeah but the big news there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4012">TS</a>]
01:06:56 ◼ ► a Windows 10s it's a cut-down version of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4016">TS</a>]
01:06:59 ◼ ► Windows 10 and it is iOS style in some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4019">TS</a>]
01:07:04 ◼ ► ways where apps can only come from the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4024">TS</a>]
01:07:08 ◼ ► windows App Store and to get out of that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4028">TS</a>]
01:07:13 ◼ ► it's not like the Mac where you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4033">TS</a>]
01:07:16 ◼ ► click a checkbox and you know there's or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4036">TS</a>]
01:07:19 ◼ ► there's a radio button in the Mac and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4039">TS</a>]
01:07:21 ◼ ► the security thing where you can choose [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4041">TS</a>]
01:07:22 ◼ ► a purse while out yeah the gatekeeper [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4042">TS</a>]
01:07:24 ◼ ► switch allow apps only from the app [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4044">TS</a>]
01:07:26 ◼ ► store or allow apps from the app store [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4046">TS</a>]
01:07:28 ◼ ► and from known identified developers and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4048">TS</a>]
01:07:33 ◼ ► you can also you know even with that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4053">TS</a>]
01:07:36 ◼ ► checked you can also use apps from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4056">TS</a>]
01:07:38 ◼ ► unsigned developers but you have to be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4058">TS</a>]
01:07:41 ◼ ► nerdy enough to know that to open them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4061">TS</a>]
01:07:42 ◼ ► is by not just by double-clicking them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4062">TS</a>]
01:07:45 ◼ ► you have to like ctrl click and choose [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4065">TS</a>]
01:07:46 ◼ ► open or use the gear menu in the finder [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4066">TS</a>]
01:07:49 ◼ ► just to double insure that you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4069">TS</a>]
01:07:52 ◼ ► exactly what you're getting into in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4072">TS</a>]
01:07:53 ◼ ► terms of using an app from an untrusted [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4073">TS</a>]
01:07:56 ◼ ► developer so you can do that on the Mac [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4076">TS</a>]
01:07:58 ◼ ► the Windows 10 s is like iOS where the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4078">TS</a>]
01:08:01 ◼ ► old there is no option d'arnaud options [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4081">TS</a>]
01:08:03 ◼ ► like that there's no options to get apps [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4083">TS</a>]
01:08:05 ◼ ► from sideload apps from outside this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4085">TS</a>]
01:08:08 ◼ ► certainly no options to to get unsigned [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4088">TS</a>]
01:08:11 ◼ ► apps yeah you have to pray your way out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4091">TS</a>]
01:08:14 ◼ ► of it it's a huge huge deal I mean it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4094">TS</a>]
01:08:17 ◼ ► the sort of thing that like if Microsoft [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4097">TS</a>]
01:08:19 ◼ ► had tried it ten years ago would have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4099">TS</a>]
01:08:22 ◼ ► had antitrust law that was a suspicion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4102">TS</a>]
01:08:25 ◼ ► like when the Mac App Store was first [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4105">TS</a>]
01:08:27 ◼ ► announced it was a whole bunch of people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4107">TS</a>]
01:08:28 ◼ ► who panicked immediately said that we're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4108">TS</a>]
01:08:30 ◼ ► one step away from Apple locking down [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4110">TS</a>]
01:08:32 ◼ ► the Mac with a lockdown iOS and this is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4112">TS</a>]
01:08:34 ◼ ► just the first stage and Apple thus far [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4114">TS</a>]
01:08:36 ◼ ► not done it at all and it's it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4116">TS</a>]
01:08:37 ◼ ► interesting that Microsoft got there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4117">TS</a>]
01:08:39 ◼ ► first right because as everybody's fear [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4119">TS</a>]
01:08:42 ◼ ► and and and I highlighted a tweet on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4122">TS</a>]
01:08:44 ◼ ► during fireball from dieter bone of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4124">TS</a>]
01:08:46 ◼ ► verge who said that you know Apple you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4126">TS</a>]
01:08:50 ◼ ► Microsoft's the first dish might be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4130">TS</a>]
01:08:51 ◼ ► paraphrasing but Microsoft's the first [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4131">TS</a>]
01:08:53 ◼ ► Microsoft ships a completely lockdown [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4133">TS</a>]
01:08:55 ◼ ► computer before Apple odd which I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4135">TS</a>]
01:08:59 ◼ ► thought was interesting just because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4139">TS</a>]
01:09:00 ◼ ► it's you know when he's talking about a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4140">TS</a>]
01:09:02 ◼ ► computer it's clear that what he means [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4142">TS</a>]
01:09:04 ◼ ► is that he only thinks of max as real [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4144">TS</a>]
01:09:06 ◼ ► computers and not iPads because the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4146">TS</a>]
01:09:07 ◼ ► iPads been out since 2011 and has been [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4147">TS</a>]
01:09:09 ◼ ► locked down the exact same way the whole [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4149">TS</a>]
01:09:11 ◼ ► time yeah other changes that they've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4151">TS</a>]
01:09:14 ◼ ► done that are even tighter than Apple's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4154">TS</a>]
01:09:17 ◼ ► iOS restrictions in some ways are with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4157">TS</a>]
01:09:22 ◼ ► web browsers you can download other web [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4162">TS</a>]
01:09:25 ◼ ► browsers but only from the store and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4165">TS</a>]
01:09:26 ◼ ► chrome is not in the store it was at one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4166">TS</a>]
01:09:31 ◼ ► understanding I've poked asked around [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4171">TS</a>]
01:09:33 ◼ ► was more or less that when Microsoft [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4173">TS</a>]
01:09:36 ◼ ► went to Google and said hey with the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4176">TS</a>]
01:09:38 ◼ ► version of Chrome in the windows App [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4178">TS</a>]
01:09:40 ◼ ► Store you're turning it into Chrome OS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4180">TS</a>]
01:09:42 ◼ ► you know that it was you know had its [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4182">TS</a>]
01:09:46 ◼ ► circling back to our discussion of Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4186">TS</a>]
01:09:48 ◼ ► and apps that have quote-unquote [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4188">TS</a>]
01:09:50 ◼ ► apps within apps they were like knock it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4190">TS</a>]
01:09:52 ◼ ► off and so rather than sort of take out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4192">TS</a>]
01:09:55 ◼ ► that Chrome OS style integration of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4195">TS</a>]
01:09:58 ◼ ► quote apps within Chrome Google just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4198">TS</a>]
01:10:00 ◼ ► took the ball and went home but even if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4200">TS</a>]
01:10:04 ◼ ► you do get a browser from the their App [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4204">TS</a>]
01:10:08 ◼ ► Store you can't set it as your default [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4208">TS</a>]
01:10:09 ◼ ► so like an email if you get an email [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4209">TS</a>]
01:10:12 ◼ ► with a URL in it and click it it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4212">TS</a>]
01:10:14 ◼ ► always going to open an edge and and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4214">TS</a>]
01:10:17 ◼ ► here's the part that it would have been [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4217">TS</a>]
01:10:18 ◼ ► so much more interesting if they had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4218">TS</a>]
01:10:20 ◼ ► done this years ago and if they had done [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4220">TS</a>]
01:10:22 ◼ ► it in Windows itself is the search [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4222">TS</a>]
01:10:25 ◼ ► feature in edge is Bing and only Bing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4225">TS</a>]
01:10:30 ◼ ► and you have no other options so unlike [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4230">TS</a>]
01:10:31 ◼ ► let's say even iOS which is pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4231">TS</a>]
01:10:33 ◼ ► locked out you can you get Google search [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4233">TS</a>]
01:10:36 ◼ ► by default still but you have the option [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4236">TS</a>]
01:10:38 ◼ ► for Bing Yahoo and DuckDuckGo yeah it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4238">TS</a>]
01:10:43 ◼ ► I mean it's hard to take things away [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4243">TS</a>]
01:10:46 ◼ ► from people and I think the expectations [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4246">TS</a>]
01:10:47 ◼ ► are different with it with iOS the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4247">TS</a>]
01:10:48 ◼ ► expectation has always been that you've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4248">TS</a>]
01:10:49 ◼ ► never been able to have third-party [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4249">TS</a>]
01:10:51 ◼ ► rendering engines which means like you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4251">TS</a>]
01:10:53 ◼ ► know you've never been able to you've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4253">TS</a>]
01:10:55 ◼ ► always been able to change your your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4255">TS</a>]
01:10:57 ◼ ► default browser and with Microsoft in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4257">TS</a>]
01:10:58 ◼ ► they're calling this Windows it feels [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4258">TS</a>]
01:11:00 ◼ ► like Windows it looks like Windows those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4260">TS</a>]
01:11:03 ◼ ► you've taken away my ability to get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4263">TS</a>]
01:11:04 ◼ ► chrome you've taken away my ability to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4264">TS</a>]
01:11:06 ◼ ► search with Google rather than being a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4266">TS</a>]
01:11:09 ◼ ► yeah generous things I'm intrigued to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4269">TS</a>]
01:11:11 ◼ ► see how it plays out because I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4271">TS</a>]
01:11:12 ◼ ► know who the market is for this exactly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4272">TS</a>]
01:11:14 ◼ ► and there is an option last but not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4274">TS</a>]
01:11:16 ◼ ► least there's an option where you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4276">TS</a>]
01:11:19 ◼ ► get this you could get if you buy any I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4279">TS</a>]
01:11:22 ◼ ► guess any of these windows 10s devices [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4282">TS</a>]
01:11:24 ◼ ► if you pay 50 bucks you can upgrade to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4284">TS</a>]
01:11:28 ◼ ► Windows 10 Pro but it's clear it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4288">TS</a>]
01:11:32 ◼ ► just like you're paying 50 bucks to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4292">TS</a>]
01:11:34 ◼ ► toggle a checkbox like you're changing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4294">TS</a>]
01:11:36 ◼ ► the OS in certain ways keeper where you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4296">TS</a>]
01:11:40 ◼ ► can turn it off download the app you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4300">TS</a>]
01:11:41 ◼ ► want to turn it back on it's not like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4301">TS</a>]
01:11:42 ◼ ► you can download Windows Pro get Chrome [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4302">TS</a>]
01:11:44 ◼ ► and go to bed to Windows s you know and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4304">TS</a>]
01:11:46 ◼ ► I don't know enough about Windows to say [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4306">TS</a>]
01:11:49 ◼ ► for sure but it's clear that this the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4309">TS</a>]
01:11:51 ◼ ► difference in Windows 10 s in Windows 10 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4311">TS</a>]
01:11:53 ◼ ► Pro is more like it's two different [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4313">TS</a>]
01:11:56 ◼ ► versions of Windows 10 and there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4316">TS</a>]
01:11:58 ◼ ► obviously a lot of it shared stuff in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4318">TS</a>]
01:12:01 ◼ ► difference between iOS and Mac OS where [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4321">TS</a>]
01:12:03 ◼ ► it's two entirely different operating [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4323">TS</a>]
01:12:05 ◼ ► systems yeah one Windows but they did [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4325">TS</a>]
01:12:09 ◼ ► advertise repeatedly during the event [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4329">TS</a>]
01:12:11 ◼ ► that Windows 10 s like there is you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4331">TS</a>]
01:12:14 ◼ ► that these the they don't call I forget [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4334">TS</a>]
01:12:16 ◼ ► what they call it but they don't call it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4336">TS</a>]
01:12:17 ◼ ► sandboxing but there's the equivalent [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4337">TS</a>]
01:12:19 ◼ ► idea of sandboxing where apps from the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4339">TS</a>]
01:12:22 ◼ ► Windows Store you know have can't do it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4342">TS</a>]
01:12:27 ◼ ► like the old days where you can do it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4347">TS</a>]
01:12:28 ◼ ► you know write all over the file system [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4348">TS</a>]
01:12:31 ◼ ► do you note at the system level blah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4351">TS</a>]
01:12:34 ◼ ► they had repeatedly said that as you use [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4354">TS</a>]
01:12:37 ◼ ► a Windows 10 s device over time it won't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4357">TS</a>]
01:12:39 ◼ ► slow down which is you know III again I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4359">TS</a>]
01:12:42 ◼ ► haven't used Windows on a regular basis [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4362">TS</a>]
01:12:44 ◼ ► and I don't know 10 or 15 years but it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4364">TS</a>]
01:12:46 ◼ ► was always true and as far as I have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4366">TS</a>]
01:12:49 ◼ ► heard recently is still true that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4369">TS</a>]
01:12:50 ◼ ► you know people can't nobody who's like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4370">TS</a>]
01:12:53 ◼ ► an expert Windows user gets a Windows [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4373">TS</a>]
01:12:55 ◼ ► machine and four years later is still [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4375">TS</a>]
01:12:56 ◼ ► using it without having reinstalled at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4376">TS</a>]
01:12:58 ◼ ► some point just to clean out the gunk [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4378">TS</a>]
01:13:00 ◼ ► yeah it's yeah it's super interesting to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4380">TS</a>]
01:13:04 ◼ ► me the a lot of the choices that they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4384">TS</a>]
01:13:06 ◼ ► made with this operating system and are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4386">TS</a>]
01:13:11 ◼ ► competing with Apple in some aspects but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4391">TS</a>]
01:13:12 ◼ ► they're also competing with chrome and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4392">TS</a>]
01:13:14 ◼ ► Chrome OS and the growth of Chrome OS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4394">TS</a>]
01:13:17 ◼ ► in schools and Chrome OS is the virtue [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4397">TS</a>]
01:13:19 ◼ ► is like the Chromebooks are super super [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4399">TS</a>]
01:13:20 ◼ ► cheap Chrome OS is essentially free [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4400">TS</a>]
01:13:23 ◼ ► chrome services Google services are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4403">TS</a>]
01:13:25 ◼ ► essentially free makes it an incredibly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4405">TS</a>]
01:13:27 ◼ ► easy to manage environment which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4407">TS</a>]
01:13:28 ◼ ► education you know schools everybody [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4408">TS</a>]
01:13:30 ◼ ► loves and is Windows s really an answer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4410">TS</a>]
01:13:33 ◼ ► to that is a way to get a super cheap [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4413">TS</a>]
01:13:35 ◼ ► free version of Windows onto a bunch of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4415">TS</a>]
01:13:36 ◼ ► super cheap really inexpensive laptops I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4416">TS</a>]
01:13:39 ◼ ► think the surface blacktop aside a lot [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4419">TS</a>]
01:13:41 ◼ ► of the third-party surface laptop style [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4421">TS</a>]
01:13:44 ◼ ► machines will be much less expensive but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4424">TS</a>]
01:13:46 ◼ ► that brings with it a whole other sense [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4426">TS</a>]
01:13:48 ◼ ► so a whole other set of concessions or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4428">TS</a>]
01:13:50 ◼ ► compromises I get the impression that at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4430">TS</a>]
01:13:53 ◼ ► a at a practical level and from their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4433">TS</a>]
01:13:56 ◼ ► business their what they really need to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4436">TS</a>]
01:13:59 ◼ ► be concentrating on is chrome and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4439">TS</a>]
01:14:02 ◼ ► Chromebooks and in you know they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4442">TS</a>]
01:14:05 ◼ ► announced that they have through their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4445">TS</a>]
01:14:06 ◼ ► noting Microsoft branded but through [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4446">TS</a>]
01:14:08 ◼ ► their partners oh my sir and a couple of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4448">TS</a>]
01:14:11 ◼ ► others that they're coming out with $189 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4451">TS</a>]
01:14:14 ◼ ► notebooks that run Windows 10 S which is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4454">TS</a>]
01:14:17 ◼ ► you know pretty pretty good price point [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4457">TS</a>]
01:14:19 ◼ ► and clearly you know very specifically [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4459">TS</a>]
01:14:21 ◼ ► the event was education they marked at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4461">TS</a>]
01:14:23 ◼ ► the education market the the surface [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4463">TS</a>]
01:14:29 ◼ ► laptop is clearly not aimed at the that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4469">TS</a>]
01:14:33 ◼ ► part of the education market the tray [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4473">TS</a>]
01:14:35 ◼ ► full of laptops for kids to you know the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4475">TS</a>]
01:14:39 ◼ ► grade school kids to get as they come in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4479">TS</a>]
01:14:41 ◼ ► the school school there is though you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4481">TS</a>]
01:14:46 ◼ ► quote-unquote education but it's there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4486">TS</a>]
01:14:48 ◼ ► the like teenagers who are going to own [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4488">TS</a>]
01:14:51 ◼ ► their own computer for high school and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4491">TS</a>]
01:14:53 ◼ ► college and it's a that's where Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4493">TS</a>]
01:14:58 ◼ ► thrives right like so Apple because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4498">TS</a>]
01:15:00 ◼ ► their prices are so much higher and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4500">TS</a>]
01:15:02 ◼ ► because chrome you know for various [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4502">TS</a>]
01:15:03 ◼ ► reasons chrome has really really taken [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4503">TS</a>]
01:15:05 ◼ ► off in the classroom education market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4505">TS</a>]
01:15:11 ◼ ► and it's kind of using to see if it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4511">TS</a>]
01:15:13 ◼ ► repeats because when I was young there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4513">TS</a>]
01:15:15 ◼ ► was at you know a lot of us had Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4515">TS</a>]
01:15:17 ◼ ► computers but you'd go to schools and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4517">TS</a>]
01:15:18 ◼ ► sometimes they would have PC computing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4518">TS</a>]
01:15:20 ◼ ► labs because they were cheap and all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4520">TS</a>]
01:15:22 ◼ ► you'd hear is kids go I hate this my Mac [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4522">TS</a>]
01:15:24 ◼ ► at home is so much nicer and I wonder if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4524">TS</a>]
01:15:26 ◼ ► I'm going to get to the point where [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4526">TS</a>]
01:15:27 ◼ ► because schools you know are regimented [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4527">TS</a>]
01:15:29 ◼ ► the way that they are there's a bunch of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4529">TS</a>]
01:15:31 ◼ ► is Essen probably a lot more Chromebooks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4531">TS</a>]
01:15:32 ◼ ► and kids will go in and go us it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4532">TS</a>]
01:15:34 ◼ ► like the iPad I have at home you know I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4534">TS</a>]
01:15:36 ◼ ► hate it and that sort of builds a whole [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4536">TS</a>]
01:15:37 ◼ ► separate cliche cachet where maybe Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4537">TS</a>]
01:15:40 ◼ ► isn't as competitive in the schools [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4540">TS</a>]
01:15:41 ◼ ► anymore but they're super competitive in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4541">TS</a>]
01:15:44 ◼ ► population yeah I think it's definitely [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4544">TS</a>]
01:15:46 ◼ ► true as the father of a seventh grader [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4546">TS</a>]
01:15:48 ◼ ► and its seventh grade it's a little [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4548">TS</a>]
01:15:51 ◼ ► different but in the lower grades just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4551">TS</a>]
01:15:53 ◼ ► in the last few years at Jonas to school [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4553">TS</a>]
01:15:57 ◼ ► most of the computers that they had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4557">TS</a>]
01:15:58 ◼ ► access to were Chromebooks um and the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4558">TS</a>]
01:16:02 ◼ ► kids hated him but they're not hated him [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4562">TS</a>]
01:16:04 ◼ ► but they they didn't really see them as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4564">TS</a>]
01:16:06 ◼ ► something desirable hates a wrong word [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4566">TS</a>]
01:16:08 ◼ ► but they more or less were just they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4568">TS</a>]
01:16:09 ◼ ► just Google Docs machines really that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4569">TS</a>]
01:16:12 ◼ ► really all they were and you know I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4572">TS</a>]
01:16:14 ◼ ► guess they do some research on you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4574">TS</a>]
01:16:16 ◼ ► web browsers but they're just literally [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4576">TS</a>]
01:16:18 ◼ ► just used for searching the web for some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4578">TS</a>]
01:16:20 ◼ ► amount of research and for you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4580">TS</a>]
01:16:24 ◼ ► writing reveaied a written assignment [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4584">TS</a>]
01:16:26 ◼ ► you do it in Google Docs and it saves to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4586">TS</a>]
01:16:29 ◼ ► a folder where the teacher can get it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4589">TS</a>]
01:16:30 ◼ ► and they're kind of junky and they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4590">TS</a>]
01:16:32 ◼ ► kind of squeaky and they're kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4592">TS</a>]
01:16:33 ◼ ► mushy it's just like right I was because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4593">TS</a>]
01:16:35 ◼ ► my clock is the same way they have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4595">TS</a>]
01:16:37 ◼ ► chrome at school now it's all you want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4597">TS</a>]
01:16:39 ◼ ► all in on it but they have iPads at home [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4599">TS</a>]
01:16:40 ◼ ► and they can tell like it's not they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4600">TS</a>]
01:16:42 ◼ ► don't put it in those terms but they can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4602">TS</a>]
01:16:44 ◼ ► tell that it just feel like I saw like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4604">TS</a>]
01:16:46 ◼ ► their got the same experience all right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4606">TS</a>]
01:16:47 ◼ ► and that's not necessarily a bad thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4607">TS</a>]
01:16:49 ◼ ► and I totally understand it from the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4609">TS</a>]
01:16:50 ◼ ► school's perspective yeah because I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4610">TS</a>]
01:16:51 ◼ ► don't you know that they don't think you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4611">TS</a>]
01:16:54 ◼ ► know you don't want a more expensive you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4614">TS</a>]
01:16:57 ◼ ► know the price is a huge issue and the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4617">TS</a>]
01:16:59 ◼ ► durability is a huge issue and if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4619">TS</a>]
01:17:01 ◼ ► can combine it and have a device that at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4621">TS</a>]
01:17:03 ◼ ► least is reasonably rugged and even if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4623">TS</a>]
01:17:06 ◼ ► it does break it's only hundred eighty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4626">TS</a>]
01:17:08 ◼ ► dollars to replace or whatever I totally [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4628">TS</a>]
01:17:10 ◼ ► get it but I bet the kids like the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4630">TS</a>]
01:17:12 ◼ ► mindset of the kids on what they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4632">TS</a>]
01:17:14 ◼ ► actually use and wanted to use was you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4634">TS</a>]
01:17:16 ◼ ► know in our own time was I phones really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4636">TS</a>]
01:17:19 ◼ ► I think that's an important part of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4639">TS</a>]
01:17:22 ◼ ► discussion in the overall education [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4642">TS</a>]
01:17:25 ◼ ► but the surface laptop clearly is is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4645">TS</a>]
01:17:27 ◼ ► aimed I feel like from a business sense [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4647">TS</a>]
01:17:29 ◼ ► app Microsoft really needs to stem the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4649">TS</a>]
01:17:32 ◼ ► growth of Chromebooks they need that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4652">TS</a>]
01:17:34 ◼ ► market they need that you know they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4654">TS</a>]
01:17:38 ◼ ► assumption that all of these low-end [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4658">TS</a>]
01:17:40 ◼ ► machines will be running Windows [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4660">TS</a>]
01:17:42 ◼ ► and we'll figure out a way to make money [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4662">TS</a>]
01:17:44 ◼ ► even if the margins are really low that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4664">TS</a>]
01:17:46 ◼ ► that's you know that windows everywhere [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4666">TS</a>]
01:17:48 ◼ ► strategy is important to them I feel [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4668">TS</a>]
01:17:50 ◼ ► like it's more of a psychological pride [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4670">TS</a>]
01:17:52 ◼ ► thing that they are and for years now [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4672">TS</a>]
01:17:56 ◼ ► it's not just with the surface laptop [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4676">TS</a>]
01:17:57 ◼ ► but that they've sort of been not even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4677">TS</a>]
01:18:00 ◼ ► sort of that they've been outright [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4680">TS</a>]
01:18:01 ◼ ► gunning for the MacBook in advertising [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4681">TS</a>]
01:18:04 ◼ ► with their products right they had a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4684">TS</a>]
01:18:06 ◼ ► whole ad campaign based on the I I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4686">TS</a>]
01:18:10 ◼ ► forget the name of their products but I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4690">TS</a>]
01:18:12 ◼ ► think it's the surface book surface pro [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4692">TS</a>]
01:18:14 ◼ ► and sort of the surface pro I don't know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4694">TS</a>]
01:18:16 ◼ ► but it's Dora was the first one that was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4696">TS</a>]
01:18:18 ◼ ► the convertible tablet and the surface [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4698">TS</a>]
01:18:19 ◼ ► book was the laptop II convertible [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4699">TS</a>]
01:18:22 ◼ ► righted so the laptop be convertible [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4702">TS</a>]
01:18:24 ◼ ► there's an ad campaign that was pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4704">TS</a>]
01:18:25 ◼ ► big where they ran and it the whole [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4705">TS</a>]
01:18:27 ◼ ► thing was based on can't do this on a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4707">TS</a>]
01:18:29 ◼ ► MacBook and it's usually just drawing or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4709">TS</a>]
01:18:33 ◼ ► trying to make that look we've made a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4713">TS</a>]
01:18:36 ◼ ► high quality laptop and it has a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4716">TS</a>]
01:18:38 ◼ ► touchscreen trying to make that into a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4718">TS</a>]
01:18:41 ◼ ► differentiating issue and they they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4721">TS</a>]
01:18:43 ◼ ► mentioned you know in that campaign they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4723">TS</a>]
01:18:45 ◼ ► mentioned MacBooks specifically and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4725">TS</a>]
01:18:47 ◼ ► nothing else I mean and they can't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4727">TS</a>]
01:18:48 ◼ ► really mention anything else because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4728">TS</a>]
01:18:50 ◼ ► it's not targeted at Chromebooks it's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4730">TS</a>]
01:18:53 ◼ ► very different class machine these are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4733">TS</a>]
01:18:55 ◼ ► like the thousand dollar range machine [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4735">TS</a>]
01:18:57 ◼ ► and they can't piss off their OEMs by [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4737">TS</a>]
01:19:00 ◼ ► talking about other Windows laptops but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4740">TS</a>]
01:19:03 ◼ ► it feels like Microsoft is caught in a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4743">TS</a>]
01:19:04 ◼ ► heart is he sort of caught in the middle [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4744">TS</a>]
01:19:06 ◼ ► right now and you have Apple at one side [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4746">TS</a>]
01:19:07 ◼ ► and Google get a cider and Microsoft is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4747">TS</a>]
01:19:09 ◼ ► sort of running back and forth between [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4749">TS</a>]
01:19:10 ◼ ► them not really certain of its own [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4750">TS</a>]
01:19:12 ◼ ► identity sometimes competing with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4752">TS</a>]
01:19:13 ◼ ► Microsoft with Google sometimes with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4753">TS</a>]
01:19:15 ◼ ► Apple and I don't want to bring up the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4755">TS</a>]
01:19:16 ◼ ► toaster French thing but I think it's an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4756">TS</a>]
01:19:18 ◼ ► apt description of it's sort of changed [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4758">TS</a>]
01:19:20 ◼ ► it sort of bachas your focus with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4760">TS</a>]
01:19:22 ◼ ► products because you're not you don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4762">TS</a>]
01:19:24 ◼ ► have your own clear destination you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4764">TS</a>]
01:19:26 ◼ ► sort of like what Apple's doing over [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4766">TS</a>]
01:19:27 ◼ ► here what Google's doing over here and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4767">TS</a>]
01:19:28 ◼ ► you're meshing them together and I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4768">TS</a>]
01:19:29 ◼ ► that's sort of the disconnect that I see [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4769">TS</a>]
01:19:31 ◼ ► in the surface book yeah ok surface [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4771">TS</a>]
01:19:34 ◼ ► laptop well and the other thing too is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4774">TS</a>]
01:19:35 ◼ ► that they tried to make some Hey at the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4775">TS</a>]
01:19:40 ◼ ► end of last year in the wake of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4780">TS</a>]
01:19:42 ◼ ► mixed reviews of the new MacBook Pros [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4782">TS</a>]
01:19:45 ◼ ► and it said you know this is the end of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4785">TS</a>]
01:19:50 ◼ ► 2016 that they that that I forget if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4790">TS</a>]
01:19:54 ◼ ► they said their surface in particular or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4794">TS</a>]
01:19:56 ◼ ► the you know that the premium market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4796">TS</a>]
01:19:59 ◼ ► which is defined as like a 999 and up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4799">TS</a>]
01:20:01 ◼ ► for laptops that they're taking share [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4801">TS</a>]
01:20:03 ◼ ► away from Apple in that market and there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4803">TS</a>]
01:20:07 ◼ ► were a couple of statements that they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4807">TS</a>]
01:20:08 ◼ ► had but it was all Bezos numbers where [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4808">TS</a>]
01:20:10 ◼ ► they didn't give specific numbers or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4810">TS</a>]
01:20:11 ◼ ► sources and just set it but the actual [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4811">TS</a>]
01:20:15 ◼ ► numbers that have been released and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4815">TS</a>]
01:20:17 ◼ ► we're really since then don't bear that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4817">TS</a>]
01:20:20 ◼ ► out Apple's Mac sales have been up and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4820">TS</a>]
01:20:22 ◼ ► again Apple doesn't in their numbers [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4822">TS</a>]
01:20:24 ◼ ► release the split between notebooks and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4824">TS</a>]
01:20:27 ◼ ► desktops but there's no reason to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4827">TS</a>]
01:20:28 ◼ ► believe that their desktop sales are up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4828">TS</a>]
01:20:30 ◼ ► because their best selling one the iMac [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4830">TS</a>]
01:20:32 ◼ ► is over a year old and there are other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4832">TS</a>]
01:20:34 ◼ ► ones the Mac Pro and the Mac Mini are 17 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4834">TS</a>]
01:20:38 ◼ ► and 23 years old respectively and even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4838">TS</a>]
01:20:41 ◼ ► the best desktop year the the laptops [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4841">TS</a>]
01:20:44 ◼ ► dwarfed just right dwarfed the desktop [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4844">TS</a>]
01:20:46 ◼ ► sales and so there's absolutely you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4846">TS</a>]
01:20:49 ◼ ► apples Mac sales are up in the last two [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4849">TS</a>]
01:20:52 ◼ ► quarters they've reported so there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4852">TS</a>]
01:20:54 ◼ ► absolutely no sign that that Mac sales [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4854">TS</a>]
01:20:57 ◼ ► are down and so if they're if if it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4857">TS</a>]
01:20:59 ◼ ► true that Windows PCs in the premium [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4859">TS</a>]
01:21:02 ◼ ► market have taken share from Apple it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4862">TS</a>]
01:21:05 ◼ ► doesn't make any sense because if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4865">TS</a>]
01:21:07 ◼ ► Apple's sales are up technically it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4867">TS</a>]
01:21:08 ◼ ► would be possible if the overall market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4868">TS</a>]
01:21:10 ◼ ► were growing so fast that they could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4870">TS</a>]
01:21:12 ◼ ► take share away even though apples still [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4872">TS</a>]
01:21:14 ◼ ► growing by outgrowing it but absolutely [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4874">TS</a>]
01:21:17 ◼ ► no nobody is reporting that premium [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4877">TS</a>]
01:21:20 ◼ ► Windows laptop sales are a growing part [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4880">TS</a>]
01:21:23 ◼ ► of the market in fact everybody's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4883">TS</a>]
01:21:24 ◼ ► reporting that there's that it's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4884">TS</a>]
01:21:26 ◼ ► shrinking part of the market you're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4886">TS</a>]
01:21:27 ◼ ► collapsing but you know like a slowly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4887">TS</a>]
01:21:30 ◼ ► deflating tire yes and there's no sign [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4890">TS</a>]
01:21:33 ◼ ► of that there's no sign of that abetting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4893">TS</a>]
01:21:38 ◼ ► yeah and it's funny that again going [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4898">TS</a>]
01:21:42 ◼ ► back to the Apple watch they never [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4902">TS</a>]
01:21:43 ◼ ► watched the considered beleaguered is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4903">TS</a>]
01:21:45 ◼ ► considered doomed that a lot of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4905">TS</a>]
01:21:46 ◼ ► angles taken reports where surface was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4906">TS</a>]
01:21:49 ◼ ► you know by no measure selling well we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4909">TS</a>]
01:21:52 ◼ ► had no idea what it was selling but it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4912">TS</a>]
01:21:53 ◼ ► was being ballooned it was being propped [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4913">TS</a>]
01:21:54 ◼ ► up it were headlines all over the place [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4914">TS</a>]
01:21:56 ◼ ► hanging out like the resurgence of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4916">TS</a>]
01:21:57 ◼ ► Windows laptop and the coverage of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4917">TS</a>]
01:22:01 ◼ ► numbers you talked about that had no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4921">TS</a>]
01:22:02 ◼ ► backing from Microsoft as far as I can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4922">TS</a>]
01:22:04 ◼ ► tell though that was pretty extensive [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4924">TS</a>]
01:22:06 ◼ ► and the coverage of the surface not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4926">TS</a>]
01:22:07 ◼ ► doing well is not been similarly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4927">TS</a>]
01:22:08 ◼ ► right they've just announced that this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4928">TS</a>]
01:22:10 ◼ ► you know sales room not now again not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4930">TS</a>]
01:22:12 ◼ ► collapsing but the surface sales were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4932">TS</a>]
01:22:13 ◼ ► down pretty significantly in the last [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4933">TS</a>]
01:22:15 ◼ ► quarter yet they reported so I don't see [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4935">TS</a>]
01:22:17 ◼ ► that happening all right let me take a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4937">TS</a>]
01:22:20 ◼ ► break here and thank our third and final [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4940">TS</a>]
01:22:22 ◼ ► sponsor of the show two good friends at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4942">TS</a>]
01:22:26 ◼ ► audible audible has an unmatched [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4946">TS</a>]
01:22:30 ◼ ► selection of audiobooks and this is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4950">TS</a>]
01:22:35 ◼ ► pretty new to them original audio shows [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4955">TS</a>]
01:22:38 ◼ ► they've got news comedy and more their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4958">TS</a>]
01:22:40 ◼ ► own audio shows you get an account you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4960">TS</a>]
01:22:44 ◼ ► sign up and you get access to all of it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4964">TS</a>]
01:22:45 ◼ ► you get a 30 day free trial if you go to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4965">TS</a>]
01:22:47 ◼ ► audible.com slash talk show if you want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4967">TS</a>]
01:22:50 ◼ ► to listen to it whatever it is for you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4970">TS</a>]
01:22:53 ◼ ► audible has it they've got audiobooks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4973">TS</a>]
01:22:55 ◼ ► from virtually every genre anytime [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4975">TS</a>]
01:22:59 ◼ ► audiobooks on phones tablets computers [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4979">TS</a>]
01:23:02 ◼ ► most Kindles even your iPod you can sync [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4982">TS</a>]
01:23:06 ◼ ► it to your computer anything you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4986">TS</a>]
01:23:08 ◼ ► listen to digital content on you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4988">TS</a>]
01:23:10 ◼ ► listen into audible stuff on it's great [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4990">TS</a>]
01:23:12 ◼ ► for flights it is great for long road [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4992">TS</a>]
01:23:14 ◼ ► trips it is great for your daily commute [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4994">TS</a>]
01:23:16 ◼ ► anywhere where you listen to podcasts [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/4996">TS</a>]
01:23:20 ◼ ► listening to me tell you about this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5000">TS</a>]
01:23:21 ◼ ► great spot to list an audible content [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5001">TS</a>]
01:23:24 ◼ ► when you run out of episodes of my show [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5004">TS</a>]
01:23:25 ◼ ► and the other shows that you'd like to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5005">TS</a>]
01:23:27 ◼ ► they've even got something that they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5007">TS</a>]
01:23:28 ◼ ► call the great listen guarantee if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5008">TS</a>]
01:23:30 ◼ ► start an audiobook from audible.com [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5010">TS</a>]
01:23:39 ◼ ► you don't have an audible account but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5019">TS</a>]
01:23:42 ◼ ► you like listening to podcasts you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5022">TS</a>]
01:23:43 ◼ ► missing out you're you're in the market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5023">TS</a>]
01:23:45 ◼ ► for more audible content begin your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5025">TS</a>]
01:23:49 ◼ ► 30-day free trial at audible.com slash [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5029">TS</a>]
01:23:52 ◼ ► talk show know that just slash talk show [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5032">TS</a>]
01:23:57 ◼ ► my thanks to audible I should point out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5037">TS</a>]
01:24:02 ◼ ► when I say about when I talk about the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5042">TS</a>]
01:24:03 ◼ ► coverage I don't mean that Apple should [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5043">TS</a>]
01:24:05 ◼ ► be given a free ride on these things I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5045">TS</a>]
01:24:06 ◼ ► think it's the same thing as like when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5046">TS</a>]
01:24:07 ◼ ► touch ID is considered a disaster at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5047">TS</a>]
01:24:11 ◼ ► recognition is fine I think everybody [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5051">TS</a>]
01:24:12 ◼ ► should be scrutinized to the level that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5052">TS</a>]
01:24:14 ◼ ► Apple is it's not that they should give [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5054">TS</a>]
01:24:15 ◼ ► Apple a break but they should hold [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5055">TS</a>]
01:24:17 ◼ ► everybody to that same standard because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5057">TS</a>]
01:24:18 ◼ ► as a consumer I want to know all that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5058">TS</a>]
01:24:20 ◼ ► stuff when I make my decision on what I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5060">TS</a>]
01:24:23 ◼ ► underserved right now because I hear [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5063">TS</a>]
01:24:25 ◼ ► every little all the hot takes about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5065">TS</a>]
01:24:27 ◼ ► Apple and everything else sort of just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5067">TS</a>]
01:24:28 ◼ ► skates by yeah well I think it's we're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5068">TS</a>]
01:24:31 ◼ ► talking about the elephant in a room of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5071">TS</a>]
01:24:35 ◼ ► Apple's MacBook lineup is the MacBook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5075">TS</a>]
01:24:37 ◼ ► Air because it's I think it's I think I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5077">TS</a>]
01:24:40 ◼ ► checked today I think it's 788 days [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5080">TS</a>]
01:24:42 ◼ ► since they updated the the specs so it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5082">TS</a>]
01:24:45 ◼ ► two years old it still cost $9.99 it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5085">TS</a>]
01:24:48 ◼ ► doesn't have a Retina screen and and you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5088">TS</a>]
01:24:50 ◼ ► know it I it it's the existence of that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5090">TS</a>]
01:24:55 ◼ ► product that gives rise to the hate at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5095">TS</a>]
01:24:57 ◼ ► Microsoft just put out this thing and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5097">TS</a>]
01:24:59 ◼ ► makes it the MacBook lineup look [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5099">TS</a>]
01:25:01 ◼ ► overpriced I don't think that if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5101">TS</a>]
01:25:03 ◼ ► look at the if you look at the MacBook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5103">TS</a>]
01:25:05 ◼ ► and I you know the MacBook one port I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5105">TS</a>]
01:25:07 ◼ ► don't even know it I think we'll [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5107">TS</a>]
01:25:08 ◼ ► probably due for an update on that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5108">TS</a>]
01:25:09 ◼ ► because the last one came out a year ago [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5109">TS</a>]
01:25:11 ◼ ► but a year is not an unreasonable period [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5111">TS</a>]
01:25:14 ◼ ► of time to wait for an update so if we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5114">TS</a>]
01:25:16 ◼ ► get one at WWDC I would say right on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5116">TS</a>]
01:25:18 ◼ ► time MacBook Pros obviously just came [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5118">TS</a>]
01:25:21 ◼ ► out last fall and I think are you know I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5121">TS</a>]
01:25:25 ◼ ► don't buy the argument that they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5125">TS</a>]
01:25:26 ◼ ► overpriced I think for what they are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5126">TS</a>]
01:25:28 ◼ ► they are correctly priced even though at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5128">TS</a>]
01:25:31 ◼ ► certain price points that means that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5131">TS</a>]
01:25:33 ◼ ► getting a quote-unquote new MacBook Pro [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5133">TS</a>]
01:25:35 ◼ ► has a higher price the price of a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5135">TS</a>]
01:25:37 ◼ ► MacBook Pro plus the Apple watch that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5137">TS</a>]
01:25:39 ◼ ► essentially embedded inside it right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5139">TS</a>]
01:25:40 ◼ ► exactly and and I think that the if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5140">TS</a>]
01:25:44 ◼ ► respect things out like when I did the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5144">TS</a>]
01:25:46 ◼ ► comparison to the to the surface laptop [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5146">TS</a>]
01:25:51 ◼ ► what I was configuring it against I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5151">TS</a>]
01:25:53 ◼ ► don't think I mentioned this I was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5153">TS</a>]
01:25:54 ◼ ► configuring it against the new MacBook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5154">TS</a>]
01:25:57 ◼ ► Pro with the buttons not the touch bar [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5157">TS</a>]
01:26:01 ◼ ► because that's to me the most apt [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5161">TS</a>]
01:26:03 ◼ ► comparison like to me that is the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5163">TS</a>]
01:26:05 ◼ ► MacBook Air with retina that everybody [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5165">TS</a>]
01:26:07 ◼ ► claims that they want Apple to make the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5167">TS</a>]
01:26:10 ◼ ► MacBook Air with with with a Retina [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5170">TS</a>]
01:26:12 ◼ ► screen is the new MacBook Pro that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5172">TS</a>]
01:26:14 ◼ ► doesn't have the touch bar social or is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5174">TS</a>]
01:26:17 ◼ ► that as much when you introduced it yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5177">TS</a>]
01:26:19 ◼ ► identity well yeah it's so much in so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5179">TS</a>]
01:26:22 ◼ ► many ways by comparing it to the size [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5182">TS</a>]
01:26:24 ◼ ► and weight and thickness of the MacBook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5184">TS</a>]
01:26:25 ◼ ► Air which it compares very favorably you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5185">TS</a>]
01:26:27 ◼ ► know it matches up with and it's way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5187">TS</a>]
01:26:29 ◼ ► faster and as a beautiful screen and etc [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5189">TS</a>]
01:26:34 ◼ ► but the MacBook Air is old in ass in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5194">TS</a>]
01:26:37 ◼ ► there $9.99 and doesn't have a Retina [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5197">TS</a>]
01:26:39 ◼ ► screen and you know not arguing but just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5199">TS</a>]
01:26:41 ◼ ► having a very very nice debate with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5201">TS</a>]
01:26:43 ◼ ► people on Twitter about it recently like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5203">TS</a>]
01:26:45 ◼ ► Marco Arment and Twitter made that point [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5205">TS</a>]
01:26:47 ◼ ► and it's hard to argue with that in 2017 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5207">TS</a>]
01:26:49 ◼ ► Apple should not be selling any device [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5209">TS</a>]
01:26:52 ◼ ► that has a display that's not redneck [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5212">TS</a>]
01:26:54 ◼ ► caliber in terms of resolution and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5214">TS</a>]
01:26:56 ◼ ► agree with that in theory it that's it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5216">TS</a>]
01:26:58 ◼ ► - its 2017 is too late to still be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5218">TS</a>]
01:27:01 ◼ ► selling a brand new product that brand [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5221">TS</a>]
01:27:03 ◼ ► new meaning that you're buying it out of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5223">TS</a>]
01:27:05 ◼ ► yes factory sealed not price retail yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5225">TS</a>]
01:27:07 ◼ ► right I think it's you know the non [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5227">TS</a>]
01:27:12 ◼ ► retina MacBook Air is like the new 16 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5232">TS</a>]
01:27:14 ◼ ► gigabyte iOS device yeah I can't defend [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5234">TS</a>]
01:27:17 ◼ ► it I think it's I would recommend [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5237">TS</a>]
01:27:19 ◼ ► against it I if somebody asked me if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5239">TS</a>]
01:27:21 ◼ ► they should buy one I would say no and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5241">TS</a>]
01:27:23 ◼ ► that would be the reason why but you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5243">TS</a>]
01:27:24 ◼ ► pointed out so well with the Mac Pro [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5244">TS</a>]
01:27:25 ◼ ► thing is that Apple doesn't have a game [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5245">TS</a>]
01:27:27 ◼ ► plan for this it's like if we don't have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5247">TS</a>]
01:27:29 ◼ ► something new to announce and we're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5249">TS</a>]
01:27:30 ◼ ► cancelling it it just stays at exactly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5250">TS</a>]
01:27:31 ◼ ► the same price in the right lock because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5251">TS</a>]
01:27:33 ◼ ► they want to keep something at that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5253">TS</a>]
01:27:35 ◼ ► $9.99 price that is a Mac laptop but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5255">TS</a>]
01:27:39 ◼ ► they feel like they can't sell the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5259">TS</a>]
01:27:42 ◼ ► MacBook one port at that price yet yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5262">TS</a>]
01:27:46 ◼ ► and still keep the margins they want you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5266">TS</a>]
01:27:49 ◼ ► know I think what they're doing is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5269">TS</a>]
01:27:50 ◼ ► waiting and and I don't know if it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5270">TS</a>]
01:27:53 ◼ ► this year I have no inside information [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5273">TS</a>]
01:27:54 ◼ ► but my theory is what they will do is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5274">TS</a>]
01:27:56 ◼ ► eventually they'll have an updated [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5276">TS</a>]
01:27:59 ◼ ► state-of-the-art MacBook just plain [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5279">TS</a>]
01:28:02 ◼ ► MacBook yeah and put the year old just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5282">TS</a>]
01:28:05 ◼ ► plain MacBook at a lower price point [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5285">TS</a>]
01:28:07 ◼ ► until it gets to $9.99 and then at that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5287">TS</a>]
01:28:10 ◼ ► point the MacBook Air goes away yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5290">TS</a>]
01:28:12 ◼ ► it'll be a little sad if they stick to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5292">TS</a>]
01:28:14 ◼ ► the Intel Core M platform for that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5294">TS</a>]
01:28:16 ◼ ► because it just is not the same either [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5296">TS</a>]
01:28:18 ◼ ► analyst it's fabulous which is great but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5298">TS</a>]
01:28:20 ◼ ► it's just I don't know how to get out of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5300">TS</a>]
01:28:22 ◼ ► that though because I don't yeah you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5302">TS</a>]
01:28:23 ◼ ► can't use a court I don't know you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5303">TS</a>]
01:28:25 ◼ ► I think you're I think you're stuck [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5305">TS</a>]
01:28:26 ◼ ► waiting for the for the the M series to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5306">TS</a>]
01:28:29 ◼ ► get fast enough that you don't mind I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5309">TS</a>]
01:28:31 ◼ ► mean it can happen I mean you know the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5311">TS</a>]
01:28:33 ◼ ► the a-10 is a fanless design and you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5313">TS</a>]
01:28:38 ◼ ► know it's faster that's the other thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5318">TS</a>]
01:28:39 ◼ ► that's sort of great about the MacBook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5319">TS</a>]
01:28:41 ◼ ► yes that the iPad pro in in my opinion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5321">TS</a>]
01:28:47 ◼ ► has a faster CPU I think that the you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5327">TS</a>]
01:28:49 ◼ ► know the single core Geekbench scores [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5329">TS</a>]
01:28:51 ◼ ► are a reasonable you know I realized [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5331">TS</a>]
01:28:54 ◼ ► that they don't correlate exactly the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5334">TS</a>]
01:28:56 ◼ ► purpose-built so the two things that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5336">TS</a>]
01:28:58 ◼ ► note right off the bat is that Apple can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5338">TS</a>]
01:29:00 ◼ ► build those cores exactly for what they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5340">TS</a>]
01:29:01 ◼ ► want so they can have super fast there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5341">TS</a>]
01:29:02 ◼ ► a single-threaded operations because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5342">TS</a>]
01:29:05 ◼ ► interface and stuff like that but they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5345">TS</a>]
01:29:07 ◼ ► can all retire for the second generation [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5347">TS</a>]
01:29:10 ◼ ► MacBook it could barely handle one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5350">TS</a>]
01:29:12 ◼ ► stream of 4k well while that ea9 not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5352">TS</a>]
01:29:15 ◼ ► even the a-10 version of the iPad pro [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5355">TS</a>]
01:29:17 ◼ ► there is no a 10 version yet the a9 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5357">TS</a>]
01:29:19 ◼ ► version of the iPad pro could handle [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5359">TS</a>]
01:29:20 ◼ ► three streams of 4k because Apple built [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5360">TS</a>]
01:29:22 ◼ ► that chip exactly to do that and they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5362">TS</a>]
01:29:24 ◼ ► don't have control over Intel and until [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5364">TS</a>]
01:29:25 ◼ ► will do things like the a as far as I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5365">TS</a>]
01:29:27 ◼ ► can tell they core m3 is a hot a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5367">TS</a>]
01:29:28 ◼ ► deliberately hobbled chip then maybe [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5368">TS</a>]
01:29:31 ◼ ► Apple shouldn't use but Intel just makes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5371">TS</a>]
01:29:33 ◼ ► it worse than the m5 because they want a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5373">TS</a>]
01:29:34 ◼ ► lower price point for that chipset so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5374">TS</a>]
01:29:36 ◼ ► you know there's you know there's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5376">TS</a>]
01:29:39 ◼ ► waiting game involved there and because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5379">TS</a>]
01:29:41 ◼ ► part of it I think too is like you just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5381">TS</a>]
01:29:44 ◼ ► alluded to is some a big part of it is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5384">TS</a>]
01:29:46 ◼ ► out of apples hands where they were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5386">TS</a>]
01:29:47 ◼ ► waiting for Intel and that opens the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5387">TS</a>]
01:29:50 ◼ ► door to the whole Mel maybe they'll go [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5390">TS</a>]
01:29:52 ◼ ► you know put an ARM chip being on their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5392">TS</a>]
01:29:54 ◼ ► own custom ARM chip in them in a mat why [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5394">TS</a>]
01:29:55 ◼ ► AMD they've all this money writer by who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5395">TS</a>]
01:29:59 ◼ ► knows who knows what they're thinking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5399">TS</a>]
01:30:00 ◼ ► but it's you know switching to arm on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5400">TS</a>]
01:30:05 ◼ ► complicated yet and then we have time to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5405">TS</a>]
01:30:07 ◼ ► discuss and I don't think it's going to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5407">TS</a>]
01:30:09 ◼ ► happen and therefore you know there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5409">TS</a>]
01:30:11 ◼ ► might be something I don't foresee there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5411">TS</a>]
01:30:13 ◼ ► might be some way out of this but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5413">TS</a>]
01:30:14 ◼ ► basically they're waiting for Intel on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5414">TS</a>]
01:30:16 ◼ ► that so I don't know I don't know you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5416">TS</a>]
01:30:17 ◼ ► know I don't know what to say and I'd [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5417">TS</a>]
01:30:19 ◼ ► but I can totally see I wouldn't also [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5419">TS</a>]
01:30:21 ◼ ► wouldn't recommend that Apple you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5421">TS</a>]
01:30:23 ◼ ► update the MacBook Air and put a Retina [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5423">TS</a>]
01:30:25 ◼ ► screen in there yeah I feel like there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5425">TS</a>]
01:30:27 ◼ ► something and there were rumors of a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5427">TS</a>]
01:30:28 ◼ ► device in between now sort of a larger [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5428">TS</a>]
01:30:32 ◼ ► something yeah whatever happened to that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5432">TS</a>]
01:30:33 ◼ ► ID hasn't shipped all right there's no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5433">TS</a>]
01:30:37 ◼ ► kb lake version of the macbook there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5437">TS</a>]
01:30:39 ◼ ► no 14 inch version of the macbook this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5439">TS</a>]
01:30:41 ◼ ► rest then the updated i've Mac's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5441">TS</a>]
01:30:43 ◼ ► here yet now now the 14 inch MacBook was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5443">TS</a>]
01:30:47 ◼ ► a weird there was a weird rumor that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5447">TS</a>]
01:30:48 ◼ ► some people seem certain of and never [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5448">TS</a>]
01:30:59 ◼ ► I just quickly want to say I am having a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5459">TS</a>]
01:31:01 ◼ ► live show it's announced I people keep [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5461">TS</a>]
01:31:04 ◼ ► asking about tickets soon very as you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5464">TS</a>]
01:31:05 ◼ ► listen to this it will be very soon we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5465">TS</a>]
01:31:07 ◼ ► are moving but I don't have anything to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5467">TS</a>]
01:31:09 ◼ ► announce yet so patience yeah sorry [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5469">TS</a>]
01:31:17 ◼ ► there are a couple of other events I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5477">TS</a>]
01:31:19 ◼ ► know that they're on the same webpage on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5479">TS</a>]
01:31:21 ◼ ► Apple's ww2 they're very very it's very [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5481">TS</a>]
01:31:23 ◼ ► very nice of Apple to promote these [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5483">TS</a>]
01:31:24 ◼ ► alternate or at home for you with the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5484">TS</a>]
01:31:26 ◼ ► column but community events there is a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5486">TS</a>]
01:31:29 ◼ ► Coco conf taking place in a hotel right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5489">TS</a>]
01:31:32 ◼ ► adjacent to the Convention Center that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5492">TS</a>]
01:31:34 ◼ ► where WWC is Coco conference held a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5494">TS</a>]
01:31:38 ◼ ► couple times a year I've never been but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5498">TS</a>]
01:31:40 ◼ ► it I have friends who've spoken there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5500">TS</a>]
01:31:41 ◼ ► and have attended and and swear up and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5501">TS</a>]
01:31:44 ◼ ► down that is amazing conference to try [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5504">TS</a>]
01:31:46 ◼ ► cat 1299 conference for developers are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5506">TS</a>]
01:31:50 ◼ ► they have a great speaker line-up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5510">TS</a>]
01:31:51 ◼ ► they'll be right there next to WWC so I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5511">TS</a>]
01:31:53 ◼ ► would I think Coco confidence so sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5513">TS</a>]
01:31:56 ◼ ► a great plan be for people who wanted to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5516">TS</a>]
01:31:58 ◼ ► go to WWE and did lost the the lottery [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5518">TS</a>]
01:32:01 ◼ ► for tickets so look into that if you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5521">TS</a>]
01:32:04 ◼ ► a developer and you want something like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5524">TS</a>]
01:32:05 ◼ ► that there's alt comp which is also in a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5525">TS</a>]
01:32:09 ◼ ► adjacent to the convention hall it I've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5529">TS</a>]
01:32:12 ◼ ► never been there but it seems to me like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5532">TS</a>]
01:32:13 ◼ ► there's two hotels that are literally [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5533">TS</a>]
01:32:16 ◼ ► connected to the Convention Center and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5536">TS</a>]
01:32:18 ◼ ► that those hotels themselves have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5538">TS</a>]
01:32:20 ◼ ► convention space yeah and so one of them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5540">TS</a>]
01:32:22 ◼ ► is a Coco Kampf the other one is alt con [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5542">TS</a>]
01:32:25 ◼ ► fault Kampf is free so that's a great [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5545">TS</a>]
01:32:27 ◼ ► option if you're not looking to spend [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5547">TS</a>]
01:32:29 ◼ ► money but I think is also sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5549">TS</a>]
01:32:32 ◼ ► developer oriented and then last but not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5552">TS</a>]
01:32:33 ◼ ► least in fact last but probably the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5553">TS</a>]
01:32:36 ◼ ► opposite least is the layers conference [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5556">TS</a>]
01:32:38 ◼ ► which is a great great great conference [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5558">TS</a>]
01:32:42 ◼ ► it's more design or in it is it's not a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5562">TS</a>]
01:32:45 ◼ ► developer conference so for those of you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5565">TS</a>]
01:32:48 ◼ ► who aren't interested in design or in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5568">TS</a>]
01:32:51 ◼ ► you're not coders but your designer it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5571">TS</a>]
01:32:52 ◼ ► is a great conference I was a there was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5572">TS</a>]
01:32:56 ◼ ► two years ago where I got to interview [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5576">TS</a>]
01:32:57 ◼ ► Susan care the designer of the original [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5577">TS</a>]
01:33:00 ◼ ► Macintosh icons and all the original [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5580">TS</a>]
01:33:02 ◼ ► Macintosh fonts which is still maybe [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5582">TS</a>]
01:33:05 ◼ ► that but I can't believe I'm the most I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5585">TS</a>]
01:33:08 ◼ ► can't believe I'm doing this moment of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5588">TS</a>]
01:33:09 ◼ ► my entire career like you know like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5589">TS</a>]
01:33:11 ◼ ► having Phil Schiller on the talk [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5591">TS</a>]
01:33:13 ◼ ► was a thrill and meeting Steve Jobs was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5593">TS</a>]
01:33:16 ◼ ► thrilled but for me personally the not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5596">TS</a>]
01:33:19 ◼ ► necessarily thrilling but just like I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5599">TS</a>]
01:33:21 ◼ ► interviewing Susan kare on stage was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5601">TS</a>]
01:33:23 ◼ ► just absolutely amazing because she's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5603">TS</a>]
01:33:26 ◼ ► just one of my favorite designers of all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5606">TS</a>]
01:33:29 ◼ ► time like literally got me you know it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5609">TS</a>]
01:33:33 ◼ ► it was as famous to me as Steve Jobs was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5613">TS</a>]
01:33:35 ◼ ► at a very young age because I knew that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5615">TS</a>]
01:33:37 ◼ ► she did all of this amazing work almost [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5617">TS</a>]
01:33:39 ◼ ► single-handedly on the original Mac and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5619">TS</a>]
01:33:40 ◼ ► it was all down to the pixel just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5620">TS</a>]
01:33:42 ◼ ► perfect um that was great but that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5622">TS</a>]
01:33:46 ◼ ► speakers there it's great and it's so so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5626">TS</a>]
01:33:48 ◼ ► nice layers is just one of those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5628">TS</a>]
01:33:49 ◼ ► conferences where it's like I cannot [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5629">TS</a>]
01:33:50 ◼ ► believe that once a year these people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5630">TS</a>]
01:33:53 ◼ ► put together a conference for everything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5633">TS</a>]
01:33:54 ◼ ► is so nice and you get nice coffee and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5634">TS</a>]
01:33:56 ◼ ► it's a nice room and stuff like that so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5636">TS</a>]
01:33:58 ◼ ► I have a special deal for people listen [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5638">TS</a>]
01:33:59 ◼ ► to the talk show you go to layers is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5639">TS</a>]
01:34:01 ◼ ► that's the website or you can just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5641">TS</a>]
01:34:03 ◼ ► google for layers conference but the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5643">TS</a>]
01:34:05 ◼ ► website is layers dot is and if you use [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5645">TS</a>]
01:34:09 ◼ ► this code you'll save a hundred bucks on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5649">TS</a>]
01:34:10 ◼ ► registration and I know they're doing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5650">TS</a>]
01:34:12 ◼ ► pretty well I know that but there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5652">TS</a>]
01:34:13 ◼ ► definitely still openings and if you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5653">TS</a>]
01:34:16 ◼ ► going to go if you're thinking about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5656">TS</a>]
01:34:17 ◼ ► having an excuse to be in the W DC area [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5657">TS</a>]
01:34:20 ◼ ► during WWC you're going to want to book [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5660">TS</a>]
01:34:22 ◼ ► stuff you know now's the time to book so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5662">TS</a>]
01:34:24 ◼ ► you get you know you're not making [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5664">TS</a>]
01:34:26 ◼ ► arrangements at the last minute you will [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5666">TS</a>]
01:34:28 ◼ ► save a hundred bucks and here's the code [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5668">TS</a>]
01:34:30 ◼ ► you can use that they'll know you came [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5670">TS</a>]
01:34:32 ◼ ► from me there's not a sponsorship this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5672">TS</a>]
01:34:33 ◼ ► is something I'm doing as a friend to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5673">TS</a>]
01:34:34 ◼ ► jesse charge runs the conference yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5674">TS</a>]
01:34:38 ◼ ► because I wholeheartedly recommend it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5678">TS</a>]
01:34:40 ◼ ► this isn't a sponsorship but I just it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5680">TS</a>]
01:34:41 ◼ ► just a great conference so you save 100 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5681">TS</a>]
01:34:45 ◼ ► use that code and I worked it out i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5685">TS</a>]
01:34:50 ◼ ► adder test it you can also get the same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5690">TS</a>]
01:34:52 ◼ ► you can get the same code same discount [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5692">TS</a>]
01:34:56 ◼ ► if you type the martini emoji I dare you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5696">TS</a>]
01:35:01 ◼ ► to try it I think it'll perfect that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5701">TS</a>]
01:35:03 ◼ ► it isn't that perfect yeah I hope it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5703">TS</a>]
01:35:05 ◼ ► works don't try that out layers is it is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5705">TS</a>]
01:35:08 ◼ ► such a good conference and it's such a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5708">TS</a>]
01:35:10 ◼ ► great I think she'd be pretty excited I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5710">TS</a>]
01:35:11 ◼ ► don't know who knows this whole thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5711">TS</a>]
01:35:12 ◼ ► could be weird but if you're thinking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5712">TS</a>]
01:35:16 ◼ ► about if you're hoping to make last [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5716">TS</a>]
01:35:17 ◼ ► minute I just talking to somebody else [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5717">TS</a>]
01:35:19 ◼ ► today it was like on the fence about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5719">TS</a>]
01:35:21 ◼ ► whether they are going to be you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5721">TS</a>]
01:35:23 ◼ ► can they book you know get to San Jose [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5723">TS</a>]
01:35:26 ◼ ► so I know that there's people out there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5726">TS</a>]
01:35:29 ◼ ► whose are still thinking maybe they will [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5729">TS</a>]
01:35:30 ◼ ► maybe they won't but if you want to have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5730">TS</a>]
01:35:32 ◼ ► a good reason to be there layers it's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5732">TS</a>]
01:35:33 ◼ ► good good as good as anything yeah and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5733">TS</a>]
01:35:37 ◼ ► if your designer is a perfect complement [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5737">TS</a>]
01:35:38 ◼ ► to BC because I know every year they try [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5738">TS</a>]
01:35:40 ◼ ► more and more to have more and more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5740">TS</a>]
01:35:41 ◼ ► design sessions and they have the design [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5741">TS</a>]
01:35:43 ◼ ► review labs but it's really a developer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5743">TS</a>]
01:35:46 ◼ ► complement to it yeah and I forget what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5746">TS</a>]
01:35:48 ◼ ► else they do did that there's some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5748">TS</a>]
01:35:50 ◼ ► integrations with WWC Apple people come [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5750">TS</a>]
01:35:53 ◼ ► in to talk about interface design and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5753">TS</a>]
01:35:54 ◼ ► stuff like that so check out their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5754">TS</a>]
01:35:56 ◼ ► website you have salt the info also I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5756">TS</a>]
01:35:57 ◼ ► just love the layers logo this year it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5757">TS</a>]
01:36:01 ◼ ► is so great because it is so self [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5761">TS</a>]
01:36:03 ◼ ► referential to the name where it's very [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5763">TS</a>]
01:36:06 ◼ ► design looking but anyway check out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5766">TS</a>]
01:36:08 ◼ ► their website even if you're not a nurse [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5768">TS</a>]
01:36:10 ◼ ► excellent graphic design what else do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5770">TS</a>]
01:36:16 ◼ ► you got there was that we didn't talk [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5776">TS</a>]
01:36:18 ◼ ► about it but the we mentioned it before [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5778">TS</a>]
01:36:20 ◼ ► but we didn't go into the whole whole [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5780">TS</a>]
01:36:22 ◼ ► thing with uber tagging iPhones you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5782">TS</a>]
01:36:25 ◼ ► tell it's an interesting week for uber [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5785">TS</a>]
01:36:28 ◼ ► controversies on the same day what was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5788">TS</a>]
01:36:30 ◼ ► the other one I heard you had them both [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5790">TS</a>]
01:36:32 ◼ ► in your original ride out I don't know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5792">TS</a>]
01:36:34 ◼ ► everything yes and now he's canceled his [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5794">TS</a>]
01:36:36 ◼ ► recoded I mean right well that was they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5796">TS</a>]
01:36:39 ◼ ► I had to happen there was no way that he [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5799">TS</a>]
01:36:40 ◼ ► yes possibly get up there I mean it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5800">TS</a>]
01:36:45 ◼ ► I almost wish what they should have done [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5805">TS</a>]
01:36:46 ◼ ► is like Kickstarter like just like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5806">TS</a>]
01:36:49 ◼ ► alright I'll do it but we've got to like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5809">TS</a>]
01:36:51 ◼ ► Kickstarter a million dollars for you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5811">TS</a>]
01:36:54 ◼ ► know app camp for girls or so some good [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5814">TS</a>]
01:36:56 ◼ ► cause like that like can you imagine how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5816">TS</a>]
01:36:58 ◼ ► much money you would've raised to kick [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5818">TS</a>]
01:36:59 ◼ ► Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg discover [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5819">TS</a>]
01:37:02 ◼ ► him on stage oh my god but anyway the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5822">TS</a>]
01:37:06 ◼ ► story came out Mike Isaac of the New [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5826">TS</a>]
01:37:07 ◼ ► York Times had a story in a profile of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5827">TS</a>]
01:37:10 ◼ ► Callen ik the CEO of co-founder of uber [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5830">TS</a>]
01:37:14 ◼ ► and mentioned that a couple of years ago [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5834">TS</a>]
01:37:18 ◼ ► he got called in to for a meeting with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5838">TS</a>]
01:37:20 ◼ ► Tim Cook at Apple's camp conference or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5840">TS</a>]
01:37:23 ◼ ► campus and cook confronted him with the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5843">TS</a>]
01:37:26 ◼ ► fact that Apple figured out that they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5846">TS</a>]
01:37:28 ◼ ► were and this is where the story was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5848">TS</a>]
01:37:31 ◼ ► murky or initially where the initial [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5851">TS</a>]
01:37:33 ◼ ► version of the story that was up in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5853">TS</a>]
01:37:34 ◼ ► New York Times in the morning said that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5854">TS</a>]
01:37:36 ◼ ► they were tagging and tracking iPhones [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5856">TS</a>]
01:37:39 ◼ ► even after the app was deleted or even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5859">TS</a>]
01:37:43 ◼ ► if the OS was erased from the phone and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5863">TS</a>]
01:37:46 ◼ ► reset and then the word tracking was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5866">TS</a>]
01:37:49 ◼ ► taken out in a subsequent edit in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5869">TS</a>]
01:37:51 ◼ ► afternoon but the you know the horses [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5871">TS</a>]
01:37:55 ◼ ► were out of the barn at that point where [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5875">TS</a>]
01:37:57 ◼ ► people were panicked and part of it is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5877">TS</a>]
01:37:59 ◼ ► rightfully fueled by uber has been [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5879">TS</a>]
01:38:01 ◼ ► caught with so many shady practices that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5881">TS</a>]
01:38:04 ◼ ► if they could do that of course they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5884">TS</a>]
01:38:07 ◼ ► it passes the sniff test of yes if a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5887">TS</a>]
01:38:10 ◼ ► believable right but there was no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5890">TS</a>]
01:38:12 ◼ ► tracking meaning you here tracking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5892">TS</a>]
01:38:14 ◼ ► phones and you think well I had the uber [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5894">TS</a>]
01:38:16 ◼ ► app and if I have the rap I you know it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5896">TS</a>]
01:38:18 ◼ ► can use my location because that's how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5898">TS</a>]
01:38:20 ◼ ► the car comes and gets you and so you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5900">TS</a>]
01:38:24 ◼ ► hear that what people think is well I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5904">TS</a>]
01:38:26 ◼ ► deleted the uber app because I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5906">TS</a>]
01:38:27 ◼ ► like the company I've used lyft or for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5907">TS</a>]
01:38:30 ◼ ► whatever reason they deleted the app and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5910">TS</a>]
01:38:31 ◼ ► the fear that Hooper is still tracking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5911">TS</a>]
01:38:34 ◼ ► them and doing something like figuring [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5914">TS</a>]
01:38:36 ◼ ► out if they're using lyft even if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5916">TS</a>]
01:38:38 ◼ ► don't have the app and you know it's if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5918">TS</a>]
01:38:41 ◼ ► you know iOS you'd know what that sounds [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5921">TS</a>]
01:38:43 ◼ ► like it should be impossible because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5923">TS</a>]
01:38:44 ◼ ► when an app is delete at all you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5924">TS</a>]
01:38:46 ◼ ► it's you can't do things like you could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5926">TS</a>]
01:38:47 ◼ ► do on traditional PCs like sneakily put [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5927">TS</a>]
01:38:51 ◼ ► a background process in a system [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5931">TS</a>]
01:38:54 ◼ ► directory so even if your app is deleted [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5934">TS</a>]
01:38:56 ◼ ► you've still got this remnant of you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5936">TS</a>]
01:38:58 ◼ ► behind you know that's the whole point [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5938">TS</a>]
01:39:00 ◼ ► of these containers that apps ship and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5940">TS</a>]
01:39:02 ◼ ► now is that when you delete the app as a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5942">TS</a>]
01:39:03 ◼ ► user just hold the app make it jiggle [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5943">TS</a>]
01:39:06 ◼ ► hit the X anything it could run on your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5946">TS</a>]
01:39:09 ◼ ► phone is gone but that's not what they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5949">TS</a>]
01:39:12 ◼ ► were doing I think basically we're still [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5952">TS</a>]
01:39:14 ◼ ► not sure exactly what was going on but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5954">TS</a>]
01:39:16 ◼ ► basically they were quote-unquote [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5956">TS</a>]
01:39:17 ◼ ► fingerprinting the phone and they were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5957">TS</a>]
01:39:19 ◼ ► figuring out a way to get a uniquely [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5959">TS</a>]
01:39:21 ◼ ► identify a phone phoning that home to Oh [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5961">TS</a>]
01:39:24 ◼ ► BRR so they could store it it's not like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5964">TS</a>]
01:39:28 ◼ ► fingerprinting it and then using that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5968">TS</a>]
01:39:29 ◼ ► fingerprint as a way to tell whence when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5969">TS</a>]
01:39:30 ◼ ► the same device was reassessing the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5970">TS</a>]
01:39:32 ◼ ► service right I lost my train of thought [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5972">TS</a>]
01:39:33 ◼ ► there but that's exactly right and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5973">TS</a>]
01:39:35 ◼ ► was to counter some sort of fraud that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5975">TS</a>]
01:39:37 ◼ ► was going on in China where I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5977">TS</a>]
01:39:39 ◼ ► basically the story was that they had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5979">TS</a>]
01:39:40 ◼ ► like a promotion to get people to start [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5980">TS</a>]
01:39:42 ◼ ► using uber where you could get a free [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5982">TS</a>]
01:39:47 ◼ ► and if you're a driver and you pick up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5987">TS</a>]
01:39:49 ◼ ► one of these free rides you still get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5989">TS</a>]
01:39:51 ◼ ► the credit as a driver they're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5991">TS</a>]
01:39:53 ◼ ► you know ubers the corporation is eating [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5993">TS</a>]
01:39:56 ◼ ► the free ride not the drivers because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5996">TS</a>]
01:39:58 ◼ ► you know drivers would rightly revolt [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/5998">TS</a>]
01:40:00 ◼ ► so what drivers are doing is setting up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6000">TS</a>]
01:40:02 ◼ ► some kind of scam where they would get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6002">TS</a>]
01:40:05 ◼ ► stolen iPhones and configure them as new [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6005">TS</a>]
01:40:07 ◼ ► and put the uber app on and get the free [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6007">TS</a>]
01:40:09 ◼ ► ride and pick them up you know like me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6009">TS</a>]
01:40:12 ◼ ► and you could work as a team and I'll [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6012">TS</a>]
01:40:13 ◼ ► pick you up and with the free thing and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6013">TS</a>]
01:40:16 ◼ ► drop you off and then you erase the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6016">TS</a>]
01:40:17 ◼ ► phone and and put it on all over and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6017">TS</a>]
01:40:20 ◼ ► pretend to be somebody new and get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6020">TS</a>]
01:40:23 ◼ ► another free ride and I pick you up and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6023">TS</a>]
01:40:24 ◼ ► you know somehow bilking them out of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6024">TS</a>]
01:40:28 ◼ ► and so if they could uniquely identify [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6028">TS</a>]
01:40:31 ◼ ► the phone it would it would it I guess [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6031">TS</a>]
01:40:34 ◼ ► it did actually allow them to sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6034">TS</a>]
01:40:35 ◼ ► block that sort of thing where they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6035">TS</a>]
01:40:37 ◼ ► could tell hey this phones collected [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6037">TS</a>]
01:40:38 ◼ ► free rides twice already forget it you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6038">TS</a>]
01:40:40 ◼ ► know and abruptly con a company that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6040">TS</a>]
01:40:42 ◼ ► less regulations get in the way of their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6042">TS</a>]
01:40:43 ◼ ► doing you know doing business right so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6043">TS</a>]
01:40:47 ◼ ► the basic story you know and again this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6047">TS</a>]
01:40:49 ◼ ► is it certainly did not seem to come [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6049">TS</a>]
01:40:51 ◼ ► from Apple's side it seemed to more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6051">TS</a>]
01:40:54 ◼ ► likely come from somebody on ubers side [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6054">TS</a>]
01:40:57 ◼ ► but the gist was that you know Tim Cook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6057">TS</a>]
01:41:00 ◼ ► supposedly told him hey so knock it off [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6060">TS</a>]
01:41:02 ◼ ► yeah and they did oh and the other thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6062">TS</a>]
01:41:04 ◼ ► that they had was that the somehow knew [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6064">TS</a>]
01:41:05 ◼ ► that Apple might look at this in app [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6065">TS</a>]
01:41:07 ◼ ► review and they put at Cal annex request [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6067">TS</a>]
01:41:10 ◼ ► put a geofence around apples campus so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6070">TS</a>]
01:41:13 ◼ ► that when uber app was running within [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6073">TS</a>]
01:41:16 ◼ ► you know X distance of Cupertino it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6076">TS</a>]
01:41:18 ◼ ► wouldn't do the fingerprinting that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6078">TS</a>]
01:41:21 ◼ ► it's a remarkable to me that a company [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6081">TS</a>]
01:41:23 ◼ ► that is such a based on such like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6083">TS</a>]
01:41:24 ◼ ► geolocation technology we think you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6084">TS</a>]
01:41:27 ◼ ► not think about Apple having other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6087">TS</a>]
01:41:28 ◼ ► offices like well Sunnyvale what are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6088">TS</a>]
01:41:30 ◼ ► they doing Oh San Francisco what's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6090">TS</a>]
01:41:32 ◼ ► happening with uber Boston what's going [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6092">TS</a>]
01:41:34 ◼ ► on here it's I know if it's hubris or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6094">TS</a>]
01:41:38 ◼ ► naivete or some mixture of both well [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6098">TS</a>]
01:41:40 ◼ ► both but I think hubris largely an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6100">TS</a>]
01:41:42 ◼ ► arrogance and and the outrage on Twitter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6102">TS</a>]
01:41:45 ◼ ► and you know in a moral sense it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6105">TS</a>]
01:41:47 ◼ ► correct was you know why in the world [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6107">TS</a>]
01:41:49 ◼ ► does Ober just Kim Tim Cook give Boober [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6109">TS</a>]
01:41:55 ◼ ► slap on the wrist and give them a chance [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6115">TS</a>]
01:41:57 ◼ ► to just remove this and stay in the App [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6117">TS</a>]
01:42:00 ◼ ► um you know other apps if again just me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6120">TS</a>]
01:42:05 ◼ ► jointly together make an app you know or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6125">TS</a>]
01:42:07 ◼ ► put a new version of Vesper out and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6127">TS</a>]
01:42:10 ◼ ► tags and identifies phones they're just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6130">TS</a>]
01:42:13 ◼ ► going to kick the app out of the App [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6133">TS</a>]
01:42:14 ◼ ► Store I I get it I see that you know in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6134">TS</a>]
01:42:21 ◼ ► a certain moral sense I see the argument [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6141">TS</a>]
01:42:24 ◼ ► there that are just a sense that that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6144">TS</a>]
01:42:26 ◼ ► it doesn't seem fair that a small guy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6146">TS</a>]
01:42:27 ◼ ► would get kicked out in a big company [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6147">TS</a>]
01:42:30 ◼ ► let alone a big company full of jerks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6150">TS</a>]
01:42:32 ◼ ► like uber gets to stay in but that's the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6152">TS</a>]
01:42:35 ◼ ► way the world works right like uber has [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6155">TS</a>]
01:42:37 ◼ ► some you know has more stature because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6157">TS</a>]
01:42:41 ◼ ► it's a super popular app that iPhone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6161">TS</a>]
01:42:43 ◼ ► users use and in some ways yes it's up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6163">TS</a>]
01:42:46 ◼ ► you know apples doing the right thing by [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6166">TS</a>]
01:42:48 ◼ ► making identifying this and making it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6168">TS</a>]
01:42:52 ◼ ► but our iPhone users as a whole call you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6172">TS</a>]
01:42:57 ◼ ► know however many 100 million of them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6177">TS</a>]
01:42:58 ◼ ► there are happier or sadder if uber is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6178">TS</a>]
01:43:02 ◼ ► literally kicked out of the App Store [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6182">TS</a>]
01:43:03 ◼ ► yeah Pulaski it means the same thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6183">TS</a>]
01:43:06 ◼ ► discussion we had with Facebook earlier [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6186">TS</a>]
01:43:07 ◼ ► where Apple has to be pragmatic about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6187">TS</a>]
01:43:08 ◼ ► these things they have a certain amount [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6188">TS</a>]
01:43:10 ◼ ► of like don't you have to wait these [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6190">TS</a>]
01:43:11 ◼ ► things they can't all be done on a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6191">TS</a>]
01:43:12 ◼ ► strict black and white scale because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6192">TS</a>]
01:43:14 ◼ ► that sounds great in the abstract but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6194">TS</a>]
01:43:15 ◼ ► doesn't work in life and we make those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6195">TS</a>]
01:43:17 ◼ ► decisions all the time we as we will be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6197">TS</a>]
01:43:19 ◼ ► upset that apples not doing things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6199">TS</a>]
01:43:21 ◼ ► fairly or morally we have the same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6201">TS</a>]
01:43:22 ◼ ► problem when we're dealing with our [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6202">TS</a>]
01:43:23 ◼ ► client or the same issues when we're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6203">TS</a>]
01:43:25 ◼ ► dealing with different people in our [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6205">TS</a>]
01:43:26 ◼ ► lives it's that you know these companies [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6206">TS</a>]
01:43:28 ◼ ► are all not they're not equal they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6208">TS</a>]
01:43:29 ◼ ► companies which Apple has beholden their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6209">TS</a>]
01:43:31 ◼ ► companies to which Apple has absolutely [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6211">TS</a>]
01:43:32 ◼ ► no interest in and they're companies [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6212">TS</a>]
01:43:34 ◼ ► where maybe you burr is like this where [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6214">TS</a>]
01:43:35 ◼ ► they sort of both need each other and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6215">TS</a>]
01:43:37 ◼ ► would be devastating for uber to be off [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6217">TS</a>]
01:43:39 ◼ ► of the iPhone but it would hurt Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6219">TS</a>]
01:43:41 ◼ ► considerably to have uber off the iPhone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6221">TS</a>]
01:43:42 ◼ ► as well yeah I think and I don't know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6222">TS</a>]
01:43:45 ◼ ► you know I don't know the backstory on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6225">TS</a>]
01:43:47 ◼ ► this I don't even know how much of it is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6227">TS</a>]
01:43:48 ◼ ► technique you know exactly what happened [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6228">TS</a>]
01:43:50 ◼ ► it's all from this one Mike Isaac story [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6230">TS</a>]
01:43:52 ◼ ► and doesn't seem like anybody's got to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6232">TS</a>]
01:43:53 ◼ ► follow up but what I would have liked to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6233">TS</a>]
01:43:55 ◼ ► have seen is not for Apple to kick [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6235">TS</a>]
01:43:58 ◼ ► Cooper out of the store I really from a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6238">TS</a>]
01:43:59 ◼ ► pragmatic standpoint I understand why [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6239">TS</a>]
01:44:01 ◼ ► that you know you I mean I I think it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6241">TS</a>]
01:44:04 ◼ ► might have happened if Kalin had said [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6244">TS</a>]
01:44:06 ◼ ► that Tim Cook screw you we're going to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6246">TS</a>]
01:44:09 ◼ ► there's a certain you know all right you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6249">TS</a>]
01:44:11 ◼ ► know you get called into the principal [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6251">TS</a>]
01:44:12 ◼ ► and maybe the principal gives you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6252">TS</a>]
01:44:13 ◼ ► another chance but you can't to give the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6253">TS</a>]
01:44:15 ◼ ► principal the finger right yeah but I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6255">TS</a>]
01:44:19 ◼ ► think what Apple what I would have liked [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6259">TS</a>]
01:44:20 ◼ ► to seen them do if everything that we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6260">TS</a>]
01:44:22 ◼ ► know about this if we think we know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6262">TS</a>]
01:44:24 ◼ ► about the story is true is I think that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6264">TS</a>]
01:44:26 ◼ ► they should have made Eber disclose what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6266">TS</a>]
01:44:29 ◼ ► they had been doing in exact detail and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6269">TS</a>]
01:44:31 ◼ ► say here's the information we were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6271">TS</a>]
01:44:32 ◼ ► collecting about phones here's how we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6272">TS</a>]
01:44:35 ◼ ► did it and you know you know you have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6275">TS</a>]
01:44:37 ◼ ► our word that we've deleted our database [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6277">TS</a>]
01:44:39 ◼ ► of these identifiers yeah ia refused [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6279">TS</a>]
01:44:42 ◼ ► then I think Apple should have disclosed [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6282">TS</a>]
01:44:44 ◼ ► it I that the part that is doesn't sit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6284">TS</a>]
01:44:47 ◼ ► right with me from what Apple did is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6287">TS</a>]
01:44:49 ◼ ► that Apple knew that they were doing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6289">TS</a>]
01:44:50 ◼ ► this they knew that their customers had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6290">TS</a>]
01:44:52 ◼ ► had their phones fingerprinted by uber [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6292">TS</a>]
01:44:55 ◼ ► and Apple was apparently willing to to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6295">TS</a>]
01:45:02 ◼ ► let that go unknown I mean there's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6302">TS</a>]
01:45:04 ◼ ► chance that maybe Apple did do something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6304">TS</a>]
01:45:06 ◼ ► which is that maybe Apple somebody at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6306">TS</a>]
01:45:08 ◼ ► Apple was the source from Mike Isaac for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6308">TS</a>]
01:45:10 ◼ ► that story and that by leaking that that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6310">TS</a>]
01:45:12 ◼ ► was their way of disclosing that that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6312">TS</a>]
01:45:16 ◼ ► but I would have liked to have seen to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6316">TS</a>]
01:45:19 ◼ ► do it in a way that's on the record even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6319">TS</a>]
01:45:20 ◼ ► if it was Apple who was somebody at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6320">TS</a>]
01:45:21 ◼ ► Apple who was the anonymous source for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6321">TS</a>]
01:45:24 ◼ ► that I still think that this should have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6324">TS</a>]
01:45:26 ◼ ► acknowledgement that this went on even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6326">TS</a>]
01:45:28 ◼ ► though I don't think it was all that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6328">TS</a>]
01:45:29 ◼ ► gross of a privacy violation in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6329">TS</a>]
01:45:32 ◼ ► grand scheme of privacy violations yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6332">TS</a>]
01:45:34 ◼ ► so I think the you know if uber had been [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6334">TS</a>]
01:45:36 ◼ ► literally tracking people I think it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6336">TS</a>]
01:45:38 ◼ ► would have forced a much greater [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6338">TS</a>]
01:45:40 ◼ ► response from Apple or a much more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6340">TS</a>]
01:45:41 ◼ ► public response from Apple because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6341">TS</a>]
01:45:43 ◼ ► there's some offenses that are just so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6343">TS</a>]
01:45:46 ◼ ► alternative but this to me is and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6346">TS</a>]
01:45:48 ◼ ► against the horrible analogy but if like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6348">TS</a>]
01:45:50 ◼ ► Grenada does something the US doesn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6350">TS</a>]
01:45:52 ◼ ► like they can literally just drop in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6352">TS</a>]
01:45:53 ◼ ► take over the airport and do whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6353">TS</a>]
01:45:54 ◼ ► they want it doesn't work in Moscow [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6354">TS</a>]
01:45:56 ◼ ► right right it is mutually assured [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6356">TS</a>]
01:45:58 ◼ ► destruction there right well you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6358">TS</a>]
01:46:00 ◼ ► and there maybe there's other countries [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6360">TS</a>]
01:46:02 ◼ ► that are bigger there wouldn't be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6362">TS</a>]
01:46:03 ◼ ► mutually assured destruction like London [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6363">TS</a>]
01:46:06 ◼ ► you can't just take the London Airport [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6366">TS</a>]
01:46:09 ◼ ► well pick a country without nukes but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6369">TS</a>]
01:46:11 ◼ ► you know yeah Australia let's say yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6371">TS</a>]
01:46:13 ◼ ► classy knee I don't know cuz our [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6373">TS</a>]
01:46:15 ◼ ► relations with Sydney I don't know if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6375">TS</a>]
01:46:17 ◼ ► you've heard they're a little rocky okay [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6377">TS</a>]
01:46:23 ◼ ► gee that you know yeah grenade is a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6383">TS</a>]
01:46:25 ◼ ► little different than you know bigger [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6385">TS</a>]
01:46:27 ◼ ► countries yeah I still just feel like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6387">TS</a>]
01:46:31 ◼ ► they should have forgot you know in old [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6391">TS</a>]
01:46:33 ◼ ► days this the funny part is you know in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6393">TS</a>]
01:46:35 ◼ ► the old days with any innocent days of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6395">TS</a>]
01:46:36 ◼ ► i/os you know it's just funny because it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6396">TS</a>]
01:46:40 ◼ ► it's hard I think it's hard for Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6400">TS</a>]
01:46:43 ◼ ► people who work at Apple to even think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6403">TS</a>]
01:46:45 ◼ ► from the perspective of like these ad [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6405">TS</a>]
01:46:47 ◼ ► networks that want to do all this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6407">TS</a>]
01:46:48 ◼ ► tracking and stuff but in the old days [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6408">TS</a>]
01:46:50 ◼ ► they were API is official API is not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6410">TS</a>]
01:46:52 ◼ ► like private API is but like it the idea [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6412">TS</a>]
01:46:54 ◼ ► that you might want to uniquely identify [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6414">TS</a>]
01:46:56 ◼ ► a phone was like a feature and it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6416">TS</a>]
01:46:59 ◼ ► only once that started getting abused by [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6419">TS</a>]
01:47:01 ◼ ► ad networks in privacy invasive ways [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6421">TS</a>]
01:47:03 ◼ ► that Apple you know deprecated and then [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6423">TS</a>]
01:47:05 ◼ ► remove those API yeah you could say just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6425">TS</a>]
01:47:07 ◼ ► take the edid right and carrot I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6427">TS</a>]
01:47:10 ◼ ► is you wanted to write like when you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6430">TS</a>]
01:47:11 ◼ ► plug your phone into iTunes itunes can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6431">TS</a>]
01:47:13 ◼ ► still see it you see there's a unique [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6433">TS</a>]
01:47:14 ◼ ► Device Identifier I think it's it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6434">TS</a>]
01:47:17 ◼ ► printed on the back of the phone still [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6437">TS</a>]
01:47:18 ◼ ► in that small print I can't read it just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6438">TS</a>]
01:47:20 ◼ ► like so is but they used to sometimes on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6440">TS</a>]
01:47:23 ◼ ► some models that they would print it on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6443">TS</a>]
01:47:25 ◼ ► but you can go to the settings screen in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6445">TS</a>]
01:47:28 ◼ ► iOS and get the UDID you get the MAC [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6448">TS</a>]
01:47:32 ◼ ► address in other words each Ethernet [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6452">TS</a>]
01:47:34 ◼ ► port in the world yes a unique MAC [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6454">TS</a>]
01:47:36 ◼ ► address that that can uniquely identify [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6456">TS</a>]
01:47:38 ◼ ► a device I mean I remember in the old [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6458">TS</a>]
01:47:41 ◼ ► days when when I first started being [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6461">TS</a>]
01:47:42 ◼ ► used and it wasn't all that reliable [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6462">TS</a>]
01:47:45 ◼ ► because people you know had you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6465">TS</a>]
01:47:47 ◼ ► building their own pcs would take the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6467">TS</a>]
01:47:48 ◼ ► ethernet you know it was a card that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6468">TS</a>]
01:47:52 ◼ ► could take out and so you know you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6472">TS</a>]
01:47:54 ◼ ► couldn't necessarily associate the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6474">TS</a>]
01:47:57 ◼ ► ethernet ID the MAC ID with a device but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6477">TS</a>]
01:47:59 ◼ ► obviously nobody is changing the MAC [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6479">TS</a>]
01:48:01 ◼ ► idea of an iPhone there were all sorts [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6481">TS</a>]
01:48:03 ◼ ► of ways to uniquely identify a device [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6483">TS</a>]
01:48:05 ◼ ► that were officially supported and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6485">TS</a>]
01:48:06 ◼ ► Apple's one by one eliminated them all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6486">TS</a>]
01:48:10 ◼ ► but it's you know it's obvious to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6490">TS</a>]
01:48:13 ◼ ► when Apple eliminated those things that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6493">TS</a>]
01:48:15 ◼ ► figuring out a way around it to still [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6495">TS</a>]
01:48:17 ◼ ► get a unique identifier on it on an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6497">TS</a>]
01:48:21 ◼ ► intentions like this is not a loophole [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6501">TS</a>]
01:48:24 ◼ ► this was a direct circumvention yet you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6504">TS</a>]
01:48:27 ◼ ► know of a lock door you know anything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6507">TS</a>]
01:48:30 ◼ ► somebody leaves the door unlocked and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6510">TS</a>]
01:48:31 ◼ ► you go in you can maybe argue I didn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6511">TS</a>]
01:48:33 ◼ ► know I wasn't supposed to go in the door [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6513">TS</a>]
01:48:34 ◼ ► was a lock if you get to a door and it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6514">TS</a>]
01:48:37 ◼ ► figure out a way to unlock it yeah did [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6517">TS</a>]
01:48:40 ◼ ► you have no excuse yeah no totally and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6520">TS</a>]
01:48:43 ◼ ► again this is a is famous value and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6523">TS</a>]
01:48:45 ◼ ► sometimes they've been applauded for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6525">TS</a>]
01:48:46 ◼ ► their pugnacious you know a combative do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6526">TS</a>]
01:48:49 ◼ ► what we want to do aspirin you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6529">TS</a>]
01:48:51 ◼ ► don't ask for permission and this is the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6531">TS</a>]
01:48:54 ◼ ► flip side of that all right the other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6534">TS</a>]
01:48:57 ◼ ► thing that rolled out of this story was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6537">TS</a>]
01:48:59 ◼ ► sort of an aside in this Mike Isaac a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6539">TS</a>]
01:49:03 ◼ ► story about uber in this collection of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6543">TS</a>]
01:49:06 ◼ ► data was that uber had been one of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6546">TS</a>]
01:49:09 ◼ ► other theatres hits of all the shady [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6549">TS</a>]
01:49:12 ◼ ► stuff that they've done but that they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6552">TS</a>]
01:49:13 ◼ ► paid money to a company called unroll me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6553">TS</a>]
01:49:17 ◼ ► or no I guess that was the parent [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6557">TS</a>]
01:49:20 ◼ ► company of unroll me and they slice [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6560">TS</a>]
01:49:21 ◼ ► slice analytics and that's a company [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6561">TS</a>]
01:49:24 ◼ ► that's come up before in iPhone and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6564">TS</a>]
01:49:26 ◼ ► Apple related products where slices this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6566">TS</a>]
01:49:28 ◼ ► company that claims to have and it does [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6568">TS</a>]
01:49:30 ◼ ► have access to people's in in boxes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6570">TS</a>]
01:49:33 ◼ ► because they offer these services where [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6573">TS</a>]
01:49:35 ◼ ► they they let people sign up and get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6575">TS</a>]
01:49:38 ◼ ► some kind of rewards and exchange for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6578">TS</a>]
01:49:40 ◼ ► slice getting to see their incoming [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6580">TS</a>]
01:49:41 ◼ ► email which again sounds crazy to me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6581">TS</a>]
01:49:46 ◼ ► that you know but you know some people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6586">TS</a>]
01:49:49 ◼ ► you know have different people yeah they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6589">TS</a>]
01:49:52 ◼ ► people do not see the value of their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6592">TS</a>]
01:49:55 ◼ ► data only they see the value of their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6595">TS</a>]
01:49:56 ◼ ► cash or their time despite the fact that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6596">TS</a>]
01:49:58 ◼ ► these companies will spend unlimited [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6598">TS</a>]
01:49:59 ◼ ► amounts of time and money just to get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6599">TS</a>]
01:50:01 ◼ ► your data the slice has come up before [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6601">TS</a>]
01:50:03 ◼ ► where they've they've used this data to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6603">TS</a>]
01:50:04 ◼ ► command and make projections about what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6604">TS</a>]
01:50:07 ◼ ► what iPhones people have bought and how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6607">TS</a>]
01:50:09 ◼ ► it compares your over a year because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6609">TS</a>]
01:50:10 ◼ ► their customers last year got so many [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6610">TS</a>]
01:50:12 ◼ ► iPhone receipts in their email in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6612">TS</a>]
01:50:15 ◼ ► first 72 hours since it went on sale and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6615">TS</a>]
01:50:17 ◼ ► this year to this and that and so I you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6617">TS</a>]
01:50:20 ◼ ► know my mention of them previously is I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6620">TS</a>]
01:50:22 ◼ ► don't really you know it's interesting I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6622">TS</a>]
01:50:23 ◼ ► don't think it's complete noise but I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6623">TS</a>]
01:50:25 ◼ ► don't trust data when it only comes from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6625">TS</a>]
01:50:27 ◼ ► people who've signed up for service that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6627">TS</a>]
01:50:29 ◼ ► lets internet marketing firm read all of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6629">TS</a>]
01:50:32 ◼ ► your email but they bought a company [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6632">TS</a>]
01:50:34 ◼ ► called unroll me that offers a service [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6634">TS</a>]
01:50:38 ◼ ► that again you filter all your email [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6638">TS</a>]
01:50:40 ◼ ► through them and they make it easy to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6640">TS</a>]
01:50:42 ◼ ► like unsubscribe from things you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6642">TS</a>]
01:50:45 ◼ ► unsubscribe to or to put all of your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6645">TS</a>]
01:50:49 ◼ ► not spam but like it you know newsletter [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6649">TS</a>]
01:50:54 ◼ ► unsubscribe me link at the bottom put [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6654">TS</a>]
01:50:56 ◼ ► them all together in a folder or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6656">TS</a>]
01:50:58 ◼ ► collapsin or something like that and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6658">TS</a>]
01:51:00 ◼ ► these bastards it turns out were then [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6660">TS</a>]
01:51:03 ◼ ► selling it they sold so they sold [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6663">TS</a>]
01:51:05 ◼ ► information to Ober that using their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6665">TS</a>]
01:51:07 ◼ ► their access these people in boxes gave [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6667">TS</a>]
01:51:10 ◼ ► you know uber bought like all of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6670">TS</a>]
01:51:13 ◼ ► supposedly anonymized but like I wrote [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6673">TS</a>]
01:51:16 ◼ ► on daring fireball will supposedly you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6676">TS</a>]
01:51:18 ◼ ► know an iPhone that you do a factory [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6678">TS</a>]
01:51:20 ◼ ► reset on is anonymized to an uber was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6680">TS</a>]
01:51:23 ◼ ► tracking that I don't can't trust them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6683">TS</a>]
01:51:27 ◼ ► there's all sorts of ways that they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6687">TS</a>]
01:51:29 ◼ ► could you know backwards correlate you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6689">TS</a>]
01:51:31 ◼ ► know even some somewhat anyway I think a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6691">TS</a>]
01:51:34 ◼ ► lot of people and a lot of people were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6694">TS</a>]
01:51:35 ◼ ► rightly like whoa I use this unroll me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6695">TS</a>]
01:51:37 ◼ ► I've there's absolutely no way that I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6697">TS</a>]
01:51:39 ◼ ► thought that something like my lyft [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6699">TS</a>]
01:51:41 ◼ ► receipt would be sold to uber yeah and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6701">TS</a>]
01:51:46 ◼ ► it's again it's one of those things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6706">TS</a>]
01:51:47 ◼ ► where we don't appreciate the value of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6707">TS</a>]
01:51:48 ◼ ► our data and there's a bunch of apps [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6708">TS</a>]
01:51:51 ◼ ► that you can just give permission like I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6711">TS</a>]
01:51:53 ◼ ► remember when I signed up for TripIt I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6713">TS</a>]
01:51:54 ◼ ► would just forward them an email with my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6714">TS</a>]
01:51:56 ◼ ► travel information they said why are you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6716">TS</a>]
01:51:57 ◼ ► going to this trouble just give us [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6717">TS</a>]
01:51:58 ◼ ► access to your Gmail and at no and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6718">TS</a>]
01:52:01 ◼ ► eventually I stopped using Gmail because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6721">TS</a>]
01:52:02 ◼ ► there's just so many services that want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6722">TS</a>]
01:52:04 ◼ ► to tie into it I know that's not exactly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6724">TS</a>]
01:52:06 ◼ ► an equivalency but I just don't want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6726">TS</a>]
01:52:08 ◼ ► provide access to that stuff because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6728">TS</a>]
01:52:09 ◼ ► there's so much information in there and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6729">TS</a>]
01:52:11 ◼ ► mine is all just it's a business emails [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6731">TS</a>]
01:52:12 ◼ ► all just a bunch of like travel stuff [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6732">TS</a>]
01:52:14 ◼ ► but that that data is incredibly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6734">TS</a>]
01:52:16 ◼ ► valuable valuable to me and they're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6736">TS</a>]
01:52:17 ◼ ► really they're not really making a fair [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6737">TS</a>]
01:52:20 ◼ ► purchase decision there so the CEO and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6740">TS</a>]
01:52:23 ◼ ► founder of this company Joe had a and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6743">TS</a>]
01:52:27 ◼ ► the day after this came out he he he [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6747">TS</a>]
01:52:31 ◼ ► wrote a blog post or he said our users [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6751">TS</a>]
01:52:33 ◼ ► are the heart of our company and service [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6753">TS</a>]
01:52:34 ◼ ► so it was heartbreaking to see that some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6754">TS</a>]
01:52:37 ◼ ► of our users were upset to learn about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6757">TS</a>]
01:52:38 ◼ ► how we monetize our free service and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6758">TS</a>]
01:52:41 ◼ ► while we try our best to be open about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6761">TS</a>]
01:52:42 ◼ ► our business model recent customer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6762">TS</a>]
01:52:44 ◼ ► feedback tells me we weren't explicit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6764">TS</a>]
01:52:46 ◼ ► enough and it really again it if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6766">TS</a>]
01:52:49 ◼ ► read their Terms of Service yes it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6769">TS</a>]
01:52:51 ◼ ► in their in certain words but people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6771">TS</a>]
01:52:54 ◼ ► don't read the Terms of Service and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6774">TS</a>]
01:52:56 ◼ ► everybody knows they don't and there was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6776">TS</a>]
01:52:57 ◼ ► certainly no bullet point in the main [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6777">TS</a>]
01:53:00 ◼ ► ky you should sign up for this service [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6780">TS</a>]
01:53:02 ◼ ► here's how we make money and I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6782">TS</a>]
01:53:04 ◼ ► what it is is that people who haven't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6784">TS</a>]
01:53:06 ◼ ► just had their because they don't think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6786">TS</a>]
01:53:08 ◼ ► like this good good honest people who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6788">TS</a>]
01:53:10 ◼ ► just don't think that someone would do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6790">TS</a>]
01:53:12 ◼ ► something like this here about the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6792">TS</a>]
01:53:13 ◼ ► service they know that their inbox every [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6793">TS</a>]
01:53:16 ◼ ► day that you know two thirds of it isn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6796">TS</a>]
01:53:18 ◼ ► spam but also isn't like the most [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6798">TS</a>]
01:53:20 ◼ ► important stuff and so something that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6800">TS</a>]
01:53:21 ◼ ► could help organize that so that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6801">TS</a>]
01:53:23 ◼ ► actual like email from colleagues or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6803">TS</a>]
01:53:26 ◼ ► family or friends is all they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6806">TS</a>]
01:53:28 ◼ ► organized sounds like a good deal [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6808">TS</a>]
01:53:30 ◼ ► signs up for it and even if you say well [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6810">TS</a>]
01:53:32 ◼ ► you know you're giving them access to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6812">TS</a>]
01:53:34 ◼ ► your email they might think ah you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6814">TS</a>]
01:53:35 ◼ ► I don't really care there's nothing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6815">TS</a>]
01:53:36 ◼ ► there's nothing in there that I care [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6816">TS</a>]
01:53:38 ◼ ► about but then later on you tell them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6818">TS</a>]
01:53:39 ◼ ► you know I know exactly what you bought [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6819">TS</a>]
01:53:41 ◼ ► your husband for Father's Day last year [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6821">TS</a>]
01:53:43 ◼ ► why yeah yeah you bought them this and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6823">TS</a>]
01:53:46 ◼ ► because we have your email and it's like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6826">TS</a>]
01:53:48 ◼ ► all of a sudden you tell them an example [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6828">TS</a>]
01:53:50 ◼ ► like that or you tell them yeah yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6830">TS</a>]
01:53:52 ◼ ► they you know you know those four times [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6832">TS</a>]
01:53:54 ◼ ► you got a lift yeah that we sent those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6834">TS</a>]
01:53:56 ◼ ► the uber well they knew when you were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6836">TS</a>]
01:53:58 ◼ ► out of that we knew you were traveling [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6838">TS</a>]
01:53:59 ◼ ► you were out of the house nobody was at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6839">TS</a>]
01:54:00 ◼ ► your home I mean it's and this is not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6840">TS</a>]
01:54:02 ◼ ► new I remember 10 years ago 15 years ago [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6842">TS</a>]
01:54:05 ◼ ► for example if you go to 7-eleven and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6845">TS</a>]
01:54:07 ◼ ► buy a coke coke has no idea you bought [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6847">TS</a>]
01:54:09 ◼ ► it but 7-eleven does and they'll sell [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6849">TS</a>]
01:54:10 ◼ ► that information back to coke but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6850">TS</a>]
01:54:13 ◼ ► competitive analysis and to like Lay's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6853">TS</a>]
01:54:15 ◼ ► potato chips so they can say we want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6855">TS</a>]
01:54:16 ◼ ► be positioned next to coke on the on the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6856">TS</a>]
01:54:19 ◼ ► shelf not next to Pepsi and you think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6859">TS</a>]
01:54:21 ◼ ► that it's anonymous but it's not because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6861">TS</a>]
01:54:22 ◼ ► they could figure out based on one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6862">TS</a>]
01:54:24 ◼ ► unique identifier one phone number one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6864">TS</a>]
01:54:25 ◼ ► time or one email address or something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6865">TS</a>]
01:54:27 ◼ ► that you were the person buying the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6867">TS</a>]
01:54:29 ◼ ► diapers and the beer you know that that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6869">TS</a>]
01:54:31 ◼ ► supermarket that day anyway like I wrote [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6871">TS</a>]
01:54:33 ◼ ► about this give me a fucking break that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6873">TS</a>]
01:54:34 ◼ ► they're heartbroken that their users [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6874">TS</a>]
01:54:35 ◼ ► upset they're not upstate new their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6875">TS</a>]
01:54:38 ◼ ► users would be upset which is why they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6878">TS</a>]
01:54:39 ◼ ► hid exactly what they're doing in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6879">TS</a>]
01:54:41 ◼ ► small print of the Terms of Service [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6881">TS</a>]
01:54:42 ◼ ► they're upset because there were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6882">TS</a>]
01:54:49 ◼ ► reasonable person would say wow that is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6889">TS</a>]
01:54:51 ◼ ► outrageous and his offensive event I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6891">TS</a>]
01:54:53 ◼ ► wouldn't use that service which was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6893">TS</a>]
01:54:54 ◼ ► obviously going to hurt their brand and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6894">TS</a>]
01:54:56 ◼ ► make people I I never even heard of this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6896">TS</a>]
01:54:58 ◼ ► unroll me before so the first time I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6898">TS</a>]
01:54:59 ◼ ► heard of it was in the context of don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6899">TS</a>]
01:55:02 ◼ ► sign up for this thing yeah or I know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6902">TS</a>]
01:55:04 ◼ ► people who use it and they were they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6904">TS</a>]
01:55:06 ◼ ► were shocked right like like if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6906">TS</a>]
01:55:08 ◼ ► think in the back of your mind that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6908">TS</a>]
01:55:09 ◼ ► signing up for a free service that can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6909">TS</a>]
01:55:11 ◼ ► read and index all of your email is a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6911">TS</a>]
01:55:14 ◼ ► guess what it is heartbroken they got [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6914">TS</a>]
01:55:17 ◼ ► caught I think he said that well right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6917">TS</a>]
01:55:18 ◼ ► right and it you know there was somebody [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6918">TS</a>]
01:55:21 ◼ ► on on Hacker News who posted that he [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6921">TS</a>]
01:55:24 ◼ ► worked for a company that was thinking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6924">TS</a>]
01:55:26 ◼ ► about acquiring them and when they did [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6926">TS</a>]
01:55:28 ◼ ► their due diligence that unroll me was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+B7NDO9A68/6928">TS</a>]
01:55:30 ◼