

517: The Rickies (September 2024)


00:00:00   [Music]

00:00:07   From Relay, this is Connected, episode 517.

00:00:11   Today's show is brought to you by ExpressVPN,

00:00:14   1Password extended access management, and NetSuite.

00:00:18   I am the annual chairman, Mike Hurley,

00:00:20   and I have the pleasure of introducing Federico Vittucci.

00:00:22   Hi Federico.

00:00:23   Hello, Mike, how are you?

00:00:24   Oh, I'm great, I'm excited. It's Ricky's day.

00:00:26   Me too.

00:00:27   And we're also joined by keynote chairman, Steven Hackett.

00:00:31   Hello, Steven.

00:00:32   Hello, my title's up for grabs.

00:00:35   Yes.

00:00:37   That's a weird feeling.

00:00:38   Say goodbye to it.

00:00:39   No, I mean, I'm going to say hello to it again, but...

00:00:42   We'll see.

00:00:45   We'll see this new dawn of Ricky rules and how they apply, you know?

00:00:49   It's true.

00:00:50   I spent a lot of time this week looking at those.

00:00:53   Yep.

00:00:54   Yes, making our picks for the Glow Time event.

00:00:58   That event is just in a few days, which is very exciting.

00:01:02   But we should start, as we always do, with some follow-up.

00:01:06   Mike, what's up?

00:01:08   What's up?

00:01:08   What's up?

00:01:09   What's up?

00:01:10   Is this the beginning of follow-up now?

00:01:12   I like it.

00:01:12   Hey, what's up?

00:01:13   What's up?

00:01:14   What's up?

00:01:15   What's up?

00:01:16   What a time to be alive that was, you know?

00:01:19   That was a time.

00:01:20   It was like a revolution.

00:01:22   Wasn't it like Budweiser?

00:01:24   Was that what it was?

00:01:25   Yeah, I think so.

00:01:26   What's up?

00:01:27   Imagine creating such a silly ad where it literally takes over the world.

00:01:32   Yeah.

00:01:32   Like, you couldn't move.

00:01:34   I had, I'm not kidding you, I had a wasup phone case.

00:01:39   There were ringtones.

00:01:41   You could buy ringtones at the time.

00:01:44   That would say this.

00:01:45   Incredible.

00:01:46   Just an incredible thing.

00:01:48   Anyway, what is up?

00:01:49   What is up?

00:01:50   Maatan wrote in and said, this is an interesting thought experiment.

00:01:55   If the iPhone gets increased RAM, will EU users and people who turn off AI be able to benefit

00:02:02   from more memory?

00:02:04   Or will Apple sell phones with less RAM in the EU?

00:02:08   Or will they do something to stop people from getting access to their memory?

00:02:15   We were talking about this on iMessage a few days ago.

00:02:19   Yep.

00:02:20   I shared my theory that like the simplest possible explanation would be that the phones

00:02:28   have more RAM.

00:02:29   It just sits unused in the European model.

00:02:32   It will be used once Apple intelligence gets released in the European Union.

00:02:37   But given that you don't have multitasking on the phone anyway, it's not like you can

00:02:43   do anything with it really realistically.

00:02:47   So I think that the simplest explanation would be they're not going to bother releasing multiple

00:02:57   SKUs based on RAM differentiation in different markets.

00:03:01   They're just going to put the same model out.

00:03:04   There's no Apple intelligence in the EU for now.

00:03:06   Once there is Apple intelligence, and you've got to believe that they want to roll out

00:03:10   Apple intelligence in as many countries as possible, those phones will be ready for it.

00:03:17   Yeah, I think even though they do produce different phones for different regions for

00:03:22   like carrier compliance, I can't imagine them doing this either.

00:03:29   Because at that point when they do get this working in the EU, because I also believe

00:03:34   that they will do this eventually, then those phones would be at a disadvantage.

00:03:42   That's one of those like, do you know this phrase, cut your nose off despite your face?

00:03:46   Yeah, yeah.

00:03:47   Yeah, it's like that.

00:03:48   It would be one of those kinds of situations for them where it's like, what would have

00:03:52   been the benefit in having done that?

00:03:54   I could imagine a scenario where the RAM is not usable.

00:04:01   I can imagine that.

00:04:03   Something might go weird of iOS if it has that amount of RAM or something and they just

00:04:07   lock it off.

00:04:08   I don't know exactly why they would do that.

00:04:11   But I could imagine that it's just somehow restricted from users use.

00:04:17   My guess is that Federico is right that the phones will just have more memory.

00:04:22   And I don't know how big of a difference that would make in like the day to day usage of

00:04:28   the phone.

00:04:29   Right?

00:04:30   Like, like, is my phone gonna feel worse or be more limited compared to Federico's because

00:04:35   I have Apple intelligence or what if I have it turned off then is mine like Federico?

00:04:39   Can anybody tell the difference?

00:04:41   I don't think anyone's gonna be able to tell the difference.

00:04:43   I don't think it's gonna be that big of a deal.

00:04:44   But it is a fascinating question.

00:04:46   Because like what more RAM on iOS means that just like less apps need to more like Safari

00:04:53   is actually snappier.

00:04:55   There it is.

00:04:58   Yeah I'm not sure that it would result in a significant improvement for an iOS device,

00:05:07   honestly.

00:05:08   Tchitabs got a Mac stories review.

00:05:10   I just think it's very funny.

00:05:12   Tchitabs reviewed on Mac stories, not by me.

00:05:15   Well yeah, that'd be nepotism.

00:05:18   That'd be, that'd be, yes, that is the word, Steven.

00:05:23   I don't know.

00:05:24   Can you imagine me writing a review saying, no, this app is named after me.

00:05:27   Like I just felt more reasonable to have an external person evaluate objectively this

00:05:37   application.

00:05:38   So Jonathan reviewed Tchitabs on Mac stories.

00:05:41   It's not objective objective.

00:05:43   Like it's not objective.

00:05:45   I mean he's writing it for you on your website.

00:05:47   Sure.

00:05:48   But you know, it's not like I'm here, you know, looming over Jonathan's shoulder being

00:05:54   like, hey Jonathan, make sure you write a positive review of the app named after me.

00:05:58   I was just like, test the app, see if you like it.

00:06:02   Two things I liked about this review specifically.

00:06:04   One, six or seven websites is in the title.

00:06:07   Obviously.

00:06:08   I also like, I'm very pleased that Jonathan told the story, like the, the, the, where

00:06:14   this came from.

00:06:16   Yeah.

00:06:17   Um, and it did make me want to ask you to, I just wanted to get your view on this.

00:06:22   I've forgotten to mention this when we spoke about it last time.

00:06:24   So something I find interesting in the design of Tchitabs is the iOS 6c buttons and stuff.

00:06:32   I wanted to know what you thought about that.

00:06:36   Not a huge fan personally.

00:06:39   I don't get the appeal.

00:06:41   I'm assuming that Jonathan really misses that aesthetic.

00:06:44   I think he's handled it about as well as you could if you wanted to do that.

00:06:48   Oh yeah.

00:06:49   I mean you could take it to a way, like you could turn it way up in terms of like reminiscing

00:06:55   the good old iOS 6 days.

00:06:58   So it's a good balance.

00:07:00   I would have preferred a different style, but also I don't particularly care because

00:07:04   all I need is to get to those six or seven websites.

00:07:07   You just need to six or seven tabs.

00:07:09   Uh, Steven, I bet you love it, right?

00:07:11   It looks, it looks great.

00:07:12   I'm a little disappointed that max stories doesn't have a star rating review and six

00:07:18   or seven is the highest you could get.

00:07:20   Like if like that's a real opportunity in the movie next time you read it.

00:07:23   It would be like five is the maximum you could do, but this would get six slash seven.

00:07:28   Six slash seven.

00:07:31   That would have been incredible.

00:07:32   That would have been nice.

00:07:33   Yeah.

00:07:34   That's awesome.

00:07:35   The app store version as a tip jar as we previously mentioned.

00:07:39   And yeah, it's, uh, I, if I can put in a feature request, it'd be given the upcoming iOS 18,

00:07:47   I feel like I need more icon options from Tg tabs.

00:07:51   I feel like I need more color combinations.

00:07:53   I've been really struggling, uh, coming up with a, with a good home screen layout also

00:07:59   because I need to take screenshots for my iOS review.

00:08:02   And so finding, you know, having being constrained to just purple and yellow, although it looks

00:08:07   great.

00:08:08   Um, but I feel like I need more colorful options.

00:08:11   Um, now that I'm assembling my home screen.

00:08:14   But yeah, great app.

00:08:17   Hey, guess what?

00:08:19   What?

00:08:20   It's September.

00:08:21   Oh really?

00:08:22   What does that mean?

00:08:24   It is.

00:08:25   Well, it means the relay for St. Jude is back.

00:08:28   Oh, that too.

00:08:29   Oh yes.

00:08:30   We're back.

00:08:31   I mean there's new phones coming, whatever.

00:08:33   Who cares about that?

00:08:34   Whatever.

00:08:35   Whatever.

00:08:36   Uh, September is childhood cancer awareness month.

00:08:39   And for the sixth year, the relay community is back together supporting the life-saving

00:08:45   work of St. Jude children's research hospital.

00:08:48   We have now raised since 2019 a staggering $3 million for St. Jude is our community is

00:08:56   awesome.

00:08:58   We get the honor of having relays name recognized on the wall inside the hospital that highlights

00:09:04   corporations and organizations with exceptional fundraising efforts for St. Jude.

00:09:08   That's really cool.

00:09:09   We'll have updates about that towards the end of the year.

00:09:11   Um, but it's a real honor to be, uh, to be recognized for what our, our awesome community

00:09:17   has done.

00:09:19   So what is St. Jude?

00:09:20   What are we talking about?

00:09:21   Uh, St. Jude is even, yeah.

00:09:25   What is St. Jude?

00:09:26   What is St. Jude?

00:09:27   Why are you so close to the microphone?

00:09:29   I'm so glad you asked.

00:09:31   Why is that?

00:09:32   You in my head now?

00:09:33   I'm so glad you asked Mike.

00:09:35   I am your conscience donate to St. Jude.

00:09:38   Sometimes these get clipped out and shared around St. Jude.

00:09:40   So I'm just giving them something special for this one.

00:09:44   The whole thing like this.

00:09:46   Hello.

00:09:47   Uh, St. Jude has treated children from all 50 States and from around the world.

00:09:53   About 90% of children at risk of developing cancer live in low and middle income countries.

00:09:59   And that's why St. Jude has launched St. Jude global to ensure that every child with cancer

00:10:04   and other catastrophic diseases have access to quality care and treatment no matter where

00:10:10   they live.

00:10:11   Look, when my son needed St. Jude with his cancer diagnosis, it just happened to be in

00:10:15   my backyard because I live in Memphis.

00:10:17   St. Jude is like 20 minutes from my house.

00:10:19   That ain't true for most people.

00:10:21   Most people have to travel over St. Jude and St. Jude global brings St. Jude's research

00:10:25   and treatment around the world because St. Jude global shares knowledge, technology,

00:10:30   and expertise with healthcare institutions, researchers, and fundraisers across the world

00:10:37   to improve survival rates in their home countries.

00:10:39   St. Jude global provides 14 different programs for global healthcare staff on everything

00:10:46   from ICU care to infection prevention, to metrics tracking and lab medicine.

00:10:53   Just one example in June of this year, the training program for nonprofit foundation

00:10:59   partners graduated 19 scholars from 15 different countries, including India, Mexico, Zimbabwe,

00:11:06   El Salvador, and Uganda.

00:11:07   That's what I mean by global St. Jude is doing this work around the world.

00:11:11   That's 19 people who have learned how to raise funds to help patients, families, and doctors

00:11:16   in their own home countries.

00:11:19   I love it.

00:11:20   I know there's people all around the world listening to the show right now, right?

00:11:24   And you may think to yourself, why would I donate to a hospital that is in one place?

00:11:29   This is why, because the work that they do, the research that they do, they share it worldwide

00:11:33   and they work with countries and doctors and hospitals all around the world to make this

00:11:38   benefit.

00:11:39   Yeah.

00:11:40   Worldwide always on.

00:11:41   That's what they say.

00:11:42   That's what they say.

00:11:43   They don't say that.

00:11:44   They don't say that.

00:11:45   St. Jude has over 400 partners in the St. Jude global program representing more than

00:11:51   80 countries and it continues to grow.

00:11:54   That's how far the reach of this work is.

00:11:56   And you can check out St. Jude global partnerships and help children all around the world.

00:12:02   Go to stjude.org/inspire to learn more about that.

00:12:06   If you go to stjude.org/relay, you can register to create your own fundraiser to join us in

00:12:13   raising money for St. Jude.

00:12:14   This is a great way to start your own fundraiser and share it with your friends, family, coworkers,

00:12:20   and spread the word for this amazing mission.

00:12:24   Folks who host their own fundraisers can earn some limited edition incentives.

00:12:28   Some really, really cool stuff this year.

00:12:30   And all the details are over on the website at stjude.org/relay.

00:12:37   If you work at a large company, make sure you check the information on employee matching

00:12:43   because you could double your contribution, which is amazing.

00:12:47   And all that information is there too.

00:12:50   Absolutely.

00:12:51   So Mike, you and I are competing for the title of co-founder champion this month.

00:12:54   I'm currently in the lead.

00:12:56   We'll see if that...

00:12:57   Yeah, because St. Jude failed me.

00:12:58   Because St. Jude failed you?

00:12:59   Hey.

00:13:00   Oh, okay.

00:13:01   You did.

00:13:02   Sure.

00:13:03   You failed me.

00:13:04   I told you we should collude and you don't want to.

00:13:05   So this is what you get.

00:13:07   No collusion for the kids.

00:13:09   Well, we are united when it comes to what matters most, finding cures and saving children.

00:13:15   That's true.

00:13:16   That's true.

00:13:17   Good, right?

00:13:18   Good.

00:13:19   Some professionals write that, not me.

00:13:20   So join St. Jude this September for childhood cancer awareness month.

00:13:25   It is so humbling to be a part of this.

00:13:28   Please go learn more.

00:13:29   Please go donate stjude.org/relay.

00:13:35   That's stjude.org/relay.

00:13:43   I just know like Jim's going to be looking at the waveforms.

00:13:45   It's like, "Oh no, something terrible has happened.

00:13:51   Steven's microphone is broken."

00:13:56   Before we move on, I wanted to just bring your attention to something that I thought

00:14:00   was really good.

00:14:03   Blue Sky.

00:14:04   I feel bad for them, honestly.

00:14:07   This isn't the thing, but they're just out here.

00:14:09   They're trying.

00:14:10   Blue Sky's out here.

00:14:11   It's trying.

00:14:12   I think they're having a bit of a moment right now.

00:14:14   Do you see this?

00:14:15   They are.

00:14:16   Yes.

00:14:17   An influx of Brazilian users because X has been banned in Brazil.

00:14:21   So people are moving to Blue Sky.

00:14:23   But they're doing a selection of things that they're trying out to reduce toxicity on their

00:14:31   platform.

00:14:32   There was just one thing that I thought was really good and everyone should use this.

00:14:37   Every time you're quote posted, right?

00:14:40   Quoted, right?

00:14:42   Usually it's Duncan.

00:14:43   People are usually Duncan when there's quote posting going on.

00:14:46   It can get real bad.

00:14:47   So now on Blue Sky, you can view all of the posts that somebody has quoted you on, like

00:14:53   they've quote posted you, and then you have the ability to detach your original post from

00:14:58   this so it won't show anymore.

00:15:01   It says removed by author.

00:15:03   I just think that is fantastic.

00:15:05   As an idea.

00:15:06   That's a really good feature.

00:15:07   I think that is so good because just because I say something, it doesn't mean that I'm

00:15:11   giving everybody the ability to jump all over me.

00:15:16   And I just think that this is a really, really good idea.

00:15:20   I just think it's awesome.

00:15:21   Apparently you can do it on threads too, Daniel was saying in the Discord, which I didn't

00:15:25   know.

00:15:26   So that's good.

00:15:27   These are good features.

00:15:28   Mastodon should include this if they ever do.

00:15:31   Does Mastodon, did it ever officially support quote posting?

00:15:35   No.

00:15:36   Not yet.

00:15:37   Because I know you can do it.

00:15:40   And I know they said they were going to do it.

00:15:42   Like absolutely do it, right?

00:15:43   Like I can do it in Ivory.

00:15:45   And I know that Mastodon wanted to do it.

00:15:48   But I hope that Mastodon does this too.

00:15:52   Because I am very against quote posting as a thing because I just think it results in

00:15:57   so much bad stuff.

00:16:01   And so I like this.

00:16:02   I like this a lot.

00:16:03   I think that this is a really, really, really good idea to like detach from it.

00:16:08   Very cool.

00:16:09   Good work, Blue Sky.

00:16:12   This episode of Connected is brought to you by ExpressVPN.

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00:17:44   Our thanks to ExpressVPN for their support of the show and all of Relay.

00:17:52   The Ricky's is a game connected hosts play before Apple keynotes and the beginning of

00:17:56   each new year trying to predict future events.

00:17:59   It's made up of three rounds.

00:18:01   Each host makes two regular picks followed by a risky pick.

00:18:05   There are two types of Ricky's, annual Ricky's and keynote Ricky's.

00:18:10   The winner of the annual Ricky's is named the annual chairman.

00:18:12   That position is awarded every January.

00:18:15   Today we're playing the keynote Ricky's.

00:18:17   The winner is named the keynote chairman and this position is held until the next keynote.

00:18:23   Hosts should be introduced at the top of each episode according to their current titles.

00:18:26   Just as a check in, how do we feel like that that's been?

00:18:29   Do we like it?

00:18:30   Love it.

00:18:32   In the event that a host holds both positions, they shall be introduced as the Ricky benchman.

00:18:39   Forgot that.

00:18:40   Me too.

00:18:41   Forgot about that.

00:18:43   After the Ricky's, the host then play a game called the flexies.

00:18:46   These two games are separate, but related.

00:18:50   Please stand for the reading of the rules.

00:18:59   Each host gets to make two regular picks.

00:19:02   This can be granted a bonus regular pick for any previously incorrect pick that has now

00:19:07   come true from the last three corresponding games.

00:19:11   The previously incorrect pick may be used only once.

00:19:16   Correct regular picks are awarded one point.

00:19:18   The language used for regular picks must be finalized and agreed upon during recording

00:19:23   and no partial points may be awarded.

00:19:26   Risky picks have a more complex scoring system.

00:19:30   Each risky pick must have three conditions attached to it.

00:19:34   Wait, wait, where was that?

00:19:35   Did we decide on that wording?

00:19:37   I love it.

00:19:38   It's in the document.

00:19:39   Okay.

00:19:40   If you get all three conditions correct, you earn two points.

00:19:46   If you get two conditions correct, you earn one point.

00:19:48   If you get one condition correct, you earn zero points.

00:19:52   If you get all three conditions wrong, you lose a point.

00:19:56   Picks must have been approved as risky by the two other hosts before the start of the game.

00:20:02   Picks made for keynote rookies cannot be reused by the host who made them in the next game.

00:20:08   The annual rookies have their own subset of rules, but we don't really care about those

00:20:13   today.

00:20:14   For keynote rookies, the scoring window starts and the live stream begins and closes when

00:20:17   the picks are scored.

00:20:19   Any information used in scoring must be publicly verifiable at the time of recording.

00:20:25   All hosts are allowed to reuse picks previously made by others.

00:20:29   Scoring is completed during recording and cannot be modified once an episode is complete.

00:20:34   In the event of a tie, dice by a Peacock must be used in relay mode to pick a winner.

00:20:40   In the case of a three-way tie, hosts all make their calls at the same time, with flipping

00:20:44   continuing until a winner is named.

00:20:48   Jason Snell has a lifetime ban on flipping any coins in relation to the rookies.

00:20:53   Shaming flips by Jason on other podcasts are allowed, but are frowned upon and subject

00:20:58   to public shaming.

00:21:00   The order of the picks is set by previous performance.

00:21:02   The winner of the previous associated game goes first.

00:21:05   The previous loser goes last.

00:21:07   Winners will be recognized during the closing ceremonies.

00:21:10   As a reminder, Mike is the current annual chairman and I am the current keynote chairman,

00:21:15   so we are playing for my title today.

00:21:18   Past results can be seen at rookies.co and rookies.net.

00:21:21   These sites also have pages about managing your own scorekeeping at home.

00:21:25   You may be seated.

00:21:26   I have some important follow up for you.

00:21:31   So during the relay 10 event, we had a big host get together.

00:21:37   I taught Jason how to flip a coin.

00:21:40   No way.

00:21:41   Yep.

00:21:42   I taught him how to do it and he can actually do it.

00:21:44   We'll find out during the podcast with on if he has remembered the lessons that I gave

00:21:47   him, but I taught him how to do it and I saw him do it properly.

00:21:51   He still didn't catch it, but he could at least flip it.

00:21:55   It wasn't just a throw in the air.

00:21:56   Baby steps.

00:21:57   Yeah, we got to, yeah, let's not run before we can walk.

00:22:01   Let's not catch before we can flip.

00:22:03   That's what they say.

00:22:04   There you go.

00:22:06   And we have some implications for our points this week, right?

00:22:10   Okay.

00:22:11   Yes.

00:22:12   So when we score the points next week, my and Steven's points will be multiplied by

00:22:18   10.

00:22:20   Like whatever we collect will be multiplied by 10 and this will be added in to the Mike

00:22:24   versus Steven total for the right to be co founder champion.

00:22:28   Okay.

00:22:29   Oh my God.

00:22:32   There are more points scoring implications.

00:22:34   Welcome back to the quizzes.

00:22:35   We're not doing a quiz today, but this is just setting up point scoring implications.

00:22:39   I have entered a fourth competitor to the Ricky's this year.

00:22:43   This competitor is called chat GPT.

00:22:46   I fed the, I fed the bill of Ricky's to chat GPT and asked it to make.

00:22:53   I asked it to make a selection of picks.

00:22:57   I have those picks and we'll be reading them as the fourth entrant.

00:23:01   If either of you lose to chat GPT, you will lose 200 points from your quizzes.

00:23:09   I'm not losing to some AI.

00:23:11   Well then your picks are good.

00:23:13   Nope.

00:23:14   Nope.

00:23:15   The alternative is if you die in the Ricky's you die in real life.

00:23:17   So indeed.

00:23:18   And it's a Federico and see, can you beat chat GPT?

00:23:24   I can beat, I, I, I, this 200 points.

00:23:29   You will lose either to review.

00:23:30   If you lose, it's only playing the Ricky's.

00:23:33   It's not playing the flexies because chat GPT, even though it should, won't give us

00:23:37   any money.

00:23:38   Okay.

00:23:39   It's quite a twist.

00:23:42   Yeah.

00:23:43   Yeah.

00:23:44   So will you be reading the GPT picks as we go?

00:23:46   Yeah.

00:23:47   I'll read them at the end.

00:23:48   Okay.

00:23:49   Okay.

00:23:50   Good luck GPT.

00:23:51   Should we begin?

00:23:52   Yeah.

00:23:53   Yeah.

00:23:54   Round.

00:23:55   Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.

00:23:58   We need to talk about the bonus regular pick.

00:24:01   Yes.

00:24:02   Do we have any bonus regular picks this week?

00:24:05   I think we do.

00:24:07   Oh, wait.

00:24:10   No one else agrees with you.

00:24:11   What is it?

00:24:12   Like, Steven, many people looked at this.

00:24:15   Steven in may of 2024 said we get new max.

00:24:19   Have we got a new max?

00:24:21   Have we got a new max since may of 2024?

00:24:23   I don't know.

00:24:24   You tell me.

00:24:25   I just want to check that.

00:24:26   Have we got any new max?

00:24:27   I guess not.

00:24:28   Right.

00:24:29   Since may 2024.

00:24:30   All right, cool.

00:24:31   I just wanted to double check that.

00:24:32   I didn't see when it was picked.

00:24:33   So yeah, this is the other thing.

00:24:34   Uh, nobody didn't work yet, but I like it.

00:24:37   It's there for the future.

00:24:38   At some point this may work, but so far none of these picks.

00:24:42   At some point it will kick in and you will alter the strategy of the game.

00:24:48   Yes.

00:24:49   When it does, it's going to be awesome.

00:24:50   Real time follow up.

00:24:51   The only new max we've gotten this year so far is the M3 MacBook Airs in March.

00:24:55   Okay.

00:24:56   Okay.

00:24:57   Okay.

00:24:58   Wow.

00:24:59   That was a bad pick.

00:25:00   Well, hang on a minute.

00:25:01   Hang on a minute.

00:25:02   Hang on a minute.

00:25:04   Can you read the rule again?

00:25:06   Sure.

00:25:07   The post can be granted a bonus regular pick for any previously incorrect pick that has

00:25:12   now come true from the last three corresponding games.

00:25:15   A previously incorrect pick may be used only once.

00:25:18   Okay.

00:25:19   All right, cool.

00:25:21   So yeah, it had to have been from may to now.

00:25:25   That's where I got confused.

00:25:26   All right, cool.

00:25:27   Yeah.

00:25:28   So that didn't happen.

00:25:29   Neither did, uh, Apple introducing you desktop keyboard or trackpad that supports connecting

00:25:34   to mobile devices at once, which was unbelievably picked in October of 2023 and something, and

00:25:40   that still hasn't happened.

00:25:41   That's going to happen sooner or later.

00:25:45   Okay.

00:25:46   So we are all starting zero points, no bonus regular picks and it's time for round one.

00:25:54   And Steven as the keynote chairman goes first.

00:25:58   The iPhone 16 pro gains a 5X zoom.

00:26:04   So this was on the, uh, the pro max last time around.

00:26:08   And I think they're going to be able to bring that down to the regular size pro as well.

00:26:12   Um, I think we'll get to it later, but there's a rumor of the phones and beginning a little

00:26:16   bit bigger and maybe that's to help accommodate this.

00:26:18   I don't know, but I think that 5X zoom is going to come to the regular size pro.

00:26:24   The irony here will be if both phones go to 6X or 7X.

00:26:30   Yeah.

00:26:31   Yeah.

00:26:32   I mean, I don't think they will do it, but imagine if like, and this year we're doing

00:26:39   5.5 X.

00:26:46   But sure.

00:26:47   I mean, stick with 5X.

00:26:48   I don't mean to convince you otherwise.

00:26:51   Yes, TJ, they could go 6 or 7X.

00:27:00   We've heard this new trend out there for the kids.

00:27:03   They're like, you're going to find out what it is when you get your new phone and you

00:27:06   open it up.

00:27:07   It's either 6 or 7 zoom.

00:27:08   You know, it's one of those two.

00:27:11   Federico.

00:27:12   Okay.

00:27:13   So my round one pick is all the iPhones announced support Apple intelligence.

00:27:21   The idea being that right now, Apple intelligence, it's like a iPhone 15 pro only affair.

00:27:27   And I think Apple wants to make it available on as many iPhones as possible.

00:27:31   And it would be weird if they're still going to say, well, Apple intelligence, but only

00:27:35   on the 16 pro and pro max.

00:27:37   I think all of the iPhone 16 models.

00:27:40   And I think even next year, the 6C, I think all new iPhones going forward will support

00:27:47   Apple intelligence like as a baseline.

00:27:53   If we didn't have all of the details that we had, I would have wondered, right?

00:27:57   Is this going to be a pro thing for now?

00:27:58   But they're being so inclusive with the Mac and the iPad, like if there's an M chip,

00:28:04   so which would, yeah, I agree like that the iPhone 16 will get it.

00:28:10   It would be very weird if they didn't considering the fact that like an iPad can get it.

00:28:17   Yeah.

00:28:19   So I think we'll, we're going to get the Apple intelligence narrative for all of the phones.

00:28:26   And I think there's probably a scenario in which maybe down the line, some future AI

00:28:33   features will run locally on some devices and they will run on the cloud for some other

00:28:39   devices.

00:28:40   Like, I don't know, maybe two years from now, the 16 pro will be able to do something locally

00:28:44   and the 16 will have to rely on more cloud computing.

00:28:48   I don't think Apple, if it even happens at some point, I don't think Apple will ever

00:28:54   advertise it.

00:28:55   I think it'll just happen in the background and the features will be the same.

00:28:59   So I mean, they might just say something like it's faster on some devices and that's because

00:29:03   it's running locally like in the future.

00:29:08   My first round pick is that the pro iPhones increase in size.

00:29:12   Oh, hang on.

00:29:13   We got a, we have a problem.

00:29:16   That is my round two pick.

00:29:17   So you can't use it here.

00:29:20   Is that how that works?

00:29:21   Yeah.

00:29:22   It's that good first.

00:29:23   So you got to change it.

00:29:24   It's going first.

00:29:25   Yeah.

00:29:26   I mean, that's like a really, really good point that you make.

00:29:29   And now I have to spend a moment trying to, well, I don't know why I didn't notice that.

00:29:35   I didn't either.

00:29:36   Did you put your picks in last?

00:29:37   No.

00:29:38   You put your picks in last.

00:29:39   I mean, you, you get to do this.

00:29:40   No, I didn't.

00:29:41   They were in before you weren't they?

00:29:43   I don't think so.

00:29:44   No, I put my picks in last.

00:29:45   This was 100%.

00:29:46   Yeah, this is on you.

00:29:47   Yep.

00:29:48   So like I'm going now to the upgrade draft.

00:29:51   Okay.

00:29:52   I'm going to use that.

00:29:54   Hey, Federico.

00:29:55   Hello.

00:29:56   How are you doing?

00:29:57   I'm good.

00:29:58   I'm good.

00:29:59   Yeah.

00:30:00   Yeah.

00:30:01   Yeah.

00:30:02   I, how would you rank your summer?

00:30:05   Like, do you feel like it was average above average?

00:30:10   It was not as good as last year.

00:30:12   I feel like last year I went on more vacations.

00:30:15   I should have planned more vacations this year, but obviously as you, as you know, some

00:30:21   things got in the way and so it was okay, but not as good as last year, which bumps

00:30:27   me out a little because now it's over.

00:30:29   But Hey, there's always a summer 25.

00:30:31   That's right.

00:30:32   All right.

00:30:33   I got it.

00:30:34   It's bad.

00:30:35   I'm sorry, but I just had to hurry.

00:30:36   Apple introduces a faster chip for the iPhone.

00:30:39   I certainly hope so.

00:30:40   Well, you know, I mean, what did, what did you want from me?

00:30:43   I had to hurry.

00:30:44   That's a, that's, that's a, that's a bad first round pick right there.

00:30:47   Good.

00:30:48   Uh, this is ungraded.

00:30:49   This is just for conversation.

00:30:50   Do you think, do y'all think the 16 and 16 pro will get the same chip or were they still

00:30:55   be kind of bifurcated the way they are now?

00:30:58   I think same chip.

00:30:59   They did that for the four, 14 and 15 both.

00:31:06   Yeah.

00:31:07   So my ungraded thing is I think the word AI is going to be in the chip name.

00:31:12   Oh no.

00:31:14   Or intelligence.

00:31:15   Either AI or intelligence is going to be part of the chip name.

00:31:18   The A is it going to be called A 18?

00:31:22   Why not be AI 18?

00:31:24   You know what I mean?

00:31:25   Let's go to AI 18.

00:31:26   AI 18.

00:31:27   AI 18.

00:31:28   Oh no.

00:31:29   I hate it with a passion.

00:31:32   No.

00:31:33   They call, they call it pro for some unknown reason.

00:31:36   Last time.

00:31:37   A 18.

00:31:38   And what was bionic?

00:31:39   You know, the word A 18 is hard to say.

00:31:43   A 18.

00:31:44   It is tough.

00:31:45   A 18.

00:31:46   A 18.

00:31:47   So why not put an I in the middle?

00:31:49   It's hard already.

00:31:50   Let's get an I in there.

00:31:51   AI 18.

00:31:52   AI 18.

00:31:53   Our friend chat GPT's first round pick is...

00:31:57   Not a friend.

00:31:58   Not a friend.

00:31:59   Our adversary, chat GPT's first round pick is the screen on the iPhone 16 Pro Max will

00:32:06   increase to at least 6.9 inches.

00:32:09   Nice.

00:32:10   Indeed.

00:32:11   Nice.

00:32:12   Whose blog do you think it's great to write that sentence?

00:32:17   Uh...

00:32:18   9 to 5 Mac.

00:32:19   I actually don't know.

00:32:20   9 to 5 Mac.

00:32:21   Let me see.

00:32:22   Did it give me any sources?

00:32:24   Um...

00:32:25   Probably not.

00:32:26   It actually gave me zero sourcing which is great.

00:32:33   Really really good.

00:32:34   Really really good stuff.

00:32:35   There you go.

00:32:36   Okay.

00:32:37   So to the robot, that's a pretty specific pick for a round one.

00:32:41   Yeah, I think that chat GPT does not understand at which point the passion comes in.

00:32:47   Yeah.

00:32:50   And has maybe gone a bit overboard for round one.

00:32:53   Maybe so.

00:32:54   The discord is upset that I made you make your change.

00:32:58   Round one and round two are equal.

00:33:00   There's not precedence over...

00:33:02   No, it's not how it works.

00:33:04   So Steven, I should have read all of Steven's picks before I put my picks in.

00:33:08   And I should have noticed.

00:33:09   What is precedent is winning order.

00:33:11   And I did not read it clearly enough and so I had to change it.

00:33:15   But I feel fine about it because I feel like this pick is more likely than the other one

00:33:21   anyway.

00:33:22   You're getting the point in round one.

00:33:23   Yeah.

00:33:24   You know.

00:33:25   Okay.

00:33:26   So round one, I think we're all feeling pretty good.

00:33:30   Let's do round two.

00:33:31   How does that sound?

00:33:32   Yeah, go for it.

00:33:33   The iPhone 16 and 16 Pro are larger than their predecessors.

00:33:38   So...

00:33:39   That's a great pick.

00:33:41   I love that pick.

00:33:44   I think everything's just going to get a little bit bigger.

00:33:48   Vibe check.

00:33:50   Which phones do you guys want to get?

00:33:52   Oh boy.

00:33:53   A man who listens to my podcast.

00:33:57   And I also texted Steven about this a few days ago.

00:34:00   I think I'm going to try the regular Pro phone this year.

00:34:05   That's where I'm leaning right now.

00:34:08   Okay.

00:34:09   Okay.

00:34:10   I mean, Steven obviously won't know for sure until he's exchanged it with the Apple store

00:34:17   a bunch of times.

00:34:18   Wow.

00:34:19   Wow.

00:34:20   But at the very least, can you tell us which one you will buy first?

00:34:27   Probably the Pro Max.

00:34:28   If the cameras are identical, I might try Mike's experiment, but we'll see.

00:34:33   I don't think I know at this point.

00:34:35   Okay.

00:34:36   Puerto Rico.

00:34:37   Oh no, Pro Max.

00:34:39   I mean, obviously.

00:34:41   I very much expect that I will get three months in and then I'll trade the iPhone in for the

00:34:47   other one.

00:34:48   That's the thing where I'm like, I will know very soon how I feel about it and I won't

00:34:53   lose very much money.

00:34:54   You also, you will probably know within your return window.

00:34:59   That's a very good point.

00:35:00   Actually.

00:35:01   Yeah.

00:35:02   You're going to be here for a few days, so you return it while you're still here.

00:35:05   That's the thing.

00:35:06   My return window will be longer than the amount of time that I will remain in America where

00:35:10   I'll be buying the phone.

00:35:12   So I don't know if I want to push myself to that far.

00:35:15   I really want to try it out for an extended period.

00:35:18   And so, you know, I'll work it out.

00:35:21   All right.

00:35:22   So my round two pick is Apple debuts new AirPods model.

00:35:27   I think there's going to be a fourth generation AirPods.

00:35:31   I don't want to bet on multiple models in the regular picks.

00:35:35   I'm just going to say there's a new AirPods model.

00:35:38   And I expect obviously the, this is non-graded.

00:35:41   I expect the adoption of USB-C. I am still very much curious about, like, if they are

00:35:50   going to do noise cancellation.

00:35:51   Like I'm so curious to see if there is a world in which Apple figured out somehow noise cancellation

00:35:58   without in-ear tips.

00:36:00   I don't think so.

00:36:01   I don't think so.

00:36:02   I really don't think so.

00:36:03   Would it be fun though?

00:36:06   Yeah.

00:36:07   So that's my kind of basic, but I hope effective second round pick.

00:36:15   I mean, a lot of reporting says the AirPods four just aren't selling that people get the

00:36:22   two right.

00:36:23   Cause they're the cheap ones and the three aren't sorry.

00:36:27   I mean, I'm sorry what I said four, I meant three.

00:36:29   I'm sorry.

00:36:30   And so, you know, I don't know quite know what they're doing there with like the two

00:36:35   different models.

00:36:36   They're not drastically different.

00:36:40   I feel like the lower end of the AirPods line definitely needs some, some cleanup.

00:36:43   And so I think this is an opportunity to do that for them.

00:36:47   And you know, I'm on the AirPods Pro.

00:36:49   I love them.

00:36:50   I've really like when, when we were thinking about this, I did have like some notes around

00:36:55   like, maybe making a pick about new AirPods Pro and what they could add.

00:36:58   And I actually find it really hard to find something that like, I wish my AirPods Pro

00:37:02   did this or did that because I'm really happy with them.

00:37:07   They're one of my favorite Apple devices.

00:37:10   I love my AirPods Pro.

00:37:11   Yeah, really good.

00:37:12   I just want them to update AirPods Max.

00:37:14   Right?

00:37:15   Man.

00:37:16   I really, I was thinking about it today.

00:37:17   I was like, you got to just got to do it.

00:37:19   Like I was, I was putting some cables back in my travel backpack and my AirPods Pro are

00:37:24   in that bag.

00:37:25   And I was like, I was just, and as I was putting some cables into my dongle pouch, I saw what

00:37:33   me and Grey call the world's most expensive cable, which is the lightning to headphone.

00:37:39   Oh my God, that thing.

00:37:40   Yeah.

00:37:41   The flimsiest.

00:37:42   Like Apple do not make a cable thinner.

00:37:47   And it is like $40 or something.

00:37:49   Yeah, the ratio of like that cable, the ratio of like dollar per filament per material is

00:37:57   like extraordinary.

00:37:59   It's so bad.

00:38:01   And I want to say goodbye to it.

00:38:02   And so I really want to have a USB-C because I guess then I would be able to plug them

00:38:06   into my computer and just use them as USB-C headphones, which I'm assuming I could probably

00:38:11   do.

00:38:12   But yeah, now even just get, I know that I could get a USB-C to a headphone cable for

00:38:17   way cheaper because you could just get those from third parties or whatever.

00:38:21   Oh yeah.

00:38:22   Plus I just really want, I just really want a new AirPods Max.

00:38:27   I think there's a scenario in which I may, depending on like if there are AirPods Max

00:38:32   and if they are more convincing than the first gen model, especially like in terms of charging

00:38:39   them and folding them maybe, there is a scenario in which the event may wrap up and I may put

00:38:46   in pre-orders for like phone AirPods and AirPods Max.

00:38:50   There is that scenario in my mind now.

00:38:53   We'll see.

00:38:55   My second round pick is a button is introduced to an iPhone that directly lets you capture

00:39:00   photos.

00:39:02   This is just, how can I not say the words capture button just in case I don't call it

00:39:06   that.

00:39:07   This is solid English skills.

00:39:09   Yeah.

00:39:10   Yeah.

00:39:11   Yeah.

00:39:12   Well, you know, I just, I did my best of what I have, which is this is, this is Ricky

00:39:16   English is really English is what I did here.

00:39:19   So yeah, they're going to put a button on the phone and you'll take pictures by pressing

00:39:22   the button.

00:39:23   That's what I'm saying.

00:39:24   Okay.

00:39:25   Um, the second round pick was the iPhone 16 lineup will introduce a new under display

00:39:32   face ID system, removing the notch or dynamic island.

00:39:36   Stupid.

00:39:37   This is what I'm saying of like, if it beats you, right?

00:39:44   It came up with two risky picks so far.

00:39:49   Yeah.

00:39:50   Yeah.

00:39:51   Maybe she'll learn how to scrape.

00:39:52   Do you think this is one of those things where like we realized the true power of the AI,

00:39:57   like then it knew this, like maybe it's like inside Apple, like just scraping all this

00:40:02   information.

00:40:03   This thing gets these peaks, right?

00:40:04   I'm going to quit the show.

00:40:05   Fair enough.

00:40:06   Fair enough.

00:40:07   Yeah.

00:40:08   You can just do the show with Chai GPG instead of me.

00:40:10   That's more important than 200 points.

00:40:13   Yeah.

00:40:14   Yeah.

00:40:15   Yeah.

00:40:16   This episode of connected is brought to you by one password extended access management.

00:40:21   Imagine your company security is like the quad of a college campus.

00:40:25   There are nice brick paths between the buildings.

00:40:28   Those are the company owned devices, IT approved apps and managed employee identities within

00:40:34   your organization.

00:40:36   And then there are the paths, you know, the ones people actually use the shortcuts of

00:40:39   worn through the grass that are the actual straightest line from point A to B. Well,

00:40:44   those are unmanaged devices, shadow IT apps and non-employee identities like contractors.

00:40:51   Most security tools only work on those happy brick paths, but a lot of the security problems

00:40:56   take place on the shortcuts.

00:40:59   One password extended access management is the first security solution that brings all

00:41:03   of these unmanaged devices, apps and identities under your control.

00:41:07   It ensures that every user credential is strong and protected.

00:41:11   Every device is known and healthy and every app visible.

00:41:16   One password extended access management solves the problems traditional IAM and MDM can't

00:41:22   touch.

00:41:23   In short, it's security for the way that we work today.

00:41:26   And it's now generally available to companies with Okta or Microsoft Intra and is in beta

00:41:31   for Google workspace customers.

00:41:34   Check it out at 1password.com/xam.

00:41:38   That's 1password.com/xam.

00:41:43   Our thanks to 1Password Extended Access Management for their support of the show.

00:41:48   Okay, it's now time for risky picks.

00:41:53   And I turn to the iPad.

00:41:57   Okay, the iPad mini is updated with an A17 Pro or higher.

00:42:04   And a larger, brighter display.

00:42:06   It will run Apple intelligence.

00:42:09   How many conditions are there here?

00:42:12   Three.

00:42:13   Because we have this new thing.

00:42:15   Screen intelligence.

00:42:16   Three conditions.

00:42:17   I just think it's like we need to just as we begin this new era that we're making it

00:42:24   clear, right?

00:42:25   So your three conditions are condition one, the iPad mini is updated with an A17 Pro or

00:42:32   higher.

00:42:33   Condition two, larger, brighter display.

00:42:36   Condition three, it will run Apple intelligence.

00:42:38   Arguably, I count like at least five conditions because like the iPad mini is updated.

00:42:47   So here's the thing about that.

00:42:48   We had a lot of feedback about that and I replied to none of it.

00:42:51   I wasn't going to address it because I think it's a little silly.

00:42:54   You have to have a pick to have the conditions for the pick.

00:42:58   The pick is the iPad mini is updated, the conditions apply to that.

00:43:02   So okay, now I'm just telling you like the second one, larger, brighter.

00:43:08   Y'all made me do that because I initially said better display and you wanted more specific.

00:43:12   Oh did we?

00:43:13   Yeah.

00:43:14   Oh boy.

00:43:15   So larger, brighter display.

00:43:16   Wow.

00:43:17   Yeah.

00:43:18   Good choice.

00:43:19   Passionate, baby.

00:43:20   Yeah.

00:43:21   So I, some people think an iPad, a couple of things here.

00:43:25   A bunch of the iPads got updated in the spring, which I totally forgot about that event.

00:43:30   Like I have no recollection whatsoever of the iPad event and whenever it was in May.

00:43:35   Oh, the one in London, right?

00:43:37   The one in London.

00:43:38   See, I even forgotten that.

00:43:40   It's just out of my brain.

00:43:41   I was with Mike.

00:43:42   We had breakfast.

00:43:43   That's right.

00:43:44   That was my favorite part of the day.

00:43:47   We had a good breakfast.

00:43:48   Federico showed me a wild piece of hardware that it got shipped, made and shipped to him.

00:43:53   It was a good time.

00:43:55   Oh, the Mac pad was there.

00:43:57   No.

00:43:58   The Mac pad was there.

00:43:59   The Mac pad was there.

00:44:00   It was the handheld game.

00:44:02   Game.

00:44:03   Nintendo handle Nintendo.

00:44:05   We yeah.

00:44:06   Why not?

00:44:07   Why not?

00:44:08   Uh, anyway, Steven.

00:44:09   Uh, yes.

00:44:10   Okay.

00:44:11   So your reasoning for these, a bunch of iPads were updated in May.

00:44:16   The mini is a pretty old and it can't run Apple intelligence.

00:44:20   So I think, I think they got to go in there and doing that baby up.

00:44:23   Let me tell you why I think this is risky.

00:44:26   Okay.

00:44:27   Because there's Macs coming.

00:44:28   So they're going to have another event this year.

00:44:32   And in that event, they could update both the iPad and the iPad mini cause they want

00:44:37   updated the iPad pro.

00:44:39   Maybe we'll see.

00:44:41   Cause like I do feel like they're going to have an event, a Mac event because probably

00:44:47   they love to tell people how powerful the Mac pro is, even though they don't change

00:44:51   it significantly, rather they just, they keep having events where they talk about the Mac

00:44:54   pro all the time and there's that rumored Mac mini, which sounds like a, like an actual

00:45:00   significant change, which I think they will want, want to talk about.

00:45:04   So that coupled with some iPad improvements, uh, that that's enough for an October event

00:45:10   and maybe they'll do on Halloween again, you know, just like scary.

00:45:13   Ooh, so spooky.

00:45:15   Or maybe I'll do a pumpkin spice theme this time or something like that.

00:45:19   Who knows?

00:45:20   A really basic event.

00:45:22   If Tim Cook doesn't dress up as Count Dracula for this October event, um, I will be sad.

00:45:29   Yep.

00:45:30   Yeah.

00:45:31   That's very fair.

00:45:32   They have the ghost of a, what's his name?

00:45:33   The old CFO.

00:45:34   Luca Maeschi.

00:45:35   You forgot him already.

00:45:36   Luca Maeschi is a ghost.

00:45:37   This is, this is against Italians.

00:45:39   Federico, did you notice that?

00:45:41   It's like if his name was like John Adams, he would remember that.

00:45:45   John Adams was his president.

00:45:47   Yeah.

00:45:48   Yeah.

00:45:49   Yeah.

00:45:50   I can't believe it.

00:45:51   He comes, comes as like a sexy CEO.

00:45:53   Federico, you're up.

00:45:56   Yeah.

00:45:57   Yeah.

00:45:58   I like that.

00:45:59   Um, okay.

00:46:01   So my risky pick, the new capture button column, and here becomes the list, supports at least

00:46:12   two user configurable gestures.

00:46:17   Will support a third party camera apps in addition to the system camera.

00:46:23   And third condition will integrate with the controls API to configure various commands.

00:46:29   I read that last one a bunch of times before I remembered what the controls API was.

00:46:35   Yeah.

00:46:36   So let me go one by one.

00:46:39   So the rumor is saying that obviously there's going to be a capture button.

00:46:42   The rumor is saying that this will be some kind of capacity button that in addition to

00:46:46   just tapping it will recognize like a soft touch, a longer press, and maybe even swiping.

00:46:55   What about a force touch?

00:46:56   Are they going to force touch coming back?

00:46:58   They should look, they should bring it back.

00:46:59   If you ask me, they should bring it back.

00:47:02   But it was great.

00:47:03   Also, was first touch on the Apple watch and 3D touch on the iPhone.

00:47:08   Wasn't that the thing?

00:47:09   It was all force touch, wasn't it?

00:47:11   No, 3D touch on the phone.

00:47:13   No, it was 3D touch.

00:47:14   It was 3D touch on the phone.

00:47:16   I think force touch was the Mac and the watch.

00:47:18   Yeah.

00:47:19   Anyway, so I think that basically my theory is even if you just look at the system camera

00:47:28   app, there are already more commands and more modes to choose from than there are gestures.

00:47:39   If you can swipe left and right on this thing, you should be able to choose what you want

00:47:44   to do with those swipes.

00:47:46   Apple has embraced customization, not just the visual customization, but I mean, just

00:47:51   look at control center, right?

00:47:52   The things that they let you customize in your device now, I would be shocked if they

00:47:57   roll out a button, like another button, and it doesn't let you configure at the very least

00:48:03   two of these gestures.

00:48:04   Maybe you want a long press to record video or maybe you want a long press to shoot burst

00:48:09   mode.

00:48:10   Yeah, I think this is a good call.

00:48:12   So I would expect at least two gestures to be configurable in the settings page or whatever.

00:48:20   The second point I said, we'll support third party camera apps in addition to system camera.

00:48:24   I think Apple kind of has to support more camera apps, and I think the technologies

00:48:32   that they have rolled out in iOS 18 already are sort of telegraphing this ability.

00:48:39   Let alone the fact that we already know for a fact that at some point in the European

00:48:45   Union, users will be able to delete the system camera.

00:48:49   So if they do that, they likely end up with a button that you press it and it does nothing

00:48:53   if it only supports the system camera.

00:48:57   Just an image of the American flag comes up.

00:49:00   Yeah.

00:49:01   So we already know that for a fact.

00:49:03   But even if you just look at the existing technologies, this is how I've been sort of

00:49:07   designing this Ricky.

00:49:10   Let me look at the things that are now in iOS 18 and let me make sense of this button.

00:49:16   We know that there's going to be the ability to replace the camera app on your lock screen.

00:49:24   That is going to be based on the controls API.

00:49:26   And we know that there's a brand new API for lock screen camera capture that allows developers

00:49:36   to create camera apps that you can launch from the lock screen with a locked device

00:49:42   and take pictures.

00:49:43   I've been testing a version.

00:49:45   I hope this is not a secret.

00:49:46   I've been testing a version of Obscura, the camera app that does this in iOS 18.

00:49:50   And it's great.

00:49:51   But you can launch it from the lock screen and you can take pictures.

00:49:57   So all these technologies, right, being able to put a camera app in control center or at

00:50:03   the bottom of the lock screen and taking pictures with a locked device, it seems to suggest

00:50:09   to me that Apple is saying, well, we're going to have this button.

00:50:11   People are going to press it system wide.

00:50:15   Maybe they're going to press this button when the phone is locked.

00:50:17   We got to make sure that.

00:50:19   And we also need to support third party camera apps because we have to.

00:50:22   It'd be weird if we launch a button now and it only works with the Apple camera app because

00:50:28   of also like the political context of 2024.

00:50:32   So we got to support third party camera apps.

00:50:34   And if we do, we got to make sure that they can be launched anywhere.

00:50:37   Therefore, we're going to roll out these APIs in iOS 18.

00:50:42   And that brings me to the third point, which is the button will integrate with the controls

00:50:48   API to configure various commands.

00:50:51   You don't need to look further than the camera app to understand what I mean.

00:50:55   The camera app already supports a bunch of different commands that you can trigger from

00:51:03   Control Center, from shortcuts.

00:51:06   You can launch into selfie mode, you can launch into video, you can launch into slow-mo.

00:51:11   I would expect that the same controls based features that we have seen for the third for

00:51:19   the camera app will be available as the commands that you can enable in the capture button.

00:51:26   So for example, you will be able to say, I want to launch Obscura into raw mode or I

00:51:32   want to launch Halide into zero process mode.

00:51:36   And these are the same commands that you can most likely, you know, those developers can

00:51:41   already support for Control Center and for the lock screen.

00:51:45   And I expect you will find the same technology being used for the capture button because

00:51:50   we know Apple, they like to roll out a developer technology once and recycle it in a bunch

00:51:55   of places on iOS.

00:51:57   I would expect controls.

00:51:59   I mean, controls we have already seen controls in Control Center on the lock screen and in

00:52:04   the action button.

00:52:05   So why not also in the capture button?

00:52:08   So that was my thinking.

00:52:10   All right.

00:52:11   My turn?

00:52:13   Yeah.

00:52:14   Yeah.

00:52:15   Yeah.

00:52:16   My pick is related to RAM in the iPhone.

00:52:19   Okay.

00:52:20   Apple will specifically mention RAM or memory in this iPhone.

00:52:27   They say it will be at least eight gigabytes and state is to power Apple intelligence.

00:52:34   I have a question about your pick and actually Federico's pick.

00:52:39   I think the two of you just listed conditions and didn't actually say anything that is a

00:52:44   pick.

00:52:45   All right.

00:52:46   So Federico's would be like the new iPhone has a capture button or.

00:52:51   Yeah, but like I feel like it's implied.

00:52:54   But it's not score.

00:52:55   But the risk.

00:52:56   You can't score literally any of it unless the other thing happens.

00:52:58   Yeah.

00:52:59   Right.

00:53:00   So Federico, I think you need an actual pick as well.

00:53:02   No, I think it's fine.

00:53:04   But the three conditions.

00:53:05   Even if there is no capture button that immediately invalidates everything.

00:53:09   Okay.

00:53:10   Well, yours is okay then.

00:53:12   I think Mike's was particularly egregious.

00:53:14   So do you have an actual pick Mike?

00:53:16   Hang on a minute.

00:53:17   Hang on a minute.

00:53:18   Hang on a minute.

00:53:19   Well, if they how so if Apple didn't mention RAM or memory in the iPhone, which is the

00:53:24   thing they've never done before, they had they don't say that it's going to be eight

00:53:27   gigabytes and don't state that the RAM is to power Apple intelligence.

00:53:31   Like I would need to somehow have a better thing than RAM in the iPhone.

00:53:35   Like what is that going to get me?

00:53:36   I guess the context around what everything is.

00:53:39   Yeah, but we grade on what's written and context can change through tricky speaking.

00:53:44   I absolutely disagree with you, but I will change the first part to Apple increases RAM

00:53:48   in the iPhone.

00:53:49   Okay.

00:53:50   Because they can't get to eight gigabytes about increasing it.

00:53:53   I am so lost right now.

00:53:55   I don't understand.

00:53:56   I don't agree with Steven's suggestion, but I'm just doing it just to whatever.

00:54:02   Like we're being graded now on the three conditions.

00:54:07   That's actually the important part.

00:54:08   The other thing is just a phrasing and like me saying that my pick is related to RAM in

00:54:14   the iPhone and here are my three conditions.

00:54:16   Like I think I think that's perfectly acceptable, but.

00:54:21   See so can you disagree Steven?

00:54:23   A little bit, but we can move on.

00:54:25   But why?

00:54:26   What?

00:54:27   What is the disagreement?

00:54:28   Because you don't actually have a pick.

00:54:29   Like your first condition is my pick.

00:54:32   Is Apple specifically mentions RAM and memory in the iPhone.

00:54:34   The pick is now the conditions.

00:54:37   That's the pick now.

00:54:38   I mean, sure.

00:54:39   I mean, okay, I get it.

00:54:40   So I should say the new.

00:54:42   Hold on.

00:54:44   So we're all happy.

00:54:45   The rule says each risky pick must have three conditions attached to it.

00:54:50   Not that your first condition is the pick itself.

00:54:53   Right.

00:54:55   So then what's the risky part?

00:54:57   Because if the, if it was saying that that's risky, then capture buttons, not risky, right?

00:55:01   Steven is saying, I think that the first part of the sentence should be a thing in and of

00:55:06   its own to which we then add details.

00:55:10   Read the line against you.

00:55:12   So the line from the bill says.

00:55:18   Risky pick, uh, correct regular picks.

00:55:20   No, hang on.

00:55:21   It's got so much text in this document.

00:55:23   Uh, each risky pick must have three conditions attached to it.

00:55:28   So what's the risky pick?

00:55:30   My risky pick is the iPad.

00:55:31   Many is upgraded.

00:55:32   Right.

00:55:33   And that's risky.

00:55:34   The capture.

00:55:35   Martin's not risky.

00:55:36   Just like, so that's why I don't, I don't think we should grade it that way.

00:55:40   Cause like that makes it too difficult that you have to come up with something that we

00:55:44   would have previously called risky and then add three conditions to it.

00:55:49   Right.

00:55:50   Then we're, we're making it worse.

00:55:53   So the risky, so we're talking about more than one thing.

00:55:56   So first of all, the, the amount of risky is for like the entire package, not just the

00:56:01   top line.

00:56:02   Yeah.

00:56:03   It's cause you have created something like inherently the entire package must be risky.

00:56:08   Right.

00:56:09   Like the whole thing.

00:56:10   I don't think that the opening line to add context needs to inherently be risky because

00:56:17   then we're just making it way too hard to get harder than before.

00:56:21   We're in agreement on that.

00:56:23   We're in agreement on that.

00:56:24   What we disagree on is that you've actually done what you're supposed to do because you

00:56:28   don't have a pick.

00:56:29   You just had a, well, you've edited it now to say Apple increases Ram and the iPhone.

00:56:35   But if you just say app, you know, my pick is something about Ram and then you have three

00:56:40   conditions.

00:56:41   I'm not sure that's actually enough, but I think we need a statement.

00:56:44   I disagree, but I'm fine with it for this one.

00:56:46   Cause like, I just think that like that's four picks then right.

00:56:50   Do you make them?

00:56:51   Well, that's what the document says.

00:56:52   Pick with three conditions.

00:56:54   Yeah, but the document says a lot of things.

00:56:56   The document is when the document changes, when we find problems mid game, I think it

00:57:02   is a problem.

00:57:03   Well, we can address that next time for this time.

00:57:05   At least you need to pick.

00:57:06   All right.

00:57:07   What's the risky part then?

00:57:08   What's the risky part?

00:57:09   Well, the risk, the documents say anything about how we, what we apply that label to

00:57:14   just that we have to agree.

00:57:16   So again, there are two different things here.

00:57:20   What is considered risky?

00:57:22   Do you need to pick plus three conditions or three bullet points enough for a risky

00:57:26   pick like two separate issues.

00:57:29   Okay.

00:57:30   So what, so you say Apple increases Ram and the iPhone.

00:57:34   So what are your three conditions on that?

00:57:36   Apple specifically mentions Ram on memory in the iPhone says it will be at least eight

00:57:40   gigabytes and state is to power Apple intelligence.

00:57:44   Okay.

00:57:45   Risky.

00:57:46   Chat GPT is pick is Apple introduces a new telephoto lens to the pro max.

00:57:52   It has a 10 times zoom.

00:57:55   It will feature enhanced low light performance that is branded night sight pro night sight

00:58:01   pro.

00:58:02   It's a great name because night sight, isn't that what they call or is that Google who

00:58:07   calls it night sight?

00:58:09   Yeah, it's Google.

00:58:10   Great.

00:58:11   They're going to steal the name and it will also include a new sensor shift stabilization

00:58:16   system.

00:58:18   Night sight pro by the way, night and sight one word camel case.

00:58:22   That's incredible.

00:58:23   That's what I'm saying.

00:58:25   If you lose to this thing, consequences.

00:58:28   They need to be, don't need to happen.

00:58:30   Quit the show.

00:58:31   That's the only way out.

00:58:32   See chat GPT did it right.

00:58:34   It had a pick and then three conditions.

00:58:37   Go go chat GPT.

00:58:38   They understood the rules of what I'm saying.

00:58:42   All right, I'm going to go now.

00:58:43   So I hope that you enjoy the flex together and because I'm done.

00:58:47   The end of me.

00:58:48   I still don't understand what we are arguing, but I'm absolutely done.

00:58:52   Okay.

00:58:53   Those are the risky picks.

00:58:55   Godspeed to us all that we beat the robot.

00:59:00   This episode of connected is brought to you by net suite.

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01:00:25   That's netsuite, N E T S U I T E, netsuite.com/connected.

01:00:31   Our thanks to NetSuite for their support of the show and all of Relay.

01:00:38   The Flexis is a game held after each edition of the rookies.

01:00:42   It consists of a series of additional picks in relation to the upcoming Apple event or

01:00:46   year.

01:00:47   Scoring is completed separately from the main game, but like the rookies, the order of picks

01:00:51   is set by the results of the previous game with ties being broken by using dice by pcalc.

01:00:59   Please lie down as the rules are read.

01:01:00   [Music]

01:01:08   Hosts must make a minimum of five flexi picks.

01:01:11   Each correct pick is awarded with one point.

01:01:14   Wrong picks do not remove any points and no partial points may be awarded.

01:01:18   The winner is determined by comparing the percentage of correct flexis made by each

01:01:23   host.

01:01:24   The winner can use their chosen title as long as they are the winner.

01:01:28   Federico shall be named Prince Flexi and is known as King Flexi when having won both keynote

01:01:33   and annual games.

01:01:35   Mike has chosen Duke of Flexington and uses the name Archduke Flexington when applicable.

01:01:41   I am the Attorney General of Flexi and use the title Secretary of the Flex.

01:01:46   It always makes me laugh every time when necessary.

01:01:51   Loser of the flexi's must compensate the winner by donating to a charity of the winner's

01:01:55   choice.

01:01:56   If the donation is $25 per wrong flexi made by the loser, the money must be donated on

01:02:02   air.

01:02:04   Federico is the current winner of the keynote flexis and I am the current annual winner.

01:02:09   And of course if someone holds all four titles they are allowed to choose their own nickname.

01:02:14   You may be seated.

01:02:16   [Music]

01:02:20   I'm sorry I have a clarifying question about the risky picks again.

01:02:24   If Apple updates the iPad mini but doesn't do it with any of the three conditions, you

01:02:30   get zero points?

01:02:31   So what does the document say?

01:02:33   Let's see what the document says.

01:02:35   That's what the document says but I feel like I need to clarify that.

01:02:38   No it's a badly written rule because we didn't account for that.

01:02:41   If you get all three conditions wrong you lose one point but the pick would be right.

01:02:45   So I guess we'll deal with that.

01:02:47   That's why I think the pick part shouldn't exist.

01:02:49   Well we can't change it today.

01:02:51   We can't change it today.

01:02:52   We can do whatever we want.

01:02:53   That is a good point though.

01:02:58   In a future episode we can revisit the rules.

01:03:00   We can change it in a future episode.

01:03:01   I'm stating it on the episode now so it applies to the scoring right?

01:03:05   No no no you can't.

01:03:06   We have never changed things while we play the game.

01:03:11   Apple updates the iPad mini next week.

01:03:13   What happens?

01:03:14   It doesn't run Apple intelligence.

01:03:17   It doesn't get a larger bite of display and it doesn't have an A17 Pro or higher.

01:03:21   As the rules are written I lose a point because my conditions are all wrong.

01:03:27   I completely agree with that.

01:03:28   I just want to check that.

01:03:29   No it sucks and it's poorly written but it's...

01:03:32   But like hold on a second though.

01:03:35   While we still have time to address this isn't it better if we address it now rather than

01:03:41   arriving to next week with this thought?

01:03:44   Where does it say in the rules that we can't adjust the rules during the game?

01:03:47   We've never done it.

01:03:48   So?

01:03:49   Who cares?

01:03:50   We've never done it.

01:03:51   We've not been held gummy by anybody.

01:03:52   Look what mess we've made.

01:03:54   We can do it.

01:03:58   It needs to be stated.

01:03:59   Look here's the thing.

01:04:00   I've stated it now.

01:04:02   We all agree on it right?

01:04:03   Hang on hang on so let me open the let me open the rules.

01:04:07   So correct regular picks are awarded one point the language must be finalized and agreed

01:04:12   upon.

01:04:14   The risky picks have a more complex scoring system.

01:04:19   Each host must make a pick with three conditions attached to it.

01:04:30   I don't even know attached to it.

01:04:31   Each host must make a pick with three conditions.

01:04:35   Okay yeah that's all yes and then the pick is just the three conditions.

01:04:41   Yes but I think that's that's that violates the sentence you just said it's either a pick

01:04:46   with three conditions or the pick is three conditions.

01:04:50   The pick is three conditions.

01:04:52   It doesn't violate anything.

01:04:54   Each host must make a pick with three conditions.

01:04:57   Like there are three conditions right the pick is three conditions.

01:05:01   Like if you say the iPad mini is updated with the i7 Pro one it's got a larger bright display

01:05:08   two run apple intelligence three like the way you divide them up is up to you.

01:05:13   I don't mean with like alongside I mean with as in total which is the problem with the

01:05:18   word with I guess.

01:05:19   Each host must make a pick comprising of comprising three conditions.

01:05:23   Yeah comprising of?

01:05:24   What did journalism school?

01:05:27   Comprising of three conditions.

01:05:32   If you get all three conditions correct you earn two points two conditions you're in one

01:05:37   point one condition you get zero.

01:05:39   You earn zero points if you get all three conditions wrong you lose a point.

01:05:45   Comprising three conditions.

01:05:47   Comprising of three conditions.

01:05:50   Comprising of three conditions.

01:05:53   That is clearer.

01:05:54   Thank you for allowing me to talk about it.

01:05:58   You understand why I needed to do that right?

01:06:00   Hold on hold on.

01:06:02   Oh my god what are you talking about?

01:06:08   What is that?

01:06:09   I won't have that all right because now if I win it's gonna be like oh you cheated.

01:06:14   No we're not doing this.

01:06:15   I named this chapter just skip this chapter.

01:06:18   By the way the discord is saying it's not comprising of it's just comprising.

01:06:23   Comprising three positions.

01:06:24   No of.

01:06:25   But of sounds better.

01:06:28   We don't have to be bound by the rules of language.

01:06:30   I just complimented you on your English just five minutes ago Mike.

01:06:34   Yeah thank you.

01:06:36   Federica when you said that I thought you were making fun of me.

01:06:39   I thought you were making fun of himself.

01:06:41   Like I made fun of your English you know like that's not cool.

01:06:44   No no I thought he was making fun of my English.

01:06:46   I thought I said something wrong because I never have faith in my English.

01:06:49   So anyway hold on.

01:06:51   Could you remember a couple of days ago when I wrote something that I thought was good

01:06:55   and you said chatgpt wrote it and then wouldn't like acquiesce that fact you remember?

01:07:02   Then I was making fun of you.

01:07:03   Yeah I know you were so then when you say to me today.

01:07:06   Oh your English congratulations.

01:07:07   I still need you to make fun of me.

01:07:09   If anything what you lack is the understanding of context of my jokes.

01:07:13   Are you toying me?

01:07:15   Yeah he is.

01:07:17   So anyway hold on.

01:07:19   Jesus.

01:07:20   That means with these rules okay with this with this modification we also need to modify

01:07:29   our picks again.

01:07:30   Yeah I guess.

01:07:32   But are we setting the rule change?

01:07:33   Setting the rule change.

01:07:35   Okay.

01:07:36   Okay.

01:07:37   Okay.

01:07:38   So all right.

01:07:39   I can amend mine really easily.

01:07:42   Okay.

01:07:43   I just removed I just take my pick is now Apple mentions RAM memory in the iPhone says

01:07:49   it will be at least 8 gigabytes and state it is to power Apple intelligence.

01:07:53   Okay so that's what you're gonna go with.

01:07:55   I'm gonna go with just the new capture button.

01:08:01   Supports at least two.

01:08:02   Supports at least two.

01:08:03   Yep.

01:08:04   Okay.

01:08:05   Obviously capture I meant to say the capture within quotes because like if it's called.

01:08:11   Yeah it's context.

01:08:12   Yeah the capture button and the first condition becomes supports at least two user configurable

01:08:21   gestures.

01:08:22   Okay.

01:08:23   Steven.

01:08:24   Yeah iPad mini is updated with an A17 pro or higher and a larger variety display.

01:08:33   It will run Apple intelligence.

01:08:34   Yeah.

01:08:35   Nailed it.

01:08:36   See we got here in the end through some ups and downs.

01:08:40   Democracy baby.

01:08:41   Yeah.

01:08:43   If anything I feel like I deserve a point because like I sort of acted as you know the

01:08:48   ambassador in between you two.

01:08:49   Right.

01:08:50   Right.

01:08:51   We can we can talk about that the next time.

01:08:53   I deserve recognition for my role.

01:08:55   It's not possible to adjust the rules during the game I'm afraid.

01:08:58   Okay.

01:08:59   Should go back to the flexies.

01:09:04   Okay.

01:09:05   Yes the flexies.

01:09:06   Okay.

01:09:07   Let's go.

01:09:08   It's my choice.

01:09:09   I'm up.

01:09:10   Yeah you're up.

01:09:11   I am Prince Flexi.

01:09:12   What's your title?

01:09:13   Prince Flexi please.

01:09:14   Prince Flexi.

01:09:15   Thank you.

01:09:16   I have seven.

01:09:18   Although I may be swayed into coming up with more depending on how this goes.

01:09:24   Number one there are multiple AirPods models.

01:09:27   So this is the thing I said like I didn't want to pick this in the regular picks but

01:09:32   it seems like they are going to do multiple AirPods models and this also includes AirPods

01:09:35   Max obviously like we maybe see two versions of the AirPods 4th gen and then the AirPods

01:09:42   Max we'll see.

01:09:43   Number two kind of obvious Apple intelligence features are demoed again.

01:09:49   I think from now until the end of the year like any Apple event Apple is gonna will love

01:09:55   to show you Apple intelligence every single time they can.

01:10:00   Number three there is a new AirPods model with noise cancellation based on the rumors

01:10:06   that they're gonna do non pro AirPods that have noise cancellation.

01:10:13   Number four the new iPhone color is called gold titanium.

01:10:19   I hope so.

01:10:22   I hope so because then it means that's what I want.

01:10:25   Yes.

01:10:26   Gold titanium.

01:10:27   What was the rumor?

01:10:29   Desert titanium.

01:10:30   Desert titanium.

01:10:31   Desert.

01:10:32   Yeah.

01:10:33   Or maybe dessert.

01:10:34   Dessert?

01:10:35   Dessert titanium?

01:10:36   Like it's the sweet one.

01:10:38   No.

01:10:39   Dessert has one.

01:10:41   Desert has one as dessert has two because you want more dessert.

01:10:44   Do you think dessert titanium was the correct translation?

01:10:48   The iPhone math.

01:10:50   Maybe somebody misheard someone and it's actually called the dessert titanium.

01:10:54   Can you imagine?

01:10:55   So I was thinking about iPhone math right and how that was like plus.

01:11:00   Can you imagine if it's like they're calling this.

01:11:04   I'm gonna go and say if they call this like the color is not brown it's not gold they

01:11:09   call it earth titanium and this is why they thought it was called desert titanium because

01:11:15   somehow that got lost in translation and it was called earth titanium.

01:11:21   Can you imagine that?

01:11:26   I swear if they call it earth titanium.

01:11:29   I wouldn't like that name.

01:11:31   I deserve something.

01:11:32   You could do that.

01:11:34   Number five.

01:11:35   Chad GPT is mentioned again.

01:11:37   Yeah.

01:11:38   As the winner of this game.

01:11:40   Yeah.

01:11:41   No.

01:11:42   Number six.

01:11:43   The ultra wide camera on the 16 pro is considerably improved.

01:11:49   And number seven.

01:11:50   At least one of the new iPhones is brighter than before.

01:11:55   The ultra wide thing is one of the things I want the most.

01:11:57   Me too.

01:11:58   Me too.

01:11:59   Those macro photos man they're bad.

01:12:00   And it just switches to it so much.

01:12:04   It's made my iPhone photos way worse.

01:12:10   So those are my seven for now.

01:12:12   We'll see.

01:12:15   I think these are all pretty good.

01:12:17   I think you're going to do well.

01:12:21   You're up Mike.

01:12:23   There is a segment about Apple intelligence that lasts at least 10 minutes.

01:12:28   Okay.

01:12:29   At least 10.

01:12:30   Do you know?

01:12:31   I'm just asking.

01:12:32   Do you know how long it was at WVDC?

01:12:34   No.

01:12:35   I mean it was longer than 10 minutes for sure.

01:12:38   I just.

01:12:39   Yeah.

01:12:40   I feel like I probably should have checked that but I still feel confident in its 10

01:12:45   minutesness.

01:12:46   I will check that shortly.

01:12:48   Apple watch band attachments will change.

01:12:52   So we haven't spoken about the Apple watch at all.

01:12:56   I don't know.

01:12:57   Maybe we'll come up against it again.

01:12:59   But like the idea is that the design, the physical kind of design is going to change.

01:13:04   One of those things is getting thinner.

01:13:07   I think, look, look, it has to happen at some point, right?

01:13:14   They have to.

01:13:15   Like they cannot keep it the same forever.

01:13:19   It just doesn't.

01:13:22   That defies logic, right?

01:13:23   That something will remain the same always.

01:13:27   So if they make.

01:13:30   And so here's what I also think, right?

01:13:32   There were rumors of a big redesign for the Apple watch.

01:13:36   You're familiar with this?

01:13:37   Yeah.

01:13:38   Right?

01:13:39   Like Apple watch X or whatever.

01:13:40   What did they do to the iPhone before the iPhone 10?

01:13:46   This is a pop quiz, not a quiz.

01:13:48   What happened?

01:13:49   What controversial thing happened to the iPhone 7?

01:13:52   They got rid of the headphone jack.

01:13:54   They did.

01:13:55   And I believe they got rid of the headphone jack because they knew people weren't going

01:13:59   to like it and they didn't want people to be talking about that with the iPhone 10.

01:14:05   And so I think they're going to get rid of it now.

01:14:08   So next year, big change to the Apple watch and people have gotten over the fact that

01:14:13   their bands don't fit anymore.

01:14:15   That's my theory.

01:14:17   So if it gets thinner as well, like that is a reason to do it.

01:14:21   They could be like, oh, well, we made the Apple watch thinner and now they don't fit.

01:14:24   And so end of story.

01:14:26   So we'll see.

01:14:27   I don't know if they're going to do it for sure, but that is my reasoning for why I think

01:14:30   they could do it.

01:14:33   Apple does not say AI or artificial intelligence.

01:14:38   Just call it Apple intelligence.

01:14:39   I think we heard them say artificial intelligence for the last time.

01:14:43   Like I think that that term is gone.

01:14:45   They never wanted to say it.

01:14:46   And so I think it will be Apple intelligence and machine learning.

01:14:49   They will not say artificial intelligence anymore.

01:14:52   Four, we get a release window for iOS 18.1.

01:14:58   No iPad hardware.

01:15:00   Pick five.

01:15:01   Pick seven.

01:15:03   Seven woven cases mysteriously disappear.

01:15:07   Is it going to be a mystery?

01:15:08   You know, it probably won't be that much of a mystery, but like you won't, you won't find

01:15:14   them any.

01:15:16   The store comes back up and they're gone and they're gone.

01:15:20   Seven.

01:15:21   The iPhone 16 has a better range of colors than the iPhone 16 pro.

01:15:26   Yeah.

01:15:27   I pick this purely because I thought it would be fun to do a vibes pick.

01:15:33   I don't know if we've done that before where we just have to agree to vibe.

01:15:38   The vibe is the colors are better.

01:15:41   Okay.

01:15:42   I like it.

01:15:43   I like it.

01:15:45   My picks number one, Apple watch ultra comes, Apple watch ultra three comes in black.

01:15:54   You know, they make all this place gray, but you know,

01:15:56   do you think the ultra three is different in any way?

01:16:01   Like physically, just like, do you think it's going to be a different thing or it's just

01:16:05   going to be like a black one?

01:16:06   And maybe it'll be chip.

01:16:08   Yeah.

01:16:09   Processor update and a black case.

01:16:12   And I would be all over it.

01:16:13   I'm on the ultra one.

01:16:14   I'm going to upgrade this year.

01:16:15   I love her to be black.

01:16:19   Mac OS Sequoia released with iOS 18.

01:16:24   Same time, same day, Apple intelligence gains, no new features.

01:16:30   So I think they announced everything they could at WBC.

01:16:33   I don't think there's any like secret stuff that they're going to look at.

01:16:36   Look what can do now.

01:16:37   Done some feasible, uh, iPhone 16 and 16 pro can run Apple intelligence.

01:16:43   I have a problem with this one because you picked it with the memory.

01:16:48   I think that means I can't pop.

01:16:49   I probably shouldn't use it as a flexi.

01:16:51   Ah, flexi.

01:16:52   Okay. And they are related.

01:16:54   It's a different game.

01:16:55   Different game.

01:16:56   Okay.

01:16:57   I think it's fun.

01:16:58   I'm confident that that has happened before.

01:17:01   Probably like there has been a flexi pic related to a regular book and the number five just

01:17:06   to be contrarian, fine woven lives on.

01:17:10   It is more likely that it does right.

01:17:14   Because to have done all that work and effort and just have it once is quite a loss.

01:17:20   I could see them like, Oh, maybe it's just on the cases and the there's no bands or wallets

01:17:25   or like it's in two colors.

01:17:27   Right.

01:17:28   And it used to be in four, like maybe it's downplayed somehow.

01:17:31   But I agree with you.

01:17:32   One had done would be unusual and I don't think they've got anything to replace it with.

01:17:36   I don't think they want to seed like the high end case ground, right?

01:17:40   Like if they just got rid of it and just have the Silicon cases, they don't have anything

01:17:44   more expensive than that.

01:17:45   I don't know if they want to leave that open.

01:17:47   So we'll see.

01:17:49   Silicon cases with nicer features that don't, that don't also follow.

01:17:53   You know, people find women does fall apart and is bad, but the Silicon cases aren't that

01:17:57   much better.

01:17:58   They usually start chipping at the corners and look bad after a while.

01:18:05   I decided to bring some passion, go from seven to 11.

01:18:09   Why would you not do that?

01:18:10   Why not?

01:18:11   Number eight, Apple introduces new vegan leather cases.

01:18:15   Okay.

01:18:16   Obviously they must have seen that people still like to buy vegan leather options.

01:18:21   And I think they should do it because it feels like.

01:18:24   I will just put my thing in here.

01:18:26   I was talking about last time.

01:18:27   The problem with vegan leather is usually worse than leather environmentally, but not

01:18:32   usually.

01:18:33   In a lot of cases it is worse.

01:18:35   So that might be, I think that's why they went to fine woven because I think they were

01:18:39   struggling.

01:18:40   Are we absolutely sure that fine woven is better?

01:18:43   I mean, I'm not.

01:18:44   I mean, probably not if you create an entire product of a bunch of machinery and then didn't

01:18:49   sell enough.

01:18:50   Exactly.

01:18:51   And then it goes to waste.

01:18:52   Exactly.

01:18:53   Like, is that even, is that better?

01:18:54   So that's number eight.

01:18:55   Number nine, the flashlight in the new iPhones is mentioned as being brighter than before.

01:19:03   My theory, why go through all the trouble to design the fancy dynamic island live activity

01:19:09   for the flashlight and it doesn't improve in the new iPhones.

01:19:12   Make it brighter.

01:19:13   Make it as powerful as the torch or something.

01:19:16   It's because they needed to give the designer the action button UI something new to do.

01:19:22   Possibly alter that.

01:19:23   Possibly alter that.

01:19:24   The most over engineered design LMS in iOS.

01:19:27   Incredibly.

01:19:28   Extra designer who is responsible for these two things.

01:19:32   Number 10, no Macs and iPads at this event.

01:19:37   No Macs, no iPads.

01:19:39   Okay.

01:19:40   And number 11.

01:19:42   There are new AirPods Macs, but they don't fold.

01:19:45   It's not what you think.

01:19:47   It's not what you think.

01:19:48   It's not what you think.

01:19:49   That's it.

01:19:50   They're made of stainless steel this time.

01:19:53   So like they currently fold a little bit, right?

01:19:57   So you're saying now like no folding.

01:19:59   They don't fold in half.

01:20:02   Maybe like what I mean it's like the Bose or like the Sony.

01:20:05   They don't fold more than they currently fold.

01:20:07   Yeah.

01:20:08   How do you want to write it down?

01:20:09   No, no, that's fine.

01:20:10   This is fine.

01:20:11   We'll know what that means.

01:20:12   I just wanted to check what you were saying.

01:20:13   Like are they changing?

01:20:15   I wondered if you were like they're changing it, but like not in the way that they should.

01:20:20   But no, they're not changing the design basically.

01:20:24   No.

01:20:25   That's the game.

01:20:28   I think we did it.

01:20:30   Unless you guys have any extras.

01:20:32   No.

01:20:33   Okay.

01:20:34   If I had ideas, I would be giving them to you.

01:20:37   You know?

01:20:38   Let me go.

01:20:39   Let me go to my draft picks.

01:20:41   I want to see if I can join you.

01:20:43   Come on.

01:20:45   Okay.

01:20:46   Yeah, leave a little.

01:20:51   Come on.

01:20:52   I'm going to say pick eight vertical lenses on the 16.

01:20:56   Okay.

01:20:58   I'm going to say Apple watch.

01:21:01   Get it.

01:21:02   Okay.

01:21:03   SE is updated.

01:21:05   And wow.

01:21:07   It's not made of aluminum.

01:21:10   Okay.

01:21:11   And wow.

01:21:12   It keeps going.

01:21:13   It's still going.

01:21:14   I'm going to give you one more.

01:21:17   Okay.

01:21:18   I'm just gonna say Apple watches get thinner.

01:21:20   All right.

01:21:22   10.

01:21:23   Stephen.

01:21:24   10.

01:21:25   Nice.

01:21:26   A hole with five.

01:21:27   It's for the kids.

01:21:28   All right.

01:21:29   Come on.

01:21:30   For the kids, man.

01:21:31   It's for the kids.

01:21:32   Number six.

01:21:33   You can feel bad.

01:21:34   Number six.

01:21:35   Apple watch.

01:21:36   The Apple watch.

01:21:40   SE drops.

01:21:46   The new Apple watch se cost 199.

01:21:49   Oh, imagine.

01:21:50   That would be good.

01:21:53   It needs to what is it?

01:21:55   249 too much.

01:21:57   Yep.

01:21:58   The brown iPhone pro is called earth.

01:22:10   Federico picked 12.

01:22:12   Is not does not have gold in its name.

01:22:18   Okay.

01:22:20   Number eight.

01:22:21   The iPhone pro comes with color matched cables.

01:22:26   Oh,

01:22:27   bring that back.

01:22:29   Do you remember?

01:22:30   Oh my God.

01:22:31   Do you remember the photos of the phones and the cables with like they're all different

01:22:34   colors and that just never happened.

01:22:35   They were actually the cables from like they never happened.

01:22:39   Never happened.

01:22:41   Number nine.

01:22:44   The regular Apple watches.

01:22:48   Regular Apple watch models.

01:22:52   Which get larger screens and cases.

01:23:02   Number 10.

01:23:03   Here we go.

01:23:05   Yes.

01:23:06   Good.

01:23:07   Number 10.

01:23:10   IOS 18.1.

01:23:19   I was going to like try to get more specific on the date because someone said we'll be given

01:23:23   a window ships someone someone was Mike announced.

01:23:29   I was 18.1 announced to ship in quote October and October is in quotes.

01:23:35   Okay.

01:23:36   Okay.

01:23:37   I mean that's the name of the month.

01:23:40   Number 11.

01:23:41   October number 11.

01:23:44   Okay.

01:23:45   Well, we see.

01:23:48   The rainbow stage at Apple park in the video.

01:23:53   All right.

01:23:54   Okay.

01:23:55   So number 11.

01:23:56   Number 11.

01:23:57   Number 12.

01:23:58   The new iPhone color is called earth.

01:24:03   Yeah.

01:24:04   Let's go.

01:24:07   Number 11.

01:24:10   Tim Cook is in a field.

01:24:13   In a field?

01:24:14   The field with the rainbow stage or just a field?

01:24:16   Tim Cook is surrounded surrounded by long grass.

01:24:19   That's what I'm trying to say.

01:24:20   Long grass.

01:24:21   Yeah.

01:24:22   He does like he does like a good knee.

01:24:24   Get out in the long grass.

01:24:26   He does.

01:24:27   Long grass.

01:24:28   He does.

01:24:29   Number 12.

01:24:30   Jeff Williams is seen in nature.

01:24:35   Okay.

01:24:37   Number 12.

01:24:40   Oh my God.

01:24:41   The Apple watch segment is presented in a gym.

01:24:48   Yeah.

01:24:49   Yeah.

01:24:50   Yeah.

01:24:51   The, the little workout space they have there.

01:24:52   Yeah.

01:24:53   We've been in that building.

01:24:54   In and around a gym.

01:24:56   Cause they sometimes stand outside.

01:24:58   Okay.

01:24:59   Some people stand inside.

01:25:00   Okay.

01:25:01   Number 13.

01:25:02   Oh, I thought, Oh, Craig Federighi.

01:25:07   Now where am I typing?

01:25:09   He's just texting John.

01:25:12   John number 13.

01:25:15   Federighi is, Federighi is stranded somewhere.

01:25:24   You know, needs to be rescued.

01:25:29   I think I'm done.

01:25:30   So you have 13.

01:25:33   Mike has 12.

01:25:34   I have 12.

01:25:36   Yeah.

01:25:37   Hmm.

01:25:38   Okay.

01:25:39   Number 13.

01:25:40   Oh, no.

01:25:41   Craig travels from one set to another in a ridiculous fashion.

01:25:50   Number 13.

01:25:51   Craig wears a costume for some portion of the event.

01:25:57   All right.

01:25:59   Okay.

01:26:00   Okay.

01:26:01   All right.

01:26:02   We're calling it a 13 each.

01:26:03   Yes.

01:26:04   We should have called it like nine.

01:26:06   Yeah.

01:26:07   We were fine several flexes ago.

01:26:10   But man, it's for the kids.

01:26:12   For the kids.

01:26:13   It's for the kids.

01:26:14   Okay.

01:26:15   For the kids.

01:26:16   Do it for the kids.

01:26:17   Yep.

01:26:18   Stjude.org/relay.

01:26:19   Yeah.

01:26:20   Okay.

01:26:21   I feel, I feel much better now, honestly, than I did earlier.

01:26:26   This is good.

01:26:27   Look, it was, it was a productive event.

01:26:32   We clarified some rules.

01:26:34   Yep.

01:26:35   I was praised because of my skills.

01:26:38   Yep.

01:26:39   The hardest way out is through, you know?

01:26:42   Yeah.

01:26:43   So I think that does it for this week.

01:26:45   If you want to find links to the stuff we spoke about and you know, for some reason,

01:26:49   you couldn't keep up with our picks as we were making them, which is frankly understandable.

01:26:54   All those links are in the show notes.

01:26:55   They're in your podcast player and they're also on the web at relay.fm/connected/5.17.

01:27:03   There you can submit feedback or follow up.

01:27:05   I'm sure no one will have anything to say about the rule changes.

01:27:08   And you can also become a member and get connected pro, which is a longer ad free version of

01:27:13   the show that we do each and every week.

01:27:15   This week I came prepared with some fake Apple event taglines and y'all helped me improve

01:27:20   them.

01:27:21   It was very, it was a very nice, it was a very nice collaborative effort on all of our

01:27:25   parts.

01:27:26   It was good.

01:27:27   It was good.

01:27:30   You can find us all online.

01:27:32   Federico is the editor and chief of maxstories.net, the home of a bunch of OS reviews in the next

01:27:38   couple of weeks, which I'm very much looking forward to reading.

01:27:41   In the meantime, you can find Federico on social media as Vitici, V I T I C C I.

01:27:49   Mike is, he's a host on a bunch of shows.

01:27:52   He's doing upgrade.

01:27:53   He's doing thoroughly considered.

01:27:54   He's doing cortex, analog, remaster, panatics.

01:27:58   I want to mention a thing I just did for St. Jude milestone, where me and the thoroughly

01:28:05   considered boys, we thoroughly ranked the introduction video of formula one races.

01:28:12   So every driver gives a little look to the camera and we rated them on a tier ranking

01:28:19   system with a rubric.

01:28:21   You do not need to care about formula one to enjoy this video.

01:28:25   It's good.

01:28:26   I'll put it in the show notes.

01:28:28   This is on my YouTube channel.

01:28:29   So I'll put in the channels.

01:28:31   Yeah.

01:28:32   Home of the former Mike Hurley vlog.

01:28:34   And many other things.

01:28:35   You can have a good time over there if you want to.

01:28:38   Yeah.

01:28:39   It's my homepage.

01:28:41   You can follow Mike on threads and Macedon as I Mike go check out his stuff there.

01:28:46   You can find my writing at five 12 pixels.net and I cohost Mac power users here on relay

01:28:51   each and every Sunday.

01:28:53   And I am ISMH 86 on Macedon and threads.

01:28:57   I like to thank our sponsors this week for making the show possible.

01:29:01   Express VPN, one password, extended access management, and net suite.

01:29:06   I want some more to call out stjude.org/relay.

01:29:09   We're fundraising for St. Jude's life saving work all month.

01:29:13   Please go donate, go sign up to fundraise, go check it out.

01:29:16   Stjude.org/relay.

01:29:19   And until next time, we'll regrade these picks boys.

01:29:22   Say goodbye.

01:29:23   I do that.

01:29:24   Cheerio.

01:29:25   Bye y'all.

01:29:25   Bye y'all.

01:29:25   You