

518: Is FileMaker Carbon Neutral?


00:00:00   [MUSIC]

00:00:07   >> From Relay, this is Connected, episode 518.

00:00:11   Today's show is brought to you by Ecamm, Squarespace,

00:00:14   1Password, Extended Access Management, and Backblaze.

00:00:17   I'm Federico Vittucci, and it's my pleasure to

00:00:19   introduce keynote chairman, Stephen Hackett. Hello, Stephen.

00:00:23   >> Hello. I look forward to retaining my title today, right?

00:00:27   >> Yeah, you do.

00:00:29   >> I bet you do.

00:00:30   >> We'll see.

00:00:30   >> I bet you do.

00:00:31   >> Yeah.

00:00:31   >> Stay tuned.

00:00:32   >> Yes.

00:00:33   >> I am pleased to announce the attendance

00:00:37   of this recording of Annual Chairman, Mike Hurley.

00:00:41   >> I love it. That was great.

00:00:43   >> Fell apart of me big time.

00:00:45   >> Thank you.

00:00:45   >> I'm really happy to be here, as always.

00:00:50   I always like these episodes.

00:00:51   These are good episodes, and here we are.

00:00:54   We have follow-up. What is the follow-up?

00:00:55   >> Follow-up.

00:00:56   >> Follow-up.

00:00:57   We mostly have follow-up about show questions.

00:01:01   >> The best ones. Okay.

00:01:03   >> Don't know how to say that otherwise.

00:01:05   Ben wrote in, listener Ben,

00:01:09   "I've listened to your show for years and I've never

00:01:11   thought about where your opening title music comes from.

00:01:14   Why did you choose this classical piece?"

00:01:17   >> This piece is Beethoven's Symphony No. 1,

00:01:23   fourth movement in case for all you Apple music classical heads out there,

00:01:30   the classic heads, they can go check it out.

00:01:33   It's not just a theme song for a podcast.

00:01:35   We'd like to thank Beethoven for composing our theme song.

00:01:39   >> Yeah. Friend of the show.

00:01:40   >> Friend of the show, Beethoven.

00:01:42   It's not the one you think.

00:01:43   No, it is the one you think about.

00:01:45   It is the Beethoven.

00:01:46   Our previous show, The Prompt,

00:01:49   which had a piece of music composed by another famed composer,

00:01:54   Stephen Hackett, which was just all techno.

00:01:56   Because if you ask Stephen to make you music for a podcast,

00:02:01   it will be some form of techno.

00:02:04   It had all kinds of voiceover and all that kind of stuff.

00:02:08   It was aggressive but fun.

00:02:10   >> Welcome to The Prompt,

00:02:12   a weekly panel discussion on technology and

00:02:15   the culture surrounding Apple and related companies.

00:02:19   [MUSIC]

00:02:22   >> But over that time,

00:02:23   we started calling our show the world's greatest podcast,

00:02:27   which was obvious. Everybody knows it.

00:02:28   >> It still is.

00:02:29   >> It still is. When we started connected,

00:02:32   we wanted to embody the world's greatest podcast by being above everybody else.

00:02:37   We thought, what better way than classical music to do that.

00:02:40   It sets everyone in the right mood.

00:02:43   >> Yeah.

00:02:45   >> Every episode is a classic, basically.

00:02:47   >> I like that.

00:02:48   >> Yes.

00:02:49   >> It's good.

00:02:51   >> We also had some people ask,

00:02:52   a few people actually via the feedback form,

00:02:55   where does the name The Ricky's come from anyway?

00:02:59   Why are The Risky Picks and the game called that?

00:03:02   I did some digging today.

00:03:03   I was trying to find this answer and I should have just gone

00:03:06   immediately to rickys.net because it's actually there.

00:03:11   I want to thank Jason of rickys.net for putting that on there.

00:03:14   It's a quote from the page,

00:03:15   which I put in the show notes. In episode 245,

00:03:18   Steven mentions accidentally sending the word Ricky instead of risky,

00:03:23   and an iMessage thread,

00:03:24   which ends up in being a major shift in branding for the Connected Predictions game.

00:03:29   Because then we decided to call them the Ricky's and then everything else like the Jeremy's,

00:03:33   the Annie's, the U's,

00:03:35   all of these have come from that one also correct failure that occurred.

00:03:41   >> Yeah. A rare typo by Steven,

00:03:45   which of course was important enough to celebrate the occasion.

00:03:49   >> It's worth noting because we got this a little bit confused over time,

00:03:53   but I figured we could just say it now.

00:03:54   The game is called The Ricky's.

00:03:56   The final round is called The Risky Pick.

00:03:59   Because for a while we were calling them Ricky Picks,

00:04:01   which was confusing because technically they're all Ricky Picks because it's The Ricky's.

00:04:07   >> Yeah.

00:04:07   >> The final round, they are The Risky Picks.

00:04:10   >> Yeah.

00:04:10   >> Now we have The Ricky's.

00:04:12   >> Yeah.

00:04:13   >> So we're going to talk about what was

00:04:16   announced a little bit later on in the episode kind of hardware wise.

00:04:18   But one of the things they spoke about, well, actually no.

00:04:21   One of the things they didn't talk about during the event,

00:04:23   the glow time event,

00:04:25   was when all of the OS releases were going to drop,

00:04:28   but it was confirmed afterwards,

00:04:30   I think via press release,

00:04:31   that everything's dropping Monday.

00:04:34   So this is iOS, iPadOS,

00:04:36   WatchOS, MacOS, I don't know about VisionOS too, but I'm expecting.

00:04:41   >> VisionOS too.

00:04:41   >> They will. So everything's dropping

00:04:43   Monday which is, by the way, Apple, great.

00:04:46   This is what should happen.

00:04:48   If you're going to do annual releases,

00:04:50   I know it's hard, but have them come out at the same time.

00:04:53   Because we've all been in this scenario,

00:04:56   September you update your phone and then none of

00:04:58   your messages look right until the middle of October on your Mac,

00:05:01   because that's when they update that.

00:05:02   So this will come in Monday.

00:05:03   So Federico, you feeling good about Monday?

00:05:06   >> I'm feeling very good.

00:05:08   The review is done.

00:05:10   I am finalizing the screenshots.

00:05:12   I have screenshots left to do for one chapter.

00:05:15   I have some videos like screen recordings and a video left to do,

00:05:23   but the review has been done for a few days.

00:05:27   I sent you guys a draft today.

00:05:30   >> Yeah, very excited.

00:05:31   >> I teased on Mastodon

00:05:34   that this year's review is going to be very different.

00:05:37   You guys now know why.

00:05:39   It's both obviously stylistically different.

00:05:44   I think that the way that I've been thinking about it in my mind is that it's

00:05:49   my most personal review ever and that hopefully will make sense when you read it,

00:05:54   and it'll make sense for people on Monday.

00:05:56   I'm very proud of this story, especially the conclusion.

00:06:01   It's, like I said, very personal.

00:06:03   I'm also very excited about everything else surrounding the review.

00:06:08   What is it going to look like on Mac Stories?

00:06:11   The surprise for this year is something that I've never done before.

00:06:19   It's been killing me not to tell people.

00:06:23   I told you guys today,

00:06:25   and you seem to like it,

00:06:26   so that was encouraging.

00:06:28   But yeah, I'm going to be ready on Monday.

00:06:30   In fact, the entire Mac Stories team is going to be ready on Monday.

00:06:35   We are still debating this,

00:06:37   so I may be swayed otherwise,

00:06:39   but we are going to have other reviews,

00:06:43   and they're all going to be ready on Monday.

00:06:45   In theory, we're going to have Mac OS, Watch OS, and Vision OS.

00:06:51   We are debating whether they should go out on the same day,

00:06:55   but I'm more leaning towards spacing them out during the week.

00:06:58   Absolutely space them out.

00:07:00   Yeah, yeah.

00:07:03   And again, this will make sense on Monday.

00:07:04   I think it makes more sense to put the spotlight on iOS and iPadOS,

00:07:08   and that review in particular,

00:07:09   not because it's mine, but because of all the other things related to that.

00:07:13   So yeah, but it's going to be a big week on the site.

00:07:17   And yeah, I'm a little bit tired because these final days,

00:07:21   you know, making sure to read everything at night,

00:07:25   adding the last minute changes from the iOS 18 release candidate,

00:07:30   all those things.

00:07:31   But I'll get there,

00:07:32   and I'm feeling quite happy about my work-life balance this year.

00:07:37   So yeah, I'm excited.

00:07:38   I can't wait to start reading it.

00:07:40   I'm really excited to start reading it.

00:07:41   But yeah, I think spreading them out is better for everyone.

00:07:45   It's better for all you guys

00:07:46   because you can focus on staggering your edits and your publishing.

00:07:49   And it's better for your readers

00:07:51   because there's zero reason to get five reviews on one day, right?

00:07:55   Like no one is going to be able to read that.

00:07:57   Like that's just not feasible.

00:08:00   And I think it will be also better for the website.

00:08:03   I just think, yeah, you guys, I don't know.

00:08:04   I wouldn't know how you would stagger them.

00:08:06   Like it seems complicated,

00:08:08   but I think staggering them makes a lot of sense.

00:08:10   Yeah.

00:08:11   Federico, you had this really interesting post on threads

00:08:16   about your feelings about the Pro phone.

00:08:19   We're going to get into all the news in a minute,

00:08:21   but what's going on over there?

00:08:23   Yeah, so the basic idea is that I'm fascinated

00:08:27   by the iPhone 16 non-Pro line.

00:08:31   I had this feeling during the event and I was texting you guys.

00:08:36   Like, I think I'm actually more interested in the iPhone 16

00:08:41   than the iPhone 16 Pro, because

00:08:44   a lot of the demo of the iPhone 16 Pro, those features,

00:08:48   they really focused on professional photographers

00:08:51   and professional video creators, like movie directors,

00:08:55   with all those features that they showed.

00:08:57   And because the camera control button

00:09:00   is also available on the iPhone 16,

00:09:02   I started thinking, well, maybe, you know,

00:09:04   maybe I'm not necessarily a Pro anymore.

00:09:08   And a funny coincidence, just as I was having these thoughts,

00:09:12   Brandon, my co-host on the MPC podcast,

00:09:15   was also having these thoughts

00:09:17   and approached me after the event saying,

00:09:19   "Hey, I wrote a thing about these thoughts

00:09:22   that I'm having about the fact

00:09:24   that maybe I'm not a Pro iPhone user anymore."

00:09:28   And I was like, "Great, we should put this on Mac stories,"

00:09:31   because I've been having the same questions

00:09:34   for the past few hours.

00:09:35   And so I also started thinking,

00:09:40   I actually considered, like, for real,

00:09:43   maybe I'm not going to get a Pro Max.

00:09:45   Maybe I'm just going to get an iPhone 16 Plus.

00:09:48   Because there's also the angle of...

00:09:53   Maybe it would be good for me to be...

00:09:56   Well, you guys know I've always been a man of the people,

00:09:58   obviously.

00:10:00   Listeners of the show know me as a man of the people.

00:10:03   They know you that way.

00:10:05   I am the representative, you know?

00:10:08   They look up to me.

00:10:10   They know that I'm one of them.

00:10:12   How many handheld gaming PCs do you have on your desk

00:10:14   right now just out of interest?

00:10:16   Because I know that relates you to the people.

00:10:17   On my desk, I joke on you, on my desk, zero.

00:10:20   Oh, that yellow one.

00:10:22   Joke is on me, yes.

00:10:24   What about the lighted shelves above your desk?

00:10:27   Yeah.

00:10:30   -Steven. -Yes.

00:10:32   Stop it. I am a man of the people.

00:10:34   Why are you trying to take him away from the people?

00:10:36   I'm a man of the people from the '90s, you know?

00:10:38   Swimming in performance over here.

00:10:40   Right, right, right, right, right.

00:10:42   But seriously, I thought, well, it would be interesting

00:10:45   to try and use a model of an iPhone

00:10:50   that lots of people are going to buy.

00:10:53   But obviously, before making such decision,

00:10:55   I wanted to test the waters a little bit.

00:10:58   So I posted on threads that there is a way

00:11:01   to sort of fake your way into checking

00:11:04   whether a non-Pro iPhone,

00:11:06   after many years of Pro iPhone, could be good for you.

00:11:10   So what I did was I disabled ProMotion.

00:11:16   You can do this in accessibility settings.

00:11:19   You just limit the frame rate of an iPhone,

00:11:24   and that's going to kick it down to 60 hertz

00:11:27   instead of 120 hertz.

00:11:28   Steven, you do this, don't you?

00:11:30   Steven does this.

00:11:31   Yeah, I've had ProMotion off the whole time.

00:11:33   Yeah.

00:11:35   And I also turned off the always-on display,

00:11:40   which is also something you can do in display

00:11:42   and brightness in settings.

00:11:43   Now, let me tell you guys, I lasted about an hour.

00:11:48   I'm glad I did it, because at the very least,

00:11:51   I no longer have any doubts.

00:11:52   I depend on ProMotion and the always-on display

00:11:56   a lot more than I initially thought.

00:11:59   Like, I thought, "Well, yeah, I'm going to be fine,

00:12:01   you know, with 60 hertz and no always-on display."

00:12:05   I never used them, really.

00:12:06   Turns out that going back to 60 hertz

00:12:10   was kind of making me motion sick.

00:12:13   Like, people have the opposite problem.

00:12:18   Everything was so slow.

00:12:19   Like, it's not just the animations,

00:12:22   like, the fluidity of the display.

00:12:25   Just, like, using iOS was slower.

00:12:29   Like, just every gesture, every animation,

00:12:32   every transition was slower.

00:12:35   And I was so bothered, also,

00:12:38   by not being able to see the time and my notifications,

00:12:42   not even the widgets, but the notifications

00:12:44   and the live activities.

00:12:45   Man, it was killing me.

00:12:47   So I lasted about an hour.

00:12:48   And at the very least, now I know.

00:12:50   I don't have that lingering doubt in my mind.

00:12:53   I'm a pro iPhone person, and it's fine.

00:12:56   I tried.

00:12:57   And so that's why I am going to stick with the 16 Pro Max.

00:13:01   I'm debating on the color.

00:13:03   I'm glad I did this experiment.

00:13:05   I think this year, much more than in previous years,

00:13:08   the 16 and the 16 Plus are going to be great phones

00:13:11   for a lot of people, especially if--

00:13:13   - The colors, man.

00:13:15   - The colors are incredible. - The colors.

00:13:16   My God, they're so good.

00:13:18   - The ultramarine, oof.

00:13:20   - All of them.

00:13:21   Like, seriously, the three. - The pink.

00:13:23   - The pink, the teal, and the ultramarine.

00:13:26   But yeah, the ultramarine is like, wow,

00:13:28   that is a good-looking phone.

00:13:30   - Yeah, yeah.

00:13:31   So I'm glad I did this trial,

00:13:33   even though it was very brief, but now I know.

00:13:36   And the people will understand.

00:13:38   I am still a man of the people.

00:13:41   But, you know, the way that this works

00:13:45   is that to be a man of the people,

00:13:48   you have to be, I don't know what I'm saying.

00:13:51   Maybe I'm not.

00:13:52   - The wheels really fell off on that one.

00:13:53   I'll just jump in and say,

00:13:56   Apple should not be selling a phone

00:13:57   with a 60 hertz screen at this point.

00:14:00   That phone should be 90.

00:14:02   That should be 90.

00:14:03   Like, 100.

00:14:03   I mean, honestly, I think it should be 120,

00:14:05   but if they're not gonna do that,

00:14:06   like, this phone should be 90 hertz.

00:14:09   Like, it should offer that.

00:14:10   It's an $800 smartphone.

00:14:12   Like, that's just not good anymore.

00:14:16   Like, I think a 60 hertz screen is just,

00:14:19   we've passed that at this point.

00:14:21   We've passed it at this point.

00:14:23   - It is September.

00:14:25   That means it is St. Jude time around these parts.

00:14:29   Mike, tell us a little bit about what we're doing.

00:14:33   - So every September, we come together as a community

00:14:36   during the month of September,

00:14:37   because of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

00:14:39   The relay community is coming out in full force again

00:14:42   as we are raising money for the kids of St. Jude.

00:14:46   We have, as of today, incredibly,

00:14:49   passed $300,000 raised for the kids of St. Jude

00:14:54   just in this year,

00:14:55   which has put us significantly over the $3 million now

00:15:00   that we have raised as a community

00:15:01   since we started this five years ago.

00:15:04   And we do this for a very simple reason.

00:15:06   Like, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

00:15:09   is an incredible place that makes the families

00:15:12   and the children who are affected by cancer

00:15:15   and other life-threatening diseases,

00:15:17   it makes their lives better.

00:15:18   It saves lives.

00:15:19   And also, because they are a research institution

00:15:22   as well as a hospital,

00:15:24   they are able to use the information

00:15:26   and the research that they get

00:15:27   from treating these sick kids,

00:15:30   and they share that with the world.

00:15:33   And the best part of St. Jude,

00:15:35   and one of the key reasons why we come together

00:15:38   to raise money for them every year,

00:15:40   is because they make no family pay for anything.

00:15:44   You do not pay for bills, you do not pay for food,

00:15:47   you do not pay for housing.

00:15:48   They provide those things for you if you need them.

00:15:52   And something that we got to see

00:15:53   when we were on campus last year,

00:15:56   well, we got to see the outside of it,

00:15:58   there's a very special building called Family Commons,

00:16:01   which is a 45,000 square foot space

00:16:04   that has been built on campus just for families,

00:16:07   because one of the things that St. Jude knows is important

00:16:10   is that having the space to be a kid,

00:16:15   not just a patient, is incredibly, incredibly important.

00:16:21   Like, Steven, I know that you had a little bit

00:16:23   to do with that, right?

00:16:24   You had a little bit to play.

00:16:25   Like, I think Mary did, right?

00:16:27   She was-- - Mary did.

00:16:27   Yeah, my much cooler spouse.

00:16:31   Yeah, I mean, this has been,

00:16:32   Family Commons was a big deal to take part of the hospital

00:16:35   and make it not part of a hospital.

00:16:38   And so there's creator space, art space,

00:16:41   and she was on a small commission to help shape that

00:16:45   from a parent perspective, 'cause our son is a survivor.

00:16:50   He was a St. Jude patient as a baby.

00:16:52   But Mike, I do have a correction for you.

00:16:55   - Oh, oh, did I say something wrong?

00:16:56   - If you go to stjude.org/relay, you will see,

00:16:59   we are now at $407,000 raised.

00:17:03   - Okay, then, well.

00:17:05   - 400. - You'll have to displace

00:17:06   $100,000, what happened?

00:17:08   - Yeah, yeah, it has been an incredible day for fundraising.

00:17:12   We've had two really large gifts.

00:17:12   - We've raised over 200 grand today.

00:17:14   - Today, it's awesome.

00:17:16   And here's what's so cool about St. Jude.

00:17:19   I mean, amongst all the other things that you mentioned,

00:17:21   is that it is something that we can all be a part of.

00:17:25   You know, we've had a couple of really large gifts today,

00:17:27   and that is so incredible and humbling, like very exciting.

00:17:31   But people from all around the world support St. Jude,

00:17:35   and it takes all of us to keep its doors open,

00:17:38   because this work is really expensive, and they give it away.

00:17:43   They've never charged me a dime for my son's treatment,

00:17:46   and he has been there since he was six months of age.

00:17:48   He's getting ready to be 16.

00:17:50   I've never gotten a bill for food,

00:17:53   never gotten a bill for his care.

00:17:55   If we had to travel, St. Jude happens to be my hometown,

00:17:57   but if we had to travel, I would not be charged for that.

00:18:00   It's absolutely, absolutely incredible,

00:18:04   and it's all thanks to you.

00:18:05   - So, two anonymous gifts of $100,000 in one day

00:18:11   is an incredible thing to occur, right?

00:18:14   And that is not lost on us,

00:18:17   that there are people in our community,

00:18:19   these are people in our community who are deciding

00:18:22   that they want to give that amount of money

00:18:25   to support this cause.

00:18:29   - That is a truly unbelievable and inspiring thing,

00:18:32   but the thing that we hear consistently

00:18:36   from our partners at St. Jude

00:18:39   that makes our campaign so important

00:18:42   is the amount of people that donate

00:18:45   to get to the money that we get to.

00:18:48   There are so many thousands of listeners

00:18:51   who have made donations of all sizes to this campaign,

00:18:55   and that means there are more thousands of people

00:18:59   who are aware and are getting on board with the message.

00:19:03   It's so important.

00:19:04   Wherever you are able to donate $5 or $50,000,

00:19:09   it doesn't matter, that money is all going into

00:19:14   the funds that are needed to save these children's lives

00:19:18   and to save the lives of countless children in the future.

00:19:22   That is why we do this.

00:19:24   - One of the things that a lot of campaigns have,

00:19:28   like a lot of the campaigns that we see,

00:19:30   and that everybody will see,

00:19:31   that other content creators put together,

00:19:33   they have very large corporate donors.

00:19:35   We don't have that.

00:19:36   We get to this money because of the generosity

00:19:41   of our audience.

00:19:42   We're very lucky, I think,

00:19:44   that there are a number of people in our audience

00:19:47   who are able to give four, five, six-figure donations.

00:19:52   It's an incredible thing that makes our community

00:19:55   push further.

00:19:57   It's why we're able to have raised $3 million in five years.

00:20:01   But these large donations,

00:20:03   they are on a foundation of donations that are $50, $100, $200.

00:20:08   So whatever you have to give,

00:20:11   please go to stjood.org/relay

00:20:14   because literally every single dollar counts

00:20:17   in fighting childhood cancer.

00:20:19   It absolutely does.

00:20:21   Every single donation of every size

00:20:24   makes a massive, massive impact.

00:20:26   And we are so grateful that you join the bus

00:20:30   on this course every year.

00:20:31   - Oh, man, what a day.

00:20:35   - Yeah.

00:20:36   Go to stjood.org/relay.

00:20:37   You can find out more about donating.

00:20:39   You can find out more about the Podcastathon,

00:20:41   which is coming next Friday.

00:20:44   There's so much incredible stuff going on.

00:20:46   If you make donations, there are rewards that you can get.

00:20:50   We have incredible stickers.

00:20:51   We have incredible wallpapers,

00:20:53   incredible screensaver from James Thompson.

00:20:55   If you sign up to become a fundraiser,

00:20:57   there's even more stuff available to you there.

00:21:00   We're so thankful for the support that you will give.

00:21:03   - This episode of Connected is made possible

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00:21:29   And that is what really impresses me.

00:21:31   Just the breadth of tools Ecamm has is really unparalleled.

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00:21:42   including support for multiple cameras and screen sharing,

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00:21:49   Stand up from the crowd with high quality video,

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00:22:27   It is really powerful stuff.

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00:23:05   Go there now and check it out.

00:23:06   Our thanks to Ecamm for their support of the show.

00:23:09   The Rickies is a game connected hosts play

00:23:13   before Apple Keynotes in the beginning of a new year,

00:23:16   trying to predict future events.

00:23:18   It is made up of three rounds.

00:23:20   Each host makes two regular picks followed by a risky pick.

00:23:24   There are two types of Rickies.

00:23:26   Today we are playing the Keynote Rickies.

00:23:28   The Keynote Rickies winner is named the Keynote Chairman.

00:23:31   This position is held until the next keynote.

00:23:34   Hosts should be introduced at the top of each episode

00:23:36   according to their current titles.

00:23:38   In the event that a host has both positions,

00:23:42   they shall be introduced as the Ricky Benchmen.

00:23:44   If so, if Mike wins today, he'll be the Ricky Benchman.

00:23:48   First ever, first annual Ricky Benchman.

00:23:50   - Let's go.

00:23:52   - After the Rickies, the hosts then play a game

00:23:55   called the Flexies.

00:23:56   These two games are separate, but related.

00:23:58   Please stand for the reading of the rules.

00:24:01   Each host gets to make two regular picks.

00:24:11   Hosts can be granted a bonus regular pick

00:24:14   for any previously incorrect pick that has now come true

00:24:17   from the last three corresponding games.

00:24:20   A previously incorrect pick may be used only once.

00:24:24   Correct regular picks are awarded one point.

00:24:27   The language used for regular picks must be finalized

00:24:30   and agreed upon during recording,

00:24:32   and no partial points may be awarded.

00:24:34   Risky picks have a more complex scoring system.

00:24:38   Each host must make a pick comprising of three conditions.

00:24:42   If you get all three conditions correct,

00:24:44   you earn two points.

00:24:46   If you get two conditions correct, you earn one point.

00:24:48   And if you get one condition correct, you get zero points.

00:24:52   If you get all three wrong, you lose a point.

00:24:55   Think about that.

00:24:58   Picks must have been approved as risky

00:25:00   by the other two hosts before the start of the game.

00:25:02   Picks made for keynote Rickies cannot be reused

00:25:05   by the host who made them for the next keynote.

00:25:08   For keynote Rickies, the scoring window starts

00:25:10   when the live stream begins

00:25:12   and closes when the picks are scored, 'cause right now.

00:25:16   Any information used in scoring must be publicly verifiable

00:25:20   at the time of recording.

00:25:21   All hosts are allowed to reuse picks

00:25:24   previously made by others.

00:25:25   Scoring is completed during recording

00:25:28   and cannot be modified once an episode is complete.

00:25:31   In the event of a tie, dice by Peacock

00:25:34   must be used in relay mode to pick a winner.

00:25:37   In the case of a three-way tie,

00:25:38   hosts all make their calls at the same time

00:25:42   with flipping continuing until a winner is named.

00:25:46   Jason Snell- - That feels new to me.

00:25:47   I don't remember that rule.

00:25:50   - Yeah, we're gonna keep flipping coins

00:25:52   until morale improves.

00:25:53   Jason Snell has a lifetime ban on flipping any coins

00:25:58   in relation to the Rickies.

00:25:59   Coin flips by Jason on other podcasts are allowed,

00:26:04   but are frowned upon and subject to public shaming.

00:26:08   The order of the picks is set by previous performance.

00:26:10   The winner of the previous associated game goes first.

00:26:13   That was me this time.

00:26:14   The previous loser goes last.

00:26:16   Winners will be recognized during the closing ceremonies.

00:26:20   As a reminder, Mike is the current annual chairman.

00:26:23   I am the current keynote chairman.

00:26:25   Past results can be seen at Rickies.co and Rickies.net.

00:26:28   These sites also have pages

00:26:30   about managing your own scorekeeping at home.

00:26:33   You may be seated.

00:26:34   (phone ringing)

00:26:35   - So I think we start at the beginning.

00:26:38   I think we start with round one.

00:26:39   - It's a good place to start.

00:26:40   - I think so.

00:26:42   I said the iPhone 16 Pro gains 5X Zoom.

00:26:47   Are we doing the bell thing?

00:26:51   - Well, we can do the bell, but I don't want to hum.

00:26:55   - People don't like the humming.

00:26:56   - No, so we can do the bell,

00:26:59   but you have to change Zoom settings to do the bell.

00:27:01   So what I think you should just do now is just say ding.

00:27:04   I think that is a better way to just do it.

00:27:07   - Let me try that again.

00:27:07   - You get the essence of a bill.

00:27:09   - You get the full experience.

00:27:12   I said the iPhone 16 Pro gains a 5X Zoom.

00:27:16   Ding.

00:27:17   - That's a perfect bell.

00:27:19   Great place.

00:27:19   Yeah, it did.

00:27:22   I'm happy that this happened.

00:27:24   - I feel like this radically shifts the relationship

00:27:27   between these two phones.

00:27:30   - Well, I mean, I think that's the story.

00:27:32   I mean, you mentioned it earlier, right?

00:27:33   Federico mentioned it earlier with the camera control,

00:27:37   which is a, that is going to take some time

00:27:39   to bed in that phrase rather than capture button.

00:27:42   - Oh, I know.

00:27:43   - Just in general this year,

00:27:45   the entire lineup is closer to each other than normal.

00:27:48   And I think that's probably good.

00:27:52   So people can just make their own decisions

00:27:54   based on what will be the smaller differences

00:27:56   between all the phones.

00:27:58   But yeah, the two Pro phones getting closer together again.

00:28:02   I think what it does show is the reason

00:28:07   that the 5X Zoom was just on the Pro Max last year

00:28:09   was purely space.

00:28:11   And it wasn't an indication that they were trying

00:28:15   to split them apart again.

00:28:17   Because we'd had that, right?

00:28:18   And then they came together and they were,

00:28:20   both sizes were kind of the same for a while.

00:28:22   And then the 5X Zoom was a change

00:28:25   that we hadn't seen in a bit.

00:28:27   And so, but I think that it was purely

00:28:29   because it was an engineering challenge

00:28:30   that they wanted to wait another year

00:28:31   to try and squeeze it all in to the Pro.

00:28:34   So, it's cool though.

00:28:36   - Yeah, yeah, good pick.

00:28:38   Are you gonna buy one, Steven?

00:28:39   Are you gonna get a 16 Pro or Pro Max?

00:28:42   - Well, we have a whole section about that

00:28:43   later in the outline.

00:28:45   - Okay.

00:28:46   - Called, what are we buying?

00:28:47   - There's a lot of foreshadowing in today's episode.

00:28:49   Just a very foreshadowing focused episode.

00:28:51   - It is.

00:28:51   - Okay, so my round one pick,

00:28:55   I said all the iPhones announced support Apple intelligence.

00:29:00   Ding! - Ding!

00:29:02   - Wait, are you the bell?

00:29:04   - Am I the bell?

00:29:05   Aren't we all?

00:29:06   - I think you can bell yourself.

00:29:08   - I think you should bell yourself.

00:29:10   - I think we're all like, each respective bell, you know?

00:29:14   - But don't bell too much, 'cause you might go blind.

00:29:17   - Yeah, sure.

00:29:19   All the iPhones support Apple intelligence.

00:29:24   We knew this, well, we thought we knew this

00:29:28   and it was correct.

00:29:29   All the iPhones have the A18 as a baseline,

00:29:32   and of course the Pro models have the A18 Pro.

00:29:36   Apple wants to get Apple intelligence

00:29:38   in the hands of as many people as possible,

00:29:40   so I would expect going forward,

00:29:42   all new Apple devices will support Apple intelligence.

00:29:47   But in this case, the 16 and the 16 Plus, they will.

00:29:51   And I mean, not that I'm gonna take advantage of it,

00:29:55   because I'm in Europe, but it will become available

00:29:58   for people in the US next month.

00:30:00   - I still think we will get it one day.

00:30:02   I don't, I just, it will happen.

00:30:06   Europe will get it, you will use it

00:30:08   as a different conversation, but I think that it,

00:30:11   I think it is in Apple's interest, right?

00:30:13   Like they will want to do this,

00:30:15   but I don't know why long it's gonna take.

00:30:16   - Oh, now don't you know that they should exit

00:30:19   the European market?

00:30:21   Didn't you know that was the theory?

00:30:23   - I know it's something people say.

00:30:25   I don't think I agree with the sentiment.

00:30:29   Steven made a point in his blog post

00:30:34   that I thought was interesting,

00:30:35   and I know I felt the same,

00:30:37   which like when they were talking about the Pro chip,

00:30:40   it kind of felt like they were gearing up to say something

00:30:44   that these phones would have

00:30:46   that was different in Apple intelligence,

00:30:47   but that didn't seem to come to pass,

00:30:49   that like, it seems like at least for now,

00:30:52   unless I'm remembering incorrectly,

00:30:54   that all of the Apple intelligence features

00:30:58   are for all phones.

00:30:59   Now there are machine learning powered features,

00:31:03   which are just on the Pro,

00:31:04   like I think the photographic styles counts, right?

00:31:07   Like the photographic styles requires the Pro chip,

00:31:12   I think, maybe?

00:31:15   I don't know anymore, but.

00:31:17   - It's confusing, you know?

00:31:20   They were not clear about these things.

00:31:21   - Yes, there aren't any Apple intelligence features

00:31:24   that appear to be just for the Pro phone,

00:31:27   which it does not surprise really,

00:31:29   'cause they haven't got a lot, yeah?

00:31:32   But that will change, I'm sure,

00:31:34   but at least it hasn't now.

00:31:36   - Maybe the like generated text

00:31:40   will be better written on a Pro phone.

00:31:43   And like there'll be some typos in the non-Pro phone.

00:31:46   I mean, there is a possibility that things will be faster

00:31:49   and/or better on the different chips.

00:31:51   - I think it'll definitely be faster,

00:31:53   but they didn't even really talk about that.

00:31:54   It just, it really felt like they were teeing something up

00:31:57   and just didn't deliver.

00:32:00   - Yeah.

00:32:01   - All right, well, speaking of chips, Mike.

00:32:04   - Yeah, Apple introduces a faster chip for the iPhone.

00:32:08   Ding, they did it for all of them.

00:32:10   They have an A18 and an A18 Pro.

00:32:14   - I wonder if this is what it is now.

00:32:16   The chip stuff has gotten complicated with them

00:32:21   in the last few years,

00:32:23   like especially all the three nanometer stuff.

00:32:25   Like these are three nanometer,

00:32:26   but they're different to the previous three nanometer chips,

00:32:28   right, 'cause I think this is the M4 architecture, Steven,

00:32:31   is that correct?

00:32:32   Like it's the same architecture as on the M4?

00:32:34   - It seems like it.

00:32:35   - Yeah.

00:32:36   - I think we'll know once these phones

00:32:37   are in the hands of people who have--

00:32:39   - Benchmark them and stuff.

00:32:40   - Yeah, but it seems like, you know,

00:32:42   the M3 and the A17 Pro were on

00:32:46   the first three nanometer process,

00:32:48   and it basically seems like that three nanometer process

00:32:51   was a bit of a dead end

00:32:53   and wasn't like the long-term game plan for three nanometer.

00:32:57   And so it seems like this is that evolved process

00:33:02   that the M4 is on.

00:33:04   I would assume they wanna get there as quickly as possible.

00:33:06   And, you know, we haven't seen the high-end M3 chips.

00:33:09   It seems like they're gonna skip over the,

00:33:11   what is it, the max and ultra at the top of the line,

00:33:13   or the ultra, I guess, at the top of the line.

00:33:15   So definitely a bit of a weird moment in chip land, I think.

00:33:20   But exciting, I mean, their foot is on the gas, definitely.

00:33:24   - Yeah, I will say it is getting,

00:33:27   it is getting harder to track these chips over time

00:33:34   because like two to three times a year

00:33:38   we're taking a visit to the chip lab

00:33:42   and they're talking to us about performance cores,

00:33:45   efficiency cores, neural engine.

00:33:47   And like, I have gotten to the point

00:33:50   where they could tell me the same thing each time

00:33:54   and I wouldn't know anymore.

00:33:57   Like it has got, 'cause at first,

00:33:59   like the first year or two, they were very big gains

00:34:02   and it was all new and interesting, right?

00:34:05   But now, like it is incredible that they are

00:34:07   on an annual basis producing more powerful chips,

00:34:11   but the returns are getting smaller

00:34:13   and the architecture is,

00:34:15   like on the face of it to someone like me,

00:34:17   it seems similar-ish, right?

00:34:20   And like, and I hear different configurations

00:34:22   of performance cores and efficiency cores

00:34:24   on different machines.

00:34:25   I think I've kind of gotten to the point

00:34:28   where like the time spent in the chip lab

00:34:32   is becoming complicated and confusing, especially because,

00:34:35   and I understand why they do it 'cause it's marketing,

00:34:37   like the comparisons Apple make

00:34:40   aren't always the ones you think they're gonna make, right?

00:34:43   Where they're like, this is four times faster

00:34:46   than like a different phone to the one you think

00:34:48   we're gonna talk about right now.

00:34:50   You know what I mean?

00:34:51   Like, and I understand why they do that.

00:34:52   It makes perfect sense.

00:34:54   They shouldn't, you know, and I follow the idea of like,

00:34:57   year over year comparisons are unrealistic

00:35:00   to the majority of people that they're talking to anyway.

00:35:03   So like, I get that,

00:35:04   but this is just like building this case of like,

00:35:06   the time spent in the chip lab for me now

00:35:09   is becoming like just of interest,

00:35:13   but I don't really feel like I can do anything

00:35:14   with the information that I received from that personally.

00:35:17   - I do wonder if there's, you know, I said this on NPU,

00:35:26   like it's hard to draw lines from as few dots as we have.

00:35:30   Like we had this period where the non-pro phone

00:35:33   had an old chip in it.

00:35:35   And now we have this where it's like a normal version

00:35:37   and a pro version.

00:35:38   They're probably just bend versions of the same chip

00:35:40   if I had to guess or, you know,

00:35:42   tweaked versions of the same chip.

00:35:44   And like, is this now like what you said,

00:35:46   is this now the pattern going forward?

00:35:49   I tend to think that it is because of Apple intelligence.

00:35:53   Like if you look at the 15 range,

00:35:56   the iPhone 15 and 15 plus don't run Apple intelligence

00:35:58   because they had a year old chip a year ago, right?

00:36:02   And that causes all sorts of weirdness with that phone.

00:36:04   Like, I think that's a blemish on the iPhone 15's record,

00:36:08   historically, like only the pro ones got this new feature.

00:36:12   And so maybe they're going to be more conservative

00:36:14   in terms of like future proofing.

00:36:16   Maybe they just need the horsepower for the AI stuff.

00:36:18   Whatever happened, it seems clear at least

00:36:22   that the road they were on had to change

00:36:26   because of Apple intelligence

00:36:27   and the 15 kind of lost out because of that.

00:36:30   It's just, this is really interesting.

00:36:32   We have another player here this week.

00:36:36   - The screen on the iPhone 16 Pro Max

00:36:42   will increase to at least 6.9 inches.

00:36:47   - Indeed, ChatGPT.

00:36:48   Strong start for the robot.

00:36:51   - It actually is.

00:36:53   I think that's a strong, it's pretty strong.

00:36:56   Like it nailed it.

00:36:57   This 6.9 inches is the size of the screen.

00:37:01   Big screen, both big screens now.

00:37:03   - Big screen.

00:37:05   - Big screen, was it 6.3 and 6.9?

00:37:07   Like the small phone is not small anymore.

00:37:11   Then both phones got bigger and heavier.

00:37:14   What do you guys think about that?

00:37:15   Bigger, heavier, bigger screens?

00:37:18   - What do I think?

00:37:19   I mean, I still want the biggest screen possible

00:37:24   so it'll have to work somehow.

00:37:28   - Is there a point though?

00:37:31   It's hard to say 'cause we haven't used it, right?

00:37:35   But like, I've got to think that 6.9,

00:37:38   we're getting to the point now, like where it's like,

00:37:41   we might be past it now.

00:37:44   We may have actually passed it where that big phone

00:37:46   has maybe hit the comfort limit for the fast,

00:37:50   like has exceeded the comfort limit

00:37:52   for the vast majority of people that would use it.

00:37:54   - Simply, yes, yeah.

00:37:58   - I had a word come to mind.

00:38:01   Remember phablet?

00:38:03   - Oh yeah.

00:38:05   - And how big, remember how big the 6 Plus seemed

00:38:08   and Mike was right about the size?

00:38:11   This phone dwarfs that phone.

00:38:13   Like it is next, I mean, we've been creeping up

00:38:16   but this one seems next level.

00:38:18   - Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's always a fun thing

00:38:21   but like the iPhone 6 Plus's screen was 5.5 inches.

00:38:26   Like that was the screen size.

00:38:30   I looked this up the other day

00:38:31   but the iPhone 12 mini was 5.4.

00:38:33   Like that's the world we're in, you know?

00:38:37   But of course the dimensions of the phone

00:38:40   is what made it bigger

00:38:41   'cause it wasn't edge to edge screen back then, was it?

00:38:44   But what I am actually interested in,

00:38:47   if I take a look at the physical sizes, right?

00:38:51   Like, yeah, so the 6 Plus was 158 millimeters in height

00:38:56   and 77 millimeters wide.

00:39:01   The iPhone 16 is 147 millimeters high

00:39:05   and 71 millimeters wide.

00:39:07   So the Plus was only like 11 millimeters taller

00:39:12   and seven millimeters wider

00:39:14   than the current standard smallest phone in the new lineup.

00:39:18   - That's wild.

00:39:19   - That's crazy, right?

00:39:21   That's, yeah.

00:39:23   I don't know, you know, I spoke about it.

00:39:27   I'm thinking about a smaller phone

00:39:29   and the fact that this one went to 6.3,

00:39:31   it's like, yeah, like I think the smaller phone

00:39:33   is now big enough for most people.

00:39:36   I've actually heard from quite a few listeners

00:39:37   who were like, you know, I was thinking about this too.

00:39:40   So that's just the world that we're in.

00:39:41   So good work, ChatGPT.

00:39:43   At the end of round one, we all have one point.

00:39:45   - Here we go.

00:39:49   - Round two.

00:39:50   The iPhone 16 and 16 Pro are larger than their predecessors.

00:39:57   - Oh, Steven.

00:40:00   - You messed up, didn't you?

00:40:01   - I blew it.

00:40:01   So here's, Mike, you texted me the other night

00:40:06   and said, hey, what happened with this pic?

00:40:09   What I swore I had in the document

00:40:12   was 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max, but I didn't have that.

00:40:15   I said 16 and 16 Pro.

00:40:17   And as it is written, you know,

00:40:20   so let it be written, so let it be picked.

00:40:22   And so I get it wrong.

00:40:23   - Why didn't we say anything?

00:40:26   - This is the-- - 'Cause you were

00:40:27   sabotaging me. - What is that called?

00:40:29   No, the Berenstain Bears.

00:40:30   What is that called, that effect?

00:40:32   You know, like when, Mandela effect.

00:40:34   We Mandela affected this, I think.

00:40:36   Or something like that.

00:40:37   Because I am convinced that when you said it,

00:40:41   we were all sure that you said,

00:40:45   and we all thought you were talking about

00:40:47   the 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max.

00:40:50   Like I think that was the conversation we were all having,

00:40:52   but it was not the pic that you gave, which, rough.

00:40:55   - Yeah, so it's, I think the strategy makes a lot of sense.

00:41:00   I think the Pro phones, both being a little bit bigger

00:41:02   than the normal ones, is good and helps distinguish them

00:41:05   in the Apple store, right, or the AT&T store,

00:41:07   wherever you go buy your phones.

00:41:09   So I think it's good.

00:41:10   I'm sad I missed the point, but you know,

00:41:12   I am a man of the people, and men of the people

00:41:15   play by the rules.

00:41:16   Who am I, David Grohl?

00:41:19   - Why are you trying to steal my thing now?

00:41:22   I don't like it.

00:41:23   - It's like you just created this new thing,

00:41:26   and you already won it.

00:41:27   - I'm sorry, Steven.

00:41:31   - Thank you.

00:41:32   - My round two pick was, Apple reviews a new AirPods model.

00:41:37   Ding, yes.

00:41:38   Not just one, in fact, two models.

00:41:41   - Three. - Three.

00:41:42   - Three, well. - Two and a half.

00:41:44   - Kind of three.

00:41:45   Yeah, the AirPods 4, I am so excited,

00:41:50   because they did the thing that I was hoping for.

00:41:53   Mike told me it was never gonna happen.

00:41:55   - That's not what I said.

00:41:57   That's actually not what I said.

00:41:58   - It is literally what you said.

00:42:00   - No, I said I didn't think it was possible,

00:42:02   and I still am very intrigued by this,

00:42:06   'cause it's the noise cancellation

00:42:07   we're talking about here, right?

00:42:09   That's what we're talking about?

00:42:10   Like, the AirPods 4, with noise cancellation,

00:42:13   which is a bad product name, in my opinion,

00:42:16   has, it is a pair of AirPods with noise cancellation

00:42:22   that does not have a silicon tip.

00:42:26   Now, a friend of the show, Chance Miller,

00:42:29   wrote an article on 9to5Mac,

00:42:31   and you know, it's saying that

00:42:33   the AirPods Pro noise cancellation

00:42:36   is defined as two times more, so it's half.

00:42:41   But what does that mean?

00:42:43   Like, I don't know how to equate, like, half.

00:42:46   - Like, if I turn on my Dyson vacuum at medium,

00:42:50   it cancels that, but if I turn it to boost mode, it doesn't?

00:42:54   Like, is that, like, what is 2x?

00:42:56   2x what?

00:42:57   - The effectiveness, right?

00:42:58   The amount.

00:42:59   - Yeah, but we need a unit of measurement.

00:43:01   What's the unit for noise cancellation?

00:43:04   How do you measure that?

00:43:05   - Let's say it's, let's say--

00:43:07   - Cancellation per second, CPS or something like that?

00:43:10   - Two cancellations per second,

00:43:12   and this one does one cancellation per second.

00:43:14   - Is that how it works?

00:43:15   I don't, okay.

00:43:16   - I think that's how it works.

00:43:17   But like, look, this is kind of what I was thinking about,

00:43:20   but I'm very, I am very impressed by this,

00:43:23   'cause I just figured you couldn't do it

00:43:24   without making a seal, and clearly Apple have found a way

00:43:27   to do it where they think it's good enough,

00:43:29   but I think, my expectation is if somebody moves to these,

00:43:33   they will realize it's not as good,

00:43:35   but maybe that won't matter to you at the same time.

00:43:37   You know what I mean?

00:43:38   Like maybe it's like, I don't need, I'm good of half.

00:43:41   - I had people in real life text me

00:43:45   just wanting to confirm, like,

00:43:48   "Hey, I read that the new AirPods 4,

00:43:50   "they do noise cancellation without the tips,

00:43:52   "is that correct?"

00:43:53   And I had to tell at least two people this morning, yes,

00:43:56   and they immediately pre-ordered the AirPods 4.

00:43:59   Both of them were on the AirPods 2 generation.

00:44:03   So yeah, I think these are gonna be extremely popular,

00:44:07   and this is something, we spoke about this last week,

00:44:11   not using the in-ear tips all the time

00:44:15   is something that I realized with time is better for me,

00:44:18   and so I was really hoping that Apple was gonna do this.

00:44:21   They are gonna do this.

00:44:22   Even if it's just a 1X cancellation

00:44:25   instead of 2X cancellation, whatever, I'm fine.

00:44:29   I'm never gonna use it most of the time,

00:44:30   and for those times when I need it,

00:44:32   I will not regret not having the AirPods Pro.

00:44:36   So excellent news all around.

00:44:38   Also happens to be a point for me.

00:44:41   - I'm really, I can't wait to hear

00:44:43   what you think about these.

00:44:44   Like, I'm really intrigued about it.

00:44:46   And so, Steven, remind me, what AirPods do you use?

00:44:51   - So I'm using the AirPods Pro 2,

00:44:54   even though I don't really like the tips.

00:44:59   I've come to like the other features,

00:45:01   and so I've stuck with them,

00:45:03   but the AirPods 4 with noise cancellation

00:45:07   is like definitely something I'm interested in.

00:45:09   I haven't pre-ordered them,

00:45:11   but I'm very curious how those reviews are gonna go,

00:45:14   because after a while,

00:45:17   especially if I'm like exercising or like sweaty,

00:45:21   the tips are really uncomfortable,

00:45:22   and for me at least, just my own ears,

00:45:25   my own personal experience.

00:45:27   And so these could be the ones for me,

00:45:30   and I also like how tiny the case appears to be.

00:45:34   Like just small and compact.

00:45:37   These are very interesting to me,

00:45:39   and yeah, I wanna know how they go.

00:45:41   I wanna know what people think about them,

00:45:43   'cause these could be my next.

00:45:44   - My second round pick.

00:45:47   A button is introduced to an iPhone

00:45:49   that directly lets you capture photos.

00:45:52   Ding, camera control.

00:45:54   - Camera control.

00:45:55   - So much more complicated

00:45:56   than we would have expected it to be.

00:45:59   It is a button that physically moves.

00:46:01   It is a button that physically moves

00:46:03   and has a taptic motor in it,

00:46:04   so you can do fake clicks and real clicks,

00:46:08   which is how they get the two-stage click,

00:46:09   which is really interesting,

00:46:11   and it also swipes and also destroys phone cases.

00:46:16   Let's talk about phone cases.

00:46:19   - The way I've been thinking about the camera control

00:46:22   is that the camera control

00:46:23   is the dynamic island of camera buttons.

00:46:27   It's way more than we were expecting it to be.

00:46:30   It's mostly about the software when you think about it,

00:46:34   not necessarily the hardware, which is fascinating.

00:46:37   - This is a phrase which I think people apply negatively,

00:46:42   but I don't mean it, is that like the dynamic island,

00:46:44   it is over-engineered.

00:46:45   There is significantly more engineering

00:46:49   that appears to have gone into this thing

00:46:53   than was necessary to make people happy, I think.

00:46:56   - Yeah, yeah.

00:46:57   - And I think it will make people more happy,

00:46:59   it will make me more happy.

00:47:00   I love the idea of being able to hold my phone

00:47:04   in the way to take a camera and swipe around and click

00:47:07   and pop and all this kind of stuff.

00:47:08   I think it's great.

00:47:09   I can swipe between modes, we'll be able to zoom in.

00:47:13   Weirdly, I heard this in MKBHD's video and I had to check,

00:47:17   but the thing where you can light press to focus

00:47:21   is not coming at launch, that's coming later,

00:47:24   which is really strange.

00:47:25   Like, via a software update.

00:47:27   So all the other features work,

00:47:30   but the idea of being able to light press

00:47:33   and it focus on someone and then you take the photo,

00:47:36   that is coming later on this year, odd.

00:47:39   But also there is like a, yeah, this is a very cool feature.

00:47:43   I like the look of it a lot and there's a lot going on.

00:47:46   But let's talk about phone cases.

00:47:48   'Cause phone cases are a disaster now, right?

00:47:50   (laughing)

00:47:52   I've been getting a lot of Instagram ads for phone cases

00:47:54   because I've been looking at phone cases

00:47:56   'cause I'm just intrigued about what's happening.

00:47:57   So I'm very aware of the landscape right now.

00:48:00   And basically, unless you're Apple,

00:48:04   everybody is doing some kind of bad cutout.

00:48:07   And I'm really intrigued to how it's actually gonna work

00:48:10   because some cases are just cutting a big trunk

00:48:13   out of the side, right?

00:48:14   So you've all seen these cases before,

00:48:18   where they kind of would go around the buttons

00:48:20   rather than making buttons, like take a big chunk out.

00:48:24   And some phone cases are just doing a cutout

00:48:28   of the little pill shape of the button.

00:48:31   - That's what my beloved Peak Design case is doing.

00:48:34   - And I don't know how that's,

00:48:36   I don't know if that's gonna work.

00:48:38   Because you gotta reach down,

00:48:42   you gotta push down physically inside of the cutout

00:48:46   that they've made and like swipe around it.

00:48:47   And like, I don't know how that's gonna,

00:48:49   I don't know how that's gonna work.

00:48:51   Like, I think it's interesting in Apple's cases,

00:48:55   they have a little piece of Sapphire in them.

00:48:57   And that's gonna be the way to do it.

00:49:00   Ultimately, I think everyone's gonna need to try

00:49:02   and find a way to make that work.

00:49:04   So they could have a little pass through piece

00:49:07   that's conductive.

00:49:08   But I think if you thought the action button

00:49:13   was a problem last year,

00:49:14   this is gonna be way more of a problem this year.

00:49:17   - Yeah, did y'all see that Beats have some cases?

00:49:21   - I did see that.

00:49:22   - So I've got a Beats case in my saved iPhone order.

00:49:27   'Cause I think, I mean, I want a case at least

00:49:30   for part of the time that supports all this stuff.

00:49:34   And then maybe the Peak Design case,

00:49:35   that's kind of weird and I only use that

00:49:37   for when I need the little clip thing for my bike riding.

00:49:40   So I will report back on the Beats case in a couple of weeks

00:49:44   'cause I'm very curious to see what they're doing there.

00:49:47   - Do you know, I had a conspiracy theory about this one,

00:49:50   which I did some work on and was able to disprove.

00:49:52   Would you like to hear my conspiracy theory?

00:49:53   I think it's pretty good.

00:49:54   - Yeah, I will say, Mike,

00:49:58   most of the time when people spread a conspiracy theory,

00:50:00   they don't debunk it in the intro.

00:50:02   - Because I know it's not correct.

00:50:05   Okay, that's why.

00:50:06   So like, it doesn't seem, it seems irresponsible.

00:50:08   - You'd be really bad at Twitter.

00:50:10   - And politics maybe.

00:50:11   But anyway.

00:50:13   So Apple have their cases, which is silicon,

00:50:17   no fine woven cases.

00:50:19   And they have their Beats cases,

00:50:21   which are a hard shell plastic.

00:50:24   It is a poly something.

00:50:28   It's in here somewhere.

00:50:29   - Poly, poly, poly,

00:50:31   - Polycarbonate.

00:50:32   It's polycarbonate.

00:50:34   So my first thought was, why are the Beats cases?

00:50:39   Like why are there Beats cases?

00:50:40   And then second thought was, well, these Beats cases

00:50:43   are made out of a different material.

00:50:45   And so then I thought,

00:50:47   is this material worse for the environment?

00:50:50   And does Beats count in Apple 2030?

00:50:54   And so this is my thinking was like,

00:50:58   and are they creating a second case option

00:51:01   made of a different material and calling it Beats

00:51:05   so they can get, so which is worse

00:51:07   and this material is worse for the environment,

00:51:09   but they can kind of be like, it's not Apple, it's Beats,

00:51:11   but Beats does count in Apple 2030.

00:51:14   So it's not for that.

00:51:16   I don't know why they're doing it,

00:51:17   but my conspiracy theory is not accurate.

00:51:20   - That makes me think of something now.

00:51:22   - Okay.

00:51:23   - Is FileMaker carbon neutral?

00:51:26   - There's only one way to find out.

00:51:28   (laughing)

00:51:28   There's only one way to find out.

00:51:30   Steve and Miguel on the phone.

00:51:31   We need to talk to FileMaker.

00:51:34   I just can't work out why these are Beats.

00:51:37   I don't know why this happened.

00:51:38   Like why are these not just Apple cases?

00:51:39   Like why are they Beats cases?

00:51:41   It's very interesting to me

00:51:43   because they're not outwardly branded as Beats.

00:51:46   They're like the branding of Beats is on the inside,

00:51:50   but these are the only two case options that I've found

00:51:52   that obviously have the what's needed

00:51:54   to make the camera control work

00:51:56   exactly as you would want it to.

00:51:58   There is the Clear case and the Silicon case from Apple

00:52:01   and then the Beats case.

00:52:03   Interestingly, the companies that they have partnered with,

00:52:06   right, AutoBox and I think there's one more,

00:52:10   have produced cases,

00:52:12   but they have the like physical cutouts.

00:52:16   So even the companies that Apple has partnered with

00:52:19   didn't get that information or the technology

00:52:23   to be able to make that work.

00:52:24   So I'm gonna be really interested to see how people

00:52:28   like or don't like their phone cases this year.

00:52:32   And I'm just gonna be out here living my no case life.

00:52:36   - What did the robot say?

00:52:38   - The iPhone 16 lineup will introduce

00:52:41   a new under display face ID system,

00:52:45   removing the notch or dynamic island.

00:52:48   - Uh-huh.

00:52:49   - Incredible pick, did not even nearly come true.

00:52:52   Can you imagine though?

00:52:53   Can you imagine though, if it was right, how we'd feel?

00:52:56   That would be scary.

00:52:57   So at the end of that round,

00:53:02   Steven has one point, Federico has two points,

00:53:05   I have two points and chat GPT has one point.

00:53:07   - Well, at least I'm not any worse

00:53:11   than a large language model.

00:53:13   - But you're not bad.

00:53:14   - Wait, just yeah.

00:53:16   - I mean, if you think about it,

00:53:17   aren't we all just large language models walking around?

00:53:21   - That is dark Steven, even for you.

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00:55:40   It's time for our risky picks.

00:55:45   Here was mine in its entirety.

00:55:49   Just let me get through this, okay?

00:55:51   The iPad mini is updated with an A17 Pro or higher

00:55:56   and a larger, brighter display.

00:56:00   It will run Apple intelligence.

00:56:01   It starts bad and it gets worse.

00:56:06   Yeah.

00:56:07   You know?

00:56:09   And what's even worse for you is that Tim Cook

00:56:12   at the very beginning said,

00:56:13   we're gonna talk about AirPods, Apple Watch and iPhone.

00:56:17   And so you knew you were pretty much done.

00:56:19   Yeah, he immediately roasted you, you know?

00:56:21   Yeah.

00:56:22   You were never gonna win.

00:56:25   Sorry, Steven.

00:56:25   Yeah, I mean, you had a flex, you get burned to the ground

00:56:28   like four seconds in, which is also very funny.

00:56:31   But yeah, I, you know, many people have said

00:56:36   over the years that I have a prophetic ability

00:56:41   to predict the future.

00:56:43   You remember, I correctly picked Apple to launch

00:56:45   Apple Silicon with a desktop Mac.

00:56:48   In a dream, a dream told me.

00:56:51   I'm just saying I was a little early.

00:56:54   Well, I can't use it again,

00:56:56   but we'll see what happens with this pick.

00:56:59   Well, I mean, you can score future picks from it though,

00:57:02   right?

00:57:03   No, see, okay.

00:57:04   We can't do that today, but I don't think I can.

00:57:09   I think the way the rules are written,

00:57:10   risky picks don't go to the new bonus system.

00:57:13   Only regular picks do.

00:57:15   We should change the rules 'cause they should.

00:57:16   That's my feeling.

00:57:17   We will deal with that in the future.

00:57:19   We can amend that before the next one

00:57:22   so you get it if it works.

00:57:23   But like, I think that that is just an issue

00:57:26   with the system.

00:57:27   Yeah, I'll make a note to look at that in a--

00:57:30   We may need to make a slight tweak on it,

00:57:33   but we'll work it out.

00:57:34   There should be some consideration for risky picks.

00:57:38   Maybe, maybe you get extra risky pick conditions

00:57:42   (laughs)

00:57:43   that you can add to a future risky pick.

00:57:46   Or--

00:57:47   No, no, save it.

00:57:48   I put a note for episode five.

00:57:50   No, just let me say it because--

00:57:50   Just let him say it.

00:57:52   He could just say it.

00:57:52   We're not doing it.

00:57:53   He's just saying it.

00:57:54   I am going to forget.

00:57:55   Yes, we have to say it.

00:57:56   Just say it. We'll forget about it.

00:57:57   Or you get the option to remove a condition.

00:58:02   So you may get a point more easily if you don't feel it.

00:58:07   I don't know, something like that.

00:58:08   Like you can choose.

00:58:09   Yeah, but then you couldn't get maximum points though,

00:58:10   could you?

00:58:11   'Cause then you're just kind of giving it, anyway.

00:58:13   Well, except later on.

00:58:14   We'll talk about it.

00:58:15   But there's something there.

00:58:16   There's something there.

00:58:17   So here's the thing.

00:58:18   In reading this pick against him,

00:58:20   I don't think that the mini's going to get a bigger screen.

00:58:22   I really don't think that's going to happen

00:58:24   when you need to do it.

00:58:25   I mean, it's got to look different than the iPhone Pro Max.

00:58:28   They get close.

00:58:29   No, 'cause they have a different aspect ratio.

00:58:33   It's just a joke about the phone size, Mike.

00:58:35   Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

00:58:36   I apologize.

00:58:37   I can only apologize for what I've done.

00:58:40   But I don't think the screen will get bigger.

00:58:42   I think the screen could get better.

00:58:44   I think it will get better.

00:58:45   I hope it will.

00:58:45   But I'd be surprised if they made it any bigger.

00:58:48   Time will tell.

00:58:50   Time will tell.

00:58:52   This is heartbreaking for reasons

00:58:54   that I will explain shortly.

00:58:56   My risky pick, I'm going to read it in its entirety now.

00:58:59   The new, quote, capture button supports

00:59:03   at least two user configurable gestures,

00:59:07   will support third-party camera apps

00:59:09   in addition to the system camera,

00:59:11   will integrate with the controls API

00:59:14   to configure various commands.

00:59:16   Unfortunately, only one of these can be verified today

00:59:21   and is correct, which is the middle one.

00:59:23   Will support third-party camera apps

00:59:25   in addition to the system camera.

00:59:27   The other two, I want to talk about them.

00:59:30   Yeah, let's talk about them.

00:59:32   The first one, the new button supports

00:59:34   at least two user configurable gestures.

00:59:36   There's a couple of things to say here.

00:59:40   We don't know and we can't know right now

00:59:44   if that is the case.

00:59:45   I watched so many hands-on videos,

00:59:48   nobody bothered to open the settings app

00:59:51   and check the options for camera control in settings.

00:59:54   As we're recording this, I know that I've looked,

00:59:59   Mike has looked, we cannot find the settings pane

01:00:02   for camera control.

01:00:04   And there's no way to know if the default gestures

01:00:09   in the camera app will be customizable for camera control.

01:00:14   There's just no way to know.

01:00:16   And the thing is, I think even if it's not verifiable

01:00:21   right now, I think I will be proven right,

01:00:24   maybe even next month, when more camera control options

01:00:28   become available.

01:00:29   Jason, I have checked the simulator,

01:00:32   there's no camera control in the simulator,

01:00:35   because there's no camera in the simulator.

01:00:37   There's just no way to know if that is the case right now.

01:00:42   I think I will be proven right as Apple adds

01:00:47   more camera control features, maybe even next month,

01:00:49   and you will be able to choose what a light press does

01:00:51   or what a swipe does.

01:00:53   Maybe it's even there right now,

01:00:55   and people with review units have it right now

01:00:57   and know the answer, but that cannot be publicly verifiable

01:01:02   because they are under embargo.

01:01:04   And the other, which is heartbreaking,

01:01:07   this is my fault.

01:01:10   I don't get the third point.

01:01:12   We'll integrate with the controls API

01:01:14   to configure various commands.

01:01:15   So this is my fault because I was over-specific,

01:01:20   and there was a way for me to be still specific

01:01:22   and maintain the spirit of the PIC in my head.

01:01:25   The spirit behind it was,

01:01:28   and I think I mentioned this on the show,

01:01:31   I wanted to say this camera control will use one of the APIs

01:01:36   that we have already seen at WWDC,

01:01:39   because this is what Apple does.

01:01:40   They introduce APIs, they introduce technologies

01:01:43   that they are going to reuse with hardware in September.

01:01:47   That was the spirit of my PIC.

01:01:49   But instead, I just went with PIC in the controls API.

01:01:53   It was always, like in my head,

01:01:57   there were two APIs that I was thinking of.

01:01:59   It was controls API and the other locked camera capture

01:02:04   that they use on the lock screen,

01:02:05   that they use to let you use third-party camera apps

01:02:08   like Obscura or Halide to take photos from the lock screen.

01:02:13   I picked the controls one because I thought it made more sense

01:02:16   to change between the controls.

01:02:19   Instead, it's something else,

01:02:20   but they did use lock camera capture.

01:02:22   So I could have gotten the point if I just said

01:02:27   they will reuse one of the iOS technologies,

01:02:30   one of the iOS 18 APIs that they showed off.

01:02:32   I could have said it's either going to be controls

01:02:34   or lock camera capture.

01:02:36   It comes down to the phrasing,

01:02:38   and I painted myself in this corner

01:02:40   where I said the controls API,

01:02:42   and for that reason, I don't get the point.

01:02:45   -So, like, as well, like, the API that they're using,

01:02:49   the locked camera, they must have expanded this API, right?

01:02:53   -Yes. -Okay.

01:02:54   That's really interesting that they did that.

01:02:57   But I guess it is --

01:02:59   So this is why I wonder about the user configurable gestures

01:03:02   part, too, though, is they are very clearly,

01:03:05   I think, making it obvious you can only do camera stuff with this.

01:03:08   Like, you cannot do non-camera stuff with it.

01:03:11   And so I wonder, what would these gestures even be,

01:03:14   like, to do other camera stuff?

01:03:16   -Yeah, like, I don't know. Is there going to be --

01:03:18   Like, for all we know, it's very possible

01:03:20   that there's a setting right now in the review units

01:03:23   where you can say, "Well, instead of holding down for video,

01:03:25   hold down for burst," or something like that.

01:03:27   -Oh, okay. -You know?

01:03:29   -Okay. There might be some quick actions

01:03:31   that you can set that are different.

01:03:34   -Yeah. Like, oh, let me change the assignment of the things

01:03:38   with the default gestures.

01:03:39   I'm not imagining a scenario in which you are coming up with --

01:03:43   -Of the knifery. -Yeah.

01:03:45   Or, like, design your own gesture,

01:03:47   like a triple tap or something.

01:03:49   No, I'm saying that for those default gestures --

01:03:52   light press, long press, swipe --

01:03:55   like, maybe you will be able to choose.

01:03:57   It's very possible that it's already in there,

01:04:00   but there's no way to know.

01:04:01   So lesson learned, I guess.

01:04:07   My pick -- Apple mentions RAM or memory in the iPhone.

01:04:11   They say it will be at least 8 gigabytes

01:04:14   and state it is to power Apple intelligence.

01:04:19   So by my count, I have two of these.

01:04:23   They mention memory.

01:04:26   They talk about system memory and its bandwidth.

01:04:30   And they state it is to power Apple intelligence.

01:04:33   They say it needs memory to store large models and bandwidth

01:04:37   to access them quickly.

01:04:39   I have also found that Mac rumors say there's 8 gigabytes,

01:04:42   but Apple didn't say it, but that's just a little factoid.

01:04:44   -Yeah. That one, the verb "got you" --

01:04:47   if you didn't say Apple says it will be at least 8 gigs,

01:04:51   you know, you'd have a perfect screen.

01:04:52   -Yeah, but this still isn't it, though.

01:04:54   Like, I thought about that,

01:04:56   but this is from digging in Xcode.

01:04:59   Like, I just don't really think it's verifiable enough.

01:05:01   Like, in a way, for me, even.

01:05:04   Like, because what I was thinking is I genuinely thought

01:05:07   they were going to publish the amount.

01:05:10   -Right. -Which I think what Apple has done.

01:05:12   And even though I made the pick, I was still very surprised

01:05:16   to hear them talking about memory in the iPhone.

01:05:20   And they did it in such a way

01:05:22   where they were trying to not talk about RAM, right?

01:05:26   And also, so you never think about it,

01:05:28   but they're referencing an increase in memory

01:05:31   and what it's for and, you know, all that kind of stuff.

01:05:33   So by my count, I got two out of my three.

01:05:37   Unless anybody disagrees.

01:05:39   -No, I think you get it. I think it's valid, yeah.

01:05:43   -That's one point for me. -Mm-hmm.

01:05:47   -ChatGPT said...

01:05:48   -Apple introduces a new telephoto lens to the Pro Max.

01:05:52   It has 10x zoom.

01:05:55   It will feature enhanced low-light performance

01:05:58   that is branded Night Sight Pro,

01:06:01   and it will include a new sensor-shift stabilization system.

01:06:06   -Sure.

01:06:07   Federico, I spent a lot of time today doing the comparisons

01:06:11   to see if any of the sensor-shift stabilization

01:06:14   had changed, and it hadn't.

01:06:16   But I was very excited for a moment

01:06:18   because it does reference second-generation sensor shift.

01:06:23   Like, that is a thing that exists.

01:06:25   But no phone went from first to second year over year.

01:06:29   So the second-generation one was around last year.

01:06:33   -Yeah. -Okay.

01:06:34   Well, so...

01:06:36   -We have a winner. -We do.

01:06:37   Mike has three points.

01:06:41   Federico has two points.

01:06:44   I am tied with ChatGPT at zero points.

01:06:48   -You're so close, man.

01:06:49   Those 200 points are on the line for you for the quizzes.

01:06:53   -Oh, no. I forgot about that.

01:06:55   -Yeah, you were so close.

01:06:57   I mean, the question is,

01:06:59   do we need to coin flip to find out who lost?

01:07:02   -Or does the human get the benefit of the doubt

01:07:05   over the large language model?

01:07:06   -No. -Why wouldn't that happen?

01:07:09   -I've got a coin flip with ChatGPT?

01:07:12   -I guess -- I guess I would --

01:07:14   Yeah, that would be quite complicated.

01:07:15   -No, Steven. No, ChatGPT loses.

01:07:18   Come on. We give it to Stevens.

01:07:19   -All right. I love it. -ChatGPT loses.

01:07:20   -Hang on, hang on, hang on. -The fact that Federico said that

01:07:22   tells you it should be good

01:07:23   'cause he is in competition with you.

01:07:26   -Yeah. -And he still doesn't --

01:07:27   -Here's the thing.

01:07:29   ChatGPT can flip a coin.

01:07:31   You can ask it to flip a coin. It will tell you.

01:07:33   -Of course you can. Yeah. -What if I just guess,

01:07:36   and if I'm right, I win, and if I'm wrong, it wins?

01:07:40   Like, I'm willing to be fair 'cause we let it play.

01:07:43   -If you want to do it, you can do it.

01:07:46   -If I lose the ChatGPT,

01:07:47   do I lose the points for the pug-as-a-thon?

01:07:51   -No, you just lose the points in the quizzes,

01:07:53   and it's 200 points.

01:07:55   -And what's the current Quizzy score?

01:07:58   -It's an excellent question.

01:08:01   Steven at 540, Federico 580.

01:08:04   -Ooh.

01:08:06   There's still a lot of time of the year left.

01:08:09   You know what? I'm a man of honor,

01:08:11   and how we do things around here is coin flips if we tie, so...

01:08:14   -I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna say --

01:08:15   I'm gonna ask ChatGPT heads or tails.

01:08:17   -And I got to guess it.

01:08:19   -No, no, and I'm gonna do the coin flip in DICE by P-Calc,

01:08:22   and we're gonna keep doing this until one of you loses,

01:08:26   as is the way that these things go, right?

01:08:29   So we're still abiding by the standard rules.

01:08:32   -Yeah.

01:08:34   -All right, I need to go to DICE.

01:08:35   I was not prepared for this,

01:08:36   'cause I didn't think we were gonna be doing it,

01:08:37   but Steven's getting weirdly confident

01:08:40   for a 50/50 game of chance here against the computer,

01:08:43   which is a lot of --

01:08:44   -It's actually kind of against two computers,

01:08:46   if you think about your iPhone and ChatGPT.

01:08:47   -All right.

01:08:51   Actually...

01:08:55   How do we do this normally?

01:08:57   Oh, no, we just keep doing it so it's a knockout, right?

01:08:59   We can do it that way. All right.

01:09:02   Heads or tails, Steven?

01:09:03   -Heads.

01:09:05   Heads.

01:09:06   -Steven, you win. ChatGPT's head tails.

01:09:08   -Oh, thank goodness.

01:09:10   -Yeah.

01:09:11   -Thank goodness I'm gonna lose to ChatGPT.

01:09:15   -Can I just say for a second, though,

01:09:16   that we've actually been spending way too much time

01:09:19   focusing on the wrong thing?

01:09:20   Because I'm the benchman, all right?

01:09:23   Me, I'm the benchman.

01:09:25   I have consolidated power.

01:09:29   I am the inaugural Ricky Benchman.

01:09:32   -Congratulations.

01:09:33   -It's pretty great, right, for me.

01:09:34   I'm gonna change my trophy right now

01:09:38   and put it up with my other trophy,

01:09:39   'cause I'm also a draft champion.

01:09:40   I'm draft champion Ricky Benchman.

01:09:42   I am all-powerful.

01:09:44   -You've had a good week. -You can touch me.

01:09:46   -Great week. -Good week.

01:09:48   Okay.

01:09:49   -You know we have a saying in Italy, Mike?

01:09:52   I don't know if there's an equivalent in English,

01:09:55   but it goes something like,

01:09:57   "Lucky in games, unlucky in love."

01:10:01   So if I were you, I would, you know...

01:10:03   -Better watch out.

01:10:04   Wait, are you...

01:10:05   Is it "are you..."

01:10:07   -I'm not saying anything.

01:10:07   I'm just saying that there's an expression.

01:10:09   -Are you moving in on my wife or something?

01:10:10   I don't know right now, Federico.

01:10:12   -Is that what's happening?

01:10:15   -No, I'm just saying.

01:10:16   I'm just saying.

01:10:18   -Well, I love this trophy and I just changed it

01:10:23   and now both circles on my tricky are over London

01:10:27   because I'm the benchman.

01:10:29   I will at least get like three weeks of being called Ricky Benchman.

01:10:34   -Yeah, there's an October event coming, I think.

01:10:36   -Unless they do a bunch of press releases

01:10:38   'cause Tim likes me being the benchman.

01:10:40   -Could be.

01:10:41   How many times do you have to say it?

01:10:43   -A lot.

01:10:44   -A lot because again, I might have a limited shelf life, so...

01:10:47   -Mm-hmm, okay.

01:10:49   -This episode of Connected is brought to you

01:10:53   by 1Password extended access management.

01:10:56   Imagine your company security is like the quad of a college campus.

01:11:01   There's nice bricked paths between the buildings.

01:11:04   Those are the company-owned devices,

01:11:05   IT-approved apps, and managed employee identities.

01:11:09   And then there are those paths that people actually use,

01:11:11   the shortcuts through the grass

01:11:13   that are the actual straightest line from point A to point B.

01:11:17   Those are unmanaged devices, shadow IT apps,

01:11:20   and non-employee identities like contractors.

01:11:24   Now, most security tools only work on those happy brick paths,

01:11:28   but a lot of the security problems take place on the shortcuts.

01:11:32   1Password extended access management is the first security solution

01:11:36   that brings all of those unmanaged devices, apps,

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01:11:42   It ensures that every user credential is strong and protected,

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01:11:50   1Password extended access management simply solves the problems

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01:11:56   It's security for the way that we work today

01:11:58   and is now generally available to companies with Okta or Microsoft Intra

01:12:02   and in beta for Google Workspace customers.

01:12:05   So go check it out at 1Password.com/connected.

01:12:09   That's 1Password.com/connected.

01:12:13   Our thanks to 1Password extended access management

01:12:16   for their support of the show.

01:12:18   The Flexis is a game held after each edition of the RICKYs.

01:12:23   It consists of a series of additional picks

01:12:26   in relation to the upcoming Apple event or year.

01:12:29   Scoring is completed separately from the main game,

01:12:31   but like the RICKYs, the order of picks is set by the rules

01:12:34   of the previous... the results of the previous game,

01:12:37   and ties will be broken by using dice by Pcalc.

01:12:40   Please lie down as the rules are read.

01:12:43   Hosts must make a minimum of five Flexi picks.

01:12:54   No problems with that this time.

01:12:57   Each correct pick is awarded with one point.

01:12:59   Wrong picks do not remove any points,

01:13:01   and no partial points may be awarded.

01:13:03   The winner is determined by comparing the percentage

01:13:06   of correct Flexis made by each host.

01:13:08   The winner can choose their own...

01:13:10   can use their own chosen title as long as they are the winner.

01:13:14   Federico shall be named Prince Flexi

01:13:16   and is known as King Flexi

01:13:18   when having won both keynote and annual games.

01:13:20   Mike has chosen Duke of Flexington

01:13:22   and uses the name Archduke Flexington when applicable.

01:13:26   I am the Eternal General Flexi

01:13:28   and use the title Secretary of Deflex when necessary.

01:13:32   Loser of the Flexis must compensate the winner of the Flexis

01:13:35   by donating to a charity of the winner's choice.

01:13:38   The amount of the donation is $25 per wrong Flexi made by the loser.

01:13:42   The money must be donated on air.

01:13:45   Federico is the current winner of the keynote Flexis

01:13:48   and I am the winner of the annual Flexis.

01:13:51   So if I win today, I get to be Secretary of Deflex.

01:13:55   If someone holds all four titles,

01:13:57   they are allowed to choose their own nickname.

01:13:59   You may be seated.

01:14:01   [Music]

01:14:03   I am convinced we will do this show long enough

01:14:07   that that will happen

01:14:08   and I am excited for that possibility.

01:14:11   I would also like to give some follow-up

01:14:13   because we forgot there was something we forgot to do

01:14:16   which was that we would multiply our points scored in the Rickies

01:14:21   and add them to our total.

01:14:25   So that is 30 points for me

01:14:29   and zero for you.

01:14:31   So I am now beating you in Mike versus Steven,

01:14:34   75 to 45 as we lead in towards the podcast design.

01:14:38   So I'm feeling real good.

01:14:40   -I'm coming for you. -Justice.

01:14:42   -Coming for you, buddy. -Justice for Mike.

01:14:44   Justice for Mike.

01:14:46   Okay, so we've got just a whole bunch of Flexis here.

01:14:50   Federico, you're up first.

01:14:53   Alright.

01:14:55   Number one, there are multiple AirPods models.

01:14:59   Yeah, we've been over this, a bunch of them.

01:15:01   Yeah.

01:15:02   Number two, Apple intelligence features are demoed again.

01:15:05   Yeah, this is going to be the next few events

01:15:08   or the next few years.

01:15:09   Forever. This is forever now, whether we like it or not.

01:15:13   Were you all surprised that they had new features

01:15:16   when they showed the visual lookup stuff?

01:15:19   Which was also my risky pick from WWDC, if I'm not mistaken.

01:15:24   We'll look at that later.

01:15:26   But yes, actually, I wasn't expecting anything significant this time.

01:15:34   No.

01:15:36   Number three, there is a new AirPods model with noise cancellation.

01:15:41   Yes, cannot wait for it.

01:15:43   Number four, heartbreaking.

01:15:45   The new iPhone color is called gold titanium.

01:15:51   Now, it's called desert titanium.

01:15:53   However, I will just mention that if you download the marketing assets

01:15:59   from the Apple developer website, the files are called gold titanium.

01:16:04   That's fantastic.

01:16:06   That's fantastic.

01:16:08   And upsetting.

01:16:10   Yeah.

01:16:11   Number five, chat GPT is mentioned again.

01:16:14   Apple just loves chat GPT for its world expertise and world knowledge, as they say.

01:16:21   Number six, the ultra-wide camera on the iPhone 16 Pro is considerably improved.

01:16:27   Let's go.

01:16:28   Yeah, I'm excited about that.

01:16:30   I'm so happy about this.

01:16:32   I can't wait to see how it works.

01:16:35   Number seven, at least one of the new iPhones is brighter than before.

01:16:40   They're not.

01:16:42   They still peak at 2,000 nits of peak brightness, same as the 15.

01:16:48   They do actually, they go to one nit now.

01:16:52   They go to one nit instead of two.

01:16:54   So actually, they go lower.

01:16:57   Lower?

01:16:59   They go lower than before, which is interesting.

01:17:04   The dimmest iPhone ever.

01:17:06   Yeah.

01:17:07   Number eight, Apple introduces new vegan leather cases.

01:17:11   No, they just discontinued fine woven and that's it.

01:17:16   Number nine, the flashlight in the new iPhones is mentioned as being brighter than before.

01:17:22   No, it's the same flashlight.

01:17:24   You just get the fancy live activity, but there's no other changes.

01:17:28   Number 10, no Macs and iPads at this event.

01:17:32   That was correct.

01:17:34   Number 11, there are new AirPods Max, but they don't fold.

01:17:38   Correct.

01:17:39   They're still the same and there's still 550.

01:17:42   Incredible.

01:17:43   I would like to report a crime that Apple have committed in the way in which they have updated these headphones.

01:17:50   It's... I'm so angry.

01:17:53   I'm so mad about this.

01:17:55   Like, they just put USB-C on it.

01:17:58   They didn't even put the new chip in it.

01:18:00   Like, what is going on?

01:18:02   I know now I need to get different headphones.

01:18:04   I wanted to get new headphones.

01:18:06   So now I guess, I don't know, I'll wait for the next Sony's or whatever.

01:18:10   But I just think this is ridiculous.

01:18:13   So that's all I have to say on the matter.

01:18:15   I'm very upset about it.

01:18:17   Where was I?

01:18:19   Number 12, the new iPhone color is called Earth Titanium.

01:18:24   They did go with Desert Titanium.

01:18:27   And I told you guys today that in Italy it's called the equivalent of Sand Titanium.

01:18:32   It's called Titania Sabia.

01:18:34   That would be sand, which is a better name.

01:18:38   And lastly, Craig Federighi is stranded somewhere.

01:18:42   I think this is a point.

01:18:44   Because we got Craig Federighi in the middle of a fancy palace or something.

01:18:48   It's a palace of fine arts, just on his own.

01:18:50   On his own, just there.

01:18:52   Where other people, you can see there are other people, right?

01:18:55   Except when there are people out in the world.

01:18:57   To me, that looked pretty stranded.

01:18:59   I'm sure the palace of fine arts is lovely, but I think he looked pretty stranded.

01:19:04   There was some discourse on Threads about how did Apple get to use this space?

01:19:09   They just wrote him a giant check and told him to close for the day.

01:19:12   It's not hard to understand.

01:19:14   It's not like they were dodging a tourist trying to film this.

01:19:18   No, they just did it.

01:19:20   I saw a post on Threads of somebody who was in the park where the AirPods part was.

01:19:29   There were these big barriers up in signs and it had the name of some production company.

01:19:34   That's how they do it.

01:19:36   As you said, they just write a big check.

01:19:38   Do you know who probably pretty much loves Apple?

01:19:41   It's the San Francisco government.

01:19:44   You know what I mean?

01:19:46   I'm sure that they do okay together and they let me use all these great places.

01:19:52   This is 8 correct flexes out of 13 for a 61.5 correct ratio.

01:20:01   That's a very good average considering how many there were and how we produced half of them, which was in a flurry.

01:20:10   There is a segment about Apple intelligence that lasts at least 10 minutes.

01:20:16   It went just over.

01:20:18   It was like 10 minutes into 3 seconds.

01:20:20   It was very close, but I'm going to take that.

01:20:23   Apple watch band attachments will change.

01:20:25   They have not changed.

01:20:27   The watch is thinner, but they did not change the attachments.

01:20:32   I don't know when they're going to do this, if they're ever going to do this, but they didn't do it this time.

01:20:36   Apple does not say AI or artificial intelligence.

01:20:40   Tim said it basically immediately.

01:20:43   What I'm saying here is that they are trying to avoid saying it as much as possible.

01:20:54   But maybe there is just a scenario where they can't get away from it now, even though they would like to.

01:21:00   We get a release window for 18.1.

01:21:04   Yes, October, rather than just future.

01:21:07   So it's coming in October.

01:21:09   No iPad hardware.

01:21:11   Fine woven cases mysteriously disappear.

01:21:14   They're gone.

01:21:16   They never existed in the first place.

01:21:18   They still have some products though.

01:21:22   We'll talk about that in a minute.

01:21:25   The iPhone 16 has a better range of colors than the iPhone 16 Pro.

01:21:30   Is there anybody that's going to argue with me on this one?

01:21:34   No.

01:21:36   Vertical lenses on the 16.

01:21:38   Apple Watch SE is updated and it's not made of aluminium.

01:21:41   It didn't update it.

01:21:43   But do you know if you go to the site right now you have to pre-order one?

01:21:46   Yeah, I saw that.

01:21:48   What is going on there?

01:21:50   I tried to look back and I couldn't find it.

01:21:53   I feel like that has happened before when they've had new bands and the bands don't come out until the regular new watches come out.

01:22:01   Oh, that's it.

01:22:03   But best I can tell it's the same watch.

01:22:05   Yeah, but they don't...

01:22:07   None of the bands are available so they can't sell you a watch.

01:22:10   Smart.

01:22:12   11. Tim Cook is surrounded by long grass.

01:22:15   Now, you know what is long?

01:22:19   You know?

01:22:20   Like one man's short grass is another man's long grass.

01:22:24   And there is a moment where he's standing on a pathway and there's some grass.

01:22:29   That's like longer than cut.

01:22:33   You know?

01:22:34   No? Okay, cool.

01:22:35   12. The Apple Watch segment is presented in and around a gym. There was no gym at all.

01:22:40   Noticeably absent from the gym actually.

01:22:43   The only time they were inside, it looked like they were inside of a museum or an art gallery or something.

01:22:47   So, no, none of that.

01:22:48   And Craig wears a costume for some portion of the event.

01:22:51   No.

01:22:52   He did have a haircut though it looked like.

01:22:53   Yeah, I was going to say it did look like his hair was shorter, didn't it?

01:22:55   Yeah.

01:22:56   It did look like that.

01:22:57   I wish he'd button more buttons on a shirt.

01:22:59   I wish he'd button more.

01:23:01   Seven out of 13. That is 53.8% from me.

01:23:06   Not bad.

01:23:07   I would say not bad.

01:23:09   Not bad.

01:23:10   This episode of Connected is brought to you by our friends at Backblaze.

01:23:16   Backblaze are the folks looking after your digital data.

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01:25:05   Our thanks to Backblaze for all their support.

01:25:08   And again, you want to go to backblaze.com/connected.

01:25:12   Up next, we have mine.

01:25:18   Apple Watch Ultra 3 comes in black.

01:25:22   Once again, bitten by the worded.

01:25:26   Bitten by a weird lack of updates to this product.

01:25:29   What are you thinking about this black one?

01:25:32   Do you like it? It looks good, right?

01:25:33   I think it looks awesome.

01:25:35   I would be all about it if they had updated it,

01:25:39   but they didn't.

01:25:41   And that's, again, we don't have enough dots to draw a line,

01:25:44   but it's weird.

01:25:46   The Apple Watch Ultra pitches the top-of-the-line watch.

01:25:53   Now it's not.

01:25:55   There are a bunch of ways the Apple Watch Series 10 is better.

01:25:58   In all ways, they were very different from each other in a lot of ways.

01:26:01   But now this is a side product,

01:26:06   and it's going to get updated every couple of years, which is probably fine,

01:26:09   but it's a little confusing at this point what Apple's up to.

01:26:14   But it does look good.

01:26:16   Number two, macOS Sequoia released with iOS 18.

01:26:21   Yep, as you mentioned, everything is coming on Monday.

01:26:24   Number three, Apple Intelligence gains no new features.

01:26:29   I felt like that was a lock.

01:26:31   I felt they had played all their cards, but turns out they hadn't.

01:26:35   iPhone 16 and 16 Pro can run Apple Intelligence.

01:26:41   That's correct.

01:26:42   Number five, fine woven lives on.

01:26:46   So this came up that we had both put in no more fine woven cases,

01:26:53   and because you had seniority in the order, I changed mine,

01:26:57   and we both got our point.

01:26:59   The cases are gone, but fine woven lives on in MaxAfe wallets,

01:27:05   a couple of watch bands, and the AirTag case,

01:27:09   like a little keychain holder thing.

01:27:11   I understand the situation that they found themselves in,

01:27:16   because leather watch bands, I think, are actually more important

01:27:19   than leather phone cases.

01:27:21   I don't know what their plan is going to be here moving forward,

01:27:24   because I was thinking about Apple watches, thinking about bands,

01:27:28   I always take a look at the bands,

01:27:30   and I don't like any of the new ultra bands that they've made.

01:27:33   The colors, they're just not my colors.

01:27:36   The band that I always loved was the Magnetic Link band,

01:27:41   which they still make, but it's made out of the fine woven material.

01:27:44   I don't really know how it wears in a watch band,

01:27:50   but I know it doesn't look what I want it to look like,

01:27:52   and I want the look of leather.

01:27:53   I have the leather one, and I love it.

01:27:55   So I don't know what they're going to do there.

01:27:58   Yeah, again, sort of a transition moment.

01:28:02   Like you said, maybe they're going to rely on Beats

01:28:04   to do some other weird stuff. Who knows?

01:28:06   Well, they're not, because Beats is in 2030, that's the thing.

01:28:09   So if it's an environmental thing, Beats doesn't make a difference.

01:28:13   The new Apple Watch SE costs $199.

01:28:18   Well, neither does the old one.

01:28:20   Wrong on multiple accounts.

01:28:22   The brown iPhone Pro does not have gold in its name.

01:28:28   Is it brown?

01:28:31   We know what we mean.

01:28:33   Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm just giving you a lot of time.

01:28:37   We know what it means.

01:28:38   This is the one I'm the saddest about for some reason.

01:28:42   The iPhone Pro comes with color match cables.

01:28:45   It could be so cool. It's so nice on the MacBooks, but not here.

01:28:50   I'm sad about the fact that there's a new MagSafe puck, which is faster.

01:28:55   Why are you sad?

01:28:58   Yeah.

01:28:59   Because I don't want to replace all my MagSafes.

01:29:02   And now I know my phone could charge faster, but it won't.

01:29:05   That's what makes me sad.

01:29:06   Oh, you are going to replace your MagSafe charger?

01:29:09   No, I have too many. Seriously, it's too many.

01:29:12   Because I have like two or three dock things and they've each got two regular pucks in them.

01:29:21   I'm not going to do that.

01:29:22   There's things like $100 each or something insane.

01:29:25   I'm not doing that.

01:29:26   Okay.

01:29:30   The regular Apple Watch models each get larger screens and cases.

01:29:34   Yes, I was nervous about this because Apple made no reference to a smaller Apple Watch in the keynote whatsoever.

01:29:42   Unbelievable.

01:29:43   The most mind-blowing thing.

01:29:45   I do not know why they did that.

01:29:47   I will never understand that decision.

01:29:50   They never showed that there was more than one of them at the time.

01:29:54   It was very strange.

01:29:55   Very, very strange decision to make.

01:29:57   Yeah, really weird.

01:29:59   iOS 18.1 announced to ship in October.

01:30:04   We see the rainbow stage at Apple Park in the video.

01:30:10   We saw it at day and at night and it looks really cool lit up at night.

01:30:14   Go rainbow stage team at Apple.

01:30:18   Jeff Williams is seen in nature.

01:30:21   What's nature really?

01:30:22   What is nature?

01:30:23   What is nature?

01:30:24   Is nature a park?

01:30:25   Yes, yeah, he's outside.

01:30:28   Nature.

01:30:29   Nature outside, I don't think they could like industrial parks are outside.

01:30:34   They're not nature.

01:30:35   There was rocks and grass and water.

01:30:37   He was in nature.

01:30:38   Come on.

01:30:39   Is it?

01:30:40   All right.

01:30:41   And last, Craig, and this is just the wrong event for this.

01:30:47   Craig travels from one set to another in a ridiculous fashion.

01:30:50   I mean, he could have ran.

01:30:52   You know what I mean?

01:30:53   I would not have been surprised about that, but no, that didn't happen.

01:30:56   Yeah. So that puts me at 8 out of 13, 61.5%, the same as Federico.

01:31:04   We tie.

01:31:05   We managed to tie.

01:31:07   With 13 picks.

01:31:08   Do we have a tie mechanism?

01:31:11   Yeah, it's the same.

01:31:13   Scoring is completed separate from the game.

01:31:15   Order of picks is separate results and ties will be broken using dice by Peacock.

01:31:18   All right, well, let me do that for you then so we can decide who's the winner.

01:31:22   So remind me, Steven, you get something special if you get a special name.

01:31:27   If I win this, then I get to be Secretary of Deflects.

01:31:32   Very cool.

01:31:33   All right.

01:31:34   Do either of you have a preference of picking first?

01:31:38   Yes, I do.

01:31:40   All right.

01:31:41   What do you want?

01:31:42   I am going with this vibe.

01:31:45   There's both of my dogs looking at me right now, so I'm going with tails.

01:31:50   I like it.

01:31:51   Steven?

01:31:52   I mean, I have to go heads, right?

01:31:54   You don't have to.

01:31:55   Heads.

01:31:56   I don't know what benefit it would get you.

01:31:58   Heads.

01:32:03   Oh, he did it.

01:32:04   The Secretary of Deflects.

01:32:06   Look at that.

01:32:07   I've won two coin flips today.

01:32:09   Yeah, look at you.

01:32:10   I mean, the first one, you just narrowly beat a robot.

01:32:13   The second one, you beat Federico.

01:32:16   Well, it's for the kids, so.

01:32:20   Yeah.

01:32:21   I mean.

01:32:22   Well, not for you it isn't.

01:32:24   For Mike it is.

01:32:25   Not for you it isn't.

01:32:26   So, Mike.

01:32:27   How much money do I need to donate?

01:32:28   So, Mike, it's $25 per wrong donation, or per wrong pick, excuse me.

01:32:34   You have six wrong picks, so that is a $150 donation.

01:32:41   Nice.

01:32:42   And I have a suggestion.

01:32:43   Okay.

01:32:44   Matt, one of our Discord moderators, is doing a community fundraiser.

01:32:50   So, people can sign up to run their own fundraisers alongside ours.

01:32:54   It's a great way to get the St. Jude mission in front of your friends and family and coworkers.

01:32:58   But Matt's doing this cool thing where he is building a red wagon, which is part of life at St. Jude.

01:33:03   They have these red wagons that you can put your kids and stuff in and pull them around the hospital.

01:33:07   It's like just a hallmark of being there.

01:33:10   Matt is building us one to use in future podcastathons.

01:33:14   And if you go to his page, one of the rewards he has set up is to have your name engraved in the red wagon.

01:33:24   And so, I think you should do that in honor of me, the winner.

01:33:29   No, that's not what I'm going to do, but I appreciate that.

01:33:32   I'm going to do the donation, but it is in honor of Ricky Benchman, Mike Hurley.

01:33:35   I'm not putting it in honor of your name.

01:33:36   You can't put yourself.

01:33:38   There is never a role in which...

01:33:41   The role is not that you can make any choice anyway.

01:33:44   Is there any donation of the winner's choosing?

01:33:46   But it's September, you know?

01:33:48   So that's why I'm giving to this incredible cause.

01:33:52   My pick is very specific this year.

01:33:55   No, I'm donating it to myself, but how much money was it?

01:34:01   125.

01:34:03   Right? 6 times 25.

01:34:05   150, excuse me.

01:34:07   150.

01:34:09   Okay, I'm doing it too in honor of...

01:34:11   Yeah, so you got to do it yourself if you want your own name.

01:34:14   Secretary of Deflects.

01:34:16   You know?

01:34:17   This is great.

01:34:19   Alright.

01:34:20   Love it.

01:34:21   Alright, so both of us will be on the wagon.

01:34:23   He's going to get this and be like, "What is happening?"

01:34:28   150?

01:34:33   Yes.

01:34:34   Right?

01:34:35   Okay.

01:34:36   The donation is happening.

01:34:40   Alright, thank you, Mike.

01:34:44   So that just leaves the topic of what are we, if anything, what are we pre-ordering?

01:34:51   Okay.

01:34:53   Well, I've already pre-ordered the watch and the AirPods.

01:34:57   So AirPods with noise cancellation and Series 10, 486, what's it called?

01:35:04   Silver, like regular gray color.

01:35:07   The aluminum?

01:35:09   Yeah, yeah.

01:35:12   That's it, really.

01:35:14   Okay.

01:35:15   Oh, and yeah, I mean, obviously, I'm going to get the 16 Pro Max.

01:35:19   512, maybe?

01:35:22   I'm actually debating 256 because I realized I don't even use 100 gigs of storage on my device.

01:35:30   I may go for the cheaper model, actually.

01:35:33   The color, the color is what I'm thinking about.

01:35:35   I am leaning white, but I may be convinced by the, I'm just going to call it sand titanium

01:35:45   because that's what I see on my Apple Store.

01:35:48   But yeah, debating between those two colors.

01:35:51   Okay.

01:35:53   I am doing an iPhone 16 Pro.

01:35:56   I have committed.

01:35:57   I'm going smaller.

01:35:59   I'm doing desert titanium because it looks kind of gold.

01:36:03   And I'm going for a terabyte because I'm fast approaching 400 gigabytes now.

01:36:07   So I think it's time to move up from 512.

01:36:10   Do you keep your photo library offline?

01:36:12   Yes, that's why.

01:36:13   Oh, okay.

01:36:14   That explains it.

01:36:15   That's always the thing.

01:36:16   It's like the answer is always, do you keep your photo library offline?

01:36:20   Other than you are increasingly getting a bigger phone.

01:36:22   This is the first time I'm going up to a terabyte.

01:36:25   I'm struggling with the watch.

01:36:27   I'm struggling with the watch a little bit.

01:36:28   So I have the ultra and they have a gold.

01:36:34   They have a gold one.

01:36:36   They brought the gold watch back.

01:36:37   Yeah.

01:36:38   It's like titanium gold, which I think looks real nice.

01:36:41   And the Apple Watch Series 10 is moving forward and the Apple Watch Ultra isn't,

01:36:49   which is now suggesting to me that is probably the way it's going to be.

01:36:53   That like the ultra will get what it gets,

01:36:55   but it's not always going to get the most modern features, right?

01:37:00   So that's what I'm going to assume now.

01:37:03   But I'm struggling because if I move from the ultra to,

01:37:07   I would cut my battery life in half.

01:37:10   Although, which is one of my favorite thing about the Apple Watch Ultra is its battery life.

01:37:16   But it seems like the Series 10 has a new low power mode option,

01:37:20   which can extend the battery life up to 36 hours.

01:37:23   Now I know low power mode has existed on the other watches,

01:37:26   but on the specs page, it specifically calls out the length of time that it will give your watch.

01:37:32   And the other ones don't have that.

01:37:34   And then I would miss the modular ultra face.

01:37:37   I like that watch face.

01:37:39   And there isn't something that has like a digital clock and six circle complications,

01:37:44   which is of course an action button, which I love the action button for what I use it for,

01:37:51   which is it says do not disturb for an hour.

01:37:54   So if I'm talking to someone, I'm in a conversation and my phone's buzzing off,

01:37:57   I can just boop and then I go and do not disturb for an hour.

01:38:00   And I really like that.

01:38:01   So I would lose those three things, but I would be getting off the train,

01:38:06   which I think I'm going to have to get off eventually.

01:38:09   I always thought this would happen whenever they would do the big watch redesign,

01:38:15   which will happen at some point, right?

01:38:16   And it's not going to get more than 18 hours of battery life

01:38:19   because it seems like Apple is kind of standardized on that now.

01:38:22   I like the idea of thinner and lighter.

01:38:25   Obviously the screen is nice and big.

01:38:27   For me, I'm not going to order this.

01:38:29   I'm going to go try it on because Adina is due for a watch upgrade.

01:38:33   She loves her Apple watch, but we just want to go try them on.

01:38:37   And so I'll probably wait and we'll both do try-ons and I make my decision there.

01:38:41   But I'm struggling with this one a little bit.

01:38:43   But yeah.

01:38:45   Okay.

01:38:47   So I'm going to stay put with my Apple watch ultra one.

01:38:53   I like the black, but I don't want to go from the one to two.

01:38:57   And I mean, I'd skip the two on purpose waiting for the three.

01:39:02   And I am starting to see a bit of hit on battery life.

01:39:06   My battery health is at 86 percent.

01:39:08   I'm I noticed that sometimes like it.

01:39:12   I have actually gotten it into low power or like the low power

01:39:15   mode warning a couple of times, but I sleep track with it.

01:39:17   So I feel like I'm having to manage a little bit more than I used to.

01:39:21   But that's OK. Not the end of the world.

01:39:23   I do like the black Apple watch ultra bands.

01:39:27   So I ordered the trail loop in black. I think it looks really nice.

01:39:30   And I'm going to preorder like Mike.

01:39:35   I'm going to go down a size to the iPhone 16 Pro in white.

01:39:39   I think the white looks really nice.

01:39:41   I've traditionally gone back and forth on iPhone colors like a light one than a dark one.

01:39:48   I have the natural titanium, which I still think is really nice, but I'm going to go white this time.

01:39:52   I think it's going to be sweet.

01:39:55   We're going to be small boys together.

01:39:57   Yep.

01:39:59   Just regular.

01:40:01   You always are.

01:40:02   You know, because of height and all that.

01:40:06   Who needs height when they're the benchmen though, you know, I can stand on the bench.

01:40:11   I have the whole army of flexington behind me. So look out.

01:40:15   Yeah. But like, you know,

01:40:17   And you know what I have?

01:40:19   The people.

01:40:21   I have the people with me.

01:40:23   All the people behind him.

01:40:25   Who needs a title when you have the people, you know?

01:40:29   Well, we're going to give a bunch of money to Apple.

01:40:32   I was just charged for my watch and AirPods today.

01:40:36   And pre-orders are in two days.

01:40:40   And similarly, as they talk about in ATP, you're going to give a bunch of money to Apple.

01:40:44   Give a bunch of money to St. Jude. StJude.org/relay.

01:40:47   Just go give them some money.

01:40:49   If you're paying for Apple products, pay for some childhood cancer research too.

01:40:53   Yeah. Yeah.

01:40:55   If you want to find links to the stuff we spoke about, head on over to the website or the show notes.

01:41:00   Relay.fm/connected/518.

01:41:04   You can follow us on social media. Federico is the editor-in-chief of MacStories.net.

01:41:09   I promise you, you're going to want to spend time on MacStories next week.

01:41:12   And you can follow Federico as he announces all the stuff and talks about it on Threads and Macedon as Vitici.

01:41:18   V-I-T-I-C-C-I.

01:41:20   Mike is the host of a bunch of other shows here on Relay.

01:41:23   Congrats on your appearance on Upgrade.

01:41:26   Your dominance, really, on Upgrade this week.

01:41:29   It's been a good week for me.

01:41:31   Yeah, it's been good.

01:41:32   You can follow Mike's work at Cortex Brand and on social media as iMike.

01:41:37   I-M-Y-K-E.

01:41:39   My writing is over on 512pixels.net.

01:41:42   And I host MacPowerUsers here on Relay as well.

01:41:45   You can follow me as ismh86 on Threads and Macedon.

01:41:49   Please go to stjude.org/relay, learn more about our campaign, donate.

01:41:54   If you work for a company, a lot of companies have matching setup,

01:41:58   where if you give some, they'll give some.

01:42:00   There's details about that on the webpage at stjude.org/relay.

01:42:04   So look into that if you work for a big company.

01:42:07   They probably take part.

01:42:09   I'd like to thank our sponsors this week for making the show possible.

01:42:12   Ecamm, Squarespace, 1Password, Extended Access Management, and Backblaze.

01:42:17   Until next time, say goodbye.

01:42:19   Arrivederci.

01:42:20   Cheerio.

01:42:21   Bye, y'all.