00:00:01 ◼ ► started call i have to click the button [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1">TS</a>]
00:00:03 ◼ ► to say that I want to see the chat even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3">TS</a>]
00:00:05 ◼ ► though every single time Mr Colley do it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5">TS</a>]
00:00:07 ◼ ► yeah of all of all the work they've put [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/7">TS</a>]
00:00:09 ◼ ► into skype they've never decided to make [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/9">TS</a>]
00:00:11 ◼ ► that persistent you know God forbid [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/11">TS</a>]
00:00:12 ◼ ► application remember anything that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/12">TS</a>]
00:00:15 ◼ ► do it it's born in New everyone happy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/15">TS</a>]
00:00:20 ◼ ► we have important things to talk about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/20">TS</a>]
00:00:22 ◼ ► so we should dive right in house the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/22">TS</a>]
00:00:24 ◼ ► Tesla not that different from my opinion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/24">TS</a>]
00:00:27 ◼ ► it's amazing like yeah it's just amazing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/27">TS</a>]
00:00:29 ◼ ► I i really am appreciating it more and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/29">TS</a>]
00:00:34 ◼ ► appreciate it quite a bit so that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/34">TS</a>]
00:00:36 ◼ ► I'm very happy with the decision I made [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/36">TS</a>]
00:00:38 ◼ ► to go with it I'm also very happy with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/38">TS</a>]
00:00:40 ◼ ► the one I chose to get not getting the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/40">TS</a>]
00:00:42 ◼ ► faster with less range for a lot more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/42">TS</a>]
00:00:43 ◼ ► money i I'm just very happy with it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/43">TS</a>]
00:00:45 ◼ ► now tell me about you tweeted earlier [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/45">TS</a>]
00:00:47 ◼ ► today as we record that you put like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/47">TS</a>]
00:00:52 ◼ ► what is this all about is this to put [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/52">TS</a>]
00:00:54 ◼ ► like a three fish songs because it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/54">TS</a>]
00:00:56 ◼ ► like a 30 gig stick right so that's like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/56">TS</a>]
00:00:58 ◼ ► three or four fish songs it's 220 a cake [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/58">TS</a>]
00:01:01 ◼ ► fair enough i don't actually need a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/61">TS</a>]
00:01:03 ◼ ► hundred twenty eight gigs of storage in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/63">TS</a>]
00:01:05 ◼ ► my car but it was like 10 bucks more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/65">TS</a>]
00:01:07 ◼ ► that's what i needed so it's like okay [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/67">TS</a>]
00:01:09 ◼ ► just in case i'm sure i will have some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/69">TS</a>]
00:01:11 ◼ ► reason to use under 20k USB stick it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/71">TS</a>]
00:01:14 ◼ ► like 40 bucks is that all they aren't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/74">TS</a>]
00:01:16 ◼ ► could grief yeah exactly so this is this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/76">TS</a>]
00:01:21 ◼ ► purchased really i've never really used [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/81">TS</a>]
00:01:23 ◼ ► them and I I've accumulated enough like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/83">TS</a>]
00:01:25 ◼ ► little ones from freebies from things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/85">TS</a>]
00:01:27 ◼ ► here and there over the last decade that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/87">TS</a>]
00:01:29 ◼ ► if I ever needed one for like the the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/89">TS</a>]
00:01:34 ◼ ► actually need 1i would just use one of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/94">TS</a>]
00:01:35 ◼ ► those but none of them are big enough [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/95">TS</a>]
00:01:37 ◼ ► and and if you wait until 2016 to buy a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/97">TS</a>]
00:01:40 ◼ ► USB stick USB sticks are really good and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/100">TS</a>]
00:01:43 ◼ ► are almost free so I want something very [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/103">TS</a>]
00:01:46 ◼ ► very small because this is in the it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/106">TS</a>]
00:01:47 ◼ ► in the center console of the car it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/107">TS</a>]
00:01:49 ◼ ► like in the passenger was visible and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/109">TS</a>]
00:01:51 ◼ ► it's protrudes from from a port so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/111">TS</a>]
00:01:55 ◼ ► you know there is a base like this one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/115">TS</a>]
00:01:57 ◼ ► and a sandesh one and the reviews of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/117">TS</a>]
00:01:59 ◼ ► Santa's gonna haul said that overheated [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/119">TS</a>]
00:02:00 ◼ ► constantly and was and like ran weirdly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/120">TS</a>]
00:02:03 ◼ ► hot all the time and land the samsung [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/123">TS</a>]
00:02:05 ◼ ► what everyone said that works great [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/125">TS</a>]
00:02:06 ◼ ► doesn't overheat like that we're Santa's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/126">TS</a>]
00:02:07 ◼ ► one so I want that and the only the only [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/127">TS</a>]
00:02:10 ◼ ► downside of it you know it's incredibly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/130">TS</a>]
00:02:13 ◼ ► sb3 and has really high quality flash in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/133">TS</a>]
00:02:16 ◼ ► there it's a samsung is really good [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/136">TS</a>]
00:02:17 ◼ ► flash i also have samsung external flash [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/137">TS</a>]
00:02:20 ◼ ► drive just in a two-and-a-half-inch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/140">TS</a>]
00:02:21 ◼ ► enclosure from a computer because they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/141">TS</a>]
00:02:23 ◼ ► make two gig SD or sorry two terabyte [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/143">TS</a>]
00:02:26 ◼ ► ssds now for like 600 bucks and granted [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/146">TS</a>]
00:02:29 ◼ ► $16 a lot of money and two terabytes is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/149">TS</a>]
00:02:33 ◼ ► not an earth-shattering amount of space [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/153">TS</a>]
00:02:34 ◼ ► and 2016 however a two terabyte SSD that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/154">TS</a>]
00:02:38 ◼ ► exists at all let alone is an affordable [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/158">TS</a>]
00:02:42 ◼ ► yeah so I'm very happy with that because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/162">TS</a>]
00:02:44 ◼ ► it is totally silent and very very fast [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/164">TS</a>]
00:02:46 ◼ ► and so I started on my media on there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/166">TS</a>]
00:02:48 ◼ ► anyway so this little samsung stick the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/168">TS</a>]
00:02:51 ◼ ► only flaw in it is that it has this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/171">TS</a>]
00:02:54 ◼ ► giant Samsung logo written on the part [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/174">TS</a>]
00:02:57 ◼ ► of it sticks out so I just send it off [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/177">TS</a>]
00:02:59 ◼ ► with some you know like sandpaper in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/179">TS</a>]
00:03:02 ◼ ► I found my garage and it's great so now [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/182">TS</a>]
00:03:05 ◼ ► it's a nice blank is a USB Drive that is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/185">TS</a>]
00:03:09 ◼ ► turns out USB stick your kind of useful [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/189">TS</a>]
00:03:10 ◼ ► sometimes so anyway the reason is there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/190">TS</a>]
00:03:12 ◼ ► my car is a because the car has the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/192">TS</a>]
00:03:16 ◼ ► ability to like many modern car stereos [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/196">TS</a>]
00:03:20 ◼ ► to browse folders of mp3 files that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/200">TS</a>]
00:03:23 ◼ ► put on USB storage medium media and i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/203">TS</a>]
00:03:26 ◼ ► don't think i have to double check but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/206">TS</a>]
00:03:28 ◼ ► I'm i was pretty sure that it didn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/208">TS</a>]
00:03:29 ◼ ► have the ability to use like the the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/209">TS</a>]
00:03:32 ◼ ► ipod music browsing interface off from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/212">TS</a>]
00:03:35 ◼ ► the iphone that was plugged in so which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/215">TS</a>]
00:03:38 ◼ ► is fine because i actually prefer like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/218">TS</a>]
00:03:39 ◼ ► having folders i can organize things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/219">TS</a>]
00:03:42 ◼ ► collection in the car because most my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/222">TS</a>]
00:03:45 ◼ ► collection and doesn't matter in the car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/225">TS</a>]
00:03:46 ◼ ► so it's nice to kind of build organized [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/226">TS</a>]
00:03:51 ◼ ► subfolders at like so i have a folder [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/231">TS</a>]
00:03:53 ◼ ► for fish 2015 and then in that is like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/233">TS</a>]
00:03:56 ◼ ► each 2015 tour like an organized and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/236">TS</a>]
00:03:58 ◼ ► want which is kind of different from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/238">TS</a>]
00:03:59 ◼ ► what you get in like a typical ipod [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/239">TS</a>]
00:04:02 ◼ ► thing and it plays the songs in order [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/242">TS</a>]
00:04:08 ◼ ► I don't know who who designed whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/248">TS</a>]
00:04:10 ◼ ► system many other car manufacturers and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/250">TS</a>]
00:04:16 ◼ ► whatever you insert it plays the songs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/256">TS</a>]
00:04:23 ◼ ► alphabetically by song title there are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/263">TS</a>]
00:04:26 ◼ ► orders that you're like to play things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/266">TS</a>]
00:04:28 ◼ ► in either the order that they are on the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/268">TS</a>]
00:04:32 ◼ ► nobody ever wants any other order yes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/272">TS</a>]
00:04:35 ◼ ► the i have I don't remember how much [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/275">TS</a>]
00:04:38 ◼ ► music I have my car only have about 12 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/278">TS</a>]
00:04:40 ◼ ► gigs that's available to me I believe [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/280">TS</a>]
00:04:41 ◼ ► but I almost exclusively listen to stuff [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/281">TS</a>]
00:04:44 ◼ ► on my car and even the Bluetooth stack [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/284">TS</a>]
00:04:46 ◼ ► is pretty good on my car i find it just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/286">TS</a>]
00:04:49 ◼ ► easier to navigate the eye dr and so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/289">TS</a>]
00:04:51 ◼ ► with that in mind would you why do you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/291">TS</a>]
00:04:53 ◼ ► not use bluetooth on the test i would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/293">TS</a>]
00:04:55 ◼ ► think not having played with it that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/295">TS</a>]
00:04:57 ◼ ► that being able to manipulate things on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/297">TS</a>]
00:04:59 ◼ ► the test would be a lot easier because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/299">TS</a>]
00:05:00 ◼ ► you have that whole big display there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/300">TS</a>]
00:05:02 ◼ ► but i guess if all you really have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/302">TS</a>]
00:05:03 ◼ ► available to you via bluetooth is like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/303">TS</a>]
00:05:04 ◼ ► skip forward skippack play/pause maybe [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/304">TS</a>]
00:05:07 ◼ ► it's not really any different than any [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/307">TS</a>]
00:05:10 ◼ ► you're right that having to be displayed [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/310">TS</a>]
00:05:12 ◼ ► there actually does make it much more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/312">TS</a>]
00:05:13 ◼ ► useful when you're doing things like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/313">TS</a>]
00:05:14 ◼ ► navigating a USB stick full of folders [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/314">TS</a>]
00:05:17 ◼ ► and stuff so that is awesome on there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/317">TS</a>]
00:05:19 ◼ ► you are also right that bluetooth is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/319">TS</a>]
00:05:21 ◼ ► very limited its interaction and making [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/321">TS</a>]
00:05:24 ◼ ► Tesla's bluetooth implementation isn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/324">TS</a>]
00:05:26 ◼ ► particularly great it's it's an ok one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/326">TS</a>]
00:05:28 ◼ ► but there's a couple of shortcomings the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/328">TS</a>]
00:05:31 ◼ ► biggest one to me is that it doesn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/331">TS</a>]
00:05:34 ◼ ► display the time elapsed or remaining [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/334">TS</a>]
00:05:36 ◼ ► which is really annoying for podcasts [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/336">TS</a>]
00:05:39 ◼ ► more more humorously there is some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/339">TS</a>]
00:05:42 ◼ ► method to transfer album art and many [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/342">TS</a>]
00:05:44 ◼ ► blue stereos will show album art as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/344">TS</a>]
00:05:50 ◼ ► extension to the standard or something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/350">TS</a>]
00:05:52 ◼ ► test doesn't support the album art [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/352">TS</a>]
00:05:54 ◼ ► extension or whatever displays albemarle [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/354">TS</a>]
00:05:57 ◼ ► over bluetooth so instead they show you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/357">TS</a>]
00:06:00 ◼ ► the album art from some kind of central [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/360">TS</a>]
00:06:02 ◼ ► album art database of a fuzzy match of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/362">TS</a>]
00:06:05 ◼ ► whatever title is being supplied by the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/365">TS</a>]
00:06:08 ◼ ► device so it tries to be smart but then [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/368">TS</a>]
00:06:10 ◼ ► you end up with completely nonsensical [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/370">TS</a>]
00:06:13 ◼ ► random often like slightly risque album [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/373">TS</a>]
00:06:17 ◼ ► art when you're listening to like back [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/377">TS</a>]
00:06:19 ◼ ► it's like it's a it makes no sense [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/379">TS</a>]
00:06:22 ◼ ► look at the other day was like back to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/382">TS</a>]
00:06:24 ◼ ► work and feeling someone growing a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/384">TS</a>]
00:06:25 ◼ ► bikini like some albums like you gotta [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/385">TS</a>]
00:06:27 ◼ ► be kidding me like at that they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/387">TS</a>]
00:06:29 ◼ ► driving around like my game is my son's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/389">TS</a>]
00:06:31 ◼ ► high school or preschool parking lot and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/391">TS</a>]
00:06:36 ◼ ► showing on my dashboard like oh my god I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/396">TS</a>]
00:06:39 ◼ ► that's not gonna work it so yeah that is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/399">TS</a>]
00:06:42 ◼ ► very student eh I I hope Tesla improves [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/402">TS</a>]
00:06:47 ◼ ► that shortly i'm not i'm not you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/407">TS</a>]
00:06:50 ◼ ► keep my hopes of your site i know that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/410">TS</a>]
00:06:52 ◼ ► chances are they'll just be had this car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/412">TS</a>]
00:06:55 ◼ ► because nobody cares about this area of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/415">TS</a>]
00:06:57 ◼ ► the software accept me but yeah well you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/417">TS</a>]
00:07:02 ◼ ► said you never work at Apple would you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/422">TS</a>]
00:07:03 ◼ ► work at Tesla i mean i don't really want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/423">TS</a>]
00:07:06 ◼ ► to move to California for a job however [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/426">TS</a>]
00:07:11 ◼ ► recently like you know what I what I be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/431">TS</a>]
00:07:12 ◼ ► interested in working for husband and i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/432">TS</a>]
00:07:14 ◼ ► think i think it would be actually [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/434">TS</a>]
00:07:15 ◼ ► potentially very interesting it i would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/435">TS</a>]
00:07:19 ◼ ► certainly it would certainly give me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/439">TS</a>]
00:07:21 ◼ ► pause i would certainly consider it not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/441">TS</a>]
00:07:23 ◼ ► you know not to work on any of like the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/443">TS</a>]
00:07:25 ◼ ► fancy electrical stuff because I'm not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/445">TS</a>]
00:07:27 ◼ ► qualified and also don't care but I you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/447">TS</a>]
00:07:30 ◼ ► know to in order to work on like the the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/450">TS</a>]
00:07:35 ◼ ► touchscreens offer the interface the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/455">TS</a>]
00:07:37 ◼ ► media stuff maybe you know I don't know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/457">TS</a>]
00:07:39 ◼ ► maybe what if you had to leave the house [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/459">TS</a>]
00:07:41 ◼ ► change the answer a little bit maybe a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/461">TS</a>]
00:07:46 ◼ ► could I bring hops the whole mm like a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/466">TS</a>]
00:07:50 ◼ ► job for you get up and you getting your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/470">TS</a>]
00:07:53 ◼ ► Tesla and you drive to the office you do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/473">TS</a>]
00:07:55 ◼ ► your work there and then you drive back [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/475">TS</a>]
00:08:00 ◼ ► vacation you have to tell them and you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/480">TS</a>]
00:08:01 ◼ ► get a certain number of those a year [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/481">TS</a>]
00:08:02 ◼ ► reminding you what a job is if i could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/482">TS</a>]
00:08:05 ◼ ► if i can wear my slippers and if i can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/485">TS</a>]
00:08:07 ◼ ► take naps at the office then then yes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/487">TS</a>]
00:08:09 ◼ ► slippers i don't know i think although [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/489">TS</a>]
00:08:13 ◼ ► we have some people at work who wear [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/493">TS</a>]
00:08:15 ◼ ► socks and some people work who are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/495">TS</a>]
00:08:17 ◼ ► barefoot but I I feel like that is not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/497">TS</a>]
00:08:21 ◼ ► do you ever rocky those look strong and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/501">TS</a>]
00:08:23 ◼ ► hope you kidding i mean if you've been [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/503">TS</a>]
00:08:26 ◼ ► in the if anyone has ever been in an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/506">TS</a>]
00:08:27 ◼ ► office late in New England you see the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/507">TS</a>]
00:08:32 ◼ ► the mice to come out like I mean you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/512">TS</a>]
00:08:35 ◼ ► just use their let you look over in like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/515">TS</a>]
00:08:37 ◼ ► I was a mouse just hop across the carpet [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/517">TS</a>]
00:08:38 ◼ ► and then you think about the people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/518">TS</a>]
00:08:39 ◼ ► walking around all day with socks or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/519">TS</a>]
00:08:49 ◼ ► betterment investing made better go to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/529">TS</a>]
00:08:55 ◼ ► it is never too late to start saving for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/535">TS</a>]
00:08:57 ◼ ► retirement or other financial goals and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/537">TS</a>]
00:08:59 ◼ ► financial services industry has embraced [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/539">TS</a>]
00:09:01 ◼ ► technology with the entry of automated [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/541">TS</a>]
00:09:03 ◼ ► investing services and betterment is the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/543">TS</a>]
00:09:05 ◼ ► largest independent automated investing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/545">TS</a>]
00:09:07 ◼ ► service out there you probably heard a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/547">TS</a>]
00:09:09 ◼ ► lot about betterment in TechCrunch the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/549">TS</a>]
00:09:10 ◼ ► wall street journal other big news [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/550">TS</a>]
00:09:11 ◼ ► outlets veteran makes it easier more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/551">TS</a>]
00:09:14 ◼ ► straightforward and less expensive to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/554">TS</a>]
00:09:16 ◼ ► invest and this is the less expensive [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/556">TS</a>]
00:09:18 ◼ ► part is a big deal here their fees are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/558">TS</a>]
00:09:21 ◼ ► way lower like 10 times lower than most [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/561">TS</a>]
00:09:24 ◼ ► of what i've seen out there and most of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/564">TS</a>]
00:09:26 ◼ ► the services I've used in the past so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/566">TS</a>]
00:09:28 ◼ ► that this is a really really big deal to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/568">TS</a>]
00:09:30 ◼ ► have such incredibly low fees betterment [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/570">TS</a>]
00:09:34 ◼ ► technology to bring you sophisticated [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/574">TS</a>]
00:09:36 ◼ ► investing and financial advice all at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/576">TS</a>]
00:09:40 ◼ ► financial services more than a hundred [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/580">TS</a>]
00:09:41 ◼ ► and fifty thousand customers choose [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/581">TS</a>]
00:09:43 ◼ ► betterment advanced advice algorithms [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/583">TS</a>]
00:09:45 ◼ ► and beautiful user interface to manage [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/585">TS</a>]
00:09:48 ◼ ► over four billion of their dollars [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/588">TS</a>]
00:09:50 ◼ ► this is the perfect time to get started [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/590">TS</a>]
00:09:52 ◼ ► with betterment and start saving for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/592">TS</a>]
00:09:53 ◼ ► your retirement or the financial goals [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/593">TS</a>]
00:09:55 ◼ ► now ATP listeners can get up to six [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/595">TS</a>]
00:09:58 ◼ ► months of investing with betterment with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/598">TS</a>]
00:10:00 ◼ ► no fees it's a great deal six months no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/600">TS</a>]
00:10:03 ◼ ► fees learn how at betterment calm / ATP [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/603">TS</a>]
00:10:07 ◼ ► that's betterment calm / ATP betterment [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/607">TS</a>]
00:10:13 ◼ ► alright so anonymous wrote in again [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/613">TS</a>]
00:10:17 ◼ ► anonymous does that from time to time [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/617">TS</a>]
00:10:18 ◼ ► and they cleared something up sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/618">TS</a>]
00:10:21 ◼ ► about Apple renewable energy and i was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/621">TS</a>]
00:10:24 ◼ ► wondering and I think a lot of people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/624">TS</a>]
00:10:26 ◼ ► are wondering and are they really using [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/626">TS</a>]
00:10:29 ◼ ► renewable energy or they just like doing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/629">TS</a>]
00:10:32 ◼ ► offset sort of thing so anonymous wrote [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/632">TS</a>]
00:10:33 ◼ ► apples engaging agreements for 15 to 25 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/633">TS</a>]
00:10:36 ◼ ► years of power from renewable facilities [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/636">TS</a>]
00:10:39 ◼ ► by contracting with the wind or solar [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/639">TS</a>]
00:10:41 ◼ ► developer and agreeing to a fixed price [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/641">TS</a>]
00:10:42 ◼ ► of power over the term so apple doesn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/642">TS</a>]
00:10:45 ◼ ► physically use this power instead they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/645">TS</a>]
00:10:47 ◼ ► agree to pay the wind or solar operator [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/647">TS</a>]
00:10:49 ◼ ► to the fixed price per megawatt-hour of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/649">TS</a>]
00:10:54 ◼ ► operator then sells the actual power [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/654">TS</a>]
00:10:56 ◼ ► into the local market or utility service [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/656">TS</a>]
00:10:59 ◼ ► area where the facility is located [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/659">TS</a>]
00:11:00 ◼ ► and I don't know John do you want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/660">TS</a>]
00:11:03 ◼ ► kinda still this whole economic bit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/663">TS</a>]
00:11:06 ◼ ► after here I believe this anonymous [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/666">TS</a>]
00:11:08 ◼ ► person with somebody who works for some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/668">TS</a>]
00:11:12 ◼ ► alternative energy industry and I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/672">TS</a>]
00:11:16 ◼ ► first-hand knowledge of contracts but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/676">TS</a>]
00:11:18 ◼ ► just like last time we talked about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/678">TS</a>]
00:11:19 ◼ ► solar and everything in that I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/679">TS</a>]
00:11:22 ◼ ► some people have a vision in their minds [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/682">TS</a>]
00:11:27 ◼ ► connecting a big wire from the solar [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/687">TS</a>]
00:11:28 ◼ ► farms to their facilities which may be a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/688">TS</a>]
00:11:31 ◼ ► circumstances depending on the geography [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/691">TS</a>]
00:11:33 ◼ ► and the available existing alternative [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/693">TS</a>]
00:11:35 ◼ ► energy sources and then other people are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/695">TS</a>]
00:11:37 ◼ ► imagining all apple is doing is buy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/697">TS</a>]
00:11:40 ◼ ► offsets from some distant land and just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/700">TS</a>]
00:11:42 ◼ ► saying we'll pay you for that energy and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/702">TS</a>]
00:11:45 ◼ ► that offsets the energy were taken from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/705">TS</a>]
00:11:46 ◼ ► our local power provider and then you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/706">TS</a>]
00:11:48 ◼ ► give that energy to the people who live [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/708">TS</a>]
00:11:49 ◼ ► near the existing solar wind farm and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/709">TS</a>]
00:11:53 ◼ ► imagine they do all those things and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/713">TS</a>]
00:11:54 ◼ ► this feedback we had more detail in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/714">TS</a>]
00:11:56 ◼ ► terms of the specifics of the agreement [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/716">TS</a>]
00:11:59 ◼ ► of not just that they're paying for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/719">TS</a>]
00:12:00 ◼ ► energy you know elsewhere because like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/720">TS</a>]
00:12:02 ◼ ► there's a you know solar power facility [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/722">TS</a>]
00:12:04 ◼ ► miles and miles away and they're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/724">TS</a>]
00:12:05 ◼ ► gonna like run a wire from that to them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/725">TS</a>]
00:12:07 ◼ ► you know but that there is not even that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/727">TS</a>]
00:12:10 ◼ ► the entered these contracts where they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/730">TS</a>]
00:12:12 ◼ ► say will pay you a certain amount every [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/732">TS</a>]
00:12:16 ◼ ► megawatt-hour of energy and it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/736">TS</a>]
00:12:19 ◼ ► like a bet between the alternative [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/739">TS</a>]
00:12:20 ◼ ► energy provider and apple because if it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/740">TS</a>]
00:12:23 ◼ ► turns out that the price to generate the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/743">TS</a>]
00:12:25 ◼ ► energy was lower than what Apple agreed [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/745">TS</a>]
00:12:27 ◼ ► to pay then that's good because the the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/747">TS</a>]
00:12:31 ◼ ► universe solar operator says we only [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/751">TS</a>]
00:12:33 ◼ ► have to pay you know two cents per [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/753">TS</a>]
00:12:34 ◼ ► megawatt hour and you're buying it from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/754">TS</a>]
00:12:35 ◼ ► us for for a dollar per megawatt-hour we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/755">TS</a>]
00:12:37 ◼ ► get to keep the difference and the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/757">TS</a>]
00:12:38 ◼ ► reverse is true too if it costs the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/758">TS</a>]
00:12:40 ◼ ► solar energy provider always turns out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/760">TS</a>]
00:12:42 ◼ ► this month that crosses ten bucks per [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/762">TS</a>]
00:12:43 ◼ ► megawatt-hour an apple agreed to pay us [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/763">TS</a>]
00:12:45 ◼ ► a one-dollar we just have to eat that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/765">TS</a>]
00:12:47 ◼ ► nine dollars per megawatt hour so that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/767">TS</a>]
00:12:49 ◼ ► the key financial deal here because if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/769">TS</a>]
00:12:52 ◼ ► this comes in was talking about how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/772">TS</a>]
00:12:53 ◼ ► Apple can do this because I have all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/773">TS</a>]
00:12:55 ◼ ► is that an indie luv this kind there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/775">TS</a>]
00:12:57 ◼ ► no upfront payment for the power of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/777">TS</a>]
00:12:59 ◼ ► facility already exists all apple has to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/779">TS</a>]
00:13:01 ◼ ► do is enter into a contract with them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/781">TS</a>]
00:13:02 ◼ ► and have this agreed-upon price in this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/782">TS</a>]
00:13:04 ◼ ► particular arrangement i think what is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/784">TS</a>]
00:13:06 ◼ ► it called a contract for differences [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/786">TS</a>]
00:13:08 ◼ ► it's called so you don't necessarily [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/788">TS</a>]
00:13:10 ◼ ► even have to have a lot of capital if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/790">TS</a>]
00:13:13 ◼ ► and enter into one of these agreements [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/793">TS</a>]
00:13:14 ◼ ► and it's just a matter of striking a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/794">TS</a>]
00:13:16 ◼ ► good deal based on what you think it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/796">TS</a>]
00:13:19 ◼ ► will actually cost over the long term to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/799">TS</a>]
00:13:21 ◼ ► generate this power from this particular [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/801">TS</a>]
00:13:22 ◼ ► facility so anyway the world was weird [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/802">TS</a>]
00:13:27 ◼ ► particularly important it's not as of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/807">TS</a>]
00:13:28 ◼ ► apples being disingenuous because buying [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/808">TS</a>]
00:13:32 ◼ ► agreements or paying for someone who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/812">TS</a>]
00:13:34 ◼ ► lives near solar facility to get that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/814">TS</a>]
00:13:35 ◼ ► energy from the solar facility while you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/815">TS</a>]
00:13:36 ◼ ► get it from the coal fire plants like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/816">TS</a>]
00:13:38 ◼ ► it's all it all comes out in the wash [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/818">TS</a>]
00:13:40 ◼ ► we're all on the same plan it's all the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/820">TS</a>]
00:13:41 ◼ ► same atmosphere all the same co2 and if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/821">TS</a>]
00:13:43 ◼ ► Apple didn't do this and didn't pay for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/823">TS</a>]
00:13:47 ◼ ► electrons I would make a difference is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/827">TS</a>]
00:13:49 ◼ ► what you're looking for is total you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/829">TS</a>]
00:13:51 ◼ ► know total co2 output of the planet and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/831">TS</a>]
00:13:54 ◼ ► not you know whether it's like right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/834">TS</a>]
00:13:56 ◼ ► next to you or right next to someone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/836">TS</a>]
00:13:57 ◼ ► else anyway I thought it was interesting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/837">TS</a>]
00:13:59 ◼ ► alright so have all of us switch to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/839">TS</a>]
00:14:03 ◼ ► purple safari i am using it on my work [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/843">TS</a>]
00:14:05 ◼ ► computer I just tonight installed on my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/845">TS</a>]
00:14:07 ◼ ► imac but haven't started using it yet i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/847">TS</a>]
00:14:09 ◼ ► should note actually as I forgot about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/849">TS</a>]
00:14:11 ◼ ► this follow-up the beta of one password [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/851">TS</a>]
00:14:15 ◼ ► for sure in died at this point they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/855">TS</a>]
00:14:17 ◼ ► might have released a new non beta [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/857">TS</a>]
00:14:19 ◼ ► version but anyway the beta of 1password [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/859">TS</a>]
00:14:21 ◼ ► supports the new purple safari so if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/861">TS</a>]
00:14:25 ◼ ► are having the same woes that I was you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/865">TS</a>]
00:14:28 ◼ ► can run the beta additionally there's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/868">TS</a>]
00:14:29 ◼ ► switch and preferences that a couple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/869">TS</a>]
00:14:31 ◼ ► people wrote wrote in to tell me about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/871">TS</a>]
00:14:33 ◼ ► and forgive me because i don't have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/873">TS</a>]
00:14:35 ◼ ► neither your names or the preference in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/875">TS</a>]
00:14:36 ◼ ► front of me but even on the regular [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/876">TS</a>]
00:14:38 ◼ ► version somewhere in like the advanced [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/878">TS</a>]
00:14:40 ◼ ► preferences where they have a little [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/880">TS</a>]
00:14:42 ◼ ► Yoda or the little Jedi looking person [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/882">TS</a>]
00:14:44 ◼ ► on the right-hand side of the robot or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/884">TS</a>]
00:14:46 ◼ ► not there's a switch that says you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/886">TS</a>]
00:14:49 ◼ ► override the security checks on the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/889">TS</a>]
00:14:52 ◼ ► browser but anyway we're not here to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/892">TS</a>]
00:14:54 ◼ ► talk about one password were here to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/894">TS</a>]
00:14:55 ◼ ► talk about purple safari so have you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/895">TS</a>]
00:14:57 ◼ ► I'm switched everywhere and last week I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/897">TS</a>]
00:15:00 ◼ ► was worried that switching the that I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/900">TS</a>]
00:15:02 ◼ ► have to somehow disabled my regular [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/902">TS</a>]
00:15:04 ◼ ► safari or would like get launched by [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/904">TS</a>]
00:15:06 ◼ ► like an apple event somewhere or you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/906">TS</a>]
00:15:08 ◼ ► know whatever on but after using it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/908">TS</a>]
00:15:10 ◼ ► both at home and at work for a week my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/910">TS</a>]
00:15:13 ◼ ► fears were unfounded you switch the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/913">TS</a>]
00:15:14 ◼ ► default browser in the Safari preference [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/914">TS</a>]
00:15:16 ◼ ► pains for either version of Safari you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/916">TS</a>]
00:15:19 ◼ ► know pull the other one off your dock [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/919">TS</a>]
00:15:20 ◼ ► and it's purple safari all the way from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/920">TS</a>]
00:15:22 ◼ ► there and it works fine maybe only [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/922">TS</a>]
00:15:26 ◼ ► that it unlike chrome which will like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/926">TS</a>]
00:15:28 ◼ ► sync your extensions everywhere I had to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/928">TS</a>]
00:15:30 ◼ ► sort of reinstall my safari extensions [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/930">TS</a>]
00:15:32 ◼ ► and a lot of them i had to kind of track [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/932">TS</a>]
00:15:33 ◼ ► down and find the original websites [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/933">TS</a>]
00:15:35 ◼ ► where I mean I just dug them out of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/935">TS</a>]
00:15:36 ◼ ► folder but I was trying to you know it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/936">TS</a>]
00:15:39 ◼ ► was a good time to just get them from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/939">TS</a>]
00:15:40 ◼ ► the web again or go through the you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/940">TS</a>]
00:15:42 ◼ ► maybe get that the later version if I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/942">TS</a>]
00:15:43 ◼ ► had a bad update your help anyway i had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/943">TS</a>]
00:15:45 ◼ ► to reinstall my extensions rear and I'll [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/945">TS</a>]
00:15:47 ◼ ► rearrange all my icons on my toolbar [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/947">TS</a>]
00:15:49 ◼ ► re-import the options like I have said [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/949">TS</a>]
00:15:51 ◼ ► this far keyword extension lets you type [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/951">TS</a>]
00:15:53 ◼ ► stuff in the address bar and do searches [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/953">TS</a>]
00:15:55 ◼ ► I'd export those from safari import [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/955">TS</a>]
00:15:57 ◼ ► never once i got everything set up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/957">TS</a>]
00:15:59 ◼ ► I'm all purple sorry now and I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/959">TS</a>]
00:16:01 ◼ ► I'll just stay this way unless i have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/961">TS</a>]
00:16:02 ◼ ► some compelling reason to switch back [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/962">TS</a>]
00:16:03 ◼ ► like purpose of our suddenly starts [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/963">TS</a>]
00:16:05 ◼ ► crashing but so far so good i recommend [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/965">TS</a>]
00:16:08 ◼ ► interested in maybe having a little bit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/968">TS</a>]
00:16:11 ◼ ► faster safari or if you're interested in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/971">TS</a>]
00:16:12 ◼ ► any of the the many new web technologies [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/972">TS</a>]
00:16:15 ◼ ► that are interested like if your web [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/975">TS</a>]
00:16:18 ◼ ► yeah I didn't feel like it was faster [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/978">TS</a>]
00:16:20 ◼ ► although that very well could be a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/980">TS</a>]
00:16:22 ◼ ► placebo the fact but my remember things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/982">TS</a>]
00:16:26 ◼ ► well this feels fast so I don't know but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/986">TS</a>]
00:16:32 ◼ ► purple is faster ever notice that I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/992">TS</a>]
00:16:36 ◼ ► I don't know what that reference was it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/996">TS</a>]
00:16:38 ◼ ► was one anyway so there's been a pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/998">TS</a>]
00:16:42 ◼ ► considerable kerfuffle going across the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1002">TS</a>]
00:16:45 ◼ ► internet over the last couple of days [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1005">TS</a>]
00:16:46 ◼ ► about TextExpander six text expander is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1006">TS</a>]
00:16:50 ◼ ► an app that have a sponsored us in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1010">TS</a>]
00:16:52 ◼ ► past i believe they have a sponsor so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1012">TS</a>]
00:16:55 ◼ ► much stuff i think i'm pretty sure like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1015">TS</a>]
00:16:56 ◼ ► I mean I think pfn sponsor my side while [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1016">TS</a>]
00:16:59 ◼ ► battle back is also smile so anyway [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1019">TS</a>]
00:17:01 ◼ ► they've probably spotted our stuff right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1021">TS</a>]
00:17:03 ◼ ► so text expander six is new and it is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1023">TS</a>]
00:17:08 ◼ ► moving to a subscription model and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1028">TS</a>]
00:17:10 ◼ ► previously was somewhere between like 10 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1030">TS</a>]
00:17:13 ◼ ► 20 bucks depending on the platform i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1033">TS</a>]
00:17:15 ◼ ► believe and they tended to do an update [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1035">TS</a>]
00:17:18 ◼ ► about once a year from what i gather i'm [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1038">TS</a>]
00:17:21 ◼ ► actually not a text expander user but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1041">TS</a>]
00:17:22 ◼ ► I'm that that's the general gist of what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1042">TS</a>]
00:17:24 ◼ ► I've understood and they've announced [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1044">TS</a>]
00:17:26 ◼ ► that hey they're going to switch to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1046">TS</a>]
00:17:27 ◼ ► subscription pricing it's about 50 bucks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1047">TS</a>]
00:17:29 ◼ ► a year give or take and you can get sink [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1049">TS</a>]
00:17:32 ◼ ► through their own servers kind of like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1052">TS</a>]
00:17:34 ◼ ► what one passwords doing now with one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1054">TS</a>]
00:17:38 ◼ ► password families and actually day one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1058">TS</a>]
00:17:41 ◼ ► as well so you can sync via their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1061">TS</a>]
00:17:44 ◼ ► servers and you can have collaborations [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1064">TS</a>]
00:17:48 ◼ ► or you can have a shared TextExpander [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1068">TS</a>]
00:17:53 ◼ ► something that you're interested in but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1073">TS</a>]
00:17:55 ◼ ► by the way we are not supporting dropbox [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1075">TS</a>]
00:18:01 ◼ ► basically it's either use the old [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1081">TS</a>]
00:18:03 ◼ ► version until it doesn't work anymore or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1083">TS</a>]
00:18:06 ◼ ► give us money and well and will give you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1086">TS</a>]
00:18:09 ◼ ► the new hotness and a lot of people are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1089">TS</a>]
00:18:11 ◼ ► flustered and we'll put a link to je [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1091">TS</a>]
00:18:15 ◼ ► sais blog which as always is a really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1095">TS</a>]
00:18:19 ◼ ► good summary this is one of the longer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1099">TS</a>]
00:18:21 ◼ ► ones I've seen actually but a really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1101">TS</a>]
00:18:22 ◼ ► good summary and it kind of goes through [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1102">TS</a>]
00:18:25 ◼ ► a lot of different reactions and I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1105">TS</a>]
00:18:28 ◼ ► the general summary is those who are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1108">TS</a>]
00:18:30 ◼ ► developers are no developers completely [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1110">TS</a>]
00:18:33 ◼ ► understand it and and are probably [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1113">TS</a>]
00:18:36 ◼ ► willing to pay for it but those who are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1116">TS</a>]
00:18:39 ◼ ► just users or can kind of put on their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1119">TS</a>]
00:18:42 ◼ ► user hat they it's it's a tough sell [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1122">TS</a>]
00:18:46 ◼ ► because I'm like 1password their kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1126">TS</a>]
00:18:51 ◼ ► 1password like it will continue to let [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1131">TS</a>]
00:18:53 ◼ ► use dropbox least for now and it seems [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1133">TS</a>]
00:18:56 ◼ ► that smiles taking away that option for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1136">TS</a>]
00:18:58 ◼ ► any future versions so i don't know i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1138">TS</a>]
00:19:01 ◼ ► don't really have a lot to say about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1141">TS</a>]
00:19:02 ◼ ► this because like I said we're not text [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1142">TS</a>]
00:19:04 ◼ ► expander user but it's certainly a tough [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1144">TS</a>]
00:19:06 ◼ ► thing because how do you make money in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1146">TS</a>]
00:19:07 ◼ ► the app store these days I mean it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1147">TS</a>]
00:19:09 ◼ ► easy as a Marco no it's really not i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1149">TS</a>]
00:19:12 ◼ ► mean you know my my view on this is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1152">TS</a>]
00:19:15 ◼ ► certainly colored by my own experiences [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1155">TS</a>]
00:19:17 ◼ ► within the app store and and I have some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1157">TS</a>]
00:19:19 ◼ ► distance from it because while I did [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1159">TS</a>]
00:19:22 ◼ ► purchase the most recent version texted [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1162">TS</a>]
00:19:24 ◼ ► before this when I was thinking I could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1164">TS</a>]
00:19:26 ◼ ► actually answer support emails I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1166">TS</a>]
00:19:29 ◼ ► currently use it because I turns out i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1169">TS</a>]
00:19:31 ◼ ► can't answer support emails so I I'm not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1171">TS</a>]
00:19:33 ◼ ► an active user so it doesn't i'm not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1173">TS</a>]
00:19:34 ◼ ► really invested in it either way and at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1174">TS</a>]
00:19:37 ◼ ► the same time I also now sell an appt [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1177">TS</a>]
00:19:40 ◼ ► with subscription pricing sort of i see [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1180">TS</a>]
00:19:42 ◼ ► why a lot of people are mad about this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1182">TS</a>]
00:19:44 ◼ ► what I've seen from my own experience it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1184">TS</a>]
00:19:47 ◼ ► is that people get mad when they sense [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1187">TS</a>]
00:19:50 ◼ ► that you're like double dipping or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1190">TS</a>]
00:19:52 ◼ ► unfairly charging in and whatever their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1192">TS</a>]
00:19:55 ◼ ► view is unfair or if you charge them or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1195">TS</a>]
00:19:59 ◼ ► if you ask for money or if you put up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1199">TS</a>]
00:20:01 ◼ ► barriers in a way that they are not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1201">TS</a>]
00:20:05 ◼ ► expectations of like I've never had to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1205">TS</a>]
00:20:08 ◼ ► pay this way before or never had to pay [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1208">TS</a>]
00:20:10 ◼ ► for this thing before or i thought i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1210">TS</a>]
00:20:12 ◼ ► already owned this thing out right and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1212">TS</a>]
00:20:14 ◼ ► this is all very very tricky these days [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1214">TS</a>]
00:20:18 ◼ ► expectations of software you buy it and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1218">TS</a>]
00:20:22 ◼ ► then you know you can use it for a while [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1222">TS</a>]
00:20:24 ◼ ► until maybe there's an upgrade a few [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1224">TS</a>]
00:20:26 ◼ ► years down the road and then you by the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1226">TS</a>]
00:20:27 ◼ ► upgrade maybe a discount people's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1227">TS</a>]
00:20:29 ◼ ► expectations of that kind of software is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1229">TS</a>]
00:20:31 ◼ ► that you pay once and then you have it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1231">TS</a>]
00:20:34 ◼ ► and at the same time though they also [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1234">TS</a>]
00:20:37 ◼ ► expect updates to it they expect you to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1237">TS</a>]
00:20:42 ◼ ► compatibility for new version of the OS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1242">TS</a>]
00:20:43 ◼ ► and possibly even adding features all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1243">TS</a>]
00:20:46 ◼ ► within that same initial price they paid [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1246">TS</a>]
00:20:48 ◼ ► somewhere on the line like that that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1248">TS</a>]
00:20:51 ◼ ► doesn't work they are fatally the people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1251">TS</a>]
00:20:53 ◼ ► are thinking of the benefits of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1253">TS</a>]
00:20:55 ◼ ► software and the responsibility of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1255">TS</a>]
00:20:57 ◼ ► software makers as a service that is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1257">TS</a>]
00:20:59 ◼ ► constantly provided over time for their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1259">TS</a>]
00:21:02 ◼ ► one initial purchase price but of course [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1262">TS</a>]
00:21:04 ◼ ► they get really mad if you want them to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1264">TS</a>]
00:21:07 ◼ ► pay on a subscription basis for what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1267">TS</a>]
00:21:11 ◼ ► subscription benefits it's kind of hard [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1271">TS</a>]
00:21:13 ◼ ► to not do that in some way or another [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1273">TS</a>]
00:21:15 ◼ ► day filled with your software vendor you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1275">TS</a>]
00:21:18 ◼ ► are having ongoing costs you're having [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1278">TS</a>]
00:21:20 ◼ ► cost as a service whether you're running [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1280">TS</a>]
00:21:22 ◼ ► servers or not it's like you're having [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1282">TS</a>]
00:21:23 ◼ ► constant ongoing maintenance of this app [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1283">TS</a>]
00:21:26 ◼ ► and and you know advancing moving [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1286">TS</a>]
00:21:33 ◼ ► disconnect between what people are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1293">TS</a>]
00:21:35 ◼ ► willing to pay for which is they want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1295">TS</a>]
00:21:37 ◼ ► pay once and own it forever but also [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1297">TS</a>]
00:21:40 ◼ ► that if you don't give them constant [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1300">TS</a>]
00:21:43 ◼ ► updates they will hate you even more for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1303">TS</a>]
00:21:45 ◼ ► that and they certainly don't want to go [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1305">TS</a>]
00:21:47 ◼ ► out of business they really hate when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1307">TS</a>]
00:21:49 ◼ ► you do that or when you pull a product [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1309">TS</a>]
00:21:50 ◼ ► they really hate that so that's worse [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1310">TS</a>]
00:21:54 ◼ ► so they want you to be there and to be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1314">TS</a>]
00:21:57 ◼ ► providing updates on a regular basis and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1317">TS</a>]
00:21:59 ◼ ► to fix any bugs the crop up and to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1319">TS</a>]
00:22:02 ◼ ► make it work whenever there's new OS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1322">TS</a>]
00:22:04 ◼ ► they want that but they don't want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1324">TS</a>]
00:22:06 ◼ ► pay more than that one time upfront so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1326">TS</a>]
00:22:09 ◼ ► obviously something has to give here so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1329">TS</a>]
00:22:15 ◼ ► subscription pricing i do think however [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1335">TS</a>]
00:22:17 ◼ ► that this particular case I i don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1337">TS</a>]
00:22:20 ◼ ► think they did a very good job with it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1340">TS</a>]
00:22:22 ◼ ► and I'm not too close to it so it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1342">TS</a>]
00:22:26 ◼ ► maybe i'm wrong but i think the reaction [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1346">TS</a>]
00:22:29 ◼ ► of a lot of their customers that have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1349">TS</a>]
00:22:30 ◼ ► been hearing about from today at that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1350">TS</a>]
00:22:34 ◼ ► what text expander has done is they've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1354">TS</a>]
00:22:37 ◼ ► transformed from a like what was the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1357">TS</a>]
00:22:40 ◼ ► president like 35 bucks something like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1360">TS</a>]
00:22:41 ◼ ► that i don't know to be honest I thought [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1361">TS</a>]
00:22:44 ◼ ► it was closer to 20 originally but I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1364">TS</a>]
00:22:46 ◼ ► very well could have that wrong i think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1366">TS</a>]
00:22:47 ◼ ► whatever it is i think it's somewhere in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1367">TS</a>]
00:22:49 ◼ ► that range right it has transformed from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1369">TS</a>]
00:22:51 ◼ ► that into a required five dollars a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1371">TS</a>]
00:22:55 ◼ ► month service so it's it's a pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1375">TS</a>]
00:22:58 ◼ ► substantial price increase it as well as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1378">TS</a>]
00:23:01 ◼ ► the justification for this service being [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1381">TS</a>]
00:23:05 ◼ ► something that they justify it by saying [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1385">TS</a>]
00:23:06 ◼ ► oh now you can like share your snippets [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1386">TS</a>]
00:23:08 ◼ ► with co-workers or family or whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1388">TS</a>]
00:23:11 ◼ ► else and this is it's like they took [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1391">TS</a>]
00:23:16 ◼ ► solution they had for syncing for your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1396">TS</a>]
00:23:17 ◼ ► own personal stuff between your own [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1397">TS</a>]
00:23:19 ◼ ► computers which was thinking via Dropbox [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1399">TS</a>]
00:23:21 ◼ ► or you know BitTorrent sync or whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1401">TS</a>]
00:23:22 ◼ ► other options they had that you think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1402">TS</a>]
00:23:23 ◼ ► pretty much any way you want to but i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1403">TS</a>]
00:23:25 ◼ ► think a lot people to dropbox thinking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1405">TS</a>]
00:23:26 ◼ ► they took that away and now they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1406">TS</a>]
00:23:29 ◼ ► saying now you have to pay us a lot more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1409">TS</a>]
00:23:31 ◼ ► than you're paying before but you will [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1411">TS</a>]
00:23:33 ◼ ► get these benefits and the problem is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1413">TS</a>]
00:23:35 ◼ ► those benefits were things that most of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1415">TS</a>]
00:23:36 ◼ ► their customers at least we're hearing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1416">TS</a>]
00:23:38 ◼ ► from I don't know the supplies their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1418">TS</a>]
00:23:39 ◼ ► customer base but the customers were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1419">TS</a>]
00:23:41 ◼ ► hearing from don't really want those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1421">TS</a>]
00:23:43 ◼ ► benefits don't really care about the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1423">TS</a>]
00:23:44 ◼ ► benefits and they're not going to use [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1424">TS</a>]
00:23:45 ◼ ► those benefits so the reason everyone's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1425">TS</a>]
00:23:47 ◼ ► mad is because not only have they change [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1427">TS</a>]
00:23:50 ◼ ► the model in a way that a lot of people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1430">TS</a>]
00:23:52 ◼ ► don't like a lot of people just don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1432">TS</a>]
00:23:53 ◼ ► like subscription pricing and again I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1433">TS</a>]
00:23:56 ◼ ► totally get why people don't like that I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1436">TS</a>]
00:23:58 ◼ ► don't like it either but I also don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1438">TS</a>]
00:24:01 ◼ ► like software that goes out of business [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1441">TS</a>]
00:24:03 ◼ ► or that can't afford to keep updated or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1443">TS</a>]
00:24:07 ◼ ► I recognize this the way that software [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1447">TS</a>]
00:24:10 ◼ ► developers really need to have some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1450">TS</a>]
00:24:12 ◼ ► model that provides recurring revenue [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1452">TS</a>]
00:24:14 ◼ ► over time for users who are using all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1454">TS</a>]
00:24:16 ◼ ► whether you do that via occasional [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1456">TS</a>]
00:24:18 ◼ ► upgrade upgrade pricing or whether you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1458">TS</a>]
00:24:20 ◼ ► do it via a monthly subscription or some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1460">TS</a>]
00:24:22 ◼ ► other scheme where they do that you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1462">TS</a>]
00:24:24 ◼ ► somehow you need to eat have some way to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1464">TS</a>]
00:24:28 ◼ ► make money from people over time not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1468">TS</a>]
00:24:30 ◼ ► just once up front I don't think you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1470">TS</a>]
00:24:32 ◼ ► need to be deep in the development [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1472">TS</a>]
00:24:34 ◼ ► community like what you know the mindset [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1474">TS</a>]
00:24:35 ◼ ► you know certainly marcos coming from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1475">TS</a>]
00:24:37 ◼ ► and all of us because we know developers [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1477">TS</a>]
00:24:39 ◼ ► and we talk to developers like we have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1479">TS</a>]
00:24:40 ◼ ► that perspective but I think for this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1480">TS</a>]
00:24:42 ◼ ► particular change I think you could take [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1482">TS</a>]
00:24:44 ◼ ► just anyone from business school and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1484">TS</a>]
00:24:47 ◼ ► throw them at this and even understand [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1487">TS</a>]
00:24:48 ◼ ► what software is I think it it looks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1488">TS</a>]
00:24:52 ◼ ► like so many other business decision so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1492">TS</a>]
00:24:55 ◼ ► from my perspective what they're doing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1495">TS</a>]
00:24:58 ◼ ► and explains a lot of the anger the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1498">TS</a>]
00:24:59 ◼ ► marker just you know talking about from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1499">TS</a>]
00:25:02 ◼ ► perspective at the very least is they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1502">TS</a>]
00:25:05 ◼ ► have a they have a customer base now the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1505">TS</a>]
00:25:06 ◼ ► use the product if you were to serve as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1506">TS</a>]
00:25:09 ◼ ► customer insight how much value do you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1509">TS</a>]
00:25:11 ◼ ► get out of using text expander a lot of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1511">TS</a>]
00:25:14 ◼ ► them would say you know I maybe I get 45 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1514">TS</a>]
00:25:17 ◼ ► dollars worth of value added over the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1517">TS</a>]
00:25:20 ◼ ► some would say maybe I you know it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1520">TS</a>]
00:25:23 ◼ ► like asking how much would you pay if we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1523">TS</a>]
00:25:24 ◼ ► say we take Texas been away from you and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1524">TS</a>]
00:25:26 ◼ ► to get it back you have to pay some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1526">TS</a>]
00:25:27 ◼ ► money obviously if someone accuses at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1527">TS</a>]
00:25:30 ◼ ► answer support email for example or like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1530">TS</a>]
00:25:33 ◼ ► does a lot of repetitive emailing or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1533">TS</a>]
00:25:35 ◼ ► uses very sophisticated features where [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1535">TS</a>]
00:25:36 ◼ ► you fill in the blanks everything like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1536">TS</a>]
00:25:37 ◼ ► that they're going to say all you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1537">TS</a>]
00:25:39 ◼ ► this is the main tool i use to make my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1539">TS</a>]
00:25:41 ◼ ► living like it is an essential part of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1541">TS</a>]
00:25:43 ◼ ► my workflow of texas-pan was gone I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1543">TS</a>]
00:25:45 ◼ ► don't know what I would do with myself [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1545">TS</a>]
00:25:46 ◼ ► it is incredibly valuable for me the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1546">TS</a>]
00:25:48 ◼ ► fact that i paid forty five dollars for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1548">TS</a>]
00:25:49 ◼ ► last year's like the steal of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1549">TS</a>]
00:25:50 ◼ ► century like this is literally how I get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1550">TS</a>]
00:25:52 ◼ ► all my income and then the dream of any [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1552">TS</a>]
00:25:56 ◼ ► business school major is like can I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1556">TS</a>]
00:25:58 ◼ ► charge that guy like three thousand [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1558">TS</a>]
00:26:00 ◼ ► dollars and then charged at the guy who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1560">TS</a>]
00:26:03 ◼ ► is only going to use it twice a year [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1563">TS</a>]
00:26:04 ◼ ► like 5 bucks like can I charge every [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1564">TS</a>]
00:26:06 ◼ ► customer in the maximum amount they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1566">TS</a>]
00:26:10 ◼ ► yeah maybe and the answer is you can't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1570">TS</a>]
00:26:11 ◼ ► do that because we don't know how much [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1571">TS</a>]
00:26:13 ◼ ► worth or whatever but what you can do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1573">TS</a>]
00:26:15 ◼ ► and what it seems like to spend smiles [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1575">TS</a>]
00:26:17 ◼ ► trying to do with this one is say we've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1577">TS</a>]
00:26:19 ◼ ► got all these customers for a lot of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1579">TS</a>]
00:26:21 ◼ ► them they're getting like $45 for the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1581">TS</a>]
00:26:24 ◼ ► value or even less out of the software [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1584">TS</a>]
00:26:26 ◼ ► but there are some users who get a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1586">TS</a>]
00:26:29 ◼ ► Amanda values texture is very powerful [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1589">TS</a>]
00:26:31 ◼ ► if you do the type of things tech [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1591">TS</a>]
00:26:34 ◼ ► best-in-class like very sophisticated [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1594">TS</a>]
00:26:36 ◼ ► features you know like it makes and you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1596">TS</a>]
00:26:39 ◼ ► know love very polished workflow amateur [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1599">TS</a>]
00:26:41 ◼ ► products tables you know like this is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1601">TS</a>]
00:26:44 ◼ ► this is a it's not just like my first [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1604">TS</a>]
00:26:46 ◼ ► text expander type thing this is a very [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1606">TS</a>]
00:26:47 ◼ ► substantial product for the people who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1607">TS</a>]
00:26:50 ◼ ► do this all the time and you say i would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1610">TS</a>]
00:26:54 ◼ ► rather just sell to those people for a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1614">TS</a>]
00:26:57 ◼ ► much higher price in a way that we can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1617">TS</a>]
00:27:01 ◼ ► essentially forever as long as those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1621">TS</a>]
00:27:02 ◼ ► people exist because they're doing it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1622">TS</a>]
00:27:04 ◼ ► for their job and we're going to provide [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1624">TS</a>]
00:27:06 ◼ ► them with this tool to do their job and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1626">TS</a>]
00:27:08 ◼ ► the same kind of like photoshop have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1628">TS</a>]
00:27:09 ◼ ► arrangement like your graphic designer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1629">TS</a>]
00:27:11 ◼ ► you use Photoshop to make your living [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1631">TS</a>]
00:27:14 ◼ ► I and we will give you the tools to make [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1634">TS</a>]
00:27:16 ◼ ► your living and so you will subscribe to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1636">TS</a>]
00:27:17 ◼ ► photoshop because it's a bargain to you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1637">TS</a>]
00:27:19 ◼ ► to pay you whatever it is a hundred two [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1639">TS</a>]
00:27:21 ◼ ► hundred bucks a year to make thousands [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1641">TS</a>]
00:27:23 ◼ ► upon thousands of dollars is a graphic [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1643">TS</a>]
00:27:24 ◼ ► designer every year if we took away [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1644">TS</a>]
00:27:26 ◼ ► photoshop it would be seriously impair [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1646">TS</a>]
00:27:27 ◼ ► your productivity is you have to learn [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1647">TS</a>]
00:27:28 ◼ ► the program and so on so forth so it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1648">TS</a>]
00:27:30 ◼ ► like Texas matter is saying thanks for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1650">TS</a>]
00:27:32 ◼ ► all the participation casual Texas [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1652">TS</a>]
00:27:35 ◼ ► manner users but we would much rather I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1655">TS</a>]
00:27:38 ◼ ► he sell to the heaviest TextExpander [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1658">TS</a>]
00:27:44 ◼ ► justifiable and that we feel like is the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1664">TS</a>]
00:27:47 ◼ ► most sustainable the most profitable [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1667">TS</a>]
00:27:48 ◼ ► like whatever you know we're we're gonna [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1668">TS</a>]
00:27:51 ◼ ► essentially is the opposite of we're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1671">TS</a>]
00:27:54 ◼ ► I just want the good customers the ones [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1674">TS</a>]
00:27:56 ◼ ► who the power user customers and so why [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1676">TS</a>]
00:27:59 ◼ ► people are mad is Texas matter basically [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1679">TS</a>]
00:28:01 ◼ ► saying to them not really basically [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1681">TS</a>]
00:28:03 ◼ ► saying were not that interested in your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1683">TS</a>]
00:28:07 ◼ ► business anymore as Texas matter was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1687">TS</a>]
00:28:08 ◼ ► only worth $45 you want to use or five [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1688">TS</a>]
00:28:10 ◼ ► years that's not the kind of customer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1690">TS</a>]
00:28:14 ◼ ► that we want to serve maybe it's because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1694">TS</a>]
00:28:16 ◼ ► they feel like they can't serve it may [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1696">TS</a>]
00:28:17 ◼ ► be you know like I don't know what the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1697">TS</a>]
00:28:18 ◼ ► what the motivation for it is but even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1698">TS</a>]
00:28:20 ◼ ► if they were doing great they could say [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1700">TS</a>]
00:28:22 ◼ ► we're refocusing our business on the pro [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1702">TS</a>]
00:28:24 ◼ ► TextExpander market right and everybody [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1704">TS</a>]
00:28:26 ◼ ► who wasn't a pro tech centers like but I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1706">TS</a>]
00:28:28 ◼ ► like TextExpander like I don't use that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1708">TS</a>]
00:28:30 ◼ ► much but i really like it and now you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1710">TS</a>]
00:28:31 ◼ ► telling me i've been priced out of this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1711">TS</a>]
00:28:33 ◼ ► market like because you want those other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1713">TS</a>]
00:28:35 ◼ ► customers and that can definitely make [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1715">TS</a>]
00:28:37 ◼ ► people mad but what I keep thinking is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1717">TS</a>]
00:28:39 ◼ ► the those people getting mad does that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1719">TS</a>]
00:28:43 ◼ ► like you know this that's the business [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1723">TS</a>]
00:28:45 ◼ ► you try a business model you see are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1725">TS</a>]
00:28:47 ◼ ► there enough people who are willing to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1727">TS</a>]
00:28:48 ◼ ► pay 50 60 bucks a year for Texas pander [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1728">TS</a>]
00:28:50 ◼ ► to make up for all the people you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1730">TS</a>]
00:28:52 ◼ ► losing who wanted to pay you know $45 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1732">TS</a>]
00:28:56 ◼ ► that's the experiment they're running i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1736">TS</a>]
00:28:58 ◼ ► think it is a perfectly valid experiment [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1738">TS</a>]
00:29:00 ◼ ► to have but a necessary side effect is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1740">TS</a>]
00:29:03 ◼ ► the sort of the disenfranchised become [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1743">TS</a>]
00:29:06 ◼ ► angry about the fact that previously [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1746">TS</a>]
00:29:07 ◼ ► they had access to this very powerful [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1747">TS</a>]
00:29:10 ◼ ► utility that maybe they only use the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1750">TS</a>]
00:29:12 ◼ ► case when you're using a fraction of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1752">TS</a>]
00:29:13 ◼ ► power of and now they you know they can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1753">TS</a>]
00:29:17 ◼ ► just use the old version until it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1757">TS</a>]
00:29:19 ◼ ► eventually stops working and they you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1759">TS</a>]
00:29:20 ◼ ► know that they've been cut out of that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1760">TS</a>]
00:29:22 ◼ ► market and they have to look elsewhere [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1762">TS</a>]
00:29:23 ◼ ► it so they could be annoyed by it but i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1763">TS</a>]
00:29:27 ◼ ► particularly mad about it just because i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1767">TS</a>]
00:29:30 ◼ ► think it is a it's a reasonable strategy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1770">TS</a>]
00:29:33 ◼ ► for trying to make your business both [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1773">TS</a>]
00:29:37 ◼ ► more profitable which you know flavors [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1777">TS</a>]
00:29:39 ◼ ► all they just want more money yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1779">TS</a>]
00:29:40 ◼ ► that's how business works i can get more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1780">TS</a>]
00:29:42 ◼ ► profitable and more sustainable because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1782">TS</a>]
00:29:44 ◼ ► if you get if you ever hit that critical [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1784">TS</a>]
00:29:46 ◼ ► mass like apparently adobe has many [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1786">TS</a>]
00:29:47 ◼ ► other companies are trying two of these [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1787">TS</a>]
00:29:50 ◼ ► users use my tool to make their living [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1790">TS</a>]
00:29:51 ◼ ► they're willing to pay this much every [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1791">TS</a>]
00:29:53 ◼ ► single year and that amount of the pay [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1793">TS</a>]
00:29:55 ◼ ► every single year with the number of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1795">TS</a>]
00:29:57 ◼ ► them there are is enough to sustain [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1797">TS</a>]
00:29:58 ◼ ► development you can do that essentially [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1798">TS</a>]
00:30:00 ◼ ► indefinitely like as long as you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1800">TS</a>]
00:30:02 ◼ ► your competitor doesn't come and steal [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1802">TS</a>]
00:30:03 ◼ ► your thing or your practice and become [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1803">TS</a>]
00:30:05 ◼ ► moot because everyone uses mind control [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1805">TS</a>]
00:30:07 ◼ ► you know so many other things can affect [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1807">TS</a>]
00:30:08 ◼ ► you but at the very least you've got [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1808">TS</a>]
00:30:09 ◼ ► you've got the basic inner workings of a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1809">TS</a>]
00:30:12 ◼ ► sustainable business model there which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1812">TS</a>]
00:30:14 ◼ ► is a refreshing change after the sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1814">TS</a>]
00:30:15 ◼ ► boom-bust you know viral hit a throwaway [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1815">TS</a>]
00:30:20 ◼ ► application you know the things that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1820">TS</a>]
00:30:23 ◼ ► app stores have brought on where it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1823">TS</a>]
00:30:24 ◼ ► like I gotta make a new app every year [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1824">TS</a>]
00:30:25 ◼ ► and it's got to be a big hit and if it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1825">TS</a>]
00:30:28 ◼ ► it's so much more comfortable to be able [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1828">TS</a>]
00:30:29 ◼ ► to have loyal customers who pay for your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1829">TS</a>]
00:30:31 ◼ ► product and they're paying for your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1831">TS</a>]
00:30:32 ◼ ► product every year pays for development [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1832">TS</a>]
00:30:34 ◼ ► you just do that you know if that really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1834">TS</a>]
00:30:36 ◼ ► works out for them if they end up making [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1836">TS</a>]
00:30:38 ◼ ► more money from this that's fine I i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1838">TS</a>]
00:30:40 ◼ ► think there's a couple angles to this to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1840">TS</a>]
00:30:41 ◼ ► reconsider the first of all and I know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1841">TS</a>]
00:30:43 ◼ ► you didn't say this but for people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1843">TS</a>]
00:30:45 ◼ ► thinking this you can't just say oh they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1845">TS</a>]
00:30:46 ◼ ► just want to make more money it might be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1846">TS</a>]
00:30:49 ◼ ► that they were declining revenue and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1849">TS</a>]
00:30:51 ◼ ► they're trying to sustain this business [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1851">TS</a>]
00:30:53 ◼ ► or to keep this product going all that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1853">TS</a>]
00:30:54 ◼ ► that is making more money that is made [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1854">TS</a>]
00:30:56 ◼ ► more money more money than they were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1856">TS</a>]
00:30:57 ◼ ► previously making the previous amount [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1857">TS</a>]
00:30:58 ◼ ► was not enough to keep them in business [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1858">TS</a>]
00:31:00 ◼ ► like they need to pay the bills and get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1860">TS</a>]
00:31:02 ◼ ► right but like you can look at it as a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1862">TS</a>]
00:31:03 ◼ ► computer green angle if like they were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1863">TS</a>]
00:31:05 ◼ ► doing fine before I know that you want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1865">TS</a>]
00:31:07 ◼ ► to juice it even higher but it's also [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1867">TS</a>]
00:31:08 ◼ ► possible that it was going down before I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1868">TS</a>]
00:31:10 ◼ ► never trying to just like bring it back [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1870">TS</a>]
00:31:12 ◼ ► up to where it was right so and if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1872">TS</a>]
00:31:14 ◼ ► read between the lines and some of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1874">TS</a>]
00:31:15 ◼ ► statements they've made it sounds kind [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1875">TS</a>]
00:31:18 ◼ ► of like it wasn't making enough money [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1878">TS</a>]
00:31:20 ◼ ► before for them to justify working on it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1880">TS</a>]
00:31:22 ◼ ► but do you draw a distinction between [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1882">TS</a>]
00:31:23 ◼ ► those two cases they just outlined as in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1883">TS</a>]
00:31:25 ◼ ► previously we were sustainable but we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1885">TS</a>]
00:31:27 ◼ ► felt like we can make more money with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1887">TS</a>]
00:31:28 ◼ ► this model and previously we were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1888">TS</a>]
00:31:30 ◼ ► unsustainable so we have to do something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1890">TS</a>]
00:31:31 ◼ ► to avoid going out of business like you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1891">TS</a>]
00:31:33 ◼ ► it do you think those those are really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1893">TS</a>]
00:31:35 ◼ ► any different like is there is that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1895">TS</a>]
00:31:38 ◼ ► distinction that you make as a customer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1898">TS</a>]
00:31:39 ◼ ► certainly is a distinction you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1899">TS</a>]
00:31:41 ◼ ► imagine making just as kind of like a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1901">TS</a>]
00:31:43 ◼ ► human being where if they are it looks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1903">TS</a>]
00:31:45 ◼ ► like they're going to go into business [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1905">TS</a>]
00:31:46 ◼ ► you feel bad for you have empathy for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1906">TS</a>]
00:31:48 ◼ ► like I like those guys i like their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1908">TS</a>]
00:31:49 ◼ ► product I don't want to see them go out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1909">TS</a>]
00:31:50 ◼ ► of business both for selfish reasons [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1910">TS</a>]
00:31:51 ◼ ► like you said because I'm user of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1911">TS</a>]
00:31:53 ◼ ► product and I don't you know I wanted to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1913">TS</a>]
00:31:55 ◼ ► continue to be developed right and also [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1915">TS</a>]
00:31:57 ◼ ► because you feel bad like Oh they've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1917">TS</a>]
00:31:59 ◼ ► their job is to write programs i think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1919">TS</a>]
00:32:01 ◼ ► they're good at their job and I would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1921">TS</a>]
00:32:03 ◼ ► like to see them succeed because you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1923">TS</a>]
00:32:05 ◼ ► know just basic human empathy and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1925">TS</a>]
00:32:07 ◼ ► therefore you're more willing to sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1927">TS</a>]
00:32:10 ◼ ► you know allow for changes in their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1930">TS</a>]
00:32:13 ◼ ► pricing model to sort of help them out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1933">TS</a>]
00:32:14 ◼ ► versus they had a sustainable business [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1934">TS</a>]
00:32:16 ◼ ► and they just want more money and that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1936">TS</a>]
00:32:17 ◼ ► suddenly that that is its villainous to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1937">TS</a>]
00:32:19 ◼ ► do that like that that you should never [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1939">TS</a>]
00:32:21 ◼ ► that as soon as you have enough to pay [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1941">TS</a>]
00:32:23 ◼ ► your bills and not go hungry and pay for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1943">TS</a>]
00:32:25 ◼ ► food and shelter you should never want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1945">TS</a>]
00:32:27 ◼ ► more because wanting anything more is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1947">TS</a>]
00:32:29 ◼ ► entirely like is essentially evil and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1949">TS</a>]
00:32:32 ◼ ► that's that's agreed and I don't see a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1952">TS</a>]
00:32:35 ◼ ► hard line between those things i know a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1955">TS</a>]
00:32:36 ◼ ► lot of people do but it's like where do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1956">TS</a>]
00:32:38 ◼ ► you draw that line when it was enough [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1958">TS</a>]
00:32:40 ◼ ► money like i have enough to have payroll [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1960">TS</a>]
00:32:41 ◼ ► and enough to pay my mortgage but not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1961">TS</a>]
00:32:45 ◼ ► enough to to save for retirement send my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1965">TS</a>]
00:32:47 ◼ ► kids to college is that ok asked to make [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1967">TS</a>]
00:32:49 ◼ ► more money then like I don't know that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1969">TS</a>]
00:32:51 ◼ ► that if you start breaking that down and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1971">TS</a>]
00:32:56 ◼ ► personally going to give wide latitude [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1976">TS</a>]
00:32:58 ◼ ► to making more figuring out ways to make [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1978">TS</a>]
00:33:00 ◼ ► more money with your labor if you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1980">TS</a>]
00:33:04 ◼ ► software product you have made and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1984">TS</a>]
00:33:05 ◼ ► polished over the years is text expander [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1985">TS</a>]
00:33:09 ◼ ► money from that product I don't attach [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1989">TS</a>]
00:33:12 ◼ ► any moral judgment to that at all even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1992">TS</a>]
00:33:14 ◼ ► if it means that a whole bunch of your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1994">TS</a>]
00:33:16 ◼ ► previous customers are no longer in your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1996">TS</a>]
00:33:18 ◼ ► customer base for future versions but i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/1998">TS</a>]
00:33:20 ◼ ► know a lot of people do it and i think i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2000">TS</a>]
00:33:21 ◼ ► think a lot of that like what you just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2001">TS</a>]
00:33:23 ◼ ► highlight Margo explains a lot of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2003">TS</a>]
00:33:24 ◼ ► anger that people really do draw that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2004">TS</a>]
00:33:26 ◼ ► line of like you were making enough [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2006">TS</a>]
00:33:28 ◼ ► money to not do not live in the street [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2008">TS</a>]
00:33:31 ◼ ► already and now you want more forget [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2011">TS</a>]
00:33:33 ◼ ► your evil 02 a lot believe me I hear [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2013">TS</a>]
00:33:35 ◼ ► from them a lot of people thought that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2015">TS</a>]
00:33:37 ◼ ► about that line and I'm not one of them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2017">TS</a>]
00:33:40 ◼ ► but that you know that I think that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2020">TS</a>]
00:33:42 ◼ ► could be something to consider here for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2022">TS</a>]
00:33:44 ◼ ► it you know if you're getting angry at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2024">TS</a>]
00:33:45 ◼ ► smile for really dramatically raising [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2025">TS</a>]
00:33:48 ◼ ► the price of this app in a way to you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2028">TS</a>]
00:33:50 ◼ ► might not like you know it might be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2030">TS</a>]
00:33:53 ◼ ► because they had to but also you have to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2033">TS</a>]
00:33:56 ◼ ► look at the competitive landscape here [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2036">TS</a>]
00:33:58 ◼ ► there are lots of similar utilities that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2038">TS</a>]
00:34:01 ◼ ► do the same basic job and just differ in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2041">TS</a>]
00:34:03 ◼ ► like the features they offer on top of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2043">TS</a>]
00:34:05 ◼ ► that you know so there's there's lots of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2045">TS</a>]
00:34:07 ◼ ► alternative to this and honestly today [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2047">TS</a>]
00:34:09 ◼ ► following a very good day for them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2049">TS</a>]
00:34:10 ◼ ► however you feel about this with you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2050">TS</a>]
00:34:12 ◼ ► know whether your customer or not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2052">TS</a>]
00:34:14 ◼ ► looking at it from smiles perspective I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2054">TS</a>]
00:34:17 ◼ ► i think this was a mistake for them and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2057">TS</a>]
00:34:20 ◼ ► time will tell i was sat on the market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2060">TS</a>]
00:34:22 ◼ ► time will tell but they have basically [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2062">TS</a>]
00:34:24 ◼ ► discarded a big part of their existing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2064">TS</a>]
00:34:27 ◼ ► customer base in an effort to either get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2067">TS</a>]
00:34:30 ◼ ► more money from the parts left and/or to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2070">TS</a>]
00:34:33 ◼ ► move into a more business-oriented one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2073">TS</a>]
00:34:35 ◼ ► where there there will be allegedly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2075">TS</a>]
00:34:38 ◼ ► businesses who use like synced snippets [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2078">TS</a>]
00:34:41 ◼ ► and everything from Texas matter and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2081">TS</a>]
00:34:42 ◼ ► that might be a big business i don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2082">TS</a>]
00:34:44 ◼ ► know i don't I wouldn't have guessed it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2084">TS</a>]
00:34:46 ◼ ► would be a big business but I'm wrong [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2086">TS</a>]
00:34:48 ◼ ► all the time so that might work out for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2088">TS</a>]
00:34:50 ◼ ► them if it does that's fine but i don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2090">TS</a>]
00:34:53 ◼ ► think this is gonna go well because what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2093">TS</a>]
00:34:56 ◼ ► I see mostly happening here is you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2096">TS</a>]
00:34:59 ◼ ► you could you can make a move like that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2099">TS</a>]
00:35:00 ◼ ► when you are in a position of strength [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2100">TS</a>]
00:35:03 ◼ ► you know when when you're like the only [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2103">TS</a>]
00:35:04 ◼ ► game in town and people depend on you to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2104">TS</a>]
00:35:06 ◼ ► get their work done and for a lot of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2106">TS</a>]
00:35:08 ◼ ► people that will be true but I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2108">TS</a>]
00:35:11 ◼ ► think for enough people because for a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2111">TS</a>]
00:35:12 ◼ ► big part of the customers who are now [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2112">TS</a>]
00:35:14 ◼ ► faced with a big price hike and removal [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2114">TS</a>]
00:35:17 ◼ ► of features they used vs no other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2117">TS</a>]
00:35:21 ◼ ► have lots of other choices there's all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2121">TS</a>]
00:35:23 ◼ ► these alternatives a software things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2123">TS</a>]
00:35:25 ◼ ► that do this for substantially less [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2125">TS</a>]
00:35:28 ◼ ► money now you know be before they were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2128">TS</a>]
00:35:30 ◼ ► much more competitive now like they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2130">TS</a>]
00:35:32 ◼ ► in a high competition environment so I I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2132">TS</a>]
00:35:35 ◼ ► think I mean one way to do this or you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2135">TS</a>]
00:35:39 ◼ ► if they wanted to make more money or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2139">TS</a>]
00:35:41 ◼ ► need to make more money from this you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2141">TS</a>]
00:35:43 ◼ ► can either cut the costs that you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2143">TS</a>]
00:35:45 ◼ ► putting into it or you can charge more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2145">TS</a>]
00:35:48 ◼ ► both of those are going to affect your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2148">TS</a>]
00:35:51 ◼ ► the question is you know which one can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2151">TS</a>]
00:35:53 ◼ ► you get away with better and I I'm not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2153">TS</a>]
00:35:56 ◼ ► sure they chose correctly but i don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2156">TS</a>]
00:35:57 ◼ ► know how many choices they had AI don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2157">TS</a>]
00:35:59 ◼ ► know anything with the business and the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2159">TS</a>]
00:36:01 ◼ ► natural consequence of this if you just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2161">TS</a>]
00:36:02 ◼ ► keep playing it out is that you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2162">TS</a>]
00:36:03 ◼ ► it's like someone gets the idea we could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2163">TS</a>]
00:36:05 ◼ ► be enterprise software we could charge a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2165">TS</a>]
00:36:08 ◼ ► installation of our things like what why [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2168">TS</a>]
00:36:10 ◼ ► not sell TextExpander into you know the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2170">TS</a>]
00:36:13 ◼ ► sort of large email based support [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2173">TS</a>]
00:36:16 ◼ ► networks of like where if you if you if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2176">TS</a>]
00:36:19 ◼ ► you're a very large company you just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2179">TS</a>]
00:36:20 ◼ ► have to hire like literally hundreds and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2180">TS</a>]
00:36:22 ◼ ► hundreds of people to answer your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2182">TS</a>]
00:36:24 ◼ ► support emails and everything you'd want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2184">TS</a>]
00:36:25 ◼ ► to give them tools to do their job well [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2185">TS</a>]
00:36:27 ◼ ► and sort of standardized and basic [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2187">TS</a>]
00:36:29 ◼ ► snippets and templates and so on and so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2189">TS</a>]
00:36:30 ◼ ► forth you can imagine i'm sure there is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2190">TS</a>]
00:36:33 ◼ ► really terrible enterprise over that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2193">TS</a>]
00:36:34 ◼ ► already does that and text expander [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2194">TS</a>]
00:36:36 ◼ ► perhaps these that market and say i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2196">TS</a>]
00:36:38 ◼ ► would rather sell 5 million dollar [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2198">TS</a>]
00:36:40 ◼ ► installations then yeah you know million [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2200">TS</a>]
00:36:43 ◼ ► five-dollar apps right like that we want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2203">TS</a>]
00:36:45 ◼ ► to actually become enterprise offerings [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2205">TS</a>]
00:36:46 ◼ ► are as we discussed in many past shows [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2206">TS</a>]
00:36:48 ◼ ► enterprise software can be tempting and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2208">TS</a>]
00:36:53 ◼ ► protected from competition by the fact [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2213">TS</a>]
00:36:56 ◼ ► that it's a pain in the butt to sell [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2216">TS</a>]
00:36:57 ◼ ► enterprise offering at the higher sales [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2217">TS</a>]
00:36:59 ◼ ► people is a high barrier to entry and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2219">TS</a>]
00:37:00 ◼ ► you have relationships and make the old [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2220">TS</a>]
00:37:02 ◼ ► golf courses around the hell goes on but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2222">TS</a>]
00:37:03 ◼ ► enterprise software is absolutely poison [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2223">TS</a>]
00:37:06 ◼ ► to the quality of your product and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2226">TS</a>]
00:37:09 ◼ ► makes you vulnerable to anyone making [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2229">TS</a>]
00:37:10 ◼ ► anything worth a damn because eventually [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2230">TS</a>]
00:37:11 ◼ ► you know the enterprise software the my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2231">TS</a>]
00:37:13 ◼ ► definition for many years ago was like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2233">TS</a>]
00:37:15 ◼ ► when the person who buys your software [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2235">TS</a>]
00:37:17 ◼ ► is not the person who uses it and that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2237">TS</a>]
00:37:19 ◼ ► is a totally misaligned incentives and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2239">TS</a>]
00:37:20 ◼ ► it leads to software that is very very [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2240">TS</a>]
00:37:24 ◼ ► attractive to buy but terrible to use [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2244">TS</a>]
00:37:27 ◼ ► like it's my big loop stays in business [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2247">TS</a>]
00:37:29 ◼ ► like you really you really want to you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2249">TS</a>]
00:37:31 ◼ ► you are vulnerable to someone who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2251">TS</a>]
00:37:32 ◼ ► actually makes a product that the users [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2252">TS</a>]
00:37:35 ◼ ► even enterprise you start to result in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2255">TS</a>]
00:37:36 ◼ ► bring their iphones to work or bring [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2256">TS</a>]
00:37:38 ◼ ► their max to work or bring whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2258">TS</a>]
00:37:39 ◼ ► product they think is not a piece of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2259">TS</a>]
00:37:41 ◼ ► crap and use that instead so it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2261">TS</a>]
00:37:43 ◼ ► that I'm saying sex offender something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2263">TS</a>]
00:37:46 ◼ ► oracle or is a p-type company but that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2266">TS</a>]
00:37:48 ◼ ► is if you just keep playing that out and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2268">TS</a>]
00:37:50 ◼ ► say instead of mass-market low price [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2270">TS</a>]
00:37:53 ◼ ► let's do you know much smaller market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2273">TS</a>]
00:37:56 ◼ ► much higher price and it could be like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2276">TS</a>]
00:37:58 ◼ ► you said Marcus if the crowded market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2278">TS</a>]
00:38:01 ◼ ► how does tex expanded differentiate what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2281">TS</a>]
00:38:03 ◼ ► do they have the beloved ones don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2283">TS</a>]
00:38:04 ◼ ► maybe what they have is we have a very [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2284">TS</a>]
00:38:05 ◼ ► sophisticated feature set we want to be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2285">TS</a>]
00:38:07 ◼ ► the pro TextExpander product we're going [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2287">TS</a>]
00:38:10 ◼ ► to leave the consumer market to our [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2290">TS</a>]
00:38:11 ◼ ► competitors and let them fight it out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2291">TS</a>]
00:38:13 ◼ ► for you know thousands and thousands of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2293">TS</a>]
00:38:15 ◼ ► people want to pay you know 5 10 15 20 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2295">TS</a>]
00:38:17 ◼ ► 30 40 bucks and we want to move up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2297">TS</a>]
00:38:21 ◼ ► high-end the people who are willing to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2301">TS</a>]
00:38:25 ◼ ► sophisticated product because part of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2305">TS</a>]
00:38:26 ◼ ► how to do the job I don't know how to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2306">TS</a>]
00:38:28 ◼ ► handicap neither like you said marker we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2308">TS</a>]
00:38:30 ◼ ► need to run with notes like the intimate [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2310">TS</a>]
00:38:32 ◼ ► details of the text expander market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2312">TS</a>]
00:38:34 ◼ ► landscape or whatever I have the same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2314">TS</a>]
00:38:36 ◼ ► feeling that this doesn't seem like a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2316">TS</a>]
00:38:39 ◼ ► something they would do because they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2319">TS</a>]
00:38:41 ◼ ► were having trouble sustaining i do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2321">TS</a>]
00:38:44 ◼ ► agree that the alternatives you later [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2324">TS</a>]
00:38:45 ◼ ► they're like maybe just lower your costs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2325">TS</a>]
00:38:47 ◼ ► maybe they had hired too many people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2327">TS</a>]
00:38:49 ◼ ► make you know I have no idea how big [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2329">TS</a>]
00:38:50 ◼ ► their their staffing is there but that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2330">TS</a>]
00:38:53 ◼ ► one way to go but the other way is to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2333">TS</a>]
00:38:54 ◼ ► you know because I make it up and lack [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2334">TS</a>]
00:38:57 ◼ ► of volume can we make more money by [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2337">TS</a>]
00:38:59 ◼ ► selling to fewer people for a higher [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2339">TS</a>]
00:39:00 ◼ ► price and that seems again with total [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2340">TS</a>]
00:39:04 ◼ ► vacuum of knowledge to me if I had to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2344">TS</a>]
00:39:06 ◼ ► make a bet i would say that that has a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2346">TS</a>]
00:39:08 ◼ ► higher chance of failing and not because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2348">TS</a>]
00:39:10 ◼ ► it's really really hard to do that i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2350">TS</a>]
00:39:12 ◼ ► mean it's it's hard to do in either [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2352">TS</a>]
00:39:13 ◼ ► direction to say hey if we if we cut the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2353">TS</a>]
00:39:15 ◼ ► price in half we get more than double [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2355">TS</a>]
00:39:16 ◼ ► the customers especially in the appstore [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2356">TS</a>]
00:39:19 ◼ ► market the way it is that has worked for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2359">TS</a>]
00:39:21 ◼ ► many people more often than hey if we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2361">TS</a>]
00:39:23 ◼ ► double our price or triple our price [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2363">TS</a>]
00:39:25 ◼ ► can we get more than half for his third [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2365">TS</a>]
00:39:28 ◼ ► as many people i don't know but this is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2368">TS</a>]
00:39:33 ◼ ► understand what people get angry about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2373">TS</a>]
00:39:34 ◼ ► it but like that's how it works and they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2374">TS</a>]
00:39:36 ◼ ► decide a price and they say we are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2376">TS</a>]
00:39:39 ◼ ► offering you the service priceline [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2379">TS</a>]
00:39:40 ◼ ► customers decide whether it's worth it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2380">TS</a>]
00:39:41 ◼ ► for them it is not worth it they don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2381">TS</a>]
00:39:42 ◼ ► buy it and that is signal the company [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2382">TS</a>]
00:39:44 ◼ ► that you need to change something and if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2384">TS</a>]
00:39:46 ◼ ► it is you know and maybe the signal they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2386">TS</a>]
00:39:49 ◼ ► one-time purchase product was people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2389">TS</a>]
00:39:51 ◼ ► will buy it but they don't like upgrades [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2391">TS</a>]
00:39:54 ◼ ► software so i think we're just you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2394">TS</a>]
00:39:57 ◼ ► will come to revisit this in a year and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2397">TS</a>]
00:39:59 ◼ ► see how it worked out for them but i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2399">TS</a>]
00:40:00 ◼ ► think going on market is a viable [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2400">TS</a>]
00:40:02 ◼ ► strategy I just feel like they might [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2402">TS</a>]
00:40:03 ◼ ► have to go even farther on market than [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2403">TS</a>]
00:40:06 ◼ ► this and i agree with every Marco said [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2406">TS</a>]
00:40:08 ◼ ► about it's kind of like the you know the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2408">TS</a>]
00:40:10 ◼ ► overcast like perception-wise that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2410">TS</a>]
00:40:15 ◼ ► being cut out of the market you know in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2415">TS</a>]
00:40:17 ◼ ► a way it makes you feel bad like I you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2417">TS</a>]
00:40:21 ◼ ► know I like the previous deal i was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2421">TS</a>]
00:40:23 ◼ ► getting and now they've altered the deal [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2423">TS</a>]
00:40:25 ◼ ► and case you can finish that reference [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2425">TS</a>]
00:40:28 ◼ ► for Murphy remembers it and they're sad [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2428">TS</a>]
00:40:30 ◼ ► about it and they also think there's no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2430">TS</a>]
00:40:34 ◼ ► reason for it but i don't think they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2434">TS</a>]
00:40:35 ◼ ► looking at it from the perspective of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2435">TS</a>]
00:40:36 ◼ ► texas-pan why should they are just the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2436">TS</a>]
00:40:38 ◼ ► customer but from the perspective [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2438">TS</a>]
00:40:39 ◼ ► protect expands like maybe maybe to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2439">TS</a>]
00:40:41 ◼ ► expand doesn't want you as a customer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2441">TS</a>]
00:40:42 ◼ ► anymore it's like what do you mean you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2442">TS</a>]
00:40:44 ◼ ► don't want me to bring such a loyal [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2444">TS</a>]
00:40:45 ◼ ► customer i love the product why wouldn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2445">TS</a>]
00:40:48 ◼ ► why can't why can't they just continue [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2448">TS</a>]
00:40:49 ◼ ► to make the product that i've been using [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2449">TS</a>]
00:40:50 ◼ ► it since withdraw can just keep taking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2450">TS</a>]
00:40:52 ◼ ► me forever and the answer is because you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2452">TS</a>]
00:40:55 ◼ ► don't want to pay for it again i do want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2455">TS</a>]
00:40:57 ◼ ► a paper again i'll pay you forty five [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2457">TS</a>]
00:40:59 ◼ ► suddenly you're ready to pay $45 they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2459">TS</a>]
00:41:01 ◼ ► came up with universal TextExpander you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2461">TS</a>]
00:41:02 ◼ ► bought six months ago you'd be excited [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2462">TS</a>]
00:41:03 ◼ ► to play $45 for a new version i don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2463">TS</a>]
00:41:06 ◼ ► know if you anyway even if you would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2466">TS</a>]
00:41:08 ◼ ► maybe there's not enough other people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2468">TS</a>]
00:41:10 ◼ ► like you and so they have to come up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2470">TS</a>]
00:41:11 ◼ ► with something different it's it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2471">TS</a>]
00:41:15 ◼ ► I made passing reference earlier but i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2475">TS</a>]
00:41:18 ◼ ► think it is important to reiterate that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2478">TS</a>]
00:41:19 ◼ ► no one password change well maybe not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2479">TS</a>]
00:41:22 ◼ ► change their model but augmented their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2482">TS</a>]
00:41:24 ◼ ► model by this one password four teams [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2484">TS</a>]
00:41:27 ◼ ► and then one password for families and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2487">TS</a>]
00:41:28 ◼ ► the thing that that made me cool with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2488">TS</a>]
00:41:32 ◼ ► one password four teams one password for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2492">TS</a>]
00:41:34 ◼ ► families was it didn't change the way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2494">TS</a>]
00:41:36 ◼ ► things were so it was not a change as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2496">TS</a>]
00:41:41 ◼ ► augmentation or in addition if 1password [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2501">TS</a>]
00:41:45 ◼ ► hypothetically had said you know what if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2505">TS</a>]
00:41:48 ◼ ► you want to sync between your own [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2508">TS</a>]
00:41:49 ◼ ► devices leave aside other people leave [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2509">TS</a>]
00:41:51 ◼ ► aside the team aspects of the family [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2511">TS</a>]
00:41:53 ◼ ► aspect if they had said that hey if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2513">TS</a>]
00:41:56 ◼ ► want to sync your passwords between your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2516">TS</a>]
00:41:58 ◼ ► devices guess what you have to sign up [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2518">TS</a>]
00:42:01 ◼ ► uh I would be fairly upset because I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2521">TS</a>]
00:42:04 ◼ ► would feel like I got hoodwinked I would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2524">TS</a>]
00:42:06 ◼ ► feel like it was a bait-and-switch and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2526">TS</a>]
00:42:07 ◼ ► freaking love 1password i consider it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2527">TS</a>]
00:42:10 ◼ ► like you're I think it was you John [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2530">TS</a>]
00:42:12 ◼ ► describing earlier name is Marco but it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2532">TS</a>]
00:42:14 ◼ ► is essential for me to get my my life [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2534">TS</a>]
00:42:17 ◼ ► done not even my work but my life I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2537">TS</a>]
00:42:19 ◼ ► loved one password i would probably pay [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2539">TS</a>]
00:42:23 ◼ ► hypothetical sink only service but i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2543">TS</a>]
00:42:27 ◼ ► would be pretty frustrated with it and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2547">TS</a>]
00:42:30 ◼ ► would perhaps go from saying i freaking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2550">TS</a>]
00:42:32 ◼ ► love 1password to yeah I like 1password [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2552">TS</a>]
00:42:34 ◼ ► i use it as it turns out because there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2554">TS</a>]
00:42:38 ◼ ► they didn't take away what i already had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2558">TS</a>]
00:42:41 ◼ ► and additionally they they added this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2561">TS</a>]
00:42:43 ◼ ► new family feature that's five dollars [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2563">TS</a>]
00:42:46 ◼ ► per I think her family per month and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2566">TS</a>]
00:42:49 ◼ ► families to find us like I don't know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2569">TS</a>]
00:42:50 ◼ ► fiber so people forget exactly the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2570">TS</a>]
00:42:53 ◼ ► I've signed up one password for family [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2573">TS</a>]
00:42:56 ◼ ► and that was actually the impetus I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2576">TS</a>]
00:42:57 ◼ ► needed a to continue get Aaron using one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2577">TS</a>]
00:43:01 ◼ ► password as well which we haven't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2581">TS</a>]
00:43:02 ◼ ► actually done yet but it's on her to-do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2582">TS</a>]
00:43:04 ◼ ► list for the weekend is to get Aaron [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2584">TS</a>]
00:43:05 ◼ ► finally using one password and and that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2585">TS</a>]
00:43:09 ◼ ► to me is the right way to handle this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2589">TS</a>]
00:43:11 ◼ ► but just like you guys said you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2591">TS</a>]
00:43:13 ◼ ► proclamations in a vacuum and I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2593">TS</a>]
00:43:14 ◼ ► know what with smiles dealing with I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2594">TS</a>]
00:43:16 ◼ ► don't know what they're up against but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2596">TS</a>]
00:43:17 ◼ ► taking away what's already there in that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2597">TS</a>]
00:43:20 ◼ ► in that they're saying that they're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2600">TS</a>]
00:43:21 ◼ ► going to support dropbox and other sink [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2601">TS</a>]
00:43:23 ◼ ► methods man that it's hard not to feel [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2603">TS</a>]
00:43:26 ◼ ► burned by that and even if you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2606">TS</a>]
00:43:28 ◼ ► sympathetic to them it's hard not to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2608">TS</a>]
00:43:31 ◼ ► feel burned but you wonder with it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2611">TS</a>]
00:43:33 ◼ ► like intentional like will see in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2613">TS</a>]
00:43:34 ◼ ► coming days if they change course [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2614">TS</a>]
00:43:36 ◼ ► 1password it was essentially expanded [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2616">TS</a>]
00:43:38 ◼ ► their market like I said we have all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2618">TS</a>]
00:43:40 ◼ ► these Yammer's their product we think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2620">TS</a>]
00:43:43 ◼ ► some of these customers would be willing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2623">TS</a>]
00:43:47 ◼ ► important to them so if we give them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2627">TS</a>]
00:43:48 ◼ ► this one extra feature this family [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2628">TS</a>]
00:43:50 ◼ ► singing or whatever we're gonna leave [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2630">TS</a>]
00:43:51 ◼ ► all the existing customers with the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2631">TS</a>]
00:43:52 ◼ ► product they have it's the same product [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2632">TS</a>]
00:43:54 ◼ ► it's not you know we're not excluding [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2634">TS</a>]
00:43:55 ◼ ► them we just want to expand the market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2635">TS</a>]
00:43:57 ◼ ► with this new little bump in our little [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2637">TS</a>]
00:43:58 ◼ ► you know the blob that is the market put [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2638">TS</a>]
00:44:00 ◼ ► another little bump that's and these [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2640">TS</a>]
00:44:02 ◼ ► people are willing to pay five bucks a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2642">TS</a>]
00:44:03 ◼ ► month everyone else keeps what they've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2643">TS</a>]
00:44:05 ◼ ► but we can we can extract more money [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2645">TS</a>]
00:44:07 ◼ ► from our customers for certain subset of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2647">TS</a>]
00:44:09 ◼ ► the customers by giving them a little [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2649">TS</a>]
00:44:10 ◼ ► bit more and charging them a little bit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2650">TS</a>]
00:44:12 ◼ ► more it totally see if that's what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2652">TS</a>]
00:44:14 ◼ ► texture was trying to do doesn't seem [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2654">TS</a>]
00:44:15 ◼ ► like you did it well because what they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2655">TS</a>]
00:44:16 ◼ ► did instead was took the blob that is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2656">TS</a>]
00:44:18 ◼ ► their market sliced off most of it and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2658">TS</a>]
00:44:22 ◼ ► then the remaining parts is the people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2662">TS</a>]
00:44:24 ◼ ► who are willing to pay fifty dollars a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2664">TS</a>]
00:44:25 ◼ ► year right if that's not what they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2665">TS</a>]
00:44:27 ◼ ► intended then you'll see scrambling a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2667">TS</a>]
00:44:30 ◼ ► week now all we've changed our mind in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2670">TS</a>]
00:44:31 ◼ ► fact you can use text expander sync with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2671">TS</a>]
00:44:33 ◼ ► sex offender sex with dropbox thinking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2673">TS</a>]
00:44:35 ◼ ► or you can use text expander six with no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2675">TS</a>]
00:44:36 ◼ ► syncing for the old price or whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2676">TS</a>]
00:44:38 ◼ ► like will see like I'm basing my you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2678">TS</a>]
00:44:41 ◼ ► know looking at what this move as if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2681">TS</a>]
00:44:44 ◼ ► this is intentional because we all see [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2684">TS</a>]
00:44:45 ◼ ► the effects that it's happening i think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2685">TS</a>]
00:44:46 ◼ ► they see the effects that is having if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2686">TS</a>]
00:44:48 ◼ ► that is an intentional i think they will [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2688">TS</a>]
00:44:50 ◼ ► backpedal and say we need to what we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2690">TS</a>]
00:44:53 ◼ ► really meant to do was actually just get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2693">TS</a>]
00:44:55 ◼ ► more money from the people who use it a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2695">TS</a>]
00:44:57 ◼ ► customers because we totally need them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2697">TS</a>]
00:44:58 ◼ ► so we'll see if they change their mind [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2698">TS</a>]
00:45:01 ◼ ► based on you know the first week or two [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2701">TS</a>]
00:45:02 ◼ ► of you know sales and returning and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2702">TS</a>]
00:45:05 ◼ ► complaints about it but I think both of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2705">TS</a>]
00:45:07 ◼ ► those strategies are viable like one is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2707">TS</a>]
00:45:09 ◼ ► not made one of them makes Casey said I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2709">TS</a>]
00:45:11 ◼ ► mean you know obviously if you're in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2711">TS</a>]
00:45:13 ◼ ► strategy can be you know not good for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2713">TS</a>]
00:45:15 ◼ ► you but in the end it doesn't you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2715">TS</a>]
00:45:18 ◼ ► from the company's perspective it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2718">TS</a>]
00:45:19 ◼ ► doesn't matter except for perhaps [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2719">TS</a>]
00:45:21 ◼ ► long-term brand loyalty decisions but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2721">TS</a>]
00:45:22 ◼ ► again if you're going towards the high [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2722">TS</a>]
00:45:24 ◼ ► end or enterprise the enterprise people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2724">TS</a>]
00:45:25 ◼ ► may love you even more if you add all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2725">TS</a>]
00:45:27 ◼ ► the super power user features like hell [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2727">TS</a>]
00:45:29 ◼ ► yeah i'll pay fifty dollars a year oh [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2729">TS</a>]
00:45:30 ◼ ► you know this is how I make my living [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2730">TS</a>]
00:45:33 ◼ ► sign me up and especially if they they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2733">TS</a>]
00:45:35 ◼ ► realized after year that this means new [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2735">TS</a>]
00:45:37 ◼ ► versions come out regularly bugs get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2737">TS</a>]
00:45:39 ◼ ► you know better whatever but with as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2739">TS</a>]
00:45:44 ◼ ► omniscient some on the part of either [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2744">TS</a>]
00:45:47 ◼ ► party here so it's it's it's possible [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2747">TS</a>]
00:45:49 ◼ ► that they just didn't anticipate the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2749">TS</a>]
00:45:51 ◼ ► backlash and I guess we'll find out in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2751">TS</a>]
00:45:53 ◼ ► the next week shows or the week after we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2753">TS</a>]
00:45:57 ◼ ► also sponsor tonight by ring the ring [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2757">TS</a>]
00:46:00 ◼ ► video doorbell to ring dot com / ATP to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2760">TS</a>]
00:46:03 ◼ ► see the ring video doorbell now video [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2763">TS</a>]
00:46:06 ◼ ► door bells are pretty cool gadgets and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2766">TS</a>]
00:46:07 ◼ ► there's lots of reasons to have them for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2767">TS</a>]
00:46:09 ◼ ► convenience of course you know there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2769">TS</a>]
00:46:10 ◼ ► you can see who's at your door you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2770">TS</a>]
00:46:12 ◼ ► respond and what's really cool is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2772">TS</a>]
00:46:14 ◼ ► there's advanced motion detection here [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2774">TS</a>]
00:46:16 ◼ ► this alerts you whether or not somebody [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2776">TS</a>]
00:46:18 ◼ ► actually rings the doorbell or not if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2778">TS</a>]
00:46:20 ◼ ► they're if there's just like a person [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2780">TS</a>]
00:46:21 ◼ ► who walks up to your door ring will [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2781">TS</a>]
00:46:23 ◼ ► alert you about that too it's like all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2783">TS</a>]
00:46:25 ◼ ► ID for your house like no matter whether [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2785">TS</a>]
00:46:27 ◼ ► some reasonable or not they alert you to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2787">TS</a>]
00:46:29 ◼ ► regardless of whether your home or not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2789">TS</a>]
00:46:31 ◼ ► because it uses your phone in addition [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2791">TS</a>]
00:46:33 ◼ ► to your actual doorbell like ringer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2793">TS</a>]
00:46:35 ◼ ► so if you're not home you still get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2795">TS</a>]
00:46:38 ◼ ► notified and you can respond through [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2798">TS</a>]
00:46:40 ◼ ► two-way audio through the ring doorbell [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2800">TS</a>]
00:46:42 ◼ ► so you can pretend like you're home [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2802">TS</a>]
00:46:45 ◼ ► the advantages here and only your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2805">TS</a>]
00:46:46 ◼ ► convenience but also safety for your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2806">TS</a>]
00:46:48 ◼ ► home in your possessions because ring is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2808">TS</a>]
00:46:51 ◼ ► found over ninety-five percent of home [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2811">TS</a>]
00:46:53 ◼ ► break-ins and burglaries happened during [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2813">TS</a>]
00:46:55 ◼ ► the day and brothers usually start by [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2815">TS</a>]
00:46:58 ◼ ► somebody's home and of course if they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2818">TS</a>]
00:47:00 ◼ ► home you'd generally move on right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2820">TS</a>]
00:47:02 ◼ ► so with the ring video doorbell it can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2822">TS</a>]
00:47:04 ◼ ► actually be a security benefits not only [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2824">TS</a>]
00:47:06 ◼ ► showing you when people walk up to your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2826">TS</a>]
00:47:07 ◼ ► door and having a record of that but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2827">TS</a>]
00:47:10 ◼ ► also it can help to her people first of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2830">TS</a>]
00:47:12 ◼ ► all they know they're being watched once [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2832">TS</a>]
00:47:13 ◼ ► you respond and they'll think you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2833">TS</a>]
00:47:17 ◼ ► so in addition to all the incredible [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2837">TS</a>]
00:47:18 ◼ ► convenience features of having a video [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2838">TS</a>]
00:47:20 ◼ ► doorbell it's pretty great for home [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2840">TS</a>]
00:47:23 ◼ ► essential feature of this we talk about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2843">TS</a>]
00:47:25 ◼ ► home security and you know if you're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2845">TS</a>]
00:47:27 ◼ ► in the house the key one is for the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2847">TS</a>]
00:47:30 ◼ ► ultra lazy you can hit the door without [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2850">TS</a>]
00:47:32 ◼ ► getting up with your catch you can send [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2852">TS</a>]
00:47:34 ◼ ► away so listeners you can you know tell [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2854">TS</a>]
00:47:36 ◼ ► the delivery guy just put it on the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2856">TS</a>]
00:47:38 ◼ ► you know you could like you can see who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2858">TS</a>]
00:47:40 ◼ ► it is and decide to pretend you're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2860">TS</a>]
00:47:42 ◼ ► at home all while you just sit in your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2862">TS</a>]
00:47:43 ◼ ► living room watching TV i love that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2863">TS</a>]
00:47:46 ◼ ► that's what you took away from this was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2866">TS</a>]
00:47:48 ◼ ► like yes is really is in a blur i do you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2868">TS</a>]
00:47:51 ◼ ► know how to get up from your couch you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2871">TS</a>]
00:47:52 ◼ ► can just pick up your phone and go now [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2872">TS</a>]
00:47:55 ◼ ► no sorry I'm not interested in whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2875">TS</a>]
00:47:57 ◼ ► you're selling you know they're only [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2877">TS</a>]
00:48:02 ◼ ► ya know so check it out today it can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2882">TS</a>]
00:48:04 ◼ ► work with your existing wiring for your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2884">TS</a>]
00:48:06 ◼ ► doorbell or they also have a model that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2886">TS</a>]
00:48:08 ◼ ► uses a battery so you don't need to wire [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2888">TS</a>]
00:48:09 ◼ ► it to ring dot com / ATP this is widely [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2889">TS</a>]
00:48:13 ◼ ► recognized as a great gadget by time [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2893">TS</a>]
00:48:17 ◼ ► listeners get a free expedited shipping [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2897">TS</a>]
00:48:20 ◼ ► rate by using our co2 if you go to bring [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2900">TS</a>]
00:48:22 ◼ ► calm / ATP you get free fast shipping [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2902">TS</a>]
00:48:24 ◼ ► check out today with the ring video [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2904">TS</a>]
00:48:27 ◼ ► you're always home go to bring calm / [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2907">TS</a>]
00:48:31 ◼ ► this this actually segues into our our [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2911">TS</a>]
00:48:34 ◼ ► next our next topic slightly unbeknownst [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2914">TS</a>]
00:48:36 ◼ ► to Marco although he's probably the one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2916">TS</a>]
00:48:38 ◼ ► who wrote it there because i think this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2918">TS</a>]
00:48:40 ◼ ► is a good time to bring this up with me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2920">TS</a>]
00:48:42 ◼ ► having my ipod stolen out of my car by [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2922">TS</a>]
00:48:45 ◼ ► the way speaking a lot of having sold my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2925">TS</a>]
00:48:46 ◼ ► car when they got to having you guys [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2926">TS</a>]
00:48:47 ◼ ► were talking about your your various [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2927">TS</a>]
00:48:49 ◼ ► ways of trying to play folder show love [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2929">TS</a>]
00:48:51 ◼ ► mp3 is like it's 1994 and you're in your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2931">TS</a>]
00:48:54 ◼ ► why do neither one of you do what I had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2934">TS</a>]
00:48:58 ◼ ► been doing which is take one of the many [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2938">TS</a>]
00:49:00 ◼ ► old iOS devices that is no longer useful [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2940">TS</a>]
00:49:03 ◼ ► for anything and connect it through USB [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2943">TS</a>]
00:49:06 ◼ ► to your car and just leave it in there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2946">TS</a>]
00:49:08 ◼ ► permanently aside from the fact you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2948">TS</a>]
00:49:09 ◼ ► afraid it's going to storm out of your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2949">TS</a>]
00:49:10 ◼ ► car setting that aside if you do that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2950">TS</a>]
00:49:13 ◼ ► you will get all the things you talked [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2953">TS</a>]
00:49:15 ◼ ► about like it you know real interface to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2955">TS</a>]
00:49:17 ◼ ► playing things hopefully reasonable [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2957">TS</a>]
00:49:19 ◼ ► album art not worried about it actually [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2959">TS</a>]
00:49:21 ◼ ► doing things alphabetical if you park [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2961">TS</a>]
00:49:24 ◼ ► your car close enough to get Wi-Fi from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2964">TS</a>]
00:49:25 ◼ ► your house and your thing has you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2965">TS</a>]
00:49:27 ◼ ► itunes in the cloud things think you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2967">TS</a>]
00:49:29 ◼ ► won't even have to bring the thing back [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2969">TS</a>]
00:49:31 ◼ ► into put your music on your new musical [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2971">TS</a>]
00:49:32 ◼ ► just think to it you know silently when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2972">TS</a>]
00:49:34 ◼ ► you drive your car home and just let it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2974">TS</a>]
00:49:37 ◼ ► that seems like it would solve all your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2977">TS</a>]
00:49:39 ◼ ► problems assuming you had a place to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2979">TS</a>]
00:49:40 ◼ ► store the connected ipod and all that is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2980">TS</a>]
00:49:43 ◼ ► is that not something you guys are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2983">TS</a>]
00:49:45 ◼ ► interested now definitely i don't want [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2985">TS</a>]
00:49:47 ◼ ► another thing to manage i would either [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2987">TS</a>]
00:49:48 ◼ ► use the stuff that's built into the car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2988">TS</a>]
00:49:51 ◼ ► like i was describing earlier because i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2991">TS</a>]
00:49:53 ◼ ► actually don't have a problem with it or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2993">TS</a>]
00:49:55 ◼ ► if it's not already in my car then I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2995">TS</a>]
00:49:57 ◼ ► would just use bluetooth on my phone but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2997">TS</a>]
00:49:59 ◼ ► what are you managing those likes it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/2999">TS</a>]
00:50:00 ◼ ► literally my thing is just it's plugged [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3000">TS</a>]
00:50:02 ◼ ► in in in a closed compartment and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3002">TS</a>]
00:50:04 ◼ ► never even see it and like I said now [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3004">TS</a>]
00:50:06 ◼ ► that that I park within Wi-Fi range of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3006">TS</a>]
00:50:08 ◼ ► my house I it gets my new music on if i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3008">TS</a>]
00:50:11 ◼ ► buy a new song that song is on my car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3011">TS</a>]
00:50:13 ◼ ► like the next time I Drive it isn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3013">TS</a>]
00:50:15 ◼ ► there is nothing to manage you don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3015">TS</a>]
00:50:16 ◼ ► need to recharge it because it charges [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3016">TS</a>]
00:50:18 ◼ ► when you drive your car get all the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3018">TS</a>]
00:50:20 ◼ ► features that you would expect like on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3020">TS</a>]
00:50:21 ◼ ► my on-screen display showing the artist [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3021">TS</a>]
00:50:23 ◼ ► album the whole thing it even shows you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3023">TS</a>]
00:50:25 ◼ ► know unicode characters and the title is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3025">TS</a>]
00:50:26 ◼ ► correctly like everything just works and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3026">TS</a>]
00:50:28 ◼ ► this is a honda accord i'm assuming all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3028">TS</a>]
00:50:29 ◼ ► your fancy BMWs intestines have the same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3029">TS</a>]
00:50:32 ◼ ► the only downside is you got to have an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3032">TS</a>]
00:50:34 ◼ ► iOS device which is way larger than the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3034">TS</a>]
00:50:36 ◼ ► little tiny thumb drive that mark eyes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3036">TS</a>]
00:50:39 ◼ ► Tesla actually does not support ipod USB [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3039">TS</a>]
00:50:43 ◼ ► Oh like the only support either USB [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3043">TS</a>]
00:50:48 ◼ ► Bluetooth the preemptively spotting the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3048">TS</a>]
00:50:50 ◼ ► Apple car gonna compete with us APPL [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3050">TS</a>]
00:50:54 ◼ ► rumored to be could possibly in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3054">TS</a>]
00:50:56 ◼ ► future competing with us no USB support [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3056">TS</a>]
00:50:58 ◼ ► for ipods I mean it also could be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3058">TS</a>]
00:51:00 ◼ ► possible that like you know either a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3060">TS</a>]
00:51:01 ◼ ► they haven't gotten to it yet because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3061">TS</a>]
00:51:03 ◼ ► they're a little bit new at or be they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3063">TS</a>]
00:51:05 ◼ ► just probably think like you know the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3065">TS</a>]
00:51:06 ◼ ► future is Bluetooth anyway for you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3066">TS</a>]
00:51:09 ◼ ► for that kind of role for most people so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3069">TS</a>]
00:51:11 ◼ ► it'sit's kind of it probably isn't worth [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3071">TS</a>]
00:51:12 ◼ ► the trouble to build that into a car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3072">TS</a>]
00:51:14 ◼ ► that like you started the media system [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3074">TS</a>]
00:51:18 ◼ ► yeah I mean I couldn't you could do also [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3078">TS</a>]
00:51:20 ◼ ► the same thing like my ipod that I have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3080">TS</a>]
00:51:21 ◼ ► plugged into the USB interface i could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3081">TS</a>]
00:51:23 ◼ ► leave it plugged into USB just for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3083">TS</a>]
00:51:25 ◼ ► charging purposes and then had that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3085">TS</a>]
00:51:28 ◼ ► yeah like anyway anyway that sort of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3088">TS</a>]
00:51:30 ◼ ► that derail the the the topics related [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3090">TS</a>]
00:51:32 ◼ ► to the ring doorbell is recording the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3092">TS</a>]
00:51:34 ◼ ► show notes here who presumably written [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3094">TS</a>]
00:51:36 ◼ ► by Marco Marco recent experiments and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3096">TS</a>]
00:51:38 ◼ ► home automation surveillance and general [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3098">TS</a>]
00:51:41 ◼ ► madness i'm adding that last part [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3101">TS</a>]
00:51:43 ◼ ► yeah this was my grab bag of topics that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3103">TS</a>]
00:51:44 ◼ ► we were not if we're at a time or two [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3104">TS</a>]
00:51:46 ◼ ► topics today we wanted something else [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3106">TS</a>]
00:51:47 ◼ ► and you moved it out what you didn't run [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3107">TS</a>]
00:51:49 ◼ ► out i actually I shuffle shuffle it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3109">TS</a>]
00:51:51 ◼ ► upwards because i see i see your tweets [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3111">TS</a>]
00:51:53 ◼ ► about like I doesn't can anyone tell me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3113">TS</a>]
00:51:56 ◼ ► how to find a replacement for 3-way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3116">TS</a>]
00:51:59 ◼ ► light switches that will respond to like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3119">TS</a>]
00:52:01 ◼ ► voice commands to my amazon echo and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3121">TS</a>]
00:52:03 ◼ ► sounds like you're really you're really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3123">TS</a>]
00:52:04 ◼ ► going off the deep end as as is your way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3124">TS</a>]
00:52:06 ◼ ► so i actually don't wanna hear about it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3126">TS</a>]
00:52:08 ◼ ► ok so let me let me preface by saying i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3128">TS</a>]
00:52:11 ◼ ► think i said this last week that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3131">TS</a>]
00:52:13 ◼ ► know earlier in in I forget what it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3133">TS</a>]
00:52:16 ◼ ► but there was our Thanksgiving episode [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3136">TS</a>]
00:52:18 ◼ ► or whether it was after the new year [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3138">TS</a>]
00:52:19 ◼ ► sometime we were in a positive mood and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3139">TS</a>]
00:52:23 ◼ ► we were expressing what we're going to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3143">TS</a>]
00:52:24 ◼ ► do in the future this year whatever and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3144">TS</a>]
00:52:26 ◼ ► one of the things I said was I because i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3146">TS</a>]
00:52:30 ◼ ► had been having trouble getting excited [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3150">TS</a>]
00:52:33 ◼ ► about a lot of stuff coming out of apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3153">TS</a>]
00:52:34 ◼ ► recently I decided that you know I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3154">TS</a>]
00:52:37 ◼ ► wanted to start exploring more outside [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3157">TS</a>]
00:52:40 ◼ ► of the apple ecosystem you know just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3160">TS</a>]
00:52:41 ◼ ► other stuff other platforms other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3161">TS</a>]
00:52:43 ◼ ► exciting things happening technology [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3163">TS</a>]
00:52:45 ◼ ► that aren't from apple and so that the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3165">TS</a>]
00:52:48 ◼ ► test obviously was it was contributing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3168">TS</a>]
00:52:50 ◼ ► to that quite a bit but also i've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3170">TS</a>]
00:52:53 ◼ ► recently said you know what let me let [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3173">TS</a>]
00:52:56 ◼ ► past a serie and everyone saying the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3176">TS</a>]
00:52:59 ◼ ► Amazon echo is really good so you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3179">TS</a>]
00:53:01 ◼ ► what the heck I'll try you are our [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3181">TS</a>]
00:53:04 ◼ ► whatever whatever we're over there i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3184">TS</a>]
00:53:06 ◼ ► always think like you know that that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3186">TS</a>]
00:53:08 ◼ ► kind of really awesome i do you talk to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3188">TS</a>]
00:53:10 ◼ ► it and plays good music and agency and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3190">TS</a>]
00:53:13 ◼ ► like the voice activation was really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3193">TS</a>]
00:53:14 ◼ ► good and fast and always worked and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3194">TS</a>]
00:53:18 ◼ ► think that's kind of incredible like you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3198">TS</a>]
00:53:20 ◼ ► being because i'm not gonna try meant [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3200">TS</a>]
00:53:22 ◼ ► nothing about Apple but she'll be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3202">TS</a>]
00:53:23 ◼ ► accustomed to serie a for Apple in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3203">TS</a>]
00:53:27 ◼ ► Amazon echo by comparison is extremely [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3207">TS</a>]
00:53:30 ◼ ► fast to recognize what you're saying and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3210">TS</a>]
00:53:32 ◼ ► can recognize it at a seemingly much [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3212">TS</a>]
00:53:34 ◼ ► higher success rate from for me at least [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3214">TS</a>]
00:53:37 ◼ ► an enemy in the environment I've seen it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3217">TS</a>]
00:53:39 ◼ ► and even in in conditions that you would [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3219">TS</a>]
00:53:41 ◼ ► think would be hostile like while it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3221">TS</a>]
00:53:43 ◼ ► already loudly playing music in a loud [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3223">TS</a>]
00:53:45 ◼ ► room and you are 12 feet away it can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3225">TS</a>]
00:53:49 ◼ ► most of the time so that it's actually [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3229">TS</a>]
00:53:51 ◼ ► surprisingly good if you're if you've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3231">TS</a>]
00:53:54 ◼ ► only ever used Syria as like your voice [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3234">TS</a>]
00:53:59 ◼ ► surprisingly good i would say in many [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3239">TS</a>]
00:54:02 ◼ ► ways substantially better probably not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3242">TS</a>]
00:54:04 ◼ ► every way but in the ways that i use it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3244">TS</a>]
00:54:06 ◼ ► for it is substantially better anyway so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3246">TS</a>]
00:54:09 ◼ ► I decided you know what else can this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3249">TS</a>]
00:54:10 ◼ ► thing do and it turns out when you're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3250">TS</a>]
00:54:12 ◼ ► not in you know similar to what is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3252">TS</a>]
00:54:14 ◼ ► covered with USB sticks when you're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3254">TS</a>]
00:54:16 ◼ ► in the apple ecosystem nothing cost any [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3256">TS</a>]
00:54:19 ◼ ► money you can get a ridiculous number of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3259">TS</a>]
00:54:23 ◼ ► like smart objects hey things things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3263">TS</a>]
00:54:26 ◼ ► with ports or Wi-Fi in them for almost [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3266">TS</a>]
00:54:28 ◼ ► nothing so for instance one of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3268">TS</a>]
00:54:29 ◼ ► things because got was amazon dash [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3269">TS</a>]
00:54:31 ◼ ► buttons look at its this it seems [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3271">TS</a>]
00:54:34 ◼ ► ridiculous for five dollars which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3274">TS</a>]
00:54:37 ◼ ► becomes a five-dollar credit once you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3277">TS</a>]
00:54:38 ◼ ► use it so for basically free you get a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3278">TS</a>]
00:54:42 ◼ ► keychain with a sticky back and it's it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3282">TS</a>]
00:54:45 ◼ ► comes assigned to a certain brands [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3285">TS</a>]
00:54:47 ◼ ► products things like Charmaine for for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3287">TS</a>]
00:54:50 ◼ ► your toilet paper or bounty paper towels [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3290">TS</a>]
00:54:53 ◼ ► or you know razor blades or whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3293">TS</a>]
00:54:55 ◼ ► it's there just a button there's no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3295">TS</a>]
00:54:57 ◼ ► screen just a single button you stick [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3297">TS</a>]
00:54:59 ◼ ► this wherever you stories household [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3299">TS</a>]
00:55:00 ◼ ► objects and when you are running low you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3300">TS</a>]
00:55:03 ◼ ► hit the button it automatically orders [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3303">TS</a>]
00:55:06 ◼ ► more of that thing whatever you've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3306">TS</a>]
00:55:07 ◼ ► assigned to order from that brand [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3307">TS</a>]
00:55:09 ◼ ► from amazon and it comes in a couple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3309">TS</a>]
00:55:11 ◼ ► days so I have 14 paper towels and have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3311">TS</a>]
00:55:15 ◼ ► a4 paper we don't let me interrupt you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3315">TS</a>]
00:55:17 ◼ ► right there a genuine genuine question [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3317">TS</a>]
00:55:21 ◼ ► different flavors of Charmin so to speak [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3321">TS</a>]
00:55:23 ◼ ► do you like specify what one it is that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3323">TS</a>]
00:55:27 ◼ ► you want yes and you can you can go on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3327">TS</a>]
00:55:29 ◼ ► the site and you can get with this dash [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3329">TS</a>]
00:55:31 ◼ ► button there's a little green thing it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3331">TS</a>]
00:55:33 ◼ ► looks like a banner ad and so you missed [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3333">TS</a>]
00:55:35 ◼ ► the first few times but it's not a bit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3335">TS</a>]
00:55:37 ◼ ► there is little agreement right below [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3337">TS</a>]
00:55:39 ◼ ► the item description nice dash button [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3339">TS</a>]
00:55:41 ◼ ► view what this button can order and you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3341">TS</a>]
00:55:44 ◼ ► can click on and I'll show you before [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3344">TS</a>]
00:55:46 ◼ ► even buy you can see like make sure that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3346">TS</a>]
00:55:48 ◼ ► it can order the things you know the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3348">TS</a>]
00:55:49 ◼ ► version that you use and then you set [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3349">TS</a>]
00:55:52 ◼ ► and when you set it up its kind of free [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3352">TS</a>]
00:55:53 ◼ ► so it's it's a little button thing with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3353">TS</a>]
00:55:56 ◼ ► no screen and with some kind of you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3356">TS</a>]
00:56:00 ◼ ► permanent installous I think battery [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3360">TS</a>]
00:56:02 ◼ ► it's a Wi-Fi device so it has to be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3362">TS</a>]
00:56:04 ◼ ► pretty hefty like lithium something or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3364">TS</a>]
00:56:05 ◼ ► other battery in there anyway how do you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3365">TS</a>]
00:56:09 ◼ ► normally these things that you know many [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3369">TS</a>]
00:56:11 ◼ ► of these smart objects they will create [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3371">TS</a>]
00:56:12 ◼ ► their own little ad hoc Wi-Fi network [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3372">TS</a>]
00:56:14 ◼ ► and so you launch the app on your phone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3374">TS</a>]
00:56:15 ◼ ► you join your phone to the stupid things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3375">TS</a>]
00:56:17 ◼ ► Wi-Fi network and then it auto config [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3377">TS</a>]
00:56:20 ◼ ► with the app and tell you know the app [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3380">TS</a>]
00:56:21 ◼ ► tells it your real Wi-Fi networks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3381">TS</a>]
00:56:23 ◼ ► password and then you said you click [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3383">TS</a>]
00:56:25 ◼ ► back over and sucks huge you know clunky [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3385">TS</a>]
00:56:27 ◼ ► process that I hope Apple gives some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3387">TS</a>]
00:56:30 ◼ ► kind of method of improving with like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3390">TS</a>]
00:56:31 ◼ ► you know multi-mode Wi-Fi something i'm [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3391">TS</a>]
00:56:35 ◼ ► pretty sure things that exist anyway you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3395">TS</a>]
00:56:37 ◼ ► know those kind of a temporary ad-hoc [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3397">TS</a>]
00:56:39 ◼ ► Wi-Fi networks don't take over your main [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3399">TS</a>]
00:56:41 ◼ ► Wi-Fi whatever they're called that like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3401">TS</a>]
00:56:42 ◼ ► you know camera thanks used to anyway [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3402">TS</a>]
00:56:44 ◼ ► please Apple add those things anyway so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3404">TS</a>]
00:56:47 ◼ ► that the way the the Amazon dash buttons [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3407">TS</a>]
00:56:50 ◼ ► work his you you place the button next [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3410">TS</a>]
00:56:54 ◼ ► to your phone and the phone like emits [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3414">TS</a>]
00:56:56 ◼ ► like static pulses out of the speaker [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3416">TS</a>]
00:56:58 ◼ ► via audio and the dash button has a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3418">TS</a>]
00:57:00 ◼ ► little microphone it and just like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3420">TS</a>]
00:57:02 ◼ ► communicates by the static pulses the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3422">TS</a>]
00:57:04 ◼ ► Wi-Fi information to the dash button and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3424">TS</a>]
00:57:07 ◼ ► Angela right after a few seconds equals [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3427">TS</a>]
00:57:09 ◼ ► a little weird seconds like alright done [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3429">TS</a>]
00:57:11 ◼ ► just so cool it and all this was for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3431">TS</a>]
00:57:13 ◼ ► five dollars i know this is all just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3433">TS</a>]
00:57:15 ◼ ► shameless consumerism to honor the God [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3435">TS</a>]
00:57:18 ◼ ► of amazon and make you buy even more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3438">TS</a>]
00:57:23 ◼ ► technology perspective that works and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3443">TS</a>]
00:57:25 ◼ ► costs nothing like that's kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3445">TS</a>]
00:57:27 ◼ ► incredible i want I really looked into [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3447">TS</a>]
00:57:30 ◼ ► recently and I think this is just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3450">TS</a>]
00:57:33 ◼ ► somebody has like reverse-engineered how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3453">TS</a>]
00:57:36 ◼ ► all of this works and there's actually a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3456">TS</a>]
00:57:39 ◼ ► a node module called no dash button that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3459">TS</a>]
00:57:43 ◼ ► you can use to have a dash button [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3463">TS</a>]
00:57:46 ◼ ► instead of calling phoning home to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3466">TS</a>]
00:57:48 ◼ ► amazon it it just tells a node server [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3468">TS</a>]
00:57:51 ◼ ► running on a local network the button [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3471">TS</a>]
00:57:53 ◼ ► has been pressed and so what I was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3473">TS</a>]
00:57:55 ◼ ► really looking into but I couldn't quite [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3475">TS</a>]
00:57:56 ◼ ► make it work each just the other side of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3476">TS</a>]
00:57:59 ◼ ► I really wanted to buy a dash button and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3479">TS</a>]
00:58:03 ◼ ► then stick it on like the bedside table [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3483">TS</a>]
00:58:05 ◼ ► and then have that call down to my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3485">TS</a>]
00:58:09 ◼ ► internet-connected garage door opener my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3489">TS</a>]
00:58:12 ◼ ► Chamberlain Mike you and if the garage [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3492">TS</a>]
00:58:14 ◼ ► doors open close it so that my bedtime [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3494">TS</a>]
00:58:17 ◼ ► routine would just be to smack this dash [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3497">TS</a>]
00:58:19 ◼ ► button that has nothing to do with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3499">TS</a>]
00:58:20 ◼ ► amazon anymore and if the garage doors [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3500">TS</a>]
00:58:22 ◼ ► open it will automatically close I could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3502">TS</a>]
00:58:24 ◼ ► never get it to work but I think it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3504">TS</a>]
00:58:26 ◼ ► really cool and fascinating that people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3506">TS</a>]
00:58:28 ◼ ► took this five-dollar device and are now [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3508">TS</a>]
00:58:30 ◼ ► like hacking it such that it can be used [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3510">TS</a>]
00:58:32 ◼ ► for something entirely different and i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3512">TS</a>]
00:58:34 ◼ ► just think that's fascinating super cool [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3514">TS</a>]
00:58:36 ◼ ► and is for reasons like this that i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3516">TS</a>]
00:58:38 ◼ ► really want to start figuring out how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3518">TS</a>]
00:58:40 ◼ ► the hell raspberry PI's work and what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3520">TS</a>]
00:58:43 ◼ ► yeah my question about these buttons is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3523">TS</a>]
00:58:45 ◼ ► like the reason i would donate can with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3525">TS</a>]
00:58:48 ◼ ► them was like is this like a joke is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3528">TS</a>]
00:58:49 ◼ ► like an april fools joke you know like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3529">TS</a>]
00:58:51 ◼ ► they cannot like last year or the year [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3531">TS</a>]
00:58:53 ◼ ► ridiculous that you're gonna have talked [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3533">TS</a>]
00:58:56 ◼ ► Alton Brown angering unit ask her you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3536">TS</a>]
00:58:59 ◼ ► can't have a big shiny red button in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3539">TS</a>]
00:59:01 ◼ ► your house and all this other paper [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3541">TS</a>]
00:59:03 ◼ ► towels my fear and wide never want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3543">TS</a>]
00:59:05 ◼ ► have the thing and it's like I'm the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3545">TS</a>]
00:59:06 ◼ ► same type person who was always afraid [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3546">TS</a>]
00:59:07 ◼ ► to enable 1-click ordering is I know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3547">TS</a>]
00:59:10 ◼ ► that I and everyone else in my house [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3550">TS</a>]
00:59:12 ◼ ► would forget when we get that stupid [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3552">TS</a>]
00:59:14 ◼ ► who knows all we need paper towels and i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3554">TS</a>]
00:59:16 ◼ ► will click the button but i have no idea [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3556">TS</a>]
00:59:17 ◼ ► if someone who came into the same room [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3557">TS</a>]
00:59:19 ◼ ► and came to the same conclusion an hour [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3559">TS</a>]
00:59:20 ◼ ► ago and now we have two orders of paper [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3560">TS</a>]
00:59:22 ◼ ► towels coming know someone else did you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3562">TS</a>]
00:59:24 ◼ ► know it turns out they thought of that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3564">TS</a>]
00:59:25 ◼ ► once you want somebody hits it it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3565">TS</a>]
00:59:27 ◼ ► doesn't except in order for another one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3567">TS</a>]
00:59:29 ◼ ► until that one has been delivered right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3569">TS</a>]
00:59:33 ◼ ► everything I was thinking like it but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3573">TS</a>]
00:59:35 ◼ ► the bouncing and here's here's the other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3575">TS</a>]
00:59:37 ◼ ► secret thing like if it doesn't order [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3577">TS</a>]
00:59:40 ◼ ► until it's delivered but you have small [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3580">TS</a>]
00:59:41 ◼ ► children your house you figure out how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3581">TS</a>]
00:59:43 ◼ ► these buttons work they wait for a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3583">TS</a>]
00:59:44 ◼ ► package to be delivered and they go [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3584">TS</a>]
00:59:45 ◼ ► around the house impressive real button [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3585">TS</a>]
00:59:47 ◼ ► like just you know because essentially [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3587">TS</a>]
00:59:48 ◼ ► is applying it is allowing anyone with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3588">TS</a>]
00:59:50 ◼ ► physical access to your home to spend [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3590">TS</a>]
00:59:54 ◼ ► yeah but it's not like ordering an ipod [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3594">TS</a>]
00:59:55 ◼ ► like it's you know what happens pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3595">TS</a>]
00:59:57 ◼ ► cheap it's a bad example and you just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3597">TS</a>]
01:00:00 ◼ ► you got the iphone button just let me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3600">TS</a>]
01:00:01 ◼ ► just put it we'll put in in your house [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3601">TS</a>]
01:00:03 ◼ ► and groupers houses the keynotes over [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3603">TS</a>]
01:00:05 ◼ ► you slam your fist on the button and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3605">TS</a>]
01:00:06 ◼ ► then there's one that's the new method [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3606">TS</a>]
01:00:10 ◼ ► rolling as you go visit somebody doesn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3610">TS</a>]
01:00:12 ◼ ► like when they're when they're like you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3612">TS</a>]
01:00:13 ◼ ► know in the other room you go pushing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3613">TS</a>]
01:00:15 ◼ ► all the buttons to order all the paper [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3615">TS</a>]
01:00:16 ◼ ► towels and so this is these dash buttons [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3616">TS</a>]
01:00:18 ◼ ► these are entirely independent of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3618">TS</a>]
01:00:19 ◼ ► echo other than the fact they're all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3619">TS</a>]
01:00:20 ◼ ► made by amazon hook up your amazon [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3620">TS</a>]
01:00:22 ◼ ► account right yeah I was just really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3622">TS</a>]
01:00:24 ◼ ► decide that you know I'm now like giving [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3624">TS</a>]
01:00:26 ◼ ► amazon the benefit of the doubt and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3626">TS</a>]
01:00:27 ◼ ► trying some of the stuff that they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3627">TS</a>]
01:00:29 ◼ ► doing that's all crazy and after the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3629">TS</a>]
01:00:32 ◼ ► fire phone and after some of the really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3632">TS</a>]
01:00:34 ◼ ► crappy fire tablets it's easy to write [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3634">TS</a>]
01:00:37 ◼ ► off amazon's hardware efforts but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3637">TS</a>]
01:00:39 ◼ ► they're getting better and they're kind [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3639">TS</a>]
01:00:41 ◼ ► of getting remarkably better at some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3641">TS</a>]
01:00:43 ◼ ► things and I I think writing them off [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3643">TS</a>]
01:00:45 ◼ ► completely is not wise because you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3645">TS</a>]
01:00:49 ◼ ► they are going to keep making a lot of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3649">TS</a>]
01:00:52 ◼ ► everything they make it up and some of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3652">TS</a>]
01:00:53 ◼ ► them exactly pretty cool anyway so yeah [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3653">TS</a>]
01:00:57 ◼ ► so I guess I have some some dunkin Wemo [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3657">TS</a>]
01:01:00 ◼ ► switch to outlets that amusing to switch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3660">TS</a>]
01:01:04 ◼ ► yeah can you explain that to me because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3664">TS</a>]
01:01:05 ◼ ► I understood that you were trying to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3665">TS</a>]
01:01:07 ◼ ► make it so you could say words into the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3667">TS</a>]
01:01:08 ◼ ► air and cause lights to go on yet i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3668">TS</a>]
01:01:10 ◼ ► don't know anything that connects those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3670">TS</a>]
01:01:12 ◼ ► things other than the Amazon echo is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3672">TS</a>]
01:01:14 ◼ ► listening to you and then presumably [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3674">TS</a>]
01:01:15 ◼ ► what happens after that the amazon i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3675">TS</a>]
01:01:17 ◼ ► hears you and what does it do what does [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3677">TS</a>]
01:01:18 ◼ ► it communicate with is this like an open [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3678">TS</a>]
01:01:20 ◼ ► standard layout amazon products don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3680">TS</a>]
01:01:23 ◼ ► honestly I don't know that much about it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3683">TS</a>]
01:01:25 ◼ ► I I haven't looked that much into it you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3685">TS</a>]
01:01:27 ◼ ► know you go and i was on site that tells [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3687">TS</a>]
01:01:28 ◼ ► you like here's the all the things that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3688">TS</a>]
01:01:30 ◼ ► work with the echo some of the things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3690">TS</a>]
01:01:32 ◼ ► require like a smart devices hub some of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3692">TS</a>]
01:01:35 ◼ ► them don't have been only getting the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3695">TS</a>]
01:01:36 ◼ ► ones that don't so far because why not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3696">TS</a>]
01:01:38 ◼ ► about a couple of mos switched outlets [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3698">TS</a>]
01:01:40 ◼ ► because I there the better way to do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3700">TS</a>]
01:01:42 ◼ ► lighting is if you can swing it to use [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3702">TS</a>]
01:01:45 ◼ ► Wi-Fi light bulbs like life xor philips [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3705">TS</a>]
01:01:48 ◼ ► hue that kind of thing I haven't used [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3708">TS</a>]
01:01:50 ◼ ► any of those yet because the lifx bulbs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3710">TS</a>]
01:01:53 ◼ ► are too large to fit into the lamps in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3713">TS</a>]
01:01:54 ◼ ► question and the philips hue bulbs are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3714">TS</a>]
01:01:58 ◼ ► not bright enough and i like nice bright [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3718">TS</a>]
01:02:00 ◼ ► bulbs and even leds always to get the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3720">TS</a>]
01:02:02 ◼ ► ones that are like 200 watt equivalent [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3722">TS</a>]
01:02:03 ◼ ► rather than the most the more common [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3723">TS</a>]
01:02:05 ◼ ► ones are more like a 60 watt equivalent [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3725">TS</a>]
01:02:06 ◼ ► so they're just not right now anyway so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3726">TS</a>]
01:02:09 ◼ ► the way i do this is I keep my fancy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3729">TS</a>]
01:02:11 ◼ ► bulbs and I guess which the outlets [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3731">TS</a>]
01:02:13 ◼ ► two again I don't know any other system [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3733">TS</a>]
01:02:15 ◼ ► works but the way belkin's Wemo thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3735">TS</a>]
01:02:17 ◼ ► works is all just local Wi-Fi and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3737">TS</a>]
01:02:20 ◼ ► there's probably a way to come to a web [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3740">TS</a>]
01:02:23 ◼ ► there is but right now doing a local [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3743">TS</a>]
01:02:25 ◼ ► Wi-Fi only so you use their apt to like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3745">TS</a>]
01:02:28 ◼ ► configure the things using the stupid [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3748">TS</a>]
01:02:29 ◼ ► like join the Wi-Fi network thing but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3749">TS</a>]
01:02:31 ◼ ► then once configured the echo to talk to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3751">TS</a>]
01:02:34 ◼ ► it directly so you know the echo just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3754">TS</a>]
01:02:35 ◼ ► had support for whatever local protocol [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3755">TS</a>]
01:02:37 ◼ ► that uses over the local Wi-Fi network [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3757">TS</a>]
01:02:39 ◼ ► and then you you go to the alexa up to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3759">TS</a>]
01:02:41 ◼ ► configure the echo it shows all your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3761">TS</a>]
01:02:43 ◼ ► compatible devices and you can create [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3763">TS</a>]
01:02:45 ◼ ► groups so you can see like to turn off [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3765">TS</a>]
01:02:47 ◼ ► all lamps and it will and it will end it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3767">TS</a>]
01:02:50 ◼ ► just says okay and turn them all off and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3770">TS</a>]
01:02:51 ◼ ► that's it sorry for anybody whose life [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3771">TS</a>]
01:02:54 ◼ ► it's really cool like it get it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3774">TS</a>]
01:02:56 ◼ ► really cool about it is that it's fast [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3776">TS</a>]
01:02:59 ◼ ► enough and it works enough of the time [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3779">TS</a>]
01:03:01 ◼ ► that it's actually comedian so part of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3781">TS</a>]
01:03:04 ◼ ► my nightly routine use your cell your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3784">TS</a>]
01:03:05 ◼ ► garage like trying to like trying to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3785">TS</a>]
01:03:06 ◼ ► eliminate steps for nightly routine part [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3786">TS</a>]
01:03:09 ◼ ► of my daily routine is you know we which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3789">TS</a>]
01:03:11 ◼ ► are watching TV and I whatever so I go [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3791">TS</a>]
01:03:13 ◼ ► around locking all the doors turning off [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3793">TS</a>]
01:03:15 ◼ ► all the lights taking the taking hops [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3795">TS</a>]
01:03:19 ◼ ► backyard and more lights go on and off [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3799">TS</a>]
01:03:20 ◼ ► going off and coming Lok Lak any step i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3800">TS</a>]
01:03:23 ◼ ► can remove from that process will save [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3803">TS</a>]
01:03:25 ◼ ► me like 15 seconds a day and yet it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3805">TS</a>]
01:03:28 ◼ ► stupid to be talking about 15 seconds a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3808">TS</a>]
01:03:30 ◼ ► day and you know this is obviously a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3810">TS</a>]
01:03:31 ◼ ► position of like first-world privilege [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3811">TS</a>]
01:03:33 ◼ ► here but that's convenient and when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3813">TS</a>]
01:03:35 ◼ ► everything is so cheap it its it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3815">TS</a>]
01:03:39 ◼ ► effectively cut 30 seconds out of my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3819">TS</a>]
01:03:42 ◼ ► nightly routine just by automated my [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3822">TS</a>]
01:03:44 ◼ ► switches and being able to tell the echo [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3824">TS</a>]
01:03:46 ◼ ► turn everything off wants the Amazon [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3826">TS</a>]
01:03:48 ◼ ► echo tell my children eight thousand [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3828">TS</a>]
01:03:50 ◼ ► times to brush to think that their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3830">TS</a>]
01:03:51 ◼ ► pajamas on because i'm able to stay at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3831">TS</a>]
01:03:54 ◼ ► amazon echo do the bed down routine an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3834">TS</a>]
01:03:56 ◼ ► Amazon echo will say you guys have your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3836">TS</a>]
01:03:59 ◼ ► amazon yet have you brush your teeth [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3839">TS</a>]
01:04:00 ◼ ► every Rush do you have your amazon and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3840">TS</a>]
01:04:03 ◼ ► you find them in their room an hour [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3843">TS</a>]
01:04:04 ◼ ► later playing with Lego without their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3844">TS</a>]
01:04:06 ◼ ► pajamas on have you put your pajamas on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3846">TS</a>]
01:04:07 ◼ ► and brush teeth that's the service I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3847">TS</a>]
01:04:09 ◼ ► need you could probably get up with you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3849">TS</a>]
01:04:13 ◼ ► I'm i bet you that there's something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3853">TS</a>]
01:04:15 ◼ ► like I mean the thing is like it and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3855">TS</a>]
01:04:17 ◼ ► this is this is why I I really been [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3857">TS</a>]
01:04:19 ◼ ► joined the echo and why I I do worry for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3859">TS</a>]
01:04:22 ◼ ► apples presence or lack thereof in this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3862">TS</a>]
01:04:24 ◼ ► market in order to make this market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3864">TS</a>]
01:04:27 ◼ ► you know in order to get what makes the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3867">TS</a>]
01:04:28 ◼ ► echo so good is a combination of having [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3868">TS</a>]
01:04:32 ◼ ► what seems to be a pretty awesome solid [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3872">TS</a>]
01:04:35 ◼ ► big data web service behind it which is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3875">TS</a>]
01:04:38 ◼ ► not something apples good at you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3878">TS</a>]
01:04:39 ◼ ► Apple can do things like you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3879">TS</a>]
01:04:41 ◼ ► keeping notifications running and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3881">TS</a>]
01:04:43 ◼ ► running when it comes to the kind of web [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3883">TS</a>]
01:04:46 ◼ ► service that uses big data and AI type [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3886">TS</a>]
01:04:49 ◼ ► stuff Apple is not as competitive as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3889">TS</a>]
01:04:52 ◼ ► other entrance in the market and and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3892">TS</a>]
01:04:54 ◼ ► seems it maybe that will change over [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3894">TS</a>]
01:04:56 ◼ ► time but they're just not there and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3896">TS</a>]
01:04:58 ◼ ► they've been not there for so long after [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3898">TS</a>]
01:05:00 ◼ ► be after began to matter that it does [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3900">TS</a>]
01:05:02 ◼ ► seem like they're not capable of it or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3902">TS</a>]
01:05:04 ◼ ► at least don't prioritize it you know it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3904">TS</a>]
01:05:06 ◼ ► seems like this is the kind of problem [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3906">TS</a>]
01:05:08 ◼ ► that other companies Google Facebook [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3908">TS</a>]
01:05:10 ◼ ► Amazon just do big data services better [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3910">TS</a>]
01:05:14 ◼ ► than apple does and what also makes it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3914">TS</a>]
01:05:16 ◼ ► so powerful is all this integration with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3916">TS</a>]
01:05:19 ◼ ► their party stuff and so Apple has home [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3919">TS</a>]
01:05:21 ◼ ► kit but home kit is is a much less [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3921">TS</a>]
01:05:24 ◼ ► successful program i think then then [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3924">TS</a>]
01:05:28 ◼ ► where's the echo doesn't really care [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3928">TS</a>]
01:05:30 ◼ ► like the echo is kind of all-inclusive [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3930">TS</a>]
01:05:31 ◼ ► it'll work with everything that we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3931">TS</a>]
01:05:32 ◼ ► talked briefly about this on unconnected [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3932">TS</a>]
01:05:35 ◼ ► this weekend relay they were they were [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3935">TS</a>]
01:05:37 ◼ ► they were saying that there's some kind [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3937">TS</a>]
01:05:38 ◼ ► of like hardware requirement for home [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3938">TS</a>]
01:05:40 ◼ ► kit devices and then the belkin kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3940">TS</a>]
01:05:43 ◼ ► amazon doesn't really care i worked with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3943">TS</a>]
01:05:44 ◼ ► everybody and like Siri launch in twenty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3944">TS</a>]
01:05:46 ◼ ► eleven it is 2016 there is still no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3946">TS</a>]
01:05:50 ◼ ► sirree API there is no way for third [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3950">TS</a>]
01:05:53 ◼ ► parties to integrate with Siri at all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3953">TS</a>]
01:05:55 ◼ ► the echo comes out like not that long [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3955">TS</a>]
01:06:00 ◼ ► something's on almost a year ago it is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3960">TS</a>]
01:06:01 ◼ ► already full of third-party integrations [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3961">TS</a>]
01:06:04 ◼ ► there's an API for a lot of what it can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3964">TS</a>]
01:06:07 ◼ ► do not everything there's still no music [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3967">TS</a>]
01:06:08 ◼ ► API looks at which means i can make [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3968">TS</a>]
01:06:10 ◼ ► overcast for it yet but I'm hoping there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3970">TS</a>]
01:06:12 ◼ ► will be soon so that it has but it has [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3972">TS</a>]
01:06:15 ◼ ► tons of integration with all these [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3975">TS</a>]
01:06:17 ◼ ► third-party things anybody can go and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3977">TS</a>]
01:06:19 ◼ ► make a speech response API to it and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3979">TS</a>]
01:06:22 ◼ ► integrates with all this different [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3982">TS</a>]
01:06:23 ◼ ► hardware from all these different [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3983">TS</a>]
01:06:25 ◼ ► vendors amazon I feel like they're in a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3985">TS</a>]
01:06:28 ◼ ► better position that Apple is to to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3988">TS</a>]
01:06:32 ◼ ► really take over this kind of thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3992">TS</a>]
01:06:34 ◼ ► because this is so dependent on both the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3994">TS</a>]
01:06:36 ◼ ► big data web service and also tons of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/3996">TS</a>]
01:06:40 ◼ ► yeah apple had the foresight to you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4000">TS</a>]
01:06:44 ◼ ► research project company or whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4004">TS</a>]
01:06:47 ◼ ► understood very early on that something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4007">TS</a>]
01:06:51 ◼ ► like this could add value to their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4011">TS</a>]
01:06:52 ◼ ► products and you know my friend when [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4012">TS</a>]
01:06:54 ◼ ► they bought them but obviously was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4014">TS</a>]
01:06:55 ◼ ► before it was actually released publicly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4015">TS</a>]
01:06:59 ◼ ► exception of google like they don't know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4019">TS</a>]
01:07:01 ◼ ► if they were in the lead next Google but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4021">TS</a>]
01:07:03 ◼ ► they were at the very least seemingly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4023">TS</a>]
01:07:04 ◼ ► neck-and-neck with google in terms of we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4024">TS</a>]
01:07:06 ◼ ► recognize this is going to be important [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4026">TS</a>]
01:07:08 ◼ ► thing for the future and maybe your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4028">TS</a>]
01:07:09 ◼ ► thing is kind of crappy when it launches [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4029">TS</a>]
01:07:12 ◼ ► but at least you know at least we're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4032">TS</a>]
01:07:15 ◼ ► ignoring this market like in fact we're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4035">TS</a>]
01:07:17 ◼ ► out ahead of a lot of our competitors [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4037">TS</a>]
01:07:18 ◼ ► but like Marco set like and then what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4038">TS</a>]
01:07:21 ◼ ► happened to be like the mac pro all over [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4041">TS</a>]
01:07:23 ◼ ► well we'll make Siri better and Cirie [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4043">TS</a>]
01:07:25 ◼ ► certainly has gotten better but there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4045">TS</a>]
01:07:27 ◼ ► no reason Apple couldn't have done [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4047">TS</a>]
01:07:29 ◼ ► something like Amazon echo years and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4049">TS</a>]
01:07:32 ◼ ► years ago because they had like there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4052">TS</a>]
01:07:33 ◼ ► and google has been expanding google now [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4053">TS</a>]
01:07:35 ◼ ► and did you know to make it much more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4055">TS</a>]
01:07:38 ◼ ► sophisticated and complicated in Syria [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4058">TS</a>]
01:07:40 ◼ ► and we even have like just random apps [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4060">TS</a>]
01:07:41 ◼ ► like this third-party hound application [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4061">TS</a>]
01:07:43 ◼ ► that Merlin was raving about a little [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4063">TS</a>]
01:07:44 ◼ ► while ago like like lots of other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4064">TS</a>]
01:07:46 ◼ ► companies are you know it's it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4066">TS</a>]
01:07:48 ◼ ► early days anymore everyone's like Oh [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4068">TS</a>]
01:07:50 ◼ ► some kind of intelligent agency you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4070">TS</a>]
01:07:52 ◼ ► talk is basically like speed recognition [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4072">TS</a>]
01:07:53 ◼ ► has as kind of cross de vaguely good [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4073">TS</a>]
01:07:56 ◼ ► enough barrier and an understanding of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4076">TS</a>]
01:07:57 ◼ ► speech and breaking it down into meaning [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4077">TS</a>]
01:07:59 ◼ ► and figure out what you mean not just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4079">TS</a>]
01:08:00 ◼ ► like translate into text doing a Google [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4080">TS</a>]
01:08:02 ◼ ► search or whatever you know that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4082">TS</a>]
01:08:04 ◼ ► getting more sophisticated and it just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4084">TS</a>]
01:08:06 ◼ ► takes a little bit more stuff to put it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4086">TS</a>]
01:08:07 ◼ ► together in two ways that allow like the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4087">TS</a>]
01:08:11 ◼ ► community essentially community of like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4091">TS</a>]
01:08:12 ◼ ► nerds and hackers to come up with more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4092">TS</a>]
01:08:14 ◼ ► uses this things like that was like oh [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4094">TS</a>]
01:08:16 ◼ ► and also definitely seems like much more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4096">TS</a>]
01:08:17 ◼ ► you know nerd you know hacker friendly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4097">TS</a>]
01:08:21 ◼ ► if someone who wants to just toy with it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4101">TS</a>]
01:08:22 ◼ ► and figure out what kind of cool things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4102">TS</a>]
01:08:24 ◼ ► to do with an animal lecture whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4104">TS</a>]
01:08:25 ◼ ► build whatever on you want is a pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4105">TS</a>]
01:08:27 ◼ ► open protocol you can reverse-engineer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4107">TS</a>]
01:08:28 ◼ ► it like just go down as they don't know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4108">TS</a>]
01:08:30 ◼ ► like that you know their approaches like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4110">TS</a>]
01:08:32 ◼ ► this new stuff and see what sticks right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4112">TS</a>]
01:08:34 ◼ ► Apple's just totally absence marketing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4114">TS</a>]
01:08:36 ◼ ► use that makes sense because apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4116">TS</a>]
01:08:39 ◼ ► products for people who just want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4119">TS</a>]
01:08:40 ◼ ► hack on things and you know I've ever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4120">TS</a>]
01:08:41 ◼ ► want to have this product would be like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4121">TS</a>]
01:08:44 ◼ ► it has to be beautiful and elegant and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4124">TS</a>]
01:08:46 ◼ ► integrated in blood with the end result [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4126">TS</a>]
01:08:48 ◼ ► is they just aren't in the market doll [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4128">TS</a>]
01:08:49 ◼ ► or know what you know they do home kit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4129">TS</a>]
01:08:51 ◼ ► and said we have a strict requirements [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4131">TS</a>]
01:08:52 ◼ ► because you're your products must meet [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4132">TS</a>]
01:08:54 ◼ ► the stringent standards that we have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4134">TS</a>]
01:08:55 ◼ ► apple and blah blah in the meantime [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4135">TS</a>]
01:08:57 ◼ ► amazon just like running off with it and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4137">TS</a>]
01:08:59 ◼ ► they're gonna wake up one day and say [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4139">TS</a>]
01:09:02 ◼ ► substantial chunk of that market and we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4142">TS</a>]
01:09:05 ◼ ► just we just waited too long for for for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4145">TS</a>]
01:09:07 ◼ ► perfection and didn't you know to start [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4147">TS</a>]
01:09:09 ◼ ► releasing and iterating again that's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4149">TS</a>]
01:09:11 ◼ ► the Apple way to do it but I feel like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4151">TS</a>]
01:09:12 ◼ ► in many other Syria was was like that it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4152">TS</a>]
01:09:15 ◼ ► was like series not gonna be perfect [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4155">TS</a>]
01:09:16 ◼ ► initially but it's important for us to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4156">TS</a>]
01:09:17 ◼ ► get this out there because we feel like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4157">TS</a>]
01:09:19 ◼ ► in the future you telling your phone to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4159">TS</a>]
01:09:21 ◼ ► do something is a feature that we need [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4161">TS</a>]
01:09:23 ◼ ► to happen they were right about that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4163">TS</a>]
01:09:24 ◼ ► every every cell phone you by now has [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4164">TS</a>]
01:09:26 ◼ ► some feature where you can speak to it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4166">TS</a>]
01:09:27 ◼ ► and have it do something either but you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4167">TS</a>]
01:09:29 ◼ ► while you're driving to tell it to play [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4169">TS</a>]
01:09:30 ◼ ► a song or if you're just lazy and don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4170">TS</a>]
01:09:34 ◼ ► something just to run a search for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4174">TS</a>]
01:09:35 ◼ ► whatever they all have that an apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4175">TS</a>]
01:09:37 ◼ ► recognize that not saying they have to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4177">TS</a>]
01:09:39 ◼ ► be in the Amazon echo market but I'm [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4179">TS</a>]
01:09:41 ◼ ► just saying like vr we also Mapple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4181">TS</a>]
01:09:43 ◼ ► secretly doing things behind the scenes [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4183">TS</a>]
01:09:44 ◼ ► i hope they don't stay secret for too [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4184">TS</a>]
01:09:46 ◼ ► if BR turns out not to be a bust apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4186">TS</a>]
01:09:50 ◼ ► doesn't want to just be sitting there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4190">TS</a>]
01:09:51 ◼ ► waiting for their perfect entry in that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4191">TS</a>]
01:09:53 ◼ ► market either and I think like the watch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4193">TS</a>]
01:09:54 ◼ ► as much as we've all talked about it and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4194">TS</a>]
01:09:57 ◼ ► had complaints about it i think it was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4197">TS</a>]
01:09:58 ◼ ► important for Apple to do a watch even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4198">TS</a>]
01:10:01 ◼ ► if the watch they did has problems [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4201">TS</a>]
01:10:03 ◼ ► rather than saying no we're not entirely [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4203">TS</a>]
01:10:05 ◼ ► sure we figure out every aspect of what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4205">TS</a>]
01:10:07 ◼ ► makes a watch good like the only way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4207">TS</a>]
01:10:08 ◼ ► you're going to figure out is to make a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4208">TS</a>]
01:10:09 ◼ ► product right there that's that's in you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4209">TS</a>]
01:10:11 ◼ ► can't you can't hold back from it and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4211">TS</a>]
01:10:13 ◼ ► how they're making a freaking car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4213">TS</a>]
01:10:15 ◼ ► surely the bacon amazon echo type [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4215">TS</a>]
01:10:18 ◼ ► competitor and I think they could do a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4218">TS</a>]
01:10:20 ◼ ► reasonably good job for it if only [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4220">TS</a>]
01:10:22 ◼ ► because it would force them like Morgan [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4222">TS</a>]
01:10:24 ◼ ► was saying force them to work on their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4224">TS</a>]
01:10:25 ◼ ► back end whereas Cirie has like the hell [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4225">TS</a>]
01:10:27 ◼ ► those presentations like look we're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4227">TS</a>]
01:10:28 ◼ ► using these open source you know data [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4228">TS</a>]
01:10:31 ◼ ► processing backends for Syria and we're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4231">TS</a>]
01:10:33 ◼ ► all impressed by that we're talking at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4233">TS</a>]
01:10:34 ◼ ► conferences like Siri force them to do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4234">TS</a>]
01:10:36 ◼ ► that because it wasn't simple enough to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4236">TS</a>]
01:10:39 ◼ ► use whatever they were using before was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4239">TS</a>]
01:10:42 ◼ ► was it make those someone just wrote an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4242">TS</a>]
01:10:43 ◼ ► entire room you having a product like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4243">TS</a>]
01:10:45 ◼ ► Siri forces them to get better that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4245">TS</a>]
01:10:47 ◼ ► stuff having a product like Amazon echo [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4247">TS</a>]
01:10:49 ◼ ► would also force them to get better this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4249">TS</a>]
01:10:51 ◼ ► type of thing as home kit should be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4251">TS</a>]
01:10:53 ◼ ► forcing them to as well but if they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4253">TS</a>]
01:10:54 ◼ ► if they're going into the same situation [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4254">TS</a>]
01:10:57 ◼ ► making you know very onerous demands of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4257">TS</a>]
01:10:59 ◼ ► the third parties and the result is a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4259">TS</a>]
01:11:01 ◼ ► few third-party products they're you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4261">TS</a>]
01:11:04 ◼ ► know they're they're not they're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4264">TS</a>]
01:11:05 ◼ ► winning that battle so it's kind of it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4265">TS</a>]
01:11:08 ◼ ► kind of disappointing and with amazon [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4268">TS</a>]
01:11:10 ◼ ► their challenge is always going to be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4270">TS</a>]
01:11:11 ◼ ► easy to do the beginning part which is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4271">TS</a>]
01:11:14 ◼ ► very open and will try to things like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4274">TS</a>]
01:11:16 ◼ ► how do you develop I've been waiting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4276">TS</a>]
01:11:18 ◼ ► person I don't know if enough people who [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4278">TS</a>]
01:11:19 ◼ ► have an echo that I'm like I'm kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4279">TS</a>]
01:11:21 ◼ ► interested in that I'd like to try but i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4281">TS</a>]
01:11:22 ◼ ► would like to wait for the echo to come [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4282">TS</a>]
01:11:24 ◼ ► out the the one that is nicer and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4284">TS</a>]
01:11:26 ◼ ► smaller and faster and more reliable and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4286">TS</a>]
01:11:27 ◼ ► has more features i know they came out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4287">TS</a>]
01:11:29 ◼ ► with a little tiny one that doesn't have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4289">TS</a>]
01:11:30 ◼ ► the speakers and stuff like that but I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4290">TS</a>]
01:11:31 ◼ ► want like the full-fledged echo version [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4291">TS</a>]
01:11:33 ◼ ► 2 if Amazon doesn't make an echo version [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4293">TS</a>]
01:11:36 ◼ ► 2 for 3 years I will have you know they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4296">TS</a>]
01:11:39 ◼ ► will be again pulling a mac pro it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4299">TS</a>]
01:11:40 ◼ ► like you were right there what why did [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4300">TS</a>]
01:11:43 ◼ ► I don't think they will I think they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4303">TS</a>]
01:11:45 ◼ ► will continue to iterate just look at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4305">TS</a>]
01:11:46 ◼ ► how many freaking candles I found out [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4306">TS</a>]
01:11:47 ◼ ► with there's about to be another one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4307">TS</a>]
01:11:51 ◼ ► volcanoes to mail you and they're having [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4311">TS</a>]
01:11:52 ◼ ► up next we're gonna we're gonna make [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4312">TS</a>]
01:11:54 ◼ ► another one that's that's even thinner [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4314">TS</a>]
01:11:56 ◼ ► yeah and we have no idea how many [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4316">TS</a>]
01:11:57 ◼ ► candles they have ever sold because they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4317">TS</a>]
01:11:59 ◼ ► never put numbers on their graphs but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4319">TS</a>]
01:12:00 ◼ ► they continue to plug away at that so I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4320">TS</a>]
01:12:02 ◼ ► fully believe that Amazon will continue [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4322">TS</a>]
01:12:04 ◼ ► to plug away the echo if only because it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4324">TS</a>]
01:12:06 ◼ ► just has a natural synergy of like make [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4326">TS</a>]
01:12:08 ◼ ► it easier for people to give us money [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4328">TS</a>]
01:12:10 ◼ ► alright thumbs up this is a good product [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4330">TS</a>]
01:12:12 ◼ ► for amazon to make especially since the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4332">TS</a>]
01:12:13 ◼ ► harbor across don't seem that big it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4333">TS</a>]
01:12:14 ◼ ► like it's speaker with Wi-Fi and a whole [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4334">TS</a>]
01:12:19 ◼ ► bunch of microphones and a little bit of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4339">TS</a>]
01:12:20 ◼ ► software don't make that up the first [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4340">TS</a>]
01:12:26 ◼ ► accidentally ordering things by saying a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4346">TS</a>]
01:12:27 ◼ ► alexa by paper towels or whatever your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4347">TS</a>]
01:12:30 ◼ ► kids are saying when you're not in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4350">TS</a>]
01:12:31 ◼ ► room anyway I'm enjoying this thing it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4351">TS</a>]
01:12:35 ◼ ► there's lots of things about it that are [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4355">TS</a>]
01:12:36 ◼ ► that are not perfect but overall it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4356">TS</a>]
01:12:39 ◼ ► really cool and I would say if you're on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4359">TS</a>]
01:12:41 ◼ ► the fence if you if you've been tempted [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4361">TS</a>]
01:12:43 ◼ ► by the echo if you're on the fence just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4363">TS</a>]
01:12:45 ◼ ► get it just order it now like you won't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4365">TS</a>]
01:12:48 ◼ ► regret if you if you're already like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4368">TS</a>]
01:12:49 ◼ ► taking you might enjoy you probably will [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4369">TS</a>]
01:12:51 ◼ ► enjoy it and you should just try it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4371">TS</a>]
01:12:52 ◼ ► because it really is quite good what is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4372">TS</a>]
01:12:56 ◼ ► adam said it like so he gets very mad [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4376">TS</a>]
01:12:58 ◼ ► that she doesn't recognize him because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4378">TS</a>]
01:13:01 ◼ ► he doesn't unsee it well enough that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4381">TS</a>]
01:13:03 ◼ ► yeah basically he asked her to define [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4383">TS</a>]
01:13:05 ◼ ► words multiply numbers play music [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4385">TS</a>]
01:13:10 ◼ ► cooking so many things you can do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4390">TS</a>]
01:13:12 ◼ ► setting timers by voice while cooking is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4392">TS</a>]
01:13:17 ◼ ► urbanites with the Apple watch that with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4397">TS</a>]
01:13:18 ◼ ► it was so slow and somewhat unreliable [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4398">TS</a>]
01:13:21 ◼ ► to do that because when that works it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4401">TS</a>]
01:13:23 ◼ ► so useful it doesn't work enough with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4403">TS</a>]
01:13:25 ◼ ► the apple stuff but it works all the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4405">TS</a>]
01:13:27 ◼ ► time with the amazon thing its are you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4407">TS</a>]
01:13:29 ◼ ► have to push a button like activate Siri [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4409">TS</a>]
01:13:30 ◼ ► if you don't have a Syrian able to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4410">TS</a>]
01:13:32 ◼ ► basically have to take your dirty you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4412">TS</a>]
01:13:34 ◼ ► know cooking fingers and touch some iOS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4414">TS</a>]
01:13:36 ◼ ► device and then have a good loop and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4416">TS</a>]
01:13:38 ◼ ► figure out do i talk before the blooper [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4418">TS</a>]
01:13:40 ◼ ► does it not matter is not the bloom and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4420">TS</a>]
01:13:43 ◼ ► then you say set a timer for five [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4423">TS</a>]
01:13:45 ◼ ► minutes and then you wait and then you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4425">TS</a>]
01:13:46 ◼ ► see and sometimes misunderstands you it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4426">TS</a>]
01:13:49 ◼ ► seems to me from all the people i know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4429">TS</a>]
01:13:50 ◼ ► how that goes that you can basically [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4430">TS</a>]
01:13:52 ◼ ► just yell into the air with a reasonable [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4432">TS</a>]
01:13:54 ◼ ► expectation that it's going to get you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4434">TS</a>]
01:13:55 ◼ ► and if it doesn't yell it again and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4435">TS</a>]
01:13:57 ◼ ► you're not waking whatever waiting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4437">TS</a>]
01:13:58 ◼ ► verbal open the echoes plugs in right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4438">TS</a>]
01:14:01 ◼ ► yeah that they have won this battery [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4441">TS</a>]
01:14:02 ◼ ► power but it did won the battle the ones [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4442">TS</a>]
01:14:04 ◼ ► battery-powered is is the tap and that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4444">TS</a>]
01:14:06 ◼ ► one doesn't listen all the time to get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4446">TS</a>]
01:14:09 ◼ ► yeah that's not good so if you want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4449">TS</a>]
01:14:10 ◼ ► be listening all the time you need to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4450">TS</a>]
01:14:11 ◼ ► plug it is that is that the one thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4451">TS</a>]
01:14:13 ◼ ► that I thought that the one that I was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4453">TS</a>]
01:14:15 ◼ ► thinking of is is like is a very short [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4455">TS</a>]
01:14:17 ◼ ► cylinder it doesn't have it doesn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4457">TS</a>]
01:14:18 ◼ ► double is basically a bluetooth speaker [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4458">TS</a>]
01:14:20 ◼ ► that's the dot but great names i'm at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4460">TS</a>]
01:14:23 ◼ ► the dot does also plug in and always [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4463">TS</a>]
01:14:26 ◼ ► the dot is basically just like the big [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4466">TS</a>]
01:14:27 ◼ ► echo but without the big speaker so it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4467">TS</a>]
01:14:30 ◼ ► sounds substantially worse if you play [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4470">TS</a>]
01:14:31 ◼ ► music through it and the big echo like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4471">TS</a>]
01:14:33 ◼ ► as as a speaker is also the bluetooth [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4473">TS</a>]
01:14:36 ◼ ► speaker as a speaker it is merely decent [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4476">TS</a>]
01:14:39 ◼ ► it is not an amazing speaker like it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4479">TS</a>]
01:14:41 ◼ ► like I have a sonos play one right next [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4481">TS</a>]
01:14:43 ◼ ► to it and the play one is a way better [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4483">TS</a>]
01:14:48 ◼ ► you know for like music quality volume [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4488">TS</a>]
01:14:50 ◼ ► tone the universe the sonos system has [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4490">TS</a>]
01:14:53 ◼ ► way better speakers but the Amazon echo [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4493">TS</a>]
01:14:55 ◼ ► is really convenient and that often wins [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4495">TS</a>]
01:14:58 ◼ ► cool our final sponsor tonight is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4498">TS</a>]
01:15:02 ◼ ► freshbooks got a fresh books.com / ATP [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4502">TS</a>]
01:15:05 ◼ ► and you can see for yourself why so many [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4505">TS</a>]
01:15:08 ◼ ► people love freshbooks to run their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4508">TS</a>]
01:15:12 ◼ ► accounting software and invoicing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4512">TS</a>]
01:15:14 ◼ ► software that is so ridiculously simple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4514">TS</a>]
01:15:16 ◼ ► to use over 5 million small business [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4516">TS</a>]
01:15:19 ◼ ► owners are now officially feeling the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4519">TS</a>]
01:15:20 ◼ ► freshbooks effect this means there's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4520">TS</a>]
01:15:24 ◼ ► payless stressing when it comes to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4524">TS</a>]
01:15:25 ◼ ► dealing with administration paperwork [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4525">TS</a>]
01:15:27 ◼ ► invoicing and getting paid for your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4527">TS</a>]
01:15:29 ◼ ► business so invoicing is one of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4529">TS</a>]
01:15:31 ◼ ► biggest things are known for its really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4531">TS</a>]
01:15:32 ◼ ► the core of their products freshbooks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4532">TS</a>]
01:15:34 ◼ ► create and send invoices in literally [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4534">TS</a>]
01:15:37 ◼ ► almost no effort from you about 30 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4537">TS</a>]
01:15:38 ◼ ► seconds or less for most most creation [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4538">TS</a>]
01:15:41 ◼ ► there's no formula there's no formatting [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4541">TS</a>]
01:15:42 ◼ ► just perfectly crafted invoices every [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4542">TS</a>]
01:15:45 ◼ ► freshbooks also let you help track your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4545">TS</a>]
01:15:46 ◼ ► expenses and you can you know you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4546">TS</a>]
01:15:49 ◼ ► forget about any kind of complicated [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4549">TS</a>]
01:15:50 ◼ ► receipt tracking systems freshbooks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4550">TS</a>]
01:15:52 ◼ ► includes that to do they even have a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4552">TS</a>]
01:15:54 ◼ ► mobile app you can take pictures of your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4554">TS</a>]
01:15:55 ◼ ► receipts on your phone as you incur [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4555">TS</a>]
01:15:58 ◼ ► expenses you know in real life and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4558">TS</a>]
01:16:00 ◼ ► automatically categorize them upload [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4560">TS</a>]
01:16:02 ◼ ► them etc so you can just you know take [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4562">TS</a>]
01:16:04 ◼ ► the picture forget about it move on with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4564">TS</a>]
01:16:06 ◼ ► you can of course also enter things but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4566">TS</a>]
01:16:08 ◼ ► what you know into their interface they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4568">TS</a>]
01:16:09 ◼ ► even have a connection to your bank if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4569">TS</a>]
01:16:11 ◼ ► you want to give them your bank login [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4571">TS</a>]
01:16:12 ◼ ► details just like a lot of popular [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4572">TS</a>]
01:16:15 ◼ ► automatically download transactions [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4575">TS</a>]
01:16:16 ◼ ► first can do that too and you can help [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4576">TS</a>]
01:16:18 ◼ ► categorize your expenses that way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4578">TS</a>]
01:16:20 ◼ ► first was also offers for your invoices [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4580">TS</a>]
01:16:22 ◼ ► online payment so they have their own [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4582">TS</a>]
01:16:26 ◼ ► gateways if you want to your clients can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4586">TS</a>]
01:16:28 ◼ ► pay you online which usually means you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4588">TS</a>]
01:16:32 ◼ ► in fact they even have a cool thing that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4592">TS</a>]
01:16:34 ◼ ► I didn't really broaden the appeal here [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4594">TS</a>]
01:16:35 ◼ ► you can even if you if you do something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4595">TS</a>]
01:16:38 ◼ ► in person if you're little you're like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4598">TS</a>]
01:16:39 ◼ ► an electrician you go to somebody's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4599">TS</a>]
01:16:41 ◼ ► house you perform a job they have a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4601">TS</a>]
01:16:43 ◼ ► credit card reader that you can use with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4603">TS</a>]
01:16:45 ◼ ► your phone in person that integrates [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4605">TS</a>]
01:16:47 ◼ ► completely with their system with their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4607">TS</a>]
01:16:48 ◼ ► invoicing and everything is you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4608">TS</a>]
01:16:50 ◼ ► actually accept payments in person with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4610">TS</a>]
01:16:51 ◼ ► your fresh books invoices they also have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4611">TS</a>]
01:16:53 ◼ ► overdue payment reminders so if you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4613">TS</a>]
01:16:56 ◼ ► people let's say people take long term [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4616">TS</a>]
01:16:58 ◼ ► paper invoices which is often the case [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4618">TS</a>]
01:17:00 ◼ ► in the invoicing world they were they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4620">TS</a>]
01:17:02 ◼ ► can automatically help send kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4622">TS</a>]
01:17:04 ◼ ► robotic reminded reminders that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4624">TS</a>]
01:17:06 ◼ ► don't really have to have these these [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4626">TS</a>]
01:17:07 ◼ ► awkward conversations and keep bugging [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4627">TS</a>]
01:17:09 ◼ ► people it does it on your behalf and you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4629">TS</a>]
01:17:11 ◼ ► can customize what the message says and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4631">TS</a>]
01:17:13 ◼ ► when they're sent and everything it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4633">TS</a>]
01:17:15 ◼ ► conversations about hey you know you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4635">TS</a>]
01:17:17 ◼ ► haven't paid me and this is do six [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4637">TS</a>]
01:17:18 ◼ ► months ago so check it out it is only a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4638">TS</a>]
01:17:21 ◼ ► tiny sliver of what freshbooks can do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4641">TS</a>]
01:17:22 ◼ ► feel the full force of the first books [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4642">TS</a>]
01:17:25 ◼ ► effect totally free for 30 days just go [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4645">TS</a>]
01:17:27 ◼ ► to facebook.com slash ATP and make sure [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4647">TS</a>]
01:17:30 ◼ ► to enter accidental text podcast and how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4650">TS</a>]
01:17:33 ◼ ► did you hear about us section once again [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4653">TS</a>]
01:17:37 ◼ ► ap thanks a lot of fresh books trying to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4657">TS</a>]
01:17:40 ◼ ► think about why Apple Bible is the way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4660">TS</a>]
01:17:44 ◼ ► it is about third-party integrations if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4664">TS</a>]
01:17:46 ◼ ► they it's not as if Apple's is all we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4666">TS</a>]
01:17:48 ◼ ► have to do everything myself almost [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4668">TS</a>]
01:17:51 ◼ ► reasonable place for third parties to be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4671">TS</a>]
01:17:55 ◼ ► there is a place for it to do it like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4675">TS</a>]
01:17:57 ◼ ► there-there api's they make a B is for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4677">TS</a>]
01:18:00 ◼ ► third parties to write software for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4680">TS</a>]
01:18:02 ◼ ► their platforms they have programs for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4682">TS</a>]
01:18:04 ◼ ► hardware vendors to make accessories for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4684">TS</a>]
01:18:06 ◼ ► all their various hardware devices they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4686">TS</a>]
01:18:08 ◼ ► have especially for hardware they have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4688">TS</a>]
01:18:09 ◼ ► compliance programs you have to fulfill [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4689">TS</a>]
01:18:11 ◼ ► these requirements in terms of size and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4691">TS</a>]
01:18:13 ◼ ► voltage and reliability and you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4693">TS</a>]
01:18:15 ◼ ► whatever like all sensible things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4695">TS</a>]
01:18:17 ◼ ► especially in the hardware around [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4697">TS</a>]
01:18:18 ◼ ► there's no shortage of accessories for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4698">TS</a>]
01:18:20 ◼ ► iOS devices you can buy even for the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4700">TS</a>]
01:18:22 ◼ ► watches you can buy watchbands you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4702">TS</a>]
01:18:24 ◼ ► buy cases for your iOS devices you can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4704">TS</a>]
01:18:27 ◼ ► keyboards I gave everything that apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4707">TS</a>]
01:18:30 ◼ ► sells for its devices there's tons of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4710">TS</a>]
01:18:31 ◼ ► choices for third parties so it seems [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4711">TS</a>]
01:18:34 ◼ ► like they know how to foster at an open [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4714">TS</a>]
01:18:37 ◼ ► ecosystem of third parties selling [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4717">TS</a>]
01:18:40 ◼ ► things for their products and software [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4720">TS</a>]
01:18:43 ◼ ► application the application front there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4723">TS</a>]
01:18:44 ◼ ► they're OK at that like you know we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4724">TS</a>]
01:18:46 ◼ ► talked about the app store and the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4726">TS</a>]
01:18:47 ◼ ► problems that might have but it's not as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4727">TS</a>]
01:18:48 ◼ ► if people have the impression that if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4728">TS</a>]
01:18:50 ◼ ► you buy an Apple product you're stuck [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4730">TS</a>]
01:18:52 ◼ ► with apple software they know lots of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4732">TS</a>]
01:18:53 ◼ ► ppl makes offer especially for iOS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4733">TS</a>]
01:18:55 ◼ ► devices and most of those people are not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4735">TS</a>]
01:18:57 ◼ ► Apple that make them and yet for things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4737">TS</a>]
01:19:00 ◼ ► like this where they're connecting like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4740">TS</a>]
01:19:03 ◼ ► to web services or they're sending you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4743">TS</a>]
01:19:07 ◼ ► to someone else's store or they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4747">TS</a>]
01:19:10 ◼ ► integrating with someone else's line of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4750">TS</a>]
01:19:13 ◼ ► that seems to be like apples kryptonite [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4753">TS</a>]
01:19:16 ◼ ► like anything having to do with the web [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4756">TS</a>]
01:19:18 ◼ ► certainly anything having to do with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4758">TS</a>]
01:19:20 ◼ ► money like giving other people money or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4760">TS</a>]
01:19:22 ◼ ► becoming their customer those seems to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4762">TS</a>]
01:19:24 ◼ ► be areas that Apple is not willing to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4764">TS</a>]
01:19:30 ◼ ► connections there precisely the area [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4770">TS</a>]
01:19:32 ◼ ► that you would want anything having to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4772">TS</a>]
01:19:37 ◼ ► something like this but you couldn't use [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4777">TS</a>]
01:19:39 ◼ ► it to buy things from Amazon Apple is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4779">TS</a>]
01:19:42 ◼ ► not a retailer physical goods other than [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4782">TS</a>]
01:19:44 ◼ ► on products like it's not it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4784">TS</a>]
01:19:46 ◼ ► technically a competitor to amazon in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4786">TS</a>]
01:19:48 ◼ ► this way but can you imagine Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4788">TS</a>]
01:19:52 ◼ ► selling products and say oh and had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4792">TS</a>]
01:19:54 ◼ ► doing the keynote demo and say look how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4794">TS</a>]
01:19:56 ◼ ► easy it is for me to order new paper [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4796">TS</a>]
01:19:58 ◼ ► towels because they don't care about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4798">TS</a>]
01:20:01 ◼ ► customers have to order paper towels but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4801">TS</a>]
01:20:03 ◼ ► they're not going to endorse amazon [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4803">TS</a>]
01:20:05 ◼ ► unless they can extract some money or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4805">TS</a>]
01:20:06 ◼ ► some deal from amazon or whatever but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4806">TS</a>]
01:20:10 ◼ ► that would be a perfect third-party [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4810">TS</a>]
01:20:12 ◼ ► integration if they made a product like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4812">TS</a>]
01:20:13 ◼ ► this and made an open API show your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4813">TS</a>]
01:20:15 ◼ ► third party would make an integration [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4815">TS</a>]
01:20:17 ◼ ► for their favorite brand of you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4817">TS</a>]
01:20:19 ◼ ► Wi-Fi enabled light bulbs or their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4819">TS</a>]
01:20:21 ◼ ► favorite retailer or a raspberry pi [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4821">TS</a>]
01:20:23 ◼ ► thing or integration with the ring [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4823">TS</a>]
01:20:25 ◼ ► doorbell that we just talked about or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4825">TS</a>]
01:20:26 ◼ ► whatever those are the things that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4826">TS</a>]
01:20:28 ◼ ► have to do if you're going to try to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4828">TS</a>]
01:20:31 ◼ ► break open this market and be like this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4831">TS</a>]
01:20:33 ◼ ► or de facto central speaking into the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4833">TS</a>]
01:20:36 ◼ ► air in the middle of my house hub for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4836">TS</a>]
01:20:37 ◼ ► home automation and it just seems like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4837">TS</a>]
01:20:39 ◼ ► Apple and even companies like Nestor [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4839">TS</a>]
01:20:41 ◼ ► stole the idea like no we're going on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4841">TS</a>]
01:20:42 ◼ ► the whole freaking house and we're going [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4842">TS</a>]
01:20:44 ◼ ► to totally control hardware vendors and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4844">TS</a>]
01:20:47 ◼ ► specifications and in the meantime [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4847">TS</a>]
01:20:48 ◼ ► amazon using the old pc strategy of just [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4848">TS</a>]
01:20:51 ◼ ► working fully open door to help ever the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4851">TS</a>]
01:20:52 ◼ ► hell you want and we'll just look at it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4852">TS</a>]
01:20:54 ◼ ► a couple years later and see what worked [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4854">TS</a>]
01:20:56 ◼ ► so far is the only thing that has that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4856">TS</a>]
01:20:59 ◼ ► any measure of success even though it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4859">TS</a>]
01:21:01 ◼ ► a very small measure success just among [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4861">TS</a>]
01:21:03 ◼ ► nerds are willing to pay a hundred [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4863">TS</a>]
01:21:04 ◼ ► eighty bucks to have a wear black [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4864">TS</a>]
01:21:06 ◼ ► cylinder of the house that they can ask [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4866">TS</a>]
01:21:09 ◼ ► Apple has always had this part of its [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4869">TS</a>]
01:21:12 ◼ ► like corporate personality and reflected [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4872">TS</a>]
01:21:14 ◼ ► by originally by Steve and and buy you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4874">TS</a>]
01:21:17 ◼ ► know a lot of people who are still there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4877">TS</a>]
01:21:21 ◼ ► important decisions that they've always [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4881">TS</a>]
01:21:22 ◼ ► had this this these parts of their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4882">TS</a>]
01:21:24 ◼ ► personality where sometimes a little bit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4884">TS</a>]
01:21:27 ◼ ► too much greed shows and sometimes a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4887">TS</a>]
01:21:30 ◼ ► little bit too to like control freaky [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4890">TS</a>]
01:21:33 ◼ ► shows if that makes sense and that that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4893">TS</a>]
01:21:38 ◼ ► so for instance the thirty percent [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4898">TS</a>]
01:21:41 ◼ ► in-app purchase rule on iOS apps one of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4901">TS</a>]
01:21:45 ◼ ► the reasons why you can't buy amazon [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4905">TS</a>]
01:21:47 ◼ ► books and the kindle app for I for iOS [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4907">TS</a>]
01:21:50 ◼ ► is this rule that like apple won't let [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4910">TS</a>]
01:21:52 ◼ ► amazon selling directly without using a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4912">TS</a>]
01:21:53 ◼ ► purchase and if using our purchase apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4913">TS</a>]
01:21:56 ◼ ► and that is a very very high commission [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4916">TS</a>]
01:22:00 ◼ ► to take on sales that you're kind of not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4920">TS</a>]
01:22:02 ◼ ► much of a part of but they do it and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4922">TS</a>]
01:22:05 ◼ ► works and it's only in town and you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4925">TS</a>]
01:22:07 ◼ ► if you want to be this platform which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4927">TS</a>]
01:22:09 ◼ ► you basically have to play by those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4929">TS</a>]
01:22:10 ◼ ► rules or avoid them like Amazon doesn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4930">TS</a>]
01:22:13 ◼ ► just don't sell anything there and that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4933">TS</a>]
01:22:15 ◼ ► kind of attitude you know it goes way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4935">TS</a>]
01:22:17 ◼ ► beyond that rule you know that kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4937">TS</a>]
01:22:18 ◼ ► attitude also expensive things like 60 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4938">TS</a>]
01:22:21 ◼ ► devices the price hike in the ipad cases [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4941">TS</a>]
01:22:24 ◼ ► that you know Apple has some greed there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4944">TS</a>]
01:22:28 ◼ ► and is that you know depending on what [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4948">TS</a>]
01:22:30 ◼ ► you know like our discussion earlier [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4950">TS</a>]
01:22:31 ◼ ► about like whether you consider that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4951">TS</a>]
01:22:34 ◼ ► know offensive or not or whether it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4954">TS</a>]
01:22:38 ◼ ► oftentimes prioritize profitability of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4958">TS</a>]
01:22:41 ◼ ► things over you know making everyone [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4961">TS</a>]
01:22:44 ◼ ► else happy and that is often good [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4964">TS</a>]
01:22:46 ◼ ► business so i can't really fault them [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4966">TS</a>]
01:22:47 ◼ ► for that but it does hold back certain [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4967">TS</a>]
01:22:49 ◼ ► kinds of advancements from from the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4969">TS</a>]
01:22:51 ◼ ► products or they're going for an ideal [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4971">TS</a>]
01:22:52 ◼ ► like sometimes they have a vision in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4972">TS</a>]
01:22:54 ◼ ► their mind of how it's going to look and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4974">TS</a>]
01:22:56 ◼ ► third parties will describe that vision [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4976">TS</a>]
01:22:57 ◼ ► with the crap that they had where and so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4977">TS</a>]
01:22:59 ◼ ► that's the other side of it is like is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4979">TS</a>]
01:23:00 ◼ ► the controlling part of it where Apple's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4980">TS</a>]
01:23:03 ◼ ► very opinionated in a lot of ways and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4983">TS</a>]
01:23:06 ◼ ► and very controlling it like so for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4986">TS</a>]
01:23:09 ◼ ► instance one of the more recent dust-ups [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4989">TS</a>]
01:23:13 ◼ ► around around apples decision making was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4993">TS</a>]
01:23:16 ◼ ► in the early days of 9.3 they stopped [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4996">TS</a>]
01:23:19 ◼ ► letting the Apple pencil navigate the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/4999">TS</a>]
01:23:21 ◼ ► entire ipad interface so the applicants [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5001">TS</a>]
01:23:23 ◼ ► that came out in November whatever with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5003">TS</a>]
01:23:25 ◼ ► the ipad pro it could navigate the whole [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5005">TS</a>]
01:23:27 ◼ ► interface for you know its first few [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5007">TS</a>]
01:23:29 ◼ ► months and then in the early betas of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5009">TS</a>]
01:23:31 ◼ ► nine point whatever 9.3 they removed the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5011">TS</a>]
01:23:33 ◼ ► ability and it was from you know the the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5013">TS</a>]
01:23:36 ◼ ► official PR statement was was kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5016">TS</a>]
01:23:37 ◼ ► BSE the what we've heard from from from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5017">TS</a>]
01:23:40 ◼ ► people who are better informed of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5020">TS</a>]
01:23:42 ◼ ► matter is that this is actually an [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5022">TS</a>]
01:23:43 ◼ ► intentional decision because it was not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5023">TS</a>]
01:23:45 ◼ ► being used the way they thought it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5025">TS</a>]
01:23:47 ◼ ► should be used they didn't want to be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5027">TS</a>]
01:23:48 ◼ ► used to navigate the interface they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5028">TS</a>]
01:23:50 ◼ ► wanted to only be used for like artistic [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5030">TS</a>]
01:23:51 ◼ ► purposes or or you know drawing or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5031">TS</a>]
01:23:53 ◼ ► whatever it was being it was being used [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5033">TS</a>]
01:23:55 ◼ ► in a way that Apple didn't foresee and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5035">TS</a>]
01:23:58 ◼ ► didn't think was proper but wasn't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5038">TS</a>]
01:24:00 ◼ ► really hurting anything and apple almost [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5040">TS</a>]
01:24:03 ◼ ► remove that ability and it was only i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5043">TS</a>]
01:24:06 ◼ ► think only by a decent amount of public [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5046">TS</a>]
01:24:10 ◼ ► shaming and now cry over this during the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5050">TS</a>]
01:24:12 ◼ ► beta period that reverse their decision [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5052">TS</a>]
01:24:17 ◼ ► overreaching in their control you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5057">TS</a>]
01:24:21 ◼ ► I don't think so true though because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5061">TS</a>]
01:24:22 ◼ ► there was no obvious reason for them to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5062">TS</a>]
01:24:26 ◼ ► something's coming in the future that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5066">TS</a>]
01:24:28 ◼ ► that would conflict with this the the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5068">TS</a>]
01:24:31 ◼ ► pencil is equivalent to your finger [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5071">TS</a>]
01:24:33 ◼ ► approach that Mike and gray love so much [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5073">TS</a>]
01:24:37 ◼ ► you know it it certainly seems to me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5077">TS</a>]
01:24:39 ◼ ► like they should have some sort of happy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5079">TS</a>]
01:24:40 ◼ ► medium like there should be a switch [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5080">TS</a>]
01:24:42 ◼ ► forward or something like that but i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5082">TS</a>]
01:24:45 ◼ ► think it's it's a little bit it's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5085">TS</a>]
01:24:48 ◼ ► little bit bold us to assume they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5088">TS</a>]
01:24:50 ◼ ► doing it just to be jerks there they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5090">TS</a>]
01:24:52 ◼ ► very well could be that they're doing it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5092">TS</a>]
01:24:53 ◼ ► to set themselves up for something in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5093">TS</a>]
01:24:55 ◼ ► well it might not even you know I don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5095">TS</a>]
01:24:57 ◼ ► want to say that that they're being [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5097">TS</a>]
01:24:58 ◼ ► jerks necessarily it's that they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5098">TS</a>]
01:25:01 ◼ ► you know we see a lot of this with a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5101">TS</a>]
01:25:02 ◼ ► preview to and whenever there's like a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5102">TS</a>]
01:25:06 ◼ ► controversy a lot of times it's because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5106">TS</a>]
01:25:08 ◼ ► apple doesn't want us to do things a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5108">TS</a>]
01:25:11 ◼ ► certain way or you know like like with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5111">TS</a>]
01:25:13 ◼ ► like what happened with the disaster of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5113">TS</a>]
01:25:15 ◼ ► like very projections around today [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5115">TS</a>]
01:25:17 ◼ ► widgets with calculators and draft and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5117">TS</a>]
01:25:20 ◼ ► everything else we're like p calc it in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5120">TS</a>]
01:25:22 ◼ ► this in interview and it's like no well [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5122">TS</a>]
01:25:24 ◼ ► you can't have buttons there could we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5124">TS</a>]
01:25:26 ◼ ► don't want people to do calculations or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5126">TS</a>]
01:25:28 ◼ ► to do work in today viewers like okay [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5128">TS</a>]
01:25:30 ◼ ► that's kind of weird and maybe there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5130">TS</a>]
01:25:33 ◼ ► might have been a technical reason for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5133">TS</a>]
01:25:35 ◼ ► that but it seemed from what they from [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5135">TS</a>]
01:25:39 ◼ ► developers whoever those things that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5139">TS</a>]
01:25:40 ◼ ► didn't seem like it was a technical [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5140">TS</a>]
01:25:42 ◼ ► limitations seemed like it was just like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5142">TS</a>]
01:25:43 ◼ ► an ideological thing we know we this is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5143">TS</a>]
01:25:45 ◼ ► not right they should be using your app [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5145">TS</a>]
01:25:46 ◼ ► for this all this is just to say like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5146">TS</a>]
01:25:48 ◼ ► there are these these areas in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5148">TS</a>]
01:25:51 ◼ ► company that still show these these [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5151">TS</a>]
01:25:54 ◼ ► negative personality traits that i think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5154">TS</a>]
01:25:57 ◼ ► do hold them back in some ways and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5157">TS</a>]
01:25:59 ◼ ► sometimes it's the right move but a lot [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5159">TS</a>]
01:26:01 ◼ ► of times it's not sometimes leads to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5161">TS</a>]
01:26:03 ◼ ► expect to better products but a lot of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5163">TS</a>]
01:26:06 ◼ ► I brought the ipod and everything [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5166">TS</a>]
01:26:07 ◼ ► because I feel like they do this so well [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5167">TS</a>]
01:26:09 ◼ ► and so many areas like they strike the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5169">TS</a>]
01:26:11 ◼ ► right balance in terms of you know but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5171">TS</a>]
01:26:12 ◼ ► the reason we buy their products is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5172">TS</a>]
01:26:14 ◼ ► there opinionated and we like their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5174">TS</a>]
01:26:15 ◼ ► opinion if you don't like their opinion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5175">TS</a>]
01:26:16 ◼ ► by different products right but if you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5176">TS</a>]
01:26:17 ◼ ► like they're paying you like the fact [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5177">TS</a>]
01:26:21 ◼ ► hardware carefully designed for the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5181">TS</a>]
01:26:25 ◼ ► features they put in them and just you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5185">TS</a>]
01:26:27 ◼ ► know the whole the iPhone itself like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5187">TS</a>]
01:26:28 ◼ ► one is that one is what is the iphone is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5188">TS</a>]
01:26:31 ◼ ► when do we make a touchscreen that Apple [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5191">TS</a>]
01:26:33 ◼ ► feel like it's good enough for the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5193">TS</a>]
01:26:34 ◼ ► aspects of like the whole you know that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5194">TS</a>]
01:26:36 ◼ ► that's how you end up with something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5196">TS</a>]
01:26:37 ◼ ► like the iphone that you have tastes and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5197">TS</a>]
01:26:38 ◼ ► opinions and you are controlling about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5198">TS</a>]
01:26:40 ◼ ► it and you slowly open it up but it if i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5200">TS</a>]
01:26:42 ◼ ► look at the market of iOS devices [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5202">TS</a>]
01:26:44 ◼ ► especially on the hardware side they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5204">TS</a>]
01:26:46 ◼ ► striking such a good balance in terms of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5206">TS</a>]
01:26:48 ◼ ► having the products they want to have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5208">TS</a>]
01:26:50 ◼ ► selling accessories that they want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5210">TS</a>]
01:26:53 ◼ ► sell but also having this huge ecosystem [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5213">TS</a>]
01:26:55 ◼ ► of accessories from other people every [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5215">TS</a>]
01:26:58 ◼ ► kind of case you could possibly imagine [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5218">TS</a>]
01:26:59 ◼ ► including ones that Apple surely thanks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5219">TS</a>]
01:27:01 ◼ ► are ugly but they're not forbidding [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5221">TS</a>]
01:27:03 ◼ ► those to be made or forbidding and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5223">TS</a>]
01:27:06 ◼ ► integration we're not going to let our [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5226">TS</a>]
01:27:07 ◼ ► iphone be docked into this you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5227">TS</a>]
01:27:10 ◼ ► docking devices we think it's gross or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5230">TS</a>]
01:27:12 ◼ ► we don't want it but we don't want you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5232">TS</a>]
01:27:14 ◼ ► to be able to plug this thing in with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5234">TS</a>]
01:27:16 ◼ ► the USB cable and control this other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5236">TS</a>]
01:27:18 ◼ ► things like for the most part within the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5238">TS</a>]
01:27:20 ◼ ► constraints of their programs they have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5240">TS</a>]
01:27:22 ◼ ► a hands-off type of attitude you want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5242">TS</a>]
01:27:23 ◼ ► make a weird keyboard case that falls [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5243">TS</a>]
01:27:25 ◼ ► onto your iPad six years before we come [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5245">TS</a>]
01:27:28 ◼ ► out with a hardware keyboard for our [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5248">TS</a>]
01:27:30 ◼ ► ipads it's not bluetooth fine we're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5250">TS</a>]
01:27:32 ◼ ► gonna be like oh we don't we want to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5252">TS</a>]
01:27:33 ◼ ► forbid that because we haven't decided [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5253">TS</a>]
01:27:34 ◼ ► whether we're going to do a a keyboard [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5254">TS</a>]
01:27:36 ◼ ► with thing even styluses now we we don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5256">TS</a>]
01:27:38 ◼ ► want you to we don't give you a maid for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5258">TS</a>]
01:27:40 ◼ ► you know iOS stamp of approval on any [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5260">TS</a>]
01:27:43 ◼ ► stylist because we don't want to have a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5263">TS</a>]
01:27:45 ◼ ► stylist like four years you had this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5265">TS</a>]
01:27:46 ◼ ► little fake finger Silas's there was a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5266">TS</a>]
01:27:49 ◼ ► Apple's willing to just let that go and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5269">TS</a>]
01:27:50 ◼ ► I think that was to an important thing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5270">TS</a>]
01:27:53 ◼ ► because it showed them like especially [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5273">TS</a>]
01:27:55 ◼ ► if they selling in their stores boy [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5275">TS</a>]
01:27:57 ◼ ► surprising number of people buy these [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5277">TS</a>]
01:27:58 ◼ ► super terrible you know stylist things [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5278">TS</a>]
01:28:00 ◼ ► that pretend to be fingers maybe there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5280">TS</a>]
01:28:02 ◼ ► something to this style thing after all [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5282">TS</a>]
01:28:03 ◼ ► and eventually they can put their own [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5283">TS</a>]
01:28:04 ◼ ► solution which of course didn't have to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5284">TS</a>]
01:28:05 ◼ ► emulate a finger and was much much [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5285">TS</a>]
01:28:07 ◼ ► better and they did a really good job [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5287">TS</a>]
01:28:08 ◼ ► but that I feel like that falls out of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5288">TS</a>]
01:28:11 ◼ ► the having a big open market and it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5291">TS</a>]
01:28:13 ◼ ► just certain kinds of products they have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5293">TS</a>]
01:28:15 ◼ ► a blind spot about that with even you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5295">TS</a>]
01:28:18 ◼ ► can even say Apple TV has that for so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5298">TS</a>]
01:28:19 ◼ ► many years not having apps on it which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5299">TS</a>]
01:28:21 ◼ ► just seems crazy because they had [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5301">TS</a>]
01:28:22 ◼ ► learned how important apps are and even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5302">TS</a>]
01:28:24 ◼ ► now having the apps and having to be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5304">TS</a>]
01:28:26 ◼ ► limited in all sorts of ways because [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5306">TS</a>]
01:28:27 ◼ ► Apple has an idea of what the TV app [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5307">TS</a>]
01:28:29 ◼ ► should be like and they're necessarily [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5309">TS</a>]
01:28:30 ◼ ► fencing off whole range of possibilities [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5310">TS</a>]
01:28:34 ◼ ► down to you know my own particular pet [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5314">TS</a>]
01:28:36 ◼ ► peeves about 24 hurts output or whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5316">TS</a>]
01:28:39 ◼ ► applications that could flourish or not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5319">TS</a>]
01:28:41 ◼ ► on the appletv but because Apple has [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5321">TS</a>]
01:28:44 ◼ ► narrowly defined you you know you get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5324">TS</a>]
01:28:45 ◼ ► 200 megs you download stuff on demand [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5325">TS</a>]
01:28:47 ◼ ► you can have games but you have to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5327">TS</a>]
01:28:48 ◼ ► support the remote just like they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5328">TS</a>]
01:28:50 ◼ ► just a fenced-in so narrowly they're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5330">TS</a>]
01:28:52 ◼ ► allowing that ecosystem to expand in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5332">TS</a>]
01:28:56 ◼ ► ways that some of their other ecosystems [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5336">TS</a>]
01:28:58 ◼ ► have been allowed to expand its and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5338">TS</a>]
01:29:01 ◼ ► think it's just it's just not the right [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5341">TS</a>]
01:29:02 ◼ ► balance like I think that's what we put [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5342">TS</a>]
01:29:04 ◼ ► apples always looking for and what I'm [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5344">TS</a>]
01:29:08 ◼ ► completely open not to become really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5348">TS</a>]
01:29:09 ◼ ► close to find the right balance for each [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5349">TS</a>]
01:29:11 ◼ ► product line and it's and the way we see [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5351">TS</a>]
01:29:14 ◼ ► balances competitors competitors show us [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5354">TS</a>]
01:29:17 ◼ ► because they say if Apple's dropping the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5357">TS</a>]
01:29:19 ◼ ► ball here then we can do better and show [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5359">TS</a>]
01:29:22 ◼ ► you something and you look at it after [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5362">TS</a>]
01:29:24 ◼ ► the back near boy apple had all the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5364">TS</a>]
01:29:25 ◼ ► pieces that all the technology and they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5365">TS</a>]
01:29:27 ◼ ► just didn't they just didn't do it or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5367">TS</a>]
01:29:29 ◼ ► they were their own worst enemy and I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5369">TS</a>]
01:29:30 ◼ ► see that you have the most for every [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5370">TS</a>]
01:29:32 ◼ ► product that Apple does anything to do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5372">TS</a>]
01:29:34 ◼ ► is sort of the open web and web services [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5374">TS</a>]
01:29:36 ◼ ► not that Apple is against the open web [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5376">TS</a>]
01:29:38 ◼ ► services but it just seems to be a big [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5378">TS</a>]
01:29:39 ◼ ► blind spot for them they don't realize [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5379">TS</a>]
01:29:41 ◼ ► the inherent power in that an Amazon ago [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5381">TS</a>]
01:29:45 ◼ ► I think it's the is the most recent and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5385">TS</a>]
01:29:48 ◼ ► alright thanks 143 sponsors this week [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5388">TS</a>]
01:29:51 ◼ ► betterment ring and fresh books and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5391">TS</a>]
01:29:55 ◼ ► now the show is over they didn't even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5395">TS</a>]
01:30:02 ◼ ► because it was accidental death was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5402">TS</a>]
01:30:09 ◼ ► any research Marco and Casey would like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5409">TS</a>]
01:30:13 ◼ ► because it was accidental was accidental [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5413">TS</a>]
01:30:17 ◼ ► and you can find show know today d p dot [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5417">TS</a>]
01:30:29 ◼ ► yes byl ISS so that's Casey list and a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5429">TS</a>]
01:30:34 ◼ ► co-pay rm20 Marco Arment and our AC [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5434">TS</a>]
01:30:56 ◼ ► so Tesla came out with the new car which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5456">TS</a>]
01:31:03 ◼ ► means your model asses effectively old [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5463">TS</a>]
01:31:06 ◼ ► yep totally absolutely no it isn't big [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5466">TS</a>]
01:31:08 ◼ ► as his car is still better than they did [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5468">TS</a>]
01:31:10 ◼ ► pretty good car in so many ways it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5470">TS</a>]
01:31:13 ◼ ► mm so Tesla came out or debuted with the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5473">TS</a>]
01:31:19 ◼ ► I like the emphasis on the master plan [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5479">TS</a>]
01:31:20 ◼ ► and the presentation like oh my so many [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5480">TS</a>]
01:31:22 ◼ ► years ago I had this master plan about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5482">TS</a>]
01:31:24 ◼ ► what we're going to do if you're making [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5484">TS</a>]
01:31:25 ◼ ► a master plan maybe that's the time to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5485">TS</a>]
01:31:27 ◼ ► come up with like a naming scheme for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5487">TS</a>]
01:31:29 ◼ ► cars that's simple like someone like you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5489">TS</a>]
01:31:32 ◼ ► only got three cars can be model 12 and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5492">TS</a>]
01:31:34 ◼ ► three male B&C you know 468 like there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5494">TS</a>]
01:31:38 ◼ ► are many possibilities that you could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5498">TS</a>]
01:31:40 ◼ ► you draw from whatever name them after [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5500">TS</a>]
01:31:42 ◼ ► your favorite cities or whatever but i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5502">TS</a>]
01:31:44 ◼ ► don't think anyone he drawing of a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5504">TS</a>]
01:31:46 ◼ ► master plan would be like roadster s x + [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5506">TS</a>]
01:31:54 ◼ ► that's ball drop anyway but we don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5514">TS</a>]
01:31:56 ◼ ► care about the name right so for those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5516">TS</a>]
01:31:58 ◼ ► who are not aware this is there they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5518">TS</a>]
01:32:02 ◼ ► cheaper sedan their kind of mass-market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5522">TS</a>]
01:32:05 ◼ ► car i did watch the presentation which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5525">TS</a>]
01:32:08 ◼ ► was a link in the show notes a seal on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5528">TS</a>]
01:32:10 ◼ ► it said hey the Roadster was to kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5530">TS</a>]
01:32:13 ◼ ► get really really really rich people to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5533">TS</a>]
01:32:16 ◼ ► spend money on something stupid and then [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5536">TS</a>]
01:32:18 ◼ ► that would let us bootstrap the S which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5538">TS</a>]
01:32:21 ◼ ► would let well-to-do people spend money [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5541">TS</a>]
01:32:24 ◼ ► on something that was less stupid which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5544">TS</a>]
01:32:26 ◼ ► in turn will let us do what we really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5546">TS</a>]
01:32:30 ◼ ► want to do which is the mass market [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5550">TS</a>]
01:32:32 ◼ ► model 3 and they open pre-orders for the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5552">TS</a>]
01:32:36 ◼ ► model 3 the day of the announcement but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5556">TS</a>]
01:32:39 ◼ ► but i think really really early in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5559">TS</a>]
01:32:42 ◼ ► morning in whatever your local time was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5562">TS</a>]
01:32:44 ◼ ► and by the time of the announcement they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5564">TS</a>]
01:32:47 ◼ ► had over a hundred thousand pre-orders [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5567">TS</a>]
01:32:49 ◼ ► a hundred and ten i think yeah something [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5569">TS</a>]
01:32:52 ◼ ► like that and so the pre-orders you have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5572">TS</a>]
01:32:53 ◼ ► to put a thousand dollars down but it is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5573">TS</a>]
01:32:55 ◼ ► refundable so that means a hundred [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5575">TS</a>]
01:32:58 ◼ ► thousand people had given Tesla a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5578">TS</a>]
01:33:01 ◼ ► thousand dollars apiece and I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5581">TS</a>]
01:33:04 ◼ ► they're up to like a quarter million [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5584">TS</a>]
01:33:05 ◼ ► from like that and what's interesting is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5585">TS</a>]
01:33:08 ◼ ► you know the first half of those people [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5588">TS</a>]
01:33:10 ◼ ► they knew nothing about the model three [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5590">TS</a>]
01:33:11 ◼ ► other than that it was going to cost me [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5591">TS</a>]
01:33:12 ◼ ► around 40 grand and it should have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5592">TS</a>]
01:33:15 ◼ ► around the same range model s give or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5595">TS</a>]
01:33:18 ◼ ► take and then they did the the reveal [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5598">TS</a>]
01:33:21 ◼ ► which it was clear that Apple employees [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5601">TS</a>]
01:33:26 ◼ ► spend a lot of time practicing their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5606">TS</a>]
01:33:27 ◼ ► presentations not only those in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5607">TS</a>]
01:33:29 ◼ ► keynote but those are like dub but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5609">TS</a>]
01:33:31 ◼ ► because man Elon Musk was not built for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5611">TS</a>]
01:33:34 ◼ ► this sort of presentation and that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5614">TS</a>]
01:33:35 ◼ ► okay i mean but it could use some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5615">TS</a>]
01:33:38 ◼ ► it seemed like you didn't rehearse it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5618">TS</a>]
01:33:43 ◼ ► nevertheless was impressive and the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5623">TS</a>]
01:33:45 ◼ ► model 3 on the whole I like it I think [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5625">TS</a>]
01:33:49 ◼ ► aesthetically it's got some a little bit [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5629">TS</a>]
01:33:53 ◼ ► of problems on the outside I think John [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5633">TS</a>]
01:33:54 ◼ ► takes more issue with the outside than I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5634">TS</a>]
01:33:56 ◼ ► do on the inside i have major issues but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5636">TS</a>]
01:34:00 ◼ ► a 40,000 dollar-plus car ish that has [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5640">TS</a>]
01:34:09 ◼ ► that's pretty damn appealing and so been [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5649">TS</a>]
01:34:12 ◼ ► supposedly they're going to ship the end [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5652">TS</a>]
01:34:13 ◼ ► of next year like this is sounding [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5653">TS</a>]
01:34:15 ◼ ► pretty good i'm definitely interested [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5655">TS</a>]
01:34:19 ◼ ► I wouldn't call this mass marketed I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5659">TS</a>]
01:34:20 ◼ ► understand the progression like you go [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5660">TS</a>]
01:34:25 ◼ ► thousand-dollar very practical car to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5665">TS</a>]
01:34:28 ◼ ► 35,000 dollar still pretty practical car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5668">TS</a>]
01:34:30 ◼ ► like broken no mass market is 25 k where [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5670">TS</a>]
01:34:34 ◼ ► you it's not not that they're doing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5674">TS</a>]
01:34:35 ◼ ► everything I can like they the batteries [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5675">TS</a>]
01:34:37 ◼ ► cost a lot of money right so they're [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5677">TS</a>]
01:34:38 ◼ ► building a big factor whatever the drive [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5678">TS</a>]
01:34:40 ◼ ► might price down like eventually you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5680">TS</a>]
01:34:42 ◼ ► would expect that test was still in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5682">TS</a>]
01:34:43 ◼ ► business 10 years from now that they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5683">TS</a>]
01:34:45 ◼ ► will have something in the honda civic [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5685">TS</a>]
01:34:47 ◼ ► category or whatever so they're working [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5687">TS</a>]
01:34:48 ◼ ► their way down i like the progression [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5688">TS</a>]
01:34:50 ◼ ► like what they're going as for the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5690">TS</a>]
01:34:52 ◼ ► specifics of the product that I was [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5692">TS</a>]
01:34:54 ◼ ► never really impressed with the Roadster [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5694">TS</a>]
01:34:55 ◼ ► because it's just the you know what he [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5695">TS</a>]
01:34:58 ◼ ► called a lotus lotus elise yeah yeah but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5698">TS</a>]
01:35:01 ◼ ► you gotta do what you gotta do i never i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5701">TS</a>]
01:35:03 ◼ ► I you know it's it was a sort of a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5703">TS</a>]
01:35:05 ◼ ► minimum viable product type thing but as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5705">TS</a>]
01:35:08 ◼ ► a car was like alright fine whatever [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5708">TS</a>]
01:35:10 ◼ ► PS i was in generally impressed by the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5710">TS</a>]
01:35:12 ◼ ► styling because i think the overall [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5712">TS</a>]
01:35:13 ◼ ► shape of the car is good that into the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5713">TS</a>]
01:35:14 ◼ ► details very right but practically [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5714">TS</a>]
01:35:18 ◼ ► both written in Model S's and driven one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5718">TS</a>]
01:35:22 ◼ ► it's a good car like we talk about this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5722">TS</a>]
01:35:24 ◼ ► more like it's not it's not just a good [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5724">TS</a>]
01:35:25 ◼ ► electric car it's a good car I mean can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5725">TS</a>]
01:35:27 ◼ ► you imagine well it better be for the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5727">TS</a>]
01:35:28 ◼ ► price you get but they successfully made [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5728">TS</a>]
01:35:30 ◼ ► a good car which is no small feat [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5730">TS</a>]
01:35:31 ◼ ► because not a lot of new car companies [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5731">TS</a>]
01:35:33 ◼ ► have come out and made a good car in our [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5733">TS</a>]
01:35:35 ◼ ► lifetimes right and it seemed to have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5735">TS</a>]
01:35:44 ◼ ► complaint about certain small areas that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5744">TS</a>]
01:35:46 ◼ ► it's not a big deal i totally expect the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5746">TS</a>]
01:35:48 ◼ ► model 3 to the same thing to be good and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5748">TS</a>]
01:35:50 ◼ ► all the same ways that the S is good [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5750">TS</a>]
01:35:51 ◼ ► because you know that they can use the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5751">TS</a>]
01:35:53 ◼ ► same foundation battery electric motor [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5753">TS</a>]
01:35:55 ◼ ► wheel suspension steering everything it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5755">TS</a>]
01:35:59 ◼ ► I see no reason to believe that those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5759">TS</a>]
01:36:02 ◼ ► aspects of the three won't be just as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5762">TS</a>]
01:36:04 ◼ ► good as the model is the only place [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5764">TS</a>]
01:36:06 ◼ ► you're saving any money is I've imagined [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5766">TS</a>]
01:36:07 ◼ ► his cars smaller lighter has less [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5767">TS</a>]
01:36:09 ◼ ► batteries in it and so that's how you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5769">TS</a>]
01:36:11 ◼ ► and they're made in the biggest factor [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5771">TS</a>]
01:36:13 ◼ ► in economies of scale of all the sorts [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5773">TS</a>]
01:36:15 ◼ ► of reasons why why does this car costs [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5775">TS</a>]
01:36:17 ◼ ► less than the model s mostly it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5777">TS</a>]
01:36:18 ◼ ► because they're getting better at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5778">TS</a>]
01:36:20 ◼ ► building these cars and have the big [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5780">TS</a>]
01:36:21 ◼ ► factory building the batteries and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5781">TS</a>]
01:36:23 ◼ ► there's fewer of them and it's smaller [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5783">TS</a>]
01:36:24 ◼ ► and all the stuff but I can imagine for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5784">TS</a>]
01:36:26 ◼ ► instance the interior of the model 3 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5786">TS</a>]
01:36:28 ◼ ► giving the model s the reason will run [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5788">TS</a>]
01:36:30 ◼ ► for his money mostly because the model [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5790">TS</a>]
01:36:31 ◼ ► is not super luxurious to begin with but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5791">TS</a>]
01:36:34 ◼ ► like that's not where the money is in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5794">TS</a>]
01:36:35 ◼ ► these cars like the minus all the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5795">TS</a>]
01:36:36 ◼ ► freaking battery and just you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5796">TS</a>]
01:36:38 ◼ ► general materials and assembly like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5798">TS</a>]
01:36:41 ◼ ► electric motors aren't super expensive [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5801">TS</a>]
01:36:42 ◼ ► and the grand scheme of things certainly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5802">TS</a>]
01:36:43 ◼ ► not compared to an internal combustion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5803">TS</a>]
01:36:45 ◼ ► engine where I think the three falls [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5805">TS</a>]
01:36:47 ◼ ► down for me is I feel like it should it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5807">TS</a>]
01:36:50 ◼ ► had the opportunity to learn from the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5810">TS</a>]
01:36:52 ◼ ► s-class and exceeded in all of the few [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5812">TS</a>]
01:36:55 ◼ ► areas where it falls down so is the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5815">TS</a>]
01:36:57 ◼ ► interior going to be better than the s [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5817">TS</a>]
01:37:00 ◼ ► design-wise having that big screen in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5820">TS</a>]
01:37:02 ◼ ► the middle doesn't strike me as a we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5822">TS</a>]
01:37:05 ◼ ► learned a lot from the the model s and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5825">TS</a>]
01:37:09 ◼ ► so now we know how to make a better [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5829">TS</a>]
01:37:10 ◼ ► interior other than the fact they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5830">TS</a>]
01:37:12 ◼ ► learned that bigger screens are better [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5832">TS</a>]
01:37:13 ◼ ► but my biggest complaint about the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5833">TS</a>]
01:37:15 ◼ ► outside is what they've done with the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5835">TS</a>]
01:37:16 ◼ ► front end treatment and in some respects [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5836">TS</a>]
01:37:20 ◼ ► it's obvious what they're going for it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5840">TS</a>]
01:37:21 ◼ ► like hey guys we don't have to have a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5841">TS</a>]
01:37:24 ◼ ► place where air goes into the front of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5844">TS</a>]
01:37:26 ◼ ► our car because there's not a giant [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5846">TS</a>]
01:37:27 ◼ ► exploding internal combustion engineer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5847">TS</a>]
01:37:31 ◼ ► was it overheats we don't have to do [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5851">TS</a>]
01:37:32 ◼ ► that so we should not be constrained by [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5852">TS</a>]
01:37:35 ◼ ► the styling of internal combustion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5855">TS</a>]
01:37:37 ◼ ► engine cars we have all this freedom [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5857">TS</a>]
01:37:39 ◼ ► let us now reimagine with a friend of a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5859">TS</a>]
01:37:42 ◼ ► car can look like because why should we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5862">TS</a>]
01:37:44 ◼ ► make it look like an internal combustion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5864">TS</a>]
01:37:45 ◼ ► engine that's a good spirit and that's a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5865">TS</a>]
01:37:48 ◼ ► good idea and they should pursue that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5868">TS</a>]
01:37:49 ◼ ► but I feel like what they did was took [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5869">TS</a>]
01:37:52 ◼ ► the front of an internal combustion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5872">TS</a>]
01:37:53 ◼ ► engine car and just erase the grill in [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5873">TS</a>]
01:37:55 ◼ ► Photoshop it that there's a place for [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5875">TS</a>]
01:37:57 ◼ ► the grill it is shaped like a car with a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5877">TS</a>]
01:38:00 ◼ ► grill would be was Marcus does the same [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5880">TS</a>]
01:38:01 ◼ ► thing the Model S has a place for the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5881">TS</a>]
01:38:02 ◼ ► grill and they just put a thing there [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5882">TS</a>]
01:38:04 ◼ ► that is a different color and looks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5884">TS</a>]
01:38:05 ◼ ► grill like but there's no holes in it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5885">TS</a>]
01:38:07 ◼ ► it's you know because you don't need air [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5887">TS</a>]
01:38:08 ◼ ► to go into their right that at least [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5888">TS</a>]
01:38:12 ◼ ► like visually from a distance like oh [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5892">TS</a>]
01:38:13 ◼ ► that's a car with a grill but it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5893">TS</a>]
01:38:15 ◼ ► really grill this car clearly has no [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5895">TS</a>]
01:38:18 ◼ ► grill but it has shape wise the place [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5898">TS</a>]
01:38:20 ◼ ► for the grill so I i would encourage [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5900">TS</a>]
01:38:21 ◼ ► them to pursue this Avenue of styling [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5901">TS</a>]
01:38:25 ◼ ► further not like they went too far [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5905">TS</a>]
01:38:29 ◼ ► they didn't go far enough that they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5909">TS</a>]
01:38:30 ◼ ► didn't sort of reimagine the front end [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5910">TS</a>]
01:38:32 ◼ ► of an electric vehicle that does not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5912">TS</a>]
01:38:33 ◼ ► need to suck air through a big opening [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5913">TS</a>]
01:38:34 ◼ ► of the heart that didn't do it enough [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5914">TS</a>]
01:38:35 ◼ ► and this is not AI think this may not be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5915">TS</a>]
01:38:37 ◼ ► the final design they have they could [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5917">TS</a>]
01:38:39 ◼ ► conceivably change it a little trim [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5919">TS</a>]
01:38:41 ◼ ► things to dress it up so friends mess as [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5921">TS</a>]
01:38:45 ◼ ► far as I'm concerned and then the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5925">TS</a>]
01:38:46 ◼ ► overall shape I get why they made this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5926">TS</a>]
01:38:48 ◼ ► they're touting like the interior space [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5928">TS</a>]
01:38:52 ◼ ► proportions are just not as nice as the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5932">TS</a>]
01:38:56 ◼ ► the bigger heart allows it to have nicer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5936">TS</a>]
01:38:57 ◼ ► proportions to look more aggressive to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5937">TS</a>]
01:38:59 ◼ ► look less kind of punch back in and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5939">TS</a>]
01:39:02 ◼ ► dowdy and like a droplet of water or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5942">TS</a>]
01:39:05 ◼ ► whatever i suspect the three will look [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5945">TS</a>]
01:39:07 ◼ ► better in person than a dozen pictures i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5947">TS</a>]
01:39:09 ◼ ► really hope look better in person that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5949">TS</a>]
01:39:11 ◼ ► doesn't pictures but if I remark I be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5951">TS</a>]
01:39:14 ◼ ► feeling pretty good about my purchase [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5954">TS</a>]
01:39:16 ◼ ► because he still has the best-looking [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5956">TS</a>]
01:39:18 ◼ ► largest best-performing and prettiest [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5958">TS</a>]
01:39:21 ◼ ► Tesla and will for seems like a long [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5961">TS</a>]
01:39:25 ◼ ► well yeah I mean I I don't have any [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5965">TS</a>]
01:39:27 ◼ ► buyers remorse you know if for no other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5967">TS</a>]
01:39:28 ◼ ► reason that this probably won't even be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5968">TS</a>]
01:39:31 ◼ ► out until my lease is over there saying [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5971">TS</a>]
01:39:33 ◼ ► this will allegedly ship by the end of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5973">TS</a>]
01:39:35 ◼ ► next year so about 18 months from now I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5975">TS</a>]
01:39:38 ◼ ► would be surprised if it shipped on time [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5978">TS</a>]
01:39:44 ◼ ► 200,000 pre-orders and they currently [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5984">TS</a>]
01:39:47 ◼ ► can make something like 50,000 cars a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5987">TS</a>]
01:39:49 ◼ ► year obviously not all those printers [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5989">TS</a>]
01:39:51 ◼ ► will turn into real orders because it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5991">TS</a>]
01:39:52 ◼ ► a refundable deposit so a lot of those [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5992">TS</a>]
01:39:55 ◼ ► people are going to cancel but you know [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5995">TS</a>]
01:39:58 ◼ ► even even if like a quarter of them end [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/5998">TS</a>]
01:40:01 ◼ ► up actually going through with it and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6001">TS</a>]
01:40:03 ◼ ► accepting their cars and buying them and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6003">TS</a>]
01:40:06 ◼ ► even if there are no production delays [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6006">TS</a>]
01:40:08 ◼ ► which is unlikely it would still put it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6008">TS</a>]
01:40:12 ◼ ► helped like three years roughly so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6012">TS</a>]
01:40:15 ◼ ► before I could even get one if I if I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6015">TS</a>]
01:40:18 ◼ ► wanted one instead of my models and it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6018">TS</a>]
01:40:19 ◼ ► turns out i probably won't because i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6019">TS</a>]
01:40:25 ◼ ► additional features the model as I like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6025">TS</a>]
01:40:28 ◼ ► additional luxury that it will almost [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6028">TS</a>]
01:40:30 ◼ ► certainly continue to offer over the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6030">TS</a>]
01:40:32 ◼ ► three you know cost-wise that the model [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6032">TS</a>]
01:40:34 ◼ ► 3 is is from from the info we have so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6034">TS</a>]
01:40:36 ◼ ► far none of its final form from the info [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6036">TS</a>]
01:40:39 ◼ ► we have so far it is substantially d [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6039">TS</a>]
01:40:42 ◼ ► content adore you know d option from the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6042">TS</a>]
01:40:45 ◼ ► base model model s and the cheapest you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6045">TS</a>]
01:40:47 ◼ ► can get a model s right now if I guess I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6047">TS</a>]
01:40:49 ◼ ► just when configured it 72 hour battery [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6049">TS</a>]
01:40:52 ◼ ► and you can you turn off all wheel drive [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6052">TS</a>]
01:40:55 ◼ ► you get the cash price down to 70,000 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6055">TS</a>]
01:40:58 ◼ ► and the cash pressure this is allegedly [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6058">TS</a>]
01:41:00 ◼ ► going to be 35,000 and they've said this [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6060">TS</a>]
01:41:02 ◼ ► enough times and been really sure about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6062">TS</a>]
01:41:04 ◼ ► enough times that they probably really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6064">TS</a>]
01:41:06 ◼ ► can't go back on that PR wise or at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6066">TS</a>]
01:41:08 ◼ ► so in order to cut the cash price of the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6068">TS</a>]
01:41:12 ◼ ► it's going to have to come with less [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6072">TS</a>]
01:41:14 ◼ ► than what the S comes with at its base [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6074">TS</a>]
01:41:17 ◼ ► model so they've already said it's gonna [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6077">TS</a>]
01:41:18 ◼ ► be it's gonna have things like it's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6078">TS</a>]
01:41:20 ◼ ► going to have supercharging about [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6080">TS</a>]
01:41:22 ◼ ► built-in by default like you have to pay [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6082">TS</a>]
01:41:24 ◼ ► after for that if you want supercharging [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6084">TS</a>]
01:41:26 ◼ ► there's a whole bunch of stuff that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6086">TS</a>]
01:41:28 ◼ ► comes standard on every model s that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6088">TS</a>]
01:41:30 ◼ ► about the model 3 probably will have to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6090">TS</a>]
01:41:32 ◼ ► not come with just hit that price point [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6092">TS</a>]
01:41:34 ◼ ► i'm guessing that this is gonna be a [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6094">TS</a>]
01:41:37 ◼ ► major difference between these two cars [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6097">TS</a>]
01:41:39 ◼ ► and and part of the reason they had to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6099">TS</a>]
01:41:41 ◼ ► make it so much smaller you know and and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6101">TS</a>]
01:41:44 ◼ ► make it kind of these weird proportions [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6104">TS</a>]
01:41:46 ◼ ► is to help set it apart i think from the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6106">TS</a>]
01:41:49 ◼ ► s because you know the essence kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6109">TS</a>]
01:41:50 ◼ ► competing in a different bracket here [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6110">TS</a>]
01:41:52 ◼ ► but overall I think from what they've [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6112">TS</a>]
01:41:54 ◼ ► shown so far the e we can have crippled [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6114">TS</a>]
01:41:57 ◼ ► I do but even you on twitter like it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6117">TS</a>]
01:42:00 ◼ ► not even the final steering wheel and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6120">TS</a>]
01:42:02 ◼ ► the final steering wheel is going to be [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6122">TS</a>]
01:42:03 ◼ ► amazing like a spaceship so that kind of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6123">TS</a>]
01:42:05 ◼ ► might take care of the weird issue with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6125">TS</a>]
01:42:07 ◼ ► not having any displaying from the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6127">TS</a>]
01:42:08 ◼ ► driver but overall I think this looks [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6128">TS</a>]
01:42:11 ◼ ► like a really potentially awesome car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6131">TS</a>]
01:42:13 ◼ ► but there's still a lot of question [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6133">TS</a>]
01:42:15 ◼ ► marks over whether they can actually [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6135">TS</a>]
01:42:17 ◼ ► deliver and we know with whether they'll [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6137">TS</a>]
01:42:19 ◼ ► deliver on time and what you'll actually [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6139">TS</a>]
01:42:21 ◼ ► get for the money because I I suspect [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6141">TS</a>]
01:42:23 ◼ ► there's gonna be a lot of things that we [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6143">TS</a>]
01:42:26 ◼ ► think you'd probably want that are going [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6146">TS</a>]
01:42:28 ◼ ► to be optional add-ons at that price [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6148">TS</a>]
01:42:30 ◼ ► point real-time follow-up of the the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6150">TS</a>]
01:42:32 ◼ ► whole chat room and my memory says that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6152">TS</a>]
01:42:34 ◼ ► actually they said that they will have [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6154">TS</a>]
01:42:36 ◼ ► supercharging on all models but they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6156">TS</a>]
01:42:37 ◼ ► will have the capability to but Ilan [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6157">TS</a>]
01:42:40 ◼ ► said on Twitter to somebody recently [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6160">TS</a>]
01:42:42 ◼ ► that it might be an additional fee to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6162">TS</a>]
01:42:45 ◼ ► activate it just like the old model s [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6165">TS</a>]
01:42:46 ◼ ► was so they will all have the ability to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6166">TS</a>]
01:42:54 ◼ ► necessarily have that enabled unless you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6174">TS</a>]
01:42:56 ◼ ► it's in app purchase in from any car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6176">TS</a>]
01:42:58 ◼ ► purchase yes it really it's basically I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6178">TS</a>]
01:43:01 ◼ ► have some faith that the only wild card [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6181">TS</a>]
01:43:03 ◼ ► i feel like in their ability to deliver [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6183">TS</a>]
01:43:05 ◼ ► on this in terms of schedules and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6185">TS</a>]
01:43:06 ◼ ► pricing everything is the battery [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6186">TS</a>]
01:43:08 ◼ ► factory because you know many things can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6188">TS</a>]
01:43:10 ◼ ► go wrong there and it is a very large [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6190">TS</a>]
01:43:12 ◼ ► endeavor as they emphasized in the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6192">TS</a>]
01:43:13 ◼ ► keynote and you're right sorry but [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6193">TS</a>]
01:43:16 ◼ ► they've already done on the model is it [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6196">TS</a>]
01:43:18 ◼ ► doesn't have any weird Falcon wing doors [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6198">TS</a>]
01:43:26 ◼ ► substantial experience doing yes they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6206">TS</a>]
01:43:28 ◼ ► know how to make cars with doors with [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6208">TS</a>]
01:43:30 ◼ ► door handles with mirrors with wheels [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6210">TS</a>]
01:43:32 ◼ ► suspension-steering of the motors if [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6212">TS</a>]
01:43:35 ◼ ► they can get the battery manufacturer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6215">TS</a>]
01:43:37 ◼ ► the price they wanted working the way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6217">TS</a>]
01:43:38 ◼ ► they wanted sticking in this car i [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6218">TS</a>]
01:43:39 ◼ ► totally believe they will hit their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6219">TS</a>]
01:43:41 ◼ ► delivery dates because this is this is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6221">TS</a>]
01:43:44 ◼ ► the kind of iteration I would expect I [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6224">TS</a>]
01:43:46 ◼ ► feel like the X is a weird boondoggle [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6226">TS</a>]
01:43:48 ◼ ► lot with those you know much larger size [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6228">TS</a>]
01:43:51 ◼ ► and the weird doors that it like its own [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6231">TS</a>]
01:43:56 ◼ ► evolution downmarket of the s and how to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6236">TS</a>]
01:44:00 ◼ ► make achiever I still feel like the way [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6240">TS</a>]
01:44:02 ◼ ► I've got its gonna have a smaller [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6242">TS</a>]
01:44:03 ◼ ► battery that's because it's a smaller [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6243">TS</a>]
01:44:05 ◼ ► car and you can get away with equal or [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6245">TS</a>]
01:44:08 ◼ ► rain or whatever that start with 215 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6248">TS</a>]
01:44:11 ◼ ► users it was the rumor but i think they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6251">TS</a>]
01:44:12 ◼ ► announced 215 yes it's official expected [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6252">TS</a>]
01:44:15 ◼ ► to 15 and for reference that the 70 that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6255">TS</a>]
01:44:19 ◼ ► specifies 230 and it's also a much [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6259">TS</a>]
01:44:22 ◼ ► bigger heavier car like if you look at [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6262">TS</a>]
01:44:23 ◼ ► the at the ratings compared between the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6263">TS</a>]
01:44:25 ◼ ► s and the X the X ratings are lower per [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6265">TS</a>]
01:44:28 ◼ ► kilowatt-hour because it takes more [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6268">TS</a>]
01:44:30 ◼ ► energy to move the larger heavier car so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6270">TS</a>]
01:44:32 ◼ ► i'm guessing with the s having 230 miles [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6272">TS</a>]
01:44:36 ◼ ► out of a 72 hour battery and yes they [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6276">TS</a>]
01:44:38 ◼ ► could put maybe a 50 or 55 into the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6278">TS</a>]
01:44:43 ◼ ► yeah I don't think the other thing of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6283">TS</a>]
01:44:44 ◼ ► the wild-card I don't know about is how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6284">TS</a>]
01:44:46 ◼ ► much is this going away because you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6286">TS</a>]
01:44:47 ◼ ► obviously it weigh less than yes but how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6287">TS</a>]
01:44:50 ◼ ► much less and the only way you get it to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6290">TS</a>]
01:44:51 ◼ ► weigh a lot less is to use a much [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6291">TS</a>]
01:44:53 ◼ ► smaller battery because those things one [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6293">TS</a>]
01:44:54 ◼ ► at a time or two use lighter materials [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6294">TS</a>]
01:44:56 ◼ ► are they replacing steel aluminum is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6296">TS</a>]
01:44:58 ◼ ► there any like magnesium or other [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6298">TS</a>]
01:45:00 ◼ ► weirdness going you would imagine it can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6300">TS</a>]
01:45:01 ◼ ► get to exotic is thirty-five thousand [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6301">TS</a>]
01:45:02 ◼ ► dollar car but aluminum at the very [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6302">TS</a>]
01:45:04 ◼ ► least could be in the mix to try to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6304">TS</a>]
01:45:06 ◼ ► light in the car and obviously the base [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6306">TS</a>]
01:45:09 ◼ ► model i would just assume i don't [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6309">TS</a>]
01:45:11 ◼ ► you know one motor in the base model [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6311">TS</a>]
01:45:12 ◼ ► right that not the motors are again not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6312">TS</a>]
01:45:14 ◼ ► as expensive as internal combustion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6314">TS</a>]
01:45:16 ◼ ► engines but if you want to save money [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6316">TS</a>]
01:45:17 ◼ ► like that's the beauty of electric cars [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6317">TS</a>]
01:45:18 ◼ ► and the sort of the curse is there's not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6318">TS</a>]
01:45:21 ◼ ► much to them there's electric motor like [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6321">TS</a>]
01:45:23 ◼ ► more or less directly attached to your [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6323">TS</a>]
01:45:25 ◼ ► wheels through a fixed gear ratio their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6325">TS</a>]
01:45:27 ◼ ► suspension the steering there's some [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6327">TS</a>]
01:45:29 ◼ ► pumps and compressors there's a giant [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6329">TS</a>]
01:45:31 ◼ ► battery and then there's a living room [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6331">TS</a>]
01:45:32 ◼ ► that you put there to say that right and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6332">TS</a>]
01:45:35 ◼ ► that's it that's all there is in the car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6335">TS</a>]
01:45:37 ◼ ► this inventing I guess bird for blowing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6337">TS</a>]
01:45:38 ◼ ► air on you like they're so many fewer [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6338">TS</a>]
01:45:41 ◼ ► components than the giant mess that is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6341">TS</a>]
01:45:42 ◼ ► under the hood of internal combustion [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6342">TS</a>]
01:45:44 ◼ ► engine cars we're just like the little [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6344">TS</a>]
01:45:46 ◼ ► villages and you know all around the [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6346">TS</a>]
01:45:48 ◼ ► engine in terms of keeping the engine [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6348">TS</a>]
01:45:49 ◼ ► cool and and and keeping the oil flowing [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6349">TS</a>]
01:45:51 ◼ ► through it and things going up and down [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6351">TS</a>]
01:45:54 ◼ ► and firing Sparks and wires and it's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6354">TS</a>]
01:45:56 ◼ ► just there's just so much extra stuff [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6356">TS</a>]
01:45:58 ◼ ► there that just isn't in this car which [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6358">TS</a>]
01:45:59 ◼ ► means that if you want to make the car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6359">TS</a>]
01:46:03 ◼ ► component costs or you can use less of [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6363">TS</a>]
01:46:06 ◼ ► something that's expensive but there's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6366">TS</a>]
01:46:08 ◼ ► not much else they're like I really [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6368">TS</a>]
01:46:09 ◼ ► don't feel you know that's why i say on [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6369">TS</a>]
01:46:11 ◼ ► the interior I guess they have to make [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6371">TS</a>]
01:46:13 ◼ ► it not as nice as the s just to like to [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6373">TS</a>]
01:46:15 ◼ ► differentiate their lines but how much [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6375">TS</a>]
01:46:17 ◼ ► money are you really going to save by [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6377">TS</a>]
01:46:19 ◼ ► using different seat materials like you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6379">TS</a>]
01:46:22 ◼ ► could save a couple hundred bucks here [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6382">TS</a>]
01:46:23 ◼ ► and there but the big-ticket items that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6383">TS</a>]
01:46:25 ◼ ► stupid battery all the big steel parts [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6385">TS</a>]
01:46:28 ◼ ► that make up a car that you can't get [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6388">TS</a>]
01:46:29 ◼ ► rid of because you need suspension and [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6389">TS</a>]
01:46:31 ◼ ► wheels and a body and crash protection [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6391">TS</a>]
01:46:33 ◼ ► and stuff like that are and I guess that [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6393">TS</a>]
01:46:36 ◼ ► you know one motorist cheaper than two [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6396">TS</a>]
01:46:38 ◼ ► and then that's it then you know so [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6398">TS</a>]
01:46:40 ◼ ► they're they're wise to go after their [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6400">TS</a>]
01:46:42 ◼ ► big cost centers the batteries like how [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6402">TS</a>]
01:46:44 ◼ ► cheaply can we make them can we build [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6404">TS</a>]
01:46:46 ◼ ► like this giant Factory and make pretty [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6406">TS</a>]
01:46:48 ◼ ► huge capital investments that we can [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6408">TS</a>]
01:46:49 ◼ ► turn out that the first year 250,000 [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6409">TS</a>]
01:46:52 ◼ ► these batteries and put them into cars [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6412">TS</a>]
01:46:54 ◼ ► thousand dollars and at least break even [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6414">TS</a>]
01:46:56 ◼ ► or come close to a product I mean that's [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6416">TS</a>]
01:46:58 ◼ ► the sort of metal thing that we're not [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6418">TS</a>]
01:47:00 ◼ ► really talking about here is that you [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6420">TS</a>]
01:47:02 ◼ ► know Tesla is it would also what you may [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6422">TS</a>]
01:47:06 ◼ ► individual products they're actually [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6426">TS</a>]
01:47:08 ◼ ► doing the thing that so many other car [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6428">TS</a>]
01:47:11 ◼ ► companies have failed to do which is [<a href="https://overcast.fm/+CdQgXUyc/6431">TS</a>]